Five Keys To Financial Freedom

5 Keys to Financial Freedom This is a FREE Report. You have the right to distribute it freely provided that the contents are not altered in any way. Presented by: Richard Quek My name is Richard Quek and I am from the sunny country of Malaysia. I am a Chartered Accountant by profession and had been involved with Internet marketing for the past 10 years. I am an author of more than 10 books on the subject of Internet marketing, Network marketing and Motivation. Why this particular topic is important? - it is a fact that many people are stressed up because of the lack of money - 96% of the people are kept awake at night because of financial pressure - many family problems are cause because of this issue - the world is facing the economic crisis and it will affect every one of us The firsty key is – You need to handle frustration. In life, things do not always turn out as you expect. There are unforeseeable obstacles and challenges that we have to go through. The best way to go about it is to treat these obstacles and challenges NOT as failures (result) BUT as outcomes. An outcome is good if it is what we desire. On the other hand it could be what we do not desire. In this case we need to learn from them and change. Remember that in every failure there is an equivalent seed of success. Treat these outcomes as a learning experience. Know that the Universe is teaching you something from every experience. Key # 2: You need to learn how to handle Rejection. The most feared word is “NO”. No can deprive many of us of our desires and dreams. Realize that it is only a word and will not kill us. In fact it will make us stronger!

description The 5 keys to financial freedom that can impact your financial future.

Transcript of Five Keys To Financial Freedom

Page 1: Five Keys To Financial Freedom

5 Keys to Financial Freedom

This is a FREE Report. You have the right to distribute it freely provided that the contents are

not altered in any way.

Presented by: Richard Quek

My name is Richard Quek and I am from the sunny country of Malaysia. I am a Chartered Accountant by

profession and had been involved with Internet marketing for the past 10 years. I am an author of more

than 10 books on the subject of Internet marketing, Network marketing and Motivation.

Why this particular topic is important?

- it is a fact that many people are stressed up because of the lack of money

- 96% of the people are kept awake at night because of financial pressure

- many family problems are cause because of this issue

- the world is facing the economic crisis and it will affect every one of us

The firsty key is – You need to handle frustration.

In life, things do not always turn out as you expect. There are unforeseeable obstacles and challenges

that we have to go through.

The best way to go about it is to treat these obstacles and challenges NOT as failures (result) BUT as

outcomes. An outcome is good if it is what we desire. On the other hand it could be what we do not

desire. In this case we need to learn from them and change.

Remember that in every failure there is an equivalent seed of success.

Treat these outcomes as a learning experience. Know that the Universe is teaching you something from

every experience.

Key # 2: You need to learn how to handle Rejection.

The most feared word is “NO”. No can deprive many of us of our desires and dreams.

Realize that it is only a word and will not kill us. In fact it will make us stronger!

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All successful men and women had to face many rejections and failures before they finally achieve


Colonel Sanders had to go through 1008 No’s before he got his first yes. However the one yes turned

KFC into a world-wide success.

To overcome the fear of rejection, you can set negative goals. For example, this month I am going to set

a goal to receive 50 “NO’s”. When you receive 5 no’s, you still have 45 no’s to go to. At the end of 50

no’s I am sure you will have a handful of yesses.

Key #3 : Learn how to handle financial pressure.

This issue keeps 96% of the people awake at night.

Some even go to the extent of ending their life by committing suicide.

Here is my own personal story. More than 10 years ago I had more than Malaysian RM1,000,000 (about

US$ 320,000) outstanding debts. This is due my loss in the stock market. Initially I was not able to focus

on my work because of stress and worry. I would go home during the afternoon to try to sleep but I just

kept on thinking about the problem and get more worried and stressed.

Then one day I thought to myself that the worst thing that can happen to me in Malaysia is to be

declared a bankrupt. Being a bankrupt is not as bad as one imagine. You still have your loving family and

can still have the opportunity to earn the money to discharge the bankruptcy.

I contacted the financial institutions that I owed money to and negotiated with them on a repayment

scheme. From that day onwards I was no longer worried.

I worked hard when I found the right opportunity and I am glad to say that today I have repaid every

single cent back to my creditors.

Here is one of the stories that I wrote in one of my book:

Do not worry

There was a man who was unable to sleep, because he was deep in thoughts and was worried about

tomorrow’s events. The wife sensing his worry asked him the reason why he was worried and was

unable to sleep. He said, “Tomorrow our house payment is due and we have insufficient funds in our

bank account. I am worried what the Bank Manager will do. Will he recall our loan or will he resort to

legal action? Maybe he may allow us to delay our payment?” The wife thought for a while and said,

“Isn’t the Bank Manager the one staying on the opposite side of our house?” “Yes”, the husband replied.

The wife took the telephone and immediately called the Bank Manager saying, “We are your bank

customer and we have a housing loan with you. Our monthly payment is due tomorrow, but we don’t

have sufficient fund to cover it. Good Night!” She put down the phone and said to the husband, “I have

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told the bank manager that we are not able to make the house payment tomorrow. Let him do the

worrying. Now you can go to sleep!”


In most cases we tend to major on minors. We tend to worry unnecessarily and do our own predictions

of the outcome of situations we may be facing. Remain cool and face the problems when it arise, but do

not ignore it totally because it may grow and eventually catch up with you. Do not sweat the small stuff,

because they are merely small stuff, which can be solved or managed.

In life we need to be aggressive and NOT defensive. For example, if your income drop, most people will

sell off their car and buy a smaller and cheaper car. They will probably move to a smaller house. There is

nothing wrong with this but you are being defensive. We should be aggressive and look for ways to earn

more income to improve our standard of living. We should also work harder!

When you are in an adverse financial situation, always ask yourself this life changing question…What is

the worst thing that can happen to you?

Key # 4 : Learn how to handle complacency

This is indeed a silent killer and many people are living their life this way. Here is another story from my


How to boil a bullfrog?

Years ago some scientists did a simple experiment on a bullfrog. They threw a bullfrog into a container

of boiling water, and the bullfrog instantly popped out of the boiling water. Next they put the bullfrog

into a container of cold water.

The bullfrog liked it and stayed in the container. The scientists then turned on the heat at the bottom of

the container. As the water got warmer, the bullfrog relaxed and took a nap. The bullfrog was so

comfortable that it stayed in the container and was “cooked”.

Success Principles

Most of us are in the “comfort zone”. We have a house to go home to, a nice bed to sleep on, food in

the fridge, a group of friends to mingle with, along with some basic necessities of life. We have worked

hard to get to where we are now. So why should we change this?

The truth is most of us are like the bullfrog, because we feel warm and comfortable, we refuse to get

out of our comfort zone, and prefer to stay where we are. In life we are either creating or disintegrating.

There is no such thing as “staying where we are”, because there is always movement. So if we are not

moving ahead in life, we must by nature, be moving in the opposite direction.

There is no such thing as “it is”. We are either creating or disintegrating. If we are not moving ahead, by

default we are moving in the other direction.

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I do not know how well or badly you are doing financially at the moment. But one thing is for sure…I

believe that you can do much better. I strongly believe that things can change for the better in the next

12 to 24 months.

You must have a strong desire to change. You must always strive to be better for your family and the

community as a whole.

Key #5 : Be a Giver

This one of the most profound principle of wealth and success. A giving heart shows that you have more

than enough.

To be successful we must develop the Abundance mindset as opposed to the Scarcity mindset. Giving is

telling the Universe that you have an Abundance mindset. A Scarcity mindset is one where we think that

there is not enough of wealth and resources around and we have to compete for them. When you have

this mindset, you will be in a competitive plane and will be in a low state of vibration. Nothing good will

come out of this low vibration.

So be a giver. Give your time, money, love, compliments and smile. When you give more will be given

unto you.

In the bible, God state that give freely and test me if I will not multiply what you have brought into the

storehouse. When you give it also shows that you are grateful for what you presently have and you’ll

feel good and joyful.

Here is a bonus Key# 6: Have Fun

Stress is one of the causes of most health problems like Cancer and Cardiovascular problem. When you

are stressed your rate of vibration is also very low and this cause more negative situations to be

attracted into your life.

On the other hand, fun and joy carries very high rate of vibration.

When you are feeling good your body produced hormones like the endorphins, serotonin and melatonin

that makes your body healthier.

When you have fun and feel good you will attract good things and circumstances into your life.

According to the Law Of Attraction, what you think about you bring about. So have fun and think about

good things and start attracting goof things into your life.

So to summarize today’s topic here are the keys points to Financial Freedom

Handle Frustration

Handle Rejection

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Handle Financial Pressure

Handle Complacency

Be A Giver

Have Fun

17. What Now?

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Make these 6 keys a part of your life and I will surely see you at the top!

Thanks for listening, I wish you well and have a great day!