Flatglass double glazing units

Double Glazing Units Standard double glazing will not stop the sun coming in during winter. This is one of the most commonly asked questions from our clients. You need the sun to come into your home so that you can benefit from the free heating. Double glazing lets it in and then traps it in the home. The important component of an IGU is the airgap between the two glass panes. The gap is filled with either air or an inert gas which is a much poorer conductor of heat than the glass.


Flat Glass Industries is committed to supply leading edge glass products like double glazing units and low e glass (smart glass) which deliver energy efficiency.

Transcript of Flatglass double glazing units

Double Glazing Units

Standard double glazing will not stop the sun coming in during winter. This is one of the most commonly asked questions from our clients. You need the sun to come into your home so that you can benefit from the free heating. Double glazing lets it in and then traps it in the home. The important component of an IGU is the airgap between the two glass panes. The gap is filled with either air or an inert gas which is a much poorer conductor of heat than the glass.


Glass pieces in the unit The Window Frame The Spacer Bar Seals Timber Reveal External Sill

Air versus Argon Gas

Most double glazed units are air filled, however, it is becoming more common place to inject an inert gas like argon. Argon is injected into the double glazed unit in the factory and sealed to prevent leakage. Argon gas is an even poorer conductor of heat and conducts about 33% less heat than air. There is some research to suggests that gas leaks over the years, however, it is at a very slow rate if any. The price of argon has reduced and it is now very affordable. Some companies provide the argon fill as a standard feature.


Double glazed units are just as important as wall, ceiling and floor insulation. They trap air between the two panes of glass and this is the insulation. They let the lovely warm sun in and then they trap it inside.

The Benefits of Double Glazing : Relax in your home without feeling the cold draughts off your windows. Be warmer and save on your energy bills. Virtual elimination of condensations. Double Glazing reduces noise so you can enjoy the peace in your home.

For More Details, Please Visit this Website: http://www.flatglass.com.au/