Fillet Weld Strength Calculation Example for Welded Connection Subjected to Bending

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Fillet Weld Strength Calculation Example for Welded Connection Subjected to Bending

Transcript of Fillet Weld Strength Calculation Example for Welded Connection Subjected to Bending

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« Fillet Weld Size Calculation Equations for Welding Joint Subjected to Bending Moment

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Weld Strength Calculation Example for

Bending Moment Application

The basic methodology and the required equations for fillet weld size calculation is discussed in the

previous article . It will be great if you go through the article before attempting to understand the

welding joint design calculation example here.

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Page 2: Fillet Weld Strength Calculation Example for Welded Connection Subjected to Bending

here to find out the required welding size:

Weld Strength Calculation Example in Bending

F= applied load = 20000 N

D = Diameter of tube = 200 mm

X = Distance = 100mm

Unit throat length area (Au) of the welded joint is calculated from the eq.1 as below:1.


Design strength (Pw) is calculated from the eq.2 as:

Pw=0.5*fu=0.5*430 = 215 N/sq. Mm



fu is the ultimate tensile stress of the parent material.

Assuming the parent material as S275 which has ultimate stress value (fu) 430 N/

Unit area moment of inertia (Iu) for the circular welded area around the tube can be

calculated as

Iu=3.14*(D/2)*(D/2)*(D/2)=3.14*200*200*200/8=3140000 mm4


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3.14 is the value of PI.

Direct shear stress (τs) for the fillet welded connection is calculated from the eq.3 as:

τs=F/Au=20000/628=31.87 N/


Shear stress due to bending ( τb) is calculated from the eq.4 as:5.

τb=M*Y/Iu=F*X*0.5*D/Iu= 20000*100*0.5*200/3140000 = 63.69 N/


M is the bending moment for the applied force

Y is the distance between the X-X axis and the extreme fibre of the welded cross section, it is

radius for the circular cross section.

Resultant stress (τ) can be found out after weld stress analysis calculation by using the

eq.5 as:


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Page 4: Fillet Weld Strength Calculation Example for Welded Connection Subjected to Bending

Weld throat size (t) to be calculated using the eq.6 like:7.

t= τ / Pw=71.17 / 215= 0.331 mm

Weld leg length (L) need to be find out using the eq.7 as:8.

L=1.414*t = 1.414*0.331 = 0.468 mm

So, from the fillet weld size calculation example we found that the required minimum weld

leg length to withstand the weld force is to be 0.468 mm, we will take the 3mm as the weld

size for this example problem.

About the author


Fillet Weld Size

Calculation Equations

for Welding Joint

Subjected to Bending


Determining the

Moment of Inertia

Equation for

Rectrangular Fillet


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Suvo is a production engineer by profession and writer/blogger by passion. Apart from

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• •

cindy •

you are a genius


• •

td •

Should the first equation to be r 2 instead of D?

• •

Georgie •

The units do not work out.... t= tau/Pw = (N/ Sq mm) / (N/Sq mm) =

unitless and not length. There are other issues as well, but I would revisit

your analysis if I were you.

Nice try though.

• •

MechGuru • Mod

Thanks for your comment.

Please see the previous article:

You will find that the "tau" and "Pw" is calulated based on unit throat

sie in mm and hence by dividing "tau / Pw" you will get the throat

size in mm.

It will be great if you tell what are the other issues, i can try to

correct it.






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Fillet Weld Strength Calculation Example for Welded Connection Subjecte...

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