Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam: 140 total questions 60 from midterm Ch.1 6 Ch.2 15 Ch.3...

Finals Review

Transcript of Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam: 140 total questions 60 from midterm Ch.1 6 Ch.2 15 Ch.3...

Page 1: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Finals Review

Page 2: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Breakdown of the exam:

140 total questions

60 from midtermCh.1 6Ch.2 15Ch.3 15Ch.4 6Ch.10 8Ch.5 10

80 from 2nd semesterCh.6 10Ch. 7 25Ch. 8 20Ch. 9 25

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Page 4: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Ch.1 ConceptsBranches of oceanography (chemical,

physical, geologic, etc.)Historical figuresTechnology



Page 5: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Ch.2 Concepts

4 ocean basins & characteristics Layers of the earth [inner core, outer core,

mantle, asthenosphere, lithosphere, crust] Continental margin [active vs. passive]

[parts of the margin] Seafloor spreading/Mid ocean

ridge/divergent Subduction / trench/ convergent Wegener & Continental Drift


Page 6: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Ch.3 Concepts

Water properties – polarity, heat capacity, universal solvent

Water relationships – temp., density, salinity, buoyancy

Salinity – salt content in open ocean water, PSU

Gases dissolved in seawater

Changes in pressure with depth – 14.7psi/10 meters, gases contract

Wind & the movement of water Coriolis effect

California current

Tides – causes, interpretation of a tide table Gravitational force

Centrifugal force

Neap tide vs. spring tide

Phases of the moon and tides

Anatomy of a wave – crest, trough, wave length, height

Life cycle of a wave – sea, swell, surf

Factors that affect wave size – wind intensity, duration, fetch size


Page 7: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Ch.4 Concepts Autotroph vs.

heterotroph Differences between

prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells

Levels of organization – cell, tissue, organ, organ system, individual, population, community, ecosystem

Osmosis Types of solution –

hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic (seawater!)

Osmoconformers Osmoregulators Four major

macromolecules of life Carbohydrates – sugars

and starches, for energy

Lipids – fats, store energy, repel water

Proteins – chains of amino acids

Nucleic acids – composition of DNA & RNA, differences between them

Classification of Life – KPCOFGS (know the order and what they stand for!!)


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Ch.10 Concepts

Abiotic vs. biotic factors, examples

Ecological relationships Predation Competition Symbiosis

Trophic levels and food webs

Benthic (bottom) vs. pelagic (water column)

Pelagic organisms Plankton vs. nekton

Phytoplankton vs. zooplankton


Page 9: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Ch.5 Concepts Prokarya

Bacteria [cyanobacteria, decay bacteria] [stromatolites]

Archaea Extreme!

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic respiration

EukaryaUnicellular algae




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Page 11: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Ch.6 Concepts

Parts of Seaweed (holdfast, stipe, blade, thallus, pneumatocyst)

Kingdom Protista


Mostly freshwater

Pigment is Chlorophyll A


Mostly marine

Pigment is Fucoxanthin



Most abundant/common type

Pigment is phycobilins





Marine plants

Sea grass

Salt marsh

Mangrove forest


Page 12: Finals Review. Breakdown of the exam:  140 total questions  60 from midterm  Ch.1  6  Ch.2  15  Ch.3  15  Ch.4  6  Ch.10  8  Ch.5  10

Ch.7 Concepts Invertebrate vs. vertebrate

Symmetry [Anterior/Posterior/Dorsal/Ventral]

Porifera (Sponges) Ostia, osculum, spicule,


Sessile, assymetrical

Cnidaria (anemone & jellyfish) Polyp vs. medusa

Anthozoa, hydrozoa, schyphozoa, cubozoa

Nematocyst, tissue organization, radial symmetry

Nemertea (ribbon, carnivore)

Nematoda (round, parasite)

Platyhelminthes (flat, parasite)

Annelida (segmented)


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Ch.7 Concepts (Continued) Mollusca (examples,

anatomical features: beak, siphon, mantle, tentacles, arms, radula, Bivalvia Gastropoda Cephalopoda




Head, thorax, abdomen


Exoskeleton Carapace (chitin)


Asteroidea: Starfish

Pentamorous radial symmetry



Tube feet

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Ch.8 Concepts

Class Agnatha (jawless) hagfish, lamprey

Class Osteichthyes Ctenoid Operculum bony

Class Chondricthyes Placoid cartilaginous

Biology of fish Coloration




Locomotion Feeding Circulation Reproduction

Catadromous Anadromous


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Ch. 9 Reptiles, Birds Concepts

Class Aves: Birds (hollow bones, cloaca) Penguins (southern hemisphere only + denser

bones, flippers) Pelicans (DDT) Albatross (wingspan)

Class Reptila: Sea Turtles (carapace, gender of babies, oviparous) Endangered


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Ch.9 Mammals Concepts Characteristics of

marine mammals (hair, blubber, viviparous, placenta, mammary glands, warm-blooded)

4 orders Pinnipedia



Cetacea Baleen


Biology of marine mammals Echolocation Communication Behaviors

