Financial Planning and Tax Calculator

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  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


     Your Name

    Retirement Age 60 Years

    Family Details Name Age

    Spouse 45 Years

    Children 1 13 YearsChildren 2 6 Years

    Dependent 1 68 Years

    Dependent 2 62 Years

    COVERAGES Amount

    EPF & PPF  ₹ 7!

    EPF "onthl# $E%plo#ee Contriution'  ₹ (!5

    )ent  ₹ 5!

    Current Sa*in+s  ₹ 5!!

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    %0 Years

    &0 Years





    alphaets $"in. 3 letters'


      Positi*e ,n-o%e

      ne+ati*e Ependiture


    % +i*en inor%ation

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator




  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    'n!ome Side Amount

     Your tae9ho%e pa# ₹ 227!5.

     Your partner:s tae9ho%e pa# ₹ 9

    ;onuseso*erti%e ₹ 9

    ,n-o%e ro% sa*in+s and in*est%ents ₹ 9

    Centrelin ene

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    "onthl# Cal-ulations

    Exenses Side Amount Exenses Side

    )ent"ort+a+e Pa#%ent ₹ 9 Cellular Phones & elephone Char+es

    )epairs"aintenan-e ₹ 9 Puli- ransportation

    =ro-eries ₹ 1!. )epairs"aintenan-e

    >un-h $at or' ₹ 9 >aundr#Dr# Cleanin+ailorin+

    Ele-tri-it# ₹ 9 Clothin+ Pur-hased Yearl#12=as0il $?ouse' ₹ 9 "edi-ation! Do-tor?ospital isits

    =as0il $ehi-les' ₹ 9 Clu Dues@sso-iation Fees

    AaterSea+e=ara+e ₹ 9 )eli+ious! Doonations & Charities

     uitionFees ₹ 9 Bespapers"a+aines

    (otal Exenses

    .ont$ly Sa/ings  ) *+,-00

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    Amount Exenses Side Amount

     ₹ 9 CaleSatellite ₹ 9

    ₹ 9 >iuor;eerAineCi+arettesoa--o et-. ₹ 9

    ₹ 9 0utside DinnerCarr# 0ut"o*ies ₹ 9

    ₹ 9 ?oiesSotareSports et-. ₹ 9

    ₹ 9 =itsa-ation ₹ 9₹ 9 Child Care ₹ 9

    ₹ 9 Furniture! @pplian-es! ?ousehold ,te%s ₹ 9

    ₹ 9 0thers ₹ 9

    ₹ 9 Saet# "ar+in ₹ 9

    ) 00,000

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    "ONG 1 (ER. E2PEND'(3R


    Edu!ationChild 1 13 Years 17 Years ₹ 15!!

    Child 2 6 Years 17 Years ₹ 15!!


    Child 1 13 Years 23 Years ₹ 5!!

    Child 2 6 Years 23 Years ₹ 5!!

    Dpdnt 1 68 Years 8 Years ₹ 1!!

    Dpdnt 2 62 Years 8 Years ₹ 1!!






  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator



    Current Exenses

    ₹ 18!(37!154$331!76.72'

    ₹ 28!474!478$131!86.28'

    EPF Co/erage

    ₹ 8!(54!238$47!8.28'

    ₹ 13!463!864$3!26.5'

    ₹ 2!12!1(6$8!13(.46'

    ₹ 2!854!33($5!712.(5'

    Future Valueo# Exenses

    Net Sa/ingsre4uired er


    Net sa/ing re4uireder mont$

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    RE('RE.EN( CA"C3"A('ON

    ₹ 1!Future Exenses ₹ 32!714

    $114!7(8.57' +05 o# Current Exenses ₹ 32!714

    ₹ 1(!Future Rent ₹

    ($95,798.57)(otal ₹ 32!714

    ₹ 1!61!627

    ₹ 253!728!(53

    Re4uired Corus ₹ 7!158!17

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    'NVES(.EN( A.O3N(

    "onthl# ,n*est%ent ₹ 127!5

    @nnual ,n*est%ent ₹ 1!53!

     Year RO'

    1 ₹ 5!! ₹ 4!

    2 ₹ 5!4! ₹ 1!66!5 ₹ 56!52

    3 ₹ 7!567!2 ₹ 1!686!825 ₹ 74!38

    4 ₹ (!((4!153 ₹ 1!771!166 ₹ (41!226

    5 ₹ (!26!544 ₹ 1!85(!725 ₹ 885!32

    6 ₹ 8!451!57 ₹ 1!(52!711 ₹ 832!342

    7 ₹ 7!736!624 ₹ 2!5!346 ₹ 782!(58

    8 ₹ 7!6(!(28 ₹ 2!152!864 ₹ 737!823

    ( ₹ (!(6!615 ₹ 2!26!57 ₹ (77!6(1 ₹ 13!1(8!811 ₹ 2!373!532 ₹ 1!245!787

    11 ₹ 16!818!131 ₹ 2!4(2!2( ₹ 1!544!827

    12 ₹ 2!855!167 ₹ 2!616!81( ₹ 1!877!75(

    13 ₹ 12!34(!745 ₹ 2!747!66 ₹ 1!27!7(2

    14 ₹ 11!35!1(7 ₹ 2!885!43 ₹ 1!135!21(

    15 ₹ 1!325!46 ₹ 3!2(!2(5 ₹ 1!68!38

    16 ₹ (!423!136 ₹ 3!18!76 ₹ 1!8!312

    17 ₹ 13!612!27 ₹ 3!33(!7(8 ₹ 1!356!16

    18 ₹ 18!38!166 ₹ 3!56!788 ₹ 1!745!1(6

    1( ₹ 23!56!15 ₹ 3!682!127 ₹ 2!17(!382

    2 ₹ 1(!421!66 ₹ 3!866!234 ₹ 1!863!31

    21 ₹ 25!15!(25 ₹ 4!5(!545 ₹ 2!336!838

    22 ₹ 31!547!38 ₹ 4!262!523 ₹ 2!864!786

    23 ₹ 38!674!618 ₹ 4!475!64( ₹ 3!452!21

    24 ₹ 46!62!288 ₹ 4!6((!431 ₹ 4!14!138

    25 ₹ 55!45!857 ₹ 4!(34!43 ₹ 4!827!221

    26 ₹ 65!167!48 ₹ 5!181!123 ₹ 5!627!888

    27 ₹ 75!(76!4(2 ₹ 5!44!17( ₹ 6!513!334

    28 ₹ 87!(3!5 ₹ 5!712!188 ₹ 7!4(1!375

    2( ₹ 11!133!568 ₹ 5!((7!7(8 ₹ 8!57!5(

    3 ₹ 115!71!875 ₹ 6!2(7!687 ₹ (!75(!(65

    31 ₹ 131!75(!528 ₹ 6!612!572 ₹ 11!6(!768

    32 ₹ 14(!441!867 ₹ 6!(43!2 ₹ 12!51!85

    33 ₹ 168!8(5!873 ₹ 7!2(!36 ₹ 14!(4!8((

    34 ₹ 1(!281!132 ₹ 7!654!878 ₹ 15!834!881

    35 ₹ 213!77!8(2 ₹ 8!37!622 ₹ 17!744!681

    36 ₹ 23(!553!1(5 ₹ 8!43(!54 ₹ 1(!83(!416

    37 ₹ 267!832!115 ₹ 8!861!47( ₹ 22!135!487

    .y Corusa#ter

    Amount at t$e

    eginning o#t$e Year


  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    38 ₹ 2(8!82(!81 ₹ (!34!553 ₹ 24!65!6(1

    3( ₹ 332!784!324 ₹ (!76(!78 ₹ 27!44!328

    4 ₹ 36(!(58!433 ₹ 1!258!26( ₹ 3!417!336

    41 ₹ 41!634!38 ₹ 1!771!183 ₹ 33!712!418

    42 ₹ 455!117!638 ₹ 11!3(!742 ₹ 37!314!1(

    43 ₹ 53!741!571 ₹ 11!875!22( ₹ 41!24(!344

    44 ₹ 556!866!144 ₹ 12!468!(( ₹ 45!546!81145 ₹ 614!881!(45 ₹ 13!(2!44 ₹ 5!237!(51

    46 ₹ 678!212!335 ₹ 13!747!62 ₹ 55!356!752

    47 ₹ 747!316!14( ₹ 14!434!415 ₹ 6!(4!45

    48 ₹ 822!6(!6( ₹ 15!156!136 ₹ 67!27!74

    4( ₹ (4!874!485 ₹ 15!(13!(43 ₹ 73!663!74

    5 ₹ ((4!451!51 ₹ 16!7(!64 ₹ 8!8(2!8(1

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    7 Years ) *7,%*,660


    ₹ 5!4!

    ₹ 7!567!2 ₹ 76!5

    ₹ (!((4!153 ₹ 8!325

    ₹ 12!76!544 ₹ 3!5! ₹ 84!341

    ₹ 11!(51!57 ₹ 3!5! ₹ 88!558

    ₹ 11!236!624 ₹ 3!5! ₹ (2!(86

    ₹ 1!56(!(28 ₹ 3!5! ₹ (7!636

    ₹ (!(6!615 ₹ 12!517

    ₹ 13!1(8!811 ₹ 17!643₹ 16!818!131 ₹ 113!25

    ₹ 2!855!167 ₹ 118!677

    ₹ 25!34(!745 ₹ 13!! ₹ 124!61

    ₹ 16!35!1(7 ₹ 5!! ₹ 13!841

    ₹ 15!325!46 ₹ 5!! ₹ 137!383

    ₹ 14!423!136 ₹ 5!! ₹ 144!252

    ₹ 13!612!27 ₹ 151!465

    ₹ 18!38!166 ₹ 15(!38

    ₹ 23!56!15 ₹ 166!((

    ₹ 2(!421!66 ₹ 1!! ₹ 175!33(

    ₹ 25!15!(25 ₹ 184!16

    ₹ 31!547!38 ₹ 1(3!312

    ₹ 38!674!618 ₹ 22!(77

    ₹ 46!62!288 ₹ 213!126

    ₹ 55!45!857 ₹ 223!782

    ₹ 65!167!48 ₹ 234!(72

    ₹ 75!(76!4(2 ₹ 246!72

    ₹ 87!(3!5 ₹ 25(!56

    ₹ 11!133!568 ₹ 272!(

    ₹ 115!71!875 ₹ 285!6(

    ₹ 131!75(!528 ₹ 2((!8(

    ₹ 14(!441!867 ₹ 314!884

    ₹ 168!8(5!873 ₹ 33!62(

    ₹ 1(!281!132 ₹ 347!16

    ₹ 213!77!8(2 ₹ 364!518

    ₹ 23(!553!1(5 ₹ 382!744

    ₹ 267!832!115 ₹ 41!881

    ₹ 2(8!82(!81 ₹ 421!(75

    .y lumsum8it$dra9l



  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    ₹ 332!784!324 ₹ 443!74

    ₹ 36(!(58!433 ₹ 465!228

    ₹ 41!634!38 ₹ 488!48(

    ₹ 455!117!638 ₹ 512!(13

    ₹ 53!741!571 ₹ 538!55(

    ₹ 556!866!144 ₹ 565!487

    ₹ 614!881!(45 ₹ 5(3!761₹ 678!212!335 ₹ 623!45

    ₹ 747!316!14( ₹ 654!622

    ₹ 822!6(!6( ₹ 687!353

    ₹ (4!874!485 ₹ 721!721

    ₹ ((4!451!51 ₹ 757!87

    ₹ 1!(2!54!32 ₹ 7(5!6(7

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    .inimum Re4uired Corus ) -*,6&,6*&

    .aximum Re4uired Corus ) &*,0%0,*&&

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    (ax Cal!ulator #or *0-16

    Parti!ulars AmountSalar# ₹ 5!

    @+e $in #ears' 22

    ₹ 15!(axa:le 'n!ome ) ;-0,000

    (ax Amount ) 0,000

    ₹ 3.

    (otal ) 0,;00

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    (ax Cal!ulation

    Age (ax AmountH 6 #rs ₹ 1!

    6 #rs to 8 #rs ₹

    I 8 #rs ₹  a @%ount ₹ 1!

      ncome Exceeds Rs. 1 crore)

      ncome doesnot exceeds Rs.5 Lakhs)

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    Enter the

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    (ax Cal!ulator #or *061+

    Parti!ulars AmountSalar# ₹ 811!

    @+e $in #ears' 22

    ₹ 15!(axa:le 'n!ome ) 66,000

    (ax Amount ) -+,*00

    ₹ 1!716.

    (otal ) -&,76

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    (ax Cal!ulation

    Age (ax AmountH 6 #rs ₹ 57!2

    6 #rs to 8 #rs ₹

    I 8 #rs ₹  a @%ount ₹ 57!2

      ncome Exceeds Rs. 1 crore)

      ncome doesnot exceeds Rs.5 Lakhs)

  • 8/16/2019 Financial Planning and Tax Calculator


    Enter the