Finding Compressive Strength Using Schmidt Hammer Test

1 UNIVERSITY OF GAZIANTEP FACULTY OF ENGINEERING CIVIL DEPARTMENT CE-550 NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Report About : (Using of Schmidt Hammer as anon destructive test method to determine compressive strength of structures ) Submitted to: Doç.Dr.ESSRA GUNAYISI Prepared by: Chalak Ahmed Mohammed [email protected] 2014 45056 Date : 10.04. 2015



Transcript of Finding Compressive Strength Using Schmidt Hammer Test

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    Report About :

    (Using of Schmidt Hammer as anon destructive test method

    to determine compressive strength of structures )

    Submitted to:


    Prepared by:

    Chalak Ahmed Mohammed [email protected]

    2014 45056

    Date : 10.04. 2015

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    The Schmidt rebound hammer is principally a surface hardness tester. It

    works on the principle that the rebound of an elastic mass depends on the

    hardness of the surface against which the mass impinges. There is little

    apparent theoretical relationship between the strength of concrete and the

    rebound number of the hammer. However, within limits, empirical correlations

    have been established between strength properties and the rebound number.

    Further, Kolek has attempted to establish a correlation between the hammer

    rebound number and the hardness as measured by the Brinell method.

    EQUIPMENT FOR SCHMIDT/REBOUND HAMMER TEST The Schmidt rebound hammer is shown in (Fig. 1). The hammer weighs

    about 1.8 kg and is suitable for use both in a laboratory and in the field. A

    schematic cutaway view of the rebound hammer is shown in ( Fig. 2). The

    main components include the outer body, the plunger, the hammer mass, and

    the main spring. Other features include a latching mechanism that locks the

    hammer mass to the plunger rod and a sliding rider to measure the rebound of

    the hammer mass. The rebound distance is measured on an arbitrary scale

    marked from 10 to100. The rebound distance is recorded as a rebound

    number corresponding to the position of the rider on the scale.


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    1. Concrete surface 5. Hammer guide 9. Housing

    2. Impact spring 6. Release catch 10. Hammer mass

    3. Rider on guide rod 7. Compressive spring 11. Plunger

    4. Window and scale 8. Locking button

    Fig. 2 Components of a Rebound Hammer


    Before commencement of a test, the rebound hammer should be tested against the test anvil,

    to get reliable results, for which the manufacturer of the rebound hammer indicates the range

    of readings on the anvil suitable for different types of rebound hammer.

    Apply light pressure on the plunger - it will release it from the locked position and allow it to

    extend to the ready position for the test.

    Press the plunger against the surface of the concrete, keeping the instrument perpendicular to

    the test surface. Apply a gradual increase in pressure until the hammer impacts. (Do not

    touch the button while depressing the plunger. Press the button after impact, in case it is not

    convenient to note the rebound reading in that position.)iv) Take the average of about 11


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    The rebound reading on the indicator scale has been calibrated by the manufacturer of the

    rebound hammer for horizontal impact, that is, on a vertical surface, to indicate the

    compressive strength. When used in any other position, appropriate correction as given by

    the manufacturer is to be taken into account.

    Hammer test can provide fairly accurate estimate of concrete compressive

    strength, it performed with precautions and co- relations :

    1. Concrete Age : The concrete should be 14 to 56 days old.

    2. Surface Condition : The surface of the concrete at the point tested must be smooth

    dry and free of honey combing. Otherwise, rebound readings will be low indicating a

    weaker concrete than is actually the case .

    3. Location of Test Point : The concrete to be tested must be at least 100 mm thick.

    Care must be taken that the test points are no closer than 25 mm from the edge.

    4. No. of Readings : Calculate the average of 11 readings and exclude extreme

    readings (if any) and recalculate average using the remaining readings.

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    For taking a measurement, the hammer should be held at right

    angles to the surface of the structure. The test thus can be

    conducted horizontally on vertical surfaces and vertically upwards

    or downwards on horizontal surfaces, as shown below:

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    Although the rebound hammer does provide a quick, inexpensive

    method of checking the uniformity of concrete, it has some serious

    limitations. The results are affected by:

    1. Smoothness of the test surface

    Hammer has to be used against a smooth surface, preferably a

    formed one. Open textured concrete cannot therefore be tested. If

    the surface is rough, e.g. a trowelled surface, it should be rubbed

    smooth with a carborundum stone.

    2. Size, shape and rigidity of the specimen

    If the concrete does not form part of a large mass any movement

    caused by the impact of the hammer will result in a reduction in the

    rebound number. In such cases the member has to be rigidly held or

    backed up by a heavy mass.

    3. Age of the specimen

    For equal strengths, higher rebound numbers are obtained with a 7

    day old concrete than with a 28 day old. Therefore, when old concrete

    is to be tested in a structure a direct correlation is necessary between

    the rebound numbers and compressive strengths of cores taken

    from the structure. Rebound testing should not be carried out on low

    strength concrete at early ages or when the concrete strength is less

    than 7 MPa since the concrete surface could be damaged by the


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    4. Surface and internal moisture conditions of concrete

    The rebound numbers are lower for well-cured air dried

    specimens than for the same specimens tested after being soaked

    in water and tested in the saturated surface dried conditions.

    Therefore, whenever the actual moisture condition of the field

    concrete or specimen is unknown, the surface should be pre-

    saturated for several hours before testing. A correlation curve for

    tests performed on saturated surface dried specimens should then be

    used to estimate the compressive strength.

    5. Type of coarse aggregate

    Even though the same aggregate type is used in the concrete mix, the

    correlation curves can be different if the source of the aggregate is

    different. An example is shown in Fig. 4.5 where correlation curves

    for four different sources of gravel are plotted

    6.Type of cement

    High alumina cement can have a compressive strength 100% higher

    than the strength estimated using a correlation curve based on ordinary

    Portland cement. Also, super sulphated cement concrete can have strength

    50% lower than ordinary Portland cement.

    7.Carbonation of the concrete surface

    In older concrete the carbonation depth can be several millimeters

    thick and, in extreme cases, up to 20 mm thick. In such cases the

    rebound numbers can be up to 50% higher than those obtained on an

    uncarbonated concrete surface.

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    Our laboratory test:

    SAMPLE#1 (horizontal reading for specimeb concrete cube)

    --As we discussed above we take 11 no of reading(position

    A=horizontal) after that we neglect the highest and lowest

    reading and after we take the average we compare to the

    special graph to get the result of compressive strength of that

    reading of the instrument 30




    22 canceled

    36 canceled






    Average= 27.11

    After putting that number in the graph(horizontal position) we get the

    result =19.50 N/mm2 as shown in the graph no.1

  • Graph No. 1

  • SAMPLE#2 (Vertical reading for specimen concrete slab manhole)

    --As we discussed above we take 11 no of reading(position

    B=Vertical) after that we neglect the highest and lowest reading

    and after we take the average we compare to the special graph to

    get the result of compressive strength of that

    reading of the instrument 32






    22 canceled




    36 canceled

    Average= 30

    After putting that number in the graph(vertical position) we get the result

    =28 N/mm2 as shown in the graph no.2

  • Graph No.2

  • If concrete compression test fails, should Schmidt

    hammer test be adopted as an alternative test to

    prove the concrete strength?

    The Scmidt hammer test is based on the elastic rebound of

    hammer which presses on concrete surface and it measures

    the surface hardness of concrete. Since the test is very

    sensitive to the presence of aggregates and voids at the

    concrete surface, it is necessary to take more than 10

    readings over the area of test. However, it should be noted

    that Schmidt hammer test measures surface hardness only

    but not the strength of concrete. Therefore, it may not be

    considered a good substitute
