FIVE BANDITS; ROB LAM^CT13E^BANKlOEg $ 1fr12v JOO THREE PHYSICIANS UNITE TO FORM NEW CLINIC HERE Dr. C. T . E c k l u n d Will Join W i t h D r s . Hammermeister And Pelant. WILL OCCUPY OFFICES OVER ARBES BROS. Doctors Have Had Wide Range Of Education And Experience. Dr. T. F. Hammermeister, Dr. F. J. Pelant and Dr. C. T. Ecklund an- nounce that they have formed a clinic which will be known as the Drs Hammermeister, Pelant and Ecklund clime with offices at the present loca- tion of Drs. Hammermeister and Pel- ant , 10 1-2 North Minnesota street, over Arbes Bros. drug, store. Work has begun for re-arrangerr Gnt of office rooms to provide the proper space for the added offices of Dr. C. T. Ecklund. For this purpose a new central waiting room is being pro- vided, in this manner giving easy access to the various offices of the members of the Clinic* *, ^J-^J Er. A. V. Seifert will continue^ hifi office but will also dispense with his present private waiting room, utilizing the new general waiting room* There will also be some changes in the X- Ray rooms so that filing space and dark room facilities will be ample and. an improvement upon the present arrangement. \\ r ? 4 T Dr. T. F. Hammermeister. Dr. T. F. Hammermeister was born in Brown County, completing his High School work at the Sleepy Eye High School, taking his undergraduate work at the University of Minnesota where he received the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1913, and com- pleted his medical work, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1915. He was licensed in July of the srme year and began his practice of medicine at New Ulm, Mina., having served as interne at the Northwestern hospital and at the University Hospital in Minneapolis. The first four-and one-half years of his practice were spent m partnership with Dr. 0. C. Stnckler of New Urn, Minn., and has since November 1, 1919 continued his private practice in the above described location. Dr. Hammermeister has spent con- siderable time in post-graduate work on two occasions takihg special work at the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital and on one occasion at the New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital. He has also taken sur- gical operative work at the Laboratory of Surgical Technique at Chicago. He has attended the Oschner Clinic, Cook County Hospital Clinic. He is a member of the Redwood-Brown County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medi- cal Society, the American Medical As- sociation and is also a member of the Southern Minnesota Medical Associa- tion. Dr. F. J. Pelant. Dr. F. J. Pelant was born and reared in Montgomery LeSueur County, Min- nesota, where he received his Common School education in the Parochial Schools. He then attended St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn, for six years whe e he completed his classical course including a course in Philosophy. He graduated in Medicine from Loyola University School of Medicine i.t Chi- cago, 111, and took one and one-half years interneship at St. John's hospital at Springfield, 111. He practiced for about a year m Iowa near Cedar Rapids and since June 1917, has continuously practiced in New Ulm. Dr. Pelant has also taken a course in Surgery at the New York Polyclinic Hospital. He is a member of the Redwood-Brown Medical Society, Min- nesota State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. It has become apparent to Drs. Hammermeister and Pelant that added help was desirable and necessary and after a most careful investigation they have been extremely fortunate in be- ing able to secure the services and part- nership of a man so well trained as Dr. C. T. Ecklund. ^ Dr. C. T. EcklUnd. * T4i Dr. Clifford T. Ecklund has been a resident of St. Paul, Minn., where he CHURCHES PLAN TO GIVE RELIEF Santa Claus Letters Now Being Received at Postoffice. la co-operation with Miss Inga Evickson, school nurse, New Ulm churches are now making a survey >f thd needy families ia the Community who should be supplied with Christmas dinners It is planned to not only see that none go huigr> but to provide necessary clotrriiig aid trinkets for the children. Postmaster Fred Pfaender announc- es that if there are kind hearted citizens who wish to play the part of Santa Claus to poor children they may be able to find cases which need help in the "Santa Claus" letters which he is now receiving. These letters come to Mr Pfaeader, ad- dressed to "Saita Claus," " N >rth Pole" or "Heavea" Mr Pfaender holds them until some "Santa Claus" comes along. The Christmas rush has already started at tire post office and Mr. Pfaender will place at wort this week a helper for each carrier and extra men inside.He will also employ a man with, a truck to help out in the delivery of .parcel post packages. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Thiede will leave on Saturday for Eyota to spend the holidays at the home of Mrs. Thiede's parents, Mr. and Mrs E D Rumors Go Up In Smoke When Police Conduct Investigations. The elusive Turner park ghost has undergone a transformation during the past week. In place of being the spectre of one who has departed to another world, the shrouded figure has assumed flesh and blood. The apparition is described now as a mortal being with a desire to imitate the spirits who are alleged to hover about graveyards. Fred A. Fischer, the one man who has come forward to declare he saw the figure, asserted last night that he really did not believe in ghosts but that he felt that apparition "was some foolish person who dressed up in a white sheet to terrify people' . Stakes "Word of Honor." "I'll stake my word of honor that I saw a shrouded figure who hit me over ,the head with such force that a sharp Matteson. They will also spencLa Iew^ ^pointed instrument went through my days at Rochester visiting^jmlpreUi- tives before returning to tft^isjfeh here. NEW ULM BOWL ROUT MANKATO IN FASTTOURNAMENT Local Men Secure First Five P]ace§ Irv Hajyi,-^- Fought Contest. i FRITZ BOERGER ROLLS HIGH TOTAL DF 943 Schnobrich Makes 930 With Backer, Lindemann And Schleuder at Heels. New Ulm bowlers captured the first five places in the spirited bowhng tournament held on the Concordia al- leys Sunday with a last shift Monday night. It was the largest tournament ever held in New Ulm, 32 bowlers entering from here and 22 from Mankato. Boerger Wins First. Fritz Boerger won first place with a high score of 943 points. Ole Schno- brich was a close second with a score of 930. Closely behind Schnobrich were Elmer Backer, William linde- mann and Charles Emmerich tying for third, fourth and fifth places with 925. The local men are enthusiastic over their excellent showing against the Mankato rollers. Wagner Captures Sixth. W. Wagner of Mankato captured sixth place with 915 and Axel John- son of Mankato came seventh with 912. Doctor C. H. Gieseke, with 909 points, secured eighth place and Walter Schleuder and G. Buchholz of Mankato tied for ninth and tenth places with 906. Bowlers gaining honorable men- tion were: Robert Groebner, 869; Paul Hackbarth, 862; Harry Sapey, 862, C. Neubel, 867 and Henry Ahrens, 691. . v >l f The standing of the bowlers was as follows: F. Boerger . 185 184 168 213 193 943 F. Schnobrich 194 189 168 147 232 930 E. Backer. .. . 173 176 210 169 197-925 Lindemann.. .179 209 170 185 182-925 Emmerich . . 175 144 202 216 188-925 W. Wagner . .200 191 183 184 157 91$ Axel Johnson 155 184 171 189 213-912 Gieseke 200 210 165 143 191-909 Schleuder . Buchholz . . . W. Baer R. Bibbs... A, J. Meyer Tauscheck. GHOST CHANGES FROM SPIRIT TO ! . MORTAL BEING Fischer Declares Appar- i t i o n I s " S o m e Fool- > ish Person" S T A K E S W O R D HE WAS STRUCK HARD BLOW hat and cut a gash on my forehead, Mr. Fischer said. "I have my cap with the hole in it to prove it, The footprints of the figure were in the road for sometime afterwards. "I never saw anything like the ghost before in my life. I have no enemies. Since no seasible. person would choose this means of amusement, I have come to the conclusion that it is some- body who is foolish. I am not given to day dreams. I know that I fyas struck over the head by a white figure shortly after midnight near the alley on First street sou|h between Washing- ton and Franklin. I saw stars but I did not go down. I dealt a blow back with my billy club and the ghost went down It then escaped from me." Ghost Rumors Pour In. During the past week rumors of the ghostfs activities have continued to come m to the police but upon in- vestigation they have all gone up in thin smoke. There was a story, for instance, that the shrouded figure had torn the coat off a .girl in Turner park last Friday evening. Investigation disclosed that the young woman in question had not been out of her home during the even- ing. "I do not know how the story ever got started," she told the police. "Twenty-five persons have asked me about it. I never went out of the house Friday evening." Fireman Is Surprised. ^ There was another story to the effect that the ghost had accosted a Northwestern railroad fireman Satur- day evening as he was leaving the passenger station. The fireman, who weighs more than 200 pounds and stands six feet high, declared that the report was the first he had heard, of it. "I would blow him over," he said. Rumors of seeing the ghost on German street and in German park have floated in, but they, likewise, have failed of confirmation when the officers investigated them. * Ghost Better Watch Out. In the meantime it is reported that a vigilance committee is being or- ganized and the next time the ghost puts in an appearance, either as a spectre or a human being, he will be met with a charge of lead which will give him something to think over. ' NEW ULM DEFEATS; S I E E P X J YE TRIO f IN FIRST DEBATE m: '«5i Judges'Give Verdict Unan- imously To Local - -«A * Debaters.u^ t M ( $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 DAMAGE SUiriSnTRIED IN CO.^ODRT &\ it DISCUSS KANSAS COURT OF ADJUDICATION .181 200 151 200 174-906 202 169 156 191 188-906 .196 205 169 181 141-892 .192 154 156 198 186-886 .181 162 184 181 178-886 .174 181 190 181 157-885 Wicherski . ..125 190 221j 172 170-878 Sprenger*... 181 162 184 181 169-876 On Dec. 31st there will be a double tournament for the men who will EXAMINATION FOR U. S. • J?« POSTAL EMPLOYES >y. examination has taken his High School training and. . ^ xl _ _ 4 followed this by completing his work f * "P at * he *' B ; ^ znd W other (Continued on page 4.X , ^ doubles who want to enter. Entry will be $3.00 a team. „ , , tmfr & ^ &i An open competitive for clerk and carrier at the New Ulm postoffice will be held in the high school auditorium on Saturday, January 6, at 9 a.m., Edward L. Alwin, secretary of the civil service board announces. The examination is open to men and women. ^ M\,,p^ wm ' All those who wish to take; this ex- amination are requested to«file their application at once in order to allow time for any necessary corrections. No one can take the examination, Mr, Alwin announces, whose application, I has not been approved. Team Displays Strength Jn Rebutting f?Arguments x of Opponents., " * *v m IL. *w* v > 'j' t * , The New Ulm high school was de- clared winner of the" debate "Resolved that the Kansas Type of Industrial Court of Adjudication /Should be Established in Minnesota" by a unani- mous vote of the three judges at the conclusion of the forensic clash with Sleepy Eye in the high school audito- rium last Thursday evening. An au- dience of more than 100 persons heard the- debate which was the first to be held in New Ulm for years," ^ <. * New Ulm supported the affirmative of the question. Speakers on both sides demonstrated that they had spent much time in studying the problem but New Ulm had a greater fund of information to draw from when it came to the rebuttal and was able to defeat the opposition in this vital part of the debate. The New Ulm speakers had been coached by principal R. J. Stewart and Superintendent Arnold Gloor. - '* ^ ? *& " * N3w Ulm v Opens Debatt. - Miss Elizabeth Hintz opened the debate by explaining the Kansas Court and declaring that a need existed in Minnesota today for this form of ad- judication. She said that the court was a permanent judicial body which was created "by the Kansas legislature in 1919 to settle industrial disputes in which w ^capital and labor either could not or would not agree. -If either side were dissatisf^^sM** 1 " 1 d^risjoi^ of the court it had the ri#ht to appeal to the Supreme court. In Minnesota, she asserted that the farmers were suf- fering acutely from the railroad strike of the past summer which tied Up cars. If the Kansas court had existed in the State the strike, which is tsill continuing on four Minnesota roads, would have been brought to an end before this. ? j Negative Re'pUes. v »'* As the first speaker for the negative, Miss Elsie Hanson of Sleepy Eye de- clared that the court was unneccessary in Minnesota, that if*was economically unsound and that 'it was unconstitur tional because of its compulsory labor feature. \ , * & * <^^ "To strike is the right of working men,'> Miss Hanson said. "It is their one weapon against capital. The Kan- sas law declares that strikes among workmen are unlawful but what of the. other classes? The law is in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment of thj& Constitution which declares that ther4 must not be involuntary servitude." ^ Law Is Constitutional. '# "The federal government would not stand for the law if it were unconstitu- tional," Howard Vogel, the second speaker for New Ulm, asserted. When Strikes and lockouts affect the public welfare it is the sacred duty of the State to interfere. The Kansas court has been in operation two years and 10 months It has made 45 decision^ affecting thousands of men and of these 43 have been accepted* by both sides. Early decisions increasing^ the wages of workingmen from 33 pef cent to 37 per c&it in some instances were accepted as were later conclusions reducing wages from 11 per cent to 17 per cent. ^ n * . ** Cannot^Be Enforced. § ^ As the second speaker for the nega- tive f Ralph 0*Tpole declared that if the Industrial court plan were adopted nationally:, it/could never be enforced as it would \affect 75 per cent of'_tUe population. in\ Kansas, he assertM that Governor Allen had found it i»n possible, to arrest all of the striking Qpal,,'miners who ; violated the ~*la^ The Industrial Court law was x raot needed^ in. Minnesota, he said, because* i| was note designed to affect the lea&4 ing industries in this state. Clarence *Rolloff as the third speak%* for New Ulm, explained that thejjourt secured justice for labor, capital and; the public.t! Nqra Larson Sues Chicago and Northwestern n J *> * f or Huge S u m * , *. ' „• rt RAILROAD DENIES AC- r CIDENT CAUSED INJURY ^ M i. Asserts, Miss Larson Was Incapacitated By In- ,, fantile Paralysis. \ 'Trial of the $50,000 damage suit of Miss Nora Larson, 25 years old, who lives on a farm near Ellsworth, Wis- consin, against the Chicago & North- western railroad, opened in djstrict court Monday with an array of legal and medical talent present. > Miss Larson, who alleges that her arms and legs were paralyzed as the result of an accident on August 3, 1921 in which she was shoved on a train by a Northwestern brakeman, was brought into the courtroom in a wheeled chair and Monday afternoon took the wit- ness stand to testify how the injury occurred. ^ Brakeman Orders Her Qff. w ^ Miss Larson declared that she board- ed a Northwestern train to go to Kaeses near Milwaukee, where her uncle and aunt resided. The journey passed off uneventfully until the train made its customary stop at North Lake. Here after the train started, she asserted, a brakeman came through the car, ordering her off, declaring that this was her destination. He stopped the train and against her protestations took her grips and told her to get off. Sprains Her Back. She complied but no sooner had the train started than it stopped a second time and the brakeman came back to order her On the train. He failed to provide a stool for her to stajid on in reaching .the* lower step* oMrtte'^carir 3»d as a consequence of the high step she was forced to take, she sprained her back and right arm. This, with her disturbed mental state, resulted in a condition which continued to grow worse until she became a helpless in- valid. F ( \ t I *v , Admits "Quarantine. ^ Attorneys for the defense in cross examining 'Miss Larson brought out that she was 'quarantined for infantile paralysis on August 7, 1921, four days after she peached the home of her uncle and aunt. Miss Larson admitted this quarantine. She was under quar- antine for 16 weeks and then went back to the 'home of her father. The defense in opening its side of the case declared that the condition of Miss Larson was not the result of any rail- road accident, but this disease. Among the physicians summoned by the defense to testify in regard to Miss Larson's condition were: Dr. O. C. Strickler, Dr. L. A, Fritsche, Dr. J. H. Vogel, and Dr. Rosenau of Rochester, Minn., an authority i on infantile paralysis, ^ i b v * * "• Miss Larson is represented by W. H. H»— uir ism M— MEDICA HEARD BY COURT ^ * <• % ** -^—= i \ j, f ^ Judge , C a t l i n , o f St. Paul f/Takes'*Case "- J - ^ Advisement. ,. ^ ;,*i «*)ft Judge F. M..Catljn of the Ramsey County district court, St. Paul, has taken under advisement the suit of two Brown County physicians against the Minnesota State Medical associa- tion asking that the revocation of the charter of the Brown-Redwood coun- ties medical society be declared illegal. A hearing was held in St. Paul, Mon- day, which was attended by H. H. Flor, attorney for the plaintiffs, and Dr. G. F. Reineke. *t Action Brought by Dr. Seifert ' The suit was brought by Dr. O. J Seifert of New Ulm and Dr. V. D Gley- steen of Lamberton in behalf of them- selves and other Brown County phy- sicians who have ben deprived of membership ih the Stake association through the cancellation of the local charter. i < r < Revoke charter without Hearing. The Brown-Redwood counties char- ter was revoked in 1919 without a hearing or notice, the plaintiffs assert. Subsequently the State association char- tered a new society called the Redwood -Brown counties association, without consulting the members of the former Brown-Redwood counties association. The action has been illegal, the plain- tiffs assert, because they have been de- prived of memberships of pecuniary value without due process of kyw.^ CODNTY TAX RATE i FOR 1 9 2 3 SHOWS SLIGHT CHANGES STEAL $ 1 , 1 2 7 IN CASH AND $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 S WORTH OF BO I Take Possession of TownJ Cutting Telephone and t * Telegraph Wires^, * . ' ^ t W BLOW OFF VAULT DOORf I WITH NITROGLYCERIN >* ? Mjjp#i: L o c k O n e M a n I n R o o m and Hold Another Captive 4 ' In His *r Home., y**'} Louis G. ^ Vogel " -»* Complete • Tafble All Districts. Prepares For „, *w -t* NEW BE Increased ULM RATE WILL 3.1$JV1ILLS LOWER Levies Indicated 'or Sleepy Eye And Springfield. . %*-% «w A complete table of the taxes ia mills which Brown county residents will pay during 1923 has .been pre- Pive bandits drove into the town o£ Lafayette, 15 miles north of New Ulm, early Friday morning, cut tele- phone and telegraph wires, pried open the frontdoor of the Farmers' State bank, blew off the vault door, scooped up $1,127 m cash and robbed 125 safety deposit boxes of $15,000 in Liberty bonds and War Savings stamps. The robbers were professionals. So liesurely did they work that it was daylight before they got around to blow the safe i aside of the vault. t Although placing a charge of nitro-r glycerin at the safe door they were evidently afraid they did not have sufficient time to blow it. The safe contained about $3,000, according to Henry Johnson, Cashier of the bank. Park Car Near Haystack. ^ Iaformation gathered after the rob-i\ bery indicates that the burglars en- tered Lafayette early in the evening, in a new Chalmeis Sedan. They drove about town, evidently on a trip of inspection, and then disappeared. Tracks in the saow the*next mornings indicated the car had been parked, back of a haystack, one-eighth of a^ mile from the town It is believed that the burglars began their operations about 2:30 a. m. ^ ^ *v>. ^ ^ ^ < After succeeding in cutting telephone .and teiegfapji wires w*h the exeeptfttuf of one wire to Gay lord, the bandits broke into a railroad car house and^ &> stole a spjke puller. With this they* " went boldly up to the front door of .' the bank and pried it open. v •* Bandits Capture Carlson."' "' ,- Einar Carlson of the Lafayette' ^ Ledger was working until 3:30 a.jai. -4^ preparing a holiday edition of the v •< paper for the mails the next day. On ,». "* his way home he passed on the op- r / & posite side of the street from the b a n k ^ ^ building. He did not see the b a n d i t s ^ ^ 5 but was noticed by a lookout in the^g^ shadow of the bank. The lookout*^-' *? f^^Jj'Yj par ^ d b * L T* G * y ° geI Ll 0U ? 5 fired over Carlson's head to halt hitaf" rrffifrfo' 1 v md'H Frawley of Eau Claire, Wis. and Sam Anderson ol St. PauL The attorneys for the Northwestern railroad are Brown, Somsen and Sawyer of Winona and Somsen, Dempsey and Flor of New Ulm. ^h\%%?^M$J0$. "^ To Open Criminal Cases. ^ f Trial of the case is expected to be cdmpleljed today upon which W. T. Eckstein, county attorney, wilt move for the trial of the criminal calendar. For the first time in the history of the Brown County court, the criminal calendar has been delayed until the" middle of the second week by the civil cases. iy^ttt Hardie Indicted. The grand jury -has returned nine indictments. Among these are two indictments against Frank Hardie of Grundy Cnter, Iowa, who was attested at Mason City, la., in company With Doris A, Nelson, 16-year old Comfrey school girl/ Hardie ia charged With abduction if? oneiihdictmeht and car-, nal knowledge in, another. ^Ahother indictment is^ag^nst J^<R Teriheifcer of Mountaift'£&$e\ who is charged with perjury in 7, conne<#ion i Svitfr tjie $raA- sactions of the State' Bank of Dotson. Gust Guhlke1^was_ awarded $150 damages from Charles Werring. Guhl- ke who is a road overseer at Cobden declared 'that Werring*s automobile ran into his drag with the result that he and his horses were injured. auditor. The table show that the rate of taxes will average about the aame as this year. While in some school districts the rate which will be paid in 1923 is one, two, or three mills higher than was»paid in 1922, in other districts the levy shows a correspond- ing decrease. * ^J ** New Ulm Rate Lower. krW The city of New Ulm is one of thg} districts whieh has a reduction. The rate to be paid iu 1923 is 56.5 mills or 3.' 1 mills less than was collected in 1922. The tate for Springfield and Sleepy Eyo, the other two larger com- munities in the county, shows an in- crease. Sleepy Eye has. a total rate ol SO mills to be paid ia *L923 as com- pared to 76.8 mills for the past year The -rate <fo?f Springfield will be 79 v mi|ifl jjjUl. 2 kills over the past year. TlS* n^i^ate^.tor^Comftey is 5&fc mills •as>ompared to* mills "and for.BAnska 67.3 mills in place of 55.6 rmife-in/l9l2 k '' Total Rate* Shown. The JtOtal rates in mills for each school district are show** io the follpw- ing table. Mr. Yogel ooints out that taxes are always one year behind- In other words, 1922 taxes Will be paid in 1923 and 1921 taxes were paid in 1922. Hence in the table the total rate in 1922 indicates what wi^be paid in 1923 and the total rate for 1921 ift'-whajt was paid in 1922. <* * * *Itt^e table ^heHotal^ate for*1922' and ordered him to come over to the bank. Carlson obeyed. As he ~" ** proached, the bandit commanded him ffii '~pM to "stick up" his hands" and to turn his back to him.'£>: A * ^Z**&£*?M t (<3dntinued ott page 4.)'* L*& the Consumers wholesale 1 * * Supply Company with headquarters at Minne- apolis and branches at New Ulm and other Minnesota cities opened its ninth branch store at Springfield Fri- day morning, December 15/'The sfar^ is located in the Frank Schneider hugd* ing and Mr. Schneider will be the local manager. He will be assisted by Bhilip Schilling as assistant manager' and George Hedine as clerk. Carlson was J marched into th£ Dank^J^; an'd to the cloak room where his hands IJf 1 !^ fnd feet Were tied. The door of t h e f e | | cloak room waslocked. It is Carlson's f^id opinion that two of the bandits wereK^I lused as lookouts watte three were%& breaking intd the vault and the deposit i j f j l boxes. As he entered the bank he§«£^ declared he saw flashes of light about B& the vault. ^SSt*; ** J ? 5 ^ ?V While Carlson was iSclsed*in the room he hearer three explosions of nitroglycerin. * The bandits first knocked off the Combination of the vault door, according to Mr. Johnson. This failed to open the door, however because oi a special lock, it was then that they fired the charges of ilitro-^ glycerin which blew *)ff the door/ doing $300 worth of damage to the y , vault, and ruining a $400 adding macnine standing nearby. The commotion the bandits were making at this stage of their operations aroused^ Fred Lund, 1 a tinsmith, living next door. He started out to inveiti-, gate but"was met by a inan wjth a t sawed oft shot gun who ordered: "Gjetg*| backvinto your house and keep yoAir " mouth shut." Lund did not have in his^tittse either^ a rftyotye^qr a I&B^ phone,. He'obeyed'orders. * v After finding the'cash in the vtuK^^p-tSj, the Eqbibjers tieaarely s ^nfc through; MERRYiCHRJSTMAS the safety deposit boxes., taking frojft them 'boajls^tamps, mortgage^ and ^ oth^er papers* of valuefjThe pdtppMt which they did not want they threw * about the interior of the vault. t * f- S t o r e d a t S b t h i , ^ V| | \ Before beginning their work in'tfci }p. bank, -the burglars had gone- to the basement where they disconnected" the burglar alarm. They also cut the lire ' ( C o i n e d en page Q ^K*^»&

Transcript of FIVE BANDITS; ROB LAM^CT13E^BANKlOEg $ 1 fr 12v JOO I ism



D r . C . T . E c k l u n d W i l l J o i n W i t h D r s . H a m m e r m e i s t e r

A n d P e l a n t .


D o c t o r s H a v e H a d W i d e

R a n g e Of E d u c a t i o n A n d E x p e r i e n c e .

Dr. T. F. Hammermeister, Dr. F. J. Pelant and Dr. C. T. Ecklund an­nounce that they have formed a clinic which will be known as the Drs Hammermeister, Pelant and Ecklund clime with offices at the present loca­tion of Drs. Hammermeister and Pel­ant , 10 1-2 North Minnesota street, over Arbes Bros. drug, store.

Work has begun for re-arrangerr Gnt of office rooms to provide the proper space for the added offices of Dr. C. T. Ecklund. For this purpose a new central waiting room is being pro­vided, in this manner giving easy access to the various offices of the members of the Clinic* *, ^ J - ^ J

Er. A. V. Seifert will continue^ hifi office but will also dispense with his present private waiting room, utilizing the new general waiting room* There will also be some changes in the X-Ray rooms so that filing space and dark room facilities will be ample and. an improvement upon the present arrangement. \ \ r ? 4 T

Dr. T. F . Hammermeis ter . Dr. T. F . Hammermeister was born

in Brown County, completing his High School work at the Sleepy Eye High School, taking his undergraduate work at the University of Minnesota where he received the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1913, and com­pleted his medical work, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1915. He was licensed in July of the srme year and began his practice of medicine at New Ulm, Mina., having served as interne at the Northwestern hospital and at the University Hospital in Minneapolis.

The first four-and one-half years of his practice were spent m partnership with Dr. 0 . C. Stnckler of New Urn, Minn., and has since November 1, 1919 continued his private practice in the above described location.

Dr. Hammermeister has spent con­siderable time in post-graduate work on two occasions takihg special work at the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital and on one occasion at the New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital. He has also taken sur­gical operative work at the Laboratory of Surgical Technique at Chicago. He has attended the Oschner Clinic, Cook County Hospital Clinic. He is a member of the Redwood-Brown County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medi­cal Society, the American Medical As­sociation and is also a member of the Southern Minnesota Medical Associa­tion.

Dr. F . J . Pelant. Dr. F. J. Pelant was born and reared

in Montgomery LeSueur County, Min­nesota, where he received his Common School education in the Parochial Schools. He then attended St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn, for six years whe e he completed his classical course including a course in Philosophy. He graduated in Medicine from Loyola University School of Medicine i.t Chi­cago, 111, and took one and one-half years interneship at St. John's hospital at Springfield, 111. He practiced for about a year m Iowa near Cedar Rapids and since June 1917, has continuously practiced in New Ulm.

Dr. Pelant has also taken a course in Surgery at the New York Polyclinic Hospital. He is a member of the Redwood-Brown Medical Society, Min­nesota State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.

It has become apparent to Drs. Hammermeister and Pelant that added help was desirable and necessary and after a most careful investigation they have been extremely fortunate in be­ing able to secure the services and part­nership of a man so well trained as Dr. C. T. Ecklund. ^

Dr. C. T. EcklUnd. * T4i Dr. Clifford T. Ecklund has been a

resident of St. Paul, Minn., where he


S a n t a C l a u s L e t t e r s N o w B e i n g R e c e i v e d a t

P o s t o f f i c e .

l a co-operation with Miss Inga Evickson, school nurse, New Ulm churches are now making a survey >f thd needy families ia the Community who should be supplied with Christmas dinners I t is planned to not only see that none go huigr> but to provide necessary clotrriiig a i d trinkets for the children.

Postmaster Fred Pfaender announc­es that if there are kind hearted citizens who wish to play the part of Santa Claus to poor children they may be able to find cases which need help in the "Santa Claus" letters which he is now receiving. These letters come to Mr Pfaeader, ad­dressed to "Sai ta Claus," "N >rth Pole" or " H e a v e a " Mr Pfaender holds them until some "Santa Claus" comes along.

The Christmas rush has already started at tire post office and Mr. Pfaender will place at wort this week a helper for each carrier and extra men inside.He will also employ a man with, a truck to help out in the delivery of .parcel post packages.

Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Thiede will leave on Saturday for Eyota to spend the holidays at the home of Mrs. Thiede's parents, Mr. and Mrs E D

R u m o r s G o U p I n S m o k e

W h e n P o l i c e C o n d u c t I n v e s t i g a t i o n s .

The elusive Turner park ghost has undergone a transformation during the past week. In place of being the spectre of one who has departed to another world, the shrouded figure has assumed flesh and blood. The apparition is described now as a mortal being with a desire to imitate the spirits who are alleged to hover about graveyards.

Fred A. Fischer, the one man who has come forward to declare he saw the figure, asserted last night that he really did not believe in ghosts but that he felt tha t apparition "was some foolish person who dressed up in a white sheet to terrify people' .

Stakes "Word of Honor . " "I 'll stake my word of honor that I

saw a shrouded figure who hit me over ,the head with such force that a sharp

Matteson. They will also spencLa I ew^ ^pointed instrument went through my days at Rochester visiting^jmlpreUi-tives before returning to tft̂ isjfeh here.


L o c a l M e n S e c u r e F i r s t F i v e P ] a c e § I rv H a j y i , - ^ -

F o u g h t C o n t e s t . i

F R I T Z B O E R G E R R O L L S H I G H T O T A L D F 943

S c h n o b r i c h M a k e s 930 W i t h B a c k e r , L i n d e m a n n A n d

S c h l e u d e r a t H e e l s .

New Ulm bowlers captured the first five places in the spirited bowhng tournament held on the Concordia al­leys Sunday with a last shift Monday night. It was the largest tournament ever held in New Ulm, 32 bowlers entering from here and 22 from Mankato.

Boerger Wins Firs t . Fritz Boerger won first place with a

high score of 943 points. Ole Schno­brich was a close second with a score of 930. Closely behind Schnobrich were Elmer Backer, William l inde­mann and Charles Emmerich tying for third, fourth and fifth places with 925. The local men are enthusiastic over their excellent showing against the Mankato rollers.

Wagner Captures Sixth. W. Wagner of Mankato captured

sixth place with 915 and Axel John­son of Mankato came seventh with 912. Doctor C. H. Gieseke, with 909 points, secured eighth place and Walter Schleuder and G. Buchholz of Mankato tied for ninth and tenth places with 906. Bowlers gaining honorable men­tion were: Robert Groebner, 869; Paul Hackbarth, 862; Harry Sapey, 862, C. Neubel, 867 and Henry Ahrens, 691. . v >l f

The standing of the bowlers was as follows: F. Boerger . 185 184 168 213 193 943 F. Schnobrich 194 189 168 147 232 930 E. Backer. .. .173 176 210 169 197-925 Lindemann.. .179 209 170 185 182-925 Emmerich . . 175 144 202 216 188-925 W. Wagner . .200 191 183 184 157 91$ Axel Johnson 155 184 171 189 213-912 Gieseke 200 210 165 143 191-909 Schleuder . Buchholz . . . W. Baer R. Bibbs.. . A, J . Meyer Tauscheck.


. MORTAL BEING F i s c h e r D e c l a r e s A p p a r ­

i t i o n I s " S o m e F o o l -> i s h P e r s o n "


hat and cut a gash on my forehead, Mr. Fischer said. " I have my cap with the hole in it to prove it, The footprints of the figure were in the road for sometime afterwards.

"I never saw anything like the ghost before in my life. I have no enemies. Since no seasible. person would choose this means of amusement, I have come to the conclusion that it is some­body who is foolish. I am not given to day dreams. I know that I fyas struck over the head by a white figure shortly after midnight near the alley on First street sou|h between Washing­ton and Franklin. I saw stars but I did not go down. I dealt a blow back with my billy club and the ghost went down I t then escaped from me."

Ghos t R u m o r s Pour I n . During the past week rumors of the

ghostfs activities have continued to come m to the police but upon in­vestigation they have all gone up in thin smoke.

There was a story, for instance, that the shrouded figure had torn the coat off a .girl in Turner park last Friday evening. Investigation disclosed that the young woman in question had not been out of her home during the even­ing.

" I do not know how the story ever got started," she told the police. "Twenty-five persons have asked me about it. I never went out of the house Friday evening."

F i r e m a n Is Surpr ised . ^

There was another story to the effect that the ghost had accosted a Northwestern railroad fireman Satur­day evening as he was leaving the passenger station. The fireman, who weighs more than 200 pounds and stands six feet high, declared that the report was the first he had heard, of it. " I would blow him over," he said.

Rumors of seeing the ghost on German street and in German park have floated in, but they, likewise, have failed of confirmation when the officers investigated them. * •

Ghos t Bet ter Wa tch Out . In the meantime i t is reported that

a vigilance committee is being or­ganized and the next time the ghost puts in an appearance, either as a spectre or a human being, he will be met with a charge of lead which will give him something to think over. '


f IN FIRST DEBATE m: '«5 i

J u d g e s ' G i v e V e r d i c t U n a n ­i m o u s l y T o L o c a l

- - « A * D e b a t e r s . u ^ t M (

$ 5 0 , 0 0 0 DAMAGE S U i r i S n T R I E D


i t


.181 200 151 200 174-906 202 169 156 191 188-906

.196 205 169 181 141-892

.192 154 156 198 186-886

.181 162 184 181 178-886

.174 181 190 181 157-885 Wicherski . . .125 190 221j 172 170-878 Sprenger*... 181 162 184 181 169-876

On Dec. 31st there will be a double tournament for the men who will



has taken his High School training and. . ^ xl _ _ 4

followed this by completing his work f * "P a t * h e * ' B ; ^ z n d W other

(Continued on page 4.X , ^ doubles who want to enter. Entry will be $3.00 a team. „ , , tmfr •&^&i

An open competitive for clerk and carrier at the New Ulm postoffice will be held in the high school auditorium on Saturday, January 6, at 9 a .m. , Edward L. Alwin, secretary of the civil service board announces. The examination is open to men and women. ^ M\,,p^ wm ' All those who wish to take; this ex­amination are requested to«file their application at once in order to allow time for any necessary corrections. No one can take the examination, Mr, Alwin announces, whose application,

I has not been approved.

T e a m D i s p l a y s S t r e n g t h J n R e b u t t i n g f ? A r g u m e n t s x

of O p p o n e n t s . , " * *v m IL. * w * v> ' j '

t * ,

The New Ulm high school was de­clared winner of the" debate "Resolved that the Kansas Type of Industrial Court of Adjudication /Should be Established in Minnesota" by a unani­mous vote of the three judges at the conclusion of the forensic clash with Sleepy Eye in the high school audito­rium last Thursday evening. An au­dience of more than 100 persons heard the- debate which was the first to be held in New Ulm for years," ^ <. *

New Ulm supported the affirmative of the question. Speakers on both sides demonstrated that they had spent much time in studying the problem but New Ulm had a greater fund of information to draw from when it came to the rebuttal and was able to defeat the opposition in this vital part of the debate. The New Ulm speakers had been coached by principal R. J. Stewart and Superintendent Arnold Gloor. - '* ^ ? *& " *

N3w U l m v Opens Debatt . -Miss Elizabeth Hintz opened the

debate by explaining the Kansas Court and declaring that a need existed in Minnesota today for this form of ad­judication. She said that the court was a permanent judicial body which was created "by the Kansas legislature in 1919 to settle industrial disputes in whichw ̂ capital and labor either could not or would not agree. -If either side were dissatisf^^sM**1"1 d^risjoi^ of the court it had the ri#ht to appeal to the Supreme court. In Minnesota, she asserted that the farmers were suf­fering acutely from the railroad strike of the past summer which tied Up cars. If the Kansas court had existed in the State the strike, which is tsill continuing on four Minnesota roads, would have been brought to an end before this. ? j

Negative Re'pUes. v »'* As the first speaker for the negative,

Miss Elsie Hanson of Sleepy Eye de­clared that the court was unneccessary in Minnesota, that if*was economically unsound and that ' i t was unconstitur tional because of its compulsory labor feature. \ , * & * < ^ ^

"To strike is the right of working men,'> Miss Hanson said. "I t is their one weapon against capital. The Kan­sas law declares tha t strikes among workmen are unlawful but what of the. other classes? The law is in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment of thj& Constitution which declares that ther4 must not be involuntary servitude."

^ Law Is Consti tut ional . ' #

"The federal government would not stand for the law if it were unconstitu­tional," Howard Vogel, the second speaker for New Ulm, asserted. When Strikes and lockouts affect the public welfare it is the sacred duty of the State to interfere. The Kansas court has been in operation two years and 10 months I t has made 45 decision^ affecting thousands of men and of these 43 have been accepted* by both sides. Early decisions increasing^ the wages of workingmen from 33 pef cent to 37 per c&it in some instances were accepted as were later conclusions reducing wages from 11 per cent to 17 per cent. ^ n *

. ** C a n n o t ^ B e Enforced. § ^ As the second speaker for the nega-

tivef Ralph 0*Tpole declared that if the Industrial court plan were adopted nationally:, it/could never be enforced as it would \affect 75 per cent of'_tUe population. in \ Kansas, he assertM that Governor Allen had found i t i»n possible, to arrest all of the striking Qpal,,'miners who ;violated the ~*la^ The Industrial Court law was xraot needed^ in. Minnesota, he said, because* i | was note designed to affect the lea&4 ing industries in this state.

Clarence *Rolloff as the third speak%* for New Ulm, explained that thejjourt secured justice for labor, capital and; the public.t!

N q r a L a r s o n S u e s C h i c a g o

a n d N o r t h w e s t e r n

nJ *> * f o r H u g e S u m * , *. ' „•

rt R A I L R O A D D E N I E S A C - r


^ M i. A s s e r t s , M i s s L a r s o n W a s

I n c a p a c i t a t e d B y I n -, , f a n t i l e P a r a l y s i s . „ \

'Trial of the $50,000 damage suit of Miss Nora Larson, 25 years old, who lives on a farm near Ellsworth, Wis­consin, against the Chicago & North­western railroad, opened in djstrict court Monday with an array of legal and medical talent present. >

Miss Larson, who alleges tha t her arms and legs were paralyzed as the result of an accident on August 3, 1921 in which she was shoved on a train by a Northwestern brakeman, was brought into the courtroom in a wheeled chair and Monday afternoon took the wit­ness stand to testify how the injury occurred. ^

Brakeman Orders Her Qff.w^

Miss Larson declared that she board­ed a Northwestern train to go to Kaeses near Milwaukee, where her uncle and aunt resided. The journey passed off uneventfully until the train made its customary stop at North Lake. Here after the train started, she asserted, a brakeman came through the car, ordering her off, declaring that this was her destination. He stopped the train and against her protestations took her grips and told her to get off.

Sprains Her Back.

She complied but no sooner had the train started than it stopped a second time and the brakeman came back to order her On the train. He failed to provide a stool for her to stajid on in reaching .the* lower step* oMrtte'^carir 3»d as a consequence of the high step she was forced to take, she sprained her back and right arm. This, with her disturbed mental state, resulted in a condition which continued to grow worse until she became a helpless in­valid. F

( \ t I *v , Admits "Quarant ine . ^

Attorneys for the defense in cross examining 'Miss Larson brought out that she was 'quarantined for infantile paralysis on August 7, 1921, four days after she peached the home of her uncle and aunt. Miss Larson admitted this quarantine. She was under quar­antine for 16 weeks and then went back to the 'home of her father. The defense in opening its side of the case declared that the condition of Miss Larson was not the result of any rail­road accident, but this disease.

Among the physicians summoned by the defense to testify in regard to Miss Larson's condition were: Dr. O. C. Strickler, Dr. L. A, Fritsche, Dr. J. H. Vogel, and Dr. Rosenau of Rochester, Minn., an authority i on infantile paralysis, ^ i b v * * "•

Miss Larson is represented by W. H.

H » —

uir ism M—


^ * <• % ** - ^ — = i \ j , f ^

J u d g e , C a t l i n , o f S t . P a u l

f / T a k e s ' * C a s e " - J - ^

A d v i s e m e n t . ,. ^ ;,*i


Judge F. M..Catljn of the Ramsey County district court, St. Paul, has taken under advisement the suit of two Brown County physicians against the Minnesota State Medical associa­tion asking that the revocation of the charter of the Brown-Redwood coun­ties medical society be declared illegal. A hearing was held in St. Paul, Mon­day, which was attended by H. H. Flor, attorney for the plaintiffs, and Dr. G. F. Reineke. *t

Action Brough t by Dr. Seifert ' The suit was brought by Dr. O. J

Seifert of New Ulm and Dr. V. D Gley-steen of Lamberton in behalf of them­selves and other Brown County phy­sicians who have ben deprived of membership ih the Stake association through the cancellation of the local charter. i < r <

Revoke c h a r t e r w i t h o u t Hearing. The Brown-Redwood counties char­

ter was revoked in 1919 without a hearing or notice, the plaintiffs assert. Subsequently the State association char­tered a new society called the Redwood -Brown counties association, without consulting the members of the former Brown-Redwood counties association. The action has been illegal, the plain­tiffs assert, because they have been de­prived of memberships of pecuniary value without due process of kyw.̂



STEAL $ 1 , 1 2 7 IN CASH AND $ 1 5 , 0 0 0



T a k e P o s s e s s i o n of T o w n J C u t t i n g T e l e p h o n e a n d t*

T e l e g r a p h W i r e s ^ , * . ' ^ t W


L o c k O n e M a n I n R o o m a n d H o l d A n o t h e r C a p t i v e 4 '

I n H i s *r H o m e . ,

y* * ' }

L o u i s G . ^ V o g e l " -»* C o m p l e t e • Tafble

Al l D i s t r i c t s .

P r e p a r e s F o r „,

*w - t*


I n c r e a s e d


L e v i e s I n d i c a t e d

' o r S l e e p y E y e A n d S p r i n g f i e l d . .

%*-% «w A complete table of the taxes ia

mills which Brown county residents will pay during 1923 has .been pre-

Pive bandits drove into the town o£ Lafayette, 15 miles north of New Ulm, early Friday morning, cut tele­phone and telegraph wires, pried open the frontdoor of the Farmers' State bank, blew off the vault door, scooped up $1,127 m cash and robbed 125 safety deposit boxes of $15,000 in Liberty bonds and War Savings stamps.

The robbers were professionals. So liesurely did they work that it was daylight before they got around to blow the safe i aside of the vault. t

Although placing a charge of nitro-r glycerin at the safe door they were evidently afraid they did not have sufficient time to blow it. The safe contained about $3,000, according to Henry Johnson, Cashier of the bank.

Park Car Near Hays tack . ^

Iaformation gathered after the rob-i\ bery indicates that the burglars en­tered Lafayette early in the evening, in a new Chalmeis Sedan. They drove about town, evidently on a trip of inspection, and then disappeared. Tracks in the saow the*next mornings indicated the car had been parked, back of a haystack, one-eighth of a^ mile from the town I t is believed t h a t the burglars began their operations about 2:30 a. m. ^ ^ *v>. ^ ^ ^ <

After succeeding in cutting telephone .and teiegfapji wires w*h the exeeptfttuf of one wire to Gay lord, the bandits broke into a railroad car house a n d ^ &>

stole a spjke puller. With this they* " went boldly up to the front door of .' the bank and pried it open. v •*

Bandi t s Cap tu re Carlson."' "' ,-

Einar Carlson of the Lafayette' ^ Ledger was working until 3:30 a . ja i . -4^ preparing a holiday edition of the v •< paper for the mails the next day. On ,». "* his way home he passed on the op- r / & posite side of the street from the b a n k ^ ^ building. He did not see the b a n d i t s ^ ^ 5

but was noticed by a lookout in t h e ^ g ^ shadow of the bank. The l o o k o u t * ^ - '


f^^Jj 'Yj

p a r ^ d b * L T * G* y ° g e I L l 0 U ? 5 fired over Carlson's head to halt h i t a f "

r r f f i f r f o ' 1 v md'H

Frawley of Eau Claire, Wis. and Sam Anderson ol St. PauL The attorneys for the Northwestern railroad are Brown, Somsen and Sawyer of Winona and Somsen, Dempsey and Flor of New Ulm. ^h\%%?^M$J0$. "^ To Open Criminal Cases. ^ f Trial of the case is expected to be cdmpleljed today upon which W. T. Eckstein, county attorney, wilt move for the trial of the criminal calendar. For the first time in the history of the Brown County court, the criminal calendar has been delayed until the" middle of the second week by the civil cases.

iy^ttt Hardie Indicted. The grand jury -has returned nine

indictments. Among these are two indictments against Frank Hardie of Grundy Cnter, Iowa, who was attested at Mason City, la., in company With Doris A, Nelson, 16-year old Comfrey school g i r l / Hardie ia charged With abduction if? oneiihdictmeht and car-, nal knowledge in, another. ^Ahother indictment is^ag^nst J^<R Teriheifcer of Mountaift'£&$e\ who is charged with perjury in 7,conne<#ion i Svitfr tjie $raA-sactions of the State' Bank of Dotson.

Gust Guhlke1^was_ awarded $150 damages from Charles Werring. Guhl-ke who is a road overseer at Cobden declared ' that Werring*s automobile ran into his drag with the result that he and his horses were injured.

auditor. The table show that the rate of taxes will average about the aame as this year. While in some school districts the rate which will be paid in 1923 is one, two, or three mills higher than was»paid in 1922, in other districts the levy shows a correspond­ing decrease. * ^J **

New Ulm Rate Lower. krW The city of New Ulm is one of thg}

districts whieh has a reduction. The rate to be paid iu 1923 is 56.5 mills or 3.' 1 mills less than was collected in 1922. The tate for Springfield and Sleepy Eyo, the other two larger com­munities in the county, shows an in­crease. Sleepy Eye has. a total rate ol SO mills to be paid ia *L923 as com­pared to 76.8 mills for the past year The -rate <fo?f Springfield will be 79

vmi|ifl jjjUl. 2 ki l ls over the past year. TlS* n^i^ate^ . tor^Comftey is 5&fc mills •as>ompared to* mills "and for.BAnska 67.3 mills in place of 55.6 rmife-in/l9l2k

'' To ta l Rate* Shown. The JtOtal rates in mills for each

school district are show** io the follpw-ing table. Mr. Yogel ooints out that taxes are always one year behind- In other words, 1922 taxes Will be paid in 1923 and 1921 taxes were paid in 1922. Hence in the table the total rate in 1922 indicates what w i ^ b e paid in 1923 and the total rate for 1921 ift'-whajt was paid in 1922. <* * * * I t t ^ e table ^heHotal^ate for*1922'

and ordered him to come over to the bank. Carlson obeyed. As he ~" ** proached, the bandit commanded him ffii '~pM to "stick up" his hands" and to turn his back to him.'£>: A * ^Z**&£*?M t

(<3dntinued ott page 4.)'*


t h e Consumers wholesale1* * Supply Company with headquarters at Minne­apolis and branches at New Ulm and other Minnesota cities opened its ninth branch store at Springfield Fri­day morning, December 15 / 'The sfar^ is located in the Frank Schneider hugd* ing and Mr. Schneider will be the local manager. He will be assisted by Bhilip Schilling as assistant manager' and George Hedine as clerk.

Carlson wasJ marched into th£ D a n k ^ J ^ ; an'd to the cloak room where his hands IJf1!^ fnd feet Were tied. The door of t h e f e | | cloak room waslocked. I t is Carlson's f^id opinion that two of the bandits w e r e K ^ I lused as lookouts watte three w e r e % & breaking intd the vault and the deposit i j f j l boxes. As he entered the bank h e § « £ ^ declared he saw flashes of light about B& the vault. ^SSt*; ** J ? 5 ^ ? V

While Carlson was iSclsed*in the room he hearer three explosions of nitroglycerin. * The bandits first knocked off the Combination of the vault door, according to Mr. Johnson. This failed to open the door, however because oi a special lock, i t was then that they fired the charges of ilitro-^ glycerin which blew *)ff the doo r / doing $300 worth of damage to the y, vault, and ruining a $400 adding macnine standing nearby.

The commotion the bandits were making a t this stage of their operations aroused^ Fred Lund,1 a tinsmith, living next door. He started out to invei t i - , gate but"was met by a inan wjth a t

sawed oft shot gun who ordered: "Gjetg*| backvinto your house and keep yoAir " mouth shut." Lund did not have in his^tittse either^ a rftyotye^qr a I & B ^ phone,. He'obeyed'orders. *v

After finding the'cash in the vtuK^^p-tSj, the Eqbibjers tieaarely s ^nfc through;


the safety deposit boxes., taking frojft them 'boa j l s^ tamps , mortgage^ and ^ oth^er papers* of valuefjThe pdtppMt which they did not want they threw * about the interior of the vault. t * f-

S t o r e d a t S b t h i , ^ V | | \ Before beginning their work in'tfci }p. bank, -the burglars had gone- to the basement where they disconnected" t h e burglar alarm. They also cut the lire '

( C o i n e d en page Q ^ K * ^ » &