First Scene

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  • 8/6/2019 First Scene



    Dynamics, Kinetics, Mechanisms, Adverse Effects and Abuse

    Smithas dialog

    There are among worlds controversial drugs, not coke, heroin or crystal meth but

    anabolic steroid. Millions have used anabolic steroids, including that u least suspect. No

    drug was so reviled yet so misunderstood

    Anabolic steroid is banned in many country yet millions of peo ple using it illegally.

    Physiologist believe that steroid can push the physiologic limit of muscle, making it

    bigger, faster and stronger than it could get naturally

    Hence, In this unique pharmacology presentation, A DEDICATED TEAM OF FINAL


    We explore the




    Adverse Effects

    and Abuse of anabolic steroid

    SO , wat is anabolic steroid and how does the molecular structure look like

    SHAZ: Anabolic steroids, are drugs which mimic the effects of the hormones

    testosterone and dihydrotestosterone

    One liner and all once

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    The first steroid we will look at is testosterone, an androgenic steroid produced mainly in thegonads, and to a smaller extent, in the adrenal cortex. Testosterone has one of the simpler

    structures of all the steroid molecules:

    Nandrolone differs from Testosterone in only one aspect- the methyl (CH3) group has been

    removed from C10 and replaced by a hydrogen (not shown).

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    SMITHA: Now we explore how anabolic steroid interacts with humans physiologic

    response dynamics

    Steroids hormones are not water soluble; hence they travel in blood attached to protein

    carriers. When they reach their target cells, they dissociate from their protein carriers and pas

    through the plasma membrane of the cells. Some steroid hormones, bind to specific protein

    receptor in cytoplasm and move as hormone receptor complex into the nucleus. Other

    steroids travels directly into nucleus before encountering receptor protein which is not shown

    here . The hormone receptor protein activated by binding t0 the hormone, is now able to bind

    to specific region of the DNA which is known as hormone response element. The binding of

    hormone -0receptor complex has direct effect on the level of transcription at the site where

    mRNA produced which codes for synthesis of specific protein

    Great so how does anabolic steroid affect human body

    Before I answer this question I would like to explain the naturally building of muscle which

    is the protein synthesis process..Now observed closely ..

    Steroid affect the body by enhancing the natural process of muscle building, the key for

    building muscle is protein synthesis, and cellular repair.

    Skeletal muscle made of longfibrous chain, containing proteins; bundles of thousand of fibres make up the muscle itself.

    When an athlete engages in heavy workout, this structure is damaged causing mirotears in

    crossing fibres. The body naturally repairs the damage by mending the torn fibres, , the result,

    the muscle that is larger and stronger than before. With additional workout the athletes adds

    bulk, strength and speed. With steroid, muscle repairs can come faster, much faster,

    So you are telling steroid infers with the normal building of muscle

    Arvin yes .. in a specific way which im gonna illustrate in a while

    For unknown reason, when an athletes trains intensely, natural testosterone level in the body

    drop precipitously sometimes to the level of castrated man, the body also releases another

    hormones called glucocorticoids to reduce inflammation. But glucocorticoids have second

    effect, they are catabolic meaning they break down muscle tissue, its a double whammy

  • 8/6/2019 First Scene


    against the muscle, DROP IN TESTOSTERONE and increase in muscle wasting hormone.

    Steroid affects the hormone balance in 2 ways

    a) First the replenish testosterone, after a workout accelerating muscle repair,b) They also blocks muscle wasting effects of glucocorticoids, the results, the muscle is

    getting bigger and stronger. \

    c) For athletes, inhibiting these two roadblocks provides a huge advantage.

    IT comes.. It work and where does it goes WE have reaches the kinetics

    ADME ..

    Absorption usually via intramuscular injection . Oral where the lattercan

    cause more pronounce side effects.

    Distribution . Testosterone administered orally is rapidly absorbed, but it is largelyconverted to inactive metabolites, and only about 1/6 is available in active form



    intramuscular injection steroid will be released into systemic circulation in a particular

    time which varies according to each steroid types

    Metabolism :

    Usually Testosterone is converted in the body into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the liver

    using the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5-AR).

    During this reaction, the double bond between C4 and C5 is reduced to a single bond, and

    two new hydrogen atoms are added, one each to C4 and C5 .

    This applies to most steroids where it will be converted into its corresponding metabolites EGNandrolone into Dihydronandrolone

    Excretion.. urine la , wat else

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    The muscle building process is fantastic . Wat about the side effect

    Me .. im gonna explain in 2 part .. short term and long term ..

    Men may experience a number of cosmetics changes, they can include severe acne on the

    back, as well on the face

    Gynacomasteia, the accumulation of fat under the nipples causing the breasts to swell

    and testicular atrophy, the shrinking of testicles to half of their normal size,

    For woman, the androgenic, or the masculinising effects are more pronounced includimng

    male pattern baldness, growt of facial hair and even permanent deeping of voice, , te breast

    may also shrink , and the clitoris enlarged

    GOSHH thats is some serious side effects especially for womans Is these side

    effects permanent.

    Nope for guys it is reversible with the discontinuation of steroid use as their

    normal testosterone level increase. Unfortunately for females, most of side effects are


    Now we move into the permanent side effect

    On the outside the steroid user might just look bigger, more masculine but on the insidedoctors believe this could happen , one type of oral steroid have been linked to tumours and

    cancers of liver , others have suffered rare condition called peliosis hepatitis where blood

    filled cyst formed on liver and can ruptured causing internal bleeding .. Some studies also

    suggest that tumour also can form on kidneys , decreasing function , as the body losses the

    ability to filter the blood, toxin build up , lead to fluid retention , increased blood pressure and

    eventually kidney failure

    But even more alarming is the effects of steroid on the heart. Steroids can dramatically alter

    cholesterol level; increase the risk of heart attack and stroke

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    For years, doctor have suspected the link between steroids and heart problems

    Steroids lowers the levels of HDL cholesterol in the blood stream , which protects the hearts

    from cardiovascular heart disease

    Many steroid user may look perfectly healthy on the outside , but inside can tell a different


    Steroids can also dramatically raise bad cholesterol or LDL . this can cause the hardening of

    the artery and a significance built-up of plaks along the artery wall

    As plak cloughs the artery , blood flows is restricted .. if left unchecked it can cause a heart


    Likewise if any plaks breaks off.. it can lodge in smaller blood vessels causing a heart attack

    or stroke


    AT the 2006 summer Olympic Sydney the American tracking field star marion jones won 5

    medals sport world crowned her the greatest femal athelete in the world

    However in 2007 . she admitted to use steroid while training for summer game .. her world

    record were invalidated , her medals forfeited .. she later announces retirement in sport