Film Review

Seema Uddin’s short Horror film Curiosity consists of four young adults reminiscing the ‘good old days’ by breaking into their clearly out-dated (by 3000 years, maybe?) school and being attacked from within the school grounds by the silent unknown sexy (paha) female killer known as the ‘B*tch’. The endless amount of profanity and extremely terrible running has left me wondering, why? The title sequence was good. Not brilliant, not bad, but good. For me it aroused fear and the sense of unease. It even made me feel curious to what was to happen next (curious? Curiosity? Bravo Uddin! That was a sneaky one!). Our first glimpse of the new and upcoming actor Saif-Ul Ishaq shows us that this film has more to it than hoped. What the film lacks in dialogue, Ishaq surely makes up in his commendable acting ability. Him and his co-star Elle Wilkinson had the audience in tears at the comedic parts of the film, while keeping them mesmerised throughout. Their fellow co-stars, Michael Thomas and Ajay Chander left a lot to be desired. Though Thomas is a brilliant actor, which is undoubtedly shown in his theatre production of ‘Midsummer’s Night Dream’ he let us all down on the big screen, maybe it’s just not his thing. But Chander…tut tut. He definitely has nothing to say for his poor performance in this screenplay especially after the release of his big hit ‘Entrada’ where he played the antagonist possessed by a really ugly mask. However, it was a silent part. Perhaps that’s why he did so well. Ha. But who is the killer? Well, guys and girls, I don’t know. Not unveiling the antagonist to the audience was a very sophisticated move on Uddin’s part indeed. It made sure we would never actually find out who or what this unknown killer is, and what’s scarier that the fear of the unknown? (Besides Chander’s acting) Nothing. You can tell from the dig at the start of the film (I won’t spoil it, don’t worry!) this is very personal for the writer and even portrays a very educational issue of ‘prepare yourself’ before you attempt to do anything. Oh, if only I listened to my teacher at school and maybe I wouldn’t be sitting on my incredibly uncomfortable, but incredibly cheap, DFS sofa making film reviews as a living...wait, what are we talking about again?

Transcript of Film Review

Page 1: Film Review

Seema Uddin’s short Horror film Curiosity consists of four young adults reminiscing the ‘good old days’ by breaking into their clearly out-dated (by 3000 years, maybe?) school and being attacked from within the school grounds by the silent unknown sexy (paha) female killer known as the ‘B*tch’. The endless amount of profanity and extremely terrible running has left me wondering, why?

The title sequence was good. Not brilliant, not bad, but good. For me it aroused fear and the sense of unease. It even made me feel curious to what was to happen next (curious? Curiosity? Bravo Uddin! That was a sneaky one!).

Our first glimpse of the new and upcoming actor Saif-Ul Ishaq shows us that this film has more to it than hoped. What the film lacks in dialogue, Ishaq surely makes up in his commendable acting ability. Him and his co-star Elle Wilkinson had the audience in tears at the comedic parts of the film, while keeping them mesmerised throughout. Their fellow co-stars, Michael Thomas and Ajay Chander left a lot to be desired. Though Thomas is a brilliant actor, which is undoubtedly shown in his theatre production of ‘Midsummer’s Night Dream’ he let us all down on the big screen, maybe it’s just not his thing. But Chander…tut tut. He definitely has nothing to say for his poor performance in this screenplay especially after the release of his big hit ‘Entrada’ where he played the antagonist possessed by a really ugly mask. However, it was a silent part. Perhaps that’s why he did so well. Ha.

But who is the killer? Well, guys and girls, I don’t know. Not unveiling the antagonist to the audience was a very sophisticated move on Uddin’s part indeed. It made sure we would never actually find out who or what this unknown killer is, and what’s scarier that the fear of the unknown? (Besides Chander’s acting) Nothing.

You can tell from the dig at the start of the film (I won’t spoil it, don’t worry!) this is very personal for the writer and even portrays a very educational issue of ‘prepare yourself’ before you attempt to do anything. Oh, if only I listened to my teacher at school and maybe I wouldn’t be sitting on my incredibly uncomfortable, but incredibly cheap, DFS sofa making film reviews as a living...wait, what are we talking about again?

Ah yes! The Horror film, or should we call it a Thriller? Hm. I am not sure how much this film would succeed with the genre of Horror attached to it but as a Thriller, I think it’s top notch. It gives slight thrills here and there with the occasional ‘OMG, WHAT’S GOING ON’ feeling, but scares? Neh. Trust me, I am not the only one, 42% of viewers who watched it on the release, April 8th 2014, voted it a Thriller, while 38% voted it a Horror. Statistics just don’t lie. Except for the ones that say Rita Ora’s new single is a huge hit. Now that’s a lie.

Jokes aside, I felt this was an enjoyable film and the editing and camera angles were professional, clear, cut and crisp and overall, well put together. But don’t just take my word for it, 96% of the viewers who attended the movie premiere night agreed with me too. But a question we were all left asking, why so much vulgar language? Hell do I know, but f*ck it, let’s just go with the f*cking flow guys and girls and if you have the chance to view this film, view it. Just view it.

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