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Transcript of Flipped

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Keeley A.


My biggest regret? Well, having everything means nothing if you don’t give to others.

Many years ago, in a small kingdom known as Bellinda, lived a very rich and beautiful princess

named Cindy. Cindy had everything any girl dreamed of having. She had a huge, solid gold

castle, gorgeous gowns, and a handsome prince named Ethan. One thing Cindy didn’t have,

however, was generosity. She would take and take, but never give. That was about to change.

It was a sunny day in Bellinda but, inside the castle it wasn’t as bright. Princess Cindy was

arguing with her maid over the proper way to clean. The dispute stopped when the doorbell rang.

It was Brianna, a maiden who regularly volunteered at the town’s soup kitchen. She politely

asked for a donation to help feed the hungry. As usual Princess Cindy rudely refused. Prince

Ethan was very disappointed in Cindy.

Later that day, the doorbell rang again. It was Charlie, the castle’s royal mail deliver. He gave

Princess Cindy and Prince Ethan a royal invitation to the Grand Charity Ball. Immediately,

Cindy began picking colors for her gown. Prince Ethan watched Cindy with disgust. The rest

of the week went by slowly. Many people came to ask for charitable donations and left with

nothing. The more people that left empty-handed, the angrier Ethan became at Cindy.

A few days before the ball Sabrina, Princess Cindy’s gown designer, presented Princess Cindy

and Prince Eaton with their apparel for the ball. Ethan was pleased with his wonderfully

designed red and black suit but Cindy was not

“I deserve the best!” she screamed as she ran out of the room.

Princess Cindy made her way to the castle’s West Courtyard. Tears were pouring out of her

eyes like a rainstorm in the middle of April. She sat down on a nearby bench, surrounded by

blossoming roses, tulips, and daisies.

Soon after Cindy sat down, a collection of sparkles appeared, revealing a beautiful fairy.

“I am Jimmy, your fairy godfather,” he introduced himself. Jimmy explained that Cindy was too

selfish. Then with a flip of his hair, a powerful spell was cast upon Princess Cindy.

The next thing Cindy knew, she was lying on a small bed in a dusty, unkempt cottage attic. She

jumped awake when she heard a semi-familiar voice screamed her name. Cindy ran down the

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stairs. She was surprised to see Brianna at the bottom of the stairs holding a broom and dust pan.

Brianna had shining, golden brown hair, light rosy cheeks, bright red lips, and beautiful blue

eyes. When Cindy came to the last step, Brianna handed her the broom.

“Get to work you useless stepsister,” Brianna commanded. Even though Cindy was confused,

she still obeyed orders.

Minutes later, an older woman entered the room. After observing the ladies for a few seconds,

Cindy figured out that the older lady, Kendra, was Brianna’s mother. Kendra was about forty

years old with blond and obviously dyed hair. She had a few wrinkles under her eyes but still

looked young. Cindy was in shock; she dropped the broom. The second it hit the ground Kendra

scolded her. Kendra called Cindy and her “stepdaughter”. Cindy cleverly put two and two

together, and realize that as punishment for being selfish, Jimmy had turned her into an ugly


Finally, the day of the Grand Charity Ball arrived. The ball was decorated with many flowers and

charity booths were everywhere. The dance floor was full of people gracefully waltzing. Cindy

noticed Prince Ethan right away. However, even completely ignored her. Cindy realized why

when she saw Brianna go up and hug Ethan. Tears filled Cindy’s baby blue eyes. Cindy wished

she hadn’t been so selfish. Suddenly, Cindy had it a great idea! She donated money to every

charity at the ball.

In the end, Cindy didn’t have the huge, solid gold castle, the gorgeous gowns, or the handsome

Prince. However, one thing she did have was generosity and that was enough for her to live

happily ever after.