Flexible financial protection Agenda Bupa brand

Flexible financial protection

Transcript of Flexible financial protection Agenda Bupa brand

Flexible financial



• Bupa brand• WIIFM• CIC conditions• Healthline• Best Doctors• Reinstatement cover• Underwriting / Administration• Claims• Follow up• Online• Other points of interest• Contacts• Questions

Bupa - to treat and care for you as an individual

Bupa Established 1947


Life, CIC &IP


Care Homes



Cash Plan &Dental


WIIFMWhy Bupa critical illness?

• Well known household brand• Extensive critical illness product• Life cover - becomes free or very inexpensive if

sold with critical illness

• Broker consultant (IDM) regular visit to assist with queries and pipeline chasing• ISC ‘office based’ account manager to assist

anytime• Easy administration/helpline/service• Commission

Bupa critical illness conditions

AIDS / HIVAssaultOccupationTransfusion

Alzheimer’s Disease Pre-Senile DementiaAorta Graft SurgeryAplastic AnaemiaBacterial MeningitisBenign Brain TumourBlindnessCancerCardiomyopathyChildren’s BenefitChronic Rheumatic ArthritisComaCoronary AngioplastyCoronary artery by-pass & open

heart surgeryCreutzfeldt Jacob DiseaseDeafness

Heart AttackHeart Valve Replacement or

RepairHodgkin’s DiseaseInsulin Dependant DiabetesKidney FailureLiver FailureLoss of Independent ExistenceLoss of LimbsLoss of SpeechMajor Organ TransplantMotor Neurone DiseaseMultiple SclerosisParalysis/ParaplegiaParkinson’s DiseaseProgressive Supranuclear PalsyRespiratory FailureStrokeSevere Lung DiseaseThird Degree BurnsTerminal Illness & DeathTPD

Bupa HealthLine

first aid

alternative therapies

mental ill health

prescribed drugs


new born babies

travel advice medical tests

24 hour direct line to a specialist nurse, 365 days a year

Expert advice on wide ranging issues

Non contractual benefit

Best Doctors ®

Independent service that can locate and contact specialists qualified to

treat specific conditions

Non contractual benefit

Healthcare environment

• Shorter time with GP

• Consumer driven society

• Higher expectations

• 33% of people use web for health related information¹

• ‘Cancer’ on Google – 200,000,000 results


The process

Access to Best Doctors followingDiagnosis – 0800 number




Medical recordsobtained


Records reviewed by multidisciplinaryteam


Case summaryproduced(MAP)


Most appropriateexpert identified in database

6 7

Report created,delivered topatient & doctor

Case study

Patient: 31 year-old female

Symptoms: Sudden loss of consciousness

Initial Dx & Treatment: High grade Multiform Glioblastoma. Chemo & radiotherapy. No surgical options.

Prognosis: Less than two months survivalCase O





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Confirmed Dx: Multiform Glioblastoma

Changed Treatment: Surgical removal, chemo & radiotherapy

Arrangement for Care: Coordinated care, including hospital admission, transportation, 24/7 assistance

Outcome: 99% of the tumour removed. Four days of admittance in the hospital. Patient back to work two months after surgery. Almost three years later, there is no evidence of tumour


Source – Best Doctors

Case study

Patient: 14 year old male

Symptoms: Back pain for two years.

Initial Dx & Treatment: Aneurismatic cyst in spinal cord - partial surgical removal. Recurrence one month later. Diagnosis change to osteoblastoma - new partial surgical removal.

Prognosis: Very poor. Patient became paralysed after the second operation. Radiotherapy was initiated but further surgery was not an option.

Case O





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act Confirmed Second DX: Very aggressive osteoblastoma

Changed Treatment: The bony component of the tumour was not radiosensitive.Only chance of

survival was urgent and definitive surgery.

Referred to Top Specialist: Patient referred to most experienced surgeon in this field. All arrangements made by BD.

Outcome: Complete tumour removal. The patient has recovered his motor function, walks and plays sports (tennis and swimming). Has returned to school and normal daily life.

Source – Best Doctors

Recent testimonial

“I feel very lucky that Best Doctors were there when I needed them most. I had been suffering from stomach and back pain for three years. I had had every test available but nothing was diagnosed. It seemed to me that no one was paying proper attention. It was only when I had the guidance of the Best Doctors service that I was correctly diagnosed with two aneurisms and had the emergency surgery that saved my life.

Getting a second opinion is a very good idea. It cuts out all the mystery. It’s great to know that you can call someone to find out if your doctors are doing the very best they can. If Best Doctors had not been there I would not be here to tell the tale.”

- David Chambers  

Reinstatement benefit

Reinstatement available 12 months after a claim

New plan will cover 16 critical illnesses plus

Death benefit if originally included

Client is under 50 years of ageAt least 5 years remaining on original plan

Optional extra, premium payable - Full definitions available on request

Fracture cover


• Processed within 24 hours• Accessible underwriters• For easier and smoother underwriting, remember the “4

D’s”:• Dates / Duration / Diagnosis / Drugs

• Wherever possible we will try to offer a rating rather than an exclusion

• Online Helpdesk 0800 032 3679

Follow Up….You will only get your commission once the application goes on-risk

Therefore:• If further questionnaires are required, ask your IDM or ISC

representative to email one to you (if you can’t find it yourself), then ask the Client to complete and sign this (ideally avoiding this by completing at time of application completion).

• If there is missing information, try to get this information.

• If your client needs to attend a medical, ask them to arrange this and then check that they have!

• Once terms have been issued, ensure you inform your client and confirm acceptance.

• If you need us to help you chase your pipeline, we will - you only need to ASK!


• 10% extra commission

• DDM completed online

• No signature required for cover under £500k

• Business protection and LIP

• HelpLine 0800 032 3679

Other points of interest

• Up to £1.5 million of cover for CIC with life business and £1 million for personal

• 20% discount for IFA’s (paper applications)

• Winner of the Lifesearch Best Critical Illness Provider 2007

• Winner of the Simplybiz Best Micro Site Award 2007

• Winner for the Health Insurance Award 2007

• 5 star Defaqto rating

Contact details

• Intermediary Development Manager[Tel]/[Email]

• Dedicated telephone support 0800 332000 option 3 option 1

• Online helpdesk – 0800 032 3679

Any Questions?