FITNESS THEORY Components of Testing, Goal-setting and the FITT Formula.

FITNESS THEORY Components of Testing, Goal-setting and the FITT Formula

Transcript of FITNESS THEORY Components of Testing, Goal-setting and the FITT Formula.

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FITNESS THEORYComponents of Testing, Goal-setting

and the FITT Formula

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CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE • improves the heart, circulatory and

respiratory systems– Makes your heart more efficient– Improves heart’s ability to bring

oxygen to muscles – Improves muscles’ ability to use

oxygen– It is AEROBIC exercise (using oxygen)– The most important component to

indicate fitness BRAINSTORM EXAMPLES

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Examples of Cardiovascular Endurance training exercises

• Jogging, swimming, rollerblading, aerobic classes, cardio-type dance (Zumba), speed walking, cycling

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MUSCULAR ENDURANCE • is the ability to perform an activity for

a long period of time, either in repeated repetitions or to hold a position for a length of time– Produces “burn” in muscles– Builds long, lean muscles, muscle tone– ANAEROBIC exercise (without oxygen)


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Examples of Muscular Endurance training exercises

- Weight lifting: high repetitions, low weight– (3 sets of 15-20 repetitions)

– Body resistance exercises (curl-ups, push ups, crunches, squats, lunges, plank, all core exercises)

• Ie. 3 sets of 30 crunches, 3 sets of 10 pushups, etc.

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• the amount of energy a muscle can produce usually in one repetition.– Short, powerful workouts– builds big, bulky muscles– ANAEROBIC exercise (without oxygen)– BRAINSTORM EXAMPLES

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Examples of Muscular Strength training

• Weight lifting: heavy weight, low repetitions• Intervals of powerful, short-duration

movements:– Jumping, sprinting, throwing, striking activities

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• ability to move a joint through its full range of motion.– How far can you stretch?

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Examples of Flexibility training exercises

Dynamic stretching: pre-activity– Stretching by moving through range of motion

• Knees up, bum-kicks, squats, “A’s” and “B’s”

Static Stretching: post-activity-being still while stretching and holding

stretch for extended period of time ie. 3 sets of 30 seconds

• quad stretch, triceps’ stretch, calf stretch

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BODY COMPOSITION • is body mass, percent body fat, lean muscle mass

and body type.– Your body type will not change but you can make any

body look good by getting FIT!

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FITT FORMULAFrequency, Intensity, Time, Type

-a formula to show me how I can train in order to improve any

Component of Fitness

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FREQUENCY• Refers to the number of training sessions done in one


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• Refers to how hard the individual must work during a training session

• Measured using your heart rate (beats per minute/ bpm)– Take pulse to measure

heart rate • Take pulse for 10 sec and

multiply by 6 to get bpm

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• The amount of time spent in each single training session: – Ie. “today I will run for 25 minutes”

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• The specific kind of exercise that will be done

• There will be more than one type of exercise that can be done to improve performance in each component of fitness– Each exercise must be related to the

end goal though • ie. Doing situps will not improve your

pushup scores

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Name: _ _________________

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) = 220- Age

Your Maximum Heart Rate = 220- _ _ _ _ _ _

=_ _ _ _ _ _ bpm* The Target Training Zone to improve your Cardiovascular Fitness is

60%-85% of Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) __________________ ___________________________________ __ Your Calculations: (use back of sheet for rough work) 60% of MHR= .60 x _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ bpm 85% of MHR= .85 x _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ bpm

During exercise, you would take your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply this number by 6 to calculate the beats in a minute.

Working at the lower end of your training zone is for relatively sedentary individuals. If you are more fit, you should aim to work at a higher percentage within the zone.

To sum up: 60-85% of Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) is the optimal

zone for training

____ ___________________________

THEREFORE: My target training zone for improving cardiovascular fitness is

(_____% -___ __%)= _______ - _ ___ __bpm

which is the equivalent of _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ beats in 10 seconds

*Heart Rate is measured in beats per minute (bpm).

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MY GOALSIn order to set a goal for yourself (in this case, a fitness goal), it should meet the following criteria:

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• What is the specific component of fitness and specific fitness test that you are working to improve?

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MEASURABLE (give it a number)

• Provide a specific number for your goal

• For example:20 push ups7 laps8 minutes

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A ATTAINABLE (is it possible?)• Will you be able to

achieve this goal?• How will you achieve it?

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R REALISTIC (is it probable?)

• Is this a realistic goal for you?

• Is it within your fitness capabilities?

• Why do you think so?

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T TIME FRAME (when will it be complete?)

• Set a date by which you will have achieved your goal.

• For our purposes, it will be by the next round of fitness testingFallWinterSpring