Fit Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Self care, management ... Care... · Fit Your Own Oxygen Mask...

Fit Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Self care, management, leadership for youth sector leaders 1 Meredith Turnbull: Adaptive Projects [email protected] @turnbulletin 0437 880 010

Transcript of Fit Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Self care, management ... Care... · Fit Your Own Oxygen Mask...

1 Fit Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Self care, management, leadership for youth sector leaders 1

Meredith Turnbull: Adaptive Projects [email protected] @turnbulletin 0437 880 010


Self Care

Self-care refers to activities and practices that we can engage in on a regular basis to reduce stress and maintain and enhance our short- and longer-term health and well-being.

Self-care is also necessary for you to be effective and successful in honouring your professional and personal commitments.



Management & Leadership 3

Management... maintaining an organisation’s functioning in line with the organisation’s goals.... not so much about delivering services, but in ensuring an organisational context that enables others to provide services efficiently and effectively... coping with complexity


Management & Leadership 4

Leadership is defined broadly as influencing task, objectives and strategies, influencing commitment and compliance in task behaviour to achieve these objectives, influencing group maintenance and identification, and influencing the culture of an organisation... coping with change


Assumption 1: You come first 5


Assumption 2: Self aware, not self-centred



Assumption 3: Good intentions are not enough



Assumption 4: Perspective is everything



Assumption 5: Management matters


As one moves up in an organisation, one has to deal with issues of increasing complexity and are usually given the authority/ power to take charge and make decisions (Jaques & Clement, 2002)


Assumption 6: Head & heart cannot be separated



What Employees Need 11

1.  Clarity of expectations + basic materials + equipment

“is the organisation helping me understand the ultimate outcomes and supplying me with what I need to get it done?”

2.  Employees feel that they are contributing to the organisation

“I can frequently apply my strengths to the required tasks” “I frequently get recognition for my good work”

•  A sense of belonging to something beyond oneself

“My opinions are heard and I am involved in decisions that impact me” “I can see the connection between my work and the organisation’s mission” “I have friendships at work”

•  A chance to progress and learn continuously

“I can discuss learning needs with my manager” “I can see opportunities to progress my career”


Gallup Workplace Audit 12

1. Do I know what is expected of me at work?2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right?3. At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?4. In the last seven days, have I received recognition or praise for doing good work?5. Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person?6. Is there someone at work who encourages my development?7. At work, do my opinions seem to count?8. Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my job is important?9. Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work?10. Do I have a best friend at work?11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to me about my progress?12. This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

(5 = strongly agree 1 = strongly disagree 6 = do not know or N/A)


What experts say staff need

Basic abilities (talent & effort)

+ Coherent sense of self

(identity, purpose, direction)

+ Self-care

(incl. exercise, nutrition & sleep)



More from the experts 14

The enemy of high performance is the “absence of disciplined, intermittent recovery” Find ways to oscillate between energy expenditure (stress) & energy renewal (recovery) allows people to approach their Ideal Performance State more often Oscillation is promoted by rituals...

Loehr & Schwartz (2001)

Comfort Zone

Productive Zone Danger Zone

Danger Zone


Burnout? Adapted from model originally seen during Sydney Leadership program.

Practice Wisdom: Energy Zones


What Managers Need To Do 16

1.  Be a manager - know what role you are playing - ensure staff know the role you are playing - and, know what you are not: a friend, a parent, a counsellor, a dumping ground

2.  Be consistent - you are responsible for all staff, regardless of your preferences - you are responsible for all programs regardless of your preferences - you must be seen to be applying the same processes to everyone

3.  Be process driven - pathway from A-B must be defined, monitored, adapted and consequences (rewards & reprimands) - meetings: warning, agenda, minutes, outcomes, deadlines, decision making

4.  Be accountable & boundaried - everything is documented, followed up on and, jointly agreed to decisions

5.  Ask more questions than provide answers (especially of your bosses)

6.  Model acceptable & positive behaviour


Losing Heart (according to Heifetz & Linsky Leadership on The Line)



Innocence & imagination Cynicism Realism

Curiosity & doubt Arrogant certainty Authoritative knowledge

Compassion Callousness Thick skin of experience


Change vs Transitions 18

•  Change - an event that is situational - when the old stops - and the new starts

•  Transition -  the experience of gradual, psychological reorientation. -  a internal process of responding and adapting to external

change -  may result both from actual change, and the awareness

that change is imminent - before change starts.

19 19


Transitions take time & emotion 20


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Meredith Turnbull: Adaptive Projects [email protected] @turnbulletin 0437 880 010

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