Finding your way around Leiden

Finding your way around the Faculty of Humanities and Leiden Faculty of Humanities HR Department July 2014

Transcript of Finding your way around Leiden

Finding your way around

the Faculty of Humanities and Leiden

Faculty of Humanities HR Department

July 2014

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Contents 1. Word of welcome ............................................................................................................... 3 2. Leiden and Leiden University ............................................................................................. 4 3. Important things to do before arrival, on arrival and during your stay ............................. 7 4. Housing ............................................................................................................................. 13 5. Financial matters .............................................................................................................. 14 6. Dutch healthcare .............................................................................................................. 15 7. Education .......................................................................................................................... 19 8. Childcare ........................................................................................................................... 20 9. Getting around in Leiden, the Netherlands and going abroad ......................................... 22 10. Useful books and websites about Holland ........................................................................ 24 11. Leaving Leiden ................................................................................................................... 26 12. Route description Lipsius .................................................................................................. 28

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1. Word of welcome

Going to work and live in another country is an exciting experience. Exciting, but also at times stressful, particularly at the start. You will, of course, find people around you who are willing and able to help, particularly experienced fellow colleagues from abroad.

But to give you a head start, we are pleased to offer you this brochure. Which visa is required for your stay? Where can you rent housing? Where can you purchase health care insurance? What should you do if you need a doctor or dentist? What do you need to open a Dutch bank account? Where can you find schools for your children? This is the kind of practical information contained in: ‘Finding your way around the Faculty of Humanities and Leiden’. It is a well-known truth that a country reveals itself by the way in which it organizes its affairs. I cannot conclude without stressing that in choosing for Leiden, you have made a good choice. We are proud of our University, and also proud that you have chosen us.

Welcome to Leiden, welcome to Leiden University.

Prof. dr. H.W. van den Doel


Faculty of Humanities Leiden University

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Academy Building in 1920

2. Leiden and Leiden University

About Leiden Leiden is famous for its almshouses, its university and its museums, and even more importantly for its glorious history. The spirit of the Golden Age lives on here, the place where Rembrandt was born and where he inspired so many other influential painters. But even after this era Leiden continued to attract scientists, artists and industry. The canals, the historical buildings, the narrow lanes, the treasure houses of knowledge, culture and science: Leiden is definitely worth seeing.

Leiden University Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands. It was founded in February 1575, as a gift from William of Orange to the citizens of Leiden after they had withstood a long siege by the Spanish.

It was the first university in the Netherlands to practice freedom of belief and religion, as reflected in the university's motto, Praesidium Libertatis, Bastion of Liberty. It was this atmosphere of freedom of speech that provided the ideal environment for philosophers such as Spinoza and Descartes to develop their ideas.

Leiden is a research university, with seven faculties. Fundamental research is the main objective and the University’s teaching is largely research-based. Fundamental research is typically curiosity-driven and its

courses and findings are usually unpredictable. Leiden University believes that fundamental research is crucial to the development of modern society and the future prosperity of mankind. At Leiden we aim to create an inspiring atmosphere for researchers and students.

The teaching programs are characterized by their focus on specific disciplines and on a strong interaction between teaching and research. Leiden University strongly believes that its university education benefits directly from the high quality research that is carried out within the university itself, and that new fundamental knowledge is new intellectual capital. The most recent academic insights are immediately integrated into the courses.

Faculty of Humanities The Faculty of Humanities hosts a wealth of expertise in fields including philosophy, religious studies, history, art history, literature, linguistics and area studies, covering practically the entire world. The breadth of the Faculty, but especially its world-wide expertise, international orientation and successful research programs, along with the multitude of complementary approaches, together determine the Faculty's profile.

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Institutes The Faculty of Humanities has 6 institutes, which are responsible for teaching and research:

• LU Academy for Creative and Performing Arts

• LU Centre for Linguistics

• LU Institute for Area Studies

• LU Centre for the Arts in Society

• LU Institute for History

• LU Institute for Philosophy

and since September 2012 the interdisciplinary International Studies, which offers bachelor and master programs focusing on the various regions of the world, is also anchored within the Faculty of Humanities.

You can find more information on the individual institutes, including their programs and contact details, on

Faculty of Humanities The Faculty of Humanities is located at: Lipsius Building Cleveringaplaats 1 2311 BD Leiden P.O. Box 9515 2300 RA Leiden

HR Department The HR Department is also located in the Lipsius building, rooms 2.40 and 2.39.

Please also see the route description in Chapter 12.

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Services and Facilities at Leiden University

Visitor Centre Leiden Visitor Centre Leiden (VCL) is located opposite the central train station in Leiden and is the first point of contact for information about the University and the city for all Leiden University visitors. The staff helps international visitors and expats to find their way around Leiden and is able to provide them with practical advice and assistance.

Visitor Centre Leiden Stationsweg 41 (opposite Central Train Station) Mon to Fri 09:00-18:00 Sat 10:00-16:00 Sun 11:00-15:00 T: 071-516 60 00 E: [email protected]

Library The main University Library, with its general and specialist reading rooms, is located at the Witte Singel in the Faculty of Humanities. A number of other specialist and faculty libraries are spread throughout the city. For more information, please go to:

Sports The University Sports Centre in Leiden offers a wide range of sports for the University’s staff. You can find an overview of the available sports and more information on:

Academic Language Centre (ATC) The Academic Language Centre, that forms part of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, offers a wide range of language courses, as well as translation and editing services in Leiden. See also Chapter 7 – Education.

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3. Important things to do before arrival, on arrival and during your stay

You have accepted a position with the Faculty of Humanities and will be travelling to the Netherlands within a couple of weeks or months. Before you can start as one of our employees, there are a several things (visa, housing etc.) that need to be arranged. The steps described below are necessary before you can start your employment. Depending on your personal situation, additional steps might be required.

Important things to do before departure For non-EU/EER residents, a visa is usually required, depending on how long you will be staying. The HR Department will assist you with the necessary paperwork, but do bear in mind that it can take up to eight weeks to acquire a visa.

In order to travel to the Netherlands, for a period longer than 3 months, an Authorization for Temporary Stay (MVV) is required (except if you are from Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New-Zealand, Vatican City, USA, South Korea and the EU).

Since 1 June 2013 the new Immigration Law (wet MoMi) has become effective in the Netherlands. With this new immigration law the procedure for the application of a MVV and a residence permit are combined into the TEV-procedure.

TEV procedure (Toegang- en Verblijf procedure) You must obtain your “MVV” before travelling to the Netherlands. If you enter the Netherlands without this MVV you are not allowed to work, and you will need to go back to your home country to apply for it.

As of 1 May 2014 all visa application (new procedures and renewal applications) will be handled by the new International Service Desk (ISD). The ISD is the representative for all Faculties and the first contact for the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). The ISD has a digital portal linked to the IND. In this portal all your details and necessary documents for the application can be uploaded. Once complete, your application will be submitted to the IND.

The HR Department of the allocated Faculty will inform the ISD and open a new file for your visa application. The ISD will contact your by e-mail and inform you of the procedure and necessary documents. Further you will separately receive a logon name and code to access the portal, in order to upload the requested documents.

The application for an MVV usually takes 4 to 8 weeks. The IND will inform the Dutch Embassy or Consulate, in your home country, once the application has been approved.

As soon as the Embassy or Consulate has been informed, you will receive an invitation to pick up the MVV. You will need to pick up the MVV within 3 months after the approval date and the MVV has to be used within 3 months as from the date of issue at the Embassy or Consulate.

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When you collect your visa at the Embassy or Consulate you will need to bring the following documents:

• Your passport;

• Photograph, like in your passport. Please make sure this is a new photograph, which has not been used in a procedure before!

Further, fingerprints will be taken when your collect your visa. Based on the European Treaty 380/2008 this is mandatory for all foreigners over 6 years old. The fingerprints and your photo will be stored on a microchip on the residence permit. The IND has taken these measures to prevent abuse and fraud with residence permits.

With the approval of the MVV application the application for the residence permit is also automatically approved. It is therefore no longer necessary to file a separate application.

Fees The fees for the TEV-procedure and VVR-procedure will initially be paid by the institute you will be working for at the University. You will receive an invoice for the paid fees when the procedure is completed.

As of 1 January 2014 the fees are:

TEV procedure / VVR-procedure for highly skilled employees € 861,-+ € 80,- (ISD)

TEV procedure / VVR-procedure for scientific researchers within the meaning of Directive 2005/71/EG € 304,- + € 80,- (ISD)

Documents required For the TEV-procedure and the registration at the Municipality (see Important things to do on arrival) are number of documents are required.


• copy of passport;

• signed copy of the Antecedents Statement (will be send to you by the ISD).


• passport

• copy of the rental lease;

• legalized copy of your birth certificate;

• legalized copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable).

Preparation of files A birth certificate, marriage certificate or declaration of marital status which is in any language other than Dutch, English, French or German must be translated into one of these four languages by a sworn translator. The translation will then bear the translator's stamp.

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Official documents (such as birth certificates) issued in certain countries do not have to be 'legalized', but must bear a stamp known as an 'apostille'. The apostille is issued by an authorized official once he or she is satisfied that the document and its signature are genuine. In most countries, the apostille is issued by the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The apostille comprises one or more rubber stamps and two or more signatures.

Whether an apostille is required will depend entirely on the country in which the relevant document was issued.

Birth certificates, marriage certificates and similar documents issued by a country which is a signatory to a legalization treaty must generally bear an apostille.

Certain official documents or extracts from a civil register must be 'legalized' before they will be accepted by the Dutch immigration authorities. The process of legalization entails confirming that the document has indeed been issued by an official, authorized body and that the signature it bears is genuine.

Whether a document has to be legalized depends entirely on the country in which it was issued.

Birth certificates, marriage certificates and similar documents issued by a country which is a signatory to a legalization treaty are generally required to bear an apostille, which means that legalization is not required.

Please find a complete guide and checklist on the following website:

Important things to do on arrival There are a few things that you, as a new employee, have to take care of immediately on arrival. In this chapter we only address these issues in a general way, as the details may vary in individual cases.

Residence Permit The IND has prepared you residence permit and you will need to collect your permit within 3 months on arrival at the designated IND office. The ISD will provide you with the address details and IND office hours. It will not be necessary to make an appointment.

Registering with the municipality Each municipality (local authority) in the Netherlands holds a 'civic register' (GBA) of all those people resident in its area. Anyone who stays in the Netherlands for more than four months must be included on this register: this is a legal requirement. To register, you must report in person to the Civic Affairs department (Afdeling Burgerzaken) at the town hall in your place of residence.

The ISD will set up an appointment for you.

Leiden Stadhuisplein 1 T: 071 516 5165 E: [email protected]

Voorschoten Leidseweg 25 T: 071 560 0600 E: [email protected]

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Registering with the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) As of 1 January 2014 employees from the EU/EER, who intend to stay longer than three months in the Netherlands, are no longer obliged to register with the IND.

Employees, who are living or have intentions to live in the Netherlands with a non-EU/EER relative, are still obliged to register with the IND. The IND will issue a “Declaration of Registration”. This declaration will be attached to your passport and enables you to verify that you are in the Netherlands legally (e.g. when dealing with the tax office, local authority, etc.).

Please be advised that you will need to register yourself with the Municipality first, before you can register yourself with the IND. The HR Department can assist you in setting up an appointment.

Applying for a BSN number The BSN number is a personal code which registers you with the government. You are obliged to apply for a BSN number. This number is issued by the municipality where you live once you have registered there. Your personal BSN will be sent to your home address about 10 days after registration. With this BSN number you can open a Dutch bank account and arrange healthcare insurance.

The ISD will set up an appointment for you.

TB test As part of the residence permit application and in an effort to fight the worldwide spread of tuberculosis, a lung photo is required for all international employees who are not from the EU/EEA, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Surinam, United States or Switzerland, and who will stay for more than three months.

The ISD will set up the appointment at the Area Health Authority.

Opening a Dutch bank account As an employee, you are obliged to open a Dutch bank account. To do so, you will require a confirmation of employment and/or proof of income and a BSN number. If you do not have a BSN number yet, the HR Department will provide you with a statement in order to apply. The ISD can set up an appointment for you.

Please see Chapter 5 Financial matters for more information regarding banks.

Leiderdorp Willem-Alexanderlaan 1 T: 071 54 58 500 E: [email protected]

Zoeterwoude Noordbuurtseweg 27 T: 071 580 6300 E: [email protected]

Oegstgeest Rhijngeesterstraatweg 13 T: 071 519 1793 E: [email protected]

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Getting healthcare insurance Every person living in the Netherlands is legally obliged to take out healthcare insurance and you will need to do so within 4 months of entering the Netherlands. Within these 4 months, your international health insurance or the health insurance from the country you have lived before may be used, if it covers medical costs in the Netherlands.

The insurance must provide standard cover including, for example, the cost of consulting a general practitioner, undergoing a test in a hospital or buying medication at a pharmacy. Please see Chapter 6 Dutch Healthcare for more information.

If you have an international health insurance, please check if this insurance is accepted in the Netherlands, by calling the College for Health Insurances (College voor Zorgverzekeringen): Tel. +31 (0) 20 7978555. For more information see:

Things to do during your stay Once the most important matters are taken care of in the weeks on arrival and you have settled in, you need to keep an eye on a number of issues.

Changes in your personal circumstances It is important to inform us as soon as possible of any changes in our circumstances as soon as they arise, because they might affect your residence rights and status. This means we want to be informed in case of:

• changes in your personal life, like marriage, divorce, child born;

• leaving the Netherlands for a period longer than 4 months;

• leaving the Netherlands definitely.

Digid DigiD stands for Digital Identity. With a DigiD (username and password) users can access a great number of online services offered by Dutch government agencies. You need to have your BSN number before you can apply. To apply for a Digid log on to his website.

Foreign driving license In some cases a foreign driving license can be exchanged to a Dutch driving license. The terms of condition are that you:

• are registered at the Municipality (GBA);

• have a valid residence permit;

• have a driving license issued by a Member State of the EU, a Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EVA) or one of the following countries:,EVA)-land-geschikt-voor-omwisseling.aspx?Path=Portal/Particulier/Het rijbewijs/Buitenlands rijbewijs omwisselen

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• have a valid driving license. If the driving license is expired, the Instance that issued the foreign license need to send a statement in which they approve with the application;

Employees with a positive ruling on the 30 % Tax Exemption application can also exchange their driving license.

If you would like to do so, please contact your local Town Hall for the required forms.

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4. Housing Leiden is a densely populated university city with a high number of students, and accommodation is scarce. Living in Leiden is convenient but it might be difficult to find suitable accommodation.

You'll have to consider your living situation when getting settled here, including proximity to public transportation, your work, child's school and shopping as well as the availability of (on-street) parking. As space is limited and land scarce in the Netherlands, you will find that most people live in flats or in row houses rather than in single-family detached homes. Many homes, however, do typically come with a small balcony or garden.

There are two types of rental markets in the Netherlands: public housing (sociale huurwoning) and the private sector (vrije sector). Homes can be rented furnished, partly furnished or unfurnished. Be sure to ask about appliances, lighting fixtures and utility costs. Rental rates vary from € 500 per month to € 1,500 per month depending on the location of the property, the furnishings and other services. Please bear in mind that estate agents often charge a registration fee, a deposit (1 month’s rent) and commission.

Estate agents /rental companies in Leiden and region are:

Buro Hogeland Molensteeg 14 T: 071 513 46 54

Direct Wonen Hooigracht 92 T: 071 513 60 60

Kamerraad Steenstraat 35 T: 071 513 08 87

Living Today Oude Singel 4 T: 071 513 53 50

Rots-Vast Groep Oude Herengracht 18 T: 071 524 68 78

Rent benefit If you are spending a large portion of your income on rent, you may then be eligible for a subsidy for the rental costs: rent benefit. Whether you are eligible for the rent benefit depends on such factors as your age, income and living situation. You can apply for this benefit with the Tax Office:

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5. Financial matters

Money The currency for the Netherlands is the Euro (€). Dutch shops will only accept euros. In general, payments in cash are rounded up or down to the nearest 5 cents.

Banks As an employee you are obliged to open a bank account. To do so, your will require a confirmation of employment and/or proof of income and a BSN number. If you do not have a BSN number yet, the HR Department will provide you with a statement in order to apply.

Banks in Leiden are: ABN AMRO, ING Bank and Rabobank.

Most of the major banks are open on Monday to Friday from 09:00 -17:00. Most banks are closed during the weekend.

ATM cash machine (geldautomaten) All banks in Leiden provide cash machines. Most of them are located near the station or in the Breestraat, in the centre of town. You can make unlimited use of the cash machine operated by your own bank, but bear in mind that you can only use another bank’s once every 24 hours. A number of banks have a limit on the withdrawal amount per day. Please check with your bank if this is applicable to you.

Credit cards All major credit cards are recognized and accepted in the Netherlands, some, however, more then others. The most commonly used are Visa and Eurocard/ Mastercard, with American Express at the somewhat more up-market places. Although the use of credit cards is not as wide-spread as in other countries, in general they can be used in hotels, department stores, restaurants, gift shops, petrol stations, car rental agencies, etc. Although credit cards are widely used, not all shops and restaurants will accept them, so be sure to enquire first (if you do not see your credit card sticker in the window or near the counter). Credit cards cannot be used in supermarkets. It is also not possible to pay for your insurances or doctor and dentist.

Bank cards (pinpas) Almost all shops accept payment with (Dutch) bank cards. It is wise to inquire first when paying in smaller shops.

ABN AMRO ING Bank Rabobank

Stationsweg 31-33 T: 0900-0024

Bevrijdingsplein 48 T: 0900-0933

Stationsweg 37-39 T: 071-5659393

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6. Dutch healthcare

Healthcare insurance Every person living in the Netherlands is legally obliged to take out healthcare insurance. Private health insurance companies are obliged to offer a core universal insurance package for healthcare at a fixed price for all, whether young or old, healthy or sick. Everyone over 18 pays a flat-rate premium for the standard insurance package. This premium can vary from one company to another. Children under 18 do not pay premiums for health insurance cover.

The healthcare insurance cover you purchase must include the standard package, which includes the following items:

• medical care, including care provided by general practitioners (GPs), medical specialists and obstetricians;

• hospital treatment;

• medication;

• dental care up to the age of 18;

• postnatal care;

• limited physiotherapy, exercise therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and dietary advice;

• help with stopping smoking.

Besides the standard package, you can opt to take out additional insurance. Different types of additional insurances are available at different rates.

Healthcare insurance companies Leiden University has arranged a collective contract for health insurance for its employees with Zorg en Zekerheid in Leiden. The collective contract consists of a standard package and several supplementary packages. The collective benefit for you as an employee of Leiden University is in the form of a reduced premium (

A complete list of all health insurance companies, their websites, addresses and telephone numbers can be found on: (in Dutch).

The following websites can help to find a package that fits your needs: (in English); ; and (in Dutch).

Excess The standard insurance package includes a mandatory excess (€ 350 in 2013). This is a contribution made by the policyholder towards the cost of an insurance claim. This means that

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in principle you pay the first € 350 of the cost of the health care you receive in 2013. The mandatory excess does not apply to services provided by GPs, obstetric and postnatal care and dental care.

Healthcare Benefit This subsidy is to help cover the costs for healthcare. Whether you are eligible for this benefit depends on such factors as your income and living situation. You can apply for this benefit via the Tax Office:

General Practitioner / family doctor (huisarts) The Dutch general practitioner (GP) or family doctor is called a huisarts. He or she is your main link to any specialist or hospital. Only in real emergencies is it possible to go to a hospital directly without being referred by a GP. Please note that your health insurance will not cover the cost of a non-emergency visit to the first aid department of a hospital. If you are in doubt about the urgency, you are advised to phone the special GP emergency post first! See below for details.

You are advised to choose a GP practicing in your neighbourhood, but not all doctors accept new patients. The first thing to do is to register at a GP. Some GPs have an open consultation (spreekuur) hour at fixed times. You do not need an appointment for this. Appointment for other times can be made by telephone. Be aware that a GP’s office usually has fixed times for telephone contact and that only in very urgent cases do GPs make a house call.

You can find general practitioners by looking in the telephone directory or in the Yellow Pages (Gouden Gids) under Artsen-huisartsen (GPs) or see

GP emergency post (huisartsenpost) There is a special GP emergency post for after office hours and during weekends.

It is located at the LUMC (Leiden University Medical Center), Albinusdreef 2, Leiden, T: 0900 513 80 39.

Please note that this is for emergency cases only and is more expensive than a regular visit to a GP /family doctor during the weekly consulting hours. Needless to say, your health insurance will only reimburse you if it is indeed an emergency.

Life-threatening emergencies In case of life-threatening emergencies call the general emergency services number 112. The operator will ask you whether you need the police, ambulance and/or fire brigade, where you need them and then ask you for the details. This service should arrive within a few minutes. This number is only for very serious emergencies.

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For emergencies at work, please follow the instructions for your specific building, which should be posted in the room where you are working.

First aid service/hospitals For accidents and medical emergencies requiring immediate attention, you can go to one of the following hospitals. However, hospital staff are allowed to refuse help in a non-life-threatening emergency if you are not referred by your local GP. Therefore, always call your GP first. He or she will help you decide what you should do and will arrange an ambulance if necessary.

Hospitals LUMC (Leiden University Medical Center) Albinusdreef 2

Leiden Open 24 hrs a day, including weekends

Diaconessenhuis Houtlaan 55 Leiden Open Monday to Friday from 08.00 – 17.00 hrs. excl. holidays

Rijnland Ziekenhuis Simon Smitweg 1 Leiderdorp Open 24 hrs a day, including weekends

Pharmacies (apotheek) and medication If necessary, the GP will give you a prescription. Prescriptions can be collected from one of the pharmacies. You do not have to register with a specific pharmacy, but it makes life easier if you do so, as in most cases they will then send the bill for the prescription drugs directly to your Dutch health insurance provider. If not, you will need to pay for the prescription in full and afterwards apply for an reimbursement with your health insurance provider.

Some pharmacies in Leiden:

De Aloe Roodenburgerstraat 1A T: 071 512 05 02

Centraal Apotheek Breestraat 74 T: 071 512 05 52

Haven Apotheek Haven 18 T: 071 522 60 85

Reyst Steenstraat 35 T: 071 512 01 36

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Out-of-hours pharmacy If you need medicines urgently during the evening or at night, at the weekend or on a public holiday, you can go to the out-of-hours pharmacy. The ‘night pharmacy’ serving the Leiden area is ‘De Nachtwacht’. It is open every weekday from 18:00 -08:00 and in the weekends from 18:00 -10:00.

Contact details: Albinusdreef 2, Leiden (at the LUMC) T: 071 566 50 19

Chemists (drogisterij) Chemists sell ‘over the counter’ non-prescription medicines, such as aspirin and cough medicines, and toiletries.

Dentists (tandarts) In general, the Dutch have a dental check up twice a year. Dental treatment is often not covered by standard medical insurance. If you should require dental care, call any dentist and you will be referred to the dentist on duty for that day. Normally, you will be helped swiftly, but do not be surprised if it takes a few days. As a rule, you will be asked to pay cash, so make sure you come prepared. If your insurance covers dental costs, ask the dentist for a receipt to enable you to claim a refund from your insurance company.

On the website you can search for a conveniently located dentist.

Area Health Authority (GGD)

Vaccinations Vaccinations necessary for people planning to go to the tropics can be obtained at the local Area Health Authority (GGD). Foreigners who come to the Netherlands do not usually have to be vaccinated at the GGD. However, people from certain nationalities are required to be tested for tuberculosis on arrival.

Contact details: GGD Zuid-Holland Noord Parmentierweg 49 Leiden T: 071 516 33 33 Opening Hours: 08:30 -17:00 (weekdays)

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7. Education Education in the Netherlands is compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 18. There are several different types of schools. Education at public schools is free; however, most schools charge fees for special activities.

Unfortunately, there are usually waiting lists for the most popular schools, so register as soon as possible.

Primary and secondary schools (basisschool en middelbare school) Your search for a primary or secondary school will start with choosing between an international or a regular Dutch school. Leiden and surrounding municipalities have excellent educational facilities that provide teaching based on religious, ideological or educational beliefs.

The website of your municipality in the Netherlands is a good place to start to find a primary or secondary school. They will provide you with a list of schools in the region as well a list of useful terms that will help you in your search. Unfortunately, these websites are likely to be in Dutch only.

The Leiden city website offers a list of schools in the region:

The Foundation for International Education offers information on all international schools and international departments of Dutch Schools in the Netherland:

You can also visit the following websites for more information on the Dutch education system:

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science:

Expat Centre Leiden:

Home in Leiden:

Expat Centre The Hague:

Language courses The Academic Language Centre of the Faculty of Humanities offers a wide range of language courses and facilities for self-tuition in practical language education: .

For our international members of staff we offer a range of Dutch as a Second Language courses. For an overview of the courses, please see:

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8. Childcare For children under the age of 5 there are several forms of childcare, ranging from daycare to pre-school groups, host parents, au pairs or nannies.

Forms of childcare

Public or private daycare centres (kinderdagverblijf) This is the most popular form of childcare and the centres offer places for babies and children between the ages of six weeks and 4 years. The centres are usually open 5 days a week, from around 08:00 to 18:00 hrs. Please be advised that most of the daycare centres have a long waiting list. Waiting times following an application for childcare can take up to 18 months.

Leiden University has its own childcare facility. De Kattekop, a daycare centre, is available exclusively for staff members and students. The daycare centre has 2 baby groups and 2 toddler groups. For more information on De Kattekop and how to enroll your child, please see:

After-school care (Buitenschoolse opvang (BSO) Naschoolse opvang (NSO)) Some daycare centers also provide after-school care and holiday care for older children, usually up to the age of 12.

Pre-school group (peuterspeelzaal) Children who do not require full-time care can attend a pre-school group. The pre-school group provides a range of activities for 2 – 4 year olds.

Host parents (gastouders) In the Netherlands it is also common to hire host parents for daycare. Usually the care is proved in the host parent’s own home and the host parent will generally look after up to 3 children a day.

Fees The fees depend on the form of daycare and may vary per organization. The average hourly rates in 2013 are:

€ 6,36 daycare

€ 6,- after-school care

€ 5,- host parents.

Information regarding childcare can be found on the website of the Expat Centre Leiden:

You can also download a current list of addresses of childcare centres in Leiden from their website.

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Other useful links are:

Home in Leiden:

Expat Centre The Hague:

Child-related benefits

Daycare allowance (kinderopvangtoeslag) The payment of allowances for childcare facilities is regulated in national legislation. In the Netherlands you can apply for compensation for the daycare fees. The amount of the compensation depends on your annual income and the number of children you have in daycare. You can apply for this benefit via the Tax Office:

Child benefit (kinderbijslag) The Netherlands offers a child benefit, a payment to a parent of any child under the age of 18. In order to qualify for the benefit, your child is required to be a legal, permanent resident of the Netherlands. You will receive this status when you register at the local municipal office. How to claim child benefit depends on your situation. You can apply for this benefit via SVB (Sociale Verzekeringsbank):

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9. Getting around in Leiden, the Netherlands and going abroad

Going abroad with your residence permit/short-stay visa Please note that if you are not from one of the EU/EER countries, and you have not yet received your residence permit card and intend to stay longer than 90 days in the Netherlands, you can leave the Netherlands, but you will NOT be able to re-enter. To re-enter the Netherlands you will need a residence permit or proof that your residence permit application is in progress. This proof is provided in the form of an official re-entry sticker in your passport. The HR department can help you with this application. Applying for such a return visa will take two weeks.

Trains, bus, tram and subway Travelling by train in the Netherlands is considered safe, and trains usually arrive and depart on time. Trains in the Netherlands are also comfortable and most of the staff speak English. There is a direct connection between Amsterdam Schiphol airport and Leiden.

International trains There are good international train connections between the Netherlands and neighbouring countries such as Belgium, France and Germany. For more information about international train connections, please go to:

Bus The principle operators of bus and tram services in Leiden is Arriva. For relatively short distances, the bus is an excellent way to get around. Most bus services run from 06:00 - 23:30. More information can be found at:

Departure hours and arrival times Departure hours and arrival times for public transport are shown on the website Or call: 0900 9292 for travelling within the Netherlands, 0900 9296 for international travel. For information about (international) train connections, you can also go to:

Tickets For most public transport you can make use of the so-called ‘OV-chipkaart’. This smartcard is the size of a bank card and you can charge it with credits in Euros. The OV-chipcard is a prepaid card which you can use to travel anywhere within the Netherlands by train, metro, bus and tram. You can also use it to purchase a travel product such as a one way journey or a season ticket. It is also still possible to buy ticket from the station vending machines and ticket offices at the station.

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At the start of your journey, you can check in at the stop, station or on the transport itself by holding your OV-chipkaart up to the logo on the screen. Do this again as you leave to check out. The journey cost or product will be deducted from your card and you will see your current remaining total on the card.

Please make sure that your euro total is enough to see you to the end of your journey or that you have a valid permit to travel; if not you will be charged a fine. You can charge your OV-chipcard at a vending machine at the station, ticket office or some shops. More information on the OV-chipkaart can be found at:

Discounts Most public transport companies offer a range of discount packages. Enquire at the information desk at Leiden Central Station or view the ticket and pass types on the websites of the public transport companies for more information:

More information about the Dutch public transportation please download the ACCESS leaflet

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10. Useful books and websites about Holland If you want to learn and read more about living in the Netherlands, the following websites and books might be interesting and useful for you.

Important and useful websites

Formal •

Offers information on matters of interest to international students in higher education

• Dutch immigration services website offering information on everything you need to know about the formal arrangements relating to your stay in the Netherlands

• Foreign missions/embassies in the Netherlands

• Expat Centre in Leiden

• Leiden City

• The Hague International Centre

• Dutch Tax Authority

Informal •

Information and news for the international community

• Information, advice and support on living in the Netherlands

• The Holland website of the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions

• Information platform for expatriates in the Netherlands

• Information for international families to feel at home in Leiden

• A list of links to information that can be useful to expats

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Some books about Holland (in English) • The Netherlands Travel Guide: Lonely Planet

• The Holland Handbook; the Indispensable Reference Book for the Expatriate, published by: Xpat Media

• A Short History of the Netherlands, Prof. Dr P.J.A.N. Rietbergen

• The UnDutchables; an observation of the Netherlands: Its culture and inhabitants, Colin White and Laurie Boucke

• The Dutch I Presume? Icons of the Netherlands, Martijn de Rooij, N & L Publishing

• Dutch Delight. Eating and Drinking the Dutch Way, Sylvia Pessireron, N & L Publishing

Some books about Leiden • Gezicht op Leiden (photographic overview of the City); Thijs Tuurenhout

• Newcomers in an Old City: the American Pilgrims in Leiden, 1609-1620. Joke Kardux and Eduard van de Bilt

• Leids Leuks; Nothing but the best within Leiden and its surroundings (Overview of fun sights and shops in Leiden) Publisher: Groen Leiden.

• Dicht op de Muur ;; Burgersdijk & Niermans Leiden

A good selection of books in English about Holland (and Leiden) can be found on:

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11. Leaving Leiden

Last check before leaving Leiden Before leaving the Netherlands, remember that there are a number of arrangements that have to be made. The following list is a helpful guide as to what should be done before you leave Leiden.

Date of departure Under the Dutch Immigration Law we are obliged to inform the IND of you departure, not informing the IND could lead to a substantial fine. Please make sure you inform the HR Department of your date of departure. The HR Department will inform the ISD and the ISD will send the required document to the IND.

Returning your residence permit Your residence permit is property of the Dutch Government. When leaving the Netherlands the permit has to be returned to the IND. Together with a letter, in which you inform the IND of your departure date, you need to send the permit to: IND Bureau Documenten Postbus 7025 8007 HA Zwolle.

Closing your Dutch bank account If you are leaving the Netherlands, you should withdraw any funds left in your bank account and inform the bank that you wish to close the account. You must do so in person. Most banks provide the necessary form(s) in English. If you are expecting any further transactions on the account, you can ask the bank to defer the closure until a specified date, and/or to transfer any credit amounts to another bank account.

If you have received a salary from Leiden University, remember that the final payment is likely to be made approximately one month following the termination of your appointment.

Removal from Municipality's Civic Register You must also ensure that your name is removed from the Civic Register (GBA). Your town hall can provide a form for this purpose.

Tax office The municipality will automatically inform the tax authorities of your departure from the Netherlands and of your forwarding address. You will receive an income declaration form (the 'M' Form) for the next three years. Failure to complete and return this form could lead to a fine.

Returning your work permit If you have a work permit which has not yet expired, you must return it to HR Services prior to your departure.

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Pension fund (ABP) During the period you have been employed with Leiden University, you have built up a pension with the ABP pension fund. This pension accrual stops when your employment ends. You can see how much pension you have built up in the ‘Pension Overview End of Participation’ that you will receive from ABP. Please contact the ABP regarding your departure from the Netherlands:

Healthcare Inform the insurance company of your departure and terminate the contract.

Housing Make sure you have paid the last month’s rent and returned your keys to receive a refund of the deposit for your housing.

Library Return all your library books, cds and/or dvds.

Other contracts Settle/cancel any outstanding contracts (i.e. mobile phone, etc.) otherwise they may be renewed automatically. In some instances you are required to cancel three months before the contract is due to end. Please check the company’s agreements/contracts.

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12. Route description Lipsius The "Lipsius (aka Witte Singel/Doelencomplex) " is a 5 or 10-minute walk from Leiden Central Station. The route is indicated on the map. Alternatively you could take bus 1 from the train station and get off at "Paterstraatje", or bus 5 or 6 and get off at "Noordeinde".