First Scripts

Ink pills Rosana Cortez Noguera 0


Sadly files, seems as you were disgusting in wrong circles As if your conscience do the act to live your life But you ,crying out, weirder words became so raging And the lonely victim is your nerve when you say goodbye. Leave these sad ways, live each day as it was the first day In this planet we’re the one who can replace All our distant suffered grounds made of decisions You decide. You have the right to proclaim your valious faith.

Transcript of First Scripts

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Ink pills

Rosana Cortez Noguera


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You and your photographWith this, your musicWith your lovely voice,Filling up every one of my fibs.

You, in a boat just to reach the sand,Anxious and hopeful,Waiting for something to happen.Something to happen.

And me, softening myself in cherished times.Tuning me up with every word, every gleam.


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I could be a stranger on this land.

Closer, we are in the sandJust for a loving tuneInto the meerchaum of love.

Let me wet my lips My soul and being Into your sea waves.

Meet me at the beginning of the sea...


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The anatomic dark spring covers

itself with a dense and thrilling air.


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The moon, hidden and evading

shelters the trees, still naked.

The murder walks alone,

throughout an accomplice and confident

square, meanwhile his victims, who don

´t know yet of the silence, are captured

of scaring. They don´t foretell of the

danger which lie in amburn for their


A cold spring, that moon which

lighten the trees, houses and cars.

The murder walks alone by a dark



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Two lovers lie in some different beds;Another lives, beside their company,Another trees below their houses.

Two lovers feel some special attractionBetween them.Just a tear drop when they say goodbye and go apart;Just without seeing to the emptiness of the sight of their eyes,Below the crying feeling inside for not keeping together.

Just two lovers at the moment of saying a possible goodbye;Over a stairAt a hallOf a cloudy airport...


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Just two lovers saying goodbye.

First goodwill


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Before the vault of my sorrow I wake upAnd with all my furyI dare my first goodwill.

Before the doors of the autonoumous perceptionI growAs an unwaken spiritI walk,For the eyes of my passion have opened big wide.

I ´m not the only one who stands alone,And I think That reality is astonished lightAnd songs show themselves unbalancedBefore the Holy justiceUnshaken before its own still.



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Everyone run towards the same door in chainsAs cats who imprisoned shut an inner pressure.

Even though I think that happiness is certainSkillful liquids of a city in melancholies are left apart soonHeavenly white of laughings we areThat before the sight of God, attend...


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Wing which go ahead,An accompany.The fact of knowing I ´m not alone,Maybe proximately you made me cry.

An unknown discharge opened your chest,And I fell down in a sign of bravery,I screamed, run fast to assist you;But the dawn which was covered slowSaw in your death the worst reproach.

And I won ´t forget that obscured sunFor the vastness of the night


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Even now finds me aloneWithout my wing which go aheadMy absent accompanyAnd I ´m still pained.


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Wool crosses painted with my hand.Time becomes hurry in this placeUnneaty and nasty;As any drawer box somewhere, thus.



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Your voice burn all my pleasure howling meAlmost without plint,From the near key drop from my fear.

My flesh, soothen as a unlitten horizon,Fondle time nearly closed in my hands,That make asleepy every instant of loving together,In this, our obscurity.

And our peace, which from your lips follow myself among your words,Sing a song of an inmense joyfullyWithin our lone friendship and our untasted love.

And you;: Where are you set on?


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I like that somebody stop meIn the seeking of another beingWho share with me These my lines.

I like to share them with you.


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And even though I keep the fear of seeing you written hereAnd seeing you depart thus as you have arrivedI cannot help to dedicate this hurtng potion for me And this intangible surprise for youIn this so wished moment.

So wished.

And I still dare to say to youThat I am beginning to love you.I don´t know how it occured But I ´m beginning to need youJust as lovers doWithout minding about time.

I want you.



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I´m hoping for, in this exact instant, such cosmic as every or anyone, something


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I will find. Linden Tree tea I´ll drink till I die and will burn without this crouching thirsty.

Yes... Nothing is useless nor vain, everything it´s made thinking in that irreproachable that every being has in its soul... (of chess... Maybe?)

When? That´s his question, looking at his hands made of nails and wool, as a magnet which everything it sticks, knitting some secret wish and at last: Ending? Thought.

And me, here, closed among my wraps, I take a glance at you from the far away while I tell you:

Can we take a ride today?

Can we?


The anything...


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Day pressure

I stop.Walk, run, go anything, I stir.Tobacco.I go.Soul vissisitudes.Noisy fingers.Splashing nerves in this smoky pleasure screaming silently:I wanna smoke!And, relief.Afterwards,The custom.Habits.With a glass of water the boundness begins again.Accompany.And my already ulcered lungs of this agonic noisyment.They ask me for oxigen.


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This one that I fetch in this painted paper stick.I glance.Fear.Death.Then I leave out, or I pretend to leave.And again the strugle amidst what I want to do and what my body wants.And I stop again.Tubes.Tanned blood.Nicotine which it´s breathed in my own air.As if my only way of organic expansion would be a Le Mans.Youth.Roll my years.Vicious.My erosioned and dirty skin announces the present pleasure.Insensitive.Machines.This unique pleasure.Pain.


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My flesh.Time.And after paramedical vans.Letal disease.Knowing myself anxious at the end of my life.Fear.Speed.-We couldn´t do anything for her-I die.Tunnels.And I don´t know where I am.Instantly.


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In love

How could I kiss you?

So, so soflty than the taste of the petal of a


With its smell, just only with its colour?

Hardly could I do this now

For I find myself jailed between my bows,

Those which tie my plint heart forgiving all

that lived.

How could I cherish you thus?

And being brave before your glance?


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Without falling postrated before your


Hardly could I do this now.

So, if I, so much loving you

Dressed in black I am

With my mildewed hair now for so

restrained crying,

Just only I could say a thing:

I love you and there is not more reason left

to live.

I love you.


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The wind

The wind as a spray birdAs a storm after the calmness.


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Wild he walks lonely, over an uncertain jungleAs a sea into the anything, now of dark and solid abysess.

His heaves seems quietly, to be sleepy to his honour.Trembling I got waken up, anxious to his path now.Circumstances invade my precious whisper hankingAs a fay without its master, who doesn´t know the hollow noises.

Quiet he is sailing, thoughout that sea in the anything.He seems to dream his own dream, which for so dreaming forgetsAnd me steadly I tremble, to each word pronounced.,Of saying goodbye, sipping between teardrops.


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And this is the beginning, of a love without laces;Without a so wished starting, as an empty glass of water.It´s the darkness of the angel, who ´s forgotten in my bellyAs the sun between the old leaves, which some time long ago has been mine.


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It rained.A thunder woke me up, suddenlyThus, as an effaced silence.

I got out of bed,And nearly without waiting, the rain found meAlmost naked.

A broken pauseDarken asleep raided at my stepWith the windows aroundAn unhabitated room.

It´s my space.

And with the doors almost lockedI howled your name,


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As a hidden keyI touched your hands, which so so softMultiply your gifts of beatitude.

And my margins,Shut between our arms,They sing a song of an inmense happiness;Between the power of the nightAnd our own lonelyness.


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Nobody sleeps, dreaming my dreamsbecause my cause is uneasy.I´ m not a fast girl, my eyes can see everythingthough that affirmation isn ´ t easy to reveal.

Living my life, facing the downloadsBecause all I´ ve seen is unquietnesshinting a smile, you know that´ s a lie while desperation becomes your best friend.


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Only God knows we´ ve got to be strongwe only know we ´ve got to clean up our souls and feelingsAll I´ve truely said is I discovered loveonto the sigh of your sight.


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Come in,Inspirit my night.Try to set on fire my watchfulness;Waiting for you I stand,With my hands wet for this untilled grieving.With the tears dry for so incarcelated suffering.

Come on,Kindle my day.Make shining this, my hidden maud day.Waiting for you I am;


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Somewhere in a dwelling of my soul,Still like the breeze of the dawn.

Come on,Cover my waiting; Don´t you stop any longer.Here I wait with this life which leads on toInhospitable feelings.

I love you.



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PerhapsPerhaps you don’t know what to do or what to tell Mesmerized I spilt my face around this truthWay of grieving, you ask your dad what’s going on hereWhile you only rest and live on through.Money, filthy money when you[re out dearSchemed drugly hollow when your life seem to be far,And me, I’m connecting the pollution meanwhile smoke becomes my best friendComing back to my return leaving my mad forms to get away.

Because you, persons in souls are wasting your words in your violent slips awayWords like files when I try to take you advisedIt would be better if you try not to live their same lives thirty years after


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Don[t be hidden on a body scared for love.

Sadly files, seems as you were disgusting in wrong circlesAs if your conscience do the act to live your lifeBut you ,crying out, weirder words became so ragingAnd the lonely victim is your nerve when you say goodbye.

It’s so clear, I understand , we’ re such a noisyWith our cigarettes the last game is here to playDon’t you Enclose yourself in bottles which don’t trace you to nowhereIt[s not our fault if this troubled world undistracted our moans and gloomy thoughts

For all of my unimagined view of forced realism I must tell you that you can make an effortFor the first time, you fought for living and now you’ll dream outNot so loud, until your dreams come in to the way of your touch.Awake you will find the real causeFor our cause is to breath our breezeCalmly aside this desperate glimmersNot to fib to a fall refugee.

Leave these sad ways, live each day as it was the first day


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In this planet we’re the one who can replaceAll our distant suffered grounds made of decisionsYou decide. You have the right to proclaim your valious faith.

But be quiet, gentler you’ ll find much more actionLove each other and understand who we areDon’t blame no one for your faults because you’ re tempantAnd you ll feel relieved being secure for doing your best part..

Happy times wait for you in every momentat the instant you are managed to feel yourself freeand you ll. be softer as if you were a breeze on this windstormand you’ll be learnt to decide for yourself with the best that you have inside yourself.,



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The river floating over your lips,When the wind ´ s coming into your hair,Where we muttered our names; in only a breathing.

Landscapes of hollow, you know, and Therefore a sun ray, illuminating our faces.

I ´d rather be there,While you lift me with your feet,Just for a walk Inside out, in this dusty city.

Buenos Aires and us.Like cars as fishesRunning almost hungry and thirsty.The same thirst of the water from the river we drinkDay by day, in only a sight,


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Standing by each other onto the secret we keep.Through the thick and thin,Always together,On this compromise of love.


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An unequal love nearly thrown apart in pieces,An inexistent jest;s: some empty faces.Happiness is a file that harms you sometimes,And it doesn’t let you sleep.Faces of fantasy acomplished.And one passion. That one which make you Whisper when you’re thoughtlessAnd clouds your sight when you believe it Disappeared.-´Really,I enjoyed this very much´-thought for myself;


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-´...and from all I wished for real only there´s an illusion left...´-The idiot smiles meanwhile sketches a sad frown;And he runs, bound for unknown places butAlready seen, while a sense of homesicknessThat didn´t make him cry yet,Is born from his heart, torn in twoFrom the anything...


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I don´t want to see your face

All that time we´ve been togethercould give us an air of freshnesswas not your desire, was not your dreamand I don´t wanna go against your stream.


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The truth is I ´m sinking for youfor all the sweetest lies you meant to meand I fall apart, trying to do some efforttrying to not hurt you anymore.

That´s why I decide for myselfDon´t want to see your face anymoreAnd time will go by, tranquilityresting my heart in peacegiving over this relationship.

We were mates since we were youngsweet little guys with anxiety of learning...Apart of this worldFuriously As it were the only land to scape from our damaged aim.

And we try o’ get apart on our own,Trying to carry on missing our historyBut we crashed onto their own reality And decided to go apart,And there´s nothing to do without


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These lonely feelings;But I knowWe never did this As something wrong.

I hope you to remind me...




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A magical custom which scatter just to opening the eyes.My absent company in lonely times.

Traces.The light snap us from the faceAnd one hope suits itselfWhilst the world keeps going on with its nimble rhythmMeanwhile our hearts beat abundantly.

And me,So hard in my dreams as herself go,Spinning an elusive dance I standWithout a promise of eternity I come upThrough a nearly infinite sky shylish,With my hands full of neaty nets.

And my sea,As wild as his tide continuesUnseasonable and lifhtfulWithout mirages at least


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That, underneath the dry ravineDance likewise his rhythm of lonely tuneHappily and presumptuously.

I /Part I


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I´m a real sad one,and this sadness could turn me away to you, maybe someday.

I`m just a lonely.

Every complaint would grin your eyes in blue, as every moment When you walk on by, over your wasted streetswith your suitcase full of filters.

And you mutter, claiming my name Or anyone else name in threads; stammering on my lipsWhen your touch is smoothing or rather doing something like this.When you`re also desirable and also quite touchy like me.


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You have run. Maybe for desperation or only a bad vibration.A useless limbs` decision or just a contradiction scheme.

And you walked down the madness and you went back in spite of your pride.And now we close our eyes and then the truest love is seen when we laugh.“...the sweetest thing I`ve ever had is seen by my side tonight;while chimneys sleepand my heart rests beating...


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Sleeplessness.Ideas which interlace eachother between walls.Shapes of a lineal thought, lucid and evading;Like a sun between the rosesNearly meerchaum beneath the sun.


And the dawn that comes chilling


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As a rostrum amidst the anything;Almost splinter of fear.

And me, still kicking boring timesAs a blown out match in space of growing up.

And you, trembling step by step in your lifeCreating eagerness in your beingLightning and clearAs a bird into the freedom.


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Songs of hope

Asleep night, Lights turn cloudy in shadowed eyes, like a deep sea that never has been sailed.

Red lips,


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my heart lead to where you are,and I don´t know how we didn´t talk about it..

Songs of hope.

Go ahead- a voice said to me,and the painting continues dry in my hand as a bloody glass over a blue bandanna...

A ring of yesterdays reminds me to a lonely land, mesmerized for your body; and I just don´t want to scape away from that dream.

Meet me in the halfway...


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Seasickness.The sight clouds and you are There,Ambulating through shadows.


Silence turns into an accompliceIn lonely times.


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That non -sensical enemy That lovers ignore.


A solitary sensation of anxietyFor everything to occur fastly;As the water in the dry soil.

Is a passion that I lock into my heart;Beating as a scary bird.

It´s the most meritorious fear,Believing you left away andFind you a step after.

Inmoving we standLike the dead sea between the crackling leaves;And we no longer can be this wayEither of us want or wish this.

However you let yourself dazzleFor invisible gleamsAnd you let me tearingBetween sluggish sheetsUnderneath the hanking of having you, for meOnce more again..


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I Part IIApologises of someone who has found its trace

I must declareI was a real sad one ,and that sadness could turn me away to you,scared jest for a day forthwith.


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I was just a lonely.I must confess thatEvery complaint would grin my eyes in bluewhile during every moment when I walked on by from my wasted streetswith my suitcase full of filters,you nourished me and mutterish claimed my name, softly and quiet.I´ve got to support on my inner mess in threads.But you were stammering without my lips.Safely, at last I feel your touch smooth, softening Or rather doing something like this. And you`re also desirableAnd also quite touchy like me.And fortunelyI have found myself in your sightfrom that, my filthy waitinesscaused only for my own thought.Nearby for desperationOr only a bad vibration.

An accustomed limbs`decisionOr only a contradicion scheme.between me and this worldNone made sense inside of me.

And you, strong tall tree,You have to walk down these hard waysthrough the madness going slower on and on, clover, forgiving always my awful pride.


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And now we closesmell our eyes strenght, with all our aired breathcarry our life aforth, without any gristly gripped reflect.

And now The truest love is seen in ourselves when we laugh.

...the sweetest one I`ve ever been withis seen by my side tonight

while chimneys sleepand my heart rests beating...



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I don´t believe that feeling good would be

just that we need,

Because that it gets after having calculated

unknown of equalities.

It´s clear, we are two equations

incalculately sad

Relationated by an equal;

It´s just we ought to get an only result.


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And yet the only thing we did is try to


Our doubts without minding the other



And that will never be possible

We will get different results, certaintly.

Because we feel that water drown us

And the sea has not salt for support us yet,

The new back waters of love...


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Night I

Cloudless and diaphanous nightFor an adult without a past regarded,Without a soft feeling to find.


The truth, it finds in little things,And lucubring a tiny thought I think about You ,or I ask myself:When?When did you get used to stand off reminding only the past grim grinningwhen someone else´s words advise you with other point of view?Whereas did you set your words into in the way you used to walkblaming on each other showing off some way out?

Either I love you, beings on extintion,but you extint your own race with your eyesseeing each other with the eyes of the anger


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without a feeling ashamed of your pride.

I care on your effort for living.

I thought of the laser with which they light medistracting myselfnevertheless I stop in my thought asking:When will we feel heartener?

Wilder, this world became in ragebecause owr own intolerance and racismmachism, feminismour own discoverance wait.

and no guilty have turn us athroatedour voices have still been heardour noises , pollutioned shoutedfor grace, showing us for our own respectable trace.

But Not any emptiness now deepens on me,now untire governs my own cryday by day, during this time of eagerBut no sore angel´d keep me underneath of the wrong.Neither hard tulles could make me scape to a false refugeeeven my own sometimes snare on this landevenwhile you don´t think on eachotherevenwhile I concern far for your own prongdying day by day, knives on wordswithout knowing why.


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Little nocturnal butterfly

Little nocturnal butterfly, don´t you draw near to me


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It seduces too much your brightnessIt bewildes me, and don´t let me sleep...

Little nocturnal butterfly, please don´t be talking like this to meYour sound made me deaf , I don´t like itYour words, files on knives on me...

And here I am in the same trendSometimes I Think I´m gonna dieScarcely I pronounce your nameI tell you: You´re gonna get out!

From my life, upside down you´d watch aroundAnd you liked to seem get nearWithout knowing I just wanna see you far...

Little nocturnal butterfly, I ask you: Why are you crying Like This?I´m just a white blind wall going onCoz I really wanted you, and you ´ve only left me thus.


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Little nocturnal butterflyOf silk, Why did you stare at me as you did?Yet, I cannot support my life failI only want to go out from here.

Break out


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Why can I not cry?If I know that you have lied to meCandidly?Things are clear now,And I can´t go back to an obscuredPast,Neither regards or moments found.

And that song,That is not already the sameVanishes itself underneath a pastWhich didn´t see me smile,Which didn´t reach that boundary.

And over a past, bittersweetelyI stop myself and I watch youFrom the farawayTo greet you,That greeting that Never arrivedNeither it went,


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Whilst mountainsJoin themselves in a clear silence.


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Wings.Shattered which go ahead.I fall down.From the most unforessen and inhabitated.I step.And my feet stave in the swampOf falling amidst lights not painted in purpuraSolely of flowers which colour my blood.

Indeed the sun give us lightAnd the fact is that our colour has detained.Only it takes to know which is its tone.( like a negative film).


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Hinting a smilehe fell into a sweet taste of fearand he stood stillas the youngest lover he isas the most cheerful people I´ve ever met.Oh! How thoughtless I am- I cried.and he stepped back to me with a kisswhen the trees were weepingand the flowers were shouting.I said:-I´ll lend you my guitarif only you put a thought in my tonesand I happily went down the lanes


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lonely and dusty, with the filthiest happinessI´ve ever felt.But I told him:-Only if you get encouraged to change my mindI will love you for ever-and he cried out only a word:Patience!And that miracle has brought mea haze full of shadowy tears of joywhen the birds are stealing my hairwithin a soft shade of quietness...


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HomesicknessHomesickness.Regards of an insensitive rhythmOf madness and fantasyHere,In a sordid and hidden place.

Words.Those which did not come back and went awayFrom a place open in two


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From an uncertain nothingWarm between magic.

Your voice resounds soft and sleepyWhich from the sunset screams me for forgiviving.That one that I never talk aboutNor mentioned any word.

Magic without reasonDreams without loveMourers which clatters in keyboards,From a sordid, hidden place.Palid before your remembranceOf telling goodbye.

Lost in the memory of a love without honey nor moons.Enamoured in dreams which has already waken into shadows;Besides the regard of your infinite love and your nonsensical presence,


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Which does not come back and it´ll never doFrom a place submissed and obscured.

From a place without you.

GhostGhost.You appear like a solemn beingSacrificing yourself


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For all that injustices.

Voices from the inner soulAn old or new song.

You are like a ghost.

Your sound mix a playAnd your tear drops will announce The end of the pleasure.

You have not a nameJust for to believe againSomething possible..

Who will sing your plintSo, so uselessly?Who will calm your thirstWhich has so many regrets stickedAnd hide itself an absolute silence?

Just as you seeYou are like a ghost.


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Like thusBitterly acceptedJust like thatThus have been mine.



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You hide away between the still of the nightWith your eyes nitid, your fresh sight.You go and you left me there,Lonely without chance for lose.Filter in hand, looking for any wordAny reason for not to depart.Burning my soul into poesy.

You hide away without knowing why.I guess an interview with the moon lightHugely your way of feeling mineEverything possible between my broken handsEverything impossible made with your lips.

You hide away without any chance for a glanceAnd then we play to the night gamesWhich spends loving and lonelyWith a touch of sweetness between your warm arms


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Between smoke, water and thirst.

Between the strange game of freedom.


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SometimesSometimes I would like to fondle you with my handsJust as you doOnly with your hands, with your music.

Sometimes I would like to die watching youWithout falling down with the monotony of my shynessWhich condemns me.

I really would like to slippers my lipsAnd kiss you like this, soflty and sweetly.I would like to share every word and every laughingEvery silence and every crynessIn every minute we stand together.

Because time is running out, dearAnd sounds don´t come up.


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We don´t emit from our voices anything we feel.And this mute lines increase this feelingsFlowing in me, turning into whispersWhich I can´t hide.

Because every little thing we didn´t tell eachother last nightStop me when I want to talkIn this silence of not telling youHow much I love you and need you.And I go with this hanking of turning this tint in factsFor the first timeIn these days of amazing spring.

I love you and there is no reason more for living than this.It´s all I feel about you and more.

It´s all I feel about you.


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You still disturb me.

You still disturb me

You still get me thinking by the things I´ve never needed long ago

And I`m still in judge.



You still disturb me,

And all my love life can decline for the things

You´ve never spoken


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And I don´t deserve this tightrofe life.


Coz I know both ourselves there was not

Neither a kiss or relationship known

And you´re still half- standing in present

And you don´t know I don´t need being stood out.


You still disturb me

And I can see the lines of fighting inside

For who at last don´t know me

the most rat- race persons as they are.


You still disturb me

And finally I could forget you under my threads

A person who takes in


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everyone who´s passing him by somehow.


I know ýou´re lost in a full scale appeal

And you don´t realise I don´t love you no more

And you keep, forced half- standing in present

For what it seemed loving at first sight..



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Faraway, so close.Closer than my own abyss.More even.

Your body rejects all my images of a next past.The past that I do not want to remember.

Your lips.

Words unreached.Your voice and mine playing without knouwing why.The running of an unknown time.And that past without coming back again.

I hope to come, to see you again.I hope without wishing anything in turn without you.


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In turn.Before the faraway.

And without you.


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Son of mine

The afternoon takes itself with youA warm pleasure of knowing youIn this squareFull of amazementSeeing you grow so, so fastly.

The afternoon takes itself with you Al its fright,Between your pimples and your smileOf a palid teenager budding forth.

The afternoon and you,Part of my being.The only lover of the laugh,Who I saw growing fastñy and hiddenAs a sunset in the summer.


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Because you, son of mineWho take all your giggles in my bellyCherishes you my amazed grievingOf believing gone away now,In this, my next future.

Because you, son of mineAlready born of our, my sweetness,You already are part of the windWhich blossoms of yourself in your soulFast and hidden,As every sunset in the summer.


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Strong as the whales

Perhaps I don´t know what to do or what to tellWhile he´s mesmerizing me with his brown-eyed sightAs soon as his flowing seas safe at lastAre spilling over me nourished drops in tunes of peace.


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Life´s coming out from this sense of closeAnd between thick and thinwe´re still growing slow Strong as the whales,Free ,climbing up the storesDetouring any wrong thoughtTrying to amend spillingOur own soul.Spending time as birds into this windstorm.

Strong as we ´ve never been.


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Night II

Dear thick waste of time.Dear unbrighty eyes full of fawning fays:today at the moment of smokingI proclaim my lucubring blindness, to you,friends of tender spired life.

I´ve told you,and so I repeat up to youthat life is not as theymean on a lie, concern;


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that old tongues on and on call themselves upto the end;smoothing company whilst they play with our time,spilling over themselves while doors get shut.

Dear food,dear plastic glassed white water,get us drunk, this town;get us boredshow us for,our musical words till we crawl,plumbering and flattering for this time of winebecause we have lost our trace of crimes.

And so

our parents would smile at us ,seeing us surewatching and stepping settled,but not alone, tall soothedthe trees they ´ve brought up,(in this world apart)onto those trade mark limbs,such happy as the most ancient gleam.

And we, while becoming adults children come up,and then,go to you, warming linking;


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we watch ourselves as images sharingthe hottest sweetnessin this touch of sparing.We see the lightness,we see the kindness in youthe most beautiful sight of light.

Dear love I

Dear love, quiet eyesDon´ t you know the moon is watching us, murmuring us with her light , seeing us sure and stood like a flag, breathing


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Sparing her time…

Shining her eyes carve into our most inner feelings.Our temporary bye it´ s looking for that getting nimbes to do what we need to doQuick as the rainWith which spoil drops of airTo find some other so eagerly wished aim. It will make us stronger.

Dear it´s passing by time and your leaves empty live to be free of this maud tune of sense,And I´m sorry for being seeming to be with you just to be filled for your jammed hush of heavens ...And it wasn’t like that As my heart has told long time ago, a lot of times beyond my thoughts spirits were talking.You, as me, just for the first time, we are loved


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Loved for the people who we love and for ourselves.The best interaction to feel.All we need is time.time and reflexion. The hailiest reflection I´ve ever litThat´ s why, as so as the moors´ re still spurringI tell youI love you as you areI´ll be never falling apart.. never broken heated...And so I let you think, on your own, to get your chance, to feel aliveYou depart.... decay of feellings...

I lay down.


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Dear love II

Dear love, quiet eyes, don ´ t you know the moon is seeing us,is your high tide looking the while that make us stronger

Dear it ´ s passing the time my leaves empty lives to be filled for your jamand my heart haunt all their thoughts spiritsand you were not talking to me ,all

let your night i want to fall up your sky


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just restless you depart from me and I lay downbecause of your silencebecause or infinitive cryingbecause of your dreaming out loud and you come out to the seaclouding over of me...

you depart out to me and I lay down...because I love you in wholeI love you in soulI love you decay of feelings,,,,



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Knives which nail time in a useless and cunning rhythm.

Steps who feel guilty to lose the accurate compass of cannot arrive to a digitally foretasted appointment.



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Violent givings of a bowed family, stretches of smoke violent and magnanimous.

I haven´t anything against my own vicious, indeed excess give us sometimes luminous effects, but it´s the death itself one who make us cry, when its desire get into our souls.

It´s the same nerve who pay day by day our own virtual decease.


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The sun is shining within my being.If I were you, I wouldn´t try to understand me.


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That´s because I´m no longer shy, no longer tired, No longer angry.

You.As the strenght of the sun,Weeping in silence for happiness, While the strangest feeling you´ve ever feltIs making you brighter.

As I had said, you´d better not to understand me.Just because love hasn´t got any explanation.And you, no longer sad, no longer confused,try to explain what you feel in many words,in a complex sentence in circles;Besides the lines of sweetness haunting in your eyes,


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show the most strangest feeling you´ve ever felt.

Don´t you know love hasn´t any explanation,And it wouldn´t be needed ?

On this way,If I were you, you wouldn´t try to understand me.