Fighting Fear-Driven-Development With PHPUnit

South Florida PHP Meetup Group


This talk was designed for PHP developers with limited or no experience in unit testing. I focus on describing the problem of fear-driven-development, and how test-driven-development can be used to improve the quality of your code.

Transcript of Fighting Fear-Driven-Development With PHPUnit

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South Florida PHP Meetup Group

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James Fuller Web Developer

Started unit testing in response to a new job

developing on a large, buggy legacy application used by millions

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Afraid to make even tiny code changes due to unpredictable side-effects?

Been burned by bugs that came back to life?

Does sketchy code keep you up at night?

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Imagine your code as a dark twisted forest that you must navigate. Nothing makes sense, there are no clear paths and you are surrounded by bugs. Lots of bugs. How would you handle being stuck in this situation?

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Some will be brave and foolish, cutting corners to move quickly through the forest.

Some will be paralyzed by the thought of making the wrong move.

Most will succumb to the bugs or die a horrible death trying to find a way out.

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Modify code

Run feature

Doesn't work

Modify Code

God I hope this works

Broke something

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Write tests Use PHPUnit to automate your tests Practice Test-Driven-Development Improve your design Enjoy the added value

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Can you prove it works? automatically?

Can you change it and know it still works? without loading the browser?

Can you promise that if it breaks, it will never break like that again?

What about edge cases? You do care about edge cases, right?

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All developers practice some form of testing. Most PHP developers do it in the browser.

What we want to do is automate testing with PHPUnit.

Don't confuse apathy with laziness. Good coders automate repetitive tasks because they are lazy.

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Before you write new code When you fix a bug Before you begin refactoring code As you go, improving code coverage We can use Test-Driven-Development to help us maintain disclipline in writing our unit tests.

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The principle of unit testing is to verify that a unit of code will function correctly in isolation.

A unit is the smallest testable part of an application, usually a function or method.

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Understand Requirements

Write tests

Run Tests (FAIL)

Write Code

Run Tests (PASS)


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Focus on design of system before


Changes are easier to make, with less side


Documentation via example


You have tests at the end!

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PHPUnit is an automated testing framework PHP development based upon xUnit (java).

PHPUnit gives us an easy way to write tests, generate code coverage and improve the quality of our code.

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Command line test runner

Mature and expansive assertion library

Code coverage

Mock objects

Lots of extensions

Fast & Configurable

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best for system wide access to phpunit

hard to downgrade or change versions

dependencies can be tricky


allows the most control

easy to pack up in your version control system

lots of steps

Phar (PHP Archive)

a single phar can be easily included in your projects

in development

many features don't work or don't work as expected

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Upgrade PEAR to the latest version sudo pear upgrade PEAR

Install PHPUnit pear config-set auto_discover 1

pear install

This will install the latest release of PHPUnit.

Installing older versions is a bit trickier.

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pear install phpunit/DbUnit pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Story pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TestListener_DBUS pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TestListener_DBUS pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TestListener_XHProf pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TicketListener_Fogbugz pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TicketListener_GitHub pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TicketListener_GoogleCode pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TicketListener_Trac pear install phpunit/PHP_Invoker

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Checkout source from github mkdir phpunit && cd phpunit git clone git:// git clone git:// …

Still need PEAR to install YAML component pear install

Make sure to add all these directories to your include_path

Checking out specific versions of packages: cd phpunit git checkout 3.6

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Usage phpunit [switches] UnitTest [UnitTest.php]

phpunit [switches] <directory>

Common Switches --stop-on-error Stop upon first error. --stop-on-failure Stop upon first error or failure.

--debug Output debug info (test name)

-v|--verbose Output verbose information. --bootstrap <file> Load this file before tests

--configuration <file> Specify config file (default phpunix.xml)

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PHPUnit runtime options can be defined using command line switches and/or xml (phpunit.xml)

Bootstrap your application as needed before tests run (bootstrap.php)

Define paths for code coverage output, logs, etc.

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It's easy!! Include the autoloader in your bootstrap or in your test cases: <?php require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php';

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A test suite contains any number of test cases.

A test case is a class that contains individual tests.

A test is a method that contains the code to test something.

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<phpunit> <testsuites> <testsuite name="All Tests"> <directory>tests/suite</directory> </testsuite> <testsuite name="Some Tests"> <file>tests/suite/FooTest.php</file> <file>tests/suite/BarTest.php</file> </testsuite> </testsuites> </phpunit>

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A Fixture represents the known state of the world. Object instantiation Database Records Preconditions & Postconditions

PHPUnit offers several built-in methods to reduce the clutter of setting up fixtures.

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class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

//runs before each test method

protected function setUp() {}

//runs after each test method

protected function tearDown() {}

//runs before any tests

public static function setUpBeforeClass() {}

//runs after all tests

public static function tearDownAfterClass() {}


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class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $Foo; protected function setUp() { $this->Foo = new Foo; } public function testFoo () { $this->assertNull($this->Foo->method()); } public function testFoo1() { $this->assertNull($this->Foo->otherMethod()); } }

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//method being tested in class Foo public function reverseConcat($a, $b) { return strrev($a . $b); } //test method in class FooTest public function testReverseConcat() { $sut = new Foo; $actual = $sut->reverseConcat('Foo', 'Bar'); $expected = 'raBooF'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); }

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An assertion is how we declare an expectation.

Well-tested systems rely upon verification, not developer intuition.

Things we can assert with PHPUnit

return values

certain methods/objects were called via Test Doubles

echo/print output

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assertArrayHasKey() assertClassHasAttribute() assertClassHasStaticAttribute() assertContains() assertContainsOnly() assertCount() assertEmpty() assertEqualXMLStructure() assertEquals() assertFalse() assertFileEquals() assertFileExists() assertGreaterThan() assertGreaterThanOrEqual() assertInstanceOf() assertInternalType() assertLessThan() assertLessThanOrEqual()

assertNull() assertObjectHasAttribute() assertRegExp() assertStringMatchesFormat() assertStringMatchesFormatFile() assertSame() assertSelectCount() assertSelectEquals() assertSelectRegExp() assertStringEndsWith() assertStringEqualsFile() assertStringStartsWith() assertTag() assertThat() assertTrue() assertXmlFileEqualsXmlFile() assertXmlStringEqualsXmlFile() assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString()

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$this->assertTrue(true); $this->assertFalse(false); $this->assertEquals('foo', 'foo'); $this->assertEmpty(array()); $this->assertNotIsSame(new stdClass, new stdClass); $this->assertArrayHasKey('foo', array('foo' => 'bar')); $this->assertCount(2, array('apple', 'orange'));

When assertions evaluate to TRUE the test will emit a PASS

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$this->assertTrue(false); $this->assertFalse(true); $this->assertEquals('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertEmpty(array('foo')); $this->assertIsSame(new stdClass, new stdClass); $this->assertArrayHasKey('foo', array()); $this->assertCount(2, array('apple'));

When assertions evaluate to FALSE the test will emit a FAILURE

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game has 2 players players pick either rock, paper, or scissors rock beats scissors paper beats rock scissors beats paper round is a draw if both players pick the same


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Isolation means that a unit of code is not affected by external factors.

In practice we can't always avoid external dependencies, but we benefit from trying to reduce their impact on our tests.

This means we need to be able to substitute external dependencies with test doubles.

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Test doubles are objects we use to substitute dependencies in our system under test.

Stubs return prebaked values when it's methods are called.

Mocks are like programmable stubs. You can verify that methods are called correctly and perform more complex verification.

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PHPUnit provides a built in mocking framework.

You can easily create test doubles that you can inject into your system under test.

This allows you to swap out complex dependencies with controllable and verifiable objects.

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public function testStub() { $stub = $this->getMock('Stub', array('foo')); $stub->expects($this->once()) ->method('foo') ->will($this->returnValue('bar')); $actual = $stub->foo(); $this->assertEquals('bar', $actual, "should have returned 'bar'"); }

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Two ways to generate mock objects getMock() with arguments Mock Builder API

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$this->getMock( $class_name, $mocked_methods, $constructor_args, $mock_class_name, $call_original_constructor, $call_original_clone_constructor, $disable_autoload );

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$this->getMockBuilder($class_name) ->setMethods(array $methods) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->disableOriginalClone() ->setConstructorArgs(array $args) ->setMockClassName($class_name) ->getMock();

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$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('Foo') ->setMethods(array('someMethod')) ->getMock(); $mock->expects($this->any()) ->method('someMethod') ->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls('bar', 'baz') ); $mock->someMethod(); //returns 'bar' $mock->someMethod(); //returns 'baz'

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$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('Foo') ->setMethods(array('someMethod')) ->getMock(); $mock->expects($this->any()) ->method('someMethod') ->will($this->throwException( new RuntimeException )); //throws a RuntimeException $mock->someMethod();

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class WebService { protected $Http; public function __construct(Http $http) { $this->Http = $http; } public function getUrl($url = '') { return $this->Http->get($url); } }

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require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php'; require_once 'WebService.php'; class TestWebService extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testGetUrl_callsHttpCorrectly() {

$http = $this->getMockBuilder('FakeClassName') ->setMethods(array('get')) ->setMockClassName('Http') ->getMock(); $http->expects($this->once()) ->method('get') ->with($url); //inject the mock via constructor $sut = new WebService($http); //test Http get $sut->getUrl(''); } }

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Static method calls

Instantiating objects directly (hard coupling)

External resources (network, file system)

Globals ($_GLOBALS, Singletons)

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class Dependency { } class SystemUnderTest { public function badIdea() { $dependency = new Dependency; } }

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class TwitterClient { function getTweets() { $url = ''; return Http::consume($url); } }

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class TwitterClient { protected $Http; public function __construct(Http $http) { $this->Http = $http; } public function getTweets() { $url = ''; return $this->Http->consume($url); } }

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class TestTwitterClient extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testCantMockTwitter() { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(Http') ->setMethods(array('consume')) ->getMock(); $sut = new TwitterClient($mock); $sut->getTweets(); } }

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class Singleton { public $data; protected static $instance; private function __construct() {} private function __clone() {} public function getInstance() { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } }

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class SystemUnderTest { public function setData($data) { Singleton::getInstance()->data = $data; } public function getData() { return Singleton::getInstance()->data; } }

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class TestSystemUnderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testSingletonsAreFineAtFirst() { $sut = new SystemUnderTest; $sut->setData('foo'); //passes $this->assertEquals('foo', $sut->getData()); } public function testSingletonsNeverDie() { $sut = new SystemUnderTest; $actual = $sut->getData(); //fails $this->assertNull($actual); } }

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Many frameworks come with built in testing facilities, or the ability to easily integrate with PHPUnit.

Try to use the built-in testing tools. They usually do the heavy lifting of bootstrapping your application.

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Get your test harness working Get your feet wet first, testing smaller/trivial

code Manual verification is prudent Improve your design, refactor Write tests for new code Write tests opportunistically

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