Firework Catalog 1903


Transcript of Firework Catalog 1903

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 1/42

F§ ;Pt







No. 348






8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 2/42

"Base ofSupplies"

FK3R many years the trade has fo

Lyon Brothers a never -failing "B

of Supplies" for reliable Firew

and 4th of July Goods. We still handle

famous "Garden City" Brand bec

they are positively the best made, and

prices for 1 903 on these fine quality goods are the lowest quoted.

trade can find no greater values in Fireworks and 4th of July Goodswe are offering this season. If you would make a large margin of pr

and sell Fireworks that will give absolute satisfaction to your custo

order the "Garden City" Brand from us. Our line is the largest

we have an immense stock. Merchants can positively rely on hav

their orders filled complete and with the greatest possible promptn


TERMS: 2 per cent for CashOR NET 40 DAYS

To Merchants with an established Credit standing, or who have a satisfactory

rating in the commercial agencies, and"can furnish satisfactory references, we will

ship goods on above credit terms.

Suggestion A suggestion to Merchants when applying to us for credit if application is accomp

by an order. In determining the responsibility of an applicant it requires several dinvestigate arjd get reports. It is impossible for us to pass upon applications the day received, therefore weadvise that instructions to draw for amount or cash accompany first order, so that we can ship promptly, and

meantime we can determine upon the credit application. This suggestion is for parties who are in a hurr

goods, and not for merchants who will not be inconvenienced by the delay. Consider this when placing

first order with us.

T^emittancessponsible for currency sent by mail.

All remittances must be made direct to the firm, in Chicago or New York Exch

Express or Postoffice Money Order, payable to LYON BROTHERS. We will not

C. O. P. Shipments wo per cent discount will be deducted from face of bill on all C.


We require from those not regular!; and permanently established in business a deposit with C. O. D. o

as good faith and to secure us against loss if goods are not taken. We cannot make C. O. D. shipme"prepaid" stations (stations where there is no agent"); when shipment is required to such places the full amof order and transportation charges should be remitted except WHEN GOODS ARE SHIPPED ON CREDIT

We ship C. O. D. by freight, consigned "order of Lyon Brothers " and draw with bill of lading att

through the bank at point of shipment. If there is no bank there, we send the bill of lading by express or

nearest banking town. On payment of draft the bank will deliver the bill of lading indorsed to you. Uponsenting that document to the railroad agent the yoods will be delivered.

CorVeStiOndence C°rresP0I,dence Sh iu!d be Written on a Separate Sheet of Paper,"— to a previous order our order number must be mentioned.

GUARANTEE—We Guare tee all Our Goods as Represented.

and if it

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 3/42


THEY ARE THE BESTPrices are the Lowest— Unequaled for Brilliancy and Col

to order FireworksWe ship Fireworks direct from our mag

only. This is located in a different p

the city from our mammoth establis

be sure to always make out your orders for Fireworks on a separate s

can only be sent as a separate shipment. The goods on pagesi,

2, 3, 4 andunder any circumstances be shipped with a miscellaneous merchandise order, but

or with the 4th of July goods listed on pages 6 and 7. From the fact th

quoting such extremely low prices, all orders which are shipped from our magazi

above, must amount to $10.00 or more. If merchants will make it a

follow these simple instructions, we guarantee the quickest and most satisfactor

possible. Do not delay your orders—the time is short.

FIRE CRACKERS.No. 1 Gold chop, 40

packs in a box, 64 crack-

ers in a pack, standard

weight and size. Prices


Per box 77


pack of extra loud reporting cannon fire crackers,

can be retailed at live cents a pack, with a goodof profit. They are two inches long. % inchpacked 32 crackers in a pack. 40 packs in a box.

is the best seller of the large size crackers. Pricebox 105

NEW "IOCENT" PACKAGE OFCHINESE CANNON FIRE an extra loud reporting cannon Are cracker,can be retailed at ten cents a pack.


inches long. % inch thick, packed 56 crackerB In

20 packs in a box. Price per box 1 10

BABY FIRE CRACKERS.smallest fire cracker in the world. Perfectly

and may be tired without danger in theThey work to a charm. Seventy crackers in

5 bunches in a pack, 40 packs in a box.per box (40 packs) 2 00per pack (350 crackers) / 05%













56 crackers in a pack 0720 crackers In a pack 1220 crackers in a pack 2020 crackers in a pack 3520 crackers in a pack 4510 crackers In a pack 4510 crackers in a pack 805 crackers in a pack 655 crackers in a pack 1 051 cracker in a pack 40


We offer you this season an entire new line ofpowder crackers, handsomely finished and loud in

report (no sissers). The cracker is far superior to theOiinese. and being charged with powder, the lawswhich prohibit the sale of high explosive crackers in

many cities do not apply to these crackers. Pricesbeing much lower than the imported article, alsosuperior in report and finish, there will be a bigdemand for them.

3H inch, 100 in bundle, per bundle 594 inch, 20 in box. per box 175 inch, 20 in box. per box 246% inch, 20 in box. per box 387 inch, 10 in box. per box 388 inch, 10 in box, per box 60

10 inch, 5 in box, per box 4812 inch, 5 in box. per box : 59


A very superior Chinese firecracker. The "Old Fash-ion" kind—52 in a pack. 40 packs in a box. There area great many so-called Mandarin crackers on the marketwhich are no better than the common 40-64 and can bebought at a verv cheap price. Our Mandarin crackersare GENUINE with the stem ends tied. We guar-

antee that they will give perfect satisfaction. Priceper box, 40 packs 1 35


1,000 strings ( 500 crackers), per string 652.000 strings (1,000 crackers), per string 1 203.000 strings (1,500 crackers), per string 1 755,000 strings (2,500 crackers), per string 3 25

CHINESE PUNK.12 sticks in a bundle. Price per doz. bundles 09


,»wm.\>\HMMHDMum\»Emm mik li

A new departure in an American macracker. Most reliable, loudest reporting,attractive wrapping, and is the leading cramarket. Each cracker is labeled. Note theand directions on the label and there will bein firing them. They create no fires, scatterburning paper, as they explode into atoms.

No. Length Packed Box4 4inches. 36 in a box 145 5 inches. 20 in a box 116 6 inches. 15 in a box 117 7 inches. 10 in a box 119 8 inches. 5 in a box 1111 10 inches. 3 in a box 1112 12 inches. 2inabox 11

No. CIANT SALUTES.2-inch. Packed 100 in a carton. 10 ccase. Price per case of 10 cartonsPrice per carton of 100

3V4 3%-incb. Packed 100 in a carton, 10case. Price per case of 10 cartonsPrice per carton of 100

5 5-inch. Packed luO in a carton, 10 ccase. Price per case of 10 cartonsPrice per carton of 100 salutes

3 3-inch. Packed 10 in a carton, 100 ccase. Price per case of 100 cartonsPrice per dozen cartons

Special 3%. 3%-inch. Packed 15 in a cartotons in a case. Price percase of 100 cartPrice per dozen cartons

Goods on this page are shipped from magazine only an

not be included with a miscellaneous merchandise order.

ask us to include fire crackers with general merchandise o

We can not do so. They can only be shipped with Fire

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 4/42

PENNY FIREWORK NOVELTIES.1 gross in a package. No less sold.


Nests. .V novel and curious spectacle, rep- gro.

a snake's nest In the grass. Inter-and harmless 50A startling reproduction of a minia-

ture gunboat which, after lighting. Is blownto pieces. Packed 100 in box. Box 65

Humming Fire Tops. A wood-en top surmounted with driv-

ing fireworks cases. It spinswith great velocity 65

Red Fire, in wooden boxes 60Miniature Sur-prise Boxes,No. 1. Largesize boxes, dis-

play i n g aneruption of

stars. 65Ruby and GreenTorches No. 3,with handle,

displayingbrilliant crim-son and greenflames 70

A large size staple 70Spray Wheel. Revolves rapidly, forming

large spray of golden fire 70A brilliant illuminating penny

noveltv which burns with a dazzling whitelight.

" Packed 1 gross in a box 70Fountains. A beautiful novelty project-

ing a fountain-like shower of Iridescent

golden spray. Packed 1 gross In box 70

Comets. A new and brilliant penny gro.

Discharges two twin comets, which,

they shoot through the air, leave trails of

spray behind them. To be held in thePacked one gross in box 70

Star. Discharging a brilliant revolving

with trails of tire. Packed one gross in

70Sun Wheels, No. 1. After lighting, it

not only revolves in acircleof golden spray,

but chases along the sidewalk 70

Pin Wheels. gro.

Large 38

Extra large 65

Serpents or Nigger Chasers,


3-inch 30

4-inch 38

5-inch 48

NICKEL FIREWORK NOVELTIES.3 dozen in a package No less sold.

doz. gro.

Red Fire, in wooden boxes 25 2 75Miniature Surprise Boxea, No 2. These

goods are very salable on account oftheir size and beautiful appearanceThey display an eruption 01' stars 29 3 25

Ruby and Green Torches, No 5, with han-dles, large size, displaying a brilliant

crimson and green flame 29 3 25Santiago Signal Lights. A decided nov-

elty and good seller; displays signal

lights of considerable magnitude 30 3 25Snakes in the Grass. Produces a large

bunch of gTass from which a serpent

emerges. A realistic scene and veryamusing 15 1 75

Kiondyke Fountains. A combination of

brilliant spur tires with puff ball fires. 33 3 75Whirling Dervish. One of the latest and

best five-cent novelties. Afterlighting

it ascends with a rotary motion, pro-

ducing rings of spray fire. Packed8 doz, in package '. 35 4 00

American Mandarins. This novelty re-

sembles the fire of a Gatling gun, end-

ing with loud cannon salutes 85 4 00Japanese Sun Wheels No. 2. Very salable

novelty. It revolves rapidly in a circle

<-f golden spray and chases along the

sidewalk, creating a pretty and novel

effect.. 33 3 75

Catharine Wheels,brilliant in colorand

perfect in action 25 2 75

Dragon Wheels,very attractive as a

small wheel, chang-ing colors and form-

ing circles of great

vnriet v and constant

changes 24 2 75This wonderful ori-

discharges a ball ofglistening fire which, upon reaching

its altitude, turns and performs atriple summersault in its descent.

The most marvelous of all fireworks

novelties. 3 dozen in a package 33 3 75



1 dozen in a package.No less sold.

Golden Star Batteries, doz.

This article con-

sists of a large at-

tractive case,

heavily chargedwith scintillating

gold stars. 1 doz.

in package 75

Firefly Batteries. Aheavy shower of

spray fire, inter-spersed with col-

ored fire bails. 1

dozen in package.. 75

Dragon \\ heels

Japanese Acrobats

ental novelty

f/f^Wti^^ vStoning with"1 golden spr

\ pleasing nove

Pigeon Batteries.a shower

pray, these

elties sud-oS\\ ?leas 'flg

' denly explode, scatter-ing a profusion of crim-son, emerald and sap-

phire winged stars. 1dozen in package 75

Crackerjack. This ar-

ticle is a combinationof a very heavy case,

flanked on three sides

with smaller cases, dis-

playing variegated ef-

fects ; the whole forminga very beautiful mass-

ing of colored lights, ending in an explo-sion of reporting saucissons 1 05

Navy Batteries. A new 1003 novelty; heavily

charged batteries, displaying naval signal

lights. No. 1 70No. 2 1 05

Emerald Fountain. This high-grade novelty con-

sists of a large shower case with a handle, andflanked on two sides with prismatic fountains,

making a combination of three separate foun-

tains of fire discharging at the same time 1 05Scorpion Nests. Produces a veritable hissing and

squirming swarm of fire scorpions. 1 dozen

in package 1 05Searchlight Batteries. These batteries emit a

penetrating white mist, followed by a vol-

canic eruption of large magnesium stars. 1

dozen In package 1 05


These are substantial twith wooden base, and chacolored stars of every huserpents, which in the fina

are thrown up and scatter

the air, similar to a volaction. They are amongeffective goods made for

private displays.

No. 1 y doz. in package" 2 Ys doz. in package" 3 *4 doz. in package" 4 Single, with stars" 5 Single, with stars

" 6 Gyrating Serpent nlarge.

" 7 Colored Meteor Miextra large

No. 8 Mines, Feu de Jo

goods emit a marvelous coof pyrotechnic effects,

with a heavy report.

Each '.>.

No. 9 Electric Shower Mines. Open withshower of scintillating tires. In the final displays one of the finest effects known—a shgreen centers, emitting electric sparks. EacNo. 10 Whistling Jack Mines. These emi

figures, making one of the most pleasing andplays known, never failing to please the moaudience. Each

ELECTRIC SHOWER BATTERThrowing upward a brilliant stream of met

with electrical effects.

Large, packed single

Extra large, packed single

COLORED FLORAL BOMBSHELThese Floral Bombshells show in burni

choice colors known to the art, consisting ogold, red. and variegated stars of all shades.

ject a bombshell in the air to an elevation

hundred feet, which then explodes and throof every hue, mingled with showers of goldeNo.1 Medium, packed single

2 Large, packed single

3 Extra large, packed single

4 Mammoth, packed single

Bengal Lights. Heavily chargedof illuminating fire, and are

out of doors. They are slow bing and produce" a brilliant

dazzling illumination of all

rounding objects.

M 1°-' H doz. in package, 8 c

in each piecel/i lb., H doz. in package, 3 c

in each piece...

1 lb.. % doz. in package, 3 c

In each piece

Brilliant Flower Pots. They throw outstreams of beautiful spur fire andspangles, and present the appearanceof a fountain of brilliant fire. Theyare hnrmless and can be used by ladies

and children. d

4-inch, 1 dozen in package6-inch, 1 dozen in package

10-inch, 1 dozen in package6-iuch, 1 dozen in package, with handle.

COLORED FIRESFor theatrical use, tableaux

door illuminations. In tin

white, gold, blue, violet or grpound cans, one color in eachPer pound


(Pat. Jan. 25, 1887.

In patent bags, ready to light

very slowly, with powerful il

effect, lasting three times as long as anyolfereu.

Red, % lb., bags, extra large

Green, y lb., bags, extra large

COLORED FIRE TORCHES,Medium size, red or green, burns 4 minutes.

Large size, red or green, burns 6 minutes

NEW ELECTRIC PARADE TORSelf Igniting. N\> Fire Needed to Light

With Handles. Always Ready.

Will burn in rain or wind. They burnmaking a grand illumination and reflecting

tance. Suitable for lawn and general ill

club and political parades, etc.

Mammoth size, red or green, burns 1" minuteGiant Blze, red or green, bums 14 minutes



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2 ball, 3 doz. doz. gro.

in pkg 213 ball. 3 doz.

In pkg 384 ball, 3 doz.

426 ball, 1 doz.

in pkg 708 ball. 1 doz.

in pkg 1 0610 ball, large. 1

doz. in pkg. 1 2512 ball, large, 1

doz. in pkg. 19 2 1515 ball, large, 1

doz. in pkg. 27 3 2020 ball, large, 1

doz. in pkg. 85 4 0025 ball, large, 1

doz. in pkg. 70 8 2530 ball, large, 1

doz. in pkg.l lb 13 00


These candles are very pow.

erful, throwing the stars very

high, and are veiy brilliant in

color. A much superior candle

to the ordinary Roman can-

dle, and moderate in price.

ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozen doz. gro.

inapackage 20 2 25ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozen

in a package 24 2 65ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozeninapackage 35 4 00

ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozeninapackage 42 4 75

ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozeninapackage 60 7 00

COLORED JAPANESE CANDLES.New and brilliant effects. Extra large sizes. Thecandles' made for public or private displays.

ball, extra large colored stars. 1 dozen doz. gro.

inapackage 35 4 00ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozen

•inapackage 45 5 25ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozeninapackage 58 6 50

ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozeninapackage 70 8 25

ball, extra large colored stars, 1 dozeninapackage 1 15 13 50

COLD SPANGLE CANDLES.Containingbeautiful golden scintillating balls, with

of brilliant fire, not made by any other manu-dnz.

1 dozen in a package 401 dozen in a package 581 dozen in a package 85

COLORED TRIPLET CANDLES.Exhibit a variegated shower of stars, which form in

the national colors, similar to a large fountain.

adapted for flambeau clubs, parades, private

etc., etc. doz.

8-24 balls, packed >4-doz. in package 1 00

WHISTLING CANDLES.latest novelty in day and night fireworks. Emit

brilliant scintillating stars which, as they ascend,

shrill musical notes. doz

notes 175

ELECTRIC SPREADER CANDLES.Each star fills the air with beautiful electric colored

spreading in every direction. Making onethe most effective displays known to the art. doz.

spreader stars, % dozen in pkge 45spreader stars, H dozen in pkge . . 60spreader stars, V4 dozen in pkge 90gpreader stars. y dozen in pkge 1 25


5^vtfasfr?<^JIIrei^^^^" sums6

a stream of golden spray, followed by an explosiontinted gems; then changing into an electric illumin-

succeeded by an eruption of silver snakes. Theis repeated three times in each candle.

large, single. Doz 5 25

COLORED GEYSERS.These are Revolving Rockets, which, in their rotary

resemble a wheel of brilliant fire ascending iii

air. doz.

1, packed 1 dozen in package 472, packed V dozen in package 1 503, packed y2 dozen in package 3 004, packed Yz dozen in package 5 25

PRISMATIC WHIRLWINDS.Form an immense revolving column of brilliant fires,

high in the air. emitting showers of goldenterminating in a crown of variegated colored

of every hue. doz.

size, packed single. . . .. 7 00


Not marked up sizes.

Every rocket throws out a variety of colors.

1 ounce2 ounce3 ounce4 ounce

6 ounceSt pound1 pound2 pound3 pound4 pound

long sticks,

long sticks,

long sticks,

long sticks,

long sticks,long sticks,

long sticks,

long sticks,

long st icks,

long sticks.

3 doz.

3 doz.

2 doz.

2 doz.

1 doz.1 doz.

1 doz.'4 doz.

KdozVS doz


in package,

in package,in packageIn package

in package,in package,in packagein package. .2 35





6 2510 5019 0027 00

NEW COLORED JAPANESE ROCKETS.Adjustable sticks, taking up small space. Rockets

are boxed with full directions.

These are special rockets, made with greatest care,

and exhibit the most pleasing, wonderful and varied

effects, with many combina* ions of color and pyrotech-nic novelties. They are very choice goods. doz.

8 ounce, 1 dozen in box 901 pounders, 1 dozen in box. 1 602 pounders, St dozen in box 1 903 pounders, % dozen in box 4 704 pounders, Si dozen in box 8 25a pounders. 1-6 dozen in box 12 75


2 pounders, "Silver Star," 1 doz. in box 1 903 pounders, "Twinkling Star," Si doz in box 3 654 pounders, "Triple Asteroid," S\ doz. in box— 10 506 pounders, "Seven StarPleiades," 1-6 box. 13 50


1 pounders, 1 dozen in box 4 003 pounders, y dozen in box 5 75


3 pounders, Ss dozen in box 5 754 pounders, si dozen in box 8 75


2 pounders, H dozen in box 2 654 pounders, Si dozen In box 5 756 pounders, 1-6 dozen in box 13 50


2 pounders, H dozen in box 3 754 pounders, % dozen in box 5 756 pounders, 1-12 dozen in box 13 50


3 pounders, 34 dozen in box 3 654 pounders, Si dozen in box 8 75


4 pounders, li dozen in box 5 75

6 pounders, 1-6 dozen in box 13 50



3 pounders, '/i dozen in box 5 504 pounders 3-4 dozen in box 8 75

TELESCOPE REPEATING ROCKETS.6 pounders. 1-6 dozen in box 13 50


Cut of 14

These are wheheavy revolvingmine and brilli

with variegatedtral rings, thus fchanges and bea

in their revolutio

Spindle attached for firing.

Diameter.8-inch, St dozen in package

10-inch, 1-6 dozen in package, with color

12-inch, 1-6 dozen in package, with red po

14-inch, 1-6 dozen in package, with red anpots

16-inch. 4-6 dozen in package, with red anpots

18-inch, 1-6 dozen in package, with red

and blue pots

COLORED DOUBLE TRIANCLEComposed of six cases of brilliant fire: ea

firing, changing in the form and appearanc

tillations and exhibiting at the same timcolored center rings changing to the mocolors known to the pyrotechnic art.

Large, with two colored pots

BLAZING SUN WHEELSThese are a new thing in wheels. The c

heavily charged, and throw out, at a live

liant scintillating fires.<

No. 1 1 dozen in package

" 2 1 dozen in package

" 3 1 dozen in package ..

- COLORED TRIANCLE WHEThese wheels have cases of brilliant fires,

out in their revolutions circles of beauti

zling spangles, very showy and effective.

pots form additional inside rings of varieg

^i pound, St dozen package, colored pots.

St pound, St dozen package, colored pots.

1 pound, Si dozen package, colored pots.

COLORED CHINA FLYEThese are contra revolving pieces, with

in variegated colors forming beautiful sci

wheels, having center circles of different c

Large, with colored pot, St dozen in packa

Extra, with colored pot, Si dozen in packa


These are w

changes,brilliant out

circling an i

red or green

fire, making

beautiful eff

Extra heav

dozen in pa

Goods on this page are shipped from magazine only, and

be includedwith

a miscellaneousmerchandise orde

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 6/42


following cases will be found as well

as the purchaser will desire in most

Estimates for larger displays of

will be furnished upon applica-

—All our cases for display have ex-

set pieces.

Contents of Case "I 70."

For Public or Family Display.

Price each, $16 25

skyrockets, 1 lb.

8ky rockets, 2 lb.

sky rockets, 3 lb.

duration star rockets, 1 lb.

cascade rocketsi 3 lb.

guarantee candles, 10 balls, extra large,

gold shower candles. 6 balls, extra large.

meteoric candles, 6 balls, extra large.

brilliant gerbs.

hexagon wheel, extra large.

large Saxon wheels.large trumpet wheel. '

kaleidoscopic battery.

gyrating mine.floral fountain, exhibition size.

floral aerial shell.

serpentine mines.triangle wheels. V% lb.

vertical wheel. 10 inch.

red tableau fire, H lb.

gold tableau fire. H lb.

blue tableau Are, y lb.

exhibition piece—searchlights.exhibition piece—crown jewels.

Contents of Case "250."

Price each, $26 25

sky rockets, 1 lb.

sky rockets, 2 lb.

sky rockets, 3 lb.

sky rockets, 4 lb.

Japanese rockets, 2 lb.

jeweled streamer rockets, 3 lb.

meteoric candles. 8 balls, extra large.

guarantee candles, 12 balls, extra large.

electric spreader candles. 6 balls, extra large.

trailing star candles. 8 balls, extra large.

electric volcano, extra large

floral aerial shells.

vertical wheels, 12 inch.

gyrating serpent mines.

Bengal lights, ii lb. triple effect.

rosettes, exhibition size.

meteor mine.

battery of stars.

reversible wheels, extra large.

surprise box, large.

floral fountain, exhibition size.

red tableau fire, H 1°.

green tableau fire. H lb.

blue tableau fire, H lb.

gold tableau fire. H lb.

exhibition piece—Japanese firefly.

exhibition piece—Saxon batten.1.

exhibition piece—spray fountain.

Contents of Case^ "320."

Price each, $40 50

sky rockets, 1 lb.

sky rockets, 2 lb.

sky rockets, 3 lb.

sky rockets, 4 lb.

duration star rockets, 2 lb.

searchlight rockets. 3 lb.

parachute rockets. 3 ib.

meteoric candles, 12 balls, extra large.

gold spangle candles. 8 balls, extra large.

guarantee club candles, 15 balls, extra large.

electric spreader candles, S balls, extra large.

swarm of bees, large.

umbrellas of fire, extra large.

meteoric mine, large.

Indian jugglery.

aureola wheels, large.

turbine wheels, extra large.

floral fountain, exhibition size.

electric shower battery.

aerial floral shell, large.

double triangle.

whistling wheel. 12 inch.

devil among the tailors, large.

prismatic foucnt hags of red club tire.

bags of green elub fire.

exhibition piece— fiery dragons.

exhibition piece— spray fountain.

exhibition piece— r, rice.

exhibition piece—Manila fanfaronades.

exhibition piece—golden pyramid.

Contents of Case "500."

Price each, $57 50

12 colored sky rockets. 2 lb.

6 colored sky rockets, 3 lbs.

6 colored variegated rockets, 4 lb.

3 colored cascade rockets, 3 lb.

3 colored twinkling star rockets, 3 lb.

3 colored Japanese rockets, 3 lb.

3 colored jeweled streamer rockets, 3 lb.

12 colored trailing star candles, 8 balls, extra large.

12 colored guarantee candles. 15 balls, extra large.

12 colored Japanese candles, 12 balls, extra large.

2 colored reporting saucissons, large,

2 colored hexagon wheels, extra large.

1 colored calliope mine, extra large.

1 colored electric shower mine, extra large.

1 colored prismatic whirlwind, extra large.

1 colored Indian juggler.

2 colored vertical wheels, 16 inch.

2 colored trumpet wheels, 16 inch.

1 colored floral fountain, exhibition size.

1 colored electric shower battery.

2 colored kaleidoscopic battery, large.

1 colored electric volcano.

1 colored 50 shots, Niagara shot battery.

1 colored meteoric mine, extra large.

4 patent bags of red club fire.

2 patent bags of green club fire.

6 assorted unexcelled night bomb shells, 9 inches in

circumference, with mortar to fire from.

1 colored exhibition piece—goldenrod.

1 colored exhibition piece— fairy moonlight.

1 colored exhibition piece—Japanese firefly.

1 colored exhibition piece—Will O' the Wisp.

1 colored exhibition piece—rainbow cascade.

Contents of Case "750."

Price each, $83 75

12 colored variegated rockets, 4 lb.

6 colored searchlight rockets, 2 lb.

3 colored prismatic dragon rockets, 3 lb.

3 colored floating star rockets, 3 lb.

3 colored willow tree rockets, 4 lb.

3 colored reporting rockets, 1 lb.

5 colored festoon rockets, 4 lb.

12 colored gold spangle candles, 8 balls, extra large.

12 colored meteoric candles, 1 2 balls, extra large.

12 colored guarantee club candles. 15 balls, extra large.

12 colored electric spreader candles, 10 balls, extralarge.

2 colored reversible wheels, extra large.

2 colored calliope wheels, 16 inches.

1 colored vertical wheel, 18 inches.

2 colored rosette wheels, extra large.

2 colored extra large turbine wheels.

2 colored electric volcanoes, extra large.

1 colored reporting saucisson.

1 colored electric shower battery.

1 colored calliope mine, extra large.

2 colored prismatic whirlwinds, extra large.

1 colored aerial floral shell No. 2.

2 colored meteoric mines.

1 colored extra heavy reporting mine.

1 colored floral fountain, exhibition size.

1 colored prismatic fountain, exhibition size.

1 colored 50 shots, Niagara shot battery.

2 colored kaleidoscopic batteries, large.

4 patent bags of red club Are.

2 patent bags of green club fire.

6 assorted Japanese night bomb shells, 9 inches In

circumference, with mortar to Are from.

1 colored exhibition piece—searchlights.

1 colored exhibition piece—fairy waltzers.

1 colored exhibition piece—evening star.

1 coloied exhibition piece—Manila fanfaronades.

1 colored exhibition piece—shower of gold.


They are without exception the fine

in this line ever offered to the trad

aim is to make the best goods on the

handsome in style and finish, and ha

run uniform and loud in report. Wetorpedoes with a guarantee that the

is first-class and will give satisfaction


No. 2 5 mammoth torpedoes in a carton, 100

tons in a box


Our 5 Cent Leader.

No. 6 Extra loud reporting, 25 in a box,

boxes in a case. Case

ELECTRIC TORPEDOES.These are double extra in quality, with hea

Handsomely packed. Just the article for best re

No. 7 25 in new style box, 50 boxes In a



This is a heavy reporting torpe'do, and me

felt demand.

So. 8 10 in a fancy folding box, 50 boxes

case. Case

No. 9 10 in a fancy folding box, 100 boxes

case. Case


A heavy reporting torpedo. It is a cat-teas

No. 10 20 in a fancy box, 20 boxes in a


No. 11 20 in a fancy box, 40 boxes in a



Covered with silver foil. Chinese style. Ver

No. 12 20 in a fancy box, 20 boxes in a


No. 13 20 in a fancy box, 40 boxes in a



••Goods on this page are shipped from magazine only, a

cannot be included with a miscellaneous merchandise ord

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 7/42

Contents of Case 40."

Price, $2 75 each.

Selling Price .

1 ounce sky rockets 013 ounce sky rockets 044 ounce sky rocket s 056 ounce sky rockets 101 ounce triangles 05wheels 01lights, extra large 01

spray showers 05dragon tongue> 05Klondyke showers 052 ball Roman candles 013 ball Roman candles 024 ball Roman candles 086 bail guarantee candles 05H ball guarantee candles 07wlgglers 01

of punkCity show bilL

Total value at retail prices

Our price, each


Contents of Case "60."

Price, $5 75 each.

Selling Price .

1 ounce sky rockets 013 ounce sky rockets 044 ounce sky rockets 056 ounce sky rockets 10H-lb. sky rockets 151 ounce"triangles 052 ounce triangles 103 ounce triangles 15revolving saxon

spray showers 05revolving suns 10floral sprays 05lights, extra large 014-inch serpents 022 ball Roman candles 013 tall Roman candles 024 ball Roman candles 036 ball guarantee candles 058 ball guarantee candles 0710 ball guarantee candles.... 10prismatic bouquets, extra

large 10lored No. 3 mines of stars 15

wheels 01red tableau fire, ;<-lb

gold tableau fire, X-lbbine tableau fire. H-lb

of punkCity show bilL

Total value at retail prices

Our price, each


Contents of Case "80."

Price, $9 00 each.

Selling Price

1 ounce sky rockets 012 ounce sky rockets 033 ounce sky rockets 056 ounce sky rockets 07VS-lb. sky rockets 10extra large wigglers 03prismatic bouquets 05prismatic bouquets, extra

large 10S-ineh vertical wheel

spray showers 05revolving suns ' 10

ored extra large sun wheels 052 ball Roman candles 013 ball Roman candles 024 ball Roman candlen 03

guarantee candles 058 ball guarantee candle 0710 half guarantee candles 1012 ball guarantee candles.... 15wheels 01floral sprays 05

So. 3 mines of stars 10y-lb. bengola lights 101 ounce triangles '. 052 ounce triangles 10

red tableau fife. M-lb 15s green tableau fire, % -lb 15blue tableau fire, y-lb

of punk 01City show bill

Total value at retail prices. ....

Our price, each



8 462 75

5 71



13 64

on fhis page are ship-

from magazine only, and

be included with a mis-

merchandise order.


Put upeveningPacked in

en boxes,

for handlicontain onl

select goodadapted fo


long -neeJobbers anwill find afor these

being assofully, packpact form,but little


NOTE—These cases are packed with care, selected from the most salable goods only

Contents of Case " 120Price, $12 25 each

Articles Selling Price

36 colored 1 ounce sky rockets 0124 colored 2 ounce .-ky rockets 0312 colored 3 ounce sky rockets 0512 colored 6 ounce sky rockets 0712 colored H-lb. sky rockets 106 colored 1 lb. skyrockets 2012 revolving suns 103d lights, extra large 0112 colored sun wheels, extra large 0512 colored floral sprays 056 colored extra large bouquets of stars. 10

36 colored wheels 013 colored No. 3 minesof stars 10

12 colored >4-lb. bengola lights, assorted. 1024 silver spray showers 0512 colored 1 ounce triangles 056 colored 3 ounce triangles 153 colored 4 ounce triangles 20

48 colored 2 ball Roman candles 0148 colored 3 ball Roman candles 0248 colored 4 ball Roman candles 03:i6 colored 6 ball Roman cand les 0536 colored 8 ball guarantee caudles 0724 colored 10 ball guarantee candles 1012 colored 12 ball guarantee candles 156 colored 15 ball guarantee candles.. .. 2072 colored extra large wlgglers 0312 colored prismatic bouquets 052 colored 8-inch vertical wheels 201 colored large aureola wheel3 cans red tableau fire. K-lb 152 cans blue tableau Are, J^-lb 152 cans green tableau fire, J4-lb 1524 sticks of punk1 Garden City show bill


Total value at retail prices

Our price, each


Contents of Case " 150."Price, $17 25 each.

Articles s< Price Amount


1 201 201 20366060603630

1 201 2060906048964480524080201860403545303034

30 8412 25

18 59

72 colored 2 ball Roman candles 0148 colored 3 oall Roman candles 0248 colored 4 ball Roman candle> 0348 colored 6 ball Roman candles 0548 colored 8 ball guarantee candles 0736 colored 10 ball guarantee candles.... 1024 colored 12 ball guarantee candles 1512 colored 15 ball guarantee candles 206 colored No. 3 mines of stars 106 colored No. 4 minesof stars 153 colored No. 5 minesof stars 251 colored No. 6 mines of stars

2 colored 8-inch vertical wheels 201 colored extra large aureola wheel

12 colored prismatic bouquets 052 colored large tourbillions 25

24 silver spray showers 0524 colored dragon tongues 0536 colored sun^wheels, extra large 0548 colored extra large wheels 0272 colored 5-inch serpents ... 032 colored large turbine wheels 2586 colored 1 ounce sky rockets 0124 colored 2 ounce sky rockets 0324 colored 3 ounce sky rockets 0424 colored 4 ounce sky rockets 0512 colored 6 ounce sky rockets 0712 colored !J-lb sky rockets 1012 colored lib. sky rockets 206 colored 2-lb. sky rockets 3512 colored revolving suns 1012 colored floral sprays 0512 colored 1 ounce triangles 0512 colored 2 ounce triangles 10'

6 colored 3 ounce triangles 153 colored 4 ounce triangles 204 cans red tableau lire, t^-lb 153 cans blue tableau fire, 54-lb 153 cans green tableau fire, M-lb 15

36 sticks of punk1 Garden City show bill

CaseTotal value at retail prices

Ourprice, each




1 201 201 8096

2 1650387296

1 2084

1 202 402 101 206060

1 2090eoeo454536

47 69

17 25SO 44

Select Lawn Display No.


Price each, $2 50

12 colored guarantee candles. 8 ball, extra l

6 colored electric spreader candles, 4 ball,

6 colored meteoric candles. 6 ball, extra la

6 colored sky rockets, y lb.

4 colored sky rockets. 1 lb.

1 colored extra large aureola wheel.

6 colored extra large Klondyke showers.

1 colored triangle, 3 ounce.

1 colored triangle, H lb.

1 colored mine of stars. No. 4.

1 colored serpent mine.1 colored extra large china flyer.

2 cans red tableau fire, X lb.

1 can green tableau fire, M lb.

1 can blue tableau fire,


Punk. Case.

Select Lawn Display No.


Price each, {6 2512 colored guarantee candles. 10 ball, extra

6 colored meteoric candles, 8 ball, extra la

6 colored trailing star candles. 6 ball, extra

6 colored eledtrie spreader candles, a ball,

6 colored sky rockets, 1 lb.

6 colored sky rockets. 2 lb.

3 colored sky rockets, 3 lb.

2 colored extra large geysers.

1 colored extra large china flyer.

2 colored triangles. Vi lb.

1 colored rosette wheel, extra heavy.

1 colored large aureola wheel.2 colored serpent mines.1 colored gyrating mine.6 colored flower pots, 6-inch, with handles

2 cans red tableau fire, X lb.

1 can green tableau lire, H lb.

1 cau blue tableau fire. H lb.1 can gold tableau tire, H lb.

Punk. Cast-.

Select Lawn Display No.


Price each, $9 5012 colored guarantee candles, 10 ball, extra12 colored gold spangie candles. 6 ball, extr

6 colored electric spreader candles. 8 ball,

12 colored meteoric candles, 10 ball, extra l

6 colored sky rockets. 1 lb.

6 colored sky rockets, 2 lb.

6 colored sky rockets, 3 lb.

1 colored twinkling star rocket, 3 lb,

2 colored large aureola wheels.

1 colored china flyer, extra large.

2 colored triangles. 14 lb.

1 colored Japanese wriggler, extra large.

2 colored serpent mines.

1 colored gyrating mine.6 colored flower pots. 6-lnch. with handles

1 colored floral fountain, exhibition size.

4 cans red tableau fire, hi lb.2 cans blue tableau fire. % lb.

2 cans green tableau lire. H lb.

2 cans gold tableau fire, U. lb.

Punk. Case.


2 Irtumond star

3 Revolting rose

4 Revolving planets

6 Chinese fans

8 Japanese Embr^lla'

9 Silver glory

10 Sparkling dewdrops ,

12 Prismatic cascade fountain

13 Flying Dutchman1 7 Prismatic rose

18 Flowering aloe

19 Pyric fountain21 Sparkling caprice

22 Cometlc showers

23 Aztec fountain27 Showers ol pearls

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 8/42



No. 2 34 inches in length, hard maple,red stained, with ball head and strongmalleable iron cap holder, for large or

ammunition. Doz 354 00

12 34 inches in length, nickel eagle head, red,

and blue streamers attached, strong hard maplefitted with heavy malleable iron cap holder,

or small ammunition. Doz 708 00

CANES.Medium size

packed 25 in a paste-


boxes 751 Medium sizepacked 5i i in a paste-

box. 4 doz. boxes inDoz. boxes 15

boxes 1 402 Large size caps,

50 in a pasteboard3 doz. boxes in car-

Doz. boxes 25boxes 2 75


PLATED PISTOL.No. 1 Nickel-plated.

1 dozen in a box.

Price per dozen.... 85Per gross 4 00



in a1 dozen

box. Pricedoz... 65gross. 7 50


A paper cap equal to a blankcartridge in report, and with-

out the serious results occa-

sioned by the use of blank

cartridges in pistols.

not less than 1-gross boxes, ] 5 caps

inabox 30not less than 1-gross boxes, 50 caps

inabox 60

THE AMERICAN PAPER CAPS.quality, round cut, packed 50 in a box.

Per 1-gross boxes 13

will hold


up 500 to a


20th CENTURYBALLOONS.Gas balloons, made

of fresh rubber stock,

guaranteed best qual-

ity 4-pIy, 60 cm., as-

sorted colors, red, blue and


Doz 30Gro 3 26

Gas balloons are shipped in

bulk-not Inflated.


For blank cartridges, nickel

barrel, bronze stock. Packed

1 dozen in box.



30 22 caliber blank car-tridge pistol, full nickel-

plated. 3?il-inch barrel. Toload the pistol the breech of

the barrel is raised by pressing

on the ringer-piece forward of the trigger.

After inserting cartridge release the finger-

piece and allow the barrel to return to its

place. Doz


1 75

40 Self-acting 6-shot blankcartric-se revolver. 22 caliber.

2'i-in h octagon barrel, roundcylinder, 6-sliot. double ac-tion, aickel-plated and pol-

ished. Doz 3 75

SPECIAL NOTICE.Cartridges and blanks are quoted at list prices. We

guarantee our billing prices to be entirely satisfactory,otherwise they may be returned at our expense.



B. B. round ball caps. Adapted to Flobert and othergallery rifles.

Per M List. 1 65 PerC List, 17B. B. conical ball. Adapted to Flobert

and other gallery rifles.

PerM....Llst, 2 10 PerC.Llst, 22

22 short, powder 3 grains, lead 30grains. Adapted to rifles and re-volvers of this caliber.

Per M.. List, 2 75 Per C. List, 28

22 long, powder 5 grains, lead30 grains. Adapted to rifles andrevolvers of this caliber,

PerM List, 3 SO Per C List, 34


32 S. & W., powder 10 grains,

bullet 88 grains. Adapted to S.

& W. and other revolvers.

Per M List. 9 17Per List, 92

32 S. & W. long, powder 13 grains, bullet 98 grains.Adapted to new Smith & Wesson 32 hand ejector re-vol vers.

Per M List, 11 14 Per C List, 1 1238 S. & W. powder, 15 grains, bullet 146 grains.

Adapted to Smith * Wesson and other revolvers.

PerM List, 11 24 Per C List, 1 14


Rill FIRE.

22 blank, powder 3 grains. Adapted to all rim fire

revolvers and pistols of this caliber.

PerM List, 1 42 Per C List, 15

32 blank, powder 9 grains. Adapted to all rim firerevolvers and pistols of this caliber.

PerM List, 2 60 PerC List, 27


32 S. & W. blank, powder 9 grains.

PerM List, 5 20 PerC List, 5338 S. & W. blank, powder 14 grains.

PerM List, 6 60 PerC List, 67

TOY CANNON.We offer the following desir-

able line of toy cannon mounted.So.20 Cannop, iron, length 6 inch-

es. Doz 175 doz.

22 Cannon, iron, length 9% Inches 3 75105 Military cannon, brass, length 7 Inches 4 25

on this page can be shipped with Fireworks from our

or from our store with miscellaneous merchandise orders

TRANSPARENT LANTERN25 in a package, no less sold.

Assorted Colors.

Bucket Lantern GlobLanterns. Sticks. Lante

No. 3 6 inch diameter, bucket shape" 4 7 inch diameter, bucket shape'•5 9 inch diameter, bucket shape" 2 9 inch diameter, globe shape11 3 11 inch diameter, globe shape

LANTERN CANDLES.Pure paraffine, burn about four hours. Do


Our assortment of Japanese lanterns c

the most attractive and desirable styles anmade of bright and fancy colored decorate

bamboo hoops.

No. Sizes. P

101 Oblong. 6x 8 inches, assorted

102 Round. 8x 8 inches, assorted

103 Oblong, 8x10 inches, assorted

i04Round, 10x10 inches, assorted

05 Oblong, 10x13 inches, assorted

106 Round, 12x12 inches, assorted

107 Oblong, 12x16 inches, assorted

LANTERN STICKS.For hanging and carrying lanter

60 inches long: hook in one end. Per 100



A sple

for public


All ourprovidedtire protec

it almostignite th

when asc

making e

a success.

make of b

any fire p

No.~*-*^ ~^< doz. No,

6 M dozen in pacKage. 55 25 packed

8 '• dozen in package. 65 30 packed

10 H dozen in package. 90 35 packed

151-6 dozen in package. 1

05 40packed

20 packed single 1 75

FIGURE BALLOONS.A great novelty, being balloons infla

air in the same manner as the ordinary paThey are made of strong tissue paper in

Pigs, Elephants, Fish, and are very easy t

send up. They present in the air a life-l

tation of the object. Figure balloons. Do

BANNER-IN-THE-SKY BALLOThis novelty in balloons, when infla

beautiful representation of "Old Glory"theair. Price per doz

METEORIC FIREWORKS BALThe finest ever gotten up in this Une, d

various elevations a continuous stream

Bombs, Variegated Showers, Gold Uain, et

long time and making a brilliant displa

and private exhibitions. Each balloon andput up in separate .package, with full d

firing. Very easy to lire. doz.

15 6 25 3020 11 50 4025 18 00

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 9/42

MUSLIN FLAGS ON STICKS.flags are guaranteed the best on tbe market.

Width. Length, doz.— 2 in., 3 in.

-2y2 iu., 4 in.

4 in., 6 in.

4fSin., 7^iD.6 in., 9Hln.7 in., lOHin-


8 in., 14~ln. 10 11511 in., 18 in. 16 175

1 12 in., 22 in. 20 2 2514 in., 24 in. 25 2 65

... 18 in., 27'4in. 33 3 7520 in., 36 in. 56 6 5027 in., 43 in. 80 9 2530 in., 50 in. 95 1100-16 in., 56 in. 125 145040 in., 66 in. 1 90 22 00


Imitation of Bunting—Soft Finish, past Colors.

These Flags are Hemmed ; No Raw Edges.• Doz. Mounted

on Statl- withLength Doz. Unmounted Ornament

17 inches 55 7524 Inches 75 9036 inches 150 17048 inches 2 75 3 25

Style a new line of Cotton Bunting Flags, printed

superior manner, in bright and absolutely fast

on strong material. Have canvas headings

Piecefeet, printed on print cloth 65feet, printed on sheeting 75feet, printed on sheeting 1 15feet, primed on silkoleue 2 00feet, printed on extra heavy cotton 2 75

BUNTING FLAGS.Regulalion Hunting Flags, sewed stars, full

made from the best standard bunting,strong canvas headings.

Each. Length. Each.70 9 feet 2 7595 12 feet 4 00

115 15 feet 6 00150 16feet 6 75185 18 feet 8 202 25 20 feet 9 25

FLACS OF FOREIGN NATIONS.Muslin Mounted on Sticks.—Best Quality,

Fast and Bright Oil Colors.

In Sets of 12 Different Nations. Per Set.

hes < 306080

In Sets of 24 Different Nations. Per Set.


In Sets of 41 Different Nations. Per Set.

\ 202403 60


—Unmounted—, with Gilt TopsLength Piece Doz. Piece Doz.

3 inches,... 04 25 05 306 inches.... 06 55 07 608 inches.... 08 65 09 85

x 10 inches.... 09 75 10 95x 12 inches.... 12 100 14 120x 15 inches.... 16 170 18 185x 18 inches.... 20 2 00 22 2 15x 24 inches.... 35 3 50 40 3 75x 36 inches.... 65 7 00 75 7 50x 48 inches....l 00 125x 60 inches... 2 00 2 25x 72 inches... 3 50 4 00

less than half a dozen of any size willbe charged at piece prices.

CRAND ARMY OF REPUBLIC.Printed Muslin Mounted on Sticks.

Length. doz. gro.

14 inches, with G. A. R. badge in 2 colors. 25 2^7524 inches, with G. A. R. badge in 2 colors. 40 4 7536 inches, with badge and motto. •'Wel-

come Comrades." in 2 colors. . 90 10 5036 inches, with badgein black on assorted

colors of muslin 1 25 14 00

G. A. R. CANTEEN FLAG.Length. , doz. gro.

36 inches, withcanteenandmottoincolors.90 10 50


Length. doz. gro.

13 inches. Welcome (clasped handsl 25 2 7526 inches, Welcome (on assorted colored

muslin) 25 2 7526 inches, Welcome (blue border with

stars) 60 7 0036 inches. Welcome (blue border withstars) 1 20 14 00


United States, German and Irish 60

SHIELDS.Printed on WhiteCardboard in Bright

Oil Colors.


Size. doz.

12 x 18 inches 35IS x 24 inches 6026 x 38 inches 9012 x 18 inches (onsilver-lined card-

board) 5026 x 38 inches (onsilver-lined card-

board) 1 5014 x 18 inches onmuslin 50

FLAG POLES.Tapered, with Wooden Trucks, Ball and Halyards.

8-foot, each. 40 10-foot, each. 55 12-foot, each, 7014-foot, each, 1 10 16-foot, each, 1 60

FLAG STAFFS.Varnished Hardwood Spear Head Staffs.

Length. doz. Length. doz.

24iuches 24 66 inches 9030inches 30 72 inches 10036inches 40 84 Inches 12042 inches 45 96 inches 15548inches 55 108 inches 18554inches 60 120 inches 2 4060 inches 75

Smaller quantities than half a dozen not sold.


With Movable Arm. Will Not Break. Can be Set at

any Angle. each.

No. 1. 2 -inch bore for 16-foot pole 100No. 3. 12£-inch bore for 14-foot pole 90No. 4. 1%-inch bore for 12-foot pole 80No. 5. l>i-inch bore for 10-foot pole 75No. 7. IK-inch bore for 8-footpole 60


Star Holder. doz.

Forstaffs H-inch 42Forstaffs %-inch 60Forstaffs J£-inch 75Forstaffsl -inch 1 10Forstaffs 1^-incb 1 80For staffs ly,-inch 2 50

Quantities less than half a dozen not sold.

DECORATION NETS.Made of cambric muslin in American, German. Irish

and French colors. They are a new novelty in the

decoration line, are durable, and can be festooned in

form of butterflies, fans, etc. Are used extensively inthe tiner stores, making an elaborate but cheap display,

and under the glare of the electric light appear as if

made of satin. They also make a beautiful decoration

for horses used in parades. Size, when spread out,

40x90inches. Each 35

PAPER FANS.For Window and Gen

eral Indoor Dec-


Something new and pretty. Inexpensive, but very at-

tractive. They are made In the shape of Japanese fans,

and can be closed up when shipped ornot in use. Size.

20 inches high, 40 inches spread when open. Doz. .70

on this page can be shipped with Fireworks from our maga-

NATIONAL PAPA folding paper c

Novel, attractive anprice. Per 100


For decorating halls, arches, stands, etc.

and blue in one piece. Very handsome aup indoors or outdoors. Will withstand r

in rolls of about 30 feet. Per roll

PAPER WREATHS.14 inches in diameter, in all colors of mo

toonings and in combination colors. Doz


Very handin all colors

fective. Doz



vv-ML * M

Federal Tricolor Rover

Our line of printed decoration bunting hforced by the addition of several staple b

makes our variety of patterns complete, as

cludes everythingof Importance that themaSold In pieces only, from 50 to 60 yards.

Federal, 24 Inches wide, stars all overTricolor, 24 Inches wide, whi

Rover, 24 inches wide, stars in blueCommodore, 24 inches wide



Are one of the best

4th of July novelties.

They are perfectlyharmless. No acci-

dents can occur withthem. By striking two together, or th

against ahard surface ais made. 4 in a box. P

RUBBER RETURNNo. 5 Hollow Gray R

1>£ inch in diameter.

bulk, without rubber th

No. 10 As above, l

diameter. Per gross In b

rubber thread. Gro


Best quality, standardskein of 1 lb.,

no less quanti-

ty sold.

Per lb.. ..2 50

NEW RETURN BALL.Made of papier-mache,

assorted colors, with em-bossed gold band in center,

elasticcord and

ring. 1 dozeninabox. Doz 30Gro 3 25

TORPEDOA great noveltyharmless. 3 to

Top. Ball a

Place an ordin

paper cap in thin spindle andthe top strikes t

cap explodes witport, the hollow

goes 25 to 100 f

and the top kee

As a gun—AH<

place, strike spin

wall or a fence,

plodes and the b

at the target. DGross

N. B.—Any lar

will do. but torp

are best, made lostrips. 100 caps i

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 10/42

REVOLVERS OF MERIT.& Richardson's, Iver Johnson's and Other WeIl=known Makes of Automati

Double Action Revolvers. Special for 4th of July Trade.




Stevens' single shot pistol, tip-up barrel,

finish, 3H Inch barrel, 22 caliber, rim fire,

target pistol, no better material put In rifles,

Each 165


Stevens' pistols are all made

very best material, and are all

reliable shooters.

Stevens' diamond model pistol, single

shot, tip-up, blued barrels, long plain gTip

•tock, nickel-plated frame, chambered for

22 rim fire short or long rifle cartridges

and BB caps, globe and peep sights, weight

10 oz., 6-inch barrels, good for 50 yards.

Each 3 3022 caliber, rim lire, single shot, with open

eights, blued barrel, nickel-plated frame,

rosewood stock, 6-in. barrel, weight 10 oz.

Each 3 30


7005 22 caliber, short or long, rimfire, rubber saw handle, fluted cylinder,7 shots, nickel-plated, round, weight7oz. Each %5


Standard Pattern.

2K-inch Octagon Barrel.

7020 32 caliber, cente^ fire, 6 shots,plated, rabber stock, weight 1R oz..

7021 38 caliber, center fire. 5 Bnbts,plated, rubber stock, weight 15 oz..

7022 44 caliber, center fire, 5 shots,plated, rubber stock, weight 18 oz..

nickel- each...list, 1 50nickel-

. ..list. 1 50


...list, 1 65


4%-inch Octagon Barrel.

7023 32 caliber, center fire, 6 shots, nicplated, rubber stock, weight 17 oz

7024 38 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, ni

plated, rubber stock, weight 16 oz7025 44 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, niplated, rubber stock, weight 20 oz

6-inch Octagon Barrel.

7026 32 caliber, center fire, 6 shots, niplated, rubber stock, weight 18 oz

7027 38 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, niplated, rubber stock, weight 17 oz

7028 44 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, niplated, rubber stock, weight 20 oz

Young America. Small Frame.Action.

2-Inch Octagon Barrel.

7029 22 caliber, rim fire, 7 shots, nickel-pl

rubber stock, weight 8oz7030 32 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, ni

plated, rubber stock, weight 9 oz

When pearl stocks are wanted, be sureplainly on your order, adding cost of samepistol.

Pearl Stocks Extra.For all Styles American Double Action Re

22 caliber, plain pearl

82 caliber, plain pearl

88 caliber, plain pearl


H.& H. Automatic Revolvers are universally adopted as standard reliable revolvers. "High class of material," "uniform excellence of finish,"m use, are three qualities that have given this line of firearms a reputation that sells them without any of the usual recommendations or exp

required. \ ou handle a line that sells by their well-known merits.Automatic. Double Action.

3 M- inch Barrel.

32 caliber, center fire, 6 shots, nickel- eachrubber stock, weight 18 oz List, 3 10

32 caliber, center Are, 6 shots, blued fin-

rubber stock, weight 18 oz List, 3 3538 caliber, center fire. 5 shots, nickel-

rubber stock, weight 1 7 oz List, 3 1038 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, blued fin-

rubber stock, weight 17 oz List, 3 354-Inch Barrel.

32 caliber, center fire. 6 shots, nickel-rubber stock, weight 18 oz List, 3 35

32 caliber, center lire. 6 shots, blued finish,

stoc.k, weight 18 oz List, 3 6038 caliber, center fire, 6 shots, nickel-

rubber stock, weight 17 oz List, 3 3538 caliber, center fire. 5shots, blued finish,

stock, weight 17 oz List, 3 605-inch Barrel.

32 caliber, center tire, 6 shots, nickel-

rubber stock, weight 20 oz List. 3 6032 caliber, center tire, 6 shots, blued finish,

stock, weight 20 oz List, 3 8588 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, nlcktl-

rubber stock, weight 18 o/, List, 3 6088 caliber, center fire. 5 shots, blued tinisli,

stock, weight 18 oz List, 3 85

Premier Small Frame. Automatic,ble Action.


a-lnch Barrel Bicycle.

7056 22 caliber, rim fire, 7 shots, nickel-plated, eachrubber stock, weight 12 oz List, 3 10

7057 32 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, niekel-plated, rubber stock, weight 11 oz List, 3 10

3-inch Barrel.

7058 22 caliber, rim .Ire, 7 shots, nickel-plated,

rubber etoi 12'j oz List, 3 107059 82 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, nickel-

plated, rubber stock, weight 11V4 oz List, 3 107060 32 caliber, center fire, ."i shots, blued fin-

ish, rubber stock, weight 11 'J oz, List, 3 35

5-inch Barrel.

7061 22 caliber, rim fire, 7 shots, nickel-plated, rubber slock, weight 14 oz List, 3 60

7062 32 caliber, center Are, 5 BhotB, nickel-

plated, rubber stock, weight It) oz. List, 3 60

Hammerless Automatic. Double

3-Inch Barrel.

7063 32 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, ni

plated, weight 13 oz

7064 32 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, bluedish, weight 13 oz

7065 38 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, nicplated, weight about 15 oz

7066 38 caliber, center fire, 5 shots, bluedish, weight about 15 oz

Pearl Stocks. Extra.

For all styles Harrington & Richardson's R

22 caliber, plain pearl

32 caliber,plata pearl

38 caliber, plain pearl

Our prices on GARDEN CITY FIREWORKSthe lowest in America.

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 11/42


IVER JOHNSON'S REVOLVERS.Automatic. Double Action.

rt£, ilVi.<iuickes' fl""5 revolver ever made, representing every Improvement in automatic revolvers

produced to date having a patent safety trigger, making it impossible for revolver todischarge by accident, the hammer being entirelv independent of the trigger. Case-bardened trigger; all parts made of the best forged steel, nickel-plated. A specialleature of this revolver is the reliable patent improved automatic raising side break,

which is more easily operated, more reliable and most expedi-ent for unloading chambers.

. 4-inch Barrel.

7094 32 caliber. 5 shots, nickel-plated, rubber eachstock, weight 13 oz List, 3 35

709411 82 caliber, 5 shots, blued finish, rubberstock, weight 1 % oz List, 3 60

7095 38 caliber. 5 shots, nickel-plated, rubberstock, weight 18 oz List, 3 35

7095B 38 caliber. 5 shots, blued finish, rubberstock, weight 18 oz List, 3 60

5-inch Barrel.

7096 32 caliber, 5 shots, nickel-plated rubberstock, weight 1444 oz List, 3 60

7096B 32 caliber, 5 shots, blued finish, rubberstock, weight 14% oz List, 3 85

7097 38 caliber, 5 shots, nickel-plated, rubberstock, weight 18 Vi oz List. 3 60

7097B 38 caliber, 5 shots, blued finish, rubberstock, weight 18% oz List. 3 85

32 caliber, 5 shots.nickel- eachplated, rubber stock, 3-in.

barrel, weight 12% oz.List. 3 1032 caliber, 5 shots, blued finish, rubber each

stock, 3-in. barrel, weight 12!4oz List, 3 3538 caliber, 5 shots, nickel-plated, rubber

stock, SJi-'n- barrel, weight 17 oz List, 3 1038 caliber, 5 shots, blued finish, rubber

stock, 3Ji-ih. barrel, weight 17 oz List, 3 35

Ham merless Automatic. Doubl

3 and 3'4-inch Barrel

7098 32 caliber, 5 shots, nickel- eachplated.rubberstock, 3-in. bar-rel, weight 13 oz List, 3 60

7099 32 caliber, 5 shots, blued finish,stock, 3-in. barrel, weight 13 oz

7100 38 caliber, 5 shots,nickel-plated,stock. S>i -in. barrel, weight 17 oz

7101 38 caliber. 5 shots, blued finish,stock, 3}4 -in. barrel, weight 17 oz

7102 3C caliber 5 shots, nickel-plated,stock, 4-inch barrel, weight la oz

7103 38 caliber, 5 shots, blued finish,stock, weight 18 oz

Pearl Stocks Extra for all Styles of Iver Johnson Revolvers.per pair I

plain pearl, for Iver Johnson automatic and hammerless revolvers. .1 00I38 caliber, plain peail, for Iver Johnson automatic and hammerless revo


best quality tool steel, all pansare interchangeable, 32 caliber,

small frame, lJi-inch barrel. 5shots, nickel plated, rubber han-dle, loading gate on side, folding

trigger, weight 6 oz., shoots 32S. & W. center fire cartridges.

Each 2 50

52 P Same as above, with fine

quality pearl stocks.

Each 3 10


22 caliber blank cartridge pistol, full nickel-plated,

barrel. To load the pistol the breech of the barrel

by pressing on the finger-piece forward of the

After inserting cartridge release the finger-piece

the barrel to return to Its place. Doz 1 75

BABY HAMMERLESS REVOLVERS.51 An entirely new departur

ers. An ideal pistol for homecarried in vest pocket : safe, acculiable; full nickel plated andpolished throughout; has foldmaking it convenient to carry iet, revolving cyli ndera which canforcleaning, and constructed inner that premature or accident

is impossible. Perfectly safe ina woman or child. 22 caliber,frame, 6 shots, nickel plated, ruweight 4^ oz.. interchangeable peither black or smokeless powdcartridges. Each

51P Same as above, withpearl stock*. Each


40 Self-acting 6-shot blank cartridge revolver, 22 caliber,

2Ji-lnch octagon barrel, round cylinder, 6-shot, double

action, nickel-plated and polished Doz 4 00

AND U. M. C. BLANK CARTRIDGES FOR 4JJ* OF JULY TREXTRA LOUD REPORTS— Being made scientifically correct they are far superior to


other makes.

NOTICE We quote these Cartridges at list prices. Wedesireto assure our trade that the net prices

.— we bill these goods will be satisfactory; if otherwise, they may be returned at our expens


22 blank, powder 3 grains. Adapted to PerM. PerC.all rim fire revolvers and pistols of List. List.

this caliber 142 1532 blank, powder 9 grains. Adapted to

all rim fire revolvers and pistols ofthiscaliber 2 60 27

V 3211 <",HOIhort


.3 2 -

;. x w.BCANK

PerM. PerC.

32 S. &W. blank, powder List. List.

9 grains 5 20 53

38 S. & W. blank, powder14 grains 6 60 67

, !,! 3 &< BL

R A O E **. A R K"

OGER5 BR05^Bros. " 1847



OGER5 BRbrand knives have the round bolster, a patemted improvement, no sharp corners, insures better service of the parts subjected to the ha

*S» Rogers Bros. " 1847 " Brand Medium Knives, best crucible s

handles, 9 inches long, plain or satin finish, warranted 12 dwt. Doz

Rogers Bros. "1847" Brand Forks to match above knives, heplated on best nickel silver. Doz

Rogers Bros. "1847" Brand Dessert Knives, 8 inches long, pl

finish, best crucible steel, warranted 12 dwt. Doz

Rogers Bros. "1847" Brand Dessert Forks to match above kni

silver plated on finest nickel silver. Doz

Prices of "1847" Rogers Bros. Tipped, Shell, 1

Extra Plate.


1 90Spoons 3 80

3 55Forks 3 80Forks 3 55

Shells 3 85Knives 4 75

Tipped pattern

r Windsor Patterns.

Sectional. Triple PlateDoz. Doz.

2 25 2 704 50 5 404 00 4 504 50 6 404 00 4 50

4 506 30

Berkshire pattern.

Prices of "1847" Rogers Bros. Avon, Berkshire, Columbia, Lotus, Savoy

Patterns. Extra Plate. Sectional. Tr

_ Doz. Doz.Teaspoons 2 15 2 50Tablespoons 430 5 00Dessertspoons 390 4 30Medium Forks 430 5 00Dessert Forks 3 90 4 30Sugar Shells

4 05Butter Knives 4 75

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 12/42

and Summer 1903 ..If^JVS.. Spring and Summe

the Spring and Summer season of 1903, we are showing the most com

lines of Novelty, Japanese, Feather and Fabric Fans.

FANS— are covered in gauze, fanmakers' taffeta, silesias and transparent silk chiffons

decorations are in patterns and effects which are all new for this year.

FANS.— We are showing a select line of Japanese Fans in assorted colors, also wh

black. They are covered with the very finest grades of fanmakers' fabrics and mounted on

plain and fancy ribs. The bodies are decorated in all new patterns and combination floral gr

which are new for this season.

FANS.—A special feature is our line of Feather Fans, which are the most popular pri

class fans to be had.

FANS.—The Cigar Fan and Bouquet Fan novelties are gaining in popularity each year.

are popular for picnics, fairs and all out-door demonstrations.

LEAF FANS.— Our quotations on Palm Leaf Fans are always the lowest. We impor

direct in enormous quantities, and aside from the fact that the quality runs uniform, we gu

our prices to be lower than others.


755 Cigar Fan.

Cigar Fan. When closed represents a 6-inch doz.

cigar, when drawn open is a full size, double

glazed cambric, fancy flower painted fan 40

760 Bouquet Fan.

760 Bouquet Fan. When closed is an exact imi- doz.

tation of large bouquet, flowers tinted in

natural colors, when open is a double faced,

glazed cambric painted fan, regulation size.. 1 50



2 Palm Leaf Fans. Full size and best quali

The old reliable. Sold in case

£, only. Cases containing 5U0. Cas

NAssorted Colors.

iuo 101 10a

Length 'JYn inches, spreads to a width of 13 inches, narrow fold, floral doz. 103patterns on tinted grounds, 11 plain ribs. 2 dozen in a box 09

Length 10 inches, spreads to a width of 16 inches, bright color tinted ribs,

narrow folded, in a series of handsome floral and other popular bright

iior designs on delicate tinted grounds. 2 dozen in a box 12

Length 10 inches, spreads to a width of 18"4 Inches, narrow folded, hand- decorated in a series of Japanese bright color patterns on delicate

shaded grounds, bright color tinted ribs. 3 dozen in a box

1U3 lu4

Length 10 inches, spreads to a width of 17'/S inches, scalloped edside slicks, plain tinted silver showered ribs, narrow folded, bod]

tn a series of 3-eolor Japanese floral and other pattern combinati

sorted to the dozen, on a deep shaded ground. 2 dozen in a box

Length 10 inches, spreads to a width of 18 Inches, 26 plain tint

ornamental outside sticks, narrow fold, body in a series of 3-eolo

illumined Japanese patten is, assorted In boxes of 2 dozen

105 1'06 107

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 19 Inches', 26 plain tinted ribs, doz.

gold showered outside sticks. vi\ narrow told, body represents a series

ill bright color flowers on a Ito'seled ground. 2 dozen to a box 25

Length 10'-, Inches, spreads to a width of \:<'~ inch.

lint IIde sticks, medium fold

a'ined in silver on deep shaded

gr .:..':: el. .' 30

Length 10H Inches i-a width of 2 plain tinted ribs


narrow led

assortment to the box. 2 dozen in a box 33

108 109

103 Length 101-i inch ds to a width Of 20HKSh

tinted ribs, carved fancy silvered sticks, very nurrow fold, in a s

large Japanese floral and other patterns illumined in colors, cord a

sel. 2 dozen in a box

109 Length lu'4 Inches, spreads to a width of 20 In

i mounted outside sticks, decorations

SOT! Color silver illumlni-d Japanese small flo

other i Bortmenl of patterns and colore to t

cord and lasscL 3 dozen to a box

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 13/42


110 111 112

Length 10% inches, width 20 inches, 28 silver showered natural color doz. 113ribs, fancy carved silver showered outside sticks, the patterns represent a

series of heavy Japanese illumined and hronzed floral and other patterns,

gilt edge, cord and tassel. 1 dozen to a box 65

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches.a very handsomeornamental pattern Japanese fan at a popular price. 2y ribs painted in fancy

floral pat terns, outside sticks ornamented to match, dark shaded ground pat-terns illumined with bright color Japanese floral and other designs, sil-

ver illumined, cord and tassel. 1 dozen in a box 65

Length 10 inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches. 28 red varnished and

gold showered Japanese ribs, with carved gold and silver outside sticks,

narrow fold, in a series of gold tinsel bright illumined Japanese small and

large floral pattern combinations, gold edge, cord and tassel. 1 dozen in

a box 70


113 114

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 28 tinte

carved ribs, fancy carved silver ornamented outside sticks, medipatterns represent a series of small and large silver illumined J

patterns on dark sbaded ground, overlaid with silver strips, a ver

some effect, cord and tassel. 1 dozen in a box

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 28 fancy ti

vered and ornamented ribs, heavy ornamental sticks to match, t

of fan is medium fold, represents a series of fancy illumined patt

dark shaded grounds, gold finish, cord and tassel. 1 dozen in a bo



115 116 1

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches. 28 pressed white doz.

hs, silver ornamented outside sticks, silver top and bottom edge,

,, dium fold, cord and tasseL 2 dozen in a box 40Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 28 plain whitetinted ribs, silver ornamented sticks, narrow fold, represents a series of

silver 1 ..ited floral combinations, a very handsome assortment to the box,cord and tassel. 2 dozen in a box ' 45

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches. 28 plain whitetinted ribs, ornamental silver pattern on outside sticks, narrow fold withheavy silvered patterns mounted at random, silver edge, cord and tassel.

1 dozen in a box 60

' 118 119

118 Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 28 plain white

outside sticks, heavy enameled, very narrow fold, ornamented with

nation silver tinseled crayon, floral patterns, cord and tassel. 1 d

a box

119 Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 2« plain tint

2 outside sticks, mourned with fancy patterns, very narrow fold,

mounted with silver spangles. Cord and tassel. 1 dozen in a box


120 121 1

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 18 black ribs, heavy doz.

ebonized sticks, medium fold, plain black, cord and tassel. 2 dozen in a

box : 35

Length 10^ inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 18 plain ribs, heavy

ebonized sticks, medium fold, in a series of combination small and large

floral patterns illumined with small silver spangles, cord and tassel.

2 dozen in a box 40

Length 10% inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 28 fancy carved

plain black ribs, fancy carved ebonized plain black sticks, narrow fold,

plain black body, cord and tassel. 1 dozen in a box 70

! 123 12-1

123 Length 10% Inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches, 18 plain bla

heavy hand-carved ebonized outside sticks, body is of good black

material, medium fold, line at top and bottom edge, cord and tassel.

in a box

124 Length 10% Inches, spreads to a width of 20 inches. 28 fancy car

ver striped ribs, fancy carved silver illumined ebonized sticks, m

fold, representing a series of heavy combination patterns in 3 and

effects illumined with small silver spangles, cord and tassel. 1 d

a box

Length 9 inches, width open 14 inches. 9 plain white broad enameled dozribs, depth of feathtrs 5 inches, in assorteit shades of red and blue. %dozen In a box 1 90Length Izeopen 15 inches. 1 1 enameled wood plain rilis, 5-lnchfeather covering, curled edges, decorated with spangles. % dozen to box.colorwhite 2 25Length 11% inches, size open 15 inches, 9 enameled wood fancy em-bossed silver


7-inch feather covering, assorted in all good sell-ing colors. 2 in a box. 3 75

Length 10% inches, size open 15 inches, 11 enameled fancy emsilver inlaid ribs, 6 inches of extra tine selected feather cove:

raented with gold tinsel and hand-painted patterns, tied with large

side, y iu a box222 i-.v'renielyelaboratebigh-grade fan. length 1 l%incbes. size open In

1 1 ornamental enameled silver inlaid ribs, covered toadepthof7with selected soft finished feathers, ornamented with band-pain

signs, gilt tinsel beads and applique work, in bright contrastingribbon bow at end. 1 in a box

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 14/42



Length 9% Inches, width open 17 inches, 16 ebonized wood ribs, fan doz.

covered to a depth of 5% inches with moire pattern special quality fan-

makers' black silesia, top trimmed with leather-edged braid. Put up 1

dozen in a box 1 75Length 9"^ inches, width open 17 inches, lti ebonoid wood ribs, coveredto a depth of 514 inches with standard black fanmakers' taffeta, feather-

edge fancy braid trimming, each fan banded. Put up 1 dozen in a bos— 1 90Length 9H Inches, size open 17 inches, covered to a depth of 5 l4 inches

with standard fanmakers' black taffeta, ornamented with silver spangles




340 y 345

and trimmed with feather-edge fancy braid, 1C ebonoid wood ribs. P1 dozen in a boxLength 9 Ml inches, width open 17 inches. 18 fancy carved genuine ebwood ribs, covered to a depth of 5H inches with fanmakers' taffetedged with feather-edge braid, black only. % dozen in a boxLength 9"^ inches, width open 18 inches, 18 fancy serolled arid spinlaid ebonoid ribs, fan covered to a depth of 5<4 inches with stafanmakers' black taffeta, ornamented with small gilt spangles andmed with feather-edge braid. Put up % dozen in a box


451 • 456

Length 9 inches, width open 17 Inches, 16 white enameled plain ribs, doz.

covered to a depth of 5 inches with white glazed fabrics, gilt-edged top.

1 doz. in a box i 1 25Length 9'^ Inches, width open 17 inches, 16 white enameled wood ribs,

fancy covered to a depth of 5 inches with silesia and a narrow row of

feather-edge braid. 1 doz in a box(— — 1 90

Length 9 inches, width open 17 inches, 16 enameled wood ribs.tovered

to a depth of SH inches, ornamented with silverspangles and trimmed

with feather-edge braid. y% doz. in a box 3 50


Length 9V inches, width open 17 inches, 16 white enameled fanbossed silver inlaid wood ribs, covered to a depth of 4% inches withparent silk chiffon, feather-edge braid trimmed top and a box

470 Length 9% inches, width open 17% inches, 18 polished carvedbone ribs, covered to a depth of b% inches with transparent silk chfeather-edge braid trimmed top, white only. 1 each in a box

Length W, inches, width open 17 inches, 16 ebonized wood ribs, cov- doz. 590eredtoadepth of bhi inches with black silesia, decorated In painted

designs and gilt tinsel ornaments. 1 doz. in a box... 1 75Length 9(4 inches, width open 17 inches, 16 ebonized plain wood ribs,

covered to a depth of 5i4 inches with black fanmakers' fabric, ornament-

ed with hand-painted floral designs, gilt band. 1 doz. in box 2 00 595Length 9!-s inches, width open 17 inches, 16 ebonized plainribs, covered

to a depth of 5 in. with black taffeta, painted floral patterns and raisedilver work,trimmed with black feather-edge braid, a doz. in a box...3 90

FANS -Assorted Colors. 8 white

Length 9Yi inches, width open 17 inches, a novelty in fans; 18lapping ebonized wood ribs, fan covered to 'a depth of 5% inchesstandard black taffeta, painted in large natural color flowers, bothand ribs, trimmed with feather-edge braid. 1-12 doz. in a box

Length fHj inches, width open 17 inches, 18 ebonized plain woocovered to a depth of 5 inches with black chiffon, ornamented with

taffeta silk tinsel trimmed bowknot and spangled chantilly lace to mground pattern of natural color painted flowers, leach in a box

light blue and a pink to the dozen.



Length 9H in., w'dth open 17Yi in, 16 whiteenameled plain rlbs.covered doz.

to a depth of 4% in. with floral embossed fabric. 1 doz. in a box 1 90Length 9Kin., width open 17 in., 16 white enameled plain ribs, coveredto a depth of i'4 n. with white serge and ornamented with paintedflower patterns, trim,ned with feather-edge braid. 1 doz. in a box 2 00Length 9y in., width open 17 in.. 16 plain enameled wood rlbs.coveredtoadepthof5 inches with serge, floral painted effects, y, doz. box 3 50


Length 9H inches, width open 17 inches, 16 white enameledembossed silver wood ribs, covered to a depth of 5 inches withpainted floral pattern, very elaborate. % dozen In a hoxLength 9

-sinches, width open 17 ipohes, 16 white enameled

carved and embossed silver inlaid wood ribs, covered to a

Inches With Chinese silk, ornamented with combination hand-paand heavy raised silver filigree designs. !4 dozen ina box


Length <>X Inches, width open 17 Inches, 16 fancy pattern gold Inlaid doz.

flat ribs, outside sticks to match, covered to a depth of 5 inches with

transparent silk chiffon, natural color painted floral patterns, gold show-

ered and tinseled. % dozen in a box 4 00Length 9% inches, extreme width 17 Inches, 16 white enameled fancy

embossed gilt inlaid wood ribs, covered to a depth of 4y, inches with

transparent silk chiffon, ornamented with painted floral patterns gold

tinsel mixed, feather-edge braid trimmed top and bottom. H dozen in a box. 4 75Length 9"4 inches, width open 17 Inches, 14 flat white enameled silver

inlii'1 fancy pal n h outside sticks to match, covered to a depthof 4H fcnehes with white sateen, feather-edged top and bottom, lace over-

lay pattern, with mounted silvered ornaments with blending offloral patterns in natural colors

745 Length 9% Inches, width open 1* Inches, 17 fanny white eeled ornamented wood ribs, 2 outside ribs of ..r icovered to a depth of 5 inches with chiffon silk, painted ,npatterns with raised silver filigree work, feather-edge braid bounand bottom. 1 in a box

751 Length 3'{ inches, width 11 Inches, 17 fancy embossed silver i

whi i wood ribs, covered to a di pth'of 5!4 Inches with tparent silk chiffon, ornamented with painted floral patterns trimmedsllve: aid fancy pattern chantlllj lace, lK-lnch row of chanlace edge at top and feather-edge braid bottom, llnabox

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 15/42


Full standard size

robe, fringed ends, dark

color with triple stripe

color headings, center Is

in flower and scroll

the lowest price em-

robe made. Each.. 16

34052 Extra large slzetrlnged

ends Jacquard woven momierobe, shaded body with striped

headings in fawn and brown,center embroidered with large

spray of flowers in contrasting

effects, one of the best values onthe market at the price.

Each ^. 30

34056 Bed mixed center,

fancy woven duster with fancvstripe fawn color borders, knottedfringed ends, center embroideredin large shaded green floral spraywith cherries, heavily worked,the most attractive embroideredduster made at the price.

Each 45

34061 Extra heavy weight

fawn color double knotted fringe

lap robe, Jacquard woven laurel

headings, center handsomelyworked in large fan, flowers with

branches, bright shades, silk

stitched. Each 70

34066 Extragreen birdseye wolap robe, wovenborders on each envery handsome effect

broidered with roses,

and leaves, with reffect connections.


Zigzag woven momie

medium green color, full

triple striped headings,

ends. The lowest priced

made. Each 14

34075 Full size green anddrab weave with colored border

at beading, long fringe, making a

very desirable and attractive

robe. Each 28

8407S An extra heavy birds-

eye woveD robe in green and corncolor, tapestry pattern borderswith woven horse head at eachside, making this robe veryattractive, double knotted fringeat headings. Each 45

34082 French brocatelle Jac-

quard woven robe In blue andbuff color, double warp robe,

extra wide borders In various

designs, double knotted fringe at

headings, center handsomelvfigured. Each 60


34086 Full stasatin finished green

center with woman'ged ends and broca




Plain washable grass

robe, full size, fringed ends.

low price linen robe on the

Each 35

34091 Washable aud revers- 34094 Green duster with em-

ible large size striped linen duster, broidered center in carnations,

red colored stripes running roses and leaves In attractive col-

through center, wide borders, ors, pinked edges. A very strik-

Xringed headings. Each 65 ling effect. Each 50

84097 Full size green cloth

robe, pinked edges, center em-broidered with high colored yarnin fancv leaf and vine pattern.

Each ..1 20

34100 Extra qlivery cloth, full si

wide lay edge all arEach




10-inch staple brown and white pad, ex-

ceptionally well made and tilled. No. 1

quality drill. 4 rows stitching. Put up 2

dozen in a bale, in the following staple as-

sortment of sizes: 2 Size I*, 3 Size lit, 5

Size 20, 4 Size 21, 4 Size 22, 3 Size 23, 3 Size

24. Sold by the bale only. Price a. __

per bale of 2 dozen OOi I D


R. H. Wagner

34143-The genuine Wagner ne

greatest team net madeprice, each net wilh a bras

plate marked (R. H. Wagnent), butternut or tan colo

and breast style, 5 leath

with an overlaid leath

through which lashes are

and riveted , strong leathe

and buckles. *,

Dozen Vl

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 16/42

in Women's and Children's ParasoFANCY PARASOLS.

The Metropolitan In a

assortment of fancycloths in plaids, stripes

figured patterns, 7 ribs,

frame, extra long sticks

bleached Congo handles.


33570 Women's fancy sateenstripe pattern parasol, solid colorgrounds with assorted figures, avery neat and attractive style,

ruffle trimmed end, plain Congowood handles of assorted shapes.

Each 65

33575 New Gibson effectwomen's coaching parasol, whitemercerized centers, 4-inch hem-stitched fold in new black andwhite puffed top. mounted woodrustic shaped handles. Each 95


Fast black Englishwith a 4-inch pinked edgeand fancy puff at top,

7-rib frame, long blackwood sticks with ball

Each 50

33599 Black silk twill para-

sol, with large black carved woodhandles and black silk tassel,

parasol made with one row ofhemstitching, and one 4%-inchruffle, chiffon top. Each 1 25

33578 Bamboo wood handle,with long bleached wood stick,

steel frame, covered with light

ground color silk finished cloth

in a complete assortment of floral

and other patterns, finished witha satin edge and a white silk chif-

fon ruffle. Each 1 15


33582 High-grad

taffeta silk, of assor

finished with 2 chif

made with fancy ch

white enameled frametrimming to matchcarved wood handles,

shapes. Each

33585 Pure white India silk,

the best white silk parasol ever

offered at this price, has a 7-rib

paragon frame, solid sticks withfancy shaped bleached oak han-

dles. Each 85

33587 Women's fine whitemercerized silk parasol, withextra wide dou.ble satin edgechiffon flounce, puffed top, fancyshaped wood handles, with extra

longmounts. Each 125

33591 Pure whitewith white enameledsatin stripe chiffon ru

puff at top, silk tassel

Congo wood handlesshapes. Each



parasols, covers

In fleur-de-

stripes and

wood handle*rted shapes.

1 10

33542 Children's

fancy ruffled parasol,

complete selection of

print cloths in stripes,

rhiwers and variccated

extra ttrongancy scalloped

edges. long wood sticks

with ball handles.

Doz 2 00

33545 12-inchruffle top, covers of

fancy finished printcloth of assorted col-

ors and patterns. 4-ruf-

fle effect, pinked edgetop, 7-rib frame, longwood sticks with fancyball handle.I>oz 2 75

33549 A hand-some new crepon effect

children's parasol, full

sizes, pinked

new 2-toned ivr-ian

and Dresden designs,

also handsome foulard

patterns, assor tedshaped wood handles.

Doz 4 00

33552 Solid color

mercerized Englishglass clol b


scarlet, pink, blue andwhi te, finished all

round with pinfeed

edges, circular andstar-shaped rucblngontop with lace medal-lion bottomshaped wood ring and

ball handles.Doz 5 50

U3 3 5 5 5 12- inch

children's pamade on a hi-

silk finish mercerizedsateen in all popBliu*

colors, trimmed with

2 rows of pinked edtaruffles and 1 row oftine Vat lace inser-

tion. 1 o n g bamhoowood mounts wi ;h


a n c v shaped woodhandles. Doz .8 25

33558 Ael, neat anFrenchChild:


rted sh

med on torows of Val

tics and 1 rtion, fan


8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 17/42



The only steel rod umbrella ever offered, combining all the durable

features of high-grade goods. Sizes 26 and 28-inch, made with enameled

steel rod, nickeled ends; extra strong, durable frame, fast black tape-edge

English gloria cloth cover, genuine Congo handle, of assorted natural

shapes, with silvered trimming swedge at bottom. Each 3475


83417 26-ineh enameled steel rod with nickeled end, women's umbrella,

strong frame, tape edge fast black gloria cloth cover. Congo wood ha

of assorted shapes with beaded silver swedge, positively the only dur

steel rod, fast color umbrella ever offered at this price. EachDoz

Mercerized gloria cloth umbrella, 26 and 28-inch, strong paragon

frame, enameled rod, African Congo handles of assorted shapes with large

silvered trimmings, silver swedges. Each : 48Doz 5 25

Our 1903 Special. In appearance and wear this umbrella equals any,

regardless of price. Note the features: Sizes 26 and 28-inch enameledsteel rod, genuine Congo wood handles of assorted shapes, finished withsilvered swedge, strong frame with English tape-edge gloria cloth cover,

mercerized silk case and tassel. EachDoz ' 5

33424 The Paris Ring. Novelty for 1903, cover of Helvetia fast black

cloth, 7-rib frame, steel rod, Congo wood mounts, top and bottom sw

gold and silver plated large ring handles. EachDoz >

3 3429 Special attention is called to the handle of this umbrella wconsists of a long pearl and silvered effect, bottom and top madechased silver pattern with pearl centers, umbrella made of an Engliscolor gloria cloth on enameled steel rod, nickeled ends. EachDoz

Mercerized gloria cloth cover, strong 7-rib frame with steel ro,

assorted shapes, Arabian vine bandies with fancy silver wire trimmingsilver swedge. Each 68

7 50

Large chased, bright and oxidized silver hook bandies on Japanesewood mounts with ?i-incb silver swedge, umbrella cove red with mercerized

gloria cloth, fast black, steel rod, strong frame. Each 70Doz 8 00

33434 A very stap'-o. selling, strong and durable women's umbrella, mamercerized silk-finish cloth that closely resembles silk, a durable we

serviceable umbrella, handle is genuine South African Congo, as

rustic shapes, steel rod. EachDoz

33440 Long La Tosca shape, very elaborate handle, top and bottom of

chased silver with large knobs in assorted medallions, fancy cel

centers, strong 7-rib frame, tape-edge gloria cloth cover, enameledrod. Each ;


Men's 26 and 28-inch umbrella covered with mercerized silk twill

cloth, paragon frame, steel rod, genuine horn handles in dog and horsehead designs, a very popular seller. Each 93Doz 10 50

26 and 26-inch high-grade tape-edge taffeta silk, with silk case andtassel, polished steel rod with steel ferrule, paragon frame, polishedArabian vine and Congo handles in Prince of Wales, opera loops andother desirable English shapes. Each 100Doz 11 50

Highly polished imported hardwood handles with fancy chased wire

silver trimmings, umbrella covered with high-grade taffeta silk, with silk

ca-e and tassel, paragon frame, enameled steel rod. Each 1 25

Extra higb-gradetaffeta silk with silk case, close rolling paragon framewith steel rod, imported hardwood handles ornamented with large sterling

silver knob and fancy chased silver collar, silk tassel trimming. Each....2 00

3 3442 Extraordinary value In an imported Dresden, Princess

umbrella with genuine taffeta silk case and silk tassel, steel rod, h

are in 2-toned Dresden effects in a handsome assortment of, bright

ings. EachDoz

33461 Imported French bronze bandies in assorted carved head shape

hardwood Arabian vine mount, very new and attractive style, um

covered with otto Mueller's silk twill cloth, strong frame, steel rod.


33464 Imported genuine taffeta silk umbrella with silk case and

warranted paragon frame, steel rod, extra long heavily carved pea

silver handles, a staple seller at an unusually low price. Each

33477 Handsome new and artistic imported Parisian design, gold plat

metal handle of assorted shapes ornamented with three large cher

new style for this season, umbrella has a steel rod with paragon

silk tassel and is covered with a high-grade pure taffetasilk with sil


8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 18/42






41723172214H to 17 Front 2 in.,

Doz 38 in., back 1H in. DozSizes 14H to 17. Front 1*

. 83 back 1H in. Doz

41724 41725 41726Sizes 13 to 17. Front Hi in., Sizes 13 to 17. Front 2 iu., Sizes 10 to 11%.

33 backlJiin. Doz 33 in. Doz



4172714V4 to 18. Front 2% in., backDoz : 73

41728Sizes 13 to 17. Front 2% in., back

IK in. Doz 78

41729Sizes 13 to 17. Front 2 in., back

ain. Doz 73

41730Sizes 14H to 17. Front 2

2X in. Doz


4173114K to 17. Front \% in., backDoz 73


41732Sizes 14V4 to 17. Front 2V4 in., back

2Kin. Doz 73


41733Sizes 14VJ to 17. Front 2% in., back

2Hin. Doz 73

41734Sizes 9H to 11;,. Width



FINISH ONLY, excepting styles SALINA, MENDOZA and PALMA, which can be had in either bright or dul

State which is desired when ordering.


41735 41736 4173714H to 18. Front 2* Sizes 14K to 17. Front 2% Sizes 14V, to 17. Front 2 in., Sizes 13 to 17. Front 2M in.. Sizes 14V4 to 17.

IKi in. Doz 170 in., back IK in- Doz 170 back 1H in. Doz 170 back2in. Doz 170 in., back 2*< In. Do





41740 41741 41742 41743 41V**14V4 to 17. Front 2 in.. Sizes 14'S to 17. Front 2

"4 Sizes 14V4 to 17 r*ront 2% Size; 10 to lltf. Width :i'i Sizes 10 to lltf-

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 19/42



4174a 41747 41748 41740 41750

12 to 20 Front 1% in. Sizes 13 to 20. Front 2M in. Sizes 12 to 18. Front 2H in., Sizes 12 to 18. Front 2 in., Sizes 12 to 18.

-120 Doz. ..120 bjjkWto.xao

g^lhm.i ^ back 1H io.



417s , 41752 41753 41754 41755

12 to 18 Front 2 in., Sizes 13 to 18. Front2*in.,Sizes 12 to 19. Front 2* in.. Sizes 12 to 19. Front 2 in., Sizes 13 to 18*.

1$£ in back 2% in. wet l,* in.b ^^ pact x%, in. oacK L\ m.

..„...'. 120 Doz 120 floz

41756 41757 41758 41759 41760

12* to 18*. Front fc Sizes 13* lo 20. Front IX Sizes 12 to21. Front 1* in., Sizes 12 to 18*. Front 1% SizesJ2 to 17*.

in., back 1H m. m., a 11ack 1* la


in., back 1* in.

.1 20 Doz


back 1% in.

.1 20 Doz 1 20 Doz.


1 20 Doz


12 to

1 % in.

4176119. Front 2% in.,

1 20

41762Sizes 13 to 17"i- Front 2*

in., back 2H in.

Doz 1 20

41Slzes8 toll*. Width 3* in.

Doz 2 40

41764 41765Sizes 7* to 11*. Width Sizes 9* to 1

3* in. 3* in.

Doz 2 40 Doz



guarantee our line of WATERPROOF BOSOMS to be the

interlined goods of their class :




Good Line


Reliable Qoods.


Most Reliable





Line of




41767 41768 41760width 6s; iu. Boj 3 85 Front 13 iu., width IV. in. Doi...380 Front 14 in., width TV. in. Baa. ...626 Front 16 in., width 9 in. Do

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 20/42

•..*.S.-*~*.**^*.- t..*..**S--*.J***+S~*.S***,.'*.*.S~**S*S,***S*t*»t***\S*****°**'************t.\.*tS***»S****»*****»****^



An enormous purchase of these goods from one of the largest and most reliable

manufacturers makes this great sale possible. We bought the goods for less than

it cost to make them. To close them out quickly we offer them to the trade atless than one-half current market prices. Each of the following lots represents ',

an assortment of extraordinary values that will astonish you, Order early. '


Chatelainebags that usu-

ally job at $3.75 to $6.00

per doz., made of fine soft chamois leath-

er, thickly covered -with illumined cotag-

on steel beads, full lined, beaded fringe,

handsome embossed frames with patent

clasps, assorted patterns.

To close, dozen $&«25•«««".".".".".".".•*«»

LOT No. 3Fine assortment that usu-

ally jobs at from $10.50 to

$15.00 per dozen, made up in the best pos-

sible manner, patent push-off clasps, Ger-

man silver embossed frames, close woven

long fringes, fine soft chamois backs with

inside change pockets, front of bag thick-

ly studded with fine illumined steel

beads, average size 5x6 inches. (tSn -j*m

To close, dozen $0- I

LOT No. 2A well assorted lot con-

sisting of about 12 differ-

ent numbers ranging in price from $6.00

to $10.50 per dozen, the most popular onthe market, made of fine soft chamois

skin, covered with illumined steel beads,

chamois back and lining, with changepocket, long fringes, average . size

4 '2x6 inches, embossed metal frames withnew patent clasps. aa ACTo close, dozen t$WsOD

The very finest grades

made, the kind that usu-

ally sells at from $15.00 to $24 00, hand

made and hand sewed, best quality cham-

ois back and lining, with inside chanpe

pocket, studded with genuine round cut

steel beads, German silver full lined

frames overlaid with handsome filigree

work, patent push-off clasps, long closely

woven beaded fringe, average sizes 5^x6inches.

To close, dozen

LOT No. 4



8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 21/42

Wrist Bags and Chatelaines|


WE bought an entire manufacturer's stock at our own %price. It is made up of this season's goods exclu- £

sively, and includes a superb variety of up=to=date §styles in which are some of the finest quality goods on £the market. We are closing them out at less than


manufacturer's cost, and invite the trade to participate;»;

in this tremendous snap. . . . . . . 1

L-oit No. BBA variety of staple selling 1903

style Wrist Bags, including the

most fashionable shapes in alli-

gator, walrus, seal and other fancy

pressed patterns. Latest style

lump and straight, nickeled and

oxidized frames, worth double

the price we ask.


%»w*••*••*•VV% * %•%•%•*•"•• •*••^v%*vvvvvvvvv***v%,vvv*.,


L-o-t No.An assortment of Wrist Bags in

the latest shapes, different leathers,

including a variety of good-selling

patterns. Sold regularly to the

trade at $1.75 to $2.00.

Our price to close is,

dozen 75c



Lot No. CCThis lot includes extra quality

goods that cost you regularly

$5.00 to $9.00 per dozen. An as-

sortment of strictly fine Wrist

Bags and Chatelaines in all the

prevailing popular styles. Square

and round, lined, with and with-

out inside coin holder. You can

sell these at an enormous profit.

Our price, per dozen, An qponly $Wa09


L-o-t No. ODAn assortment of the finest qual-

ity Wrist Bags and Chatelaines on

the market. Latest pattern frames

and clasps, strictly high-grade

leathers, assorted kinds and col-

ors, fancy embossed, best linings,

perfectly made and finished.

Kegular $12.00 values.

Our price, per dozen . . $6.75

* •

""""*"""'*""""••"""V».::*•>:»>»:••> V

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 22/42



assortment A. Consists of a fine

selection of 25c women's leather and softbelts. 1 doz. assorted sizes and

styles to a box. Per doz. . .

assortment B. This assortmentcontains the best selection of 25c soft

belts, all of the latest styles. 1 doz. as-

sorted sizes and styles to a

box. Per doz..



assortment c. Comprises a "choice

assortment of 50c women's leather and

soft belts. 1 doz. assorted sizes

and styles to a box. Per doz $3.75

ASSORTMENT D. Consists of a fine

selection of 50c women's soft belts of the

latest styles. 1 doz. assorted sizes d*i AAand styles to a box. Per doz . . . q)4«vU


ASSORTMENT E. This lot consists of


the choicest assortment of 25c men's

belts, all different colors, buckles, sizes,

etc. 1 doz. to a box.

Per doz *.

ASSORTMENT F. Positively the best

assortment of men's 50c belts ever

shown, comprises an assortment of the

latest style belts in calf, sheep, morocco

and bridle leather, with nickel-plated, gilt

and enameled buckles, narrow and wide

widths, etc. 1 doz. to a box

Per doz $4.00

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 23/42

and Toilet SundriesA RE


OUR -PERFUMES are the product of well-known manufacturers. Our Perfumes are

lasting qualities to any of their class. Our Perfumes are put up in novelty shaped, attr


A SPECIAL FEATURE of our perfume stock is the complete assortment of display stand

WE GUARANTEEour line of

Hair Oil, Brilliantine, Pomade, Talcum, Tooth PJelly and Face Powder to be as good in quality as any of the high-priced advertised

They can be sold to the finest trade with every assurance that they will give the best of satisfa


w.84 6 53 181Slipper Cologne. Handsome glass slipper doz.

tilled with extracts of assorted odors, nicelylabeled with scrap pictures, 1 doz. In carton. 80Watch Perfume. One-oz. flat shape bottles,

watch dial labels, assorted odors, 1 doz. in

a carton 36Qood Luck Cologne, in horseshoe style bot-

tles, front decorated with scrap pictures,

bottles filled with extracts of various odors,

1 doz. in a carton 351 doz. packed in partition carton, represent-

ing a complete assortment of odors 36

122 58 220 81

Mirror Perfume. Assorted fragrant hand- doz.kerchief triple extracts, White Rose, JockeyClub. New Mown Hay. etc.. l^-inch-mlrror,1 doz. in a carton

One Dime Itiand Cologne in 'A-oz. bottles,

gilt printed labels. 1 doz. in partitioned dis-

play stands suitable for showcase or counter.

Lantern Perfume, fitted with nickel-plated

screw perforated tops, can be used as a salt

or pepper cellar when empty, 1 doz. in

a display stand 40German Cologne, a lasting odor, 1-oz. bottles,

gilt labels, 1 doz. in display stand 60



10 531 534Rkh's Turkish Cologne. Put up in display doz.'"M- of: 1 dozen 8-inch 1-oz, bottles withsprinkler top, handsomely labeled, filled

with popular handkerchief extracts 70Rich's Tonquin Musk. 1-oz. size. 3M-inchfancy shape bottle with lithographed

label, kid leather capped, tied with narrowsilk ribbon, filled with Rich's famous Ton-quin Musk Rich and lasting odor 75Liberty Cologne. 4-inch 1-oz. size flat

shaped bottle, nickel-plated sprinkler stop-

per, bottle ornamented with lithographed

flags in colors and gilt, bottles filled with

lasting and refined cologne. Put up onedozen on a display stand 75

4032 1114 485

4032 Large size, superior True Flower Odor doz.

Extract. Four-inch hexagon bottles with

glass stoppers, 1 doz. on display stand 75

1114 Tappan's Dime Cologne. 3Vi-incb 1-oz.

size fancy bottles with nickel-plated sprink-

ler stopper, handsomely lithographed labels,

1 dozen on a partitioned display stand

White Lilac, refreshing and lasting per-

fume, put up in 1-oz. bottles, with patent

sprinkler tops, in display cartons of ldoz.,,1 25




1165 Triple XXX Extract. Put up In >4-oz. size doz.

fancy blown bottles, with screw style glass

stoppers, handsome lithographed labels,

bottles filled with selected handkerchief ex-

tracts of assorted odors. Put up in new

style display cartons with sliding bottom

drawer 75

710 Tappan's Special Triple Extracts. Put up doz.

in hexagon pattern 1-oz. bottles, with

glass stoppers, and fancy nickel and gold

plated screw pattern metal caps, filled with

a quality perfume which is guaranteed

equal to the finest made; odors assorted

in display cartons o;J

1 doz 2 00

1905 628

1905 Tappan's Blue Ribbon. 5-inch ne

bottle with glass stopper, fancy em

lithographed label, filled with 1-oz. a

popular handkerchief extracts in -

Club, White Rose, Lily of the Valley,

trope, Carnation Pink, etc. 1 doz

new style display carton

528 Exquisite. 5-inch 1%-oz. size ne

bottle with plain glass stopper, tied

with silk ribbon bow and ornamente

fancy lithographed labels-, filled wi

lection of all-spirit triple extracts

sorted odors. Yt dozen in a box

3477 4-inch 2-oz. style plain heavy

bottle, with a crown glass stopper, dewith beautiful lithographed labels, ti

fancy silk ribbon, filled with best tripl

kerchief extracts of assorted odors.

Flower, Bridal Wreath, Oriental

Jockey Club, etc. H doz. in handsome


Manufactured by C.

Allen, made of the high

grade pure tale, chem

ally treated, which prod:

a lustrous, transparent.a

lutely white powder, higperfumed; also contains

gredients to make i

healthful and sanitary to

powder for adults

children. Is useful toserve and soften the s

For chapped hands, pers

ing and chafed, it exc

all others, can also befv

as a tooth powder. Put

in a 4-inch lithograp

sprinkler top can. 1 doz. to a box


4> 2-ounce, an invaluable family<§• remedy for burns, wounds, sun-

<l> burn, Chilblains, etc.: can be

Staken internally to cure <:

colds, sore throats. In nicely

X labeled bottle, 1 doz. in a Carton.

f Doz 30x 5-ounce, same as above. Doz. 65

<$3>$><^$<$><£ • *:•••• v'SxS^S^^^^^^

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 24/42



world-wide reputation of Palmer's Patented Hammocks, of which we present a complete line

and the following page, has been gained by years devoted to the building, of Hammock

are perfection in all respects. :::::::::::::The reputation that this firm has to sustain is a sufficient guarantee that every Hammock we ehi

best that can be produced in its class. ::::::::::::We are showing a line that is up-to-date. "We solicit your careful consideration. We are

it will greatly assist you to make your Hammock business profitable.


Size of woven part 35x77lull colored, concealed spreaderand wood bar at foot, open weave,

no valance. Each 40

Size of woven part 35x77full colored, woven cotton, linen

open weave, fitted with indestruct-

spreader and pillow, woodfoot, no valance, extra heavy, well

stringers, nice selection of newfor this season. Each 50

Size of woven part 35\77full colored, concealed sprei der

at head and wood bar alweave, narrow valance. Each.. 60


27054 Size of woven part 36x80inches, all canvas weave, full colored,

concealed spreader and pillow at headand wood bar at foot, no valance.

Each 65

»** ftNTED;UTN°A.W.V. " f3

2 7055 Size of woven part 35x77inches, full colored, concealed spreaderand pillow at head and wood bar at foot,

open weave, wide valance. Each 70

27056 Size of woven part 42x83inches, full colored concealed spr

wood bar at weave, no valance. Each 80

27057 Size of woven part 86x80inches, canvas weave, full colored, con-cealed spreader with pillow at head andwood bar at foot, narrow valance.

Each 75


27060 Size of woveninches, full colored, concealwith pillow at head and woodopen weave, wide valance.

27058 Size of woven part 36x80inches, full colored, concealed spreader

with pillow at head and wood bar at foot,

canvas weave, wide valance. Each.. 90

27050 Size of woven part 37x81inches, full colored, ooncealed spreader:<? lead with pillow and wood i'ar at

font, canvas weave, Jftoquard designs,narrow valance. Each 1 15

27061 Size of woveninches, canvas weave, Jacqufitted with indestructiblspreader and pillow, wiwood bar at foot. Each

27062 Size of wovenInches, full < wan

hi kd and vood

open two skip U no pat< i

finish, Jacquard designs, wiEach

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 25/42

HAMMOCKS -Concluded.

Size of woven part 37x81 inches, pillow andspreader at head, wood bar at foot, canvas

Jacquard designs, full color, wide valance,

lay-back pillow, nicely upholstered and

Each 165

Size of woven part 42x83 inches, full col-

pillow and concealed spreader at head and woodboth ends, open alternate three skip leno weave.

designs, wide valance, strung to give dividedcontinuous stringing and adjustable hitch

Each 150

Size of woven part 40x81 inches, full col-

pillow and concealed spreader at head and woodboth ends, strung so as to give divided suspen-

continuous stringing, adjustable hitched ends,

of twilled weave, Jul inard designs, wide valance.

1 75

M -

Size of woven part 42x83 inches, open alter-

itented three skip leno weave, full colored,

plaid designs, pillow and ccreealed spreader at

and wood bars at both ends, wide valance. Thesedivided suspension, con-

stringingand adjustable hitch ends.1 75

27067 Size of woven part 40x81 inches, full col-

ored, pillow and concealed spreader at head and woodbars at both ends, twilled weave, Jacquard dtsmn.wide valance, lay-back pillow, detachably secured, up-

holstered and trimmed. These hammocks are strung to

give divided suspension, continuous stringing and ad

justable bitch ends. Each 2 15

27068 Arawana Hammocks. Size of bed 43x83inches, full colored, concealed spreader and pillow . widevalance, close weave, Jacquard designs, wood bars at

both ends, continuous stringing. These hammocks are

strung to give divided suspension, with wood bars, con-

tinuous stringing and adjustable hitch ends for single

or double ropes. Each ..,.2 25

27069 Size of bed 46x84 inches, full colored, con-

cealed spreader and pillow, wide valance, wood bars at

both ends, continuous stringing, combination weave,Jacquard designs. This hammock is strung to give

divided suspension, with wood tprs. continuous string-

ing and adjustable bitch ends for single or doubleropes. Each 2 50


wKgjm .'.*'*

27070 Size of woven part 46x84 inches, concealed

spreader at head, with lay-back detachable pillow,

upholstered and trimmed, wide valance, full colon d

combination weave, Jacquard designs, wood ba

ids, strung to give divided suspension, continu-

ous stringing and hitched ends for siagle or doubleropes. Eacfc 3 00

27071 Size of bed 51x87 inches, full cocealed spreader and pillow, w:d,e valance, coweave, Jacquard designs, wood bars at both e

stringing. This hammock is strung to give dpension, with wood bars and adjustable hitboth single and double ropes. Each

CJTHt 97a

27072 "REPOSO." The patented Restruction as illustrated above, marks a newmanufacturing of hammocks. Where hamused in place of beds, it is the custom to u

wide hammock and lie either diagonallyacross, as such a position gives the utmoseliminating any painfulness occasioned bytion of the lower limbs in the regular'Many users of hammocks assume the diagonin an unconscious search for ease. TheReposo is constructed, as regards widths anments of pillows, so as to make it naturalthis diagonal position.

Size of woven part 60x84 inches, full color

folding spreader at head, wood bars at bothvalances and upholstered pillows. The foldiallows the.hammock to be folded into a comage. Each

27073 Size of bed 41x87 inches, cotton

taire (S. D. V.), has upholstered properly tlow, w hich is detachably secured to the h

er edge, so that it can be laid back ordesired. Each spreader at bead and foot

two half rounds highly finished, fastened toornamental screws, rings and knobs. Theance is very effective, consisting of a wide vwhich is draped a narrow valance. Each


1251 Screw Hammock Hooks. Extra he

able iron retinnea, heavy thr, I :



1249 Plate Hammock Hook. Full mall

and plate retinned. DozGross


1247 Favorite safe-

ty hammock ropes.

Length 9 feet.

Doz. pieces 65

Gross pieces 7 50

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 26/42

IVOTE> RE^OUGTIOIV IB* PRICES Oare in a position to furnish Tents of all descriptions, in large and small quantities, on short notice All our tents a»e

quality. They are all full size and all have a good "pitch" roof to turn rain, and are all made in a durable, substantial

All our tents are made of 23-inch duck. The ounce given is the weight per ounce in length, and our goods are not to

founded with the cheaper grades, which are made of 36 and 40-inch duck, which weighs the same per yard in length, cons

poor material from which to make tents. We cannot send tents C. O. D., as they have to be made to order, and for tha

be returned or exchanged. We warrant them to be exactly as represented. When ordering give catalogue number, le

weight of canvas and price. We can make to order all kinds of tenta, canopies, etc. Write for quotations.

OR WEDGE TENTS.Weight without poles,

18 to 40 lbs. ; weight of

?oles, 14 ounces to the

oot in length. Threepoles— 2 upright, 1 ridge








Price, 8

Height, oz. Single

Feet. Filling


6 ft. $2.257 ft. 2.84

7 ft. 3.40

7 ft. 3.76

TA ft. 4.64

9 ft. 6.66

Price, 10oz. Single







Price, 12OZ single

or 10 oz.

Dbl. Fill-







Weight without poles

14 to 30 pounds; poles

13 ounces per foot in


Only one pole and thatin the center.





Price. Complete.

Soz.Single;10 oz. Sin-Filling gle Filling

Duck. Duck.




12 oz. Dou-ble Filling


$3 154.75

• 7.20

Tents all have the proper "pitch" to roof, con-turn water instead of holding it in sag of the


or refreshment tent, with wall. Price in-

poles, pins, guys, etc., complete ready to set up.

He'ht 8oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. Dou-

of Single Single ble Filling

Wall. Center. Filling Filling Top and 8-

White White oz.s.F.W'lls


Duck. Duck. White Duck

6 ft. $10.06 $11.43 $11.976 ft. 10 ft. 11.25 12.78 13.596 ft. 10 ft. 12.49 14.18 16.12fi ft. 11 ft. 13.77 15.71 17.106 ft. 11 ft. 16.66 18.86 20.66

Vi S ft. 12 ft. 16.90 19.31 21.426 ft. 12 ft. 20.84 23.85 26.82

If 8 oz. blue or brown stripe is.wanted thebe the same as 12 oz. double fillingwhite duck.





10 oz.


H i


12 oz Doubleand Twisted


White Duck.

HI ft.

10 ft.

ii rt,

$5. Ml6.627.458.33








readyup. Where H

will be the samedouble tilling white duck.

FAMILY COMPARTMENT TENTS.oblong with square ends. Weights without poles

about 60 to 160 pounds.

These tenu are especially designed for families or

parties who must have separate rooms. It is accom-plished as perfectly as at home, being divided into

bedrooms on sides and dining-room in center. Theawning, as-shown in this tent, is not extra to the tent,

but part of the wall lifted up, thus forming an awning,

affording free circulation of air through the tent as

well as complete shade. The prices include everything

complete, ready for putting up.

a S S o o

£o3 .


0> . w o §og.



2^a <-




uao lue
















» 8 ateQ **

9x16)4 6 10 2-5 x 9 9x 6!>. $20.47 $23.179x19 6 10 2-6HX 9 9x 61* 22.28 25.42

12x19 6 11 2-6«xl2 12x 6% 26.33 29.93

12x21H 6 11 4-6'„x 7 12x 7 28.58 32.63

14x21H 6 12 4-7 x 7 14x 7 31.50 35.78

14x23y 6 12 i4-7 X 7 14x10 33.53 38.03

16jx23i 6 13 '4-7 x. 8U 14x10 38.03 43.43

SIBLEY TENTS (WITHOUT WALL).Complete with poles, stakes, etc.


Diame- Height.ter.

10 812 9

14 1016 11

8 oz. Sinsle





10 oz. Sin-

gle Filling




12 oz.





SIBLEY TENTS (WITH WALL).With 2>4 foot wall. Complete with pole, stakes

etc. White duck.




S oz. Single


10 oz. Sin-

gle Filling





12 oz.






$6.076 307.509.90





These tents have

but one pole, andthat is in the cen-

ter. Top is sup-

ported by a light

iron frame, sewedinto tent aroundeaves. Tney arcmade of 8-onnceawning mi

Colors: Blue andwhite, brown anil

w hite^old-gold andbrown, in alter-


Size of Base.o .


£ i


3 ,.- aoes


7x 7is:. 8


2 ft. 4 in.

3 ft. 6 in.

7 ft. 6 in.

8 ft.

8 .ft. 6 in.

9 it.

e ft.


6 in7 ft.

7 ft. 6 in.



„•Price with


g o Guvs. 2tc,

a abo

ready to

;r. CD

Jta a 8oz. 10 o

Single Sing

Filling Fill

Feet. Feet. Feet.Duck. Duc

7x7 3 7 $3.60 $4.7x9 3 7 4.28 49x9 3 TA 4.93

9Hxl2 3 TA 5.81 6

9Vs>:14 3 TA 6.60 7

12x12 3% 8 6.90 812x14 3H 8 7.79 'J

12x16 8!4 8 8.64 1012x18 3ys 8 9.61 11

14x14 4 9 9.27 1014x16 4 9 10.22 12

14x18 4 9 ' 11.41 1314x20 4 9 12.69 1414x24 4 9 14.31 1616x16 5 11 12.69 1416x18 5 11 13,93 1616x20 5 11 15.35 1716x24 5 11 17.49 2016x30 6 11 21.15 2416x35 5 11 23.67 2718x18 5 11 15.93 1818x20 5 11 17.55 2018x24 5 11 19.62 2218x30 5 11 23.52 2718x35 5 11 26. 17 80

Where higher wall is wanted add 5 per c6 inches in extra height of wall.

Poles and pins included in above prices

any size of wall tent not mentioned abovapplication. Can furnish any style of tent

A tent fly makes an extra movable or doubtent, and affords a greater protection frrain, and can be made to serve as an awninfront or rear of tent. They are not really

and are not included in prices of tents but

nish them if ordered, al one half the price

corresponding size and quality.










II ft.

11 ft.

12 It.

12 11.

12 ft.

13 ft.

13 ft.

1 3 it

ft 13 11.


6 ft.

t. ii.

6 ft.

6 ft.

fi ft.

Price, comple


n-3c I'-

ll 3. 2816.20

is, {III


21.6024. 53



C «






tents include poles, pins, guys,

, ready to set up,

Dark rooms >

Onr da -'it and color as the tent—all white, line

low clotn.

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 27/42

Charlton" Hardwood RefrigeratorGEJJVEJRA-Zv DESCRIPTION.

THE prominent features and the construction of our refrigerators are: Hand cpanels and moldings, made of thoroughly seasoned ash, antique finish, fancy

lapping doors, special door clamp for double doors, inodorous charcoal sheagenuine solid bronze locks and binges, best steel spring self-retaining casters, ful

lined, metallic shelves, no inside wood exposed, removable galvanized ice rack, remowaste pipe with automatic trap. Refrigerators furnished with porcelain-lined

coolers, solid brass faucets and fancy cup holders, swinging baseboard making remodrip pan convenient.

CONSTRUCTION—This refrigerator is made from thoroughly seasoned ash lupossessing the beautiful grain for which Wisconsin hardwood is so celebrated. All

are in an antique finish, with best filler, shellac and coach varnish. Only the best bhinges and locks are used with the best steel spring self-retaining casters. To fcon tribute to securing favorable results, this refrigerator is constructed so as to con

six walls, viz.: 1— Outside case of hardwood panel work. 2—A wall of charcoal shea3—A dead-air space. 4. A second wall of charcoal sheathing. 5—A wall of ma

lumber. 6—A wall of zinc.

SINCLE DOOR.Shipping Ice

Dimensions, weight, eapac'y,

Style, inches. lhs. lbe. Price.

301. .24x16x39. .100. .30. 5 25302. 24x16x39. .loo .80. 5 75303 26x17x40.. 110..40. 7 50304.2Sxl8x42 .125..50. 8 25305 30x19x44.. 135. .65. 9 50306. 32x21x46. .150. .75.10 75


301 is plain without


With Porcelain Lined Water


Shipping Ice

Dimensions, weight, eapac'y.

Style, inches. lbs. lbs. Price.

310. 24x16x39.. 110.. 30. 8 00320. .26x17x40. .120. .30. 9 25325. .2**18x42 .135. .40.10 25330.. 30x10x44..145.. 55.11 BO335. 32x21x46. 160.. 65. 13 00

DOUBLE DOOR.Shipping Ice

Dimensions, weight, eapac'Style. inches. lbs. lbs.

307. .36x21x46.. 165. .100.

With Porcelain Lined Water

340. ..36x21x46 .180.. 80.

FOUR DOOR.Shipping Ice

Dimensions, weight, eapac'Stv'e. inches. lbs. lbs.

313. ..37x20x51.. 195. .125.

Lawn Mov/er. This mower is made of

best material throughout. The tie rod and

are made from solid steel, and reel and bed

from special lawn mower steel. The reel shaft

well forward, enabling the operator to cut close

or bush. The reel shaft box Is fitted with split

bushings and is so constructed that grass will not

around reel. All parts of this machine are turned

fitted, and the pivoted bed knife makes

easily adjusted. It is interchangeable through-

all gearing is encased to prevent dirt entering

with the perfect working of the ma-


$2 00

2 10


/lost Durable Light Running High Wheel (lower onthe Market. Especially Adapted lor

Large Lawns and Parks.

Points of Superiority—The frame is very strong andrigid. The cutter-bar and boxes for reel shaft are Ad-

justable to compensate for wear. An improvement re-

cently made on this mower is bronze boxing for reel

shafts, making the best and most durable bearings andincreasing to greatest extent its easy and li?ht runningqualities. The ratchet is the most simple, effecti\e

and durable in use. The teett of main wheel and pin-

ious are made in best form for wear as well as for

smooth and light running. The reel and cutter-bat

knives are made of crucible steel. Diameter drive

wheel, 10 inches. Diameter reel. 7 inches. Fourcutters. Painted in red. greenand black, and decorated

in gold. Absolutely guarante3d. 2 sizes.

Size each

16-inch $3 25

18-inch 3 75

CARDEN HOSE.Our line of garden hose is made by the larg

known factory in the world. Sold only in

lengths, coupled ready for use. >"o extracoupling.


Competition. Ji-inch 3-piy, a good hoseprice, not guaranteed

White Cross. 3i-inch 3-ply. A good cheapnot guaranteed

Neponset. 3<i-inch 3-ply.This hose, althouas heavy as our other grades, is the be

in the market at the price, and ts guarto stand any water pressure

Namquit. 9£-ineh 4-ply. Good reliable hogeneral garden purposes, positively those introduced in recent years at theWill stand any degree of water pressu

Pequot. ^-inch 5 ply. This is a famousmultiple hose and Is light, durablstrong enough to stand hard usagguaranteed hose that always gives'satisfaction

Saranac. ?a -inch 6-ply. A bigh-erade hopeople who want the best. This hogained for itself a great reputation. I

6-ply, made of good stock and thorguaranteed. For strength and durabicannot be excelled

Squantaln. Vinch 7-ply. A bisrb-ffrade hthe most superior merits. This hose i

anteed to be the best 7-ply stock madis unequaled for durability and streng


only kind that

every demandquality andMade with

automatic t w i n

cedar parts

electric weldedhoops.guaranteedbreak or fall off.

are heavy tin

with drawn steel

All inside

t ho roughlyoutside parts


uses thepossible

of ice and salt, and are economic and conven-We handle this line in 6 sizes.

each Quart. each Quart. each



2 85150 6 2 25 10 3 85


Freezers. The best low-

price freezer in market,due only to its simple con-

struction. It ispositivelv

the best single actionfreezer In the world. In

addition to this feature

it contains many of

the details mentionedin our line of Light-

ding freezers. Wehandlethis line in 6 sizes.

Quart, each Quart, eachwm J 1 15 I 6 ... 2 00

3 1 35 8 .. .2 554 i eol 10.. ..3 45


/pi r, Jlliili!; ; !ii!|„::,.iiiiiillniri-^


double s

K2SH:~::~™:=:==!j;=!J=jJii!: iS-HslMIquality sta


i'':';.! MM-vindcw- sc

best wire c

market;reels of 1feet, colors

Siiiiiiiiiffiiifiii-giiia black, in thwidths: 24, 26, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36. Prisquare feet

For convenience of our customers, we g- scale of prices per roll of 100 ru

showing cost perroll of the various widths.

per roll

24-inch 2 2026-inch 2 38

28-inch 2 5730-inch 2 75



8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 28/42

An Unparalleled Value in

Women's Ribbed Vest=^= *

*»*E do not hesitate to say that this is unquestionably the greatest offer ever made the-t

women's spring and summer underwear. Our price of $1.05 per dozen is positively

cent lower than current market quotations on these garments. They are staple sellers at 25

unqualified satisfaction to the wearer and yield the trade an extraordinary profit.

Lot No. 800Made of select quality bleached yarn, in spring and summer weight. Fine torchon lac

mercerized silk tape around arms, neck and shoulders drawn through silk crocheted lac

2x3 ribbed, front and back 2x6 ribbed, well finished in every way. Sizes 4, 5 and 6.

each size separately, 1 dozen to a box.




price on Mosquito Netting

less than combina-

quotations on Standard,

Guaranteed Goods


COLORS: White.Black.B

Green, Buff, Cardinal, Pin

yards to the piece.

Per piece 36<$>^<^<£^*<^<£<^<S><$>*^<^^<^^^cS>'^

With Stationary

and Individual BuGASOLINE STOVESnew liDe of America Cabinet Frame Gasoline Stoves presents a number of advantageous features that combine to make these stoves the best sellers

market. They are simple and effective in operation and positively safe. The burners have ?j-inch iron standpipes, brass angles, cast iron drill conneedle with brass check-nut. Pull cabinet frames with end panels in one piece. Made with brace running crossways on base, thus securing

strength and durability. Our prices are low, and dealers will find this a money-making line to handle.

WicKless, Blueflame Oilstoves—Cabinet Designbest oil stove of its kind on the market. It combines extreme simplicity

with effectiveness in operation and is a most satisfactory stove at a low price.

Our Globe oilstove has no wick. An asbestos kiudler is used for starting,

when hot has no capillary power and none of the functions of a wick. Canlighted quickly, and is operated and controlled by a cut-off.

The Burner gives an intensely hot blueflame and consists of chimney, bowlcut-off.

The Cabinet is made so that while the burners are completely enclosed by it,

tray for catching any greasy drippings, etc., from the cooking, is exposed for

cleaning. The oil supply pipe is also outside the Cabinet and kept cool byair passing around It. No 2 Junior, 2 burner,

size 14*4x25x14 *,. r n(in. high. Each.. $4.0U

No. 3 Junior, 3 burner,

size 14H.\85x:5 din nrin. high. Each.. q>0,ZO

No. 12 ni?h Junior, 2burner, size 14*4*23x25

£$?: $6.00No. 13 High Junior. 3burner, size 14Hx35V4x25in. high. a

7 7C






No. IAOne burner, top 10%xl5xl4 inches high

frame). Each No. 2ATwo burners, top 14Hx21x14V4 inches high.


No. 3AThree burners, top 14Hx30xl4% inches high.


No. 4A ^jTwo burners, top 144£x21x *Q or24'/, inches high. Each.... 4)0.00

No. SAThree burners. topl4*4x30x

24W inches high. Each

No. 113

Two burners and step, top &Q rn14Vix21x27 in. high. Each 4)0, 0U

No. 114

Three burners and step, top & Q "jr

?4Vix30x27in. high.

Each 4»0. f


8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 29/42

SPECIALS IN MEN'S COMPLETE AMERICAN WATCHEGuaranteed to keep in good running order for a year






Cheaper than ever before, the great "Liberty"

Watch. A marvel o£ cheapness and utility. Just

for actual use. hunting, camping, tisbing,

bicycling, and for all classes of workingmen.

timekeeper. Absolutely guaranteed for one

Style of finish, nickel. The movement used in

is the smallest and most compact lantern pin-

made. Each 59



Stem Wind


Stem Set

Dustproof nickel case with knurled edge

beveled glass crystal, stem wind and 6temThis watch is the thinnest and smallest made by

company; it has double sunk dial. Fully

to keep in good running order for one year.




New Haven

Clock Co.'s




6401 "Hero," fully warranted to keep in good run-ning order for one year. Dustproof nickel case withknurled edge and hinged back, back wind aud back set.

The thinnest back wind watch in the market, will runaccurately for 30 hours. Each 65

New 1901

Thin Model





o. 6405


$2 25

6403 We guarantee the timekeeping qualities of

these watches for one year; guaranteed the highest

grade nickel American watch on the market for the

money. The latest and most reliable American watch,

the merits of which make it of extraordinary interest to

the trade; stem wind and stem set, 18 size, snap back

and bezel. Each watch packed in a small wooden bos;

the superior merits of this watch are attested by the

medal of award received at the late Parisand Columbian

expositions. Each 83

6405 Gents-

Century In-

laid Watch. IS size, openface, gold inlaid, screw bezel

and back, silverine case, posi-

tively dustproof, fitted withthe Century movement, nickel

finish, stem wind and lever

set. guaranteed to keep goodtime for one year-

Price, complete 2 25

6406 Gents' Deuber Sil-

verine Watch, 18 size, openface, screw bezel and back,silverine case, will wear a

lifetime, positively dustproof,

fitted with the "reliable 7-

jewel Hampden nickel move-ment, stem wind and set,

guaranteed in good runningorder for one year.

Price, complete 3 80

New Thin



Clock Co.'s

Stemand SNickel

6402E "Excelsior," dustproof n i ckelI edge and heavy beveled glass cry

wind and stem set. This watch is the thsmallest made by any clock company; it

sunk dial. Fully warranted to keep In gooorder for one year. ;Each






6404 Men's Century Watch, 18 size,

screw bezel and back, silverine case, will wtime, positivel>fcdustprpof, fitted with the wCentury 7-jew*el movement, nickel finish,

and lever set, guaranteed in good running or

year. Price, complete




S3 80

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 30/42


Guaranteed to keep in good running order for a year.


$2 25



$1 80




New York Standard Gun rietal Watch. The veryFrench novelty in gents' watches. The case is 18

face, screw bezel and back, oxidized steel, gungold-tilled crown and bow, guaranteed to wear a

fitted with the reliable New York standard 7-

movement, guaranteed by us to keep in good run-

der for 1 year, Price of watch complete.. .2 25

6408 nen'sioth Century OpenFace Watch, 18 size,

open face, screw bezel and back, gold-plated case, en-

graved in a complete assortment of the very latest de-

signs, fitted with the well-known and reliable Centurynickel movement, stem wind and lever set, guaranteedto keep good time for 1 year. Price, complete 1 80

6409 Men's 20th Century Hunting Wathunting, gold-plated case, handsomely engcomplete assortment of floral and scenic de

with a reliable 7-jewel nickel movement,and lever set. Price, complete


64 I OEach,

$2 55

Nos641 i



$3 OONo.


Men's Engineer Special Hunting Watch, 18case, engraved In a large assortment of

fitted with engineer special nickel stemmovement, an Imitation 17-jeweled movement,

Engineer Special" on both plate and dial,

adjusted, and white enamel dial. Price, com-255


$6 OO

6411 Hunting. 6412 Open Face Men's Locomo-tive Special Watch, 18 size, gold-plated case, engraved

in a handsome assortment of the latest designs, fitted

with the Locomotive Special, an imitation of a 17-ruby

jeweled American movement, nickel finished, patent

regulator, stamped 17 jewels, adjusted, guaranteed to

keep good time for 1 year. Price, complete 3 00

6414 Men's 10-year Su-preme watch. 18 size, hunting,

gold filled case, warranted for

10 years, engraved in a com-plete assortment of the very

latest designs, fitted with a 7-

jewe) Eluin nickel finished

movement, guaranteed in run-

ning order for 1 year. This is

a good selling special watch.Price, complete 6 006414% Men's 12 siz.\"For-

tuna" watch, 12 size, filled buntij

guaranteed to wear 2O3engraved in a complete as-

sortment of the very I

and newest designs, lined

with the new model 7-jewftl

una*' stem w Ind ami sei

movement, warranted to keepgood tl e j ear. and

le Tri liter Ys one of our

ikmi nopulM sell-

6413 Men's New York Standard Watchhunting, gold tilled case, engraved In a very

ment of scenic and floral designs, u arranted

tilted with the New York standard 7-jewel n

ment, which is guaranteed, in running orde

Price, complete

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 31/42

<l» I I t L

SPECIALS IN GENTS' AMERICAN WATCHES.-Guaranteed to keop in good running order for a year.


6416 w 1

Gents' Winner Gold Filled Watch. 18 size,

hunting case, guaranteed to wear tor 20engraved In a fine assortment of attractive de-

fitted with a 7-jewel Elgin or Waltham nickel

movement, stem wind and lever set, guaranteed

year. This is one of our best selling special

Price complete S 50

6416 Gents' Elgin Gold Riled Watcb, 18 size, goldfilled bunting, 20-year guaranteed case, engraved in ahandsome assortment of the very latest designs, fitted

with a 7-jewel Elgin or Waltham nickel finished move-ment, stem wind and lever set, guaranteed to keep goodtime for 1 year. This is one of the most reliable watchesever offered at this price. Price complete 8 50


$4 85

6417 Gents' Gold Pilled Locomotive Spec

18 size, open face, screw bezel and back, 2filled case, fitted with the Locomotive Specia

tion 17-ruby jeweled American movement, plator, nickel finish, stamped, 17 jewels, adjustteed to keep good time for 1 year. Price comp

Oents' Vallon Watch, 16 size, gold platedcase, very neatly engraved, fitted with a 16 Blze

cylinder movement, nickel finish, stem wind andset. This watch is a fine reproduction of a goldwatch. Price complete 2 10


$2 65

6421 Gents'New YorkStandardWatch, 12 size,

gold platedhunting case,

handsomelyengraved, fitted

with 6 size 7-

jewel NewYork Standardmovement,nickel finish,

stem wind andlever set, guar-anteed to keepin good run-ning order for1 year. Price

complete. 2 65

6419 Gents' Reliance Watch, 16 size, gold filled

hunting 10-year guaranteed case, engraved in a com-plete assortment of scenic and floral designs, fitted witha reliable 7-jewel nickel Reliance movement, guar-anteed to keep good time for 1 year.

Price complete 4 85


$7 75

6422 Gents'2 size Su-

preme ElginWatch, 12 size.

gold filledhunting case,

fuaranteed for

years, en-

graved in a

complete as-

sortment of the

latest designs,

fitted with a 12size 7-jewel El-

gin nickel fin-

ish movement,stem wind andstem set, war-ranted for 1

year. Pricecomplete. 7 75

6420 Oents' Elgin Watch, 16 size, gold

ing 20-year guaranteed case, engraved in a

ment of attractive designs, fitted with the

and reliable 7-jewel Elgin or Walthamnickel finish, stem wind and set, guarante

good time for 1 year. Price complete

$9 956










weandjewWalel f




8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 32/42

SPECIALS IN COMPLETE LADIES' WATCHES -Guaranteed to keep in good running order for a year.

Every number on this page a popular selling watch.

Each$9 50

Molly StarkWatch, 000size.hunt-filled Duebercase, guaranteed to

years, engraved In an assortmentdesigns, fitted with a reliable

"Stark," 7 jewel gilt movementby the Hampden Watch Co., stemand lever set, guaranteed for oneThe smallest American madePrice complete 10 00


$2 25

6425 LadyQueenWatch.Osize, gold-

plated hunting case, neatly engraved\

fitted with a Swiss cylinder movement,

nickel finish, stem wind and lever set.

Price complete 2 25


$4 75

6426 Lady Czarina Watch, size,

hunting, gold-filled case guaranteed towear for 5 years, engraved in'an assort-

ment of latest designs, fitted with the"Czarina" Swiss movement, an extrahigh-grade nickel cylinder, plain jewel,

lever set movement.Price complete 4 75



6427 Lady Josephine Wagold-filled lo-year guarantecase, engraved in a selection

latest designs, fitted with thejewel Elgin or Waltham niment, stem wind aud lever

teed in good running order f

Price complete

Lady Elgin Watch, size, gold-hunting 20-year guaranteed case,

in a very fine assortment ofest designs,' fitted with a 7-jewelor Waltham nickel movement,

wind aud set, guaranteed in goodorder for ou/k year.

complete 9 00



Made bythe NewHavenClock Co.

6429 Lady Clare Watch, stem windand set, knurled edge case, heavy bev-eled crystal. This is the smallest ladies'

watch of its kii c. on the market. Everywatch warranted an accurate time keeper.Nickel, each 1 45Gun metal, each 1 55Gilt, each l 56

Each$1 95

6430 Lady King Watch, 6 size, bunt-

ing, gold-plated case, very handsomely

engraved, fitted with the reliable well-

known King movement, stem wind and

patent lever set. Price complete...! 95



6431 New Columbia Waby the New York Standard Wsize, gold-plated hunting cas

in a handsome selection of tsirable patterns, fitted witmovement, 7-jewel, gilt finish

and lever set, guaranteed in gorder for one year. Price com


$3 50

Lady Standard Watch, 6 size.-

hunting 5-year case, engravedbeautl ent of the very

l the reliable

Standard mo\ement, 7-jewel,finish, stem wind and ;

to keep good time for onePrice complete 3 50


$6 25

6433 Lady Waltham Watch, 6 size,

gold-filled hunting 10-year guaranteedcase, engraved in a fine assortment of

• and floral designs, fitted with thewell-known and reliable 7-jewel Elgin or

Walthamnickel movement,


and set, guaranteed to keep good timei

for one year. Price complete 6 25.

6434 Lady Regent Watch, 6 size,

gold-filled bunting 20-year guaranteedery latest design,

be well-known and retiable7-

jewel Elgin or Waltham movement, stemw Ind


The best watch ever puton the market at the price.

l'rl?e complete 8 00

No. (TJSVa6435 ^rfijuSj/^

6435 Lady Winner Watgold-filled hunting 20-year

engraved in a new astliis year's ted wiable 7 kel Elgin o

movement, stem wind and sone of our must reliable

special watches. Price compl

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 33/42



Attleboro Clock Co.'s ^Owl. Thirty-six-hour Aajarm clock.special make, xthe most thorough clock <j>

of its kind on the market, $full nickel plated on a^brass base, sunk in back, '?>

warranted in good run- ^ning order for 1 year. 4>

Each 5i% |In case lots of 50. *

Each 55 %i>




Co.'s Tattoo Intermit-

tent Alarm. This re-

markable clock is only

a trifle heavier and

larger than au ordinary

alarm clock. It being

fitted with a 4-ineh

bronze bell-metal gong

kon the back of tattoo

Ithat rings like a fire

falarmevery 20 seconds

(for 15 minutes. The <k>

only clock of its kind

in the market, very &handsome pattern, full xnickel plated.

Each 1 10

Our $2.00

Strop Asso

No. 71

This assortment

Strops is the motive line ever shprice, suppliedwith a nickel st

ing rack 11

diameter. Theselected from ou

ing numbers. Alength of strops'24 inches; mabright color me

mings, self andwood handles.

colors and qualit

in horsehide,

natural satin fin

assortment poss


Price per dozen ,

strops Includ- Jing rack • - *

2 for one cent

2 for one cent.

2 for one cent.

2 for one cent

2 for one cent


Our Hercules Fishing Tackle AssortmeThis is the most convenient assortment of fishing tackle ever put up for the retail trade. It is

a neat and attractive size box, 16x18 inches, and contains all good and fast selling articles in the Ashi

line. Contents retail for S13.34. Our price, complete, $4.25- THIS HANDSOME DISPLAY CAS


100 Kirby Fish Hooks, No. 1 Retails 2 for one cent $ 50

100 2

100 "" "

" 3100 •' 5

100 , 1-0

. 100 2-0* 100 3-0

100 Carlisle" " " 3-0

100 ' •• 1-0

36 Ringed Sinkers, assorted

8 Furnished Fish Lines with egg float

8" " " " barrelfloat

8 laviwlM" •» " heavy sinker


10 " '

86 „ light "

12 Braided Lines, 25 feet

24 Eureka " 15 "

72 " " 15 "

36 Snellen Hooks, assorted

1 cent each. 1002centseach 2 001 cent each ... 100


10 cents eac i 806 cents eaca 4010 cents each 806 cents each 403 cents each 801 cent each 86


OUR PRICE, COMPLETE (we make no charge for cagef, ffi^g^Q^Bg813 34

$2.40full paint-


Greatly improved over last year's models and guaranteed to give the best satisfaction.Our prices are the lowest possible for reliable and thoroughly constructed lawn swings. Everywing fully guaranteed, all parts are accurately fitted andean be set up or taken down in amoment. For comfort, strength and durability these swings lead. Made of seasoned kiln-

dried hardwood and thoroughly finished in all details. Are shipped direct from factory inPennyslvania at prices quoted. Full amount of cash must accompany all swing orders onC. O. D. shipments.

PRICES: While our lawn swings have been greatly improved this year in style, workman-ship and finish, we are enabled to quote them at lower prices than ever.

QUEEN LAWN SWING.For two passengers, swinging parts nice-

ly painted and varnished, size of swing,

I ami. A'J£rAi\ t(T^ Sy n-Digb

'4 CL wide

'10 "' sPread .

'"':' t -

LuWll £""r\ A''\ M>fflki18 inches wide and 12 inches deep,

^^ packed one in a crate, weight 100 lbs.

Sw7ing is light and strong and can be_set

up or taken down in amoment. Each

Queen A—Same as above,ed and varnished withexception of seat. Each

ROYAL LAWN SWINCSwinging parts nicely painted

and varnished, built extra

strong, will stand the mostsevere test of use, can beset up or taken down in

a moment. Size of

swing, 9H ft. high, 5f».

wide, 10 ft. spread, seat

30 inches wide and 12inches deep. Ca-pacity four per-

sons, packed oneIn a crate, weight125ibsr>0 OEEach.JO.tO

Royal A — Sameas above, full

painted and var-

nished with ex-

ception of seat.

Each $3.75

OUR . . .

20th CENTURY Harmonica Assort

Excelsior Brand



ASSORTMENT NO. 250.Consists of the best sel

to retail at 25 cents.

them are sold regular upwards to 50 cents each. Thetively the best reliable high-grade harmonicas made, ami

the product of well-known makers only. The styles a

from our most reliable numbers; single and doubleff

holes, assorted keys, fine silvered brass reeds, brass j

reed plates, assorted covers. Dozen


8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 34/42

and Summer


1©SWEEPING reduction in prices, as shown on the following four pages of Pocket Cutlery, was made possible by our

purchasing power. We not only succeeded in reducing the prifees, but are showing a better variety of patterns, and a

superior quality of Pocket Cutlery for less money than ever. Compare our prices with others before placing your Pocke

and be convinced of the large saving made possible. Dealers who are inexperienced, and who desire to insure themselv

line of knives, need only inform us of the amount to be invested, and also the average retail selling price, and we w

a quick selling, profitable assortment.

Telegram orders are invariably shipped the same day as received.


. 1


These assortments put up on attractive display cards, suitable for showcase or counter. A good line of popular priced knive

assortment of 1 dozen pocketgood 6-cent sellers.


2 Select assortment ot 1 dozen staple

10-cent sellers, popular line.

Per card 80

3 Select assortment of 1 dozen good25-cent sellers, popular styles, the best

that the money,can buy. Per card..1 95

4 Select assortment of 1

high-grade' 50-cent selling

ular $1.00 value, consisting

of our stock. Per card


1-blade boys' knife, figure ofon metal handle. Doz. 20

Single blade, iron lined, han-embossed in U. . S. cruisers and

one large spear blade.


Scored, triple pinned, whitehandles, iron lined, spear blade.


114 New patent folding knife, 1

hand)eBJ full nickel

and a big sell' t ivltb tbi


Scored pattern, black japanned

iron lined, large andblades. Doz 42

62116 S. E. Oates' famous 1 bladeBarlow knife, length of knife 8 inches,

triple pinned handle.

Doz 42

62117 Boy's chain knife, 1 sheep's-

foot blade, pressed metal handle, heart

pattern shield ; a popular seller.

Dozi 45

62122 Size 8 .inches, handles em-bossed showing front and obverse side

of a 10-cent piece, small and large clipblades, iron lined. Doz 05

62123 Size 3\ Inches, Imitation stag

pattern handle, horseshoe bolsters, fancy

shields, knife Iron lined, small and largespear blades. Doz 66

62124 Size SH inches. Wharncliffeshape, imitation stag pattern handles,fancy bolsters, iron lined, small spearand large Wharncliffe blades. Doz. . .65

62119 New stag pattern handlebn> s knife, size 3»^ inches, of good qual-

ity steel, nicely polished and finished.

\Ve recommend it for a serviceable andpopular price boy's knife. Doz 65

621112 Easy Opener, Geembossed handles, triple

large spear blade. Doz

62125 Corrugated patie

ebony handles, triple pinne

and one large spear blade

iron bolster. Doz

62126 Size 3 3i Inches.

knife, small spear arid larg

iron lined, handsome emboshandles. Doz

621110 New pattern boy's knife, 1* ••'•«><?; •»>'$><s><5><S>^>*04>^<$

large scimitcr sbape blade, stag pattern's"

embossed metal handle of good quality"?

si eel, new for this season. Doz*Z3Pft.


ale, trip[blade,

% 62128 SPECIAL NOVELTY? Hon size pocket knife. titled wi¥ loyvlng useful attachments: co'"'

cigar i bladeand large

Sixes* inches. Genuine B.| k,


b,*d °' Novelty white m

, Harlow knife, scored, stag hi,ldle


' r"'> >' n '-d-


lepinned, iron lined, largespear

|cu\ Doz 85 Gross

Doz iibv$,<vtyl&<<!rfytyi&&V<<&Wrt

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 35/42

KNJVES- Concluded.

slze3?j, inches. Imitation staghandles, heart pattern shield,

bolsters, iron lined, 3 small and 1

spear blades. Doz 75

Size 3H Inches, WharnclifTeimitation stag pattern handle,

pattern bolsters, 3 small spear ffe blades. Doz 75

Size 3'A inches, iron lined,

and extra large spear blades. Iron

heart pattern shield, i

and stag handles, triple riveted.


The Little Barlow, fancy em-

metal handles, (see illustration).

lined with partition, 1 small and 1

polished spear blades. Doz 75

Boy's chain knife, size 3!^

1 blade, stag pattern embossedhandle, corrugated bolster of goodsteel, very strong and durable,


Boy's 2-blade chain knife,metal handle, in imitation stag

words "Boy's Favorite," 1 smalllarge sheep's foot pattern blades.



Size 3V inches, bone, ebonv.or stag handles, large and smallblades, iron lined, triple pin

silvered shield, polished bol-

Doz 1 10

Size 3% inches, handles cocoa,

ebony. 1 pen and 1 largesheep'slade, triple

pinnedhandles, riush

iron lined. Doz 1 10



62223 Two-blade jackknife, size

33£ inches, stag, ebony or bone handles,

iron lined, polished bolster and shield.

Doz 120

62224 Size 3% inches, easy openerjackknife, 2 blades, iron lined, ebony,stag and cocoa handles, well finished.

Doz i 20

62226 Size 3J4 inches, stag, ebony,dogwood or bone triple pinned handles,full iron lined, 1 small and 1 lari:e

blades, brass shield and polished bolsterI>°z 1 56

62227 Size 3'A inches. Our "EasyOpener" jack. This is an entire newfeature in pocket cutlery, and will be apopular addition to any line. Handlesrosewood, stag and ebony, 4 pinned,fancy shields, small pen and large clipblades. Doz i 50

62228 3'4-inch. stag, ebony and dog-wooti handles, full iron lined, small spearand large clip blades, etched "FullyWarranted," brass shield. Doz 1 65

62229 3S4-incb, stag, cocoa and

ebony handles, iron lined, polished ironbolsters.and brass shield, 1 small and 1

large spear blades, large blade etched"Sliver Steel." Doz 1 65

622210 Length 3Yi inches, 2 blades,iron lined, triple pinned, German silverbolsters, stag, ebony or dogwood han-dles, supplied with a

17-inch key chain.Doz 1 65

622211 Physician's knife. Size 3 si

inches, 1 small pen and 1 large phy-

sician's blades, brass lined, triple pinned,

stag, ebony or dogwood handles, Germansilver bolsters. Doz 165

622213 Easy opener jackknife, 2blades, steel lined, polished bolster andshield, stag, ebony and dogwood triple

pinned handles, strong and durably

made; a ready seller. Doz 1 75

622222 Novelty pattern,jackknife, size 314 inches,

good Norwegian steel, novebolsters, pearl inlaid hanpolished and finished througDoz

622224 Size 3!4 inches,

bone or rosewood triple pinnsteel lined, small pen andblade, flush bolsters and caps.


622214 Size 3^ inches. Tbeorlginalbulldog jackknife, triple pinned, han-dles in stag, ebony and dogwood, Germansilvered shield, small pen and large clip

blade. Doz 1 85

622215 3H-lnch stag, ebony and dog-

wood handles, polished bolsters, Germansilver shield, 1 small and 1 large polished

spear blades. Doz 1 85



bone and ebony bandies, 2 b

lined, double bolsters and shi

polished and finished througblade etched "None Better."

622228 Size 3 L: inches.

1 large blade, etched "Nondouble bolster and shield, b

handsomely polished anthroughout, stag or dogwooDoz

622217 3H-incb, stag, ebony and dog-wood handles, iron lined, Iron partition,

small spear and large sheep's foot razor

steel blades, etched "Fully Warranted,"polished iron bolsters. Doz 1 85

622218 Handy pattern jackknife,size 3 1

, inches, 1 small and 1 large spearblade, etched Swedish steel, stag, ebonyor dogwood triple pinned handles, steellined, polished bolster and shield, bladesare of good quality steel and highly pol-ished. Doz 185

622221 Size 3M inches, stag, ebonyor dogwood triple pinned handles, Ger-

man silver shield and bolster, brass

lined, blades of good quality steel andnicely polished. Doz 2 00

622229 Size 3M inches.

cocoa and stag, triple pinne

sllverheart pattern shield, fanflat cap etched "XLNT," br

small pen and 1 spear genuirazor tempered steel blades.

622231 Handy pattern

size 3?i inches, 2 blades, fanand shield, stag and buff handl

polished and finely finished tDoz

622232 Size 35i inches. Stafull brass lined and division

man silver shield and plain

large clip ami small spear bladas rut), blades are special qu

pered English steel, crocus polDoz

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 36/42

JACKKNIVES - Concluded.

Size 4 inches. Special high-

knife, tull brass lined, triple riv-

buff handles, fancy inlaid, pen,

and scimiter shaped blades, made of

Norwegian steel. Doz 3 50

622246 Size 3% inches, high grade,

easy opener, double bolster and shield,

2 blades, brass lined, highly polishedand finished throughout, stag and buff

handles. Doz 4 00

Size 3% inches. High-grade2 spear blades, guaranteed

an edge, made of genuine Indiasteel, XLNT brand, plain pol-

bolsters, stag and buff, bandies,

lined, full po.isbed, German silver

Doz 3 50

Size 391 inches. Handles stag

triple pinned, German sil-

and bolster, full brass lined,

1 cattle and 1 large clip blade,

Norwegian tempered steel. This

is known to the trade as the

Pride," and is positively

the very best for the money.3 60

Size 3% inches. Stag, ebonythe old stand-by cattle knife,

pen and 1 large cattle blade,

of good quality tempered steel,

lined, plain bolsters. Doz .... 3 50

Wadsworth & Sons' XLNTjackknifo. size 3% inches,

lined, 2 full crocus polished blades,

and buff bandies, highly polished

throughout. Doz 4 00

3'i-inch, genuine selectedand buff full polished handles,

pattern, German silver bol-

with fancy shields, brass lined andscale, full polished, medium

and large clip blades, guaranteedrazor tempered crocus polished

steel. Doz 4 00

Wadsworth & Sons' XLNTI If kknlfe, siz>



md finished,pattern bolster in

4 00

622311 3^-inch genuine polished

buff and stag handles, 3?i-inch steer head

bolsters, German silver shield, polished'

brass lined and division scale, genuine

razor tempered India steel small and

large clip and cattle blades. Doz. . 6 00


622247 3%-inch, genuine stag han-dles only, triple pinned, German silver

bolsters and shields, 1 large clip and 1

large spear English steel polished blades,

etched "Texas Jack." Doz 4 00

622248 Wadsworth & Sons' XLNTspecial high-grade jackknife, length 4

inches, double bolstered, brass iined,highly polished and finished through-out, German silver shield, 2 blades,

highly crocus polished and finished,

stag and buff handles. Doz 4 25

62237 Size 4 inches, of the bestEnglish Steel, 2 small and 1 large scimi-ter shaped blades, highly crocus polishedand finished, German silver bolsters andshield, stag and buff triple pinned han-dles, a popular pattern with the trade.Doz 4 75

622249 Size 4Y, inches. Deerfoot

shape, 2-blade lock back bunting knife,

large blade when open stands locked and

does not close unless pressure is brought

to bear on pen blade, brass lined, highly

finished, with corkscrew, stag and buf-

falo handles. Doz 6 25

6223 13 Size 3% inches. Cattle knife,

2 large and 1 pen blade, polished steel.

brass lined.'pearl handle, plain bolsters,

Doz 8 75

62212 Size4H inches. 1-blade springback, stag and buffalohandles,clip bladeand folding guard. Doz 5 25

622314 8% inches. Pearl handles,

Wharncliffe shape, German silver shield

and bullet style bolsters, brass lined and

division scale, large spear, speying and

cattle blades of special razor tempered

English crocus polished steel.

Doz 9 50

62238 Size 3V5 inches. Heavy cattleknife and substantially constructed

pocket knife, genuine stag or buff han-

dles, heavy German silver bolsters andshield, full brass lined and polished pen,

spear and hoof blades, best razor tem-pered crocus polished India steel.

Doz 5 50

62213 5-inch genuine 1-blade deer-

foot knife, warranted India steel, tem-

pered, crocus polished, closes with a pat-

ent spring and folding guard.

Doz 8 25

62239 8

and buff, nan les full

crocus polished and finished, bo]

and shield a< platedquality steel, and'linely finished througHout. Doz 6 Oil

62214 by, inches, deerfoot handle, 1

blade with corkscrew, highly temp

nd polished blade with

patent spring and fancy bolster.

Doz 1450

62320 Size 3 inches, st

bone triple pinned handle, 1

and 1 sheep's-foot polishedlined, German silver bolsters


62321 3V4-inch stag, ebtriple pinned handle, 1 smalllarce Wharncliffe polishedlined, German silver shield


62322 3-inch, handy pat

pocket knife, brass lined, nic

and finished, double bolster

stag, ebony or bone handles.


62323 2-blade knife, b

shell handle, horseshoe pattwith shield, nicely polished asize 3ii inches. Doz

62324 3-inch genuine s

inlaid handles, triple pinnedand division scale, plain Gshield. 1 small clip and 1

crocus polished ground En

steel blade. Doz

62325 Stag buff and Inl

Wharncliffe Bnftpe knives,

with German silver plain s

spear and clip Maiand tempered English blade.

62326 Size 3% Inches, stag

born- bandies, brass lined, Geshield and bolsters, small asize polished spear blades. D

62327 3(4 inches. stag han

triplrlined, small spear and large

blades. Doz

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 37/42


Size 3y inches, stag, ebony andhandles, triple riveted, brass lined,

and 1 large spear blades, Germanshield and bolsters. Doz 1 85

Size 3\i inches, Ismail pen andscimiter blades, steel lined, han-

inlaid, blades of NorwegianDoz 1 85

Popular size 2-blade knife,

lined, German silver bolsters and

triple pinned handles, stag, ebony

bone, blades of good Norwegian

highly polished and thoroughlyDoz 1 85

Size ay, inches, stag, buff

arl inlaid handles, German silver

steel lined. 1 small penand 1 largeblade of Norwegian steel, well fin-

and polished. Doz 1 85

3-blade. steel lined, bladestipped bolsters and shield.

pattern with the general trade.

ebony or bone bandies.

2 15

Size 3"^ inches, 3 blades,

pattern, shell handle, all metalnicely polished and finished, made

quality Norwegian steel.

2 15

Pocket knife, stag, ebony andtriple pinned handles, 3 blades,

lined, nicely polished and finished.

2 15

4 blade popular patternknife, steel lined, horseshoebolster, pressed pattern eompbsl-

handles, with shield, well polished.

2 15

62342 Popular pattern potket knife.

size 3n inches, 4 blades, steel lined,

polished bolsters and shield, stag, ebonyor bone handles. Doz 2 15

62344 Congress shape 4-blade knife,brass lined, triple pinned handles inlaidin pearl, polished blade. Doz 2 15

62345 Congress pattern 4-bladepocket knife, brass lined, double bolster,

size 3$i inches, stag, ebony or white bonehandles, highly polished and finished.

Doz 2 15


62420 3-inch selected polished triple

pinned pearl handles, plain bullet pat-

tern bolsters, brass lined, 1 pen, 1 large

spear blade. Doz 1 50

62460 Our 6-blade congress shapedknife, 4 pen blades, 1 large congress and1 tobacco blade, pearl haudle, brass lined,

plain bolsters and shield. Doz 3 25

62433 \V. H. Morley &Zyt inches, pure mother-of-pe

bandies, German silver shie

sters, fine brass lined, full

small combination nail file

spear point crocus polished to

English razor steel blades. D


62430 3 India tempered steel blades,

brass lined, novelty bolsters and shield,

clear pearl handle. Doz 3 50

62346 W. H. Morley & Sons'. i\inches, stag handle, Wharncliffe shape,

full polished, brass lined and division

scale, large German silver shield and bol-

sters, 2 small spear and 2 medium size

clip Norwegian steel blades. Doz. .3 75

62335 W. H. Morley & Sons', 3*inches, stag and ebony handles, strongtriple riveted, full brass lined, brightpolished, German silver shield and bol-sters, 2 small spear and 1 large clip tool

tempered steel blades. Doz 3 95

62347 W. H. riorley & Sons'. 3Inches, stag, ebony and bone bandies,

brass lined and division scale, Germansilver shield, 2 small, 1 medium and 1

combination nail file spear blades, crocuspolished Norwegian steel. Doz.... 3 95

62336 W. H.Horley &Son»\ 3^-inchstag, ebony and bone handles, round pat-tern plain German silver bolsters withshield, 1 small, 1 medium and 1 combi-nation nail file, spear blades. Doz. .3 95

623213 Wadswortb & Sons' new pat-

tern pocket knife, with corkscrew, size

3H inches, stag and buff handles, triple

pinned, 2 blades, brass lined, highlypolished and finished throughout, madeof steel, polished bolster and shield.

Doz 3 95

62431 3-bladepearl handle knife, sil-

ver steel blades, long bolster and straight

shield, brass lined, highly polished.

Doz 3 50

62444 4 blade, pearl handle, Germansilver bolsters and shield, brass lined,

correct pattern, 2 pen, 1 file and 1 spear

blades, genuine India steel blades.

Doz 3 50

62445 W. H. Morley & Sons' 4-blade.

3 '4-inch pearl handle gentleman's knife,

with nail blade. Manufactured of best

steel and fully warranted. Doz— 7 00

62446 W. H. Morley & Sons' cele-

brated English pattern and English steel

blades, brass lined. German silver bol-

sters, best made. 2 pen, 1 rileand 1 spear

blades, made of India razor steel.

Doz 8 50

62448 W. H. Morley & Sons', 3!*,-

inch, polished mother-of-pearl handles,

German silver shield and plain bolsters,

brass lined and division scale, crocus

polished, 2 small, 1 combination nail tile

and 1 medium spear pointcrocns polished

tool tempered English razor steel.

Doz 9 75

62520 2-blade ladies' k

bandies, German silver frame

62521 Corrugated pol

handles, 7a-inchGerman silv

tern bolsters, 2 pen blades.

62 522 2-blade ladles' k

gated polished pearl han

German silver bolsters, well f


62523 2-blade, fancy car

brass lined, with pearl handle

62525 Congress shape

carved pearl handle, 2 blades

ned, nicely polished anthroughout. Doz

62526 2-blade, long pea

refined steel, 1 pen and 1 spe

blades. Doz...


62529 2-blade penknipolished pearl handles, tri

German silver tipped bols

lined, highly polished andfinished. Doz

<nr .::


62540 Woman's 4-blade

Norwegian steel, brass lined a

s c a le , hand polished, pear

German silver, flush bolster

handsomely polished anthroughout. Doz

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 38/42

PRICESBy comparison our whip prices will prove to be lower than others, q

We handle only standard made whips of recognized merit.

quotations are below the regular manufacturers' list and is owing

purchase we made at an opportune time. We urgently request the

compare our line with others before purchasing their supplies.

a a


a a (i a







35172 35173 35174 35175 85176 35177 85178 35179 35180 35181 35192 35182 35183 35184 35185 35186 35187 35189 35188 351

SH-foot, black, straight whip, wood butt, platted throughout, loopsnap. Doz

0-foot, black, platted thread cover, wood butt, English snap. Doz...

The Empire. 6-foot, black whip, 2 japanned ferrules, thread platted,

loop snap. Doz 1

Our special 6-foot full thread covered platted whip, nickeled head ancTfancy nickeled ferrule, English snap. Doz 1

6-foot black platted whip, full value, wood butt, heavy nickeled headand long fancy silvered ferrule. Doz 1

A heavy 6-foot wood butt whip, English snap, gilt head and fancychased gilt ferrule. Doz 1

6-foot whip, imitation leather covered, Ensrlish snap, japanned fer-rule, platted thread, button bands, bright buff color. Doz 1

6-foot long, satin finish red mahogany color whip, full platted, jap-anned head and extra long gilt ferrule, English snap. Doz 1

6-foot whip, the original Battle Bomb, Java rattan stock, loaded han-dle, 2 japanned ferrules;. Doz 1

Combination whip, yellow imitation leather handle, balance blackthread covered, 2 fancy ferrules, 6-foot long. Doz 1

6-foot improved Java stock whip, black star gloss finish, 2 fancy car-ved silvered ferrules, strong snap. Doz 1

6-foot Nugent brand, Java rattan whip, 2 long beaded japanned fer-rules, black platted. Doz 2 15

Black Beauty. A very fine 6-foot whip, full rattan and stocked blackthread cover, 2 fancy ferrules. Doz 2 15

Our celebrated straight stick Java whip, black platted, 2 japannedferrules, English snap, 6-foot. Doz 2 15

Fancy 6-foot wood butt whip, black platted, metal base, fancy trimmedwith 9 nickel ferrules. Doz 2 BO












35186 The Parole. Waterproof yellow buck finished top whip, heavyweave thread covered handle, straight Java stock, metal base andrules. Doz

35186 Rocky Mountain. 6-foot rawhide whip, metal base, full black p

English snap. Doz

35187 Solid rawhide, 6-foot black platted whip, rubber base, fancyjapanned ferrules. Warranted waterproof . Doz

35188 The Ajax. The best rawhide whip made, 6-foot rubber base,

fancy japanned ferrules, black platted, English snap. Doz

35189 6-foot long. Our special genuine rawhide whip, fancy trimme6 nickel ferrules, rubber base, heavy weight and waterproof. Doz

35190 One-half genuine whalebone buck color waterproof whip, trwith 7 fancy beaded ferrules, metal base, red handle, full metallic


35191 Heavy XX oil-leather drivers' whip, leather stitched throubuck lash. The best drivers' whip at the price. Doz

BICKMORE'S CALL CU35170 Cures palls, cuts, scratc

shoulders, or any sore on horses and c

tating the skin. Well known. Guar

give satisfaction or money will be

Round tin box with full directions. J

boxes in carton with circulars and s

with hangers. Doz. boxes

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 39/42


Rose. Lengthwhen extended 11inches, width 1Hinches, round stiff-

ened mouthpiece.Made in fancy colorsornamented withpaper rose. Anamusing novelty.

Gro 85

Samewith fine

mustache at-

to mouth-


Devil's Squaw--

kers. Mane infancy colors with

four extenders,each 7H incheslong and 1 yeinches wide.Round stiffened

mouthpiece withwhistle, paper but-

ter fly ornament.A funmaker.Doz 35Gro 4 00

Actress mirror.Diameter l?i inch-

es, good quality

mirror front, backdecorated withcolor photo of

actress, 25 in a boxDoz 301462 Puzzle

mirror. Diameter1% inches, good

mirror front with a clever 1462

_ puzzle on hack under glass.

3 doz. to a box.

Doz 25Gro 2 75

1465 Puzzle mirror.Diameter 2V4 inches, goodquality mirror front with aclever puzzle on back underglass. 1 doz. to a box.

Doz 30Gro 3 50


Quick sellingmirrors, celluloid

assorted colors.




100 Can beblown up to im-

mense propor-tions, cloth ears,

painted face,

chenille tail,

pasteboard legs,

color red. Doz. 35Gro 4 00

Same as above,arge size, in light

colors. Doz. .. 65Gro 7 50

Peck's Bad Boy comic-al rubber ball with a 2-

inch protruding tongue,mouth, black painted features. Doz 70


An exceedingly clever comic nov-

elty and a great seller. Made of rub-

ber, painted "Foxy Grandpa" faces,

cretonne skirt tied with ribbon. The

body can be blown up to large pro-

portions and when pressed expands

head also. Made with squawker.

Doz 75

Gro 8 50



Both the illustrated

and reverse sides;f this

horseshoe are emboss-ed in catchy and popu-

lar phrases, making a

very handsome pocketpiece. They are sell-

ing in immense quan-tities wherever intro-

duced, and we desire to

impress the trade withthe fact that this is

one of the best novel-

ties produced thisyear. 1 dozen in apackage. Perdoz. 40Per gross 4 50


1000 Dime savings bank.Nickel plated on a brass

base, graduated from 10cents to (6.00. Bank re-

mains closed until full

amount is deposited.

Height 2V£ inches.

Doz 55

2000 Penny savings bank.Height 3 '4 inches. Grad-uated from 1c to 50c, nickel

plated on brass base, bankwill not open until full de-

posite of 50c Is made.Doz 55 1IIUI.I 2000


557 Boys' toy whip covered with fancy doz. gro.

color leatherette, fitted with snap 15 1 60

558 Same as above, fitted with a cedar

whistle 19 2 00

550 Child's braided toy whip, fancy col-

ors, with braided loop ends 19 2 00

560 Sameias above, with whistle 23 2 50

561 Child's fancy colored toy whip, pew-

ter top, jockey head figure, lash end.. 35 3 50

562 Solid color, dark handle, heavy pew-

ter cap in dog heads, etc., loopsnap... 60 6 76

563 Boys' saddle riding whip, rattan,

black finished 76 8 50


1x1% inches, filled with an ambercolor composition to resemble lager

beer, white foam composition top,

Suitable for paper weights, an all

round novelty. 1 doz. to a box.Doz 35

With Steam-Bent Handles.

"Daisy Truck."— Length of handle 46 inc

at nose, 12 inches; width at upper crossbar, 1weight. 30 lbs.; wheels fi Inches diameter baxle, % inch square. Each


The Perfection Peanut Vending: Machine.sanitary coin operating-machine. The latest

and a mechanical wonder. An ideal sales

money maker, is slugproof, waterproof,

rustproof, sanitary, artistic, non-chokablebelieve is as near what its name implies as is

produce. The parts are all interchangeable.

proof feature is entirely new In peanumachines, and is of inestimable value.

cluded by the same means as the water o

The all metal and glass case is a special fea

Perfection, and they are the only case mat

will successfully stand all kinds of weathe

hot rays of a midsummer's sun. Tbe square

forms the body of the machine is of shee

balance of fine gray iron, and Is finished

enamel, ornamented with Decalcomania

bronze striping and nickel-plated handles aneons, and is by far the most artistic in apany peanut machine on the market. The d

is of very heavy crystal glass in the form of

and a special feature of advantage Is the

large upright posts, such as are used in othe

Two locks, one for the cash, the other for t

convenience and advantage appreciated

operate on a large scale. The height Is 22 In

of base 8 Inches, capacity of reservoir aboutweight 19 pounds, weight boxed for shipmenpounds. The Perfection peanut vending maplete, boxed, ready for shipment wistand (peanuts not included)

(Without stand 50 cents less.)

The Perfecti

operating peanmachine. Slrustproof,dustproof, sani

tic and non-cho

ideal salesmamoney makerchanical wondethe workingexactly the sused in our r

fection, the oence being th

fection Jr. haspolished andished oak woovery strong aIt has two loc

the cash and t

the peanuts.

genious arrangmits the repl

glass, should oaccidentally brout the use o

cement. Hinches, widthweight aboutThe Perfectio

vending machine, boxed, with stand (pean

cluded)(Without stand, 50 cents less.)

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 40/42

PRICES ON QUICK SELLING CANline of canes is unquestionably the best selection of up-to-date sellers that has ev

offered to the trade. It includes Rattan, Reed, Maple, Congo Crooks, novelty and other

styles, exactly the line for Picnics, Fairs, Carnivals, Parades and all out-door demonstr

will show that our prices are lower than those of any other reliable house in Americ

these canes to be exactly as represented and if 'not so found can be returned at our e

who are not accustomed to selecting a line of canes need only mention quantity and averaand we will fill order with an assortment of the best popular selling styles. Telegraphic

express shipments filled same day as received. Canes are not sold in less qu

original packages of one dozen, except when otherwise specified.


165 Red, white doz.

and blue circular

stripes, used largely

for holiday occa-

sions and parades. ... 15

166 Red, white

and blue crook, in

flag design ot stars

and stripes 30166


101 102 1U3

Light Tonkin club sticks, very popular for doz.

parades, picnics, fairs, etc 20

Selected reed sticks, assortment of tops i n dogand horse heads, jockeys, etc., the best sell-

ing for parades, picnics, etc 20

Selectreed sticks, black japanned knobs 25Select reed sticks, japanned knobs, assorted

colors, very popular seller with the trade— 30



105 106 107

Select bamboo canes, regular size, strong

ferrule, natural root tops 30

Heavy Tonkin club sticks, the most popular

size in the market 25

Genuine bamboo root canes, large size, strong

ferrule, natural root tops 35Genuine bamboo sticks, nickel-plated round

knobs 45

REED CANES -Concluded.

112 113 114 115

112 Bamboo sticks, alligator embossed knobs, doz.

heavy nickel plated 60

113 Bamboo sticks, fancytops embossed in assortment of

various patterns 60

114 ITeavy bamboo sticks,

silvered knob tops in baseball

and other popular patterns 60

115 Heavy bamboo sticks

silvered fancy embossed tops... 65

157 Heavy tonquin steel

silveredclaw top 65157


216 217 218

216 Black rattan sticks, nickel-plated ferrule, doz.

eagle claw top, bright finish 60

217 Black finished rattan sticks, corrugated ball

knobs, bright finish 60

218 Medium sized black finished rattan sticks,

bent leg crook handles, bright finish 65

108 109 110 111

Genuine reed sticks, vegetable ivory knobs.. *6Bamboo sticks, fancy nickel-plated tops 50Heavy bamboo sticks, japanne I n :.ncy

-tabic ivory fernil' 50Rfori stick- "!e ivory faces,

glass eyes, very popular patterns 60

219 220 221

219 Black rattan sticks, oblong corrugated

bright finished tops 65

220 Black rattan stick, bright finished knobs 65

221 Black finished rattan sticks, vegetable ivory

knobs 65


222 223

222 Black rattan sticks, handsome silver f

embossed tops

223 Black finished rattan sticks, fancy


224 Black rattan sticks, bright finished t

sorted dog and'horse heads


225 Black rattan sticks, eagle pattern

handle, nicely embossed, bright finis

226 Black rattan sticks, bright finished t

sorted in dog heads and other popular

227 228

227 Black finished rattan sticks, alligat

bossed knobs, bright finished

228 Extra heavy black rattan sticks, brig

ished embossed knobs

229 Rattan sticks, black finished, extra

handsomely emb

bright finish

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 41/42


330 332 331

Fancy painted sticks, small black japanned doz.

knobs 35

Black painted sticks, vegetable ivory knobs,

assorted colors 45

Black painted sticks, bright finished tops,

embossed in handsome patterns 50

333 334 335

Black; painted sticks, alligator embossed,

bright finished knobs 50

Fancy painted sticks, embossed silver fin-

ished tops 50

Fancy painted sticks, round knobsembossed

in baseball and other popular patterns 65


Black painted maple sticks, figure tops, In

dog and horse heads, etc 55

337 33S

Fancy painted sticks, popular style handles,

fancy embossed bright finish 65

Fancy painted sticks, silver finished, hand-

somely embossed 65

339 340 341

Black painted maple sticks, eagle claw tops,

silver finish, handsomely embossed 65

Extra large olack finished maple sticks, em-bossed silver finished knobs 60

Black painted 6ticks, embossed silver fin-

ished tops


342 343 344 345

342 Genuine teakwood canes, natural oil pol- d6Vished; one of the most popular sticks in the

market. Y% doz. to Package 1 00

343 Black finished heavy maple sticks, extra

large pattern vegetable ivory tops 1 10

344 Black enameled sticks, elephant tops, silver

finish, a doi. to package 1 00

345 Medium black ebonized sticks, heavy solid

embossed tops, in a variety of handsomepatterns, a doz. to package 1 00

346 347 348 349

346 Black ebonized maple sticks, embossedsilver-plated camel's head tops, nickel-

plated ferrule, )• doz. to package 1 00347 Extra heavy black enameled sticks, large

bright pattern vegetable ivory tops, % doz.

to package 1 15

348 Heavy black ebonized maple sticks, fancyembossed metal tops, in an assortment offancy flower patterns, M doz. to package 1 10

349 Heavy black ebonized sticks, fancy em-bossed metal tops, nickel-plated ferrules, %doz. to package 1 10

350 351 852

350 Black ebonized sticks, heavy silver-platedcrook handle, embossed in lieur-de-lis pat-terns, fancy twisted snake ornament, y doz.

to package 125

351 Extra heavy ebonized maple stick, fancyembossed metal tops, % doz. to package 1 25

352 Large black ebonized stick, fancy em-bossed metal tops, nickel-plated ferrule, %doz. to package 1 35


453 Genuine steel rods, heavy loaded, cloth doz.spun and twisted, black or assorted colors,

the best steel rod in every respect on themarket ". 70


454-4 6

454 Maple stick, nickel ferrule, loaded head,cloth spun and twisted 50

455 Black rattan stick, nickel-plated ferrule,medium loaded heads, c loth spun andtwisted 70

450 Black rattan finishc d .. .cks, nickel-platedferrule, loaded heads. I l k cloth spun and

twisted 00


658 65

658 Genuine Congo, medium weight, pstyle cane, handsomely nickel trimme

659[3Congo crook, medium heavy stylish

ing cane, fashionably nickel trimmed

660 New Congo

fancy silver trimmin

cluding twisted snak

ment, steel tip, m

weight, assorted size


Made of the best quality seine cord,

mesh rings on each corner. The followin

sizes quoted below are those we carry in s

sizes furnished for 2Y, cents per square

made to order we cannot supply extrathan 2 days.






Threaded joints, can be taken apart for

easily refitted. Each


Put up 50 of a size in a bundle.

1H inches, Inside measurement, for kn

Per 100

1^ inches, inside measurement, for

Per 100

8/2/2019 Firework Catalog 1903 42/42


"Banner" Cane Outfit

20 dozen assorted Reed, Bamboo, Maple, Rattan and Steel Canes

with assorted wooden, bone, nickeled, natural and loaded heads.


SI5.00 $15.00


$15.00."BANNER" CANE OUTFIT. $15.00Above outfit consists of 20 dozen assorted canes, selected from the largest and most

complete cane stock in the country in popular price styles. We give free with each

"Banner" Outfit one 8x8 Cane Rack and J00 J^-inch Hardwood Cane Rings.

This assortment is a money-maker at county and church fairs, street carnivals,

race tracks, picnics, tournaments and public gatherings of all kinds. £f O


a!a,©Banner Cane Outfit Complete, With Rack and Rings Free,

Ready for Business, $15.00

TELEGRAM CRDERS received for this cane assortment shipped same day

as received. We do everything possible to co-operate with dealers whoneed goods of this kind in a hurry. To avoid delay telegraph

money with order through express agent, if you have

no account with us, for the above outfit. a
