Five People Final Booklet2

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Transcript of Five People Final Booklet2

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

TRIVIA ABOUT THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVENDid you know that?The setting of the World War II is made in the Philippines.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:I would like to thank Mitch Albom for giving me inspiration in making this playbill. His inspirational and amazing novel inspired me to create a playbill to let more people know the lessons learned within the novel: The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I would like to thank all the people behind who made this production a success. And above all, I would like to thank the good Lord who made all things possible.ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Mitch Albom is the author of the international bestseller The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Tuesdays with Morrie as well as five other books. A nationally syndicated columnist for the Detroit Free Press and a national syndicated radio host for ABC and WJR-AM, Albom has, for over a decade, been named top sports columnist in the nation by the Sports Editors of America, the highest honor in the field. A panelist on ESPNs Sports Reporters, Albom also regularly serves as a commentator for that network. He serves on numerous charitable boards and has founded two charities in metropolitan Detroit: The Dream Fund, which helps under-privileged youth

THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVENPLOT/SYNOPSISThe beginning of the book describes our protagonist Eddie. He works as a head of maintenance in an amusement park called Ruby Pier. On one event, a boy named Nathan, had his car key dropped in a ride called Freddy Free Fall. The car key was wedged between the cable wires within the ride which caused the ride to malfunction on Eddies birthday. As they were trying to fix a ride, a cart broke free from the ride and was about to hit a girl named Annie. Eddie saw this and tried to push away Annie so that it wont hit her but Eddie did not get out in time and the cart crashed into him causing his death.Eddie travels to heaven and is surprised to see that he is back to the old Ruby Pier except that there are no people in the place but one, it is Joseph Corvelzchick, also known as the Blue Man because of his blue skin. The Blue Man explains the concept of heaven to Eddie and the five seemingly random people that he will meet that will help him understand the meaning of his life on Earth. The Blue Man told Eddie that each of the five people he will meet in heaven has touched his life or he had done so to theirs and in each of the person there is a lesson about life that will be explained.Eddie asked the Blue Man why is he his first person even though he doesnt know the Blue Man personally, the Blue Man told his story to Eddie up to the day where Eddie accidentally and indirectly killed the Blue Man. Here Eddielearns that there are no random events in life and all individuals and experiences are connected in some way.Eddie was whisked away in a war ground, resembling to the setting in the WWII. Here Eddie meets his second person, the captain. The captain teaches Eddie the lesson of sacrifice. During their escape from being captives of the enemies, they burned down the enemy camp as an act of revenge to their captors. While burning the camp, Eddie saw a shadow in one of the huts and he was sure that there is someone inside there, the Captain confesses that he was the one who shot Eddie in the leg to prevent Eddie from chasing the shadow into the fire, which would have certainly caused Eddie's death. This saved Eddie's life while leaving him with the lifelong injury. The captain sacrificed Eddies leg to save Eddies life. The captain also told his story of how he died. He sacrificed himself to provide a safe passage for them as they are escaping while the other troops are tending to Eddies leg injury. As the captain scouted ahead, he triggered a land mine which would have blown the truck if the captain had not cleared the path ahead. Here Eddie learns that sacrifices, no matter how big or small, is inevitable and important.The third person Eddie met is Ruby, whom which the pier was named after. The setting took place in a diner on a snowy mountainous region. Inside the diner sits Eddies father. Ruby tells her story to Eddie how she and Emile, his husband, met and made Ruby Pier and how his husband died. She also taught Eddie to release his anger toward his father and to forgive him

RubyA woman for whom Ruby Pier is named by her fianc Emile.

CaptainEddie's commanding officer at war. He has a "full head of dark hair" and looked to be "only in his 30s. The Captain saved Eddie's life by shooting him in the leg. He died by stepping on aland minewhile checking to ensure if there was a clear path ahead for his men.

Blue ManJoseph Corvelzchick

His skin became blue because of the silver nitrate. Joseph is a "middle-aged man with narrow, stooped shoulders, naked from the waist up. His belly sagged over his belt. His hair was closely cropped. His lips were thin and his face was long and drawn." He died because of heart attack.

TalaShe is a Filipina, maybe five or six years old. She was the kid that Eddie accidentally killed during a fire. She is the fifth person of Eddie in heaven.

after showing Eddie how his father died. Ruby shows Eddie a horrifying scene involving Mickey Shea, his father, and his mother. Eddie learns that his father died because of loyalty. Mickey Shea was drunk and hurting and trying to rape Eddie's mother. His father's initial reaction was to kill Mickey; however, when Mickey fell into the ocean Eddie's father jumped in after him and saved his life. It was Because of this night that Eddies father caught the pneumonia that later killed him. Although Mickey was a drunk and touching Eddies mother, Eddies father knew he had to save his friend and to preserve the loyalty in their friendship.The night that Eddie's father died, he had tried to escape out the window of the hospital room. He was leaning out the window calling for his wife, Eddie and Joe. He was found dead by the window the next morning. Ruby saw all of this because her husband, Emile, was in the hospital bed right next to Eddie's father.The third lesson Eddie learned is the importance of releasing anger and granting forgiveness. There is always more than one side to a story.The fourth person Eddie met in heaven is his wife, Marguerite. The setting took place in a room with many doors in which, behind each door, there is a wedding from different cultures. Marguerite teaches Eddie the power of love and that love does not die. She showed him that even after death, true love endures forever.The final person Eddie meets in heaven is a young Asian girl, named Tala. Tala explains to Eddie that he killed her in a fire; Eddie realizes that hehad seen a child in the burning hut during the War. Tala's skin suddenly becomes marked with burns and scars. Eddie washes her free of all her burns and injuries from the fire. For his last lesson, Tala allows Eddie to see that his place in life was to be at Ruby Pier keeping the children safe. The final lesson is there's always a purpose for your life. You live for a reason the same way that people die for a reason. Where you are today is a combination of all your past actions, decisions, and the way the people around you have affected you.

CHARACTERSEddieThe main character of the story; at the start of the story, he is killed on his 83rd birthday. When he awakes in heaven, he is taken on a journey to meet five people whose lives intertwined with his in many ways which he never expected.

MargueriteEddie's wife who he met at the Ruby Pier and they married after Eddie returned from World War II. She died at the age of forty-seven becauseof a brain tumor.