Final Short Story

A New Continent By: Alivia A young girl walking to school notices a crack inside the sidewalk and when she looks into it, she sees a completely different world.


Short Story

Transcript of Final Short Story

A New ContinentBy: Alivia A young girl walking to school notices a crack inside the sidewalk and when she looks into it, she sees a completely different world.

A New ContinentOn a sunny day in April while walking to school Alyssa saw a small crack inside the sidewalk. As she got closer, the crack got bigger and when she looked into it, she saw a completely different world. Suddenly a light breeze flowed under her feet then the wind started to pick her up. Before she realized she was being suck through the crack into a wind tunnel.

Her heart was pounding out of her chest. She could hardly breathe and before she blacked out, a state of calmness and stillness occur. As she floated in a cloud of darkness with starlight flickering everywhere, it was brilliantly beautiful. Even though she was alone she felt safe and at peace. Am I dead Alyssa said aloud. Beyond in the distance she could see planets, galaxies, and even Earth. She was thinking that she just went through a crack in the Earth and how could she be in space.

This absolutely blew my mind. Is this a parallel universe? Alyssa said. Alyssa, the wiz kid knew everything about anything especially the Solar System and theories about the universe but this event was out of this world! Suddenly a figure shaped out of yellow bright light came towards her and said, Hello, my name is Vango and I am your guide to Ground Zero. Alyssa was speechless and stood frozen like an ice statue. Finally, Alyssa muttered, who are you and what place is this? Vango started to explain to her that he is one of millions of intelligent life forms living under the surface of the Earth to help and protect the people of Earth. Vango stated, In exactly one hour the time gate to your portal will close so I need to explain things quickly to you. He asked her, Do you remember reading the book Shadow Thieves? Alyssa nodded.Well Hades Underworld is kind of like this world. There are departments, division, and subdivision for everything and I am a part of the division that is in charge of creating the worlds expansion through earthquakes, volcanos and even sink holes. Approximately, in the year of 2035, one more continent will be added because Earth is over populated and needs more landmass. You are here to help prepare for this great event. Vango expressed to Alyssa. How am I going to help? Alyssa said.In the future, you are going to become one of the worlds greatest scientists, Vango said. Alyssas jaw dropped.The new continent will be between North American and Asia. It will be the size of Australia. Humankind already knows how to detect tectonic plate movements through Interferometric Radar, GPS Bolt Drilling, and Heat Point Reference. Your mission is to warn humankind and prepare them for this occurrence. After this meeting, I have no way to communicate with you for our time gate will be forever closed. Also your other mission is to build a device to communicate with us when to set forward the tectonic plates movement in the Pacific Ocean. Vango quickly conveyed to Alyssa.

Vango turned to his right and a womanly alien figure appeared. I would like you to meet Jasper my faithful assistant, stated Vango.

Hello Alyssa, Jasper said. I will be going back to Earth with you and help you with your mission. The human race depends on you. Alyssa was in disbelief. She was trying to take everything in. Jasper indicated to Vango that Alyssa had two minutes left before her time gate permanently closes.But I have so many questions to ask, Alyssa replied. Then suddenly she blacked out!She found herself lying on her bed with classical music playing in the background. Then she heard her mothers voice.Honey are you awake, you fell near the crack of the side walk and hit your head pretty badly.Confused and tired, Alyssa asked herself, Was this all a dream?Then a dog abruptly jumped right on top of her bed. Alyssas mom yelled out, I found this dog sitting with you on the sidewalk. The strangest thing she would not leave your side and followed us all the way home.Alyssa looked in the dogs eyes it was the same yellow color as the aliens she had met at Ground Zero, Jasper? Is that you? Alyssa asked. The dog started to bark loudly.Several days had gone by and Alyssa started to realize that her event of falling through the cracks happened and it was not a dream.

How am I going to save the world? Alyssa asked. Jasper started to bark uncontrollably as Alyssa mom handed her a letter in the mail from MIT. When Alyssa opened the letter, it was from the Science, Engineering, and Technology Department inviting her to join their New World Expansion Research Team.Unbelievable!" Alyssa replied.