Final Project Maslows Final

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  • 8/7/2019 Final Project Maslows Final



    Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (page # 117)

    A clinical psychologist, Dr. Abraham Maslow formulated a widely accepted theory on human

    motivation pertaining to notion of universal hierarchy of needs. Maslows theory identifies

    five basic levels of human needs which rank in order of importance from lower level (bio-

    genic) needs to higher-level (psychogenic) needs. The theory states that individuals across

    the globe first seek to satisfy their lower level needs then they move onto higher level

    needs. The needs that are not satisfied tends to motivate behaviour, when that need is fairly

    satisfied then the individual moves on to identify a new higher level need and is motivated

    to satisfy that need. Subsequently, if a lower level need experiences some r enewed

    deprivation then it may temporarily dominant again.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Project Maslows Final


    Physiological Needs

    These needs are the first and forms the most basic levels of human needs. They are the core

    to sustain bioglogical life, include food, shelter, air, clothing, sex all biogenic needs.

    Safety Needs

    After the first level of need is satisfied, safety and security needs become the driving force

    behind an individuals behavior. These needs are concerned with physical safety, order,

    stability, routine, familiarity and the abitlity to control ones life and environment.

    Moreover, health, saving accounts and insurance policies fall under the heading of safety


    Social Needs

    The third level is associated with love, affection and sense of belonging and acceptance.

    People seek warm and satisfying human relationships with other people and are motivated

    by love for their families.

    Egoistic Needs

    When social needs are more or less satisfied, the fourth level of Maslows hierarchy comes

    into play. These needs can have inward or outward orientation. Inwardly directed ego needs

    reflect an individuals need for self-acceptance, self-esteem, success, independence and

    personal satisfaction with a job well done. Whereas outwardly directed ego needs include

    the needs for prestige, reputation, s tatus and recognition from others.


    The topmost level of Maslows hierarchy of needs deals with the concept of self -fulfillment.

    However very few people tend to achieve this level, this need refer to an individuals desire

    to fulfill his or her potential to become everything he or she is capable of becoming.

    Field Project:

    Observation 1:

    Our field project assignment is based on the evaluation of maslows hierarchy of needs.

    According to the theory there are five levels of needs and people tend to satisfy those needs

    from bottom-up (Physiological self-actualization). We have selected a family who have

    recently shifted to a new house and we have observed how do they fulfill their needs in light

    of Maslows hierarchy of needs.

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    Recently, one of our group members relative shifted their house. We asked them what are

    the basic things that they look for while selecting their new residence. Following are the

    aspects on which they were keen while deciding upon selecting their new residence.

    y The locality should have nearby general stores so that they could buy daily consumergoods easily.

    y The second aspect which they were very keen about is safety and security of thelocality. Keeping in mind the current law and order situation of Karachi, the need for

    security can be overwhelmed over basic biogenic needs. The second aspect attached

    to security is the stablity and the length of time through which they could live in that


    y The third facet of need which they focused is the prestige associated with thatlocality. The area of residence should hold some status and it should be socially

    acceptable among famliy and friends.

    y Another important aspect which was under consideration is the size of the houseand number of rooms it offered. So that all the family members could live their

    peacfully and suitable proximity. For peacful loving environment within the house

    this aspect is of crucial importance.

    y Finally they also thought of the fact that house should posses enough space to holdfamily get togethers, such as lawn or roof.


    This dicussion helped us in justifying the Maslows hierarchy of needs. All the aspects were

    perfectly compatible with the needs hierarchy theory like nearby general stores fulfill

    physiological needs, security of the society signifies safety needs, size of the house with

    relation to proximity of each family member fulfills social needs, status and repute attached

    with the locality of the house highlights the importance of egoistic needs and finally the

    need of lawn or roof fulfills the needs of self -actualization. However self-actualization need

    cannot be directly attributable to this case but in some way we can say that a part of self-

    fulfillment can b e achieved by incorporating the last pre-requisite.

    Due to the current law and order situation of the city we also observed that safety needs

    comes even before the biogenic needs. This shows that the hierarchy of needs cannot be

    applicable to each and every environment and the level of need can vary with change in


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    Observation 2:

    3 different personnals of the same age (30-35), from different walks of life who have

    different characteristics in terms of income and background. For convenience we have

    assumed their names to be Asad, Shoaib and Faisal.

    Asad Upper Middle Class (income levels above Rs. 100,000/month)

    Shoaib Middle Class (income levels between Rs. 20,000/month to Rs. 100,000/month)

    Faisal Lower Class (income levels from Rs. 5,000/month to Rs. 20,000/month)

    Now for targeting the maslows heirarchy of needs we first take a look into Asads lifestyle

    who is infact the highest income earner among the group.

    His basic needs or physocological needs are that because he is earning but the food he

    consumes,the water he drinks all will be equal to his counterparts,.It wont be that he would

    be paying some extra just in order to get good clean air.But the most importnat fact is that

    he has the luxury of spending some extra on food and still being able to retain some of his

    income and enjoy it on other areas.While Shoaib who is a middle class,it all depends on

    what he retains till the end part.He will eat food not from the mose expensive cafe but he

    would rather choose a normal resturant where he thinks that his level of satisfaction

    achieved would be the greatest.Last but not the least,Faisal who would be livin g in far flung

    ares of the city would just live hand to mouth.He woul breathe the same air,The only

    difference would be shelter or housing since he isnt earning much therfore his

    accomodation is comparitiviely small.Clothing becomes also important.Since fa isal interacts

    with high earning group people therfore a lot of his income would be going on

    clothing,infact he sometimes goes overboard and gives himself a treat of buying expensive

    clothes,Shoaib on he other hand would be buying from normal shops and he sometimes

    that is once in 3 months would be spending lavishly.Faisal on the other hand is trying his

    utmost in being kempt but the situation is always that because his salary doesnt allow for

    great quality clothing therefore no matter how much he takes care of his clothing they still

    dont last much long

    The second aspect is safety needs

    Aasd being a high income group is living where he feels safe,Becuase he is earning a lot,he is

    educated very well and not only that since he has 24/7 internet access he keep s on

    educating himself with the moving trends of the socity.He keeps a portion of his income in

    life insurance so that he may lead a stable life. He is also concerned with stability that after

    his job being closed down what will he do,has he got enough res ources to be able to lead a

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    sustained life.Shoaib on the other hands feels the need to have a medical insurance,good

    education but the salary contsraints make him look for other resources.a greater or higher

    degree demands a good portion of his slary on fe es which he cant afford to.His saftey of

    needs are that he is not very well educated but he keeps abreast on the latest trends and

    traditions.Faisal on the other hands lives hand to mouth.his saftey of needs is that he wants

    a house where he can live safely.Where he is protected from the harsh weather

    conditions.His level of education is basic and he hasnt got the luxury or resources to acquire

    more.Helath is also a major concern for him,since he hasnt got enough money to keep his

    health in balanced way.He needs to go to hospitals where there is a full medical checkup but

    he cant go and instaed he goes to some quacks/fake doctors.

    The third need is social needs.

    For Asad social needs account a big part.he feels that he is loved,admired by all since he has

    got a staure in the socity.He has a famliy which keeps on giving affection and belonging and

    he seeks comfort and solace whenever he sees them.Shoaib on the other hand also has a

    family but he although has got the same affection and love but he keeps on wo rrying about

    the future.He has got endless friends whom he can trust.For Faisal things are also the same

    that he has a family but because of not providng them with things that he wanted he always

    has got some thing lagging in his life.He feels comfort in his group of friends.since he is

    taking a low salary therfore he can be friends according to his level of income group.

    The fouth aspect is Egoistic needs.

    For Asad his job sucess is inwardly.since he is in that age bracket where he is being watched

    with a close eye therfore he needs to perform well and he does so.Upon successful

    completion his prestige,ego are taken to a new level.His status is also very integral part.he

    needs to show people that he is infact earning good and he can afford it so that whenev er

    people praise hIs ego is taken to a new level.For shoiab his ego is just to keep from hand to

    mouth.His total end of the month salary remaing acconts for his egoitistic needs.Although

    he wants to enjoy good reputaion in society,he always has a grudge somehwere in the

    corner of his heart.For faisal his ego is just to be accpeted by socity.He prestige,reputation

    are at an all timelow since he hasnt gottento that level of needs.for him ego is just a name

    The fifth need is slef actualization.

    For asad we see that self actualization plays an mportant key aspect.He keeps on gowing to

    holidays so that he fells good.He sometimes goes way overboard and spends way too

    lavishly to attain self attaiment.Shoaib on the other hand is fully content on what he is

    gettng .His self actualization would be that sometimes he would be going to parties where

    he meets a higher income group of people and he would fells a part of them.For Faisal there

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    is no such thing as self actualization since he hasnt gotten to that level because of salary


    Our learning:

    Well the basic physocological needs for all income groups remains the same that is

    food,water,shelter all are the basic commodoties in life,when it comes to saftey needs

    people with high income tend to put too much focus on what is about to come,People wit h

    lower income groups always feel contended with whatever they are making,but they too

    have got some achievements that need to be fulfilled.The social needs play an integral part

    in all three income groups since the attainment of love,affaection,belonging all need to be

    fulfilled,Last but not the least self actualization is part where many people dont need to go

    yet the lower income groups feel comfort and solace in whatever they are left with at the

    end of the day.