FIRED I K I! - NYS Historic...

MASTIC BEAC H NEWS Hr-i . Htnneih AnHorsen. ATlanlic 1-8458 11\W\1I\\ P\RTY Mr. a- ,d Mrs . ( "hai It's Collins of Mi l inie\ ] M '\e and Mi. and Mi' s . I. - ,i i \ ( oili! s ol \\ ntttiei Hi i\ e to. ei ,. -'ii:ed at ;i II.: : a.ian I o-- 11.1 iie > paity last Sntmday night at M iiao ' s Ue-unu act on W' nttier Dii\e. Tne l oom \\; s gail y dec- lai (i with palm ti > . " - , cocoanuts and p ineapp 1 ' s . And many ol the' itucsts were attired MI giass skirts i oiort i! mu inu - and lets , topped o!f hy knee -traw l"its. The viis;itile \»idy Preli wib on hand to act as nu. s ' . and mtis- L r oi ' -cereniotiic- . A cohn 1 ' ul buf- fe talde al -o ;.dd 1 to the decor. Guc. s ^ s pu'M'iu weie Mi' s . And- rew Pie ' .i. Kenneth Andersem Fiai.k R - ' .. Mi. and Mr- . Wil- liam Ism s . Miss 1 air-.i t ' olluis , I eo IC' ssie r . M i s . John M vhan. Mr. at d M i s . Jos. ph Murray, Mr. trio Mis . .lames Muirae. Harry Si'ini'ii' ?.i i - lle ' en T- rrifteo . Charles S\ morda. A! Ha-T'son. Jr. and Mi. and Mrs . Ra ' .iard Tuman ol Ma-t ' c Beaih: M- . and Mrs. DoimM M.ller and Sornv Rung of Shii \< y. M ch.ael 1 O\<T; O ! Bab y- lon and M.i-tn R' -ich. Mr, . 1 et S- i.h of c. . ' .ii : i H-'tghts . Mr. and Mi- . Wi.liam W' lsoii of the Bronx. ORCHID DRIVE FESTIVITIES A ioyer. - celebration w-is held at the < lu hul Hi i\e Home of Mr. and . \l. s . Kudoip ' i I ' nhe over last viek'Mid \\ II«MI Mi' s . Juan Auer of " Xem ' i ioi h.oed Re -id announced her 1'ietit engagement to . ' .ill Zottel < : C d;;i Ro .id. Mrs . Rudolp h Ctu-e lelebrated her hiithday and Rudy Ala i . son of Mis . Auer , now ' -tationed with the V. S. Army at l- ' ort D \. came home on leave. A ibnner including a decorated c; ke was s ( r\ ed. In addition to tin eelebiatus those extending con- gi atukiiious and ' nest wishes in e tudod Mv. Cuwe and children. 31ailcr.. ' . Ranel . \ and Jennifer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hefner and daughter lb dda. Miss Annedoi'a Fehikamn. David Larson and Mr. : nd Mis . Albert Auer and elaugh- r. Lori. of Mastic Beach , and Runhault Bii- sner and Mr. anel Mrs . Erhardt Runte of Flushing. Mr. and Mr- . Larry Collins and children. Step hen and Donna, of Whittier Drive along with Mr. and Mis . tieoige Albe'tma and daugh- ters . R :il i ari d Micheie. of Ridge- w ood have returned to their ie> s- pective homes after being the liotiseguests for a w eek of Mr . and Mrs . "William WiNon and M ' II . Ken- v th. of the Bronx at thv Wilsons ' S'tmnu r home in Climttx. During th ; s time the men enjoyed a day oi two of huntim. . Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Louts Schultz and son . Robert, of Richmond Hill were the guests of Mr. and Mrs . David Scbult-t and sons , l.arrv and Dennis , of Phvlis Road. Mi- s . Lillian Hilheri and . -on. Alfred. id ' Maspet h weie at their Summer home on Laurelton Drive (mring last weekend. William Ackrmnn. Jr.. was the i itest-of-honor hi. -; Friday night when his parents , Mr. and Mi' s " \\ lliam Ackerman . enti rtained at i. party al th>d r Cianberry Drive I K me in celebration of his ninth biithdav . Rel ' re. s 'iments including :. decorated cake were serve 1. His guest - included his l-roilv rs , Ke- v n t.nd Ricky. Mr. and Mr- . Ray- mond }' vu ha and daughter , D >rh c ot Bayside; Mi. and Mrs. Raymond FV i raiu and daugnter . Jane. Mr. and Mrs. J,di n Brenrao and son, Bobb y, of Mas 'ic Beach, and his tmatetial gi andnaivnts . Mr. and Mi- . Frank MeVay of Wantagh. Dinner guests la-t Thursday at il. " home of Mr. and Mr- . Leon Bonn. ' , ' . Si- ., of Commack Road w-ie theii -on and daughter-in- law . Mr. and Mis. Clement Bour- gal ol .Mas-apequa. Mr . ati.i Mrr . Just p h. Moshenberg of Brooklyn spent last weekend at their Summei home on Elm Road. Mr. and Mrs. Flunk McVay of Wantagh spent last weekend as the gnosis of tiieii son-in-law ami daughter , Mr. and Mrs. William Ackerman . and sops . William. Ric- ky and Kcu ' n , of Cranboiry Drive Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burge. Sr., ol Beaver Drive entertained as Heir guests last Saturday their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mis. Richard Hraly. and son, Rob- ert , of Amityville. On Sunday Mr . and Mrs. Burge were hosts to Mrs. Bin ge ' s brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs . Stanley King of Brookl yn. Mrs . Jack Callister of Ivy P' a c, > has been the houseguest for ihe past two we eks of hr son-in-law and daughter . Mr. and Mrs . Nor- man Michaels , and sons. Norman. Jr.. Christonher and David of North Bab ylon. Mr. anel Mrs. Fred Schutt of Brookl yn and Queen Road have re- turned home after spending two months m Europe. While there they visiti d many points of in- terest in Germany anel Austr : a and enjoyed a trip to the Austrian Al- pine ciuinti\. Mrs . Gertrude Seidlei recently left her Woodland Drive home here' in Mastic Beach for a six- week European cruise aboard the USS Independence. Miss Barbara Barheire was the guest-of-honor at a familv gath- ering at her home' on Claremont Drive last Saturday in celebration of her fourteenth birthday. Re- feshments and a decorated birth- day cake were served. Joining in this celebration were her parents , Mt. and Mrs . Lawrence Babeire. hei maternal grandparents . Mr. and Mrs. John Webber of McKin- ley Drive. John Webber, Jr.. of Brooklyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ha- rold Webber and children, Richard and Lori , of Syosset. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Barheire and daugh- ter . Barbara, dined out at the Cam Pam Chinese Restaurant in Bright- waters . Radarman 2 ' c Edward Boughai stationed aboard the USS Rooks out of Newport Rhode Island spent several days last week visiting his parents , Mr. and M' rs. Edward Boughai , anel brothers , John and Leonard, of Penwood Drive. He bad as his guests Forest Norman of Virginia, also stationed aboard the Rooks , and Jack Kane of Bay Rielge. Miss Marie Boye celebrated her fifteenth birthday last T uesday with her parents . Mr. and Mrs . B . iorn Boye , at their hom e on Ca- rol Lane. MT . and Mrs. Harry Strauss and Sal Carannante of Brooklyn wre guests ovM- last weekend of Mr. ¦viiel Mrs. Donald Bull and children . Donald. Jr .. Henry. Frank and Ni- na of Cypress Drive . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Healy anel son , Robert, of Amityville, who have recentlv returned from their Florida vacation, were guests lor several days of Mr. Healy ' s| mother and aunt, Mrs. Catherine Healv and Mrs. Helen Matthews eif Huntington Drive. They also nayed a visit to Mrs . Healv ' s bro- thers anel sisters-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George Burge and children , George , Jr., and Dedihie. of Barnes Road and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burge. Jr., and son, Dennis of Bellnort. Mrs . Morris Feldman is recupe- rating at her home on Longfellow Drive after being a patient for the pa^t f ew weeks at the B.w \ iew General Hospital here m Mastic Beach where she unde r- w< nt surgerv. Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Stoll of May- wood Drive were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent White of Groton. Conn. W'hi!o there thev all enjoyed a visit to the old whal- ing town e>f Mystic. A party was held at the Wash- ington Drive home of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Roee-klein last Satmday to celebrate the first birthday of the ' r son. Alan. Refreshments, in- cluding a decorated candlelit cake, were served and each of Alan ' s small guests received party favors. Among the guests helping Alan to celebrate this festive occasion were hi- sister. Elaine , brother , Bryan , his parents, his paternal grand- mother . Mrs. Alfed Roecklr-in anel Mr? . Edward Heins and children. Ellen and Edward , TIL Mrs. Thomas Neppell. Jr.. and childr°n, Thomas , Su^an and Lori , Mrs. . T e>hn Neppell and daughter , Lvnn , Mrs . John Molander and daughters , Kay and June, Mrs. Ann DeAn- gelas and daughters. Caroline Find Laurie , of Mastic Beach and Mrs. William Humphries of Rich - mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dovle and daughters, Susan , Sharon and Beth of Woodland Drive were the guests last Sunday of Mrs. Doy le ' s pa- rent? and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wei-ckmann and Thomas Rbawl of Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tascb of Middle Village spent the weekend at their Summer home on Long- fellow Drive. Last Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sal /a- tore Cannella of Monroe Drive were their son and daughter-in- law , Mr. and Mrs. John Cannella and children . Salvatore and Fran- ces Ann , of Harrison Dri^e and their son-in-law and daughter. Mr ami Mrs. Albert Yasso. ri r. d chi'- elien, Joanne anel Joseph , of Bell- port . A buffet luncheon was held at the Alder Drive home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Deckel last Sunday where they entertaine d as th^ir guests their daughter . Irene, Mi. and Ms . Otto Kummert of Mastic ami Mr. and Mis. Hugo Weiman of Little Neck. Mr . and Mrs. Tiichatel Lucchese anel daughter. Susan Carol , of Sayville were guests last Sunday Mr. anel Mrs. Richa rd Carda- nione and children , Patricia and Maryann. anel Mrs. Fannie Carda- mone of Lincoln Avenue. Mrs. Anna Coleman of We< ' Forest Road entertained at hot home last Sunday in honor of Miss Mary Guthrie of the Bronx who celebrated her nineteenth bir- thday. Guests present were Mr. anel Mrs. Edward Flynn of Mount Vernon , Jack Kenned y of Manhat- tan and Mrs. Ethel Fox anel son , Edward, of Oceanside. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petronio and children, M ' ichael , Lorraine and Lynn , of North Baby lon were guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mis. Pat Pulsonetti and children , Louis . Phili p and AnnMarie , of Locust Drive. Mrs. Conrad Franz , Sr., of Wood- land Drive was the guest for sev- eral days last week of Mrs Gladys VanNosdale of Richmond Hill. Mr. anel Mrs. Joseph Fnnesser anel son , Eugene and Joseph , of Wappingers Falls were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph En- nesser, Sr., and daughter Idamae of Monroe Drive. They also visited Mrs. Ennesser ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Summers of West Forest Road. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eskesen and son , Roy Daniel , -if Laurekon Drive have been entertaining as their houseguests Mrs. Harry Hansen and Mrs. Gloria Miller oi" Bay Ridge. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F* skesen were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miles of Medford. Last Sunday Mrs. Edward Bou- ghai of Penwood Drive was the guest of her son-in-law and daugh- tei , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Recker anil son , Joseph , Jr., of Staten Island where they celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Recker. Johnny Johnsen , son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnsen of Hunt - ington, has been the guest for r week of his maternal grandpa- rents , Mr. and Mrs. William Dow. 'T Si., of Orchid Drive. Recently Wil- liam Dowd along with his guests , William Choisiiett of Wantagh. . Frank Olsen of Babylon and Pete Petersen of Hollis and Mastic Beach spent an enjoyable day fishing. Mesdames Carrie Blomquist , Fri- eda Spiess. Ann Harrington and Catherine Covle last Saturday re- presented Mastic Beach Post 1533. American Legion Ladies ' Auxiliary at the Suffolk County Legion Aux- iliary luncheon held at Bronco Charlie ' s Restaurant in Oakdale. Miss Natalie Lagumis has re- turned home following a three-day letreat at Our Lady e>f the Poco- nos. Natalie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lagumis of Mastic Road. Erick Karcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Karcher, Jr.. of Brentwood was the guest for a week of his paternal grandparents , Mr. and Mrs , Edward Karcher , Sr. . of Dahlia Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Ebbcrt Kilroy and Miss Marion Gorman of Bayview Drive last weekend motored to Mercerville, N. J., where they were the guests for three days of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peice. Mrs. Edmund Jorgensen of Mc- Kinley Drive celebrated her birth- aay last Wednesday by dining out with her husband anel Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kummert of Mastic at Bron- co Charlie ' s Restaurant in Oak- dale. Edward Ibbotson of Woodside Drive celebrated his birthday quiet- ly with his family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haughn of Manbasset Drive recently motored to W'ilson , Conn., for the weekend where they were the guests of Mrs. Haughn ' s mother , Mrs. Ruth Bowman , who returned to Mastic- Beach with her son-in-law and daughter to be their houseguest for the next two weeks. The Republican Club of Mastic Beach will meet 8 p. m. Friday at the firehouse on Neighborhood Road. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall of Magnolia Drive last Saturday at- tended the wedding of Miss Mary- ann Warvel of Belleville , N. J., to Mr. Hall' s cousin , Dennis Weaver of Long Branch , N.J.. which took place in St. Peter ' s Church , Belle- ville. They also attended the rece- ption that followed the ceremony at the Fountain Restaurant. Mastic Beach Explorer Post 121 will meet at 7:30 p. m. Friday in the Sunday School rooms of the Grace Lutheran Church , Mas- tic Beach. Advisors are Daniel Burge , Jr., and George Burge. Boys of 14 years of age or over are invited to attend. Regulation drill for the mem- bers of the Mastic Beach Fire De- partment will be held at the fire- house 10 a. m. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Counadis of Silver Road announce the birth of a daughter. Denise Michel , Oc- tober 25) at the Brookhaven Me- morial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Dowd , Sr. , of Orchid Drive were the guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olsen of North Babylon. Miss Claire Bomfoalski , daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bom- balski of Huguenot Drive along with Miss Kathy Duban of East Moriches and Miss Josephine Tut- tle of Riverhead have recentl y re- turned from a week' s vacation spent in Miami Beach , Fla. They flow via jet both ways. Theodore Demchuk of Whittier Drive celebrated his birthday last Thursday with his wife and daugh- ter , Cathlyn , quietly at their home. Practice for members of the Mastic Fire Department Children ' s Band will be held G- .30 to 8 p. m. Monday night at the firehouse. A meeting of the Fire Department Officers will immediately follow. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goltsos of Neighborhood Road celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary last Wednesday with a small ga- thering of friends at their home. Refreshments including a decorat - ed cake were served. Joining in were the Goltsos children , William Linda and George , as well as Mrs. Sop hie Papacosta of Holiday Beach ; Dr. William Frua and Mr. and Mrs. John Rosso of Mastic Beach. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Goltsos en- tertained as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Werner Lenzer of Holiday Beach. The Young People ' s Society of the Grace Lutheran Church will meet at the church on Mastic Road 7:30 p. m. Monday. All mem- bers are requested to attend. Electra Lagumis celebrated her twelfth birthday Monday with hr sisters , Micheie , Natalie and Mary- ann , and her parents , Mr. and Mrs. James Lagumis , and Miss Al- lison Cohen of Shirley at the La- gumis home on Mastic Road. A decorated cake and refreshments were served. The Rosary Altar Society of St. Jude ' s R. C. Church will meet 8 p. m. Monday in the auditorium on Overlook Drive. All members are requested to attend. V _. _. _. _t ______ __ ______________ _ k _fe _k_ , _^ _, _. _V _h A _l _K _k. _t. _. _W _t. _t._L. _V _L _l _- . ,_. _. _. ._ _._ ] WHERE DIGNITY j j AND TRADITION | j SOFTEN YOUR GRIEF \ \ i 4 I ] SINNICKSONS | | Moriches Funeral Home , Inc* | 4 4 J. Wesley Sinnickson Thomas D. Sinnickson ? < , T ^ T censed Mana » er Licensed Partner I i MAIN STREET, CENTER MORICHES ATlantic -4-0065 I *ry r *r^ WW ' W **' W l7 W '* * '*'Ww^ mr wW-w ~ r——"———————— ——— ^~ ¦ " |(illlllllllllllllllllll'lillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!| ¦ ROADSIDE 1 GREENHOUSE 1 a m 1 /S _^S££\ Montauk Hwy.f -( u' _____ &V8 j Moriches ¦ \ **^_^^ _r_77&.^___r *" m I World Wide Delivery | i Through F.T.D. i a iuiuuiiuiiiiiujiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? SCHOO L NEWS NATHANIEL WOODIIULL On November 10 in Mrs. Rohr- l ough' s kindergarten class , Deb- orah Ann Kuzmech celebrated her iifth birthday. We sang "Happy Birthday " to her after she blow- out the candles on the cupcake.- . Mrs. Kuzmech brought us all birthday hats , cupcakes ond candy. Then we played musiial chairs. Linda McLean brought a prism to school. We looked through it anel saw the beautiful colors of the rainbow. Antoinette Buffa had her tonsils out. Paul Calabro is having Ids tonsils out too. * * * On Open House Night we had many visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Bal- zano , Mr. and M' rs. V. DiMaggiu. Mrs. H. Cox. Mr and Mrs. S. Kuz- mech. Mrs. E Fernandez. Mr and Mrs. J. Patera, Mrs. C. Buckheit. Mrs. S. Fesnick . Mr. and M' rs L. Musumeci , Mrs. A. Buffa , Mrs . L. Schwarz . Mrs. E. Bethel. Mrs. A. S' /ilagyi. Mrs . F. Calabro , Jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. Goltsos , Mrs . A. Mc- Lean, and Mr. and Mrs. A. DeNor- io visited our room. We had our work on display for them to look at. * * * We are learning- about Thanks- giving. We heard the story of the first Thanksgiving. We have seen pictures of the Mayflower , Pil- grims , and the Indians. W' e are learning songs about this holiday. We made Indian headbands and sang and danced to Indian music. We are talking about all the things we have to be thankful for. We hope everyone has a wonder- ful Thanksgiving. We have been very busy this week in Mrs. Seibert' s kindergar- ten class. We made our room look attractive for our mothers and fa- thers to see on open house ni ght. M. any of us made finger paintings for the first time and like to see other colors forming under our fingers as we blend tw r o colors to- gether and add a third. Our teacher brought in two gold fish whose names are Happy and Jolly; they are nearly three years old. Each day someone will feed them just a little bit of food , be- cause we learned they do not need much. W'e are talking about what Thanksgiving means and have been telling our teacher what we are thankful for. We learned about the fii-st Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and Indians. We heard Indian music anel stories and have been making Indian feather head dresses and tom-toms from cereal boxes. Our hel pers have been Ronnie Friese, Frank Varnum , Steven Thorn , Lena Massa , Suzanne Wey- nand , Keith Scanlon , Joseph Mar- ino and Billy Graesen. Officers this week in Miss Perry ' s grade two are Captains. Maria Fattizzo and Joseph Impel- I. ' zzesi; Helpers , Joyce Serin anel Frank Letscher; Flagbearer , War- len Hughes; Color Guard , Doreen Naughton and Richard Lichtenber- g ,i r , Art. - . Lorraine O'Shea; P lant s , Charlane Quattrocchi , Librarian anel Stephen Hall. Charlane Quattrocchi brought her brown and white hamster named Panel y for us to see. She showeel us how she feels it and tries to get it to do tricks for her. Rosemary Fariello brought a r< cord with some patiotic songs. Newest members in our Citizen- ship Club are Frank Letscher. Richard Riker , Lorraine O'Shea. M.aria Fattizzo. Donna Dosch. Ar- lene Torio , Steven Druek and Jos- eph Impellizzeri. We have been using our rulers again for measuring anel for draw- ing lines and we have made som° very nice looking November cal- endars with appropriate pictures at the top. We shall continue to make a new calendar each month. We are learning to add single and multiple columns of figures. Mrs. Ritz ' grade three has been learning about citrus fruits. We all like them. Miss Daye , high school home economics teacher , sent us some fruit. We had mar- malade on crackers and most of us liked it. Roger Gallagher brought in a plant which grew from a fruit seed. We hope it continues to grow. We have started to carry num- Lers in addition and mo?t of us arc doing well. We studied whe"e ana when words and are do ' ng aiuch better witn our questions and answers in reading. Our helpers w -n' e Joan Stewart , Natalie Thuilon , Wanda Uisum , G era I'd Sigismonti and Joel We-in- garten. Mrs. Hallock' s grade three is sorry that William Ackerman is out of school. We hope he will be back soon and feeling better. Joan Coady is now working in a more advanced reading group. Our best spellers have been Debra Carroll, Robert Daly, Sonia Fernandez, Johanna Gianni n o . John Hughes , Diane Jones , David Leo , William Lewis , Linda Mal- grat , Juliette Marks , Kay Molan- der, Bruce Pctrucci , Adamae Rog- cyski , Joan Schiller and Rosema- rie Scuteri. Five students made the honor roll this report perioel in Mr. Fucci' s grade four. David Muller , Anthony Costragiavanni , Leonard Eppig, Rosanne Trabocchi and Roy D'Alsace. Joanne Morizzo just barely missenl , and we hope she makes it next time. We began our study of fractions in arithmetic , and all the boys and girls will bring in fruit divided into sections. In social studies we are learning about the Dutch people and now they protect themselves from the sea. :t: * * In Mr. William ' s grade five the following made the honor roll this marking period : Joan Sabolis , Linda Orban , Barbara Lanham ano Diane Defalco. The class sent a card to Jessica Conklin , who is in the hosp ital after an accident. The children are taking fid I ad- vantage of the fine libraiy we have and , as a result , mgny of hem have read as many as five books this period. The foll owing people achieved perfect attendance for thi? ten week period : Thomas Coad y, De- ward Horick, Thomas Lindsev , Michael Schultz , De roth y Hutt , Li.ida Miscavish , Joan Sahol- .s , Francine Sands , Sylvia Williams and William Appel. Mrs. Raynor ' s grade s ' x re- ceived report cards this week Jeanne Robert , Patricia Petrucci , Peggy Walker , Deborah Proctor and Richard Oppesdisano are on the honor 2 oil. To be on the honor roll , a student must have an aver- age of B , with no mark below a B on his report. In our one hundre i word spel- ling test Anthony La Fata and Gisella Murp hy had perfect pa- pers. Honorable mention goes to Deborah Proctor , Clau d Kepp isto , Jo Ann Eozzolino , Pamela Jasper , Patricia Petrucci , Peggy Walker and Jeanne Robert. These students had either a 98 or a 99 per cent grade. Our class has been writing re- ports on world news. Peggy Wal- ker , Jeanne Robert , Deborah Proc- tor and Clara Fish made good re- ports on the Berlin situation. We are now reporting on Prime Min- ister Nehru ' s visit to the United States. The officers of our class are President , Richard Oppedisano ; Vice President , Patricia Petrucci ; Secretary, Dennis Schulz , and Treasurer , Jeanne Robert. We are having a meeting next week to decide important matters of how to improve our classroom and how to improve our manners. In Mers. Rosenblad' s grade six we elected class officers this week , and Donny Scuteri was elected president. Kenneth Figluizzi is vice president; Kay Ann Kramer secretary, and James O'Brien is our class treasurer. In our noun miming contest this week Deborah '^ arisen and Chris- tine Wall won prize begonias for being tied for first. Best marks in the arithmetic test brougnt prize flowers for Martin Marottn , ivleen Scott and Estella Franklin. OBITUARY JOHN S. DAVIDSON , 78 , died Friday at Central Suffolk Hosp i- tal. A retired railroad man , he had been a resident of 197 Wood- land Drive , Mastic Beach , for the past 2, ") years. He was a life member of the Globe Loelge. No. 08S , F. & A. M. Surviving are two sons , Henry of Mt. Vernon , N. Y., anel John of New Jersey; one daughter , Miss Florence Davidson; four brothers , William and Albert of New Jer- sey, Thomas of Mastic Beach and Robert of Huntington, and one sister , Miss Winifred Davidson of Astoria, Queens . Fie also le-aves three grandchildren. Masonic services were held Sat- urday evening b y Potunk Lodge at Sinnickson 's Moriches Funera 1 Home. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon , Father Willar d T . Kile officiating. Interment fol- lowed at Mt . Pleasant Cemetery, East Moriches. JOHN DARIANO , 73 , died No- vember 9. at Northport Veterans Hospital after a short illness. He resided for the past three months with his daughter , Mrs. Marie Buonanduono of Hoover Court , Mastic, and was a retired carpenter. Survivors include two sons , Daniel anel Angelo Dariano of the Bronx ; three daughters , Mrs. Buonanduono of Mastic; Mrs. Faye Laberti of Shirley; Mrs. Louise Jahle of Little Ferry, N. J., and 11 grandchildren. A Rosary Service was held Sun- day at Botti' s Funeral Home in the Bronx. A requiem mass was said Monday at Mt. Carmel R. C. Church in the Bronx. Interment followed in St. Raymond's Ceme- tery, the Bronx. Shirley and Mastic Acres Mrs. Irma Davin . ATlantic 1-S1S0 BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Maureen Murp h y celebrat- ed her nineteenth birthday Novem- ber 11 with a family gel-to-gelher at her home on Revilo A\eiiu- ' . Refreshments included a birthday cake. Among those present were her parents . Mi . anel Mis. Wilkam Murphy, and brother , William, and si. -ter , Geraldine , also Miss Vera Murph y, Mrs. Agues Brousk y and Miss Imeida Murp hy of Woodside. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer e>f Linden Avenue' returned home Tuesday after spending three days as the guest ol ' her nrothi r. Mr- Julia Lohr of Cop lay. Pa. Donald K'ink . infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kiink of Floe d Road North was christened November 12 at the Grace Luthe- ran Church on Mastic Road with the Rev. Arthur Geielel officiating. The godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doukas of Ozone Park. Fol- lowing the ceremony a dinner was held at the Klink home. Later in the evening a buffet supper was served. Guests were Mrs . John Salaka , Mr. and Mrs. Doukas of Ozone Park, Mr. and Mrs. Salva- tore Bellone , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Codv and family and Mr. and Mrs. Max Klink of Shirley. Peter Pruhs of Bethpage visited his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Valder of North- ern Boulevard , last Thursday. Sun- day guests of the Valelers were Mr. Valder 's brother ami sister-in- law , Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Valder of Hollis. Mrs. Dennis De Nobile of Neigh- borhood Road , Mastic Beach , en- tertained at a famil y party Tues- day nig ht in honor of her hus- band' s birthday. Buffet refresh- ments were served. Those attend- ing were Ml- , and Mrs. William Murphy and son , William , and daug hter , Geraldine , of Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De No- bile of Mystic Beach. Anthony Finocchio of Woodcut Drive left Saturday for upstate to spend a week deer hunting in the Adirondack Mountains. Christopher anel William Opitz , sons of Mtr . and Mrs. William Opitz of Cypress Drive , under- w ent tonsillectomies at Brookhaven Memorial Hospital in East Patch- ogue , last Wednesday morning They are both recuperating at th* 1 home of their maternal grandpa- rents , Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Henck of Sunset Drive. Mrs. Barbara Emanuele and son , Joseph , of Brooklyn returned home Sunday after spending several days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs . Francis Green of Lexington Road. Edward Windisch , Jr., of Bay- side w r as a weekend guest of his parents , Mr. and M rs. Edward Windisch , Sr., of Madison Ave- nue. Manorville Mrs. C Somma, PA 7-5099 - AT 4-0270 Mr. and Mrs . George Axtell of Salem , Wix., who resided in Man- orville with their family while he supervised the Asphalt plant at Grumman Aircraft Enginering Corporation in Calverton , recently spent a few days enewing ac- quaintance with old friends. Dui- ing their brief visit they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Verity of Eastport. They have re- turned to their home in Wisconsin. Mr . and Mrs. James Gilmartin anel children , Colleen. Kathleen and Maureen , of South Street spent a few days renewing ac- and Maureen , spent the weekend at the home of Air. Gilmartin ' s par- ems, Mr. and Mrs . Richard Gilmar- tin of Montauk. Last Wednesday the Gilmartins entertained Mr. Gil- martin ' s grandmother , Mrs. James O'Brien , of Amagansett and Miss Joyce Simonson of Westhampton. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Espensen of Rocky Point visited Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown and son , Larry, Jr., of Dayton Ave- nue. On Sunday Mi. and Mrs. Brown and son , Larry, visited Mrs. Carrie Peck and Mr. anel Mrs. Estelle Howell of Freeport Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mihm ot * Plainview and were dinner guests al the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Rob- ert Maitland and children , Jeffrey and Robert , anel Mrs. Marie Raia of Westhampton. Mrs. Walter Raynor of South Street anel Mrs. Hilda Raines anel children and Mrs. Clinton Muttitt. all of Westhampton enjoyed an outing at Bear Mountain Sundav. Legal Notice SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby g iven that a special meeting of the inhabitants of Union Free School District- Number 34 , Town of Brookhaven , Suffolk Count y, New York , qua- lified to vote at school meetings in said district , will be held at the Adelaide Ave. schoolhou. se in saiel district on Mondav , Nov . 27th , 1961, at 8:00 p. m ' ., E. S. T. for the purpose of authorizing the Boarel of Education t<> pareha- oe additional land. Namel y, approxi- mately three hundred (3 ,00 feet) linear feet , more or less , on Ade- laide Ave. South and adjacent to the present school property. For the sum of Twenty Five Dollai s ($25.00) per front foot on Ade- laide Ave. (.S 7 , . "300.00 total price). Depth of parcel being two hun- dred sixty two feet (2b'2 feet), more or less. Si gned E. A. Lowell Cleik. Union Free School District Number 34. Dated : October 24th , 1WJ 1 . - » i .ii.i ii> j i 'i iii 't nt I'lCiiinEiiciiliikiiMllllllir m z m m K. m 1 HERRMAN N ' S A, | « * Main Street Center Moriches ATlantic 4-0301 LEMMEN'S NURSERY EAST MORICHES AT - 4 - 0 9 9 0 Mastic Items of Interest Mrs. Irma Davin , ATlantic 1-8150 Mrs. Robert Chester was hostess at a demonstration party held Monday night at her home on Nel- son Place. The demonstrator was Mrs. William Moy land of Mastic. Those attending were Mesdani s Harry Page , Helen Batdorf . Ken- neth Holley. A. Ceresko and Ar- mando Montezuma of Moriches. Mrs. George Burge of Moriches. Following the demonstration coffee anel cake were served by Mrs . Ches- ter. Mr. and Mrs. George Sammis and children , Jeffrey and Claudia , of Dana Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. John Walkman and son. Thomas , of Moriches visited the Stony Brook Museum in Stony Brook , Sunday afternoon. Charles Gerle , Ralph Toto and Arthur Renner of Mastic and Hen- i'y St ype of East Moriches left Sunday for a deer hunting trip upstate. They are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schussler of Potter ' s Hollow and expect to return home tonight. Live Better With PELCO Low Cost Electricity. —Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grogan anel daughter Carol , and Thomas Gro- gan of Brooklyn spent last Wed- nesday as the guests of Mr. anel Mrs. Charles Gerle of Midland Avenue. \ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hulse and son , Donald , and daughter , Eva , of Robert Street were guests at the second birthday party of David Huls held Sunday at the home of his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Hulse of Moriches. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chester of Nelson Place were Mrs. William Duffy and daughter , Eileen , of Astoria and Mastic. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballentino of Astoria were at their home on Nelson Place over the weekend. Mrs. Kathryn Maroni anel son , Stephen of Woodside were' guests last Wednesday of Mr. anel Mrs. Richard Davin of Vernon Avenue. Mrs. Davin celebrated her birthday November 18. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Citarelli and daughter , Judith , and son , Ed ward , of Stuyvesant Avenue , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and family of Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martinez of Astoria attend- ed the wedding of Miss Barbara Butterit to Peter Coppola. Jr.. at St Joseph P. C. Church in Ron- konkoma , November 4. Mr. Cop- pola is Mrs. Citarelli' s nephew- Many new opportunities today ; read the classified columns in sec- tion two. Act quickly for best results. —Adv. | STEINER'S LUMBER YARD, INC. | < CLINTON STREET ATlantic 4-0131 CENTER MORICHES I \i COAL :: CUSTOM HOMES BUILT [ iVI. Beach Extension Plans For Christmas MASTIC BEACH Members of the Mastic Beach Unit of the Home Extension Service' met at the firehouse on Neighborhood Roael Tuesday morning for their monthly business meeting and covered dish luncheon. Mns . Frances Fawcett presided. With an attendance of approxi- matel y 70 members , preliminaries on the Christmas decorations pro- ject were given b y leader , Mrs. John Martin. Several of the mem- bers took part in a skit entitled Good Wav vs. Bad Wav to Con- duct a meeting. Plans were also made for the unit' s annual Christmas party which will be held December 15) . Mrs. Robert DeCordova will be in charge of dinner arrangements, with Mrs. Carrie Blonupiist in charge of refreshments and Mes- dames Edith Mc Nulty, Jodi Ye-tti , Gloria Amurri anel Lillian Lamb serving on the decoration committee. In addition to a hot catered dinner h-io ' curved , there will also be a grab bag, and each member is requested to bring a dollar gift for this purpose. Mrs. Fawcett , chairman , also extended a warm welcome to Mes- dames Vera Coppola , Mary Anton- cic. Lillian Audet , Clara Papa. Rose Hughes , Dolores Fodnseca , Ann Perrier and Sue Carnesi , new members to join this unit. The next meeting of this grou p will be on Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the firehouse. Visitors are always welcome. ^IBlllllllllllllllftlllHIllllElllllllllllBllllllilllEBIIIiaiBIII ^ I E. W. PENNEY & SON f S LESTER PENNEY , Prop. g S MAIN STREET EASTPORT . - 1-0150 S 3 ¦ | Fully ^~^ ^ = i HOT WATER A "~ J! a ... » ° ° - FIRED I 1 S S ' " ° «/«// ° I ' WAT£§? 1 1 = [<^ K I! 3 <fc £™ o a as low « l ?\ % I 5 3 s ° wrm o ° l $975 If J I £ 2 f / ^>\ , 4 iWj I ^ MMIl lM^ completely insfdled | I ¦ ¦* I Product of General Motors j.;. WBd^gPis > JQ^. ' .J| m - ]|Siffffl SHELL OIL DEALER | 3 HB_3B__H Water Pumps Installed S SlIHllllllfllllllHIIIIIIIIIlUllIlllIIIIIUII IIIlIIIIIVilllllS Willis B. Tuthill t. Mr. and Mrs . James VanLeuvan [of Walden and Mr. anel Mrs . Vin- I cent DiRuocco of Ossining were I wee kend guests of Postma-ter and Mrs. Da, id W. Jayne. They were 1 heie to ait'-nd .he wedding of | Waiti r Jayne and Miss Veronica Kruk. Mrs. VanLeuvan anel Mrs. DiRuocco are sisters of the bride- groom. Among those who also at- it-nded the wedding, which was hekl at St. John ' s R. (' . Church November 12 , was the bridegrooms! ninety-yea r-old grandmother . Mrs . Marguerite S. Tuthill of Remsen- I'Ug. Mrs. Tuthill was also at the i reception at the Polish Hall in ' I Riverhead. Closing their home here and leaving for Florida to spend the Winter are Mr. anel Mrs. Harry Parker of Halsey Lane. Mr. Par- ker is a retired building contract- t or, who before coming here liveel in Rockvibe ( ' em re' . The village se-hool i. - , closed for thi Thanksgiving wi-' vend. Vaca- tioning teachers are Vit.ceut Di - Siineme. princi pal. a( .Millet' s Plac e Miss Janice Buck of Southampton and Mrs. Clem ml Petl tiszev. ski at A epiebogue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C' oudman and son , Bobb y, have been visiting- relatives in Connecticut. Mi' s. David Jayne entertained members of the <' nap. ie " " s a: her home on Club Lin M 'i.d.iy pie 't. As in y .t'- . p-is{ m 'inher. s of the Remsenbaig co -g, eeation v il! jedn in a Tnanksg;-, it g service w ' th the Presb yterian- anel Metho- dists of Last Moriches. Service will be held at tht Metnoelist Church tonight. The church session will meet | with the moderator , the R< v. C, >r- eiem Dickson .unday ii ' izht at the I chapel. | The comp lete li-t of election board members for Election Di-- [ tried. 11 we re Mrs. Ethel Adelwert h ; Mrs. Sophie Smith. Mi-- . Molly j Fed'M'ico anel three other- inadvert- ently omitted last week , Mrs. .Ma- ria Tuttle , Mrs. Ann Kostenik and Mrs. Alice Watson. Mrs. Eloise Raynor anel Mrs . Louise Chapman ot Last Morb-hes are on a Caribbean cruis > . MJ - S. Ethehvyn Rogers v;i s the hostess for the Novmbei meeting of the Ladies ' Aid Society. Guests of the afternoon were Mi' s Robert Cloudman and Mrs. G racia Cioiui- man , new residents of Halsey Lane. Speonk and Remsenburg NOTICE Notice is hereb y given that th" annual election meeting of tlu electors of the Kaslport Fire Dis- trict of Lamport , situated in the towns of Brookhaeeii anel . souiii- timpton , Sulfoik County. New York will l)e held in the Has-tpoii. lire house , Tii" sday, December 5 , 15)01 between the hotu s of " i o' clock P. M. and 10 o ' clock I" . M. for the purpose of el -cting a Fire Commissioner for a term of h\e years , beginning January 1, l!) | - >2. B y order of the Board of Fir> Commissions s , t ,f Kaslpori Fire District. Dated , October ilk l!)i " >l. G. Henry Frey John J. Kostuk C. James Mottola George Brambley J. Haskell Warner , Chairmen Attest : Louis L. Gritting, secretary NOTICE OF ANNEAL ELECTION OF MANORVILLE FIRE DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of the Manorville Fi re District will be held on the ; " >th day of December. 15M'L at the Manorville Fire House in the saiel Fire District , anel that the polls will be open for the receipt of ballots at the said time and p lace between the hours of seven o ' clock and ton o ' clck in the evening (Eastern Standard Time). The officer to be elected at said election is: One Commissioner for a term of five (FD years beginning January 1st. 19fi2. " Candidates for the above o ffice must file their names with the secretary of the Fire District at least ten (I'D days prior to the election and nominations must be submitted in petition form sub- scribed by twent y-five (25) quali- fied voters of the district. BOARD OF F'RE COMMIS- SIONERS . MANORVILLE FIRE DTSTRTCT RCSSFI L NODINE. SECRETARY

Transcript of FIRED I K I! - NYS Historic...

MASTIC BEACH NEWSHr-i. H t n n e i h AnHorsen. ATlanlic 1-8458

1 1 \ W \ 1 I \ \ P \ R T Y

M r . a- ,d Mr s . ( "hai I t ' s C o l l i n s ofMi l i n i e \ ] M '\ e and M i . and Mi' s .I . - , i i \ ( o i l i ! s ol \\ n t t t i e i Hi i\ et o. ei ,.- ' i i : ed a t ;i I I . : : a . i a n I o--11.1 i ie > p a i t y l a s t S n t m d a y n i g h t atM • i i ao 's U e - u n u a c t on W' n t t i e rD i i \ e . Tne l oom \ \ ; s g a i l y dec-l a i ( i w i t h p a l m t i > ."- , cocoanu t sand p i n e a p p 1 's. A n d m a n y ol the 'i t u c st s w e r e a t t i r e d MI g i a s s s k i r t si o i o r t i! mu i n u - and l e t s , toppedo!f hy k n e e - t r a w l " i t s .

The v i i s ; i t i l e \ » idy Pre l i wib onhand to act as nu.s'.ei . in and mti s-L r oi '- c e r e n i o t i i c - . A cohn 1'ul b u f -fe t a l de al -o ;.dd • 1 t o t h e decor.

Guc .s ^ s pu 'M 'iu w e i e Mi ' s . A n d -r e w P i e '.i. K e n n e t h Ande r semF i a i . k R - '.. M i . and M r - . Wi l -l i a m Ism s . M i s s 1 a i r -.i t 'o l l u i s ,I eo IC ' ssie r . M i s . J o h n M v h a n .Mr . at d M i s . Jos. ph M u r r a y , Mr.t r i o M i s . . lames M u i r a e . H a r r yS i ' i n i ' i i ' ?.i i - l l e ' en T- r r i f t e o .C h a r l e s S\ m o r d a . A! Ha -T 'son . J r .and M i . and M r s . Ra '. iard T u m a nol M a - t ' c B e a i h : M - . and Mrs.DoimM M . l l e r and Sornv R u n g ofS h i i \< y. M ch.ael 1 O \ < T ; O ! Bab y-lon and M . i - t n R' - ich . M r , . 1 etS- i . h o f c. • . ' . i i :i H - ' t g h t s . Mr . andM i - . W i . l i a m W' lsoii of t h e Bronx .


A ioyer. - c e l e b r a t i o n w-i s he ldat t h e < lu h u l Hi i \ e Home of Mr.and .\ l . s . K u d o i p ' i I 'nhe over lastv i e k ' M i d \\ I I « M I Mi ' s . J u a n A u e r of"X e m ' i ioi h.oed Re -i d announced her1 ' i e t i t e ng a g e m e n t to .'. i l l Zot te l< : C d ;;i Ro .id. Mr s . Rudo lp hC t u - e l e l e b r a t e d her h i i t h d a y andR u d y Ala i . son of M i s . A u e r , now'- t a t i o n e d w i t h t he V. S. A r m y atl- 'ort D \. came home on leave.

A i b n n e r i n c l u d i n g a decoratedc; ke w a s s( r\ ed. In addi t ion tot in e e l e b i a t u s tho se e x t en d i n g con-gi a t u k i i i o u s and 'nest wishe s ine tudod Mv. Cuwe and children.31a i l c r . . ' . R a n e l .\ and J e n n i f e r , Mr.and Mrs. Char les H e f n e r andd a u g h t e r lb dda. Miss Annedoi 'aFeh ikamn . David Larson and Mr.: nd M i s . A l b e r t A u e r and elaugh-t» r. Lor i . of Mast ic Beach , andR u n h a u l t Bii - sner and Mr. anelMr s . E rha rd t R u n t e of F lush ing .

Mr. and Mr - . Lar ry Coll ins andchi ldren. Stephen and Donna , ofW h i t t i e r Drive a long w i t h Mr. andM i s . t i e o i g e A l b e ' t m a and d a ugh -te r s . R :il i ari d Micheie . of Ridge-w ood hav e r e t u r n e d t o t h e i r i e > s-pective homes a f t e r be ing thel io t i segue st s for a w eek of M r . andMrs . " W i l l i a m W i N o n and M 'II . Ken-v t h . of t he Bronx at thv Wilsons 'S ' tmnu r home in C l i m t t x . D u r i n gth ; s t ime the men enjoyed a dayoi two of h u n t i m . .

Last Sa tur day Mr . and Mrs .Louts S c h u l t z and son . Robert , ofR i c h m o n d H i l l we r e the guests ofMr . and Mr s . David Scbult-t andsons , l .arrv and Denn i s , of Phvl isRoad.

Mi - s. L i l l i a n Hi lher i and .-on.Al f red . id ' Maspet h weie at theirS u m m e r home on Laure l ton Drive(mr in g last weekend.

W i l l i a m A c k r m n n . Jr.. was thei i t e s t -o f -honor hi.-; Fr iday n igh tw h e n hi s pa ren t s , Mr . and Mi's"\\ l l i a m Ac k e rm an . ent i r ta ined ati. p a r t y al th>d r C ianbe r ry DriveI K me in ce lebra t ion of his n i n t hb i i t h d a v . Rel 're.s ' imen t s i n c l u d i n g:. decorated cake were serve 1. Hisguest - i n c l u d e d his l - roi lv rs , Ke-v n t .nd R i c k y . Mr. and Mr - . Ray-mond } ' vu ha a n d d a u g h t e r , D >rh cot Bayside ; M i . and Mrs. RaymondFV i r a i u and d a ugn t e r . Jane. Mr.and Mrs . J ,di n Brenrao and son,Bobb y, of Mas ' ic Beach , and hist m a t e t i a l gi a n d n a iv n t s . Mr. andMi - . F r a n k MeVay of Wantagh .

D i n n er gue sts la- t Thursday atil." home of Mr. and Mr- . LeonBonn.' , ' . Si- ., of Commack Roadw - i e t h e i i -on and daugh te r - in -law . Mr. and M i s . Clement Bour-g a l ol .Mas-apequa .

Mr . at i . i Mr r . Jus t ph. Moshenbergof Bro oklyn spent last weekend atthei r Summei home on Elm Road.

Mr. and Mrs. F l u n k McVay ofW a n t agh spent last weekend as

t h e gnosis of t i i e i i son- in - law amid a u g h t e r , Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i a mA c k e r m a n . and sops . W i l l i a m . R i c -ky and Kcu'n , of C r a nb o i r y Drive

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burge. Sr.,ol Beaver Drive en t e r t a ined asH e i r guests last Saturday the i rson - in - l aw and daughter , Mr. andM i s . R i c h a r d Hra ly . and son, Rob-ert , of A m i t y v i l l e . On Sunday M r .and Mrs. Burge were hos ts to Mrs .Bin ge 's bro ther - in - law and sister.Mr . and Mrs . Stanley King ofBrookl yn.

Mr s . Jack Cal l i s ter of Ivy P' ac,>has been the houseguest for i h epast two we eks of hr son-in-lawand daugh te r . Mr . and Mrs . Nor-man Michae ls , and sons. Norman .Jr.. Chr i s tonher and David ofN o r t h Bab ylon.

Mr . anel Mrs. Fred Schut t ofBrookl yn and Queen Road have re-t u r n e d home a f t e r spending twom o n t h s m Europe. Whi le theret h e y v is i t i d m a n y points of in-tere st in Germany anel Aus tr :a andenjoyed a t r ip to the Aus t r i an Al-p ine c i u i n t i \ .

Mrs . Gertrude Seidlei recent lyle f t her Woodland Drive homehere ' in Mastic Beach for a six-week European cruise aboard theUSS Independence.

Mis s Barbara Barheire was theguest -of-honor at a f a m ilv gath-e r ing at her home' on ClaremontDrive last Saturday in celebrationof her four teenth bir thday. Re-fe shmen t s and a decorated bir th-day cake were served. Joining inth is celebration were her parents ,M t . and Mrs . Lawrence Babeire.h e i materna l grandparents . Mr.and Mrs. John Webber of McKin-ley Drive. John Webber, Jr.. ofBrooklyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ha-rold Webber and chi ld ren , Richardand Lori , of Syosset. On SundayMr. and Mrs. Barheire and daugh-ter . Barbara, dined out at the CamPam Chinese Restaurant in Bright-waters.

Radarman 2 ' c Edward Boughaistationed aboard the USS Rooksout of Newport Rhode Island spentseveral days last week v is i t ing hisp a ren ts , Mr. and M'rs. EdwardBoughai , anel brothers , John andLeonard, of Penwood Drive. Hebad as his guests Forest Normanof Virginia, also stationed aboardthe Rooks , and Jack Kane of BayRielge.

Miss Marie Boye celebrated herf i f t een th birthday last Tuesdaywi th her parents . Mr. and Mr s .B.iorn Boye , at their hom e on Ca-rol Lane.

MT. and Mrs. Harry Strauss andSal Carannante of Brooklyn wreguests ovM- last weekend of Mr.¦viiel Mrs. Donald Bull and children .Donald. Jr .. Henry . Frank and Ni-na of Cypress Drive .

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Healyanel son , Robert, of Amityvi l le,who have recentlv returned fromthei r Florida vacation, were guestslor several days of Mr. Healy's|mother and aunt, Mrs. CatherineHealv and Mrs. Helen Matthewseif Hunt ington Drive. They alsonayed a visit to Mrs . Healv's bro-thers anel sisters-in-law. Mr. andMrs. George Burge and children ,George , Jr., and Dedihie. of BarnesRoad and Mr. and Mrs. D a n i e lBurge . Jr., and son, Dennis ofBellnort .

Mrs . Morris Feldman is recupe-ra t ing at her home on LongfellowDrive after being a patient forthe pa ^t f e w weeks at the B.w\ iew General Hospital here mMastic Beach where she unde r-w< nt surgerv.

Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Stoll of May-wood Drive were weekend guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Whi teof Groton. Conn. W'hi!o there thevall enjoyed a visit to the old whal-ing town e>f Mystic.

A par ty was held at the Wash-ington Drive home of Mr. and Mrs.Alan Roee-klein last Satmday tocelebrate the f irst birthday ofthe 'r son. Alan. Refreshments, in-cluding a decorated candlelit cake,were served and each of Alan 'ssmall guests received party favors.Among the guests helping Alan tocelebrate th is festive occasion werehi - sister. Elaine , brother , Bryan ,his parents, his paternal grand-mother . Mrs. Alfed Roecklr- in anelMr? . Edward Heins and children.Ellen and Edward , TIL Mrs.Thomas Neppell. Jr.. and childr°n,Thomas , Su^an and Lori , Mrs..Te>hn Neppell and daughter , Lvnn ,Mrs . John Molander and daughters,Kay and June, Mrs. Ann DeAn-gelas and daughters. CarolineFind Laurie , of Mastic Beach andMrs. William Humphries of Rich -mond Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dovle anddaughters, Susan , Sharon and Bethof Woodland Drive were the guestslast Sunday of Mrs. Doyle's pa-rent? and uncle. Mr. and Mrs.Peter Wei-ckmann and ThomasRbawl of Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tascb ofMiddle Village spent the weekendat their Summer home on Long-fellow Drive.

Last Sunday dinner guests atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Sal /a-tore Cannella of Monroe Drivewere their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Cannellaand children . Salvatore and Fran-ces Ann , of Harrison Dri^e and

t h e i r son- in- law and daughter . Mrami Mrs. Alber t Yasso. ri r.d ch i ' -e l i e n , J o a n n e anel Joseph , of Bell-port .

A b u f f e t l uncheon w a s held atthe A l d e r Drive home of Mr. andMrs. K a r l Deckel last Sundaywhere they entertaine d as th^ i rguests the i r daughter . Irene, Mi .and Ms . Otto K u m m e r t of Masticami Mr. and Mis. Hugo Weimanof L i t t l e Neck.

Mr . and Mrs. Tiichatel Luccheseanel daughter . Susan Carol , ofSayvil le were guests last Sunday

Mr. anel Mrs. Richa rd Carda-nione and children , Patricia andMaryann . anel Mrs. Fannie Carda-mone of Lincoln Avenue.

Mrs. Anna Coleman of We<'Forest Road entertained at hothome last Sunday in honor ofMiss Mary Guthr ie of the Bronxwho celebrated her nineteenth bir-t h d a y . Guests present were Mr.anel Mrs. Edward Flynn of M o u n tVernon , Jack Kenned y of Manhat-tan and Mrs. Ethel Fox anel son ,Edward, of Oceanside.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petronioand chi ldren, M'ichael , Lorraine andLynn , of North Baby lon wereguests last Sunday of Mr. and Mis .Pat Pulsonetti and children , Louis .Phili p and AnnMarie , of LocustDrive.

Mrs. Conrad Franz , Sr., of Wood-land Drive was the guest for sev-eral days last week of Mrs GladysVanNosdale of Richmond Hill .

Mr. anel Mrs. Joseph Fnnesseranel son , Eugene and Joseph , ofWappingers Falls were weekendguests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph En-nesser, Sr., and daughter Idamaeof Monroe Drive. They also visitedMrs. Ennesser 's parents, Mr. andMrs. Joseph Summers of WestForest Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eskesen andson , Roy Daniel , - if LaurekonDrive have been entertaining astheir houseguests Mrs. HarryHansen and Mrs. Gloria Miller oi"Bay Ridge. Last Sunday Mr. andMrs. F*skesen were hosts to Mr.and Mrs. Louis Miles of Medford.

Last Sunday Mrs. Edward Bou-ghai of Penwood Drive was theguest of her son-in-law and daugh-tei , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reckerani l son , Joseph , Jr., of StatenIsland where they celebrated thebi r thday of Mrs. Recker.

Johnny Johnsen , son of Mr.and Mrs. John Johnsen of Hunt -ington, has been the guest for rweek of his maternal grandpa-rents , Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l iam Dow.'TSi., of Orchid Drive. Recently Wil-liam Dowd along with his guests,Wil l iam Choisiiett of Wantagh..Frank Olsen of Babylon and PetePetersen of Hollis and MasticBeach spent an enjoyable dayfishing.

Mesdames Carrie Blomquist , Fri-eda Spiess. Ann Harrington andCatherine Covle last Saturday re-presented Mastic Beach Post 1533.American Legion Ladies ' Auxi l iaryat the Suffolk County Legion Aux-i l ia ry luncheon held at BroncoCharlie 's Restaurant in Oakdale.

Miss Natalie Lagumis has re-turned home following a three-dayletreat at Our Lady e>f the Poco-nos. Natal ie is the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. James Lagumis ofMastic Road.

Erick Karcher , son of Mr. andMrs. Edward Karcher, Jr.. ofBrentwood was the guest for aweek of his paternal grandparents,Mr. and Mrs , Edward Karcher , Sr..of Dahlia Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Ebbcrt Kilroy andMiss Marion Gorman of BayviewDrive last weekend motored toMercervi l le , N. J., where they werethe guests for three days of Mr.and Mrs. Ar thur Peice.

Mrs. Edmund Jorgensen of Mc-Kinley Drive celebrated her birth-aay last Wednesday by dining outwith her husband anel Mr. and Mrs.Otto Kummert of Mastic at Bron-co Charlie 's Restaurant in Oak-dale.

Edward Ibbotson of WoodsideDrive celebrated his birthday quiet-ly with his fami ly last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haughn ofManbasset Drive recently motoredto W'ilson, Conn., for the weekendwhere they were the guests ofMrs. Haughn 's mother , Mrs. RuthBowman , who returned to Mastic-Beach with her son-in-law anddaughter to be their houseguestfor the next two weeks.

The Republican Club of MasticBeach will meet 8 p. m. Fridayat the firehouse on NeighborhoodRoad.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hall ofMagnolia Drive last Saturday at-tended the wedding of Miss Mary-ann Warvel of Belleville, N. J., toMr. Hall's cousin , Dennis Weaverof Long Branch , N.J.. which tookplace in St. Peter's Church , Belle-ville. They also attended the rece-ption that followed the ceremony atthe Fountain Restaurant.

Mastic Beach Explorer Post 121will meet at 7:30 p. m. Fridayin the Sunday School rooms ofthe Grace Lutheran Church , Mas-tic Beach. Advisors are DanielBurge, Jr., and George Burge.Boys of 14 years of age or overare invited to attend.

Regulation drill for the mem-bers of the Mastic Beach Fire De-partment will be held at the fire-house 10 a. m. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Counadisof Silver Road announce the birthof a daughter. Denise Michel , Oc-tober 25) at the Brookhaven Me-morial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. William Dowd , Sr.,of Orchid Drive were the guestsrecently of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesCunningham and Mr. and Mrs.Frank Olsen of North Babylon.

Miss Claire Bomfoalski , daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bom-balski of Huguenot Drive alongwith Miss Kathy Duban of EastMoriches and Miss Josephine Tut-tle of Riverhead have recently re-turned from a week's vacationspent in Miami Beach , Fla. Theyflow via jet both ways.

Theodore Demchuk of WhittierDrive celebrated his birthday lastThursday with his wife and daugh-ter , Cathlyn, quietly at their home.

Practice for members of theMastic Fire Department Children'sBand will be held G-.30 to 8 p. m.Monday night at the firehouse. Ameeting of the Fire DepartmentOfficers will immediately follow.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Goltsosof Neighborhood Road celebratedtheir ninth wedding anniversarylast Wednesday with a small ga-thering of friends at their home.Refreshments including a decorat -ed cake were served. Joining inwere the Goltsos children , WilliamLinda and George, as well as Mrs.Sop hie Papacosta of Holiday Beach ;Dr. William Frua and Mr. and Mrs.John Rosso of Mastic Beach. OnThursday Mr. and Mrs. Goltsos en-tertained as their guests Mr. andMrs. Werner Lenzer of HolidayBeach.

The Young People's Society ofthe Grace Lutheran Church willmeet at the church on MasticRoad 7:30 p. m. Monday. All mem-bers are requested to attend.

Electra Lagumis celebrated hertwelfth birthday Monday with hrsisters, Micheie , Natalie and Mary-ann, and her parents, Mr. andMrs. James Lagumis, and Miss Al-lison Cohen of Shirley at the La-gumis home on Mastic Road. Adecorated cake and refreshmentswere served.

The Rosary Altar Society of St.Jude's R. C. Church will meet 8p. m. Monday in the auditoriumon Overlook Drive. All membersare requested to attend.

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] SINNICKSONS || Moriches Funeral Home, Inc* |44 J. Wesley Sinnickson Thomas D. Sinnickson ?

< ,T Tcensed Mana »er Licensed Partner I

i MAIN STREET, CENTER MORICHES ATlantic -4-0065 I*ryr *r^ WW'W **'W l7 W '**'*'Ww^mrwW-w~r—— "—————— —————^~¦"

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1 /S_^S££\ Montauk Hwy.f

-( u' _____&V8 j Moriches¦ \ ** _^^_r_77&.^___r *" m

I World Wide Delivery |i Through F.T.D. iaiuiuuiiuiiiiiuj iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?


On November 10 in Mrs. Rohr-l ough's kindergarten class , Deb-orah A n n Kuzmech celebrated heri i f th b i r thday . We sang "HappyBir thday " to her a ft e r she blow -out the candles on the cupcake.- .Mrs. Kuzmech brought us a l lb i r thday hats , cupcakes ond candy.Then we played mu si i a l cha i rs .

Linda McLean brought a prismto school. We looked through itane l saw the beaut i fu l colors ofthe rainbow. Anto ine t t e Buf fa hadher tonsi ls out . Paul Calabro ishaving Ids tonsils out too.

* * *On Open House Night we had

many visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Bal-zano , Mr. and M'rs. V. DiMaggiu.Mrs. H. Cox. Mr and Mrs. S. Kuz-mech. Mrs. E Fernandez. Mr andMrs. J. Patera, Mrs. C. Buckheit.Mrs. S. Fesnick . Mr. and M'rs L.Musumeci , Mrs. A. Buf fa , Mrs . L.Schwarz . Mrs. E. Bethel. Mrs. A.S'/ i l agy i . Mrs . F. Calabro , Jr., Mr.and Mrs. A. Goltsos , Mrs . A. Mc-Lean, and Mr. and Mrs. A. DeNor-io visited our room. We had ourwork on display for them to lookat.

* * *We are learning- about Thanks-

giving. We heard the story of thefirst Thanksgiving. We have seenpictures of the Mayflower, Pil-grims , and the Indians. W'e arelearning songs about this holiday.We made Indian headbands andsang and danced to Indian music.We are talking about all thethings we have to be thankfu l for.We hope everyone has a wonder-ful Thanksgiving.

We have been very busy thisweek in Mrs. Seibert's kindergar-ten class. We made our room lookattractive for our mothers and fa-thers to see on open house ni ght.M.any of us made finger paintingsfor the first time and like to seeother colors forming under ourfingers as we blend twro colors to-gether and add a third.

Our teacher brought in two goldfish whose names are Happy andJolly; they are nearly three yearsold. Each day someone will feedthem just a little bit of food , be-cause we learned they do not needmuch.

W'e are talking about whatThanksgiving means and havebeen tell ing our teacher what weare thankfu l for. We learned aboutthe fii-st Thanksgiving with thePilgrims and Indians. We heardIndian music anel stories and havebeen making Indian feather headdresses and tom-toms from cerealboxes.

Our helpers have been RonnieFriese, Frank Varnum , StevenThorn , Lena Massa , Suzanne Wey-nand , Keith Scanlon , Joseph Mar-ino and Billy Graesen.

Off icers this week in MissPerry 's grade two are Captains.Mar ia Fattizzo and Joseph Impel-I.'zzesi; Helpers , Joyce Serin anelFrank Letscher; Flagbearer, War-l e n Hughes; Color Guard , DoreenNaugh ton and Richard Lichtenber-g,i r , A r t .- . Lorraine O'Shea;P l a n t s, Charlane Quat t rocchi ,Librarian anel Stephen Hall.

Char lane Quattrocchi broughther brown and whi te hamsternamed Panel y for us to see. Sheshoweel us how she feels it andtries to get it to do tricks forher . Rosemary Fariel lo brought ar< cord with some patiotic songs.

Newest members in our Citizen-ship Club are Frank Letscher.Richard Riker , Lorraine O'Shea.M.aria Fattizzo. Donna Dosch. Ar-l ene Torio , Steven Druek and Jos-eph Impel l izzer i .

We have been u s i n g our rulersagain for measuring anel for d raw-ing lines and we have made som°very nice looking November cal-endars wi th appropriate picturesat the top. We shall cont inue tomake a new calendar each month.

We are learning to add singleand multiple columns of figures.

Mrs. Ri tz ' grade three has beenlearning about citrus fruits. Weall l ike them. Miss Daye , highschool home economics teacher ,sent us some f rui t . We had mar-malade on crackers and most of usliked it.

Roger Gallagher brought in aplant which grew from a f ru i tseed. We hope it continues togrow.

We have started to carry num-Lers in addition and mo?t of usarc doing well.

We studied whe"e ana whenwords and are do 'ng aiuch betterwitn our questions and answers inreading.

Our helpers w-n'e Joan Stewart ,Natal ie Thui lon , Wanda Uisum ,G era I'd Sigismonti and Joel We-in-garten.

Mrs. Hallock's grade three issorry that William Ackerman isout of school. We hope he will beback soon and feeling better.

Joan Coady is now working ina more advanced reading group.

Our best spellers have beenDebra Carroll, Robert Daly, SoniaFernandez, Johanna G i a n n i n o.John Hughes, Diane Jones , DavidLeo , Wil l iam Lewis , Linda Mal-grat , Juliette Marks , Kay Molan-der, Bruce Pctrucci , Adamae Rog-cyski , Joan Schiller and Rosema-rie Scuteri.

Five students made the honorroll th i s report perioel in Mr.Fucci's grade four. David Muller ,Anthony Costragiavanni , LeonardEppig, Rosanne Trabocchi andRoy D'Alsace. Joanne Morizzojust barely missenl , and we hopeshe makes it next time.

We began our study of fractionsin ar i thmetic, and all the boys andgirls will br ing in f ru i t dividedinto sections.

In social studies we are learningabout the Dutch people and nowthey protect themselves from thesea.

:t: * *

In Mr. William's grade five thefollowing made the honor roll thismarking period : Joan Sabolis ,Linda Orban , Barbara Lanham anoDiane Defalco.

The class sent a card to JessicaConklin , who is in the hosp italafter an accident.

The chi ldren are taking fid I ad-vantage of the fine l ib ra iy wehave and , as a result , mgny of• hem have read as many as fivebooks this period.

The foll owing people achievedperfect attendance for thi? tenweek period : Thomas Coad y, De-ward Horick, Thomas Lindsev ,Michael Schultz , De roth y Hut t ,Li.ida Miscavish , Joan Sahol-.s,Francine Sands , Sylvia Williamsand William Appel.

Mrs. Raynor's grade s'x re-ceived report cards this weekJeanne Robert, Patricia Petrucci ,Peggy Walker , Deborah Proctorand Richard Oppesdisano are onthe honor 2 oil. To be on the honorroll , a student must have an aver-age of B, with no mark below aB on his report.

In our one hundre i word spel-ling test Anthony La Fata andGisella Murphy had perfect pa-pers. Honorable mention goes toDeborah Proctor , Claud Keppisto,Jo Ann Eozzolino, Pamela Jasper ,Patricia Petrucci , Peggy Walkerand Jeanne Robert. These studentshad either a 98 or a 99 percent grade.

Our class has been writing re-ports on world news. Peggy Wal-ker , Jeanne Robert , Deborah Proc-tor and Clara Fish made good re-ports on the Berlin situation. Weare now reporting on Prime Min-ister Nehru 's visit to the UnitedStates.

The officers of our class arePresident, Richard Oppedisano ;Vice President, Patricia Petrucci ;Secretary, Dennis Schulz , andTreasurer, Jeanne Robert.

We are having a meeting nextweek to decide important mattersof how to improve our classroomand how to improve our manners.

In Mers. Rosenblad's grade sixwe elected class officers this week,and Donny Scuteri was electedpresident. Kenneth Figluizzi isvice president; Kay Ann Kramersecretary, and James O'Brien isour class treasurer.

In our noun miming contest thisweek Deborah '^ arisen and Chris-tine Wall won prize begonias forbeing tied for first.

Best marks in the arithmetic

test brougnt prize flowers forMartin Marottn , ivleen Scott andEstella Franklin.


Friday at Central Suffolk Hosp i-tal. A retired railroad man , hehad been a resident of 197 Wood-land Drive , Mastic Beach , for thepast 2,") years.

He was a life member of theGlobe Loelge. No. 08S , F. & A. M.

Surv iv ing are two sons , Henryof Mt. Vernon , N. Y., anel John ofNew Jersey; one daughter , MissFlorence Davidson; four brothers ,Wil l iam and Alber t of New Jer-sey, Thomas of Mastic Beach andRobert of H u nt i n g t o n , and onesister , Miss Winifred Davidson ofAstoria, Queens . Fie also le-avesthree grandchildren.

Masonic services were held Sat-urday evening by Potunk Lodgeat Sinnickson's Moriches Funera1Home. Funeral services were heldSunday afternoon , Father WillardT. Kile officiating. Interment fol-lowed at Mt . Pleasant Cemetery,East Moriches.

JOHN DARIANO, 73, died No-vember 9. at Northport VeteransHospital after a short illness.

He resided for the past threemonths with his daughter, Mrs.Marie Buonanduono of HooverCourt, Mastic , and was a retiredcarpenter.

Survivors include two sons,Daniel anel Angelo Dariano of theBronx ; three daughters, Mrs.Buonanduono of Mastic; Mrs.Faye Laberti of Shirley; Mrs.Louise Jahle of Little Ferry, N. J.,and 11 grandchildren.

A Rosary Service was held Sun-day at Botti's Funeral Home inthe Bronx. A requiem mass wassaid Monday at Mt. Carmel R. C.Church in the Bronx. Intermentfollowed in St. Raymond's Ceme-tery, the Bronx.

Shirley andMastic Acres

Mrs. Irma Davin . ATlantic 1-S1S0


Miss Maureen M u r p h y ce lebra t -ed her n i n e t e e n t h b i r t h d a y Nov em-ber 11 with a fami ly gel-to-gelherat her home on Revi lo A \ e i i u - '.Refreshments included a b i r thdaycake. Among those present wereher parents . Mi . anel Mis . W i l k a mM u r p h y, and brother , W i l l i a m , andsi.-ter , Geraldine , also Miss VeraMurph y, Mrs. Agues Brousk y andMiss Imeida Murp hy of Woodside.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer e>fLinden Avenue' r e tu rned homeTuesday af ter spending three daysas the guest ol ' her nrothi r. M r -Julia Lohr of Cop lay. Pa.

Donald K ' i n k . i n f a n t sonof Mr. and Mrs. Wal te r K i i n k ofFloe d Road N o r t h was chr i s tenedNovember 12 at the Grace Luthe-ran Church on Mastic Road wi ththe Rev. Arthur Geielel o f f ic ia t ing .The godparents are Mr. and Mrs.Peter Doukas of Ozone Park. Fol-lowing the ceremony a d inner washeld at the Klink home. Later inthe evening a buffet supper wasserved. Guests were Mrs . JohnSalaka , Mr. and Mrs. Doukas ofOzone Park, Mr. and Mrs. Salva-tore Bellone , Mr. and Mrs. ThomasCodv and fami ly and Mr. and Mrs.Max Klink of Shirley .

Peter Pruhs of Bethpage visitedhis brother-in-law and sister. Mr.and Mrs. Charles Valder of North-ern Boulevard , last Thursday. S u n -day guests of the Valelers wereMr. Valder 's brother ami sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Valderof Hollis.

Mrs. Dennis De Nobile of Neigh-borhood Road , Mastic Beach , en-tertained at a famil y party Tues-day night in honor of her hus-band's birthday. Buffe t refresh-ments were served. Those attend-ing were Ml- , and Mrs. WilliamMurphy and son , Wil l iam , anddaughter , Geraldine , of Shirleyand Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De No-bile of Mystic Beach.

Anthony Finocchio of WoodcutDrive lef t Saturday for upstate tospend a week deer hunt ing in theAdirondack Mountains.

Christopher anel Will iam Opitz ,sons of Mtr . and Mrs. Will iamOpitz of Cypress Drive , under-w ent tonsillectomies at BrookhavenMemorial Hospital in East Patch-ogue , last Wednesday m o r n i n gThey are both recuperating at th*1home of their materna l grandpa-rents , Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Henckof Sunset Drive.

Mrs. Barbara Emanuele and son ,Joseph , of Brooklyn returned homeSunday after spending severaldays as the guests of Mr. and Mrs .Francis Green of Lexington Road.

Edward Windisch , Jr., of Bay-side wras a weekend guest of hisparents, Mr. and M rs. EdwardWindisch , Sr., of Madison Ave-nue.

Manorvil leMrs. C Somma, PA 7-5099 - AT 4-0270

Mr. and Mrs . George Axtell ofSalem , Wix., who resided in Man-orvil le with their family while hesupervised the Asphalt plant atGrumman Aircraft EngineringCorporation in Calverton , recentlyspent a few days enewing ac-quaintance with old friends. Dui-ing their brief visit they wereguests of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesVerity of Eastport. They have re-turned to their home in Wisconsin.

Mr . and Mrs. James Gilmartinanel children , Colleen. Kathleenand Maureen , of South Streetspent a few days renewing ac-and Maureen , spent the weekend atthe home of Air. Gilmartin 's par-ems, Mr. and Mrs . Richard Gilmar-tin of Montauk. Last Wednesdaythe Gilmartins entertained Mr. Gil-martin 's grandmother, Mrs. JamesO'Brien , of Amagansett and MissJoyce Simonson of Westhampton.

On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Espensen of Rocky Pointvisited Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brownand son , Larry, Jr., of Dayton Ave-nue. On Sunday Mi. and Mrs.Brown and son , Larry, visitedMrs. Carrie Peck and Mr. anelMrs. Estelle Howell of FreeportMr. and Mrs. Frank Mihm ot*Plainview and were dinner guestsal the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Rob-ert Mait land and children , Jeffreyand Robert , anel Mrs. Marie Raiaof Westhampton.

Mrs. Walter Raynor of SouthStreet anel Mrs. Hilda Raines anelchildren and Mrs. Clinton Muttit t .all of Westhampton enjoyed anout ing at Bear Mounta in Sundav.

Legal NoticeSPECIAL SCHOOL MEETINGNotice is hereby given that a

special meeting of the inhabitan tsof Union Free School District-Number 34 , Town of Brookhaven ,Suffolk County, New York , qua-lified to vote at school meetingsin said district , will be held at theAdelaide Ave. in saieldistrict on Mondav , Nov . 27th ,1961, at 8:00 p. m'., E. S. T. forthe purpose of au tho r i z ing theBoarel of Education t<> pareha-oeadditional land. Namel y, approxi -mately three hundred (3,00 fee t )linear feet , more or less , on Ade-laide Ave. South and adjacent tothe present school proper ty . Forthe sum of Twenty Five Dollai s($25.00) per f ron t foot on Ade-laide Ave. (.S7 ,."300.00 total pr ice) .Depth of parcel be ing two hun-dred sixty two feet (2b'2 feet) ,more or less.

Signed E. A. LowellCle ik . Union Free SchoolDistrict Number 34.

Dated : October 24th , 1WJ 1

.-» i .ii.i i i > j i 'i i i i 't nt I 'lCii inEiici i l i i ki iMll l l l l irm zm mK. m


« *

Main Street Center MorichesATlantic 4-0301


AT - 4 - 0 9 9 0

Mastic Itemsof InterestMrs. Irma Davin , ATlantic 1-8150

Mrs. Robert Chester was hostessat a demonstration party heldMonday night at her home on Nel-son Place. The demonstrator wasMrs. William Moy land of Mastic.Those attending were Mesdani sHarry Page , Helen Batdorf . Ken-neth Holley. A. Ceresko and Ar-mando Montezuma of Moriches.Mrs. George Burge of Moriches.Following the demonstrat ion coffeeanel cake were served by Mrs . Ches-ter.

Mr. and Mrs. George Sammisand children , Jeffrey and Claudia ,of Dana Avenue and Mr. and Mrs.John Walkman and son. Thomas ,of Moriches visited the StonyBrook Museum in Stony Brook ,Sunday afternoon.

Charles Gerle , Ralph Toto andArthur Renner of Mastic and Hen-i'y Stype of East Moriches leftSunday for a deer h u n t i n g tr ipupstate. They are staying at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. PhilipSchussler of Potter 's Hollow andexpect to return home tonight.

Live Better With PELCO LowCost Electricity.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grogan aneldaughter Carol , and Thomas Gro-gan of Brooklyn spent last Wed-nesday as the guests of Mr. anelMrs. Charles Gerle of MidlandAvenue. \

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hulse andson , Donald , and daughter , Eva ,of Robert Street were guests atthe second birthday party of DavidHuls held Sunday at the homeof his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don-ald Hulse of Moriches.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Robert Chester of NelsonPlace were Mrs. William Duffyand daughter, Eileen , of Astoriaand Mastic.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballentinoof Astoria were at their home onNelson Place over the weekend.

Mrs. Kathryn Maroni anel son ,Stephen of Woodside were' guestslast Wednesday of Mr. anel Mrs.Richard Davin of Vernon Avenue.Mrs. Davin celebrated her birthdayNovember 18.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Citarelliand daughter , Judith , and son , Edward , of Stuyvesant Avenue , Mr.and Mrs. Jack Davis and f ami lyof Shirley and Mr. and Mrs.Frank Martinez of Astoria attend-

ed the wedding of Miss BarbaraButterit to Peter Coppola. Jr.. atSt Joseph P. C. Church in Ron-konkoma , November 4. Mr. Cop-pola is Mrs. Citarelli's nephew-

Many new opportunities today ;read the classified columns in sec-tion two. Act quickly for bestresults.—Adv.



iVI. Beach ExtensionPlans For Christmas

MASTIC BEACH — Members ofthe Mastic Beach Unit of theHome Extension Service' met atthe f i rehouse on NeighborhoodRoael Tuesday morning for theirmonth ly business meeting andcovered dish luncheon. Mns .Frances Fawcett presided.

With an attendance of approxi-matel y 70 members, preliminarieson the Christmas decorations pro-ject were given by leader, Mrs.John Mart in . Several of the mem-bers took part in a skit enti t ledGood Wav vs. Bad Wav to Con-duct a meeting.

Plans were also made for theunit ' s annual Christmas partywhich will be held December 15) .Mrs. Robert DeCordova will be incharge of dinner arrangements,wi th Mrs. Carr ie Blonupiist incharge of refreshments and Mes-dames Edith Mc Nul ty , JodiYe-t t i , Gloria A m u r r i anel Lill ianLamb serving on the decorationcommittee. In addi t ion to a hotcatered dinner h - i o ' curved , therewill also be a grab bag, and eachmember is requested to bring adollar gift for this purpose.

Mrs. Fawcett , chairman , alsoextended a warm welcome to Mes-dames Vera Coppola , Mary Anton-cic. Lil l ian Audet , Clara Papa.Rose Hughes , Dolores Fodnseca ,Ann Perrier and Sue Carnesi , newmembers to join this uni t . Thenext meet ing of this grou p willbe on Tuesday at 10 a. m. at thef i rehouse. Visitors are alwayswelcome.




3 • ¦

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i HOT WATER A"~ J !a . . . » ° ° - FIRED I 1 SS ' " ° «/«// ° I ' WAT£§? 1 1 =[<^K I!3 <fc

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3 s ° wrm o ° l $975 If J I £2 f /^>\ ,4 iWj I ^ M M I l lM completely insfdled | I ¦

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3 HB_3B__H • Water Pumps Installed SSlIHllllllfllllllHIIIIIIIIIlUllIlllIIIIIUIIIIIlIIIIIVilllllS

Willis B. Tuthill t.

Mr. and Mr s . James VanLeuvan[ o f Walden and Mr. anel Mrs . Vin-I c e n t D iRuocco of Oss in ing wereI wee kend gues ts of Pos tma- te r and

Mrs. Da, id W. Jayne. They were 1h e i e to a i t ' - n d .he wedding of

| Wait i r J ayne and Miss VeronicaK r u k . Mrs . VanLeuvan anel Mrs.DiRuocco are sisters of t he bride-groom. Among those who also at-it-nded the wedding, which washekl at St. John 's R. ( ' . ChurchNovember 12 , was the b r idegrooms!ninety-yea r-old g r a n d m o t h e r . Mr s .Marguer i t e S. T u t h i l l of Remsen-I 'Ug. Mrs. T u t h i l l was also at the ireception at the Polish Hall in '

I Riverhead.Closing their home here and

leaving for Florida to spend theWinter are Mr. anel Mrs . HarryParker of Halsey Lane. Mr. Par-ker is a ret ired b u i l d i n g contract-

t or, who before coming here liveelin Rockv ibe ( 'em re' .

The v i l l age se-hool i. -, closed fort h i T h a n k s g i v i n g wi-' vend. Vaca-t ion ing teachers are V i t . c e u t Di -Si ineme. p r inc i pal. a( .Mi l l e t 's Plac eMiss Janice Buck of S o u t h a m p t o nand Mrs . Clem ml Pet l ti szev. ski atA epiebogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert C' oudmanand son , Bobb y, have been v i s i t i n g -relatives in Co n n ec t i cu t .

Mi' s. David Jayne e n t e r t a i n e dmembers of t h e < ' n ap . ie ""s a: he rhome on Club L i n M 'i.d.iy p ie 't .

As in y .t'- . p -i s{ m ' inher .s ofthe R e m sen b a i g co -g, eea t ion v il!jedn in a Tnanksg ; -, it g servicew' th the Pre sb y t e r i a n - anel Metho-dists of Last Mor iches . Servicewill be held at th t Metnoel is tChurch t o n i g h t .

The church session w i l l meet| with the moderator , the R< v. C, >r-

eiem Dickson .unday ii ' i zh t at t heI chapel .

| The comp lete l i - t of electionboard members for Elec t ion D i - -

[ tried. 11 we re Mrs. Ethel Ade lwer t h; Mrs. Sophie S m i t h . Mi-- . M o l l yj Fed 'M'ico anel th ree o t h e r - i n a d v e r t -ently omitted last week , Mrs. .Ma-ria Tutt le , Mrs. A n n Kostenik andMrs. Alice Watson .

Mrs. Eloise Raynor anel Mrs .Louise Chapman ot Last Morb -hesare on a Caribbean c ru i s > .

MJ-S. Ethehvyn Rogers v;i s thehostess for the Novmbei meetingof the Ladies ' Aid Society. Guestsof the af ternoon were Mi' s RobertCloudman and Mrs. G racia Cioiui-man , new residents of HalseyLane.

Speonk and Remsenburg

NOTICENotice is hereb y given t h a t th "

annua l election mee t ing of tluelectors of the Kaslpor t Fire Dis-trict of Lamport , s i tuated in thetowns of Brookhaee i i anel .soui i i -t impton , Su l fo ik County . NewYork will l)e held in the Has-tpoii .lire house , Tii"sday, December 5,15)01 between the hotu s of "io'clock P. M. and 10 o'clock I" . M.for the purpose of el -ct ing a FireCommissioner for a term of h \ eyears , beg inn ing January 1, l!) |->2.

By order of t h e Board of F i r>Commissions s, t ,f Kaslpori FireDistr ict .Dated , October i l k l!)i "> l .

G. Henry FreyJohn J. K o st u kC. James MottolaGeorge BrambleyJ. Haskell Warner , Chairmen

Attest : Louis L. Gri t t ing,secretary



that the annual election of theManorvil le Fi re Dis t r ic t wi l l beheld on the ;">th day of December.15M'L at the Manorvi l le Fire Housein the saiel Fire Distr ict , anel thatthe polls will be open for thereceipt of ballots at t h e said t imeand place between the hours ofseven o'clock and ton o'clck inthe evening (Eastern StandardTime).

The officer to be elected at saidelection is:

One Commissioner for a term offive (FD years beginning January1st. 19fi2."

Candidates for the above officemust file t he i r names with thesecretary of the Fire District atleast ten (I'D days prior to theelection and nomina t ions must besubmitted in petit ion form sub-scribed by twent y-five (25 ) qual i -fied voters of the distr ict .