Finding Joy Retreat Day Three

Day Three


Prayer for the third day of the retreat Finding Joy.

Transcript of Finding Joy Retreat Day Three

Day Three

You are invited to reflect on a powerful story

found in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 19:1-10). It is

the account of Jesus and his Spirit seeking,

finding, and offering forgiveness and salvation

to Zacchaeus.

“Zacchaeus was seeking to see who Jesus was….”

Jesus is passing through the town of Jericho,

accompanied by his disciples and a curious,

admiring crowd. Zacchaeus is part of that

crowd, anxious to get a look at the Master.

Jesus does not intend to stay at anyone’s

house in Jericho, but is only passing

through. Zacchaeus doesn’t seem interested

in becoming a follower of Jesus. He just

wants to see this Jesus that everyone is

talking about. Zacchaeus is curious, so he

runs ahead and climbs a tree at the side of

the road where Jesus will pass.

Now he can see Jesus coming up the road. As

the crowd passes by, Jesus, moved by the

Spirit, stops and looks up at Zacchaeus. Their

eyes meet as Jesus gazes at the tax collector

with a look of profound love that penetrates

the sinner’s heart. Then, beyond his wildest

imagination, Zacchaeus hears Jesus call him

by name.

Jesus wants to stay at his house today.

Zacchaeus is beside himself with joy—he, a

despised tax collector, a sinner—is to have

the Master as his guest! Zacchaeus

scrambles down from his perch on the tree.

Critics in the crowd voice their displeasure

at Jesus for choosing to go to the house of a

sinner. But Zacchaeus has already been

transformed by this encounter with Jesus.

Zacchaeus sees Jesus as the Lord

who loves him and extends his

mercy toward him. Zacchaeus

had amassed a great deal of

wealth, sometimes deviously. But

now all that is going to change.

He tells the Lord he will make

restitution, and Jesus praises his

faith and repentance in the

presence of witnesses. Jesus has

found a lost lamb; salvation has

come to Zacchaeus’ house—all

because he wanted to see Jesus,

and Jesus looked up at him.