“LOCKE”D & LOADED VIRGINIA IS FOR LOVERS GIVE ME THAT OLD TIME RELIGION SPIRIT OF MASSACHUSETT S TALKIN’ ‘BOUT A REVOLUTION SONG OF THE SOUTH $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 FINAL JEOPARDY


FINAL JEOPARDY. 200 Points Question: Locke figures prominently in this philosophical movement featuring ideals that promote reason, equality, human rights and social progress. Answer: the Enlightenment. 400 Points - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of FINAL JEOPARDY

Slide 1

200 Points

Question: John Rolfe was responsible for bringing the crop of __________ to Virginia colony, which ultimately saved the colony from failure.

Answer: tobacco

200 Points

Question: This religious revival movement emphasized a more emotional style of religious practice

Answer: The Great Awakening

200 Points

Question:This fugitive enslaved man escaped from his owner in 1750 and became one of the Patriots killed in the Boston Massacre.

Answer: Crispus Attucks

200 Points

Question: Most enslaved people gained their freedom during the Revolutionary War by doing this: _________.Answer: running away

200 Points

Question: The Carolina Colony began as a colony of the West Indian sugar colony of ____________.

Answer: Barbados

400 Points

Question: This Founder was so influenced by John Lockes words and ideas he included them verbatim in the Declaration of Independence

Answer: Thomas Jefferson

400 Points

Question: __________ were an English sect that believed in an inner light or spirit in the divine in all people. Adherence to this principle made them leaders in the later abolitionist movement.

Answer: Quakers

400 Points

Question: This poet, a Gambian woman enslaved in Boston, MA, wrote Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and MoralAnswer: Phillis Wheatley

400 Points

Question: The British established the colony of __________ , West Africa to repatriate those people of African descent who fought with them in the Revolutionary War.

Answer: Sierra Leone

400 Points

Question: The early primary crop cultivated by enslaved people in the Carolina Colony was _________.

Answer: rice/indigo

600 Points

Question: According to John Locke, people created __________ to protect their natural individual rights to life, liberty and private property.

Answer: government

600 Points

Question: Sir Edwin Sandys established the ___________ in 1619, Virginias colonial legislature.

Answer: House of Burgesses

Question: By early 1619 there were many Africans living in Jamestown. Although nothing is known about their origins, historians suspect they may be ________ because of their Christian names and ability to speak western languages.

Answer: Atlantic Creoles

600 Points 600 Points

Question: Blacks in Massachusetts began to file ___________, suing their owners for their freedom based on contractual technicalities.

Answer: freedom suits

600 Points

Question: Minutemen of African descent stood with their white comrades at ________________, the first battles of the Revolutionary War.

Answer: Lexington and Concord


Question: The Southern colonial city of ___________ imported more captive Africans than any place in the colonies.

Answer: Charleston

800 Points

Question: John Locke espoused that in a civil society all people had ____________, or certain entitlements given to them by their Creator.

Answer: natural rights

800 Points

Question: ______________, an indentured servant was penalized with lifelong servitude after running away from his master, Hugh Gwyn. This is the first example of lifelong unfree labor being attached to people of African descent.

Answer: [Negro] John Punch

800 Points

Question: This Christian-based colony used Biblical justification of enslaving strangers to Christ, another term for non-Christians, to validate the enslavement of Native Americans and Africans.

Answer: Massachusetts Bay Colony800 Points

Question: Enslaved people in Massachusetts were put to work as domestics and in ___________ trades, or work pertaining to sea trade.Answer: maritime

800 Points

Question: Loyalist ___________ and his wife together accompanied the British into battle.Answer: James Reid

800 Points

Question: The intense nature of cultivation in the Carolina Colonies encouraged the introduction of the ___________ of enslavement. Enslaved people were given projects to complete in a day. The rest of the day was theirs.

Answer: task system

1000 Points

Question: Locke maintained that knowledge was not inherited at birth but acquired through experience. The term for Lockes idea is __________, Latin for blank slate.

Answer: tabula rasa

1000 Points

Question: The English used money raised by ______________; organizations of private citizens who funded the establishment of Virginia colony with the expectation of being repaid with interest.Answer: joint-stock companies

1000 Points

Question: The first free born person of African descent in English America was baptized in this British church.

Answer: Church of England

1000 Points

Question: These enslaved people of African descent successfully challenged the institution of enslavement in Massachusetts and effectively put an end to it by the early 1780s

Answer: Quock Walker or Mum Bett/Elizabeth Freeman

1000 Points

Question: During the Battle of _________, the British used the bodies of Black laborers who died of smallpox as a primitive form of biological warfare against the Patriots. Answer: Yorktown

1000 Points

Question: Most Carolina Colony planters preferred to live in Charleston or Savannah, away from their low-country plantations. This type of planter is called an___________.

Answer: Absentee planter.

Final Jeopardy

Question: This form of enslavement, unique to the American colonies and successor states, takes away all human rights from an enslaved person.

Answer: chattel enslavement