Final Pattern Book



This is the final book jpg file that I print and made it a real subject. It have photos and description about how i started this project, what steps I took and finally what pattern meant to me.

Transcript of Final Pattern Book

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These are photos of something that I found interesting around me. While editing the pictures, I found I love to cen-ter images. I am not sure why, but I felt that centered com-position makes the photo stronger.

“ I started with photographing images of everything that has interesting movements around me. ”

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I was trying to find repeating shapes around me and photograph them so it can be more atrractive as mystic pattern than the subject it self.

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I tried to play a lot with lightings because I couldn’t stop thinkging that it was the only source that would make my patterns more unrealistic or mysterious.

“ I photographed everything that looked interesting.”

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In terms of colors, I both like strong primary colors, but also vivid pastel-ly colors. I think I tend to work with both. I bet it is not only me but I want to take pictures of objects in a way that it doesn’t look like the original object, or even though it looks like what it is, give them some effects so it has different atmosphere. I am not so sure if I’m doing it successfully, but at least I know what I’m aiming for or know what I want to do.

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As the week goes, I started to be more focused on finding and combining different patterns. It is always so interesting to see my-self focusing on one thing because I’m not good at that. I tend to try several different things or move on to some-thing else quickly. So if there were classes that I had to work with only single theme. I would get really low grade in that class. But this time I seem to be working a lot better with one theme, which is pattern. I think it is because I am working with photograph which shows me what I took quickly and I can just spend few minutes giving different effects and edit-ing in Photoshop to make it look more interesting.

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“ I started focus on patterns because ...”

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I started to focus on patterns be-cause I liked how I can get images that differ from the original subject. Zooming in and cropping the im-age, or combing with other pat-terns were differ-ent ways to create new pattern. When I brought photos to computer to combine images, I always had ideas to put which im-age with which together.

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It was funny that sometime what I planned did not turned out as I expected. So I had tried other things that I never thought of, and it would come out very nicely few times.

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“ As I thought of it now...

endlessness quality of pattern attracted me to focus on it. ”

This endless patterns to me was endless path that we need to walk in order to fulfill our reason of living. I always felt that we can not or should not stop walking that path until I die, and that path will not be over. This path will lead me to graduating college, getting job, getting married, having children, educat-ing them while earning money, watch my children grow and die whenever. This is typical life cycle of a person that was and will be repeating by other generations.

Imagine the world full of people repeat to go through this path. If we were to visualize this repetition, would it look similar to one of my pattern?

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that I took in first week and expand them like what I did with patterns. However, since we were looking for common thread in this project, I went along with patterns and I am satisfied with what I have come up with.

Compare to what I thought this project would turn out, my result is quiet different from my expectation that I had in first week. I think it became much more colorful and abstract. I did want to try other things such as explore more wall photos

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