Flip Animation and Web 2.0 Animation By Jon Morris Technology Educator.

Flip Animation and Web 2.0 Animation By Jon Morris Technology Educator

Transcript of Flip Animation and Web 2.0 Animation By Jon Morris Technology Educator.

Flip Animationand Web 2.0 Animation

By Jon MorrisTechnology Educator

Take a Moment and load up Pivot

• Try to do this now. As the presentation will take a few minutes and it would be nice to have this ready to go. If you do not have a windows system, consider downloading Stykz for Macs

Simple Story, Simple Figures, Simple

Background, Simple Software

• Who has worked with animations?

Keep it Simple

Simple Story

Think of a childhood story or poem that is close to your heart.

Simple Backgrounds

• Use basic colors to demonstrate day, night, forest, water.

• Keep your scene in one place.

• Create a background with two primary colors. One for ground and one for sky.

Simple Figures and Objects

• Limit the number of figures.• Use one or two objects, if necessary.

Simple Dialogue

• Avoid complex dialogue.• Use text if you need it. • Let the pictures tell the story.

What do you use?• Paint programs that you use?• MovieMaker Type Programs that you use?• Presentation Programs that you use?

Backgrounds• Paint• Sumopaint• Art Rage• Paint.net• Google Documents Drawing

Figures and Objects

• JPEGS with a white background• GIFs• Clip Art

Animation Software

• PowerPoint: Presentation • Smartboard: Presentation

Software• Movie Maker Live or Movie Maker• Goanimate for Education:

Animation Software• Blabberize: Head Shot Animation• Pivot: Stick figure Animation• Google Documents Presentation

Goanimate for Education

• Go Animate for Education: Free for 6 months, but limited.

• 5th Grades on up.• The free program does not allow

students to create characters.• This program has a learning

curve, but it is not hard to use.• No download, totally Web.20


Goanimate for Education

• Here is an Example

• http://goanimate4schools.com/school/stjohnsbury

• http://goanimate4schools.com/movie/0RdeyovyoVjQ/1

Blabberize.com• Take a picture and upload it to Blabberize.• Create a teacher account and have students save

their work on one account.• Problems do exist

o persevere

Blabberize Example

Power Point Animation

1) Open up a Power Point.2) Find or create a back ground.3) Find or create object (figure in clip art)4) Page One, place background and objects5) Page Two, modify figure rotate and move.6) Repeat7) Create Folder8) Save as: JPEG format Images Into Folder. Select

All Images.

Movie MakerPlease Perform in Order1. Open Movie Maker Live (Movie Maker Requires you

change duration/transitions first).2. Import Pictures, Select All3. Adjust Duration Times to .15 or.254. Press play to view speed. Adjust to taste.5. Add Title and Credits.

Mac’s• IMOVIE: Simply change transition or duration times for the slides.• Paintbrush for Macs• Keynote for Presentation Software

Google Apps for Education

• Google Apps can also be used to create these types of presentations.• Google Presentation• Google Drawing• Watch this Google Slam

Google Docs Animation

Simple StoryStories have a beginning, middle, and end. So create a simple idea:

Billy Goats Gruff (Part 1)1.Beginning: Goat want to cross

bridge.2.Middle: Troll stops goat on

bridge.3.End: Troll throws goat into


Pivot• http://pbone.it-mate.co.uk/pivot.htm

• Stykz for MAC’s ( I have not used this program)

Create Your Background

Use your favorite paint program.

Open Pivot• File Load background.• Add figure or create your own figure.• Click next frame.• Modify figure.• Click next frame.


•Vermont’s Internet Safety Project•www.vtisp.org