Final Presentation October 10, 2017 - Smiths Falls

RFP 16-PW-013 Town of Smiths Falls October 10, 2017 Final Presentation

Transcript of Final Presentation October 10, 2017 - Smiths Falls

RFP 16-PW-013

Town of Smiths Falls

October 10, 2017Final Presentation


Study Area

Presentation to Council March 27, 2017

Public Open House meeting April 26, 2017

Consultation Summary Report completed May 17, 2017

The Draft Final Report received endorsement from the TrafficAdvisory Committee on July 6, 2017

2012, Traffic study done to identify impacts ofdecommissioning the Confederation Bridge – Abbott andBeckwith St bridges determined to be interdependent

2015, Confederation Bridge closed for safety reasons

Post bridge closure Traffic Study revealed trafficoperating well except for the intersection at Abbott andLombard

2017 Abbott/Lombard Draft Intersection Study presentedto Smiths Falls Committee of the Whole

Two distinct operating conditions for the Abbott/Lombardintersection:

1. Normal Conditions (Swing Bridge not in operation)2. Swing Bridge in Operation

1. Normal Condition = Abbott St southbound operating at LOS‘F’ in PM peak, and close to LOS ‘F’ in AM peak

2. Swing Bridge in Operation = Creates long queues on AbbottSt north of the bridge creating a LOS ‘F’Abbott/Lombard intersection operating at LOS ‘A’ due toabsence of traffic in the north leg. However, traffic beingdiverted to Lombard/Beckwith to continue north causes LOS ‘F’for Lombard/Beckwith left turn.

Improvement Alternatives – Normal Operating Conditions Option 1. Add a separate southbound right turn lane

Option 2. Install new traffic control signal hardware (new controller,underground wiring, pavement loops, etc.) to permit signaloptimization

Option 3. Further restrict or eliminate southbound left turns

Option 4. Convert Abbott St south of Lombard to a one-waysouthbound to Elm St

Option 5. Convert Abbott/Lombard intersection to a ‘T’ intersection byclosing south leg

Option 6. Convert the intersection into a multi-lane Roundabout

Preferred Alternative - Option 2, Install new traffic signalcontrol hardware to provide signal optimization for greaterefficiency

Option 1, Add a southbound right turn lane, and Option 5,convert the intersection into a ‘T’ , also achieve the study goalbut were not as good in comparison to Option 2. Theseoptions could be considered if conditions change to makethem easier or less costly to install.

Option3, further restrict or eliminate left turns, and Option 4,convert Abbott St south of Lombard to a one-way SB could bepart of an incremental improvement strategy

Option 6, installing a multi-lane Roundabout was notconsidered practical in the near future due to its largefootprint and extensive property requirements

Improvement Alternatives – Swing Bridge in Operation

Option 1. Add two additional advance changeable messagewarning signs, one at Co.Rd.43 EB/William St, one at WBCornelia/Elmsley St, and replace the three existing warningsigns

Option 2. Dialogue with Parks Canada to achieve swing bridgeefficiencies

Option 3. Install new traffic control signal hardware to permitsignal optimization at Lombard/Beckwith intersection

Option 4. Provide dual left-turn lanes from Lombard toBeckwith St, along with signal optimization

Proposed Sign LocationExisting Sign Location

Preferred Alternative – Option 3, Install new traffic signalcontrol hardware to provide signal optimization for greaterefficiency

Option 4, add dual left turn lanes at Lombard/Beckwithintersection, does achieve the study goal, but is more difficultto implement, and not required until after 2027 ifoptimization is done now

Option 1, Adding additional changeable message signs doesnot achieve the study goal, but should be implementedregardless of the option selected

Option 2, dialogue with Parks Canada was done during thestudy. No opportunities for swing bridge efficiencies areapparent

Lombard St throughout the study area is operating well with theexisting lane configuration, EB through, WB through, and TWLT

Level of Service ‘C’ expected to continue through to the 2034planning horizon with no changes to existing geometrics

Very few collisions, even given the high traffic volumes

Additional pavement width east of Ferrara Dr. seems to serve nopurpose, but is not having a negative impact on operations.However, this space could be re-purposed to accommodate someform of active transportation e.g. covered bike shelter/bikelockers

Condensed urban nature of Smiths Falls, combined with the existingcomprehensive sidewalk network, is serving pedestrians well.

Stimulating new AT users (Cyclists) requires creating an environmentwhere timid users can feel safe.

Achieving increased level of safety normally requires providing aseparated AT corridor, separated spatially, or separated physically(OTM Pre-Selection Nomograph)

Very little space available within existing right-of-way for spatiallyseparated facility, normally > 3.0 m required from through lanes

Installing physical barriers to create separation often requireschanges to existing infrastructure, consideration of wintermaintenance operations, and ensuring adequate sight lines atentrances and intersections

Abbott St - Opportunity to Explore Further (Parks Canada approval required)

Connect the existing foot path from Turtle Island to a new cross-walk located just north of Abbott St swing bridge

Lombard St

Improvements to accessibility and performance of the existingsidewalks can be achieved by dropping raised curbs to fit flushwith road surface

Consider installing Covered Bicycle Parking/Bike Lockers, or otherAT infrastructure, on south side just east of Ferrara Dr., using theexisting additional pavement width.

Existing Trail

Proposed StopBar Location

Remove Existing StopBar and Add Crosswalk

There are two distinct operating conditions to be considered,Normal operating conditions, and Swing bridge in operation

During Swing bridge operations Abbott/Lombard intersectionoperating well, but Lombard to Beckwith left-turn is failing

Improvements made at Abbott/Lombard for normal operatingconditions will not mitigate left turn failure atLombard/Beckwith during Swing bridge operations

Lombard St from Ferrara easterly operating well now, and willcontinue to operate well through the 2034 planning horizon,assuming improvements made to Abbott/Lombard intersection

Limited opportunities for new Active Transportation initiatives

Short-Term: 0 to Two years Install fully actuated traffic control signal infrastructure to permit

signal timing optimization at the intersections ofAbbott/Lombard, and Lombard/Beckwith ($50k - $75k/site)

Mid-Term: Three to Ten Years Add dual left-turns at Lombard/Beckwith intersection ($125k) Develop a priority planning strategy for replacing existing fixed

time traffic control signals with optimized signals

Long – Term: 11 to 20 Years

Begin replacing existing fixed timed signals with fully actuatedsignals

In addition to the Preferred Alternatives, we recommend that thefollowing enhancements be made as supplemental measures that willimprove the overall operating conditions through the study area, andprovide better data for future roadway improvement decisions.

Add additional changeable message signs, and replace the existingbridge closed warning signs with changeable message signs

Consider implementing a 24/7, four season traffic count programat strategic locations to ensure future operational improvementsare based on accurate traffic volume data

Paint ‘Keep Clear’ block-outs and add “Do Not Block Driveway”signs in front of entrances on Abbott St where vehicles are queuedduring Swing bridge operations

A Public Open House was held at the Smiths Falls Curling andSquash Club on April 26th, 2017 beginning at 5:00 p.m. andending at 8:00 p.m.

The PIC was be attended by:• W. Troy Dunlop – Town of Smiths Falls• Bill Grant, Environmental Planner – Ainley Group• Bob Boutilier, Project Manager – Ainley Group

The PIC was attended by approximately 15 members of thepublic and/or business representatives. Also in attendance wereseveral members of The Town of Smiths Falls council, includingthe mayor and members of the Towns TransportationCommittee.

Two comment sheets were filled in during the PIC and leftwith Ainley staff

One person does not want a portion of Abbott Street turninginto a one- way street; likes the idea of actuated signals(loops); likes the idea of dual left turning lanes at BeckwithStreet; and changeable message signs for canal bridge usage

One comment form noted that they felt that “experts” werewell prepared to discuss all aspects of the study and toanswer questions

The comments made by those in attendance wereunanimously in favor of the project and the recommendedplan

There were no written comments submitted post Open House

Traffic Advisory Committee

The Draft Final Report received endorsement from the TrafficAdvisory Committee on July 6, 2017

The overall study was initiated to review alternatives andprovide recommendations for a preferred design that willmaintain acceptable levels of service for traffic growth asdefined in the Smiths Falls Official Plan (2034)

Specific requirements of the MEA include:• Phase 1 – Identify the problem, deficiency or opportunity• Phase 2 – Identify the reasonable alternative solutions that

could be implemented to address the issues• Phase 3 – Establish the preferred method based on an

assessment of the environmental impact, includingconsideration of stakeholder input

Summary of Consultation

Consultation completed for this assignment included:• Agency list development and contact letters• Public Notices• External agency and public communication and consultations• Aboriginal consultation plan• Public Open House meeting held April 26, 2017• Public and agency response was overwhelmingly supportive for

the draft recommendations• No post PIC comments were received• Parks Canada Officials were consulted in person on February 8,

2017• Consultations with MTO were positive, they view the initiative

as a safety improvement

Council endorsement of the final Lombard and Abbott StreetIntersection Study report

Advance the recommendations to MTO for approval, and thendetailed design, including Lombard/Abbott Street andLombard/Beckwith Street traffic signal optimization, andinstalling variable message signing. (Engineering design andtender specifications, = $65,000 )

Pursue funding opportunities for capital construction costs.(Capital construction cost for traffic signal optimization at bothLombard and Abbott and Lombard and Beckwith, includingvariable message signing. (referring to draft budget of 2018budget- Lombard/Abbott Signal optimization - $100,000Lombard/Beckwith Signal Optimization - $130,000Variable Message Signs - $64,000 (Total $294,000)