Fire-Works tor RU · charge of 20 cents per...

-p^lltTlt .^BIIPKII ^(^WoHai^m i $ !iSlfefc|fe^ll^€rti#i , & « u*tl{*l<t!<)*i*i9*»>>* |BS35SJ9S3S« Display advertising space, with privelege of change every three weeks at 15 cents per column : nch. For shorter periods than above a charge of 20 cents per inch will be made. Copy for change of ads and notice of discontinuance of ads must be in our office not later than Friday proceeding date of issue. M o r t i €r©#lc News, Annual Coiieiieeiettl "" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS-. These Specials are Ic'per word, euch insertion minimum charge. 25c Cash must accompany order, as amounts arc too smal to warrant b6ok- keepics expense. TTORSES FOR SALE or exchange. -*--** Wanted team work by day or hour. Di T. Dcmohue, North Creek, N. Y r# . AUTO KNITTER nearly new, c -^- to quick buyer, Inquire at Enterprise Office, North Creek the TTATCHING EGGS, 15 for $1.00 Rope -*-*• comb Black Minorca's. Phone. 65-3, Mrs Robert Somerville, North Creek T?OR SALE United States cream' sep.* •*• erator in good condition, very cheap. John A. Kelly, OJmstedville, 2p W ANTED Portable Saw Mill at once. F. B. Johnson, R.F.D. No. 1, North Creek, N.Y. ." p3 TjflARM and dwelling for Sale. Inquire •^ of Sadie LaFell, Pleasant Valley, North Creek, N.Y. p2 TjiOR S A L E Sewing machine, good •*• condition. Large trunk, old fashion- ed Writing desk, plow, harrOty,. shovel jplpw and other farm implements. Write or call at the home of Wifiiaih Ratigan, North Creek. Mrs. Sara Gilleland, ;„• ' " ' A TDOR SALE McCaskey Register and •* Adding machine* Cost $225. three iftonths ago, will sell for considerable less,. Guarantee it to be in perfect con- dition^ jpah be seen at A'D'K. Radio Shop, P. J Allen, prop,. North Creek lasy terms. B, i*ii'. MI m wwmmcN*miX.m m *n**«*&* Legal Notice State" of New Yoik, . Warren County.* . Supreme Court. Ida I. Reynolds, Plaintiff . -against- „- ( ; Burton Reynolds, Defendant "~ . ACTION FOR A DIVORCE •To The Above Named Defendant: You are'hereby summoned to answer the. complaint in this action* and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this sum- mons, to serve a notice of appearance oil the plaintiff's attorney within twen- ty days after the serviee of this Sum-, ihons, exclusive of the day of service* In case of your failure to appear or answer, - judgement will be taken ag'ain- . St you by default for the telief demand- ed in the complaint. • Trial to be held in the County of , Warren." . Dated this 11th day of June, 1925. , BEECHER S. CLOTHER, Esq Plainti-if's attorney Glens Falls, N.Y. TO BURTON REYNALDS; . TAKE NOTICE, that the foregoing summons is served upon you without the state of New York pursuant to an border of Hon. Edjvard M. Angell, Jus- , tice of thj^Supretne _Couvt, dated the Ilthrdayof June, 1925,. and filed with the complaint? in the office of the. Clerk .of the County of Warren at. Lake Geo* rge, N,Y., on the 12th day of June, 1915 / " BEECHER S. CLOTHER^Esq ,. Plaintiff's Attorney Colvin Building. ' Glens-Falls, N Y Leather Billfolds .... ' Suitable for' • (miyDii^icM aim FAWLD. OWEH OpPldfi OtF^PtTTEB AND StAtftONER 409 F|ILTON ST, TROY Early Hospital* Hospitals were founded In very early ilnieft. India,- Persia and Arabia hat! hospitals supported by -their kings uhd ruler? before the Oliristian: era. Tliers IS good evidonee thai- King Asokn.of India til tlH> Third fonliiry IV..C. enm- ipauded the establishment of hospitals god that these hospitals were flourish- 0f In the Seveuth century A. D. j Cake \>Irying:.R:ifga^ ta his;.^onie iH Glens M M 0und^> aft^ir #^ii4iug a^eel^witlj hisparent^, Mr* fthd;,'Mrij. ••Wmi'^I'R^Sl^ll;,,,;.,.^ < : "•..•": .;,., ••• ' ' •• "Mr. and Mrs. Harold . Ifajidon spent Saturday flight ftnd^ Suiiday^ with Mr; ahd-lffis.^ahdon;^ 'Ne^oonsh.'-' * • " "'. |^^aiM^s> 0aa$hs- ; . J^hn^on mot* ored;*o' : ^e|;. RiijishdrVt,, .Jtiursdaj^ Thei? graftdspui.fift&i^aggjtft returned homewjfih thein^o? the sumhaey ilea* tioh* v ' ' / .; • . '• '-r- ,' Pavison spent Sunday in WfE* rensburg. r -' "MX, arid Mrs* J* J. Muspligerji Mr. and' M£S; Fred Keppeli and nephew Earl tsruspliger of Beaver Falls, N. %,, were Sunday visitors of Mr* and r Mrs. John; Schneeberger on "Maple Hill Farm. Mrs. Lifrbie Peiser of Albany, return- ed to her home Saturday after spend- [jng two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. " J . Hubert. Mrs. Claude Perea^u left fof New York City, Saturday. She will be gone about 2 or 3 weeks. " The Ladies of the Home Bureau Unit of 'North Creek, wish to-thank all whom kindly donated at their Ice Cream Social and Food Sale which was held Friday, June 19. Many thanks to each and everyone. Realize. $31. Mr and Mrs. Cassius Robinsdn and •son Roscoe, and grandson, PaulT^ggart and Miss Gladys Burns spent Sunday at the Wayside Inn at Luzerne enjoying a fine trout dinner The many friends * of Mrs. Mary Johnson welcomes her home again and hope for a spfeed'y recovery. Mr. and Mrs* E. T. Hawkey were the g\iestis of Mr. ^ind Mrs. Geo. Martin of at; Barton Mines, Sunday. Mrs. M. Barnwell of New York City, is spending the summer .in townv Why pay two dollars and ninety-eight cents for a fnedaliion, when you can, purchase one'fit the Adriondack Studio for one dollar and fifty cents? Mrs* Jbs6ph Topping is ill Mr. and Mrs. Claude Xanfear and children of East ThUrman were guests of their parents'Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Goodspeed Sunday Mrs. Charles Holcomb visited her son Asa Holcomb and family at Lake Geor*- ge one day last week Mrs, James Goodspeed called on her sister. Mrs Frank Baldwin $t Pleasant Valley Thursday.' Mrs. Bert Randall and son Ralph, of Glens Falls, were, guests of Mfc. and Mrs. Wm. Russell over the week end, returning Sunday. Mrs. R. B. ' Randall returned with theih after Spending a week with relatives, Mr. atfd Mrs, Harold'Yandon and Mrs. Nan Pereau, motored to. Pottersville Sunday afternoon. Hafley Spring of Port Henry, George Gasslin of Troy, Dick Dano of Elizabeth town and Roscoe Robihson of Schroon Lake called on friends in Noi*th Creek and "Brooklyn' Thursday evening Miss Lulu Montgomery of Newark, N. J„ is spending vacation at her home in town. . ' Mr, and Mrs. H. Mi Alexander made a business visit to Glena JPalls,' ihurs. Rev, and Mrs G. C Cornell was call^ ed to BurImgton^Vt,, Monday, by the illness of Mrs. Cornell's father. Dr. and Mrs. J. L..Fuller of Warren- sburgy-attended .the Commencement exersices here Monday. Burt Fuller and family of Otica, call- ed on friends in town Tuesday, Kate Armstrong of Johnsburg spent the Week end*with Gertrude Patmatier. Ed Spain and* daughter of Newconjb* transacted business m town .Monday. C, E. Grissey and Mr, Scott' of Glens Falls, were business visitors here Satur- day. Mr. and^Mrs. J. ^F. O-lCeeffeand .son, 1 Dan, are spending the week in Canada. —W^HVGalor of Albany transacted business here Tuesday Mrs. Grover IHTelson and son of Indian Lake, were guests of her brother* Wm Lindsey * , __ _ ' Mrs. Gordon' Alexander Mill go to Albany Thursday, for* treatment by I>t VanDerveer STheM. E, Sunday^ School wm*; hold a picnic at Belfor i^ke, Thursday June 25.' They^will strat from the M* E. Church about 9:30 arm. Mrs. Anna '1 hpmpson is a "guest of •her motlier in Wevertown Wm.* Lindsey and• children, .spent Sunday with Mra Iiindsey'at Ghatletnac s Mrs, Nellie Robots of Putnam Stat^ ion> was ai week end guest of her V****-*. ww»«- f-£«* S I S i i ^ daughter and son, Majory and Donald, and that of the class oi «M> F Fitzgerald, and sister Margaret and son, at O Keeff e Ball, the sw gr . of Tiroy, entertained "Mr. and "Mrs.• A^ J* j Hubert at a picnic Sunday on the Indian Lake road* AH enjoyed a good time. • lr«ici§ Burns ahd'friend, accompan- ied b^Koscoe Robinson, ^ d ^ i s s G l s " dys B^rns motored 'to Fair Haven,,, ft and Attended a banq^tgkep by friends Saturday .evening losifetpiflitsiorf -\ ; The following students passed prelim-; ! inary- examinations in the'North Creek i High' School— '••'"*, .- Mr. and M^Si Downing Braley are the proud parents' Gi a lovely ' f b^by *hoy" burn Mbnday, June 22. f 'CongratulatiQn Mrs:. Wilfred Byrne, of Igerna, was a guest of Mrs. Ira Hewftt, Wednesday of list week. „. Mrs, Nellie Stone and daughter -Hel- en, Who was called to Johnsburg on account of the failing health of herj father, Jab ~Waddeil, called on her aunt,' Mrs. Mary Johnson last Thursday. Mrs, Stone expects to spend the sum- mer in Johnsburg and North Creek. She was a former resident of this place Mrs. Jeff Montena of Sodom^ was a business visitor-here Tuesday. Dr. H. I, Braley, Murry Sarr, Theo. Aldridge. and Geo. W. Brown, spent the week Fottsdam and Malone. •- Miss Mary O'Brien and brother Thos^ have returned to their home . in Mine- ville— . ' Miss Ella Keyset of Delauson,. was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Plumley, at Minerva, this week, Mr. and Mrs. John Kipp, of Riparius, visited Mr. and Mrs. MertRoblee, Sun. The Misses Marian Goodspeed and Dorothy Durgan are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.Plumley, at'Minerva this week. Mr. and Mr's. Clarence Ingraham of Wevertown, called on friends in this place Sunday. 'Albert Gradiphe of Hudson. Falla, was a guest of his cousins, Mi. and Mrs. .Geo, Galusha Sunday . Mr, and Mrs. Lester Waldron and children visited friends relatives at North River Sunday Miss Partherta Whitaker is spending a few days with relatives and friends.] in Albany Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whitaker have returned to their home In New York, after a visit with relatives and friends for several days here Mrs. Arthur Prescott and children, Mrs. Howard Fish and Mrs. Geo, F. Richardson of Indian Lake, "motored to North Creek Wednesday. members of the Boarh off Educatlwj, the faculty, and -"rieftds enjoyed the following program; Processional 'Orchestra Invocation Rev. F, M. LaB&r Salutatory and Essay j, •hetQiiz Soni- ervUle, "Nappleonthe'l''uiiof Cyiitea- dictions 7 ' ."' * ; Selection ' Orehestra Address Rev. W, •LJD'urfv.e Selection ' Orchestra Presejitation of Key of Enow-ledge i Gladys M Burns Junior Response Madelene R. Stearns Selection , * Orcftesira Essay and Valedictory Merton E. Tyiell ''N'ew Yorkjn Arnericaix,EeVolution' Presentation of Diplomas Prin, E> P. . . " 'Barmore Selection / _ Orchestra 'Presentation of Lincoln Medal "Rev, |F.M. LaBar 1 Recessional Orchestra Doris: Bentley S3, Sopbronia DunMey .-• 88, WIBiam.Busn 92, Hngh Freebern?? . F r a i l s goolillHan SO, Eftrl- &JegQro % ' Theron Hall SB;, Tressa Harringtons^ Altbea Bitcfacock 79, Dorothy pttle ^ Sadford Lin&say'90* Alfreda Ma^am. 1? ; Mitchael McPhillips. W, Terna •WEonth-' " ony &4» Hetett Slo^ehcxise lv t E^rvin Rob bins Si, Irar I e.Bobbins% Dendd Rqb-. lee 1% Mildred Rogers 90, BerRstd ! Smith 90>.Claxidie Straight 85, Floie^te Turner 86, Bertha Twiss 89, Bessie ; Twisg m, Ivan Waldron tt, Fred West '79, LesBe West 8ft ' . ; * % Writing : *•• Hoilis AtmstrongSO, Doris Bentley 85. v^illiatti Duan U* ItathrynGoodman^g' Earl Gregory 85, Dorothy Liddle 84 Radford Lindsay 80j Mit'chaelMcPhhl 1 - ips 77, Mil ton MonteUa 11, Verna f&on- thony 90, 'Charlotte Morse 90, Mary Ratigan S8, Donald Robiee 88, Mildred Each detail of the program was fit- * Rogers 86, Bernard Smith 78, Marioria tingly presented. The deceialiens Stearns 84, Claudie Straight $0, ly^an were ferns, daisies, the new 1925 ban- 1 Waldr&n 78, Leslie West 85 - "' ner, in the class colors of garnet and Spelling gold, while above the stage hung the j Elizabeth Bailey 80, William Dunn 80 class motto j "Impossible is Un-Amer- ; Hugh Freebern S6, Dorothy" Liddle 85 iean.'*- Fortunate indeed was the choice of speaker for the everfej*, Rev. W. I. Durfee. His' address, ' i h e Wo,-" Id's Query and Your Answer To It,' with its emphasis on the value of char- actor, offeredrmahy valuable thoughts. so valuable that, we are to > print his address in the next'issue of I the Enterprise. . . \ The fibal event of the Lincoln Mem orial Essay contest vras the presents- ; tton by Rev, F. M,, LaBar of the Lin- I * •' J .coin medal to the winner, Eugene F. Porter, Through the kindness of our Jeweler, Mr. A. E, Prescott,- this con- test was made possible, -and now Mr. Porter is to -be congratulated on his success.. CLASS R O L L - Lawrence F Owens , President Merton E. Tyrell . . Vice-President J. LeeOna Somerville Treasurer Gladys M, Burns Secretary Eugene Porter Elsie" M. Turner .. ,„£. MARSHELS *Bea.trice*p , Donnell and WlffiLn Durfee A Real Need' Radford Lindsay 91, Hafcel"MIffington §2 P^a M catena 8S,Veina Monthony £% CA&rlotte M-orse £7, Maurice Richards gl,-Donald Robiee 98^ Mildred Rogers-" 90, Bernard Smith £3,. Mary Stewart 92 Ivan Waldron 92 *. .'Elementary English Hoilis Armstrong 83, Levi P. Baleh Doris Bentley 79, William Dunn 7&, ' Ka'thryn Goodman 95, EarlGregory 76, Dorothy Liddle 77, Radford Lindsay 79, - Mitchael McPhiliips 75, Milton Montena \ 76; Verna Monlhony 84, Chartotte Mor- -^ se 85, Donald Robiee S3, Mildred Rog- ," "ers'78» Bernard Smith S2, Marforie St- ( earns 75, Claudie Straight 84, Norxis ] Straight 75, Ivan Waldron 86, Leslie West 75 •, «M«"-*^ ' Arithmetic . Doris Bentley 84, Sarah Coulter 75, Mecia Dunkley 75, Sophronia Dunkley 80, William Dunn lOgjWilmaElansburg . ' 78, Hugh Freebern 78, Theron Hall 90. Teressa Harrington 75, Altiier Hitchco-.- *^-_ ch IS, Julia Hopkins 82, Dorothy Liddle 88, Badford Linds^ 86, Alfreda Max- am 73 t yerna Monthohy 93, GharIofct6 - \" Morse'97, Mary-Ratigan 76, Ervih Rob- bins 75, Irene Robbins 93, Donald Rob- lee 97,' Mildred Rogers 91, Bernard Sax- Miss Grace Noxon left 'Monday for Rochester wnere she will take work in the Rochester University Miss Mary O'Brien left for .her home in Mineville on Tuesday. She expects to be in attendance at jiMSate College dur ing the summer ' Leslie'Turner ^as home from Luzer- ne for Commencement exercises . Miss Alene Alderson is staying, pver in order to enjoy the mountoin scenery for another week Prin. E. P. Barmore leaves the last of the week for a business; trip to New York, After'July S he will he 23 Western Ave., Albany, and .will be in attendance at State College until going to Schuylerville about Sept 1st. - - 1 - • - * TRUE LOVE •that are eqiipp^d. with radio receiving sets. What Is wanted here Is- an um- brella that wl.fl -scream'"when It Is -picked up by the wrong party.—-Los- Angeles Times. Fire-Works tor BIG ASSORTMENT at O 1 E i i »o. I—La ZD North Creek ••would money?" «^ure. <iare how you marrp' a man for his If I -loved him I wouldn't many .millions he had." Send your frietids the i $1. per yeaiv Frenchmen are' sM«ng luubnetlas—ith S3, Florence Turner 82, Ivan Wald- ron 92. .' - * . Geography ; . ? Leroy Armstrong 79, Iva Bennett 85, Daris Burto 92, Geneva Croas 76, Made ' lene Durkin 75, Wtlma Flansburg 85^ Harfczell Freebern S4 Tressa Harring- ' ton 76, AltheaHitcliC0ck75, Mary Ken- nkon 76, Veronica Lindsay 85, Florence McLaughlin ,76, Hazel Mfflington $7, Vivian Monthony 97, Helen Morehouse 82, .William Morse79, Muriel Ratciiff 82 Morris Richards §2, Howard Sawyer 75, Claudie Straight 87, Clyde Straight 75,, Hartzell Thomas tS, Marion Waddell 75 Jane Wads 92; Harry Waldron 78, Hda Waldron 77, Mern'a^^ Waldron S3 . ( Elementary U tt xted Stated History ; with Civics. ' Elisabeth Bailey 78, Levi P. Balch 91, Francis Beaupre B8, Doris Bentley 77, Sephrenia Dunkley 75, William- Dunn 89. Earl Gregory 87, Theron Hall 90, Dcrothy Li€dle 85, Radford Lindsey 96, V^rfta ^Idnthony &5, •Char-' lotte Morse 't«, Maurice Richards 84, - Ervih Bobbins 78, Mildred Rogers ?5^ Bernard Smith 91, Marjorie StearnsS2, Hartzell Thomas 76^ Florance Turher S8, Bertfa.a Twiss SO, Iran waldron $7. •• ' \ • • '...-• Students passing acarfeniic subjects in Ncrtb. Creek -E%h Schcol are as. follows; . t ,. ..'%.• Business Writing ' Norma "Donahue 8S, Alma HarringV . ton 65,' Margaret Ken Well 75, *MoHie Lia.€sey 65, Nellie Ordway 75, M'Szf Ratigan 65, LSlian RSehardson 90, Gra-' ce Wast 91, , Easiness Arithmetic Francis tSregory 81,' Eugene Porter lQ y Thomas^Turner-Si, - ,,-.- - .; -. --"Basine® .English____' „__ ThomasO'Briea 75, Eugene Porte; 88, Madelene Stearns 7S, " . - English, Three Years Katiieryn'Donahtte 69,"Wiliam Dur- fee 84; IJep'Jse Freefceria "13, L c r e t t a , Freebern 89, Ahhle McGee 83, Thomas 0*Brifin 74, Keliie Or-dWBy' %..!&?•& Sawyer S0,..Jiad#ene Ste'arnsSO^ . English Four' Harold Beaupre €8 t Ivari-ildSlwee-^? . Beatriee O'DonSeSW, "Ckwreftce Owens LeeOna Sp'merville 7Si 4 lis* Turner Eoitiaii Candles, Bombs, 'Fire-crackers, Gtms^ Caps and other tun makers GET A COPY OF THE flottb (tteefe.Bittetptse. OF COM II1II ; KORTH CHEEK KOOO 0on*t Forget . Post Cards attd. Sheet Music' m. 67, Merton. Tytell 67, ' ". _ - CContlnaed in next week ? s Issue) I Wy'iVl?' ;':. :'i>, ; - -«K«vfevt ^^STW^^^*™' J-3, i i^ ,' wmem mmm mmmmim, mmm$¥£$ * WP5 »y^iiBM^iii^:»iiiriiteaiij^^ .•* K h wmtm \ Wmm ^a^ltefiite $*km « .& '"€i^;r.% TS%s$i&£'. the authorities in Scotland. . At. an : _JKH|ttti^- -at E-ainhur^' totO'^he "pro> .'.poseft ":estensl«n' <»J Fhe boundaries of.;; Bu#Mven, ». 111eShire coAst town, it : was slated: t M t in 190$ tbe town area ; -wai ^nlatged lo 657'acres. ^Snee ! then* -&owever r - 35 n^res -hafl 4is'ap- .peatied. b ^ ' t h e encroachment of the sea «nd anotber |.19 a^tes were now '. helOw 'ifl^hrWialer -level. most dependable tire made v G RY. Membe^Adiro^dack Garage AsspciattoB ^ ^ " O T r ^ • Have your Head-liglits .adJBSted to comply with the State Law. We are Approved RU r S WORTH CREEK, N. V Ooh a BL.S. FROUlt, Proprietor. Johnsbiu-g, > * "Kew Korfe. Affer-i^elng ttvo-'^eefes. an, ihe 'r4t:4 '• - •ft Bra3ntfor4:fa3a|iy- has- scaf'F^i S&£eiy; - a ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ s t f t t t t i t w a h , ti-^veiing-" : ift a freight.ear. '5*fte niocheF"w»-S' i a'l, ^Wn who built a nest in a ••car wMeh . •was fee&f loa€M at BmnifotC Ont;,. , ; ( IttW fotfip *§ps* m\4 -settted ..ilmm.. to.'.';' . ival-ch" thens. ' Tim loaders-'$# 'a m$& r '; h^sife- th©' n^st 'a»feinf. that- word b& ; : sent fesegi,' 5^.e other- ftay ft 'Card' wst' ; : te^et^M; ffoju ^Bamefora-stalhis '%at '•• •'the.fetegs xvert hunftfy .bift '.%sx$Bf' ' for,'*TOft tliat .fhe toother vkts ; -in -tdtxe.' best of spirils and healtlv. -' * ' 0Utor$ in ftvrst* fbe horns of the first cows used, by Dr. Bdward tenner, tho dlscoyerer of ^icctoaaon* bate come to light. *Ebe shield On which they are mounted bears the inseriptton;:' *9** horns ^ of the cow Irom which the matter, "was first taken to* vaccination, Stegn. - $effi8rP' st^hen immtL i?ts thj- grandnepheW of Dr. Edward. Jenne¥.r- : -Lnnkon'Mmfe^.. ' Full Med& in Mmhrobm A giant uiushroonTi was loirnd near Boston, and to remove it. from the roojt of ah oW oak tree It wa« neces- sary to used: a sicTsle end a big carv- ing ivttife, tEhe inushrooni, weigheQ 48 pounds and weasurea ^ by €1 Inches, - It looked like a mass of coral or sea sliells, '_-.•' ' X "' Concern"** Small Capital A limited Jiahllity *onipany has been, formed tn London', England, with a nominal, capital Of a halfpenny, (one- cent). This la divided into twosfiares. ' The company has for* its object" the. •carrying on ,of the business of estate agents, auctioneers, ' architeots, .and s surveyors. General Shortage of Building Repotted That a- national building shortage somewhat in excess of "§4,000,000,000 -exists In the entire country is Indi- cated by reports made to a'teadlnj^in* vestment, concern tn ft suryey oi $11 cities of laor^s Oian 10,000 population, Studies %vere made in 52S cities. In 3S0 of these, reports were made of building shortages aiuounttug to ?4,- .050,520,000, of which $2,i02,e08,500 Is nettledtor-residential' types; $1,130,- H5i,WK) for -commercial types, awl S^myWO for public buildings of all idnds, lu 148 cities no shortage was retorted*, thns Indicating that in these places the amount of ' building -re- quirement's now rests on the normal demands of growth and improvement, ^h&t a .shortage of considerable inagaltude also exists In places hay- I lug less than 10,000 population was Indicated by the results of the inq.ufry in £0 typical towns, of ^ this type in various parts of the Ctnited States. Twelve of these places showed aggre- gate shortages of more than $14,000,- 000, white eight revealed normal con« dltionsi The investigation also brought fo ilftht defiulMy piunnM «a?p©ttditaros wt nearly SOTl.MOJOW in the utex two y^ars 'for churches, .hospitals, churl- table and educational institutions, these figures not being: included la actual shortages now existing. •m CHOICB MBATS, FRB1 GROGERBES Trogan Ice Creata '.">- Ca&ay, Cigairs, Tohacco Soft DriEis WE *EASk Mm ©Etl^ER OR&ERS Oft OOE REGtlUJl TRIPS . •' TtigSDAtS &. frSmMS &t tfatgt C r ^ 4 ^ f j | Wf^ertO'wji.. .. ? " •_-• SATURDAYS kt Mvei^de" •'•' ''.'P&EOsnB'&Fe.-''-'"- : , Architecture important That architecturiil merit adds" dol- lars to the value of a house" la con- i-teclngly d^ujonstrated When old ' honifes possessing, architectural dfS'- tlnction find a ready sale at good prices, while a poorly designed dfrelV lag is a **drog' f on the market. Many fcfoarre creations are produced hy de^ ;• signers who seein to think that when _n tnultlpliclty of gables,* of projecting "eafftas Md"lia^1yr'e6nlra^tint-'-hnfe*-- m stuccos and hrielts are achieved, the- result is- hound to hi* plehsantly KKJOH :«tn and d^lrablsv ^ivestofs sreflaa- . ing tp their sorrow, however^.that this ^'%»a^of "tease is pas'sl^g oti.t with the ,'$&&.musie Of wfeb it "Is ^nibottefth iand present buUdem w«uld do well-to Keep this in hthid If they wish to ; realize fail value oh .their ptopertyi," Siifas tt n Metefe and After school: fhe> ftast, day «£ the tiiiiQi re--" jolcinf heeau^e M -had been, assigned to thftrooin of his fa#or|te teacher," a yosmg wonispi %ho had been married :duri%" Qie 'wmm&t yacattont ' .A few -days, later' he had. changed: ^^a contpletfeiy and -wished, for' &as&i& teacher, - ' •• •; * '"- '. «What% '<ii« : tastier?* asked $1» ; nsother. % thought she- wat '$m. one i youBfcei $otcdtt,?'.".'-•• •• ' • ",'<• "She- vtsf fflt..My ^ald,. l m t . i t e cause ghes'ft m ^&$B-mftbj^.aojf*'*-*- , -&.dlftna^ohS" W&k&, \. •" " ; !> L2Jk:< :".- -£Z^B3im\ : a* \ :' |!« fittefineBill fhe. Jtalr SlWtt#er| Carburetor Ba^ establlslieij e^oi^i^^cords on virtually %i makes-oC-<jafs* @^t |te car a chance. t-tm..can'tlose, ; -Meams^-.'If' fm are not con- tlncM .jftta^ ti# JStropberg is superior to any otfeer cas^sretor you law ever used, we will take itfeaekm$>$w wotst be out a cent. , • s 5,« "m I •'r/jpfc ^ Sarviea Station M N.Y. Member Adirondack Garage Association , i 1 Direct from tbe forests, comes the Lumber In- our yardSj insuring you. the first grailein whatever you may need. It also enables us to quote lower prices, be- cause our cost is less than if we were to buy from indirect sources, NORTH

Transcript of Fire-Works tor RU · charge of 20 cents per...

Page 1: Fire-Works tor RU · charge of 20 cents per inch will be made. Copy for change of ads and notice of discontinuance of ads must

-p^lltTlt .^BIIPKII (^WoHai^m



! iSlfefc|fe^ll^€rti#i ,& «



Display advertising space, with privelege of change every three weeks a t 15 cents per column :nch. For shorter periods than above a charge of 20 cents per inch will b e made. Copy for change of ads and notice of discontinuance of ads must be in our office no t later than Friday proceeding date of issue.

Mort i €r©#lc News,

Annual Coiieiieeiettl


These Specials are Ic'per word, euch insertion minimum charge. 2 5 c Cash must accompany order, as amounts arc too smal to warrant b6ok-keepics expense.

TTORSES FOR SALE or exchange. -*--** Wanted team work by day or hour. Di T. Dcmohue, North Creek, N. Yr#.

AUTO KNITTER nearly new, c -^- to quick buyer, Inquire a t Enterprise Office, North Creek


TTATCHING EGGS, 15 for $1.00 Rope -*-*• comb Black Minorca's. Phone. 65-3, Mrs Robert Somerville, North Creek

T?OR SALE United States cream' sep.* •*• era tor in good condition, very cheap. John A. Kelly, OJmstedville, 2p

WANTED Portable Saw Mill a t once. F . B. Johnson, R.F.D. No. 1,

North Creek, N .Y . ." p3

TjflARM and dwelling for Sale. Inquire • of Sadie LaFell, Pleasant Valley, North Creek, N .Y . p2

TjiOR SALE Sewing machine, good •*• condition. Large trunk, old fashion­ed Writing desk, plow, harrOty,. shovel jplpw and other farm implements. Write or call a t the home of Wifiiaih Ratigan, North Creek. Mrs. Sa ra Gilleland,

• ; „ • ' " ' „ A •

TDOR SALE McCaskey Register and •* Adding machine* Cost $225. three iftonths ago, will sell for considerable less,. Guarantee it to be in perfect con­dition^ jpah b e seen a t A'D'K. Radio Shop, P . J Allen, prop,. North Creek l a s y terms.

B, i*ii'. MI m wwmmcN**n**«*&*

Legal Notice State" of New Yoik, . Warren County.* . Supreme Court.

Ida I . Reynolds, Plaintiff . -against- „ - ( ;

Burton Reynolds, Defendant "~ . ACTION FOR A DIVORCE

•To The Above Named Defendant: You are 'hereby summoned to answer

• the. complaint in this action* and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is n o t served with this sum­mons, to serve a notice of appearance oil t he plaintiff's attorney within twen­ty days after the serviee of this Sum-, ihons, exclusive of the day of service* In case of your failure to appear or answer, -judgement will be taken ag'ain-

. St you by default for the telief demand­ed in the complaint. • Trial to be held in the County of

, Warren." . Dated this 11th day of June, 1925. • ,

BEECHER S. CLOTHER, Esq Plainti-if's at torney

• Glens Falls, N.Y. TO BURTON REYNALDS; . • T A K E NOTICE, t h a t the foregoing summons is served upon you without the s t a t e of New York pursuant to an

border of Hon. Edjvard M. Angell, Jus-, tice of thj^Supretne _Couvt, dated the

I l t h rdayo f June , 1925,. and filed with the complaint? in the office of t h e . Clerk

.of t h e County of Warren at. Lake Geo* rge, N,Y. , on the 12th day of June , 1915 / " BEECHER S. CLOTHER^Esq ,. Plaintiff's Attorney

Colvin Building. ' Glens-Falls, N Y

Leather Billfolds

....' Suitable for'

• (miyDii icM aim FAWLD. OWEH OpPldfi OtF^PtTTEB AND


Early Hospital* Hospitals were founded In very early

ilnieft. India,- Persia and Arabia hat! hospitals supported by -their kings uhd ruler? before the Oliristian: era. Tliers IS good evidonee thai- King Asokn.of India til tlH> Third fonliiry IV..C. enm-ipauded the establishment of hospitals god that these hospitals were flourish-0 f In the Seveuth century A. D. j Cake

\>Irying:.R:ifga^ t a his;.^onie iH Glens M M 0und^> aft^ir #^ii4iug a^eel^witlj hisparent^, Mr* fthd;,'Mrij. ••Wmi'^I'R^Sl^ll;,,,;.,.^ • <: "•..•": .;,., •••'•'••

"Mr. and Mrs. Harold . Ifajidon spent Saturday flight ftnd Suiiday with Mr; ahd-lffis.^ahdon;^ 'Ne^oonsh.'-' * • " "'. | ^^a iM^s> 0aa$hs-;. J^hn^on mot* ored;*o':^e|;. RiijishdrVt,, .Jtiursdaj^ Thei? graftdspui.fift&i^aggjtft returned homewjfih thein^o? the sumhaey ilea*

• tioh* v ' ' / . ; • . '• '-r- ,

J . f i ' Pavison spent Sunday in WfE* rensburg. r-'

"MX, arid Mrs* J* J . Muspligerji Mr. and' M£S; Fred Keppeli and nephew Ear l tsruspliger of Beaver Falls, N . %,, were Sunday visitors of Mr* and r Mrs. John; Schneeberger on "Maple Hill Farm.

Mrs. Lifrbie Peiser of Albany, return­ed to her home Saturday after spend-

[jng two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. " J . Hubert.

Mrs. Claude Perea^u left fof New York City, Saturday. She will be gone about 2 or 3 weeks. "

The Ladies of the Home Bureau Unit of 'North Creek, wish to-thank all whom kindly donated at their Ice Cream Social and Food Sale which was held Friday, June 19. Many thanks to each and everyone. Realize. $31.

Mr and Mrs. Cassius Robinsdn and •son Roscoe, and grandson, PaulT^ggart and Miss Gladys Burns spent Sunday at the Wayside Inn at Luzerne enjoying a fine trout dinner

The many friends * of Mrs. Mary Johnson welcomes her home again and hope for a spfeed'y recovery. •

Mr. and Mrs* E. T. Hawkey were the g\iestis of Mr. ind Mrs. Geo. Martin of at; Barton Mines, Sunday.

Mrs. M. Barnwell of New York City, is spending the summer .in townv

Why pay two dollars and ninety-eight cents for a fnedaliion, when you can, purchase one'fit the Adriondack Studio for one dollar and fifty cents?

Mrs* Jbs6ph Topping is ill Mr. and Mrs. Claude Xanfear and

children of East ThUrman were guests of their parents'Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Goodspeed Sunday

Mrs. Charles Holcomb visited her son Asa Holcomb and family at Lake Geor*-ge one day last week

Mrs, James Goodspeed called on her sister. Mrs Frank Baldwin $t Pleasant Valley Thursday.'

Mrs. Bert Randall and son Ralph, of Glens Falls, were, guests of Mfc. and Mrs. Wm. Russell over the week end, returning Sunday. Mrs. R. B. ' Randall returned with theih after Spending a week with relatives,

Mr. atfd Mrs, Harold'Yandon and Mrs. Nan Pereau, motored to. Pottersville Sunday afternoon.

Hafley Spring of Port Henry, George Gasslin of Troy, Dick Dano of Elizabeth town and Roscoe Robihson of Schroon Lake called on friends in Noi*th Creek and "Brooklyn' Thursday evening

Miss Lulu Montgomery of Newark, N. J„ is spending vacation at her home in town. . '

Mr, and Mrs. H. Mi Alexander made a business visit to Glena JPalls,' ihurs.

Rev, and Mrs G. C Cornell was call^ ed to BurImgton^Vt,, Monday, by the illness of Mrs. Cornell's father.

Dr. and Mrs. J. L..Fuller of Warren-sburgy-attended .the Commencement exersices here Monday.

Burt Fuller and family of Otica, call­ed on friends in town Tuesday,

Kate Armstrong of Johnsburg spent the Week end*with Gertrude Patmatier.

Ed Spain and* daughter of Newconjb* transacted business m town .Monday.

C, E. Grissey and Mr, Scott' of Glens Falls, were business visitors here Satur­day.

Mr. and^Mrs. J. ^F. O-lCeeffeand .son,1

Dan, are spending the week in Canada. —W^HVGalor of Albany transacted

business here Tuesday Mrs. Grover IHTelson and son of Indian

Lake, were guests of her brother* Wm Lindsey * , __ _ '

Mrs. Gordon' Alexander Mill go to Albany Thursday, for* treatment by I>t VanDerveer • STheM. E, Sunday^ School wm*; hold a picnic at Belfor i^ke, Thursday June 25.' They^will strat from the M* E. Church about 9:30 arm.

Mrs. Anna '1 hpmpson is a "guest of •her motlier in Wevertown

Wm.* Lindsey and• children, .spent Sunday with Mra Iiindsey'at Ghatletnac

sMrs, Nellie Robots of Putnam Stat^ ion> was ai week end guest of her

V****-*. ww»«- f-£«* S I S i i ^ daughter and son, Majory and Donald, and that of the class oi «M> F Fitzgerald, and sister Margaret and son, at O Keeff e Ball, the sw gr . of Tiroy, entertained "Mr. and "Mrs.• A^ J* j Hubert at a picnic Sunday on the Indian Lake road* AH enjoyed a good time. • lr«ici§ Burns ahd'friend, accompan­ied b^Koscoe Robinson, ^ d ^ i s s G l s " dys B^rns motored 'to Fair Haven,,, ft and Attended a banq^tgkep by friends Saturday .evening

losifetpiflitsiorf - \

; The following s tudents passed prelim-; ! inary- examinations in t he 'Nor th Creek i High' School— ' • • ' " * ,

.- Mr. and M^Si Downing Braley are t h e proud parents ' Gi a lovely ' fb^by *hoy" burn Mbnday, June 22. f 'CongratulatiQn

Mrs:. Wilfred Byrne, of Igerna, was a guest of Mrs. I ra Hewftt, Wednesday of l i s t week. • • „.

Mrs, Nellie Stone and daughter -Hel­en, Who was called to Johnsburg on account of t he failing health of her j father, J a b ~Waddeil, called on her aunt,' Mrs. Mary Johnson last Thursday. Mrs, Stone expects t o spend the sum­mer in Johnsburg and North Creek. She was a former resident of this place

Mrs. Jeff Montena of Sodom^ was a business visitor-here Tuesday.

Dr . H. I, Braley, Murry Sarr , Theo. Aldridge. and Geo. W . Brown, spent the week Fottsdam and Malone. •- Miss Mary O'Brien and brother Thos^ have returned to their home . in Mine-ville— . '

Miss Ella K e y s e t of Delauson,. was a guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Plumley, a t Minerva, this week,

Mr. and Mrs. John Kipp, of Riparius, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mer tRoblee , Sun.

The Misses Marian Goodspeed and Dorothy Durgan a re guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.Plumley, a t 'Minerva this week.

Mr. and Mr's. Clarence Ingraham of Wevertown, called on friends in this place Sunday.

'Albert Gradiphe of Hudson. Falla, was a guest of his cousins, Mi. and Mrs. .Geo, Galusha Sunday .

Mr, and Mrs. Les te r Waldron and children visited friends relat ives a t North River Sunday

Miss Partherta Whitaker i s spending a few days with relatives and friends.] in Albany

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whitaker have returned to their home In New York, af ter a visit with relat ives and friends for several days here

Mrs. Ar thur Prescot t and children, Mrs. Howard Fish and Mrs. Geo, F . Richardson of Indian Lake, "motored to North Creek Wednesday.

members of the Boarh off Educatlwj, the faculty, and -"rieftds enjoyed the following program; Processional 'Orchestra Invocation Rev. F, M. LaB&r Salutatory and Essay j , •hetQiiz Soni-ervUle, "Nappleonthe ' l ' 'u i iof Cyiitea-dictions7 ' ."' * ;

Selection ' Orehestra Address Rev. W, •LJD'urfv.e Selection ' Orchestra Presejitation of Key of Enow-ledge i

Gladys M Burns Junior Response Madelene R. Stearns Selection , * Orcftesira Essay and Valedictory Merton E. Tyiell ''N'ew Yorkjn Arnericaix,EeVolution' Presentation of Diplomas Prin, E> P.

. . " 'Barmore Selection • / _ Orchestra 'Presentation of Lincoln Medal "Rev,

|F .M. LaBar 1 Recessional Orchestra

Doris: Bentley S3, Sopbronia DunMey .-• 88, WIBiam.Busn 92, Hngh Freebern?? . F r a i l s goolillHan SO, Eftrl- &JegQro % ' Theron Hall SB;, Tressa H a r r i n g t o n s ^ Altbea Bitcfacock 79, Dorothy p t t l e ^ Sadford Lin&say'90* Alfreda Ma^am. 1? ; Mitchael McPhillips. W, T e r n a •WEonth-' " ony &4» Hetett Slo^ehcxise lvt E^rvin Rob bins Si, I r a r I e .Bobbins% Dendd Rqb-. lee 1% Mildred Rogers 90, BerRstd •

! Smith 90>.Claxidie S t ra ight 85, F lo ie^ te Turner 86, Ber tha Twiss 89, Bessie

; Twisg m, Ivan Waldron tt, Fred West '79, LesBe Wes t 8ft ' . ; *%

Writing • : *•• • Hoilis AtmstrongSO, Doris Bentley 85.

v^illiatti Duan U* I t a thrynGoodman^g ' Earl Gregory 85, Dorothy Liddle 8 4 Radford Lindsay 80j Mit'chaelMcPhhl1-ips 77, Mil ton MonteUa 11, Verna f&on-thony 90, 'Charlotte Morse 90, Mary Ratigan S8, Donald Robiee 88, Mildred

Each detail of the program was fit- * Rogers 86, Bernard Smith 78, Marioria tingly presented. The deceialiens Stearns 84, Claudie Straight $0, ly^an were ferns, daisies, the new 1925 ban- 1 Waldr&n 78, Leslie W e s t 85 - "' ner, in the class colors of garnet and Spelling gold, while above the s tage hung the j Elizabeth Bailey 80, William Dunn 80 class motto j "Impossible i s Un-Amer- ; Hugh Freebern S6, Dorothy" Liddle 85 iean.'*- For tuna te indeed was the choice of speaker for the everfej*, Rev. W . I. Durfee. His' address, ' i he Wo,-" Id ' s Query and Your Answer To I t , ' with its emphasis on the value of char-actor, offeredrmahy valuable thoughts. so valuable t h a t , we are to > pr int his address in the n e x t ' i s s u e of I the Enterprise. . . \

The fibal event of the Lincoln Mem orial Essay contest vras the p resen t s - ; tton by Rev, F . M,, LaBar of the Lin-

I * •' J •

.coin medal to the winner, Eugene F . Porter , Through the kindness of our Jeweler, Mr. A. E, Prescott,- this con­tes t was made possible, -and now Mr. Porter is to -be congratulated on his success..

CLASS R O L L -Lawrence F Owens , President Merton E. Tyrell . . Vice-President J . LeeOna Somerville Treasurer Gladys M, Burns Secretary Eugene Por ter Elsie" M. Turner ..

,„£. MARSHELS • *Bea.trice*p,Donnell and WlffiLn Durfee

A Real Need'

Radford Lindsay 91, Hafcel"MIffington §2 P^a M ca tena 8S,Veina Monthony £% CA&rlotte M-orse £7, Maurice Richards gl,-Donald Robiee 98^ Mildred Rogers-" 90, Bernard Smith £3,. Mary Stewar t 92 Ivan Waldron 92 *.

.'Elementary English Hoilis Armstrong 83, Levi P . Baleh 8§

Doris Bentley 79, William Dunn 7&, ' Ka'thryn Goodman 95, Ear lGregory 76, • Dorothy Liddle 77, Radford Lindsay 79, -Mitchael McPhiliips 75, Milton Montena \ 76; Verna Monlhony 84, Chartotte Mor- - se 85, Donald Robiee S3, Mildred Rog- ,"

"ers'78» Bernard Smith S2, Marforie S t - (

earns 75, Claudie Straight 84, Norxis ] Straight 75, Ivan Waldron 86, Leslie W e s t 75 •, « M « " - * ^ '

Arithmetic . Doris Bentley 84, Sarah Coulter 75,

Mecia Dunkley 75, Sophronia Dunkley 80, William Dunn lOgjWilmaElansburg . ' 78, Hugh Freebern 78, Theron Hall 90. Teressa Harrington 75, Altiier Hitchco-.- * -_ ch IS, Jul ia Hopkins 82, Dorothy Liddle 88, Badford L i n d s ^ 86, Alfreda M a x -am 73t y e r n a Monthohy 93, GharIofct6 - \" Morse'97, Mary-Ratigan 76, Ervih Rob-bins 75, I rene Robbins 93, Donald Rob-lee 97,' Mildred Rogers 91, Bernard Sax-

Miss Grace Noxon left 'Monday for Rochester wnere she will take work in the Rochester University

Miss Mary O'Brien left for .her home in Mineville on Tuesday. She expects to be in attendance a t jiMSate College dur ing the summer ' Leslie'Turner ^ a s home from Luzer­n e for Commencement exercises

. Miss Alene Alderson is staying, pver in order to enjoy t h e mountoin scenery for another week

Prin. E. P . Barmore leaves t he last of the week for a business; t r ip t o New York , After 'July S he will he 23 Western Ave., Albany, and .will be in attendance a t State College until going to Schuylerville about Sept 1st.

- - 1 • • - • - *


•that are eqiipp^d. with radio receiving sets. What Is wanted here Is- an um­brella that wl.fl -scream'"when It Is -picked up by the wrong party.—-Los-Angeles Times.

Fire-Works tor


O1 Ei i »o. I—La ZD

North Creek

••would money?"

«^ure. • <iare how

you marrp' a man for his

If I -loved him I wouldn't many .millions he had."

Send your frietids the i $1. per yeaiv

Frenchmen are' sM«ng luubnetlas—ith S3, Florence Turner 82, Ivan Wald­ron 92. .' - * .

Geography ; . ? Leroy Armstrong 79, Iva Bennett 85,

Daris Burto 92, Geneva Croas 76, Made ' l ene Durkin 75, Wtlma Flansburg 85^

Harfczell Freebern S4 Tressa Harring-' ton 76, AltheaHitcliC0ck75, Mary Ken-nkon 76, Veronica Lindsay 85, Florence McLaughlin ,76, Hazel Mfflington $7, Vivian Monthony 97, Helen Morehouse 82, .William Morse79, Muriel Ratciiff 82 Morris Richards §2, Howard Sawyer 75, Claudie Straight 87, Clyde Straight 75,, Hartzell Thomas t S , Marion Waddell 75 J a n e Wads 92; Harry Waldron 78, Hda Waldron 77, Mern'a ^ Waldron S3 . (

Elementary U t txted Stated History ; with Civics. ' Elisabeth Bailey 78, Levi P . Balch

91, Francis Beaupre B8, Doris Bentley 77, Sephrenia Dunkley 75, William-Dunn 89. Ear l Gregory 87, Theron Hall 90, Dcrothy Li€dle 85, Radford Lindsey 96, V^rfta ^Idnthony &5, •Char-' lo t te Morse 't«, Maurice Richards 84,

- Erv ih Bobbins 78, Mildred Rogers ?5^ Bernard Smith 91, Marjorie StearnsS2, Hartzell Thomas 76^ Florance Turher S8, Bertfa.a Twiss SO, I r an waldron $7.

• •• • ' \ • • ' . . . - • Students passing • acarfeniic subjects

in Ncrtb. Creek - E % h Schcol a r e a s . follows; .t , . . . ' % . •

Business Writ ing ' Norma "Donahue 8S, Alma HarringV

. ton 65, ' Margaret Ken Well 75, *MoHie Lia.€sey 65, Nellie Ordway 75, M'Szf Ratigan 65, LSlian RSehardson 90, G r a - ' ce Was t 91, ,

• Easiness Arithmetic Francis tSregory 8 1 , ' Eugene P o r t e r

lQy Thomas^Turner-Si, - ,,-.- -.; -. --"Basine® .English____' „__

ThomasO'Br iea 75, Eugene P o r t e ; 88, Madelene S tea rns 7S, " . -

English, Three Y e a r s Katiieryn'Donahtte 69,"Wiliam D u r ­

fee 84; IJep'Jse Freefceria "13, L c r e t t a , Freebern 89, Ahhle McGee 83, Thomas 0*Brifin 74, Keliie Or-dWBy' %..!&?•& Sawyer S0,..Jiad#ene Ste'arnsSO^

. English Four ' Harold Beaupre €8 t Ivari-ildSlwee-^? .

Beatriee O'DonSeSW, "Ckwreftce Owens LeeOna Sp'merville 7Si4 l i s * Turner

• Eoitiaii Candles, Bombs, 'Fire-crackers, Gtms Caps

and other tun makers


flottb (tteefe.Bittetptse.




0on*t Forget . Post Cards attd.

Sheet Music '

m. 67, Merton. Tytel l 67, ' ". _ -

CContlnaed in n e x t week?s Issue)


Wy'iVl?' ;':. : ' i>, ;-


^ ^ S T W ^ ^ ^ * ™ ' J-3, i i ^

,' wmem mmm mmmmim, mmm$¥£$ * WP5 »y^iiBM^iii^:»iiiriiteaiij^^

.•* K h



Wmm ^a^ltefiite $*km «

.& '"€i^;r.% TS%s$i&£'. the authorities in Scotland. . At. an

: _JKH|ttti - -at E-a inhur^ ' totO'^he "pro> • .'.poseft ":estensl«n' <»J Fhe boundaries of.;; B u # M v e n , ». 111 eShire coAst town, i t :

was slated: t M t in 190$ tbe town area ;-wai ^nlatged lo 657 'acres . ^Snee ! then* -&oweverr- 35 n^res -hafl 4is'ap-.peatied. b ^ ' t h e encroachment of t he sea «nd anotber |.19 a^tes were now

'. helOw 'ifl^hrWialer -level.

most dependable tire made

v •

G RY. Membe^Adiro^dack Garage AsspciattoB

^ ^ " O T r ^ •

Have y o u r Head-liglits .adJBSted

t o comply w i t h t h e State Law.

We are Approved


Ooh a BL.S. F R O U l t , Proprietor.

Johnsbiu-g, > * "Kew Korfe.

Affer-i^elng ttvo-'^eefes. an, ihe 'r4t:4 '• -•ft Bra3ntfor4:fa3a|iy- has- scaf'F^i S&£eiy; •• - a ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ s t f t t t t i t w a h , ti- veiing-" :

ift a freight.ear. '5*fte niocheF"w»-S'i a'l, ^Wn who built a nest in a ••car wMeh . •was fee&f loa€M a t BmnifotC Ont;,.,;( IttW fotfip *§ps* m\4 -settted ..ilmm.. to.'.';'

. ival-ch" thens. ' Tim loaders- '$# 'a m$&r

'; h^sife- th©' n^st 'a»feinf. that- word b& ; : sent fesegi,' 5^.e other- ftay ft 'Card' w s t ' ;: te^et^M; ffoju ^Bamefora-stalhis '%at '•• • ' t h e . f e t e g s xvert hunftfy .bift'.%sx$Bf' '• for,'*TOft tliat .fhe toother vkts;-in -tdtxe.' best of spirils and healtlv. -' *'

0Utor$ in ftvrst* • f b e horns of the first cows used, by Dr. Bdward tenner, tho dlscoyerer of ^icctoaaon* b a t e come to light. *Ebe shield On which they a r e mounted bears the inseriptton;:' * 9 * * horns ^ of the cow Irom which the matter, "was first taken to* vaccination, Stegn. -$effi8rP' st hen immtL i?ts thj-grandnepheW of Dr. Edward. Jenne¥.r- :

-Lnnkon'Mmfe^.. '

Full Med& in Mmhrobm A giant uiushroonTi was loirnd near

Boston, and to remove i t . from the roojt of ah oW oak tree It wa« neces­sary to used: a sicTsle end a big carv­ing ivttife, tEhe inushrooni, weigheQ 48 pounds and weasurea ^ by €1 Inches, -I t looked l ike a mass of coral or sea sliells, ' _ - . • ' ' X "'

Concern"** Small Capital A limited Jiahllity *onipany has been,

formed tn London', England, with a nominal, capital Of a halfpenny, (one-cent) . This la divided into twosfiares. ' The company has for* its object" the. •carrying on ,of the business of estate agents, auctioneers, ' architeots, .and s surveyors. General Shortage of

Building I« Repotted T h a t a- national building shortage

somewhat i n excess of "§4,000,000,000 -exists In t h e entire country is Indi­cated by reports made to a' teadlnj^ in* vestment, concern tn ft suryey o i $11 cities of laor^s Oian 10,000 population, • Studies %vere made in 52S cities. In

3S0 of these, reports were made of building shortages aiuounttug to ?4,-.050,520,000, of which $2,i02,e08,500 Is nettled tor- residential ' types; $1,130,-

• H5i,WK) for -commercial types, awl S ^ m y W O for public buildings of all idnds, lu 148 cities no shortage was retorted*, thns Indicating tha t in these places the amount of ' building -re­quirement's now rests on the normal demands of growth and improvement,

^h&t a .shortage of considerable inagaltude also exists In places hay- I lug less than 10,000 population was Indicated by the results of the inq.ufry • in £0 typical towns, of ^ this type in various pa r t s of the Ctnited States. Twelve of these places showed aggre­gate shortages of more than $14,000,-000, white eight revealed normal con« dltionsi •

The investigation also brought fo ilftht defiulMy piunnM «a?p©ttditaros wt nearly SOTl.MOJOW in the utex two

• y^ars 'for churches, .hospitals, churl-table and educational institutions, these figures not being: included la actual shortages now existing.



Trogan Ice Creata '.">-

Ca&ay, Cigairs, Tohacco Soft DriEis


. • •' TtigSDAtS &. frSmMS &t tfatgt C r ^ 4 ^ f j | Wf^ertO'wji..

.. ? " •_-• • SATURDAYS kt Mvei^de"

• •'•' ''.'P&EOsnB'&Fe.-''-'"- :,

Architecture important That architecturiil merit adds" dol­

l a r s to t h e value of a house" la con-i-teclngly d^ujonstrated When old ' honifes possessing, architectural dfS'-tlnction find a ready sale a t good prices, while a poorly designed dfrelV lag is a **drog'f on the market. Many fcfoarre creations a re produced hy de^

;• signers who seein to think tha t when _n tnultlpliclty of gables,* of projecting "eafftas Md"lia^1yr'e6nlra^tint-'-hnfe*--m stuccos and hrielts a r e achieved, the-result is- hound t o hi* plehsantly KKJOH

: « t n and d^lrablsv ^ivestofs s re f l aa -. ing tp t he i r sorrow, however^.that this ^'%»a^of "tease is pas'sl^g oti.t with the , '$&& .musie Of w f e b i t "Is ^nibottefth iand present buUdem w«uld do well-to Keep th i s in hthid If they wish to

; realize fa i l value oh .their ptopertyi,"

Siifas t t n

Metefe and After

school: fhe> ftast, day «£ the tiiiiQi re--" jolcinf heeau^e M -had been, assigned to thftrooin of his fa#or|te teacher," a yosmg wonispi %ho had been married :duri%" Qie 'wmm&t yacattont ' .A few -days, later' he had. changed:

^^a contpletfeiy and -wished, for' &as&i& teacher, - ' •• •; * '"-'. «What% '<ii«: tastier?* asked $1»

; nsother. % thought she- wat '$m. one i youBfcei $otcdtt,?'.".'-•• •• ' • ",'<•

"She- vtsf fflt..My ^ald,. l m t . i t e

cause ghes'ft m ^&$B-m ft bj^.aojf*'*-*-, -&.dlftna ohS" W&k&, \. •" " • ; • •


L2Jk:< :".- -£Z^B3im \: a*


• :' |!« f i t tefine Bill fhe. Jtalr SlWtt#er| Carburetor

Ba^ establlslieij e^oi^i^^cords on virtually %i makes-oC-<jafs* @^t | t e car a chance. t-tm..can'tlose,;-Meams^-.'If' fm are not con-tlncM .jftta ti# JStropberg is superior to any otfeer cas^sretor you l a w ever used, we will take it feaek m$>$w wotst be out a cent. , •

s 5,«

"m I


Sarviea Station M N.Y.

Member Adirondack Garage Association

, i


Direct from tbe forests, comes the Lumber In-our yardSj insuring you. the first grailein whatever you may need.

It also enables us to quote lower prices, be­cause our cost is less than if we were to buy from indirect sources,