First Attempts on Poetry

One of a Kind The heart A fickle force of nature It yearns, it hopes, it pleads It wants that which it cannot have It desires subjects That it knows will not reciprocate The same want, the same desire Yet the brain The antagonist, the nemesis For once agrees, concurs Wants much the same thing When the host of both The rat, the shy, the coward When that carcass steps forward And proclaims its heart’s desire That shell is suddenly elevated To the status of a hero If the subject reciprocates The same want, desire, hope That hero, whether or not He deserves such attention Is deemed by the herd of sheep lucky So, to the brave For doing that which We, the mortals Failed to do For charging forward And proclaiming that need I salute thee For you are a hero To the lucky, For experiencing euphoria Witnessing the shared want I applaud thee For you likely deserve Such an experience To the select few Who hold both titles I raise my cup to thee


Fruits of boredom one night.

Transcript of First Attempts on Poetry

Page 1: First Attempts on Poetry

One of a Kind

The heart

A fickle force of nature

It yearns, it hopes, it pleads

It wants that which it cannot have

It desires subjects

That it knows will not reciprocate

The same want, the same desire

Yet the brain

The antagonist, the nemesis

For once agrees, concurs

Wants much the same thing

When the host of both

The rat, the shy, the coward

When that carcass steps forward

And proclaims its heart’s desire

That shell is suddenly elevated

To the status of a hero

If the subject reciprocates

The same want, desire, hope

That hero, whether or not

He deserves such attention

Is deemed by the herd of sheep lucky

So, to the brave

For doing that which

We, the mortals

Failed to do

For charging forward

And proclaiming that need

I salute thee

For you are a hero

To the lucky,

For experiencing euphoria

Witnessing the shared want

I applaud thee

For you likely deserve

Such an experience

To the select few

Who hold both titles

I raise my cup to thee

Page 2: First Attempts on Poetry

For you truly are

One of a kind.


Raise Your Head

There exists a creature

A graceful creature

An angelic gracefully powerful creature

A being that can only be labelled

As legendary, unique, amazing

Where the forbidden lazy term

“Very” must precede

Even the most eloquent compliment

A humble being who refuses

To believe that it is anything special

Let alone the description above

Well, this wonderful being

Regardless of what the world says

It is indeed special, deserving

Of the above description

I can attest,

I have had the honour

Of meeting this wonderful being,
