
Bulletin of Nuclear Veterans and Children fissionline This story can fit 175-225 words. The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized in- formation to a targeted audi- ence. Newsletters can be a great way to market your product or service, and also create credibility and build your organization’s identity among peers, members, em- ployees, or vendors. First, determine the audience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit from the information it con- tains, for example, employees or people interested in pur- chasing a product or request- ing your service. You can compile a mailing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, business cards collected at trade shows, or membership lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a company. If you explore the Publisher catalog, you will find many publications that match the style of your newsletter. Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help deter- mine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length. It’s recommended that you publish your news- letter at least quarterly so that it’s considered a consistent source of information. Your customers or employees will look forward to its arrival. GRAPPLE Y : SMOKING GUN Inside Story 2 Inside Story 2 Inside Story 2 Inside Story 3 Inside Story 4 Inside Story 5 Inside Story 6 GRAPPLE Y is the only atmospheric nu- clear bomb test for which we have docu- mentary proof of:- FALLOUT. Official AWE documents prove there was wide- spread radioactive contamination, 300 times internationally agreed safe limits, after the blast. RAINOUT. Met Of- fice reports prove Grapple Y caused a thunderstorm result- ing in rainfall (rainout) contaminat- ing thousands of men. CANCER. Powerful statistical evidence relating to the 3,722 servicemen on the island at the time of Grapple Y shows lev- els of cancers in both they and their off- spring to be many times the average. LIES. Politicians and the Ministry of De- fence have consis- tently denied there was contamination on Christmas Island. * John Urquhart’s analysis on page 2.


bulletin of nuclear veterans and children

Transcript of fissionline

Page 1: fissionline

Bulletin of Nuclear Veterans and Children NEWSLETTER DATE


This story can fit 175-225


The purpose of a newsletter

is to provide specialized in-

formation to a targeted audi-

ence. Newsletters can be a

great way to market your

product or service, and also

create credibility and build

your organization’s identity

among peers, members, em-

ployees, or vendors.

First, determine the audience

of the newsletter. This could

be anyone who might benefit

from the information it con-

tains, for example, employees

or people interested in pur-

chasing a product or request-

ing your service.

You can compile a mailing

list from business reply cards,

customer information sheets,

business cards collected at

trade shows, or membership

lists. You might consider

purchasing a mailing list from

a company.

If you explore the Publisher

catalog, you will find many

publications that match the

style of your newsletter.

Next, establish how much

time and money you can

spend on your newsletter.

These factors will help deter-

mine how frequently you

publish the newsletter and its

length. It’s recommended

that you publish your news-

letter at least quarterly so that

it’s considered a consistent

source of information. Your

customers or employees will

look forward to its arrival.


Secondary Story Headline

Special point s of interest:

Briefly highlight y our point of inter est here.

Briefly highlight y our point of inter est here.

Briefly highlight y our point of inter est here.

Briefly highlight y our point of inter est here.

Inside th is issue:

Inside Story 2

Inside Story 2

Inside Story 2

Inside Story 3

Inside Story 4

Inside Story 5

Inside Story 6

GRAPPLE Y is the

only atmospheric nu-

clear bomb test for

which we have docu-

mentary proof of:-

FALLOUT. Official

AWE documents

prove there was wide-

spread radioactive

contamination, 300

times internationally

agreed safe limits,

after the blast.


fice reports prove

Grapple Y caused a

thunderstorm result-

ing in ra infa l l

(rainout) contaminat-

ing thousands of men.

CANCER. Powerful

statistical evidence

relating to the 3,722

servicemen on the

island at the time of

Grapple Y shows lev-

els of cancers in both

they and their off-

spring to be many

times the average.

LIES. Politicians and

the Ministry of De-

fence have consis-

tently denied there

was contamination on

Christmas Island.

*John Urquhart’s

analysis on page 2.

Page 2: fissionline


Caption de-

scribing pic-

ture or


Stats Supremo John Urquhart Explains Why Y

For more than thirty years, there has been concern that British servicemen exposed to British nuclear tests in the 50s and 60s may have suffered long term health effects in both themselves and their descendants. Their concern has been re-jected hitherto by the British government using the following arguments: Government epidemiology studies did not support the claim. Radiation exposure at the tests was too low to cause signifi-cant effects. Estimates of increased numbers of cancers and birth defects were based on individual veterans reporting adverse health effects which may have caused reporting bias. The government epidemiological studies have been criticised on several grounds, including the possibility that they over-estimated the total number of men attending the tests, and that comparison of leukaemia rates with a contemporary Brit-ish population was invalid because of the 'healthy worker' effect. In 2008, the Rowlands team in New Zealand used new chromosome analysis techniques to investigate biomarkers for past radiation exposure. The team found that New Zea-land frigate crews monitoring fallout from the Christmas Island nuclear tests had three times the level of chromosome translocations in their DNA compared with control groups drawn from the army and police force with the same ages as the frigate crews. At a subsequent inquiry in 2008, Mr Justice Foskett concluded that this difference was most likely to be due to exposure from nuclear fallout from the tests, even though the frigate crews had been stationed more than 40km away from Christ-mas Island. This inquiry reopened the possibility that fallout from one or more of the nuclear tests had exposed men to much greater levels of internal radiation through ingestion and inhalation than had previously been suspected. The question still remained as to how this evidence could be demonstrated. In his book ‘Between Heaven and Hell’, Alan Rimmer demonstrated that a particular test, Grapple Y, was associated with heavy rainfall soon after the experiment. It is well-known that ‘washout’ from radioactive clouds can considerably increase background radiation and produce radioac-tive particles that can be ingested or inhaled. In 2009, to test his suspicions about Grapple Y, he revisited his 2003 inves-tigation, in which he had interviewed the families of test veterans to find out about births defects in the grandchil-dren. When he looked at this data, he discovered that although the total number Grapple Y veterans was less than one quarter of the total number of nuclear test veterans, a very high proportion of the reported cases in his data were for grandchildren of the Grapple Y attendees: 74 out of 108. He then contacted me for my comments. I told him that the probability of arriving at this figure by chance was vanishingly small, but that from a scientific point of view, it was not proof. The result, however, could form the basis of a prior hypothesis which could then be tested by looking at the re-porting figures for the previous generation. Rimmer had access to over 3,000 reports, and subsequently, we were able to show that Grapple Y attendees reported ill health conditions, including cancer and skin disorders, four times more often than attendees of other nuclear tests. This discrepancy was even greater in the grandchildren, with a ratio of eight-to-one. On the other hand, veterans who had been recorded with no ill effects showed a straightforward one-to-one ratio in reporting. Until these findings, the continuing secrecy of the British government about the nuclear tests was only penetrated by Alan Rimmer’s continuing research. Prior to then, no one suspected that any one particular test was more dangerous than another. This ignorance created ideal conditions for an epidemiological study. Because of this secrecy, the report-ing ratio could be due only to a particular adverse effect associated with Grapple Y.

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picture or


Forget Los Alamos: Mold is Where it all Began




Thirty years ago on May 5th, 1983, a group of nuclear veterans got together to form the British Nuclear Test Veterans’ Association. Founded by a tenacious Scot the BNTVA had the MoD shivering in its boots and set politicians vying with each for the veteran’s support. Sadly those glory days are gone and the veter-ans are now being urged to beg for scraps from the MoD’s table. Happily, however, there are those who refuse to bend the knee, and in the vanguard of keeping the flag flying is the Anglian Branch who have just returned from Christmas Island where they distributed gifts of toys and money to native children. The money was collected at the funeral of former RAF man David Penney who served on the island in 1957. His widow Barbara accompanied several veterans to honour the memory of her late husband.

Happy Birthday Britain’s Brave Nuclear Veterans

The Supreme Court decision is, of course, a concern to all involved and I for one do not believe the judgement of the majority of judges was correct but for the time being the judgement stands. We are actively engaged in an appli-cation to the European Court of Hu-man Rights but unfortunately that is a slow process. The application was lodged in September 2012 and the court has until September 2013 to decide if it will admit the claim for the hearing. The primary thrust of the application is to resolve the funding issue which has two facets, the cost of proceeding with the claims of the 1,002 claimants who have not been held to be out of time and – perhaps

more importantly – obtaining insur-ance cover so that IF the case should ultimately be lost then the claimants will not face claims for costs by the MoD which is a situation none of the claimants would accept. We are still awaiting the decision of the Pension Appeal Tribunal on the 16 cases recently heard. I hope we will have a decision in May but I do not know. Not a day goes by without my in-volvement in the VETS case in one way or another! I am sure that one day the truth will out – the question is when that day will be. I can only say that I hope the claim-ants stand firm in their resolve which, from the many letters I receive from

claimants and interested parties, I am sure they will. I cannot comment on particular is-sues but can assure you the issue of the ionising radiation claims is NEVER far from my thoughts with new science being monitored etc.

Neil Sampson From Rosenblatts Explains Why

Lurking in a nature reserve in a Welsh

valley, this sinister collection of buildings

is all that is left of Britain’s greatest war-

time secret: the Atomic Bomb. The first

A-bomb might have been put together at

Los Alamos in 1945, but a full three years

before British scientists made the vital

breakthrough when they separated the

isotope U235 in “Building 45” at the top

secret complex a few miles outside Mold

in North Wales. Chemists from ICI to-

gether with metallurgists from Metro

Vickers put in all the donkey work while

boffins from Birmingham and Liverpool

Universities took care of the theory. Prin-

cipal among these was the East German

immigrant Klaus Fuchs who was wel-

comed in Britain after fleeing the Nazi

holocaust sweeping Europe. Fuchs stayed

with other scientists in some style in a

requisitioned mansion near the site and

had his own office in Building 45. Nobel

Laureate Sir James Chadwick was in

charge of the project and took Fuchs

under his wing. Fuchs later betrayed the

West’s hospitality by handing A-bomb

secrets to Stalin.

Neil Sampson Supreme Court

Anglian veterans with some of the gifts they took to Christmas Island.

Page 4: fissionline

Primary Business Address

Your Address Line 2

Your Address Line 3

Your Address Line 4

ISSUE 4. May 2013

The Authentic Voice of Britain’s

Nuclear Veterans and Children Contact: [email protected]

Your fissionline just gets longer and longer!

Since it was set up two months ago its circulation has

increased 10-fold with inquiries about it coming in from

all over the world. If you want to join the fissionliners

all you have to do is email us. It’s free!

Rt. Hon David Cameron

Prime Minister May 2013.

Dear Mr Cameron,

We have not yet received a reply to our letter of two

weeks ago when we urged you to intercede on behalf of

Britain’s nuclear veterans as your illustrious predecessor

Margaret Thatcher pledged.

We know you have been busy running the country and the

problems of a dwindling band of Cold War warriors are

not high on your list of priorities, but a response would be


Yours Sincerely


Your business tag line here.

1957. It was just one of hundreds of A-

bombs detonated by the USA and a total

of 250,000 troops were present to witness

them all. Years later many of those troops

got sick, and the men present at Smoky

were no exception. As in Britain in the

early 1980s, American nuclear veterans

became embroiled in a bitter fight for

compensation with the Government, but

like Thatcher, the Reagan administration

refused to budge. Then along came a

hotshot attorney called Cooper Brown

from the gambling town of Las Vegas

and invited the US vets to take the big-

gest gamble of their lives. He persuaded

them to forget about the 250 or so at-

mospheric nuclear teats and concentrate

on just one — Smoky. The reason for

this was that Brown had got hold of a

powerful piece of research by a university

which found that 10 men of the 3,224

that attended Smoky had contracted leu-

I want to tell you a story about a bomb

called Smoky. Smoky was big, 45kt, and

she was exploded by the Americans at

Yucca Flats, Nevada, on August 31st,

Caption describing

picture or graphic.

kaemia. This was more than three times

the norm, and armed with this Cooper

Brown hammered away at the govern-

ment and refused to be diverted. Finally

he forced a Congressional hearing which

eventually found in favour of the nuke

vets. Reagan caved in and signed off a

generous compensation package for ALL

of America’s nuclear veterans afflicted by

a wide-range of illnesses. We’ve got our

own Smoky in Britain. It’s called Grapple

Y and there is more than enough evi-

dence to prove it was a rogue bomb that

contaminated hundreds of men. Veter-

ans need to take fast action if they are not

to be consigned to the dustbin of history,

a basket-case charity, reduced by age and

apathy to an impotent force. Perhaps

what we need now is a “Cooper Brown”

to take on the British Government.

Someone to brandish Grapple Y like a

sword of justice. Any offers?

Smoky and the Gambler

Hot Rods: Sightseers at Smoky

Between Heaven and Hell: The shocking true story off Britain’s bomb tests. Paperback (with pics) £9.99 + pp. Kindle £3.23