Flat Plan Double Page Spread

This will be the feature image for the double page spread. This will be a different photo to the one that will be on the front cover. This will be text that will use a drop cap. The topic of conversatio n is how the band came to be and what they did. This will still be text but this will be on a different topic to the original topic that was set on the left. This will be on the topic of a made up recent hit from the band. Finally this will also be text. The topic of this will be inspiration s that pushed the band to be where they are today. And other stuff along the lines Flat plans for double

Transcript of Flat Plan Double Page Spread

Page 1: Flat Plan Double Page Spread

This will be the feature image for the double page spread. This will be a different photo to the one that will be on the front cover.

This will be text that will use a drop cap. The topic of conversation is how the band came to be and what they did.

This will still be text but this will be on a different topic to the original topic that was set on the left. This will be on the topic of a made up recent hit from the band.

Finally this will also be text. The topic of this will be inspirations that pushed the band to be where they are today. And other stuff along the lines of that

Flat plans for double page spread