Fiona Cosgrove - The coach approach - putting the customer in the driving seat

The business of Wellness Coaching The next step forward Seminar sponsored by:



Transcript of Fiona Cosgrove - The coach approach - putting the customer in the driving seat

  • 1. The business of Wellness CoachingThe next step forwardSeminar sponsored by:

2. How can wellness coaching fit into our industry as asaleable product? 3. Where does the difference lie?Why would people choose wellnesscoaching when they have joined a Club?Why not just get a personal trainer? 4. International survey of trends for 2010 by ACSM1. Educated and experienced fitness 11.Yoga ( from 14) professionals12. Worksite health promotion (from2. . Special fitness programs for 20) older adults (from 6)13. Outcome measurements3. Strength training14. Group personal training4. Children and obesity 15. Spinning (indoor cycling5. Personal training16. Sport-specific training6. Core training17. Worker Incentive programs7. Exercise and weight loss 18. Clinical integration/medical fitness (from12) 19. Reaching new markets8. Boot camp (from 16)20. Wellness coaching9. Functional fitness10. Dr referrals 5. What is coaching? 6. The origins of coachingPhilosophyPsychologyConsultingEducationManagementMentoringSportsPsychologists and gurus 7. Many definitions existCoaching is unlocking a persons potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them learn rather than teaching themSir John Whitmore 8. Whats the big deal aboutcoaching?We have reached a crucial point, the beginning of the shift away from hierarchy into self-responsibility. It may take 50-100 years for a full transition, but we are emerging into a world where people are taking far more responsibility for their lives. Coaching helps build responsibility into the other person by enhancing their capability to make choices and decisions of their own. Sir John Whitmore 9. Why do we need to change our approach? State of health of the nation Expert approach is not working People are sick of being told what to do Being told tells us we are not in control There are so many experts people havebecome confused 10. What does improved healthand fitness require? Behaviour change Behaviour changestarts in the mind 11. Just do it works to sell running shoesBehaviour change requires thefollowing A sense of discontent A vision of the way things could be Information and know-how An individual, tailored plan 12. What is wellness? Optimal mental (emotional?) andphysical health Can we separate what goes on inour bodies from what goes on inour heads? 13. What does a coach do that is different?The wellness coaching model Create a vision Identify obstacles Develop strategies Be aware of what a person is readyto change (look for resistance) 14. Have you ever heard?My client says he will do what I tell him but every week he comes back and hasnt done it! 15. A coach asks killerquestions What do you want? Why do you want it? Whats stopping you right now? 16. Where will coaching clientscome from? 17. Hi there, my name is Daniel and you were referred to me by mypersonal trainer JaneRecently I have begun looking to expand the type of resources Imutilising in order to help me lose my weight and to keep it off. For thelast 12 months Jane has been inspiring me to get active and we haveachieved some good results (my fitness has improved dramatically) but Ifeel that Im missing some internal drivers to achieve everything that Idesire. As a result, Im looking for other resources to compliment Janestraining in order to produce some more rounded (or less rounded!)outcomes - Thus addressing my issues from two perspectives (mindversus physical activity).Some basic facts about myself are: 43 Years Old188kgBeen overweight for 28 yearsExpecting first child in December this yearDesire to reach goal of 110kg over next 2 yearsWant to be an active father and grow old with my family Could you letme know if you feel that you would be able to help me achieve my goalsI realise that my goals will take time to achieve. 18. Putting wellness coaching intoyour Club 19. Training your team Sales Reception Trainers A culture shift? 20. Can coaching be a separateservice or just a method of delivery? Either or both If you coach as a trainer instead of instructingyou will help your clients get better results If you coach separately from training you canhelp the client step back and work out whatthey need to do to get where they want to go.You give them control. 21. BRINGING COACHING INTO THE CLUBS Information to membersCLUB Sales and reception training CULTUREGroup sessions Pre-exerciseSeparate service/individualWELLNESSCOACHINGTrainer phone sessions Skills within session PT FITNESSGoal-setting (vision)COACHINGAccountability 22. Tour and qualifySell membership/training package Fitness test Set goalsPrescribe exercise 23. Sales processIEXCoaching explained Decision point 1 To buy?NCA RM EI Assessment determine needsAN SE and wantsEDetermine confidence and importance = readiness toABAchangeWR1 23 4 567 89 10ARR EIEVision what behaviours they are ready to work on7NERDecision point 2 Where to start? SS SGroup session Teach coaching modelWith coach orPlanning & goalsettingindependently3 monthly and weekly goalsWith trainerAction coachingAction client commitsAction coachingpre-exercise and takes responsibility with exercise Wellness Coaching Australia 24. Getting information to your clientsNew clients seminar 25. New clients seminar Opportunity to highlight the programs offered and services available What do they want to change? What have they done in the past? Why did it go wrong? What could get in the way now? How ready are they to change? How can they develop a plan for success? What do they need? Where can they start? 26. Mt Lasting Change 15 ChangeFootholds forHigher Well-beingWellcoaches USA 2007 27. Benefits of incorporating wellnesscoaching into your business Gives your trainers a new area of growth Can create a new income stream Gives your clients a chance to succeed Opens up a new conversation Ensures you wont be left behind 28. Whats going on out there? Health coaching will grow faster Get Healthy (NSW Gov) Diabetes Disease management model Health Care reform in the US Follow up from summit Wellness coaching corporates asking for WC Trainers are using WC Educational providers are starting to become aware ofWC A matter of time before the big Clubs will offer WC (ina formalised manner) 29. Dont be left behind 30. Options for more information Wellness Coaching Wellcoaches USA