
Persuasive technique: Flattery By Michelle and Victoria

Transcript of Flattery

Persuasive technique: FlatteryBy Michelle and Victoria

What is flattery

Flattery is when excessive and insincere praise is given to person or audience, especially to further one's own

interests. Flattery, can be used to persuade people into believing your contention. People can be persuaded not by

the Strength of the argument but they can be tricked by flattery into believing the contention.

When you use flattery, people wouldn't want to disagree with you because they want to believe the compliments

you give them and so they are tricked into wanting to agree with your contention.

When you use flattery, it makes people like you and they want to be nice back by agreeing with you.


Flattery can be used to persuade or trick people into believing or doing things they wouldn't have before.

"You should wash the dishes because you're so good at it"

This shows flattery because the person is complimenting somebody on how good they are at washing dishes as if its

like a skill and the person will take the compliment and would see washing the dishes not as a chore and would

want to do it.


For example, the Sentence below is without flattery.

"You should buy that shirt, it's so cheap."

Without flattery, it won't really convince the person to buy it, even though the shirt is cheap.


Now the Sentence with flattery.

"You have great fashion sense, you should buy that shirt, it's so cheap and you look nice in it."

With flattery, it will be more convincing and its more likely for the person to buy the shirt because of the compliments. The compliments will make the person feel confident and

want to buy the shirt.

Power of three

"Australia as a nation is very famous for generosity, our society has mateship value in helping other people, we

need to maintain our value as a generous nation by helping other countries who are less fortunate."

The writer uses flattery to make the reader feel encouraged and wanting to maintain their country as one of the generous nations. The reader will feel proud of their

country for being generous and so they would want to help by doing whatever they can to contribute to the generosity. This makes the reader agree with the contention and want

to donate and do something good for the less fortunate people because they want maintain the good reputation for

themselves and their nation.

By Michelle and Victoria