FIFTH~DAY, t v -restoreVol+21+(1865... · destroyed soal and body; and tarta the words hades and...

" UB'l'IBG II GOD J f i1 T]I.lNILAUII _"OIUD GDJUJI. SinQe tby Fatber'. iorm lutslJJa ib •• , Pllacetui be; C , Wbetla ohutenlng rotraIDI ib .. , Itl.he. j'" 1 ' KnoW hialove, 10 fu I oomp etene., Fills the mealllre of , IT be would tIIJ .plrlt lOre. . TrUllt him,mp,re. " Without mll.IU, .. lnIn&, In hi, baod , ' . LIlY whatev'! thlngl tbou call8t nO' Unde_ud." , Tbough thAI world thT folly IPor)leth, From tby taith In pur titrneth, Pelao tby IIIIIl0lt ..ullbaJ1:1 l1 , Lylnl sUlI. '" an IntaM, if thou .. t "T Thou canat att.nd ; OIilldilke. proudly ,'ushlug bllAl ki . I Tbe ofered ,b,and i ',' '. \! thou abide, He will lolete. l lome time. that thy Fatber Hath lor&ot! W'ben the oJoodli around tbee ptber, Doubt him oot. Always bath the daylight broken, Alway. bath be oomfort spoken, Botter bath he beeo for years, Tban thy fears. Tberefore, whatloe'er betideth, Night or day, Know his love for thle provlaeth, Good.alway. , Oron of aorro., gladly take, Grateful weat it tor 'brl sake, SweeUy bending to hil w:lIl, Btll!. To his o'\fD. thy Saviour liveth Daily Btrength . To eacb troubled 11001 t'bat PeBoe at length. Weakest lambs have largest Of tbls tender Sb.'Ulherd's care; A8k him not, Wheo '" or" How'" Only bow. " R. 1., !.Ud!ST· 31, 1866. r , Wbat Ib v .... -- I . 1 4= 1 I 'tl' es!..,! 1'-.. ' , r' .... a II" •• B .\ . II .e"., , mnBt. gone to bOOn lumfbooedj "-restore "him .' t '!g. 1'.!hI01l to . and . ." theIr aPRll' ach In a DIce conditiou. Oonlciousness, if it only one the 'P'laee atl, the of the wf6k· No that' of ·the Infernal fer. .moment-I have lolietbing , be· tp ... >IT : .0,) 'the 'recep- tlie .' '."'te, In a1igurtUitJe, mentat1lilt caoset by lucl! i1tuffior tanHo lay to him." , J, 11S'por,·'1 ... urrlHltloD' I tacJe bf tbe nghteoul loB For i.Dltuce, aDd hippo. .1 Ue is reriving," Aid the doctor. nor do I 1ID1 w_lt., tq!, , .; II If thy eye III endles!, variety were I "' The wonndlld m.n opjlned hie e1. anet- one "a- lit' great ofrend, It out, , Tbe Burest way to avoid the Dight- -they met the .nxious gl.nOl of the often a! iMlanse., ,tii'e Old'Teeta· and caat1& ftoanb1!e, for tt IS better procare that sound, bealth hrather·in·law and the pale lipe trelD- the to s!gDlfy file .grave, atid rot' theli t6 'eMer into life hniDg bot fIJI 'fepol!e with which each daYI life blild forth "Th, yoo forgIve me 1" ,JewtBh, OJ! In of: die. 111 tra.,. one a,e, tWiIl'ba •• g, tWo 'eyea to be should' be "·roonded· <l1f," iB·t(J Ii", ' .. Yell, yes God il wit1fee8, 811 I ·,UJje •. ,mltat. lated \0 the V caet tqtq ,1 be ia to be temperately, regolarly, and hoMHly. hope for -m.e:cy.. I freely .. iil8a:tofi the gra!Dmatlcal p.nderaw!Jd ' You sqrely Aye, II honestly," for a trollbJea. con· forgive you and jji t,un uk YOllr 1?l g bll to c,:n not !Jnen Icience, as well ali an overladen dia· 'for my-\inchrilti.n con· r t •. e tOto. we WIll he gOlYg .boat ,With one phtagm, may engender evil 'dteamL , .: !. r_ a." gOI.tts IS what· alit I if .QCl kindred p.s., .. -Ladid Repository: ' •. -" Many days the brare loung twer bethe 'I1ieWB of the 8f gel figaratively. .. ' ,< , ' hang upon a sleuder of lie, or .. IJl gwen pe. P!JnClpIe YOl1 est""lsh a PALES'I'IP OHl",OTBllB'lIOS. and never were there more dnoted .of hUltory, In wlyich !hey .for the 1'ord P'I t' . t .. _ ''''I '_ J friends thaD those .ho havered mat to express tlWse '\netDS. 00d1l, 10 the [ a8u le, "Thy wbole. • es Ine . I an,,!", one, a oue to aroa. tbe sick bed J , not always the body sh.\l,be cas\, into heIJ!' .n d lts boundardtes utd Bat .,' yigaroul cl».tlwtioa trio held by would bl "001' miticism n esertll, An ; f' d .:I ... .• pon and ato.e in.. dle v.'rIityc)t itli aoil u1l!l , an p.le atI ... _4n,!l\\1 \Ie... --.l'!""""'i .'JP.'l'fD eBn not..ct. ti!(ud ad . 'A&: .... "', 'wa d forth-once of the in 00 t e snbject of moral.,."arda .nd . livi ' ;' Atldr,ews' criticism aDd comment, not actnally but only one when' yOIl" say, .. r claIm for. It either beallty. or gran I ,,8h, if be had with m which is nearly shorn of ita strength dlree from It Sacb I say were shourd lIke' to know however how denr-whlch may be found 1n almost k' dId' h' I _1 1W81P. 1 In . . , , , • " . f th I b b I to neu c au IDg IS IOU .., when I agree, that the jadg ent doe8 t T e.rly vIews. But At a later tbls 18 reconciled with tbe threaten. eve,ry 0 e .8; a e- at shollid 1 bave dared to ho for not ;upon melt tJ.Utii the resnr· period 'these views were abandoned ing thll<t tbewhole body sbonld be cast claim, for It pecuhalltles and con· c f: F tb . h pe I" 'd J)PlriD'Jr rectiltn. Tbe literary feature, how. or rather 'advanced from and into bell" M"tt. 5 . 29 80 . that you trasta to which flO otber region can ?oh roLm m k y lD' ti eaven b lal f th t t · h d" hIt '.. II h' .,'" afrord a parallel Grant itli pre"-nt a n oc e IS WI e, .s· t ey ever, a e quo I!. IOn you ave ma e gl'l'lDg t e sou grea er actll'lty came rea y t ink tbat a man, by some in- d' . . k' talking over the solemn event and enilorsed, can not bepsssedover to possesstpeJewish mind. Indeed, dnlgen6e in tbis life, may 8ave to poor .con l.tlOn, tts roc s. Without. a had threatened their Iivel with a lightly. His article cuts tbe knot such ideas or heaven, hell, tbe res or· himself in heU both eyes, because Ita} drIed np, ItI ing tronble. .. Never-now I instead af nntying it. He has intro· rection of the dead, fntnre rewords both are 8!lved to him here but nn· U age neg becd te d' bltsb statnesqne tasted the sweetness of du o ced three Greek word L";'>es d' h t t' ht' d t" ' ,. scenery nnBn ne y t e mellowed ..." S, twa ,ge an PUDIS men s, as are aug In er cer am CIrcumstances we are lit- dr' ft f i-never agam WillI cherllh revell£8 henna; and tartarus, eacb, he the New Testament, by Christ and erally to pluck out oue of our eyea, lin so to nences 0 a 8t or unkindness toward the erriinll' represented by the English word bis apostles were almost ;f not en. (and that the right one) that we, Its roads rough, ita htlls th' . t S' hell. He furtber says, tbese three tirely to the first ages of may enter heaven with bare, and its limestone rocks un pre- .or th ere lBdnew f a my d Id ,J ie l ' ,w.' G k d d d . ' te t d b 'I't '11 t h d' ID e war e 0 our alI prayer.n oou not I eep ree wor s, reo ere by tbe word Old Testament tImes The historic only one eye, and that the left one. c e . y SOl, I S VI. wre c e , I see tbat I liave only heeD caili ber mother'. hell, mean three difrerent meaning of these terms then is to Do you reaUy think so? Bnt if you hovels, lUI towns exttOct, Its peasant .. d ta If h'l I h'" .L b Tb . had h d d b 'd d ' If'· d ry slaves or robbers wbat tben 1 JU gmen upou my Be , w I e .. ye .... e ro .. en ose ID es, e says, are ea j e cons I ere , or we are e t yet ID aban on yo.r literal interpretation I h . -:- d I' ilDpionsly asked • Forgive os Ollr becatile those in gebenna are cast in there the dark at this point, you can not return to s t ere no poetry In tbts eso atton, t ' tb h 1 . . b II b . b B' I' whl'ch I'f I't not t th rellpasses, as WQ ''IIrgIve aBe w a a Ive, WIt a t elr mem ers, to be ot be lOre proceed fartber with It afterwards. What then will yon ! ""': rep!eseu e trespass against.lns '" destroyed soal and body; and tarta the words hades and sheol, I must at- do 7 -past, IS yet ploture which ,flashed he aaye, is tbe place into wbich tend to gehenna and tartarU8. Ge. Hoping to reply to yoar 10llt letter the 8pmtual eye of the mourn· For Ill. S/ I!I-rdcr. the evil angels were cast after their henna is a later word in Scripture in a few day8, I remain. 11!g r Is there no poetry TIlE tmOOVERIlrG OF TIlE BOOF. NATURE AID,D:BSTIIY OF XU. rebellion. This is too summary and usage than sheol, hut is neTerlbele,s Truly yours, N. V. HULL. eltber ID the barmony between the "And they came unto him, u .. , ...... partial. I sball therefore co'nsider simply a transfer of the Hebrew rocky sternneAS of the land tbe ing one sick of the palBY, which Dear Oottre,Il,-Your par· these words somewhat at lengtb, aA. word Hinnom by tbe Greek word ge me? moral thewB 8tOeWB borne of four. And when they could ry, in t e opening 0 YOOf certaining their grammatical mean. henna, being a mau's name. To BEAUTIFUL LIlES, whIch It to the con· not come nigh unto him for the to my fifth letter, t·- '''ell enough ex· ing. The field of investigation is know, then, what gehenna' means in [The following lines were written by trast betwee.n ItS nothIDgnes8 as a press, they nncovered the roof ecoted, I suppose; I <It I f.1l to lIee fruitful and deeply interesling'. Scripture pbrase, we most go back Tyrooe Power, the f&moUll lriBh oomedian, land of phYSical greatnesB and glory" be was " and wben they had breiken', tbe necessity of aslertiog yoar be- who perlahed on the steamer President, and th e tn. d I f th I . f' th d t' d 1. ,flAnKS •. Tbe classical meauing to its application to tbe Valley of They were insoribed on the wall of the" Old e gr a es .n. gory a e it up, they let down the bed -,there'iul Ie \U e oc rIDe you a Yocate. of hades, according to Liddell and SiDnom, near Jerusalem. Kitto Blandford Church .. " near Petersburg, Va., events :whICh CfB- the sick-or-the p:.ll!l,Y Doobtless you belieTe yon are right. .S"ott, is, lst. .. Tbe nether world. says, II Hinnom, or rather Ben HI·n. dIed m ItS. little wadles and Its S!D aIl 3, 4. 1 belieTe yon are wrong. Bat what 2d Y Th d 10 which aity Power had an engagement.] rocky c 7 I th ' haB either this or thlt to do with oar ' e grave. 3. A. nom, an unknown person, wbose Thou art crumbliDito the dust! old pile! eml.nen es . sere I?o The followingremaril:s, from a very common phrase with tbe hest aathors name was given to tbe valley which Tbou art liastenlDg to the fal ; etry, nothlDg afrectlDg to tbe ImagI' . argument 1 to express tbe meaning of hailes, is bODods Jerusalem on the north, be- And roond tbee, in tbv loneliness, nation, in structure of a e.xceJlent thro:,," ."lOUT desljl;nating the doctrine I "nnderworld." As to tbe definition low Zion, which in Scrip. now, coontry which IS a parallel l!ght. on thIS lDterestmg InCldeDt: defend as" Splritoalism," is, to say given by LiddeM and Scott, I snp- ture IS often mentIOned in connection Who knelt before thy shrine; on eartb 1 For WlthlD a space so " In genuine Abrab houllel no bed· the least of it, !,iisingenuons' Tbe p'ose there will be no dispnte, and I wit.b tbe borrid rites of Moloch, rose, small that the eye take it in lteade are nsed, and term de,fines in popular pl:irasea form will not therllfore multiply anthori. WhIch, under idolatrous kings, were And ladly Sighs the wandering wind. more. tban one POlDt, there no rooms are set apart expresllly for of belief npon the subject or apirit. ties, only the definition given tbere celebrated. (Josh. 15: 8; 18: Where oflln years &one by, ' hke Hermon, cover:d WIth bedrooms. Mattresses are ual conditions and agencies en· by Grove in hiB Greek aud English 16; Neh. 11 : 30; Jer. 'I : 81 j 9 : 2.) rose from many hearts to Him, eternll Inrow, depths like anywhere in the ViIoriou8 rooms and tirely aBide from auything I have Dictionary. Hade8 he deGnes, as to WbenJosiah overthrew this idolatry, Jordan va ley, w.lth a beat. courts, or'on tbe terraces, .ccording Bilid or belieye, and I am at a loss to its classical meaniJg, "JJ. darkf, ow he defiled the valley by casting into That Bougbt thy aisl .... , Is o'er J of the tropIcs; there I.on one to tbe season, or to the convenience account for Yllur assertion, that the scure place, uuseen, or not seen by it tbe bones af the dead, the greatest A¥: aroun , 11de tbe sea, and. on the otber II lake of the moment; and tbe beds and whole infidel ,world aro eltibfacing m6rtals 'j hades, the receptacle or reo of all pollntions among the Hebrews; .' whose _s.orf.ce IS. 1300 feet low: er bedding are rollild up .nd pnt .way A my vie1'II, .s rebels against" hi,b gion of the dead, containing alt the .nd from tbat time it became the wing! down, ,!Ith soundings as.deep agalD. dnring the d.y in re_1 made for pa.&or', HeaTen," and in tbill tbeir "last fabulous maneions of the heathen common jakes of Jerus.lem, into We hear the distant oity'. dlo; Where 18 there a' nver as the them. Tbns, with a prett)' good of ;:,e ditch" eDtrenching themtel'l'ea. That ritaal. According to the Christian wbicb all the refuse of tbe city was The de&4 are mute below; Jordan, 'whoee turbulent lItock ·of mattrel!sea and lebatli!, a 'rtedWIII",a the Obristian: .Dd 1teathen worlds, at doc\rioe, the iO'l'isible world of spiro and where the combustible por. T'i:.::..un .. , neyer glad?et.J ed iii large nnmber of gDeI!tIi lD.y be en- least the great malll'of them, believe its, tbe nnseen place of souls, the tionll of that refnse werll conlnmed their brow., nor. ever a .green field- tertained any night,.t ,. lIIOIDent'. e with me, that. the Ipirit does not die place of the dead generally, but vnl. by fire. -nence it came to be regard. wblch c?ntinuous notioe. The room was we" ,venti· with the body, is true; but that they garly_ a place of tormeDt, tbe abode ed as a sort of type of hell, tbe ge- .200 mIles !lIhlh a easily lated by two large square -openingl, , are" coming" to this belief, is not of the damned in hell-death" henna of tbe New Testament being Who've oa.rruess roved,wberewe do now. VISIble, and ends at last IU the lea near the oeiling, oppoBite to each true, for they have alwals beld it. Alford, in his '., Greek Testament no other than tbis valley of Hinnom, Who'll never meet again I of death, n.ever to re·appe.r T W. here otber, one being J·ust over the door, hn'·o .... Wb th h d d h .. How would oor very hearla Btlrred, th th h t f w e er. un re t ous.nll persona with Critical Notes," vol I, on Lake (Ge-Hinnom,) See Matt. 6: 22, sq.; To meet the earliest gaze, all ear. 18 ere suc a nrle y a and the otber over the recess for the d in the United States ha \'e wi'thin 16: 23, says, II Hodes is the abode Mark 9 : 48 j Lake'!: 5; James 3: 6." or the tovely and the bea.utlful- T frolll the. palm on Bnl· m.ttresses. Thil 80rt of bed conld ared the last twenty yeare eDlbraced yt>ur of all disembodied spirits till the res. The same author, on the word hell, The light of other days I try .plalll to the lIChen easily have been carried .way by becau .. faith in thi'! respect; 1 know not; nrreetion, not tbe place of torment, has the following: " glaCIer r :Where Bnch howlIng wII· tbe sick man of ; .nd if" late. " but !,be smlWkIiI a lit· mnch les8 heU, as understood common- that heloDgs to tbis subject has al. 011 WHOLEBO](E SLEEP. Buch and utterly tbe houBes of were II How: "a!ored I am, ' ...... tie of boasting, 'no 1 think, ly in the E. V." . ready been considered onder the Not always is sleep" tired n.tnre'l dp8?late WIth sucb luxuriant like mOlt of the bouses of tbe pre. !or It bJlll!., "i1j" . 1M' wonld deny, In' so far as infidels Kitto, vol. I,under the word hades, word hades. It is tbere shown, that sweet restorer." Sometimes, instead p!lLlDB; fentle v.HIl1i1, p.ltme-Iands, Bent day in the townll of P.leltlDej dldD t blow ,lDlleb - ,C!! " , are concerned, tbey of course, at saY8, "A Greeil word by which tbe bell is represented by tho word 'heal of a balm, it brings a in vlDeysrds,. and cornfiel.ds r Where the uncoyering of the roof referred w.. 10 ,mllCh Ino,! least many of them, will have little Septuagint translates sheol, defining in the Old, and oy hades in tbe New the shape of the nightmare. Man is such a chmate, vary10g tbrough to in tbe fourtb verse of tbe l'Ame Could a to object to that part of your faith lhe abode or world of tbe dead, in Testament. But as both of these a wonderful piece of work, bnt his degree of teml!eratnre and of cbapter, .dmit.; of .n eaey be't dlaalrfal whicb a.lerts th.t tbe "'whole man wbich sense it freqaently occurs in words mean also the grave or,the machinery may be thrown out of gear mOisture 7-McLeod tn Good Word•. tion. The inner conrt of the houle n..he J ... , becomes unconscious at del\lh," but the New Testament, where"it is U8U' condition of the dead, hell,' .. 'tbe aud sent a.whining by so lligbt a is nlDaIly more IIpacionl tban any of Pi that anJ Christian should be led thlls ally hell' in the English place of final for sinnen, thing ae a late supper. An indigel!- I'LL lEVER F.ORGIVE HIl(. tbe surrounding rooms, and often w.'ter when thllle'rii' 1,.- fSf .. 'ray, il troly a matter of sur· . Tbe word hades means lit. is more distinctively. in.d.ieated by the tible Welsh r.rebit at 11 P. M'i may "I'll never forgive him...,never I" there .ro or beD.cbel of th-t I ClOuld n.0.6 P rise. Ne'l'ertbeles8, we are told ha h" da k I L - h h h d I' b' '" . bl k d N . h d rd J h " t h d ad th m uo .... 5. 1''''.''':1 t t w tell. u in r ness. n term ge,,,,,.na,. w IC 18 t e wor resu t 10 a Ig, suuocatlDg ac og "ever IS a ar wo ,on, s one on eac 8! e, IIpre _ WI . " DOtlliliftt ............. 1" tba\ IIIldollers wiII II wax WOfse and the writers, it iii used to tranillated bel\ In Matt. 5 : 29,29,30; across tbe chest at one O'clock in the said the sweet-faced wife of John :jond Ctlsblolllt used as dlv.ns '" i··"- wor:: h ' I InppOle we may ex· OTCUS, or the infernal regions. 10: 98; 18 : 15, 33; Mark 9 : 43, morning; an overplus of loaf·pastry, Locke, as ahe looked for a moment during the :day, .nd as "0 'no' ' 'rill ,n,nut.'.' pec .'It 1lB. time advances,'new er· to the notions of the 45, 4T ; Lake 12: 5 ; James 8: 6. wbich his gastriojaices can not cou· from her sewing. plac:e s at mght. To loch .. oO'iJrt tbrodi'h tb' ror. "'1)1, and old oneil Jews, or hades WIlS a vast reo It is aleo distinctively indicated by Yeniently assimilate, may precipi*"te " He il a mean, dastardly coward, Chnst may haYe retreated when the the tatle be .b,tCh :roars IS an old one. reo ceptacle, where the son Is of the dead such phrasel as the place of torment, bim from a preeipice in dreamland and upon this Holy Bible, l-" crowd increased. We may imagine ".na wbe: 'I'lnd. EpseblUII saya, (Eccl. Hlst., were in a state until the (Luke 16: 28,) everlasting fire, into a bottomless abyss, or a surfeit "tltop, hnsband. John I remem· him there, with the lights i.·the page S6S, 3'1, tranlllated, by resorrection of their bodies. The ( 25: 41.) Tbe hell of fire, of pate de foie grM send him to. ber be i8 my brother j aud by the round him, and the crafty .nd .n for me Rev, O. F. OrUlBe, A, M" and pnblIsh. region of the blessed during this in. wbere the worm dieth not, and the Morphe&n gallows, there to endore love yon bear me, forbear fo dune fulscribee seated ne.ron the dl'Ntl- Searabout by T, G.Lane, 1889,) terval, or _ the inferior paradise, is fire is not quenched, (Mark 9: 44,) all the tortures of actual 8tratJgula- him. He hae done yoo wrOog, I al· .n sheltered from tbe hot lun bl and tbea 1 Bot .bont thIS also otber men snpposed to be in the upper part of The dreadfol natnre of the abode of tion, This sort of thing, by the low j bnt oh, John I be ill young .nd lOme kind of or c.nyas, lOp Utat loan' sprang np in aa tho propa· thia receptacle, wbile was tbe wicked is implied in nrious fig· way, is only one remove from apo· very 1I0rrowfn!." The moment.ry ported on a trellli work of ni ht in hellli'Il,." gllterll of fallMl opinIons, These as the abyss, I)r gehenna, (tartarnB,) in urative expre8l!iOnB, such as outer plexy, and the incubns·ridden victim shame you felt yesterday will bardly branches and planb, more or len law Berted that tbe human 80nl, a8 long which the Boola of the wicked were darkneas' I am tormented in tbis of inoTdinate and nntimely self·indol· be wiped out with Il cnrle, It will secure. When the Bick man WII the It.te of the world ?x· subjected to pnnishment." llame . of fire; nnqoench&. gence is likely enoogb to be at last injure youraeU, John, Ob, pleue oarried by biB friends to the bOMe .Il ,6'1i.1II IB!ed, perlsbed at and dIed Herzog, vol. '1.1', nnder the word where tbe worm dieth uot; bestridden iu his 1I1eep by a nigbt- don't 8ay anything dresdfnl I" wbere Christ preaobinj{, I tbey wl,th tbe that It would be "A.t first,71ades amoog tbe blackness of darkness; torment mare too strong for hilnitality-even Tbe sweet·faced womaB preniJlld; could not come mgb '0 bim for the r!"1Ied agam WIth body, the the waa the name of Pinto, in fire and brimstone, (Matt, 8: 12; death. tbe curse that hang upon the lips of press,' so they very naturally went ." when tIme of the r .. And as a the god of tbe nether world, but it 13: 42 j 22: 13; 25.: 80 ; Loke Tbe term nigbtmare is sap posed tbe angry man was not 8poken ; but on to the terrace or houae-top, and .Ii:e I lOlt tbe cOllaldera1>1e. cODuc.11 wall on a.c- 1'M afterwards applied to the world 16: 24 j compo Matt. 25: 41 ; Mark to bave been derived from" Mara," still he said, "I'll never forgive bim • unoovered the roof' of the court; far.' cqnn' 01. O!lgea belDg: .g.ln itself, the abode and e8tlto of the 9: 48 48' Jade lIB ; camp. Rev. U: the name of a demon which, accord· -he bas done me a deadly wroog ," tha' is, they remoyed the m.tting bat req ... ted, h?re d!le\l1ltl- departed, alid corresponds to arcus, 10 Ii. 19' 20' 20. 14' 21· !!.) ing to the Scandinlfvi.n mythology Tbe youug man 1'bohadpro.,oked which ebeltered it, and then tbe.r m ad tbe POUlt In questIon, WIth so or the inferna of the Latins and The wbich is' pounced npon men in their aleep, .and hil bitterness, bumbled and repent· • broke up' the trema -work, let ott to foree that thoBe who hlld beeu shealof the Hebrews. To a ed a8 burning with fire and brilll' held the will in thraldom. The old ant-BOught in nin for forgireneBI down tbe bed wbereon. tbe Ilok of meal. bef?re Il.hauged or degree, it waa regarded a8 stone ia probably derived from the Saxons called the distemper .. elf· frOlii bim wbom, in • moment 'Of pal' the palsy lay. If an ordlDary hOllle- been 1D1 _1"J',,"'. their oplDions: So yours IS not a of final rewards and puniah. fate SOifom and Gomorrab, as sidenne," or elfeqD.tting. With the sian, he had injured almOllt beyow! top had been broken up, the wooden' am I" new e,rror, aa It datell tbe daya ment8, .nd contained its elysinm well as tbat which describes the doctorl!, who .re nothing if not 01 .. reparation. John Locke steeled hia beam II, .nd the mas8e8 of earth .nd of OrIgen, who, was born 185. and tartarus, Tbe life led there was smoke ascending from it, (compare aicai, h is II ephi.ltes," from a mythic beart againBt him. . ?f which it il composed. w0!lld. You haye no nood of writing to closely analogons to that of the Rey. 14: 10, ll, with Gen. 19: 24- giant of that name who nndertook 111 bia atore lat the young .,lllage ID falhng, haYe endangered the IIvea COIlTince mo tha\ etern.l Ufe ill the upper world, the only difference be- 28) To tbis coincidence of descrip' to climb to he.ven, hot miuing bis metcbant, one pleannt morning, of thOle below." gift of God, That I belieye as firm· ing, that the inhabitanta were shades, tion, Peter .180 IOOIIt probably ai- foothOld, tambled into tbe fathom"' conllantly, cuntentedly reading the ..,------- I) and joyfully al\ you. Wbere you forma without snbstance. From this lades in 2 Pet. 2 : 6" lesl depthe. Moet of us haTe probtl-i morning paper. A fIOUmi of hnrried THI ENGLISH hlNGV.lGI.-The con· a.nd 1 dift'sr illf tha' you make oon. heat ben view of the (ature state, TartaTll8 is bnt once UBed in the bly been convolslld in our lleep witbi footsteps .approachlld, but he took no Itrnction of the EngIi'h languare tlljoed llXiate1!ce lLod etern.1 life the that of the Old Testament differs less whole Bible, and then it occurs in tbe eame sort of thing which notice of it, until a h.t1e .. boy b.ret moat .ppear mOlt formid.ble t(J a .,me., I do oat. I hold !,hat eternal tban might be 2 Pet. 2 : 4, and seems tbe 8ynonym tripped up Titan is fabled to haVe< into the store, scre.ming at the top foreigner. One of tbem, loold., at life, Scripture pbrase, il the I18me It. woold be en,. CO muUiply testi· of gehenna. If there be any differ· experienced daring biB "Ioftl fall" of hi. voice, .. Mr. Locke, Johnny is • picture of • number of .... 1 .. aa eternal ble8I1edne,., One may mony 'upon thill point bat ,"proceed enee in tbeir meaning, it ill gehenn. from tbe celeBtial battlements. In in tbe river-little Johnny Locke." said, .. See, wb.t·a ftock of l'6iptJ I" 1",-"" exist etern.lly without being eter. to 8ay that the Septu.gint traus· intensified. The opinion th.t tarta- our boyish days, or r.tl1ftr nightll. 1 To' down the paper .nd spring He was told tbat a flock ot Ihlps nlllly blessed, or baYing etern.1 life. I.tea ibe Hebrew word Bheol by rns, as a place, differs from gehenna, 1'e were frequently pitchlld beadloag for the atreet w .. JiR' impull8 "Was calIlld a fleet, .Dd th.t " teet To .ay th.t Cbriat came to give coo' hades and therefore, to find the mean· is beyond donbt fonnded in -mistake. from the tops of ak, -cl_ing maUD" of the .gonized father. On, on. like of lheep w .. oalle4 a flock. ADd it tinulld being to men, calling, that ing hade., we must go back to In view of the foregoing, tben, I tains, throwu over staircaBel, a maniac, he flew, till hereached the w .. added, for bia gDidance iD ..... eternal life, II ao mOliltrooll a per. sheol, tbe meaning of wbicb most be come to tbe following conclusions: into wells from whieh tfle bottom. batlk of the riyer, pallid .nd crazlld tering the iotricacie,! of oor lall' ver,ioD, that I _ not how .nl man looked for in the opinions of the 1. Tbat sheal, in illl gralllmatical had· dropped out, to .ay nothiug ot with anguilb. The Brit light that guage, .that • flock glrll i. called tbe-Scrlpta,ret can utter it. Jews concerning the place or state meaning, ie the graue, falling, bed and all, throogb trap. Il\et Me eyes waelh\4e ,Jvbnny lying • bevy, th.t beT,)' of wolnl Tba'IJIol8 -.hd h.t. e fter!lallife will described by It. The hiawrica!. 2. Tbe underworld-the place of doora in the floor into illimitable in the &raw of biB 'IaOtber, with tier called II pack, .nd a pack of thteyet also eXl"tence, ia the'refore as well as the grammatl' the dead. .;. chaos, or being up by "ir baagilli .rond ier, bent wild- ia called a gang, and a •• u .... true:; bUI ttiai III-not what il me.Dt cal meaning of the wOl'd, is eSlential 3. That in its hiltoric.l meaning, bair into tlie realUlB of ether, and Iy oyer her ohild. The boy wasjolt ,&,el@ i. called a hoat, by II eterDat life." to a proper understanding' of it. it ill the place' of departed' spirits. there kept 'dangling and kicking, sayed. He breatblld, and, opeeing porpoi_ il called a Tbat body, without, tbe Ipitit; Alger, in hil "Ulstoty of Doc· whetber good or bad. a jDmping jack, witbout 119P'i' hi. e"', ablUed fainU" on hia moth· Iho.1 of bd'.10 ill baa {!Q lite or ae !O!ll.y, of a Futare Life," l!age 164, •. That hades hilt mean· prospect of reacae. dd :erie fae&, 'While .be", whh ohoUinr a bem of children il catlled I, aDd YOtlr Itlltement,. I.YS," ie, direc.tly. derived . ing with wol, only that. it more we lJIlillember tt.· at.ri of terr.qi toioe, tllllmked God. , ADOtbe" forlll and. troop of partridpl ia ei.IIled the Iplri' came from, God, .nd re- Hebrew word BigDlfYlng firet tod'l!l clearly expresses the-opinions of the with which we .woke on loch oce,a!- ·'.Y iuMloaible,r ·airetched near the covey, .nd a beautlea il turu to him, I belie.e, and or excatJat6. It means, therefore, • Jews in tbe tilhe of Christ, (cepe- .iona, . ..a the' child. _,FJ'ollf- hi, bead tbe dark blood called a galaxy, ". ,.Iaxy of that ,0lJ '10 lI?IIeYfl.: And 80W, ,Ii .... oa.lty or empty /lubterrane.n place. cially of the Pbaril!eel,) conoernmr relief "iclt' folloWed' tbe lIlnved·{Wm .. gb-r.tly, wOllnd. TIle 'tillft. is 'ca-lled a horde, MId It. horde I IQg gODe thll.'''r tagetlli!r, why"d IW il nllual1y connected, the atate of tbe dead, whicb was ope nees' ijf aafeft. It il doubtfUl· II .«einl' dom Jc.bll Locke bad of rabblstr t. called '" ke.,; .nct"alj -.r.-(II 'lte aeparate'ft. foo do l\oC"helie,e bo"oyer, wllb the Becondary eUher of or misery. 8r any wating I1iiP th. Iworn eternal h.tred bad, ai ,be rilk of 0_ iI callecl,a.,tlfC!lJe. tllll& ;ttie .plrif1'retoroll to God illl word referred to, 6, Tbat lish, better, thai It.. beeD' eadored ij of bie owa.1ife, been tbe "Tiuv of ,.aro!p blaok-goaro. ia de ... pitlt, Ito ,011 r I do not. ask, to desirerJrolD the tlie the4lteek "i hi, child. Be had atruok a ftoating mob, mob I H .... th.t the. 'piril of a'edlanding,aince t the Greek .6td can be little doubt of drift wood he came to tbe •• choO, .nd a &Chool 01 " lIIaa fddru to God. ,liying. yit.1 orcns unsparingly loy" claim to ' Aadef ia 101l!e- Dilft'l1 ot: the' lorf.ce' witb tbe bOy, wd ii1l&lled . e ... nce, I.1Ie DO&u whJ 'ollt ;co.aro. or, all others have ,rlncifull!, by hell, be· aget were I. mat .. " : iii- leemed aliDnIK·ineYiabl& ' , " rftIra. of eill:;".n, tt'l, ,IDa, W .a,lnd. I it, tba-'object- 'of in whicb' It' dfpltion. Yoar SauD gorm.ndi_1 "'.10\0 Locke flu, himself down ® _pa, .... d. cor,. of robbers'- "'11. _1DI\I",gijId tltw ,. .. dl qUlty, tbe llitlinown manalOn, inc&rplit!fatidn:' ,rtIo leal," far into the lW "sen ' I.ard, and hell" oyer the _ .. baod, aDd bud· of IIIIIl ,I cerlior whicb.U .re aulouall the-phr..el " deetrol, sOnl night on boar'. flesh and YIIDiM lIIilelellAorm. .. Saye 'him," he 0al1ed a IwarlD, ud a i"". lbrs&t.DId, an a .. jatil,ataer qlliring," etc., etc. .. ';l who bad pte is cal1ec1 a tirOWc1o ud A. ... U .. "M.i"ilH " , -

Transcript of FIFTH~DAY, t v -restoreVol+21+(1865... · destroyed soal and body; and tarta the words hades and...

" UB'l'IBG II GOD • • J f i1


SinQe tby Fatber'. iorm lutslJJa ib •• , Pllacetui be; C ,

Wbetla ohutenlng ~&Ii!'; rotraIDI ib .. , Itl.he. j'" 1 ' KnoW hialove, 10 fu I oomp etene.,

Fills the mealllre of thy'.,ea~; , IT be would tIIJ .plrlt lOre. .

TrUllt him,mp,re. " Without mll.IU, un~p'!lpl .. lnIn&,

In hi, baod , ' . LIlY whatev'! thlngl tbou call8t nO'

Unde_ud." , Tbough thAI world thT folly IPor)leth, From tby taith In pur titrneth, Pelao tby IIIIIl0lt ..ullbaJ1:1l1,

Lylnl sUlI. '" b~. an IntaM, if thou thln~ .. t "T Thou canat att.nd ; OIilldilke. proudly ,'ushlug bllAlki .

I Tbe ofered ,b,and i ',' '. COur"'I=~=~P:::; ~e \! thou abide,

He will lolete. F.aml lome time. that thy Fatber

Hath lor&ot! W'ben the oJoodli around tbee ptber,

Doubt him oot. Always bath the daylight broken, Alway. bath be oomfort spoken, Botter bath he beeo for years,

Tban thy fears. Tberefore, whatloe'er betideth,

Night or day, Know his love for thle provlaeth,

Good.alway. , Oron of aorro., gladly take, Grateful weat it tor 'brl sake, SweeUy bending to hil w:lIl,

~J[l~g Btll!. To his o'\fD. thy Saviour liveth

Daily Btrength . To eacb troubled 11001 t'bat IIve~h,

PeBoe at length. Weakest lambs have largest sha~e Of tbls tender Sb.'Ulherd's care; A8k him not, tlleo~" Wheo '" or" How'"

Only bow.

" R. 1., FIFTH~DAY, !.Ud!ST· 31, 1866. r ,

t~~~~~::,t Wbat Ib v.... ~f'-"'_ ~"u.7 -- I . 1 ~ 4= 1 I 'tl' es!..,! ,'~, 1'-.. ' , r' .... ~int;.hl.l- a ~ha II" •• ~~~.y~, B .\ ~ ~~" r~~ ~, . II .e"., , mnBt. gone to ~ bOOn lumfbooedj "-restore "him .' ,~ t '!g. 1'.!hI01l m~an_1 to '~7ift, . and . ." theIr aPRll' ach In a DIce conditiou. Oonlciousness, if it ~ only one

IIl§n~ the 'P'laee t~llt dimla'b~1I atl, ~ the 'ptlnt8~nt of the wf6k· No that' of ·the Infernal fer. .moment-I have lolietbing , ,1It~ be· tp ... ~ >IT : .0,) 'the 1lo~mon 'recep- tlie .' '."'te, In a1igurtUitJe, mentat1lilt caoset by lucl! i1tuffior tanHo lay to him." , J, 11S'por,·'1

t::~:~~~~~~~,~ ... urrlHltloD' I tacJe bf tbe ~, ~he nghteoul loB Dtltd~:!"l,Dtel For i.Dltuce, an~;s!eUing/bobgoblins aDd hippo. .1 Ue is reriving," Aid the doctor. nor do I ~e 1ID1 w_lt., tq!, wI~ked. , .; w:he~ ~Il~~ ~a~d" II If thy rlg~t eye grJfr~ III endles!, variety were bo~lI. I "' The wonndlld m.n opjlned hie e1.

anet- one "a- ~itt.o AYfl~ lit' t~~ great ma~mty c.u~~ t~ ~9 ofrend, It out, , Tbe Burest way to avoid the Dight- -they met the .nxious gl.nOl of the often a! iMlanse., s~l ~n ,tii'e Old'Teeta· and caat1& ftoanb1!e, for tt IS better mare,'a~d procare that sound, bealth hrather·in·law and the pale lipe trelD-~ the ~iittliled to s!gDlfy file .grave, atid rot' theli t6 'eMer into life hniDg bot fIJI 'fepol!e with which each daYI life blild forth "Th, yoo forgIve me 1"

bel~'blU, ,JewtBh, OJ! In cm~t of: die. ~, 111 ~o tra.,. one a,e, tWiIl'ba •• g, tWo 'eyea to be should' be "·roonded· <l1f," iB·t(J Ii", ' .. Yell, yes • God il wit1fee8, 811 I ·,UJje •. ,mltat. lated \0 the ~uthorlzed V 1!~810n.'" caet tqtq ~eJI,~' ,1 ~.ud~ be ia to be temperately, regolarly, and hoMHly. hope for -m.e:cy.. ~fterr I freely

.. iil8a:tofi • ~~Jle, ~e!l' the gra!Dmatlcal III~.D- p.nderaw!Jd ft.gUNti~y" ' You sqrely Aye, II honestly," for a trollbJea. con· forgive you and jji t,un uk YOllr 1?lg Of~8~l bll to demcz~i, ~nd ~trma. c,:n not a~i~~thaHn ,~eaven !Jnen Icience, as well ali an overladen dia· for~veness 'for my-\inchrilti.n con· r "",e~ne t •. e g~ave tOto. w~lch we WIll he gOlYg .boat ,With one ~ye phtagm, may engender evil 'dteamL ~uci.I" , .: !. r_ a." gOI.tts bllltOrJc~l ~eaulDg IS what· alit I ~l1t if ~il .QCl kindred p.s., .. -Ladid Repository: ' •. -" Many days the brare loung twer ."P~ bethe 'I1ieWB of the ~ew8, 8f gel mUB~ ~ ~n. figaratively. ~pon .. ' ,< , ' hang upon a sleuder ~~ of lie,

[email protected]~ 8t~e or .. ~ad, IJl ~ny gwen pe. ,!h~t P!JnClpIe ~!tl YOl1 est""lsh a PALES'I'IP OHl",OTBllB'lIOS. and never were there more dnoted .of hUltory, In wlyich !hey Il~,al. Int~rpre~tlOn .for the 1'ord P'I t' . t .. _ ''''I '_ J • friends thaD those .ho havered mat to express tlWse '\netDS. 00d1l, 10 the [ a8ule, "Thy wbole. • es Ine . I an,,!", • one, a oue to aroa. tbe sick bed J ,

I~E:~~~i~!'[~~~f~~i:;~i:b~~~r(Uul!.o'll-;L~:J;flt~e not always the body sh.\l,be cas\, into heIJ!' .n dlts

boundardtes of~~~, utd I~ndy Bat .,' yigaroul cl».tlwtioa trio held by would ~ bl "001' miticism n esertll, An snow~'-'!1' mOUn~1D1 ; f' d .:I ~=:;~~li~~~~~i ... ~~' ,..:-!~ .• ~~.iI pon and ato.e in.. dle v.'rIityc)t itli aoil u1l!l , an p.le atI ... _4n,!l\\1

\Ie... --.l'!""""'i .'JP.'l'fD eBn not..ct. ti!(ud ad . 'A&: .... "', 'wa d forth-once ~ of the in ~tate·; 00 t e snbject of moral.,."arda .nd I~. . ~ IIC'IOD"~~ ~I~ livi ' ; ' &ilJrlit~o'

Atldr,ews' criticism aDd comment, not actnally s~nseless, but only one l>un:i8h~eQts," when' yOIl" say, .. r claIm for. It either beallty. or gran I ,,8h, if be had di~ with m ~:I~~=:I~:~;'I&I_~c:ltI which is nearly shorn of ita strength dlree from It Sacb I say were shourd lIke' to know however how denr-whlch may be found 1n almost k' dId' h' I _11W81P.1

In . . , , , • " . f th I b b I to neu c au IDg IS IOU .. , when I agree, that the jadg ent doe8 t T e.rly vIews. But At a later tbls 18 reconciled with tbe threaten. eve,ry regl~n 0 • e .8; a e- at shollid 1 bave dared to ho for not ;upon melt tJ.Utii the resnr· period 'these views were abandoned ing thll<t tbewhole body sbonld be cast claim, for It pecuhalltles and con· c f: F tb . h pe I" 'd J)PlriD'Jr rectiltn. Tbe literary feature, how. or rather 'advanced from and th08~ into bell" M"tt. 5 . 29 80 . that you trasta to which flO otber region can ?oh roLm mk

y toah·e~ lD'ti eavenb lal f th t t · h d" hIt '.. II h' .,'" afrord a parallel Grant itli pre"-nt a n oc e IS WI e, .s· t ey

ever, a e quo I!. IOn you ave ma e gl'l'lDg t e sou grea er actll'lty came rea y t ink tbat a man, by some in- d' . . k' ~ talking over the solemn event and enilorsed, can not bepsssedover to possesstpeJewish mind. Indeed, dnlgen6e in tbis life, may 8ave to poor .con l.tlOn, tts roc s. Without. a had threatened their Iivel with a lightly. His article cuts tbe knot such ideas or heaven, hell, tbe res or· himself in heU both eyes, because ~ierlD~, Ita} strdeam~ drIed np, It I ing tronble. .. Never-now I instead af nntying it. He has intro· rection of the dead, fntnre rewords both are 8!lved to him here but nn· U age neg becdte d' bltsb statnesqne tasted the sweetness of r')rgi1rel\t_l~ duo ced three Greek word L";'>es d' h t t' ht' d t" ' ,. scenery nnBn ne y t e mellowed ..." ~y.tllMl S, twa ,ge an PUDIS men s, as are aug In er cer am CIrcumstances we are lit- dr' • ft f i-never agam WillI cherllh revell£8 henna; and tartarus, eacb, he say~, the New Testament, by Christ and erally to pluck out oue of our eyea, lin so teOIlI~ to nences 0 a m~ 8t or unkindness toward the erriinll' represented by the English word bis apostles were almost ;f not en. (and that the right one) that we, Its roads rough, ita htlls ~ th' . t S' hell. He furtber says, tbese three tirely unkn~wn' to the first ages of may enter heaven alth~ugh with bare, and its limestone rocks un pre- .orth ere lBdnewf meadDl~lg a my d Id ,J iel ' ,w.' G k d d d

. ' te t d b 'I't '11 t h d' ID e war e 0 our alI prayer.n oou not I eep ree wor s, reo ere by tbe word Old Testament tImes The historic only one eye, and that the left one. c e . y SOl, I S VI. age~ wre c e , I see tbat I liave only heeD caili ber mother'.

hell, mean three difrerent place~. meaning of these terms then is to Do you reaUy think so? Bnt if you hovels, lUI towns exttOct, Its peasant .. d ta If h'l I h'" .L b ~ Tb . had h d d b 'd d ' If'· d ry slaves or robbers wbat tben 1 JU gmen upou my Be , w I e .. ye .... e ro .. en

ose ID es, e says, are ea j e cons I ere , or we are e t yet ID aban on yo.r literal interpretation I h . -:- d I' ilDpionsly asked • Forgive os Ollr becatile those in gebenna are cast in there the dark at this point, you can not return to s t ere no poetry In tbts eso atton, t ' .:~. tb h 1. . b II b . b B' • I' whl'ch I'f I't d~ not t th rellpasses, as WQ ''IIrgIve aBe w a

a Ive, WIt a t elr mem ers, to be ot be lOre proceed fartber with It afterwards. What then will yon ! ""': rep!eseu e trespass against.lns '" destroyed soal and body; and tarta the words hades and sheol, I must at- do 7 -past, IS yet t~e, ploture which ,flashed •

he aaye, is tbe place into wbich tend to gehenna and tartarU8. Ge. Hoping to reply to yoar 10llt letter ~efore the 8pmtual eye of the mourn· For Ill. S/ I!I-rdcr. the evil angels were cast after their henna is a later word in Scripture in a few day8, I remain. 11!g pr~phets r Is there no poetry TIlE tmOOVERIlrG OF TIlE BOOF.

NATURE AID,D:BSTIIY OF XU. rebellion. This is too summary and usage than sheol, hut is neTerlbele,s Truly yours, N. V. HULL. eltber ID the barmony between the "And they came unto him, u .. , ...... • partial. I sball therefore co'nsider simply a transfer of the Hebrew rocky sternneAS of the land an~ tbe ing one sick of the palBY, which

Dear ~rother Oottre,Il,-Your par· these words somewhat at lengtb, aA. word Hinnom by tbe Greek word ge me? o~ moral thewB ~nd 8tOeWB borne of four. And when they could ~!~~~~~r; ry, in t e opening 0 YOOf .nsw~r certaining their grammatical mean. henna, being a mau's name. To BEAUTIFUL LIlES, whIch It prod~ced; o~ to the con· not come nigh unto him for the to my fifth letter, t·- '''ell enough ex· ing. The field of investigation is know, then, what gehenna' means in [The following lines were written by trast betwee.n ItS nothIDgnes8 as a press, they nncovered the roof Cl91_lIr.,~~D,~~~l, ecoted, I suppose; I <It I f.1l to lIee fruitful and deeply interesling' . Scripture pbrase, we most go back Tyrooe Power, the f&moUll lriBh oomedian, land of phYSical greatnesB and glory" be was " and wben they had breiken', tbe necessity of aslertiog yoar be- who perlahed on the steamer President, and th e tn. d I f th I. f' th d t' d 1. ,flAnKS •. Tbe classical meauing to its application to tbe Valley of They were insoribed on the wall of the" Old e gr a es .n. gory a e it up, they let down the bed -,there'iul Ie \U e oc rIDe you a Yocate. of hades, according to Liddell and SiDnom, near Jerusalem. Kitto Blandford Church .. " near Petersburg, Va., events :whICh ~ere CfB- the sick-or-the p:.ll!l,Y 1!l1r."'-!IlaI~.

Doobtless you belieTe yon are right. .S"ott, is, lst. .. Tbe nether world. says, II Hinnom, or rather Ben HI·n. dIed m ItS. little wadles and Its S!DaIl 3, 4. 1 belieTe yon are wrong. Bat what 2dY Th d 10 which aity Power had an engagement.] rocky c 7 I th ' haB either this or thlt to do with oar ' e grave. 3. 1)~ath," A. nom, an unknown person, wbose Thou art crumbliDito the dust! old pile! eml.nen es . sere I?o .P~· The followingremaril:s, from a very

common phrase with tbe hest aathors name was given to tbe valley which Tbou art liastenlDg to the fal ; etry, nothlDg afrectlDg to tbe ImagI' . argument 1 to express tbe meaning of hailes, is bODods Jerusalem on the north, be- And roond tbee, in tbv loneliness, nation, in t~e p~ysi?al structure of a e.xceJlent ~o~k, thro:,," c?n~lderable

."lOUT desljl;nating the doctrine I "nnderworld." As to tbe definition low ~ount Zion, ~nd which in Scrip. Th~II;~~~~~~ !~et~a~tea:eh now, coontry which IS wl~b~ut a parallel l!ght. on thIS lDterestmg InCldeDt: ~a~~~~~~r; defend as" Splritoalism," is, to say given by LiddeM and Scott, I snp- ture IS often mentIOned in connection Who knelt before thy shrine; on eartb 1 For WlthlD a space so " In genuine Abrab houllel no bed· the least of it, !,iisingenuons' Tbe p'ose there will be no dispnte, and I wit.b tbe borrid rites of Moloch, Ai~:~~c:r~~Turd't~~~eSa:;~J:ru rose, small that the eye c~n take it in lteade are nsed, and con~quently term de,fines in popular pl:irasea form will not therllfore multiply anthori. WhIch, under idolatrous kings, were And ladly Sighs the wandering wind. fr~m more. tban one POlDt, there ~r~ no rooms are set apart expresllly for of belief npon the subject or apirit. ties, only ad~ing the definition given tbere celebrated. (Josh. 15: 8; 18: Where oflln years &one by, ' ~elghtB, hke Hermon, cover:d WIth bedrooms. Mattresses are ual conditions and agencies en· by Grove in hiB Greek aud English 16; Neh. 11 : 30; Jer. 'I : 81 j 9 : 2.) Pr~er rose from many hearts to Him, eternll Inrow, a~d depths like ~e anywhere in the ViIoriou8 rooms and tirely aBide from auything I have Dictionary. Hade8 he deGnes, as to WbenJosiah overthrew this idolatry, The~::'~h~~t,~!n~~~~~'foot, Jordan va ley, w.lth a beat. e~oeedlDg courts, or'on tbe terraces, .ccording Bilid or belieye, and I am at a loss to its classical meaniJg, "JJ. darkf, ow he defiled the valley by casting into That Bougbt thy aisl .... , Is o'er J t~at of the tropIcs; there I.on one to tbe season, or to the convenience account for Yllur assertion, that the scure place, uuseen, or not seen by it tbe bones af the dead, the greatest A¥: :JI~~o~e,:::~~~~art aroun , 11de tbe sea, and. on the otber II lake of the moment; and tbe beds and whole infidel ,world aro eltibfacing m6rtals 'j hades, the receptacle or reo of all pollntions among the Hebrews; .' whose _s.orf.ce IS. 1300 feet low:er bedding are rollild up .nd pnt .way A my vie1'II, .s rebels against" hi,b gion of the dead, containing alt the .nd from tbat time it became the H':o:O~o~,::\~:n:~i~aP:o~ wing! down, ,!Ith soundings as.deep agalD. dnring the d.y in re_1 made for pa.&or', HeaTen," and in tbill tbeir "last fabulous maneions of the heathen common jakes of Jerus.lem, into We hear the distant oity'. dlo; Where 18 there soc~ a' nver as the them. Tbns, with a prett)' good of ;:,e ditch" eDtrenching themtel'l'ea. That ritaal. According to the Christian wbicb all the refuse of tbe city was The de&4 are mute below; Jordan, 'whoee turbulent .wa~ra lItock ·of mattrel!sea and lebatli!, a 'rtedWIII",a the Obristian: .Dd 1teathen worlds, at doc\rioe, the iO'l'isible world of spiro ca~t, and where the combustible por. T'i:.::..un .. 1~~~n~i.~n"!'~~~r~ , neyer glad?et.Jed iii bUID~ h~ltahon, large nnmber of gDeI!tIi lD.y be en- PPO::~~~;~~~t~~t~"I~'~~'~ least the great malll'of them, believe its, tbe nnseen place of souls, the tionll of that refnse werll conlnmed T~h!e=a~~~hJ:~::.e :a~':~ their brow., nor. ever Img~ted a .green field- tertained any night,.t ,. lIIOIDent'. e with me, that. the Ipirit does not die place of the dead generally, but vnl. by fire. -nence it came to be regard. wblch por~ue8 It~ c?ntinuous cou~se notioe. The room was we" ,venti· with the body, is true; but that they garly_ a place of tormeDt, tbe abode ed as a sort of type of hell, tbe ge- O~h~?:!~::l.~:!~t~:r::~J:Ck, f~r .200 mIles !lIhlh a sp~ce easily lated by two large square -openingl,

, are" coming" to this belief, is not of the damned in hell-death" henna of tbe New Testament being Who've oa.rruess roved,wberewe do now. VISIble, and ends at last IU the lea near the oeiling, oppoBite to each true, for they have alwals beld it. Alford, in his '., Greek Testament no other than tbis valley of Hinnom, Who'll never meet again I of death, n.ever to re·appe.r T W. here otber, one being J·ust over the door, hn'·o .... aa.Ab:·J~~~~rii~::;j~r~~~ Wb th h d d h .. How would oor very hearla ~e Btlrred, th th h t f w

e er. un re t ous.nll persona with Critical Notes," vol I, on Lake (Ge-Hinnom,) See Matt. 6: 22, sq.; To meet the earliest gaze, all ear. 18 ere suc a nrle y a and the otber over the recess for the d in the United States ha \'e wi'thin 16: 23, says, II Hodes is the abode Mark 9 : 48 j Lake'!: 5; James 3: 6." or the tovely and the bea.utlful- T ~~etat~on, frolll the. palm on ~he Bnl· m.ttresses. Thil 80rt of bed conld ared ~ot the last twenty yeare eDlbraced yt>ur of all disembodied spirits till the res. The same author, on the word hell, The light of other days I try .plalll to the lIChen be~lde t~e easily have been carried .way by .~~ becau .. faith in thi'! respect; 1 know not; nrreetion, not tbe place of torment, has the following: " Hel~Mllch glaCIer r :Where Bnch howlIng wII· tbe sick man of ; .nd if" late. " but tba~ !,be statemen~ smlWkIiI a lit· mnch les8 heU, as understood common- that heloDgs to tbis subject has al. • 011 WHOLEBO](E SLEEP. derDes8e~, Buch }r~eary and utterly tbe houBes of C~pernaum were II How: "a!ored I am, ' ...... tie of boasting, 'no ~one, 1 think, ly in the E. V." . ready been considered onder the Not always is sleep" tired n.tnre'l dp8?late w~ltes, WIth sucb luxuriant like mOlt of the bouses of tbe pre. !or w~~ It bJlll!., "i1j" . 1M' wonld deny, In' so far as infidels Kitto, vol. I,under the word hades, word hades. It is tbere shown, that sweet restorer." Sometimes, instead p!lLlDB; fentle v.HIl1i1, p.ltme-Iands, Bent day in the townll of P.leltlDej WJ~d dldD t blow ,lDlleb - ,C!! " , are concerned, tbey of course, at saY8, "A Greeil word by which tbe bell is represented by tho word 'heal of a balm, it brings a in vlDeysrds,. and cornfiel.ds r Where the uncoyering of the roof referred w.. 10 ,mllCh Ino,! ~b ~, least many of them, will have little Septuagint translates sheol, defining in the Old, and oy hades in tbe New the shape of the nightmare. Man is such a chmate, vary10g tbrough to in tbe fourtb verse of tbe l'Ame Could b~ve a ~re W1'bO~· • to object to that part of your faith lhe abode or world of tbe dead, in Testament. But as both of these a wonderful piece of work, bnt his ev~ry degree of teml!eratnre and of cbapter, .dmit.; of .n eaey ~::Ii~'. be't dlaalrfal r.;r.~~'" whicb a.lerts th.t tbe "'whole man wbich sense it freqaently occurs in words mean also the grave or,the machinery may be thrown out of gear mOisture 7-McLeod tn Good Word •. tion. The inner conrt of the houle n..he ,oo.!&..a.~, J ~ ... , becomes unconscious at del\lh," but the New Testament, where"it is U8U' condition of the dead, hell,' .. 'tbe aud sent a.whining by so lligbt a is nlDaIly more IIpacionl tban any of :::n.~t:-:'31t,11", Pi that anJ Christian should be led thlls ally rend~md • hell' in the English place of final poni~hment for sinnen, thing ae a late supper. An indigel!- I'LL lEVER F.ORGIVE HIl(. tbe surrounding rooms, and often w.'ter when thllle'rii' 1,.-fSf .. 'ray, il troly a matter of sur· . Tbe word hades means lit. is more distinctively. in.d.ieated by the tible Welsh r.rebit at 11 P. M'i may "I'll never forgive him...,never I" there .ro plat~.orms or beD.cbel of th-t I ClOuld n.0.6 .:±O;'O.·~.""tH' ,,1)II~' Prise. N e'l'ertbeles8, we are told ha h" da k I L - h h h d I' b' '" . bl k d N . h d rd J h " t h d ad th m uo .... 5. 1''''.''':1 t t w tell. u in r ness. n term ge,,,,,.na,. w IC 18 t e wor resu t 10 a Ig, suuocatlDg ac og "ever IS a ar wo ,on, s one on eac 8! e, IIpre _ WI . ca~· " DOtlliliftt ............. 1" tba\ IIIldollers wiII II wax WOfse and the writers, it iii used to tranillated bel\ In Matt. 5 : 29,29,30; across tbe chest at one O'clock in the said the sweet-faced wife of John pet~ :jond Ctlsblolllt used as dlv.ns '" i··" -wor::h' ~nd I InppOle we may ex· OTCUS, or the infernal regions. 10: 98; 18 : 15, 33; Mark 9 : 43, morning; an overplus of loaf·pastry, Locke, as ahe looked for a moment during the :day, .nd as IIlee~og "0 'no' ' 'rill ,n,nut.'.' pec .'It 1lB. time advances,'new er· to the notions of the 45, 4T ; Lake 12: 5 ; James 8: 6. wbich his gastriojaices can not cou· from her sewing. plac:es at mght. To loch .. oO'iJrt tbrodi'h tb' ror. "'1)1, ~ lDtroda~d, and old oneil Jews, or hades WIlS a vast reo It is aleo distinctively indicated by Yeniently assimilate, may precipi*"te " He il a mean, dastardly coward, Chnst may haYe retreated when the the tatle be .b,tCh r~prQdoced. :roars IS an old one. reo ceptacle, where the son Is of the dead such phrasel as the place of torment, bim from a preeipice in dreamland and upon this Holy Bible, l-" crowd increased. We may imagine ".na wbe: 'I'lnd. EpseblUII saya, (Eccl. Hlst., were in a 8~parate state until the (Luke 16: 28,) everlasting fire, into a bottomless abyss, or a surfeit "tltop, hnsband. John I remem· him there, with the wonderfu1~pIe lights i.·the page S6S, ch~p, 3'1, tranlllated, by resorrection of their bodies. The ( 25: 41.) Tbe hell of fire, of pate de foie grM send him to. ber be i8 my brother j aud by the round him, and the crafty .nd ~n- .n for me Rev, O. F. OrUlBe, A, M" and pnblIsh. region of the blessed during this in. wbere the worm dieth not, and the Morphe&n gallows, there to endore love yon bear me, forbear fo dune fulscribee seated ne.ron the dl'Ntl- Searabout • ~d by T, Maeo~ a~d G.Lane, 1889,) terval, or _ the inferior paradise, is fire is not quenched, (Mark 9: 44,) all the tortures of actual 8tratJgula- him. He hae done yoo wrOog, I al· .n sheltered from tbe hot lun bl and tbea 1

Bot .bont thIS tlm~ also otber men snpposed to be in the upper part of The dreadfol natnre of the abode of tion, This sort of thing, by the low j bnt oh, John I be ill young .nd lOme kind of matti~g or c.nyas, lOp Utat loan' sprang np in Ar~~la aa tho propa· thia receptacle, wbile was tbe wicked is implied in nrious fig· way, is only one remove from apo· very 1I0rrowfn!." The moment.ry ported on a trellli work of t~ ni ht in hellli'Il,." gllterll of fallMl opinIons, These as the abyss, I)r gehenna, (tartarnB,) in urative expre8l!iOnB, such as outer plexy, and the incubns·ridden victim shame you felt yesterday will bardly branches and planb, more or len ~ law Berted that tbe human 80nl, a8 long which the Boola of the wicked were darkneas' I am tormented in tbis of inoTdinate and nntimely self·indol· be wiped out with Il cnrle, It will secure. When the Bick man WII ~~~~:d~:~;: ~ the pfe~nt It.te of the world ?x· subjected to pnnishment." llame . fn~nace of fire; nnqoench&. gence is likely enoogb to be at last injure youraeU, John, Ob, pleue oarried by biB friends to the bOMe .Il ,6'1i.1II

IB!ed, perlsbed at deat~, and dIed Herzog, vol. '1.1', nnder the word fir~, where tbe worm dieth uot; bestridden iu his 1I1eep by a nigbt- don't 8ay anything dresdfnl I" wbere Christ w~ preaobinj{, I tbey wl,th tbe b~dy, ~at that It would be "A.t first,71ades amoog tbe blackness of darkness; torment mare too strong for hilnitality-even Tbe sweet·faced womaB preniJlld; could not come mgb '0 bim for the r!"1Ied agam WIth t~e body, a~ the the waa the name of Pinto, in fire and brimstone, (Matt, 8: 12; death. tbe curse that hang upon the lips of press,' so they very naturally went ." when tIme of the r .. urr~cuoD. And as a the god of tbe nether world, but it 13: 42 j 22: 13; 25.: 80 ; Loke Tbe term nigbtmare is sap posed tbe angry man was not 8poken ; but on to the terrace or houae-top, and .Ii:e I lOlt tbe cOllaldera1>1e. cODuc.11 wall ~eld on a.c- 1'M afterwards applied to the world 16: 24 j compo Matt. 25: 41 ; Mark to bave been derived from" Mara," still he said, "I'll never forgive bim • unoovered the roof' of the court; far.' cqnn' 01. ~tl, O!lgea belDg: .g.ln itself, the abode and e8tlto of the 9: 48 48' Jade lIB ; camp. Rev. U: the name of a demon which, accord· -he bas done me a deadly wroog ," tha' is, they remoyed the m.tting bat req ... ted, .lik~wlle h?re d!le\l1ltl- departed, alid corresponds to arcus, 10 Ii. 19' 20' 20. 14' 21· !!.) ing to the Scandinlfvi.n mythology Tbe youug man 1'bohadpro.,oked which ebeltered it, and then tbe.r m ad tbe POUlt In questIon, WIth so or the inferna of the Latins and The fig~re b~ wbich h~lI is' repre"a~mt. pounced npon men in their aleep, .and hil bitterness, bumbled and repent· • broke up' the trema -work, a~d let ott to .~h foree that thoBe who hlld beeu shealof the Hebrews. To a g~elter ed a8 burning with fire and brilll' held the will in thraldom. The old ant-BOught in nin for forgireneBI down tbe bed wbereon. tbe Ilok of meal. :!::r..:,~~ bef?re le~ Il.hauged or degree, it waa regarded a8 • stone ia probably derived from the Saxons called the distemper .. elf· frOlii bim wbom, in • moment 'Of pal' the palsy lay. If an ordlDary hOllle- been 1D1 _1"J',,"'.

their oplDions: So yours IS not a of final rewards and puniah. fate ~f SOifom and Gomorrab, as sidenne," or elfeqD.tting. With the sian, he had injured almOllt beyow! top had been broken up, the wooden' am I" new e,rror, aa It datell fro~ tbe daya ment8, .nd contained its elysinm well as tbat which describes the doctorl!, who .re nothing if not 01 .. reparation. John Locke steeled hia beam II, .nd the mas8e8 of earth .nd of OrIgen, who, was born 185. and tartarus, Tbe life led there was smoke ascending from it, (compare aicai, h is II ephi.ltes," from a mythic beart againBt him. . ~'one ?f which it il composed. w0!lld.

You haye no nood of writing to closely analogons to that of the Rey. 14: 10, ll, with Gen. 19: 24- giant of that name who nndertook 111 bia atore lat the young .,lllage ID falhng, haYe endangered the IIvea ~~~~~~~~~~~~;Iii'l COIlTince mo tha\ etern.l Ufe ill the upper world, the only difference be- 28) To tbis coincidence of descrip' to climb to he.ven, hot miuing bis metcbant, one pleannt morning, of thOle below." gift of God, That I belieye as firm· ing, that the inhabitanta were shades, tion, Peter .180 IOOIIt probably ai- foothOld, tambled into tbe fathom"' conllantly, cuntentedly reading the ..,-------I) and joyfully al\ you. Wbere you forma without snbstance. From this lades in 2 Pet. 2 : 6" lesl depthe. Moet of us haTe probtl-i morning paper. A fIOUmi of hnrried THI ENGLISH hlNGV.lGI.-The con· a.nd 1 dift'sr illf tha' you make oon. heat ben view of the (ature state, TartaTll8 is bnt once UBed in the bly been convolslld in our lleep witbi footsteps .approachlld, but he took no Itrnction of the EngIi'h languare tlljoed llXiate1!ce lLod etern.1 life the that of the Old Testament differs less whole Bible, and then it occurs in tbe eame sort of thing which d~ notice of it, until a h.t1e .. boy b.ret moat .ppear mOlt formid.ble t(J a .,me., I do oat. I hold !,hat eternal tban might be lIup~ect." 2 Pet. 2 : 4, and seems tbe 8ynonym tripped up Titan is fabled to haVe< into the store, scre.ming at the top foreigner. One of tbem, loold., at life, i~ Scripture pbrase, il the I18me It. woold be en,. CO muUiply testi· of gehenna. If there be any differ· experienced daring biB "Ioftl fall" of hi. voice, .. Mr. Locke, Johnny is • picture of • number of .... 1 .. aa eternal ble8I1edne,., One may mony 'upon thill point ~ bat ,"proceed enee in tbeir meaning, it ill gehenn. from tbe celeBtial battlements. In in tbe river-little Johnny Locke." said, .. See, wb.t·a ftock of l'6iptJ I" 1",-"" .'Md!:~~~$~al;;l~~! exist etern.lly without being eter. to 8ay that the Septu.gint traus· intensified. The opinion th.t tarta- our boyish days, or r.tl1ftr nightll.1 To' down the paper .nd spring He was told tbat a flock ot Ihlps nlllly blessed, or baYing etern.1 life. I.tea ibe Hebrew word Bheol by rns, as a place, differs from gehenna, 1'e were frequently pitchlld beadloag for the atreet w .. th~ JiR' impull8 "Was calIlld a fleet, .Dd th.t " teet To .ay th.t Cbriat came to give coo' hades and therefore, to find the mean· is beyond donbt fonnded in -mistake. from the tops of ak, -cl_ing maUD" of the .gonized father. On, on. like of lheep w .. oalle4 a flock. ADd it tinulld being to men, calling, that ing ~f hade., we must go back to In view of the foregoing, tben, I tains, throwu over staircaBel, ~ a maniac, he flew, till hereached the w .. added, for bia gDidance iD ..... eternal life, II ao mOliltrooll a per. sheol, tbe meaning of wbicb most be come to tbe following conclusions: into wells from whieh tfle bottom. batlk of the riyer, pallid .nd crazlld tering the iotricacie,! of oor lall' ver,ioD, that I _ not how .nl man looked for in the opinions of the 1. Tbat sheal, in illl gralllmatical had· dropped out, to .ay nothiug ot with anguilb. The Brit light that guage, .that • flock o~ glrll i. called =~~~;~;;iilll Iroo~g tbe-Scrlpta,ret can utter it. Jews concerning the place or state meaning, ie the graue, falling, bed and all, throogb trap. Il\et Me eyes waelh\4e ,Jvbnny lying • bevy, th.t • beT,)' of wolnl IBloll}tI"i.llDr~~)_.4(l Tba'IJIol8 -.hd h.t.e fter!lallife will described by It. The hiawrica!. 2. Tbe underworld-the place of doora in the floor into illimitable in the &raw of biB 'IaOtber, with tier called II pack, .nd a pack of thteyet also ,con\l~ued eXl"tence, ia the'refore as well as the grammatl' the dead. .;. chaos, or being ~ht up by th~ "ir baagilli .rond ier, bent wild- ia called a gang, and a •• u ....

true:; bUI ttiai III-not what il me.Dt cal meaning of the wOl'd, is eSlential 3. That in its hiltoric.l meaning, bair into tlie realUlB of ether, and Iy oyer her ohild. The boy wasjolt ,&,el@ i. called a hoat, by II eterDat life." to a proper understanding' of it. it ill the place' of departed' spirits. there kept 'dangling and kicking, iik~ sayed. ~ He breatblld, and, opeeing porpoi_ il called a

Tbat I~e body, without, tbe Ipitit; Alger, in hil "Ulstoty of tb~ Doc· whetber good or bad. a jDmping jack, witbout ~ 119P'i' hi. e"', ablUed fainU" on hia moth· Iho.1 of bd'.10 ill baa {!Q lite or ~~o"llldge, ae !O!ll.y, of a Futare Life," l!age 164, •. That hades hilt tb~ lam~. mean· 'ten~ prospect of reacae. W~ll dd :erie fae&, 'While .be", whh • ohoUinr a bem of children il catlled I, tro~; aDd YOtlr Itlltement,. t~.l I.YS," ~ ie, direc.tly. derived . ing with wol, only that. it more we lJIlillember tt.· at.ri of terr.qi toioe, tllllmked God. , ADOtbe" forlll and. troop of partridpl ia ei.IIled the Iplri' came from, God, .nd re- • Hebrew word BigDlfYlng firet tod'l!l clearly expresses the-opinions of the with which we .woke on loch oce,a!- ·'.Y iuMloaible,r ·airetched near the covey, .nd a co.~( beautlea il turu to him, I belie.e, and ~Joiee or excatJat6. It means, therefore, • Jews in tbe tilhe of Christ, (cepe- .iona, . ..a the' deep~a"\l.-Bi,bl.of child. _,FJ'ollf- hi, bead tbe dark blood called a galaxy, ". ,.Iaxy of that ,0lJ '10 lI?IIeYfl.: And 80W, ,Ii.... oa.lty or empty /lubterrane.n place. cially of the Pbaril!eel,) conoernmr relief "iclt' folloWed' tbe (:bDici6~ lIlnved·{Wm .. gb-r.tly, wOllnd. TIle 'tillft. is 'ca-lled a horde, MId It. horde I :=~:,:i: IQg gODe thll.'''r tagetlli!r, why"d IW deri.,.ti~D il nllual1y connected, the atate of tbe dead, whicb was ope nees' ijf aafeft. It il doubtfUl· w~ II .«einl' dom Jc.bll Locke bad of rabblstr t. called '" ke.,; .nct"alj -.r.-(II 'lte aeparate'ft. foo do l\oC"helie,e bo"oyer, wllb the Becondary eUher of or misery. 8r any wating .gon1~ I1iiP • th. Iworn eternal h.tred bad, ai ,be rilk ~ of 0_ iI callecl,a.,tlfC!lJe. ."i~" tllll& ;ttie .plrif1'retoroll to God illl ,~be ~ebrew word referred to, 6, Tbat lish, better, ~men*- thai It.. beeD' eadored ij of bie owa.1ife, been tbe "Tiuv of ,.aro!p blaok-goaro. ia :;:~I:;~~~m~~ de ... pitlt, Ito ,011 r I do not. ~o ask, to desirerJrolD the tlie the4lteek ~me. "i hi, child. Be had atruok a ftoating mob, mob of'whal:;~~~~II:=1

I tbe~"iOIJ H .... th.t the. 'piril of a'edlanding,aince t the Greek .6td ~'There can be little doubt th.~ 'pi~ of drift wood ~ he came to tbe •• choO, .nd a &Chool 01 " lIIaa fddru to God. ,liying. yit.1 orcns unsparingly loy" claim to ' Aadef ia 101l!e- Dilft'l1 ot: the' IpeCire:-C~t:re"da11 lorf.ce' witb tbe bOy, wd ii1l&lled

. e ... nce, I.1Ie DO&u whJ 'ollt ;co.aro. or, all others have ,rlncifull!, by hell, be· aget were I. mat .. " : ~f iii- leemed aliDnIK·ineYiabl& ' , " rftIra. of eill:;".n, ~,," _II~,';"'K~ tt'l, ,IDa, i.nO~.~ W .a,lnd. I etr~ed it, tba-'object- 'of iini~erl!al in whicb' It' dfpltion. Yoar SauD gorm.ndi_1 "'.10\0 Locke flu, himself down ® _pa, .... d. cor,. of robbers'-"'11. _1DI\I",gijId .~~ tltw ,. .. dl qUlty, tbe llitlinown manalOn, inc&rplit!fatidn:' ,rtIo ~m81 leal," far into the lW "sen ' I.ard, and hell" oyer the _ .. baod, aDd • bud· of ~~~~~lreliru'l ~..... IIIIIl ,I '="ll!iJtb~llts cerlior whicb.U .re aulouall the-phr..el " deetrol, sOnl night on boar'. flesh and YIIDiM lIIilelellAorm. .. Saye 'him," he 0al1ed a IwarlD, ud a i"". ;,:;a;~iWi~~".ii lbrs&t.DId, an a .. jatil,ataer qlliring," etc., etc. .. eM~~,t.o ~~ I~e'w~ .~tr7, ~~bing them_'~5lw'~' ,rt~ ~ b~kD1' ';l dte.~,t.otl who bad pte is cal1ec1 a tirOWc1o ud ~",~" A. ... U .. "M.i"ilH


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188 "


,1111 , .... ,." •• ". •

W:latlRLY," I., nITR·DAY, .lUG. ai, 1886.

," , . ,


'" ~ .... '"

• "

' .... "", Itt

'If ,~'

temting facta in regard to the i. not, howe"", the best meao. ~mp.nioD, "We are the Society, afrair ..... ltarted a.DcI,' .~a~1 ~'eleet.ed \0 '~'rr! 00 •• • '" .. ~_,pfILLttUOB. of emigration which ia now seonriDg a U"ing, or m.tiDr and Board of Ofticerl, and Kinion· thOle wbo ba", b"'~tl; cd bf,.u.... charch m t ,1O_thera '-'be co..-' ~. ,

I S . f . . Statee, Vth tbe undel'lltA'D4iDI' lb., . ct" u , 0 lonthward from tbe Northern .nd wea tb. tock·raising, in some of ,nes,o thil enterprise, and .re fol· from the field of battle; 1D4 til!!. it If the Bilhop tiling n~""e"Ir1, aicbmoad.. '.. ft,lIl'ntt, Western Statea along the Mi88isBippi its form .. is ""e aureal and beat lowing. what we believe 19 be the iB that our brave boy., u.., ma,. repreaeat lM"'RiouI •• ill ~r ~ co;:;:-:. w~1b ';" ,lIIrll~teh

,=·=G:::;:; .. :;:'=.=a=.~=t1=tt=.=.=~=Bd=IU=t=o=ifi== river valley. Many NortherD and meaDs of pro@peritytThisreqnirespromptingsoftbeSpiritofGod in folly ser ... ed.their count?" tb~GeDera~ Oonvention to be''Mld """rt.In.J/I'ti"~ u:, ~~ :r .,~ N " Tn BABBATlI, Nortb·western men of enterprise and more ca~it.1 than a poor' man can carrying tilt ~08pel to thoacattered." home to eDJoy the 80clety of.tilelr Pbiladelphla. ' " titlnaaioM,,' 'Wk~. ,,,.

means ha"e bonght cotton an'd sngar control. Hence 80me have become Very good-. rea80n Inffioi.nt to friends, and .id in lustainin· the A._ C "'h' • ..:.... cb,fCheta "de.-... eqllil .. "., lI~-lIlB'OSY. > • & """,,uOOll oLLlel 'A e t~_ • plantationl, lind design commencing dilcouraged and lert. The society the movement, and shoold preached word. Kay they .n,"Ra .. - . '... ' 10 the General A.-cel.tion. ~~s:.;~ID. agricultoral operationa on tbem aa now 8mall, conlislinr of Beven fami· all. Bot Bro. B. proceedl alwaYI, be' vali'" IOldiers hi" the d Go Colle~e, I~ O!IO.~ In"lt- " ... 1 .... bi~Mb' ,'~ Hortl.,

O 'bl A th se a e lies. They nevertheless hold their ad" W h th d f 'b Lo d. '-, e v. Alldtew .,."I_uett. to III w .... t e, "XCi'::; "'1'Illit \lie p,eant ArmeDlan Cbllrclll lO D II POilI e. mong ern s'1', eave e en orae- army 0 • e r , ,. become tile Pretld.t'M &rat inadb. ',I'd'" 'COlli •• ' • .'\"

III •. SMb.tII.keepiDj' one, we hye officers who have served in the na· Sabbath meetings and their Sabbath· meot of the Missionary Board in this ; Uoll, and be willprob.bly IIClO&pt the ,~ ... bi",: B ...... Wire. I.> ..-.I~ 11 troD' .nd direot. tional army thronghont 'the war. sobool, and are visited occa8ionally l.fI6r, Ind hope,lInder the bleesing KAJUUAGBS A)(OIG l'BIEDKEI, . . l' Ir he 'd he'lI he tile 16 ~t.,;...-.~ I'"S-I' 'qn' '(pa',e 02 ,) The leneral opinion among these by \he mi8sionary of the Bo.d of God, it will not be in vain." 'This General Rnfos Saxton hu JUIdet. III!~ta Ion: ~,WI will therefore ek ani.,

, 'ao e,II,I;' I' h t h ted t PdP lb' L d &liiil Prl!llld .. ~ coDwlbatild by dependent ororanilltion., . b f h geut emen IS, tat e negro c.. ar ee. roper a or., In remar.. un oobtedly Iltisfie. all taken to eet.blish regnlation. i,n reo cbuae&ta to thll Oblo "_II_-e. ' , ....'. "" ',' . .. TIIe,A.rmenlu, .re Y .f tel h d " h h -ad fl . h' ......... m B b b b ,>/. "'.-f werfa~ .lId tbe 'mo.t widely work we' enollg nn er the free lao time, mig t ave me. ouns IDg thoee sticklers for having all our lation to m.rriagee alllong tbe lIte HorlCle M'DI~id f~r i~ the Ahe . on! ern II .:l.P,I,,~ .... Prot·

:;.::. ie \hli Iroilp 01 purely Ori. bor Iyatem, and that they will bave here. and remo .... Is, milsionary operations conducted by slaves. The order was i,.ned .t t.rtly bew before be died, aDd Htlmt Bpllcop.1 un\Ji"c!b are n~t en.t,-',Obarc, b., of .hich we are no... no occasion to call for white labor. with the war, bave taken .way more one Missionary Society. But onr Beaufort S. C.on' tbe 11th of Au- earned !D0re fall1 lroa bie life ~reed "to .tbeex~l-CJ1 <! rea.lon

'Tt.11 d hi' ' , .' • 11 pnbllehed. Withl. I 'ew·weekl wltb th. dl~ III • die, ,.,ortbetQ I " 1Ia, . I. ," .nC ,exero 110 • erB from the North and from Eorope. than half of tbe familiea that once good brother does not IDform na that gU8t. The fourth .ectlOn deter"nne. - .... er hie delt.b*o -0-.' HOI S'.tel. While tlie ;Bllbop, Ind Dio-Mt,ClnftDeJ1CG OYer III of tbem. I d h M h h - ,. .. n ou '~ij ~o.'I'i. in the mountain tract ocate ere. any more, w 0 ave be hili the" efldoreement ",'Of aDY tbe .tatns of conjllgal partner .. etc., cbolllm his SUCoellOr, and oontiDaed CeI.D CODYeDtion of Tex .. !HI"e ,.

tb.'~:eDc.ltci~e~, Arar.t. But, tbough EYES W.EBT-BO. 7. pnfcbued lands here, bave ne ... er the churches, not even tbe chnrcb to &8 follows: hill w~ 'Intil ADtioolJ gMe IOI ... ed • to re-00llbld&"I~ .. at dl .. thl~t. ,( t~m tbe lurrounding na- SEVENTH,DAY BAPTISTS IN KANS.A.8. come to them, aDd probably will not. which he and his II yote fellow" be- .. First-The marriage of a~ par. to Ha".id. And now Ohio once With tbe Genetlll OOa.,entlon or . • 'IIIi"" ..... 'IIII$'16f lOattered far .nd Tb S h d Several.,of the brethren bere h~ve long, or that he has 80nght any t' I" t h h b tid arain to 11 ..... ImDlletta. She the UnlJed Sta!t', Bi. .Green "or .. ... ,~ .. ".. .h e event· ay Baptists of W sncb" endorsement." Yet it is ales I'ung oget er a8 n8 a Horace .Mlon In 1861"JIM' .. lie .0 entlrel, dJlI'ereot ,IDioD," hii 1fltifi'throl!lb 't e wbole LOVlnt, III are located near the borders held important offices in the State. facl, that thoee brethren have the wife at the time of obtaining &bOllt to become GOJlrnor or" preference"', th.t tbe "Qalll;' tlleir ~ilCopl"e, and civiliZ&tio~, Ind far remote from the One haa been mellber of the Legis ... endorsement of tbe freedom, or solemnized 8ince ob~&in· State. She caU. for J"n A. Ohnrcbel, Nortll.n4 atli, "'l1li\1111 hif ,~n " the lime time the. l' • _ bl d'- S Board" .or we have tbe statement ing it, will be acknowledged' .. legal al hft is Ie. orin. *h.t poet .fter two lep.r.te o.-ani. tion • .o' tr~o,ot.A.l .. A race, a c~urCb, of body of onr churches, so that, they ative ....... em "".n a ... o enalor, , I' and biDding. f d" '"' . Ad'" , 4' ..ercli'lln, prloces, tbey .re. 10 quiet. are not represented in any qf our and wonld have'blen State Anditor, Bro. Bailey to that ettec!, whose Second-All pllrtiee whOle mar. yeare 0 ar nolll 1Ief!lce.. 1..\1 .D .rgament in ,.or,~f. ftl,r~, n~ .. in ... e.lth, In steadlnesl, the deliberative bodies. . Most of them if he, would sanction certain political acity i8 nndonb~d, ahn.dhthe Bo.rldd riage was only a mntll .. 1 agreement tb~Ofb Gov. t::a..:n Illno,,: 10trrapN 'yit ~'!L·tltb tt' ·-bt.., 'QII~er •. ~ of th6 Ea.t, the • Jews,' •. .' intrigues and'liitrigU'ers. Another bas not denied It, w IC it woo between themselves with no pnblic ,,!,I e y III ~ I a 0 g. e" or .. , .... t e 11 •• OW' it"oM lia,a1,10 c.n them of the Od. are ID Iitmted worldly clfcumltlllcee, ha't'e done if it were not 110, if it ie form or ceremony ~re r .. uired to ~Ie., there IS prob.bly .. o m~ th.&'''tIle ..,roel 1ft til . 'lIit, PI, •• ~I:OhGreb." ';:; sO'that they 8eldom visit the •• t. hall.'~A ~.c,?unti SuperinteDdent of 18 conllistent '. it is truthful. 'l'*i, have tbeir 'mIdi. conft'rmed b,'a In lKe.achnletts .or oat of It, wbo t""'" tbGII.1ItICl .doIlNil,.iiii;&Ia ..

, , .. " , L . f M' . K b Public Instroction j and another worthy and Qbristian ent.erprise is minister, and obtlin a certificate of better fit~ than be .for the pecnli.r the C08~ of tbelr ow. to9r 1·tlijI\~\fl· . 'Oll p.,.1'188, tbe lime autbor tell8 ylDg ~est 0 Iseonrl, ans&8. ae Clerk of the District Conrt. called an Independent Mission, th work which the Pre'ldent of Antioch proportIOn to th. pop"l.tioD, thlrt,..

nt'tb.t."tbi.Oharch W.I foonded A. bee? dlfficnlt of accelltl, espeCially tbis remark of Bro B indicatell an ;~!'de. N t' h' • Oollege has to do. Bnen of tbem wflllt to the ... ar to If 101.' It w.' the grelt center of durmg the win. i Onr Kansas breth· The society bere are 1111 anxious almost abject dependen~ on the Mis- t ~r th 0 pa~ les ~v;!lg ~&:rllie every twenly-Jlve wblte aiel,; 1114

Obr',.u .. lt .. in Alia,., nd pUlhed ita ren have .thus been almost sbllt o.nt for chorch privileges, and wLt:u bope sionary Board Snch obsequions ~I~~:d t el!D:rr~:gg:t~~ra :b:~and MuisION TO THII: SIlAN8.-Mr. Bixby, that the number ... bo CIOtInotl'ead i • ... ~ " f t Tb of enJ'oying them here faill, most of defrerence to p'rerogative where no a d 'f 0 IVt'l th . . s h nnder date of March 16th lends I only ont' iBlenn, while of tlie "blle!f _Ioaar, efort., throngb India [om our 10 erconrse. e cessatIOn . . . II' h T ,. an WI e un I elr marriage as 'it i. one In b •

.... to Oblna, during it. early 'of the war i~ likely to ~enew the in- them will seek them elsewhere. Eld. T. prerogative eXists, IS rea y umlla .. been legally 801emnized narrative of hil fonrth tonr OYer the"p . . . ' tercoufBe With th m t b t E. Babcock WIIB located here as mis. iog, i~ DO~ di8gnsting,.a~d indicates Foorth-All parties 'claiming to mountains, and expreue8 the pnr. The Kinntel of tbe' Ne ... Scbool

t1W:' 'In tbe'fiftb Oeatury, 'an "'PI~"1 . e -I may e 0 th d t d ft Pre byterilln Obllrch for 18811 bfe ~''''" , '1 I -B' tbelr profit sionary for a year; but his impaired eI Irec 10~ we ~fl~ n ~ng. b tb have been married, bat sepanted pope to make one more joorney dur- 8 b . oed The total embe , bet ,.pd I t.ranl.t on of the ible N I . 1 fbi h II . am qUIt? WI Ing ~ lit. ro er slavery, and having no certificate ing the traveling lellollon. He IIpeaki . een II.. ! 111 r· ",,' fll"/>daoed. BncbaDan in his . ear y al 0 our brethren who lea t compe ed him to leave his la· Badey lind hiS compaDlon In lab?r tbeir marriage, mnst obtain from of a chnrch and Ichool IJpriDging up IIb~p of tbe body il giyr ,:,'1l8,G'5, II, Ohri.I'.D Belelrches in A'i~,,, page hne removed from East to West I>Or8. What will be done, is not s~ould hBave tdheb appr~val ?f ~be MIS' 80me society or church a permit for in a new place, and the planting of hemg aTh Incre,,: ~ t'l' .... t:r I .. , 10'. ';'''1 : have done so for th~ sake of getting ~etermined, Tbey at least demand slOnary oar, n.t w en I~, ecomes their rennioo, hefore tbey will be another Sban Bettlement in the vi. year., ? nnm r c oro 00II'

\ .J homes where land IS ch U t f the prayer~ of the chorches, and help necessary to obtalu snch endorse· allowed to live together as husband cI·nl·ty. The firBt Shan con ... ert -alk. nected With the body i. U111, .nd "II'Ttl ':b' " r h' A . eap. ....os 0 ~ W ment," and publish it, to show that and wife" w the number of mioiMn 1"~. 00 .. 'oIilfl'olie I. '~~7 i:ter!sUng. rmoCU:n th~e have n~arly or q.oite exhausted from missionaries. We have seldom tbe labor is othodox, and to give it '. six miles, witb bie wife, to .ttend tributionll I"t ,esr to ,domett\c mi .. tbe Clarl.tiin. in Central Asia, tbelr means 10 removlDg and secnr. spent a pleasanter, aud we hope, cbaracter whetber the cborches do it Tbe same sectIOn also defines tbe worship, on SundIlY:)' A new chapel liOOI $94. 60'1' • to foreigD,ml.ioo., bill.,., ;'feierve,'d themselves mOlt ing a title to new lands. They have more profitable season, than with thia or not, w~ have come very near to relations of husbands to the wives ba,s, been TbhniiSt bk

y another t~ellathelnl tl1l,~9G; to ednc.tloft, ".;811 ; to L d P having, if we have not already got, h db' . b f VI IIge. e an 008 are II I ca· poblication CIUIe, tU,ao", I, .leoeI· '1f0~ an . apal been obliged to coltivate their lands chnrch. May the Lore give them in. a Y them while In testate 0 ing for teachers, and a native preach-doni. T~e Poptl-"lIoIIlalled ~hem. and snpport their- families by hard crease and prosperity here, or a a Power outside of and 8nperio~ to slavery: er bas promil6d, if his present place laneons, $601,1'1. . " , • ~ife With gre.t violence, but With '.. the churches, tbat will dictate 'III' at be l' d to h A It is problble tbat the Sooi.,ty of llt'l . 8-eo".' The Churchel I'n lelser tOil, and havc had little or no oppor· plellollant home in some otber church milo y not be done and who .. Fifth-A. wife, when restored by can Bnpp Ie , to go t em. F' dill b ...... - ted I Ib

• 11" Y or milo '. freedom to her husband if he be !iv. young Geckbo convert hal recently rlen II w e rep • .",.,n n e .A~lIleni. liI'deed oonsented to a tunity for an;ything else. Tbeir cir. and locality. may and who mlly not do It-not 'd' d b bl " U B' b Commillion appointed. to lleat the , ! benefitl'ng the chnrches at all, aDd lng with no otber ",ife 8hall be re- Ie, II pro a y, lIys .... r. IX y, Oherok....... Ob'lck"a-, aad mID[' 1\liibil.,wb oh. dill Dot long coutinne,', cnmstances hue been oufavorable to SCATTI!I.ING. ' II th fi t f b' t'be th """'" ....

• 'n' destroying its own efficiency for ceived by him a8 biB lawful wife, ex· e rl 0 IS rl among e other Indi~o t.ribel, in Irand coone I, b~OIlOl8 in ~erlian .Armenia main- development, in mOBt all desirable A small society is located at Man· good. . cept for moral causes. blood,wlshed throng," on the lit of September.. Too ob.' ' talned. Ind.epellden.ce, and they I·nterests. Hence mAn h b h t b t Id t"t the I h t th SI'xth If I mau II'VI'ng -I'thout a retlin tbelt 'OCleDt Scrlptnrel, doc. . ,~y ave. e- at an, u we con no VillI m. 'O~e tblD~ more: ope, ?' . e - "WOIlXING OF Plw,RIN1'B.-A carre- ject of the GOYernment I •• to MC~re trinel ,and .. orebip to tbls day .... come d1sheartened, and have failed We therefore know nothing by ob- comlag anniversary of the MIlslon· wife find two wives restored to him , . . peace among tb.m b, Impl'O't'lD, The"Bible· ..... tl1.nslate<I into the to lee all they bad boped to gather aervation of ;their condition; bnt ary Society, some one will move an by freedom, the one having childreo spondenlof the .sprlDgfield .Bepubl" th ir 100i.1 coDditioD .nd by remo,· A~iifelll.ii language in the fifth ,cen' around them. Nevertheless there -ere informed tbat but two familie., amendment to the c?o,t!titution, an~ by him and the other not, be shall can describes the working of the pew in; as far .1 poIIible .~me of the

.I. ' ~ haveitpllo8sed, recogDlzlDg. th.eeqo.aiJ. tale tbe motber of his 'children a3 rents in lin orthodox chnrch. Expen. Clnle. which have heretofore pro-tdr,;:un, ~er 'tery. a1i8picionl .circum. bas been a. mea80re of snccess I'n .lave 80me Adventl'sts, lire keeping d U bl'8 lawf 1 -I"e, I be bo-.~ncetj the h1story of which has I' ty o.f th~ Board an mlSSlOnanes; n "" nn e811 s" 8e1 about '1000. Income of renter., "oked them to bDltilitilli. ' c'ol'li~ ~6wn to ua. h haa been al. some p aces, that has g!ven ho~ ~f \he Sabbath there. The small settle· makIDg It understooJ, tbllot they are ca08e, &8 provided in eeclion III., rnle $ . f t2 000 d Tbe .Alnmni of W .. bIDrtOl and loi~ ':by competent judges of the permanence and prosperity. Jndlcl- ment in Coffee County, we learned, only brethren, .od fellow labore.fs ~n 4, ~rlt. h If r . . b H~O'~OO' rangl;~, romS' O{ to~n. Jefrer.on Oollege, P •. , h.n ito\eM la.O,..'u .... e, to be a moat f.aithful tran ... OllS aid, timely furnished, might have Is eDtirely broken np by removall!l. the missionary work. Could thll e efvent - a man IVlng Wit ont Ig e8t rent, . mg e lea II or $10000 the interea .. of wbicb II

lit. II 0 effected, and the Board, relieve i from a wi e Ihall refuse to renew the mar· factory girls, $6. He .ays : to :..~ a' pnfonr·I.·-.1 .~ 'be .app'" l.t.loa. LI roze calls It tho • Queen helped other societies till they coold One or more families reside at Law· b' I t' 'th fa 'r .... .." MN..... "" dt. V"erlloD'.' Tbil Bible. has, belp themselves, Tbl's want of tl'me. the . resp~)D~ibility of b?lding. l e rltoagedreb a Ifoneedwi a b rmer wdile ~e· II Now, if the $20,000 man paid in of Re~. W •• Smith, D. D., ... bo ". remlllled fn the pOIl&eSalOn of b ~nce; another at Gardner, and per· fore~gnml~n~rybylelld.lDg.trlDg8, s re y rom, w 0 may eSlre tbe same ratio with tRe factory girl, for mqre than'fortyyelf •• Profeliot ~t ... lUa~ people, and many iIlustri. Iy .alp hae b:en,. at least, the oc· haps Bome scattered elsewhere, with· an Important, If. n.ot an I.nsoperable such renewal, tbere being no moral with her income of $iOO, he ... ould iD th~ Oollege, .nd who ill left poor , oai"tnllt.ilce.'df' genuiDe lad ca810n of wanmg IDterest, and IIPOR- oot chnrch privilegel or 'pro~pects. 0~8tacle to obtalDlDg ~U1tsbl? ?an- or legal objection to tbe same proven pay $600 ; if Bbe paid in tbe' same in his old age. After hi. delth tbe ened piet1 Occnr ill tbeir history. . . t&8iell. We all!!O learned that ODe of the dldates for the Foreign MIUlonl by him, he shan be beld reaponeible ratio with him, Ibe wonld p.ay 25 principal goe. to the endowlDent of ' Tbe ,.~.,nillll in .re our PARDEE. Kaw Indians. who was a farmer of wonld be removed. VOLTl. for tbe aopport of luch wife, and allo cenle. If aU paid an eqnal ratio of tbe Oollege.

n , b'" Th kid Scon, N. Y., August, 1865. of all his children by ber, 110 loog .. a h . L 1 0"0 .0 ~ect.. ey .c no" e ge Pardee is located in Atcbison some repute, living near the Kawor d they remain minora. .. per cent. per annom on t elr pnl>' Dr. Elrle of tbe !iortbampwo .. ollr 'Oyerllment io IndIa, all tbey do qounty, twelve miles Bouth.west of river, became • ,Christian, ~ We are glad to have our re~· Eighth-No man, failing for want lisbed incomes, the chnrcb wonld Alylo:O, Dr. A. W. TbomptlO1l, tb., of Sophi in Peril a.: .nd they are i. '- ers posted on all sides of every 1m· of cau- proven to obtain" releale have enougb to pay ',11. ita ,ordinary aod other .... ntlemen :i. NonhlOlP' ..... tlAli .~ d Th h tue city of Atchison. The land is a and from'the study of the Bible,"''' • ~ d '''00 L.: d ' 11- .. eml ~ tN' onr regar " ey a ... e porlant qnestion j and there.ore from renewing hill marrilge relationl expen8e8, an .. ""SI ea. ton, propoee to for •• ltoe .. comp ..

pTett!~"ed, ,fie BibleJIl its purity, and high rolling prairie. The, soil is fer· tbe _Se~nth Day WII the Sab- cheerfully mako room CUI' tin> (oros'" with a forBler Wife, will be .1I0wed • ny with tbirt,)' .1000 lbar .. , to IlIITJ their doctrines .re, III far .. the au· tile, and ordiDarily prodncea good bath for Cliristian .. , .nd kept it till ing communication. We mnst con. to marry another woman Si long .s CmuSTU.NITY Ilf JAPAlf.-Rev. G. F. onto the plao of. erecting a deelrable

'tbor knowlI, tbe doctrines of the Bi· crops of grlls. The conntry here, his death, and took mnch pleasure in fi h th t !'ttl snch wife may live, or nntil for jnst Berbeck, an AmeJ;ican missionary in rfJeldence for InYalida apon . Mo._' b.le. BeAtUs, tMy main/ain the Bol- as'ia all KaRsas, is rather more snb- tlilking upon the subject with those ess, owe ... Br,. a ;e ar: • I. e cause ehe sh.1l have married an· Japan, writel that the prejndice Holyoke. emn obIertItlltCIl of Ohris/ian . t t d ht th . h "E who ... ieited him. pnzzled to de?lde w. at t e writer other. against foreign inflaence among the Be". Wm. )leQoDn, p .. f.iQr of ,be 'hroug1&out our IItI&p(ril on lhi! Jec 0 roug an ID t e' ast, so wants. The Impre1l8l0n made npon Ninth-Every man m.rrying a wO" Oongreptional OhDlih " TODloil ' .. iN '.nd' th~ ba'te all m.ny spirea that. good crop is Dot .nre every May the Lord pr08per his people ns, in rellding his article, ii, tbat man having children Bhall be reapon. J aplneBe i8 gradnally di8appearing. III., ... recently killed by • railroad ' Ji61.nttnr to hel"en .mong tbe Hin- ye.r. Tbe society at Pardee con· in Kansas, al hd' prospers his truth. there i8 abont the Mission. 8ible for their protection and Inpport He sayl : 'Ccident, wbile Oil the way to the doOii .. 01lI'llelve8." sists of fourteen families. These JAJlES BAILJrr. ary Board or the Missionary Society, 110 long .s they remlin minorl. " This people are eager for foreign bed.i~e of tie dying lIIothe~ al!d bl. , ~ .bo"e is from page !l08 of a are compactly located, and as yet . ' . . Tenth-.A hUlband Iiling with. books, and it il my firm conviction remllnl .rn ... sd.t her I'IIldenoe I.

, h d' b' OTTD '"SSIO-Any SOOIETY, whICh he does not like; bnt pr~CJse· wife, huing no children by her, m.y that, but for tbe levere edicta a ... alnat Oambridge Obio in ... nn to be Boiton edltioll of 1811. n will no. ave no Istnr 109 elements to mar UA ~ ... A I h t 't . bl to tell • "i h L.A Y w a I 18, we are nna e . be permitted to tate. pre ... iona wife, Ohristianity, the Bible itself, trans. bnried at the limB bonr ... t ...,r •.

, be fOllnd iOll01ll8, if .ny, of the later their harlOony. - Eld. A. A. F. Ran· WHITHER ARII: WII: DRIJTING 7 He certainly will not hold the Mis· provided: lated from the Obinell!', wOllld have After. Springfield putor had IIIlr· , edUiona, from ... hich 'it hla been ex· dolph, nnder the patronage, in part, Another series of &8sociational an· sionary Society respousible for the First-He hIVe children by each been repub\iBhed' here before thi. rled • COli pie, the otber da" tbe ,pungW",' n sbo .... di.tinctly, that of the Mislionary Board, is located niversaries hlloll passed, and their re- action of the Associatiolls in favor wife who are still minorll.. day. The Japanese, witll all their bridegr90m .. ked if there WII I,D" , tI\e: Alt.tic .. ...ell.1 the African here, and generally ministert to them cord ill now a part of the bistory of f . . . t' Second-That Bnch Wife hIVe no moral depravity and groall lrioea, are thing to pay The lIIini.ter hi' 0,

~'. 'h 0 carrying on mlss.tona. ry o.pera tons ou.- hnsband known to be living. an inquiring race, with a -wi dell s.-ted tblt t'he 1.- .llowed him 'I tftOil ..... ne., wbloh oriorin.ted before, on the Sabbat. They maintain, be- th and tbe denoml'natl'on whl'ch h h t te d f __ .~.. W ",!M • ., • em, t rong one organlza Ion Ins a o~uird-That his present wife as- of common lenlle, and verI .pt to 96 the'Y fello ... Informed bill or lbout. tbe time of CODltantiDe, aDd side this, a prayQ~·meeting and a they represent. Doubtless mnch hlloll balf a dozen. Nor shoold he bold e~nt to , change of their mar· learn!' 'tl\~t tbongh be had not I ceGt .. lib whicb did Dot snbmit to the civil Sabbath-school. We spent a Sab- been done at thoBe coD't'ention8, tbe Mil8ionary Society responsible rllge relatlonl.. ' bil,D, be .... oltld lind bim dowD tS 50 rul. _tabl""" 'by bim over the bath with ""hem, otl onr outward wbich is for the fnrtherance of God's for the opinions expresaed on a qnes. Ele ... enth-If a.for~er wife utterly THII: ATL.l.NTIo . MONTHLY, .ufI) OUI bY'ltlge. , Cbarob, .nd ;,~re Dot t.inted .... hil route, and also 011 our return. They cause, and which will meet the an.' f I' b' d"d 1 b rerale, npon appllcatlou made by tbe YOUNG FoLltll, both for September, TheN.tlon.1 Oonor~,.tionll Coon· u" r tlOn 0 po lOY y In IVI aa mem ere hasband to renew ber former mlr- . ad ". b II' lJeath.' ilbtjon.' CQncerning tbe.Sun· received UI and our ministrations proval of the great Head of the f h S . h B rd As t. '. .. have been fnrnished UI by Tic~nor &; cil opted. report, .tatlD, t I •

, ' t d' II d f . h d h °B t Be 'loCiety or t e °ha 'h' .0 rt!fage relaholll! With hlmh, behmafy nhO'l Fields. Our Young FolkB i. eagerly ill dlllirable to _"bJi.b a Ooogre,'·

d.,,'did theD, .nd h."e ever, mos cor 1110 y, an urnls e '(18 t e Chnrch. The attempt, however, to roo 8\ e1'e 8tatement, t at II mls, I y some society or c uro 0 t e tional bonee, OOItl., .lOA,OOO, 10 _ 1 \0 '6b.erfe tbe Sabbath, while m~f jOllrneying to and from absorb all oar missionary movements sion bid tho approval of the Board, fact of Bnch r~fDl!a!, .nd .. k for a awaited every month by III the boy. Bceton. It i •• nppoled &bl~ $60,000 ta. 8alday rem.ini iD'ita place .1' FremOl\' gratuitously. Thia chorch, into one central organiZllotion, to ~ork we fail to see in it any indication of rel:-&8e !rom :ald ~ife. . It, .fte~ do: and girls who are fortunlte enough of thi. amount cln be railed iu tba' f.i" .. t of tbe Oh,drch. tbou.bamaU, bave hopefol prospecta, out all Qurmissionary enterprises, to a rising ': Power," or any onslaught ~~ ::~r~nrern~~g,s~~~ef;'il~~ IIrc to have it. Tbe Atlantic h.s tbe Cl.itny-the relillinder iJla~llfe .. Eag· : .. Ye!l~ to br." Eaa' India Church' and seem deltined to increase and the exoln8ion of every other organi. upon the mdependence of the chnrch- aDY moral or lega' objection, II prGo following table of content. : d. ,. '. r !I. w.tor,," (page l!lO,) ail qnoted by prosper. M~y no disturbing element zation, seems to me not only un wille, es. The atatement ill no doubt true, vided for in these regnlations, to the, Coupon BondI, I, by J. T. Trow· b Re"N' Dry' Klioonbe·lId "'!'\t~b 10'

.Andrewl .aVII: enter to their damage. La.nde can bnt is subYerBive or oar fundamental and we have not a qneation that the renewal' of her former marriage re~ bridge; Wilhelm Meister'B Appre.n· !,n" • "f onhe'i ' .... nl l' JQ!,' • ~ I t' 'th h' th th . ticeBhip, by D, A.: Wayon' Needle nlv.nary 0 t r .at".,.,

" "l~our.t them, Sltarday is a be had in the vicinity at a cost of chnrch polity, that is, onr congreg .. Missionary Board w?n~d be ~Ia~ to c~~~~: :~tingl::, tb:~8eelb~fi~~I~~ ani Garden, IX j Scientifio Farmiag, lTth, bad a II .. 1.1'."0 .... wt~,' pre: . f .. titat day .gree.ble to the ancien' (rolll five. to ten dollara per acre. tionaliam. Bee ~ny camber of Similar ml&lIOnS to the man a release from all hil ob- by Gail Hamilton j Dr. Jobnl, VIII, of •• ape~b ,.ble iJet Or "'1,,1'1 ~ ol,ilie Obarcb." Wood·land ill Icarce. When hedges Onr Missionary Society is too started and carried through in the ligations to her as a hnsband and for by Donlld G. Mitchell; Nataral Hill' b~~rell' IOhd ,U"er, ele,.nU,la· . '.A.,,,. U;,lalge.ta tbe •• me when .ro secored, there will be sufficient lIIuch a pet institntion with me, fur same way. Finally, what does oar the snpport of'all his children by tory of tbe Peacook, by T. W. Par· scrl. . f u.. d

":,/;:';'" , d d Iff I Th r' I '1 d .. . ber" !lonl j Up the St. Jobns River, by T. A convention 0 preac""I'II, el' he ... ,.. < ...... 18' :) , woo an co~ or ue .. · ose Ivmg me to be wi ling to have it SpOl e correspoodent mean by the eqnal!-·. W. Higginson; A New.Art Oritic, coni eldere and other 'relfriolll ,.:ITt!e I"qni,ition "u "let lip at bere ar~ satll!lfi~d wllh the country by an obseqnions worship, or by giv· ty of the Board and tbe Mission· The concladmg remarks of ~he by Eugene Henion i Tbe Luck of teaohere of Ki8.ouri, ft, calhid 10 eo_ ,In tbe l\1diell .t the, ioatlDca of and their locatIOn, and are prosper- ing it prerogatives which do not aries 7" The Missionary Board is General declare that II the IJlIocred m· Abel Steadman, by the .uthor of St. Lonil on the 15th of, 10 rraDol. 1:a"ie,r, ... 110 lirDifled by let- ing in worldly interests. Living on properly belong to it, or paning by simply" Committee, for the time be. Ititutio~ of marrrag~ I!es .t ~he ... el'Y .. Life in t~e Iron Mill ;". Sonnet, by cotllult. in regard to their datyln tel'll' to' Pope John the Third, No". Ihe border of the State near the Mis- errors which are derogatory to its ing; to receive the contribntiona of fonndatwn of all Civil society. It T.~ . .Aldrlcb j .The Capture of Jeff. conn?Ctlon wltb the Gltb ,bey Ire ~q"l~'6; tblt \he JetJJiIh, ... icked~e~a souri river they snfle;ed lomewbat • . I' . k h h h" . .• . should be carefully gnarded by III Davis; The Chimney Oorner, IX, by reqUIred to by tbe 1IIW SUte I I!PI'IIH ... rr d.y more .nd more ID . , •• success, In Its own egltlmate wor . t e c urc ~8, appOint ml8Sl0narlea, • . Mrs. H. B. Stowe; A Visit to the Oon.titotion.· . ,j

tbe p.rta 'of the Elit Iadie •• abject from border rnffian InvaSlOne. Tbey I~is a noticable fact; that onr Million. Belect their fields of labor, fix their the agents of thl. Barean. I~ I. Edgewortbs, by llrs . ..Farr.r; On. Kr. D.nlel Dre ... ar Ne" Tori., ' , to jbe kln,dom ,of Portog.I, and hue a180 luffered from the war. ary Board, two ago, .t our an· .alaries, giYe them iDstructiona, .nd hoped these rnles may do s? Pair of Old Shoell, by Oh.rlea J, bnilt. Kethodl.t Oharob It Oali'.e~.

, ' ~ ~Io,.· he: !':Irn .. 'ly beao.ght the These circumstance8, 18 is na- niversaries at Adams, brourht lip tbis generally sach buainee •• s tn correct a mODlter evil, which Spragne; Oommemo~.~I?n Ode, by Patnam 00., N. Y., a' I J.-, ~ "kin,. th.t to ollre 10 great an tnral, interrupted, in a measnre, the proiect of absorption, and the So. may be neee8llary to 8eenre tbe de. meete ns at the very tbreehold of J. R. Lowell; Oar Killtla B,.t.em. 000. .A - marbl& tablet.

. ! I"I~,'" "Qnld take to lend the I . . f h J k " 1 oed ...... .L_ Ii t f tbe lIbutcb l , .,...,qt ,be inqui8ition into thOle ClllivatlOn 0 t e warmer Ifrections ciety rejected it, and where Ai.oci .. signs of the So~iety,'" Now what il onr wor . HuPu'I M~GllIl\'II: for September t:rln,lIrt;' 1~:,t:;~OIl~ "Tile Di'lIhll\ 0010$1'''''' of the heart, and the higher experi. tions this year have recommended b~ "~uality." be.'w~en ~nch MIS8IONAIIY SEKINABY or B.A.8LII:.- h .. been received. The contl' Dre ... Kethod'" ipllClO'-ll ObilrcIL"

, ~,,,,, ..... in, too great impor' encea df a Bpirituallife. In this reo the new order of tbing., memberll In orgaDizatlOn and Ite mllelonarlee f The .. Miuionl Institnte" of Bule 1101 followl : At St. P •• I'. IpI~al Oharch, III __ "I' .... II>,,#~ ... ~n lleneely be .U.ched to Ipect, they are like most of our of the Board have been present, and Does it mean tbat the million aries hlloll been in operation. half centnry, Be te her .A T' to Bod' Richmond, on a reGent S\llIdly,'tbe

.• ~"""ta.' A..ide from tbe direct chuDrcheD8. S d f h fi aided in carrying the mellllre Ihalllikewise lI ..... e anthority to "st- and celebrated ita fiftieth anniveraa· .nd tte Dead ~ ort.e W_~~ Love pr~Jer lO!llthe cl ... 11 aBa,tbOr!!el1. = _._ •• ...-:..., •• , 'of the .'-nd.rd bl'.torl·. e... InD ecs, one 0 t e ret thron"'h', but whether their impor' lect fields of labor, fix salariel, give . H' I K' p. U F' re ..... 10 0 .... : It - ·.lI ._~ _...,..... - • ry in Jnly. Three of its gradnatee ID. OIPlta; III In .. -I n.t. he P 14 of 1M OOillwer· .;... ... ,' •. "I"e. in Oh'pter EI'''htb, .ettlerl here, acted a Christian part, tantaid WII given to tbe Norlh- instrnctioDs" &c f Of conrse no b SellOn' Sketcbe. of Sooi.1 Li~e io "Int., t rea ent, 'of .... ---. .. d' h ' , have recently taken ordera in teo . , ate St.t .. IDd the Preetdent .... .... i fleta alone: proloo the oblery. nrlOr t e year of drought and fam- ern AB.ociatipn, where itrliled, I do tbonghtflll man woold naa the Oburcb, two of whom are connected AbIDa ; ~om M.llory'. Revenge.; United 8tatea tI M.ot'the ·S.bbl'h in the Ohurch iDe, by exhau8ting his own re8ource. not know. The movement h&8 • expreuioifl'with snch • meaning. with the African mi88ionl, and tbe nlllstheal.; The Pond HoulII; KII- ..... F' :, i B". t Obll'.

• b 1 tb d d h . d . fort· Armadlle' The Helm.m.n' AUe Irlt AIL r cali .pn ~ratl. .t the openinr ot the to e p e nee y,.n t en recel ... e look of discoontenance of every We confell.()urselve8 nnable to diS' other is under appointment for Obina. Stree't Ed ti' K 'B' iD Ricbmoud of ... blob Bev • • -..... ~ " "h dr d d II r • . - Abo t . ht . h' h . t Dca on; ron· " toIitb ontary, and .110 tIIll no part 0 er lie en un e 0 are rom eas .. miui08ary enlerpriBe ontaide of the cover In that oft·repelted expres- u ...elg y-fllg. ....e gone In 0 1011: Hannah Flntholll'. Sweethe.rt. lInd "II lordllr1"i*tto1r,

, , 1 h .. ed ern friends, which he used in the Seventh-day Bapti,' Million.ry So- sion any practical B;anificance. the employ of the London Ohnrch Onr'Mutnal Friend., RecollecLI'OIlll of' ed II bi. IUCloel •• O,t. 01 tile Oh. '." ·eYer ignor tbe Th t'f h' . d .. Mi88ion.ry Society, haviDr received 11 f O~t~I~~~I)l:irc:~~i;,~ 'Sablitolll, I.d ¥oePled the Band.y iD .ame way. lltIe ac s 0 1.8 ra~se clety, inlleadofbiddior God4peed to Episcopal ordination. Tbe mana- an Old Fogy; .Moo tilly Record 01 we .0 iN Ita ,lICe., excep' 'tbron,b the medi- tbe Mllie of Seventh-day Baptllta, the earnest efoN ofthDle who wonld A SURPRISE, gerB of the inl\itute beloog to the Cnrrent E ... eDtI; Editor'. EIlY; of the B*Dtltlt

iill fe tt d th d . Editor'l Dr .... er. The 81\1. : ,~. beo.~. of, Con.tautIDe'i w rJ' ,1I many IIca ere ,ou. an good, bllt prefer other chanDela On the e ... ening of Aug. 9th, a Lnther.n and other Reformed Chnrch· , , the 'trn.t18 ...... edio' :in f."or 01 it ... we~t }h~ugh the St.te. I~ IS our through which to act. Whether thi. company of abont forty young Pea- e8. W.f.TDV1IJ,I OoLLlQI.-Hon J. ,War: 1 .... lted Gu .... ••• dlen a", Tile leDacit.l. too, witb deettelfed~t"h~t peb1ceb·nd prosperity ma, ie the de.ign or not, it i, no'I ... than ple,<lnd eight or ten older memlleu So'CTBUN EPlBCOPALulfI.-Tbe Epi. rea KerriU, K.yor of Ollllbridp, Pb",.lhe~nt'Ito( .,"011 tb'e1 cliDi'tli It, .bow. it to' Il II cure. .n indirect. .. 00 chnrch inde- or the IOciet" 'lIneeremoni9Ils1y •• copal Dioce.a!! Con"ention of Geor. K .... , b .. giyen IIO,too to W.ter- ~:tiOD WI DroIhbl,. ""j .'ttl~ ~ ,~=ID8Dl trntb, .nd FIJ!aOlfT. pendency .nd indi"idual respon,.ibin- lembled at \he rellidence of Eld. gia has been in l6I.ioD It Athea.. ville Oollere, to endo ... the Prot.eor· The ~ .oW _1_ .. '· ... '1.'.' tltl, ar. dyiDg The Chnrch artromont fa located ty, II nnderatood (and I think proper JIIII6I E. N. BICkDl, in "I~n. for .A. committee .ppoillted to oonaider .hip of Nataral Hi.tory .nd Ob .... "U",,_ Af~':I~I:~~~::: _I ••• ,. TIl .. fa the arrorant oae hnndred mil_ IOnthw .. t from ly so) b1 all Se ... enth-d.y the pUrp0e8 of makinr tblilf pillor the .ubject of rellDion ... itll the tr,., The t.rDltee. of till oollep alii =.;. ehiIlI1 u.u &be' O,--"UOI 01 tb. AtchilOn, ne ar tbe eenter of Lyon former year.. eYeniD, yilit; A bollDtiful"apper obnrch.t the Dorth .nbmitted. • re- h .... e Toted to DI .. &he proh •• or- OCJII , ' ." :~il~!::f:Uti: Mba* ,~""~,.Itb die re.lirrectilil. Ooanty, ~nd b., 10llle moet!ltlmlble The statemeDt .bo"e,m.y Kem &00 w~ pro,,,ided dllriDg the eveninr. ~ ... hich ..... adopted. It ell:' .hip after the dOllor. Walen-ilia F.e~, 00II.'"

. _, .... "' .. ,only by COIl"lrtIJ ID it, The BOil _ fa f~r. .weepinr, for It appe.r. tbat tbe .1.. WhICh·.1l Ilr.rt.ook, .nd the pree.e. •• tronrde.ire for reaniOD, Oollegtliu reoeiyecJ 1110000 1'bIIi ".' Dt. ...... " .... ., •• 10 Qftaa.Me by II" . Tbe clim.te i. generaU, heal- bora 01 'Bra: Baile,. .nd bit ."10ka of yery ple".ntly to. all. and and contaiDi two reaolutio •• , fin&, the pu, ye.r ' tM , li .... ~ .. '

da,., Timber here ia 10..... Coal fellow" .re:,. frowaed IlpoD by "err pro4, to Eld. Backut, .. ibe that th~ DioC6le of ~rgi. will re- . ' Se"::,~ . be bt f ed t t fi ·Iet tbe K"eiOl.", Board. ·Bro. eompan d"d' oUe tn·l.- bid .ame Ita old 'COnnectlO.' ... bene"er K.&DIIOJr U . t H 1"- III r~' ;:5=~i.;~~. 'r' cali ~" .... ',0 ·I.~ 'Idwebny.~ .. ml" b' .11._, -" ,. t' "I' I~_"! hi. nh d·veu'!.....-;:·.t theBiahopahaUoonaider.llchC:Oilne N' Y . .1 ::,~a :-'D::;::: '.lbM '

, fOUl .... ~. , • III. t.t I""" crope in I'.IIB oommnDICla lOll, yea p..,.,.. In II .~ •• n .... an,.~., 0- oonei,lent with 'the good faith dae to • 'f .-.... ne _ton O~, I ..... ~ tWt-· ... ..."AIIItt,I"-,OI!la.,l i_lje lI!ade !our ye.n ou~?f be. We.&," , in tbe 8.&B)U'Il~IOOJDIB.!lf kell ~f their ~ard for ~i~;' ~ the B~hopl ill .tIIe llUI CoIiTear •• e ty.nd OBI. Doctor or Law, ,u ,till 0II"~"".1i,.

ApiCUlture,lD the form of tilling the Jaly SOda, 1805. I',.. of hi .. llud It II woriby of nOtiOl, dtat till' 8", ....... ll '-dI" til., dep_tiII recent aDlIlye._,.. '.." ....... ... '.J_


I 'k ~ .. ' " , , '

! ~

! '. , ,

'il.u~ ted IIIlnl expedmenta with ani· been IOld under bil direetion during , Hen~, Berrier, of Har~ilbu~, ~L, , : ~cretary Seward'i hellth i8 yery --- Bl'EOIJ.L IOTIOEI" ~ba s ~r N"egetablee presented to ,the present month. Tbe entire pro- attempted to murder bl8 -.iCe w.lth .ood. • and hI" phVIII·ol·anl are lan- -.:.-.-..:.::.:::..:.:...:.:...---..;...--• ~m, ~r. ewton bas .0.0 meat:llof ceeds from thlll 1I0urce amount to beca .. ~ Ir BAlLBOAD AOOmEITS. gOlDg,IDto the g06.\ hURlnes., .nd he more tban .',000.000. an axe, nle she refUled to gl'fe gome that he ... ill colllpletely reooy· __ onn BodJI Ibmft .... AIl baa, tb e~ d I ned tb ~ b ber consent to tbe 8.le of lOme pro- er trom all tracea of hia injurifll journed meetllll of the EDoutIft Board

Tbe New Hana Palladium say8 ' er ore, eo I . e 0 er; u\ True bills have been found b the perty. Sbe wu borribly m.ngled, Mr. Frederick Seward will loon ~ the 8eventh-dafBa.ptlot Ilwalo .... l'1l1cMllet-,.1

1-0 N

on TueBday i'fening, Aac. !llld, .,t the sa.t1lt; time. be a8~a the,atten' Grand J aly of Franklin Coilnt y Pa. and probllbly cllnnot live,. After .ble'to rellume bi, datiee a" will be ald.t the Soclet-,'I Boo a ill W· .... ·I :~:,~; train from Ne

w Lf)ndo. ran "-er tlon of agflcaltn~llIg tGilt, and ther" again8t McCanaland aud othe y, h" Berrier. realized what he had done, he ant Secretarv of State. ly, B. I., on the evenilll of Sept, 6th,1M6'I: u. lleems to be no reason why the AI- were tbe. I'mmedl" r8, ... 0 ." A tnll tt da -"'-d ;'lD1IIr1~4~Dt; '1 f B ~ d db' d ate mstraments In shut hImself up .nd with. I.rge· . a en nee 11 r.qu..... • :.'

a COW tbree 011 es rOm rlnlor, an paca may not, e mtro uced to the tbe barnin of Cb b knife, inOiQ~ ;. wou~d n ~'himaelf The D1~bt exprellll tram from Iowa, A. H. LnuI. Beo. 8110'7· tbe baggage and mail and 8rlt pill!- country, and cnltinted with success. tbe pillagi~g of th~m~;~burf and t5at canaed im ed' te d ~b on tbe D!xon and Fulton brancb of Aupot28th. T' '!eDger curs were tbrown from the ~aob goat ,.ro,,!e •• boot eighteen rebels duriag the war er y tbe 01 I. ea. the Cblcago and North·Weetern _____ oIL _______ _

traci. Tbe baggage c.r tarned a, mchee of wool j 'It 111 "ery long Ind . . Hartford a?d New H.,ven capital. Railroad, r.n into a culvert Aali' !l2d, .- ClUB AlnIIvDLUIa_Th •. !onl'f'_ complete .ammenet down an en. fine. .nd wortb.1 5O,per.poand. Matamoro8 p.per~ of Aug, 18th, 18tS are maklDg. eIten.llve ~rrange- Fo~r persons were killed, .nd three riel of the 8eventh-dayBaptlltOeDer&l (log. banilPlcnt, a.lA,r rolled oyer, twioe, ' say th.~ Gea. SherIdan is making m~nts for worklag mlDes ID New serlOnsly injured. lerono. and Benev91ent SocletiM will be held

'being badly 'Ima8hed. Almost. - all SAD MARINI!: DlSAITJ:R.-CaUfornia th.reatenlDg demonstrations along the M!iford, Clnn .• t~e ore of wbich tbey A pretty &Cear.te estimate of the ~~ ~~~~, -;-:~b:f:l=n~:::: In Hopkin.

Ihe eDlployeell ,on the train, ten or paperll or Angullt Sid, contain the an. ~Ot Grande, and tbat Illrge numbers will tr, .. n~rm IDto lI~eel by WOI:kI defalc.tbllB of Edward B. Ketchnm The Oonf.renee will meet oD_Fourth-da-"

I e were infured 'lome Ieri(lUllly 0 • rOQp8, p.rincipally colored, and now erectiD~. Depoll1l8 of Ie. ad .nd baa now -...... D arrl'ved .t, .nd I't foo>· Be t. Cl tlrtl' , ., ' nouncement of Il terrl'ble marl'ne d;~ tral r tIl - - .. P 6th, at lot o·olockA.II.,I011hu' KQ bol nODe falally. A pa.enger Willi" ~ nil 0 ar I ery, continae to arrive copper lII'e foan.d In the n~lgbbor. up the emmlloos amoont of four mil. wu .ppolnted to preaeh the Introdll0Wr7 likewise badly bruised. asW. ~he IIt~.m8bip Brother Jon 110- .t BrowDllville, Texu. ~ood, Ilnd tbere la talk of Bllver be· lion8 two hundred tbaos.od doll.rl Dlsoourse; Alexander Oampben. &ltemate.

'0. acoident ocourred last week on than, whloh 8alled from San Francis. A man recognized as one of the mg alllll fonnd tbere, aod a large T h d . h d d .' ""18 are expeoted from W. O. W'hitrord, .... " h i Qaanlrell mqrderers, who 8Ilckad. chalybeate spring, rich in medicinal wo 8 e P, Dl~e. un re feet In ILLewl.,llf&tban Wardner, and 1. Il. 'rOdd. tbe railroad near TitU8vi!\e, Pil. It co on t e 8tb of July for ports to Lawrence, Kan8as, two years .go. qualities. ia not far oft'. lengtb. and cootalDlD~ two thonaaod The KiHlonary 800lety wilI_t on I'Ifth. _1lOlI.

, caused by the engl'neer of the nortbw.ard, Itrock a laaken rock and b t b d "00 f' A • f I h f cord .. of wood, belonglDg to the Cen· da 811 L 7th t 10 'I" d·h

----' ~~~JOO)"",Piijliiia~il~ ;::ght train rnDning ~pori tbe main ~f :~: ~~;;!~~2tc::~kiint~s:f~~~~o:: wu r~c~n~l; a~este~ ~~ aC~~~!~ was r:~::t~ :~%ovU:r:~ ~t L~~~~~~i. !~:~~::I~aa~r!:i:~:!y~~::e~~~, :.~::!:n;!2!h~~~~~'Z.T=: N~08~D Ir\lllk to get ~D the.llwltcb aboat the bour, carr,ins down witb ber .ll on man in that city. N. Y., by s?me wor~me~ eagalfed on destroyed by fire. The Ecluoatloll Sootety wID meet OD 8lnh. .un: OOKDfOI ~~~*,J1::~~~4 tilDe the ,?a,l tralD was due. Tbe bOllrd, between two and three bun. Harris, the notorious keerer of an eXCIl'fStlOn. ThIS mlDeral 18 ex . • ,day. and amonlt 11.8 uercteea win be an.. IIoDC ant 0110,.. •. latter, CODliog ~ound ~l c~rv~. co~ld dred perllolls,-exceptiog sixteen, who blood·boonds .t Andersonvilfe, has tensively nsed in the arts, and 8hould Th? belght of aD Iceberg, "'0. ~~ ~::~!ioiti:l~~'U~:.':n the Jltetor-, o~ B~-:'::II:::.=." not see the engIne untl Wlt~1D a 'ow escaped in a 8mall boat. General been arrested and sent to Wasbing. it prove to exist ia any great qaanti- late In Jaly, could not bue been lelll Tbe Tract Bociety wilt meet on Fintt-da-" COIIDfG BOIUI; 'or "Tilt yards of i~. The two ~ralOe came George Wrigbt. who was on bis way too-. .• ty, would be a8 VIllnable a8 an .. ile t~a.n 90b f~et, and all t~ere are 8 feet ~;du:!r~~y.!~~,:::~:t~t~:u~~ Oyer." 80111 an4l OllOr ••

th WIth snch G terrl6c force all t Tb~ ram 'Albemarle, whl'ch L·leut. strike." Tbe antimony of commerce 0 Ice .e ow water or every foot j d'- be • /JItJIIItI'. , ' toge er m • 0 alleame comm.nd of tbe Depllrt. .bo'fe Its ttl h • bt _. L_ po nte ... preach fore the Society on • lIT 1I00000'BIW8T OOOJ).- .111-

to throw the paellenger8 tro~ theIr ment of Columbi .. embrB~'lng the Cashrng sunk. is to be thorouO'hly comes from France and Germany.. been 8'16 "ee~ a elg ma __ ft .ubject of the Sabbath.' J£ ~f''' !-,. d th

... - . d G '" S f th f I " .. Tb. Publllhin, Boolety.will hold .. -etiDC ' tIIl~ts.u • sta.,. up every ca~ ID e State of Orego n and the Territories repilife _ at the osport Navy Yard. ome 0 e owners 0 p antatlon8 Two Irish women in Ne- Yorl. at the oall of the PreBident. n, TBIl PllIDI 0' In' aDI'I'. Irala. FIve p~rlon.1 were kIlled. and of'Wallbingt~u and Idabo, is believed in Texa8, are now preparing to work .. A tII/IrlI&.' , a large number maimed. to be among the victims 6f this dis- SUllKAiY OF NEWS. their eatatea oext year, by contract- ~,::::I~of~t~:~ aa:~h~:::!n~ De!;:

A Brl·d".pod (OODD.) dispatcll- ute," and alio. bilt wife .nd 80me iDg with Germ.n familiee wbo are to b b h d ' .. b f The capt.ia.of a Britiah Achooner serve upon them ~~ ," h ot a'fe chil ren, wbich tbey lilly

• __ \6, tba' the coroner's J'ury on the mem ers 0 h,s 8taft'. The reason h' h . d·... ' v~OPJ ... e OUlle8 belong to hl·m. He 111' no- under .... .,., th t btl d f . W IC arrive at New Orle.n8 on formerly occupied by die negroel, W

b d'e of the eleven persons killed a we ave no. earue 0 thIS the 15th August, reported thllt aboot and pay four dollars .n A .... e for the arrellt for bigamy.

o I 8 •• catastropbe before 18, that the hostile d d """ ou tbe Hou~lItomc RaIlroad, on the Indiana on the Western Plains now a oZih eserters or discharged men rent of the laod. it is stated on excellent aothority, 16tb. of Auguat,. have rendered a keep the wires of the overland tele. from e United States army or navy Permelia BarnaU, of J.cksoabnrg, tba.t the Bale of .. Enoch Arden" up verdIct that tbel~III&11ter wall caused grapb almost constantly broken. pad been engall.'ed io pirlltical operll· Ind., who los\ the power of speecb to the prelent time has produced to .-A Bu or Hou.-To weak, debUitated by culpable n. eg Igenee aDd want of Tbe 8teamsbl'p Brother Joo-thon tions on the coast of Hondaras hav· t fi its aothor, Mr. Tennyson, tbe aom of Dyep.ptlcs, groanIn, under a life of non-"

I tb t f tb m ~ ing mardered the crew of a '8mal! weuty· ve year8 ago, in conlequence £11 000 --prop~r CIIU WU?U e par 0 E! ha~ tbe engines wbicb were in tbe h d of getting into a trance at a camp , . we oll'er Pre8ldent. Supl'rlOtendent. and .other steamship Atlantic, which dragged sc ooner, an ,setting Bail io it, cap· meeting, had it restored to her lut George Thompson, the Englisb PUIIUTIOII Bmua employees of the rOld. Two Jurors her ancbors, drl'fted on shore, ond tared 8everal otber vessels. Toey k b . h f abolitionist, is Baid to have an in· aaagood and Rure Remedy. Thte remarn. di t

Q were last 8een near the coast of wee y trYlDg t e experiment 0 bl di In Ii S h ;~~:~~;~ .. ~=:~~;;=;;~I nen k d F' b I ~ t . b'f II tere8t in a patent lacifer match r.c· e me cere eveR Bour tomao. Bead· . wlla wrec e at IS er's sland. Long Cuba, wI'th an Eogll'sh v-sel 1'0 ge tlng .. eautl a y drank" on b H • ... b Diatr _ .. - tin d 'bl 'd I IdS d T m ~a h- k b tory in MllSsacbnsetts, whl'ch I'S mak- ac e, e .... urn, ell ..... r ,a C. lUI

A lem 0 accl ent occurred on the s Iln oun. on bank@giYin"night,·twI8 y,teCincinoatiGazetteeaya.aJ\h I :~I.~:;~~~ T d AI b

'1 d November, 1848. ' .. PUrBDl. 'Tb L d d' tl ding him rich in his old age. t e SymptOllUl of Dyepepala, .. t once. 8Dne8see an a ama ral roa , A correspondent of the New York e on on e Itors .re star e Ita good ell'ect \a leU upon the nnt trial.

"5 b A . f at learnl'og that I' ts f Tbe President is abont establillh- 'Plantation Bitte- are·beplell8·~t-ttonlo j~~~:~~i~~~~~E~~·. Aug. Ii t . paslenger tr.m ur F Tribune from Ricbmond 8ays many of ~ n some pllr 0.. E' ••• - -IRS AND LOBS OF LIFE.-On Friday, England there a 0 b I 109 an" xecutIve Bnreau," to re- Iti tbe WOrld.,'

Hunt8ville ran off the long trestle tbe large landholders of VI'rgl'ul'a are re w men wop Y I' h' h Aug 25tb n fi b k t' h the trade f k'll' . f t' th leve 1m of t e great rush of im· The old, tbe YOUDg. and the mlddl. "'e4,

work near 'Reynold8' Station. "'he '.' w re ro e au 10 t e coming NO.rth to make arrangements' 0 I 109 m an II ,or mo • .... .1 h .• e wb . h t t'd f th' .r port.nt and nnimportant businells acmowledge their wonderful berJth'pTIDI entire train Was thrown oft'. and ten pyrotec nlc establishment of Mr. J. fur. parceitng out aod lIelling oft' rs 0 WIS 0 ge rl 0 elr ou· with which he ia now deluged. power.

or twelve person8 were kilted, aDd T. Jones. on the first Ooor of No. 16 the:r Ilind. Many estates contal'ned spring. Twb such wretches have MIL TON _A 0 A D

J h N Y J'oet been trl'ed t E t Broom corn, twel'fe 'eet el'ght 1'0.. No change of diet Ia 11e088l&1"Y while UIInl

about twenty inJ·ared. 0 n street, ew ork. caused by 10,000. 20.000 .nd, 50,000 'cres, a xe er. I' h

' A T ches high, is growiog in Hock.aum, them. Eat &ll you want 01 the belt you oan The PrJl Tera of \IlI8 1111l' .... '''''''-t e explosion of some oftbe fireworks. Witb the death of 81avery tbe farm. n ex- reasury clerk, recently dis· get TneBday. AUeW 1Mb} aud. ClIOIe8 Trp;;:

Au excur8ion trlin, retarning on Tbe upper floor is occupied as a for iog interest will be obliged to con. cbarged on account of drinking hab- Mu •. , and in Northampton a m.n flantatlon Bittero are emausted Nature'. November l'thll8U, Ill' .... 00 -ua23t Weduesday evening, A.ngust 23d, manufactory by Hllrria & Russ:lck for,? more to a state of freedom, by its, threw himself from the fiftb story has Indian cora thirteen feet .nd grea.t Restorer. Tbey give tone to the Stoia· eleven WIIeu. " . I

witb II pio,l'Iic party to nos ton. on in which were employed several girls: wblCh there shan be a body 01 iude. of tbe National Hotel at WllShington nine iaohes tall. acb. aDd brillianoy to tbe IlInd, .nd drI'fIng otre::~n'1:"::;o:-de';.=tI1':'.t.~ tbo Old Colony Road, came in col. and on the alarm being given they pendent workers. recently. and was instantly killed. A. New Haven llldy, while engag· away mal, the Cluatoat, tlui Ilelt&UIe, "I'.

b h burrl'ed do t . Tb fl G F h h d r ed in ironin'" tbe other day, torned .. the doubte that ron OOlllmerol41l. 'It;

lipion wit a and car, tbrowing the wn s aIrs. e ames Au Indianapolis dispatcb gl''fes eu. remont, at t e ea 0 a '" Btudente board th.-_." .M,II. " rapl'dly t 'd d t th d fl f E soddenly .roaad for the parpose of Oimmerean dILrme. o'er the fainting IOwl" .. _" f ,. 00 __ A In rI-'" ....... _-... eDgine and 8ix r~ 1 oft' the track, ex en e 0 e secon oar pllrticnlars of tbe arrest at Fort compan), 0 astern men, is abont ...... or. ,--.. p.---~ and in endeavoring to escape, one of' WId' ' to purcha at' t t f reaching a hot smQothing iron and To non rr-TaY A BOft'LL per wlllk. '.!, '" i", tbree filled ,with \J,,>8eogers going ayne, 0 lana. 01 a man named se 0 eI enslve rac 0 b k h' Tuitlonudlnold ...... ,'"-... , ... , .. down an embankment. Singular to the young women, named Catherine Lem08, believed to haTe been one of mineral \ands in Missouri, with the ro e er thigh bone. - OLD Enalll.Da N .... _A pamphl.t dI· per term. uoordlll« to th. ~~- ,Ma-.ty, DO one was'Beriou81y injared. Cleves, and a man named Jobn Filo, Booth's accomplices in the plot wbich view of erecting an establishment in Taesday night, Aaga8t 15th • rocting bow to Ipeedily, restore Bi,ht and ForturtherInlOl',,_~.>

____ --'-"-__ fell. Tbe man. however, succeeded resalted in tbe ,s8assinlltion of Pr~a- St. Louis for the mauufllctare of rail- Ph arty of seveo persons on the. roof of e:I:I'n:~e~D~':."; ~~~~~~ 0": :~::f:t o:f oI~ion. WI •• , 1ul1Uih,~. , i "

ORl1&Ltt TO PRISONJ:RS.-At the tria! in gainiDg the 8lreet, terribly borned ident Lincoln. He was committed road iron. t e New Haven Hoose, a.w In three 10 ~entll. AddreM, il. B. Foota. Il. D., -~-------'-=---'-~""":-' f W

• W h' about the face', aod hody, but tbe to prison in Indiaoapolis, Dnd wI'11 Mrs. Granger and daughter, whl'le honrs, betweeu 11 o'clock P. M. and 1130 Broadw~y, New York. ALFRED UNIVEBSfTr .AND I"" o irtl III as mgton, for craelty you g t f' b f I d b ~ 2 'I k A" IS· h . FBED "'OAD,"'. ,', . n woman m. a rIg t neat, probably be, if he aas not been al- driving iu Columbus, St. C1aircouaty, oe ~ . In., Q I cotll~g 8tars, 10 Union Prl80ael'll, very strong te8' beIng bnrned to a crisp. Tbe first ready, 8ent on to Wasbington. Mich., a few days ago, were attacked or a httle more tban one a' minute. I"EWYOiX KAllETS-AUG, ~8, 1865.

-Th,'FaII Ttrm1r tH,.o 1Il'tl,.~

tlmony waa given against the aCCM. and,sedcond floor8 of the bailding At Ada and Lyons, Micb., Mr. Va.n by bees. and stang 110 severely tbat A wor8ted factory in Phil.delphia ..... he8-PotaS150. Pearta762.

ad were eetroyed, and consider.ble tb d ht d' d Th b h' d rd f Le' .. _. --~ ~ -'FI ""7 2' • . d Anken is eutensively engaged in e au:; er Ie. e orsel al80 as receive aD 0 er rom lcet'lter, .,.,.,r .. 7 ....... ...- ou@ 6 90... • .or 10-

Amoog the witnelsel e~amined amiage dQne to the stock in tbe ap· growing peppermint for dIstillation. died in tbree or fonr hours. Eogland. where worsted goods .re ;!:t~e:l6r.':ste007 f~ei:ai~rY~~rroO: was 001. Gibbon, wbo commanded the per fl~ors... He has Dearly two acres growing io Cbieago has jast taken a Censas, made, for a thoD8.nd doll.r8 worth 50 for faDcy,8 70@9 10 for BblpplDI!: Ohio. post .t.Ande1'lOn'filie. He laid Wirtz JEFJ'. DJ.vls AND THE Will'\' OF HABE- two counties. This is an easily grown aDd is surprised to find herself Dot of searf8, shawlll, Dobias, &c. ~t~~.o:::;,:.a~y:r~"o~rlle=l~~ for bad exclu8iye control of the prison. a~d. higbly remunerative prodact, so big as sbe tbought she was. Sbe Brooklyn h.s Il popal.tion of 298,- Grain - Wheat, 1 660168 for Ohio_IiO Tbe pri80ners were crowded so close AS CORP08.-A displftch from Wash- gIving foar crops from one planting sURPosed she had at leal!t 200.000 in· 78';. Syra~ase, 31,923,. gain of 6,. Spring, 1 68@1 69 for ..... ber Club, 1 91Qi

8S to remind him of an Ant hill He jngton, whicb is considered as olii.. of roots. Tbe one bundred acres habilants, but can oDly 8care up 177,· 816 SInce sInce 1860. Utica, 24,875, ~e~t~r:~dB:ri:~¥AI~ lfi3~ l\t;:r 98~~:~ gave a ciroumstantial .ccoant of thl) cial, annOUDcell trat the Presideut is devoted to tbis crop last year gave 956. ' a gain of 1,706 ; ODeida countyll0',. Western, 1 10 tor N. Y. Btate. Oa1l 610630. diSCIpline and the diagusting condi. determined tbat Jeff. Davi8 sball be a net profit of five thousalJd dollars. A fight is said to bave occurred at ITO. a 1081 of 1,03~. ~;xe-:.e.tern. Corn, D'@960. for Weetern tioo of tbe prilon, "nd remarked, that tried for treason before a civil court. A Richmond paper says: .. It hali Clinton, Iowa, a few daya lIince, be- . A 12-poand bomb-shell and a piece Ball-60@65c. for new. 900.@1 00 for old. ooe of tbe ralel wu tb.t whoever and tbat the order saspending tbe plellSed God to bles8 tbe Soutbern tween a number of returned soldiers of macbinery weighing 30 or 40 Hops-10@(5c. for old and usw crops. &e.

croBsed tbe deid line, 'hoald be shot. writ of babeas cor pUll will soon be Statell with the most abundaat aDd and tbe attacbes of Palmer's Hippo- pound II. are .mong the articles late- cording to quality. Dr. John ~. Bates, ex.rebel, wbo re8cinded. wonderfal corn crop ever known, and drome, resulting in tbe deatb of lIix ty extracted in Pbil.delphi. from Prottilionl-Port, 27 00027 60 for prime

b •. h' b I f ~ meM, 30 00 for old mels, 82 00 for new. Beef,

Willi P YBIClan at t e prl80n, anot,her we are, therefore. saved from all dan. showmen and one soldier. a es 0 cotton Irom Memphis. 9OO@1l 50 for me~L 21 00@21 60 for prime

... ........ 'lIIDt~ ....-. \ ,".

Board, per term of U _U~\ .... Boom, for GeIlU_, " ,\WI8' .. Fuel. ' • ,Whiter ... Wll8bln" ,., .. Tuition and lnoldentalll ' ' .. . Kuaio, Penollln'J P.inu.... AII!'J_ .... "' . Entil'll~.rrOlD _ .&11 .... "

For p.rUoUim, add ..... ,rIII. T ... " .. II ..... .&J_ o.tIIIIIr, AlNIIIII1 00., ., T., IIIld Hoeln a Oa\lllOllUl. . ' ,

witnels, ga'fe a'iong and interesting EDWARD B. KETCHOII, tbe' forger of ger of famine and saft'ering for want The Parisian preS8 announce that The Albany Journal was recently meMo Lard 21M11Hf1l' Butter, 220270. for t f

'b'at I d f b f' N Weatern, 25@3&"0-:forvarioua qnalitl .. of N. accoon o. p .ce, an 0 t e gold certi6cates. who lost over four 0 lood. 0 contingency of droagbt, eI·President Bachanan is to pabli8h printed on paper mllde of b.mboo, Y. Btate. Cbeese, [email protected] N. Y. Stat. sbamefal treatment t. wbich tbe '11 r d I' I hail, or storm can now inJ'ure the 110 history of the American war, whicb .. bich was brought from Jamaica, dairies. Wm. B. Peadleton"'PM~ 111"'" , ... . b' ted . ml ions 0 0 lars \0 stock gamb ing, 8ee"'- 'no """. a\tenUou of the Pllblio \0 IIlI *, ... t.ta .,Ie p"8oner.8 were lIa ~eo ,statlDg &II great Soutbern crop for man aDd will simoltaneously appellor in Paris, It ,d manafactured in Stockport, N. ..... ugb F!a.ueed 23 ___ 60 for 661b1. of ' . his opinion. tbat with proper care the WIIS arrested in New York on the beast." London. and Nlw York. Y. The paper wall white, firm and 7blIouo-13l@13i

o. oaTIS ~ VI.n,

lives of 8o-onty five per nAn'; ofth afternoon of AO<P08t 26tb. He had b d WooI-Fleece,[email protected]· L''''''' 81Z1 "B-··-y.' ~ .. ose .. In the States of Connecticat, New Ship Francis B. Catting hu an some. ter lIerlno, [email protected]·qu.r· ....... r VA""'''''-_j

wbo died might hllYe been sllved. He not been out of the city, bnt had kept Y k d N J hId' U b' f L In England, disabled 'feterana tera, 70@720. for full·blood, 75@770. for 8u:. Plain uil PaI ... d.1II 011. says tbat tb~ IIcarvy pre'failod almost ,himself concealad in lodgings in 20th or aD ew ersey, t ere were in c eare Hom mO de or iverpool, a ODy. -to rotteoneill. Many of tbe men IItract. 1860 six establishmeut8 for tbe /Daan· wltb 110 cotton cargo v.lned Ilt *,60,. beea employed all messengers in tbe ============== Allo\O hte BXOIIUJIoa Itarved to becllu8e of tbe smail factare of coach lace. Their total OOO-the first cargo shipped for a cities. In New York, our veter.n8 JURRIE'D. I_.B~'~!'I qu

'antl'ty or' un-bolesomeneae of the WAR ITEMS. capital, as shown by tbe new ceaflns, foreign port since the occupation of are to be employed in tbe same'w,y 'tN I N Y 3d " g was 842 800 . f . I tb 't b' . to do errands ab"at the cI'ty .t filed A ie, . ., Aug. 2 ,1866, by Be,.. T.

food furni8bed. "Gangrene was so Gen. Terry. commanding the De. ..,; paylDg or materia e CI y Y ,orelgn troop8. ' u B. Brown,of Genesee,EftA!< LJ.1IPIlI1U and . I t f T' .. h .' dover $28,737 " employing 80 male Over '00 Gover ment ho 8es are r.tes. OLIVI B. CLUD, botb of the former place. "Jan. Vlru eDt u to require frequent 110m partmen 0 IrglDla, as Issue at ... 0 r .-. d R' h . ddt t th and 16 temale baJlds·, cost of l.bor, reported bavI'ng been 8tolen at Om G Some of the English writers are In Akron, Peoria 00., Itl., Ault· 12tb, 1885. putatloD8.n reamputation8. Dr. IC moo aD or er 0 corree e m m· • • f by Rev. A. Hake_. Kr. BA!<FORD H. SnLLIUII A. W. BorroW8, who wu lurgeon of misapprehension, of certa.iD of his '32,364; yielding for the ye.r end, ba during tbe past few weeks. The again settIng orth tbe merits of the and ADnl& F.IUlIso", aU of Akron. !he Twenty*venth M&II&cbu8etl8 troops, who, hllving enlisted for t~e ing June I, 1860, $89.200 in product. aathorities are inve8tigating, .nd Iceland and Greenl.nd route for aD In Hopkinton, Aug. lot, 18M, by Bev. 8. ,_._. IUrantry, and wall 'or 80me tl'me a war, are now clamorous for theIr There .re 161 miles of horse rail. several .rre8ts have been made. Atlaotic cable. The longest etretch Austin, Mr. WILLWI H. ldwm, of North :::::':.':.::: ..... I' 00 that line from I.nd to land is 800 BHtoopn!!!gtn.~nD·.oonn., and MJI8IU.r PA~D. of LO.loII prisoner at AndersoD'fille was also dischllrge, on the ground, that there road trllck iD New York, Brooklyn. A corr'3poodent of tbe N. Y. Tri .. '" yrt'-.

'8umined. He te8ti6ed to the in •. heinK no longer any rebel armies in aDd the immediate saburbs, its aver· bUM, writing ftom Constantinople, miles. . In Hopkinton, Aug.2oth. 1885.,. Be,.. 8. G--------~~;....;.-~.;.. I

'" i d h I f the field th . d d H t II uge c s> bel'og $60 000 '1 Th h d h The iroD-~lads are to be hauled up Austin, Ilr. BIL ... ,1!J.B"'8J., of Voluntown. uweenoyaD unw oesomeneS8 0 "ewarlSlln e. e e s ~ 0". ,per~le. e sayst e eat s inth.\ city by the • th h -v lb k fLe T_I d Oonn.,andMIsllAuBl.A.VOLLIIIS, of Rop· tb? food, tbe abl.ence of medicalllUp. them ~hat.! thoagh th~ rebel mi}itary Cllrs Cllrrled 83,510,850 persons last cholera, have a'feraged fully 600 per ID e c auue .c 0 ague u.n . tinton. phes, the crueillell to the captives, orgamzatlons are dlsb.nded, It can year, killed 2!, and injared 60 more. day. blelow Pbiladelphi •. They will, wben B.1g AiblO~i -:;-'8 A~gK' 19th, 18~, by B"". A. ,thler panishment in tbe stlickl and Iiot be aSlLumed that the war is fully The roads earned mean while. .!,. Tbe present seallon has been the g ~~t .in I!nde, reach a mile and a A. c::;;:.';""rJI' of Alb[o~. """" an 1I1.llur cbain gang their v&ccination with conckIded, and the term of their 8er- 008.778, allowing a dividend of ooly wettest ever known in Kan8as. S~iIl a, I. II sal . In Genesee. N. Y., Aug. Il1tb, l864. b-, impure m~tter, trom the elfeote of "Vice completed, linee eivil authority 3 per cent. on the capital invested. tbe crops are excellent, eepecially As a train on the NEW Jersey Geo.!. OrILndaJ\, Mr. JOSI1'II F. STIL~olII, wliicb many died, .nd the parsnit of ill not yet restored in the rebellious The trial of Antoin~ Van Weimer, corn and bay. Geo. Lane's corn crop Railroad WIlS passing through New- !i~~:~~:: B. I., and IIi88 ADI. O. BI11IDlO&, thOle who .. caped with bloodhonnds. St.tes. George W. Nortbredge, PatrickSbay, is estimated to promi8e 12,000 bash· ar~, a hog !an on tbe, and tbe In Rlcbburg, N. Y., Aug. 30th. 18C5, by His Dr.rrioUve w .. a recital of the Miss Temperance Neely, of Davis and John Dolan, charged with rap-:l, ell,. tr.ln t~onnln~ oveth hlm~1 two ~ar8 t;i~~'I:~~e~ufili~ ~iIJ ... ~~~ W~Lh~~~~,,~r~~ lIlo,t 8ickening and crael details. At county, N. O~ bas been tried by a was commenced and closed in tbe Josi.h Vaughn and bis wife Sa. were rown r~m e r.1 a, c.nllDg, of Alfred Center, formerly of C.dar Baplda.· .&.ftl_it tbe commencement of Augast, iS6', military commillsion for sbooting ber Saperlor Coart, Boston, on Wedoes- Ban.b, after living togetber for 6f.y bowever, bat BlIght damage. • ~ ~heb' wer~ from tbirty-three tboaUnd former slave, Galina. Tbe court ad· day, Aug. 23d, and the jury retnrned tbree years, died at Presoott, Mus., Gen. W asbiDgton's will eecaped DIED. o t trty,slx thoU8and pri80ners con. mitted negro te8timony, much to thc a verdict of guilty. Jadge Ra8sell within a few hours of eacb other, ou the r.v.ge8 of tbe cnriosity hanter8 At Little Gene_, N. Y., Aug. Slot. 18&11,

fined in Ihe pen, and during tbat disgust of the (riends of Mi~s Neely. at once sentenl'.ed the four criminals the 3d of tbe present month, aud were wbo pillaged tbe Virginia St.te Li· NolUU1l H., Ion of Wm. and Luoelia Oran· month nearly three tbouaaodof them The finding and senteoce of the to the ,Slate Prison for life. Tbe buried in tbe salDe grave. brary, and is in the hands of the ston, aged 3 yearl,8months,and 16 day I. died. court hllve not yet been made public. crime was committed on Sunday Clerk of the Fairfax County Coart. In Watllon, N. Y., Aug. lOth, 1811i, of d-,.. F' b . d b h It i8 saia that a party of scienti60 entery, linT S .• daugbter of Hend.non .nd

Ive ,?e~ are to e trle y t e same night. 13th August. ' I h h I Receipts for tbe Lincoln Monu· Hann .. nliL Young,aged 5 years and 18 daYL O D A * V C

com I! h . gent emeo, w 0 ave exp ored tbe liB .... 0 Itr' !lD BION ILLli.- ap· mlS810n ,or s ootlDg negroes. Tbe steamer Ar<l'osy, from Clliro ld" . V meat Fund at Springfield, Ill., dar· In Wa.t80D, N. Y.,on Flrat-day. j,uc.13th, tain J .... - u

oore bill returned from Th b I Ge ' I J .. go mlDlDg regIon in irgioia. rep- F d 1865, of dysentery, LIl'8.1. Jullllftra,oDI-,

bis A~-fIO:.l\le mission. Tbe ex. e re e nera oe Johnston for Cincinnllti, witb tbe 70th Obio In· resent the interior of the State to be ing ri a" Aug. lltb, .mounted to da.ughter of Roselle and Eleot .. Hall .... d 2 _ bu w~ilt~n a I~tterh~o the SODthern fantry, was bl(lwn asbore in a raiD very rich io gold, lIilver, iron .nd $273,20. The tot.1 receipts up to ye&r. and 6 mODths. l:5r!il~;~~

PcdltloD, 1llldertakon by directiou of 8e~Aslllonlsts In _ Ich be tell. tb M d te I $50 000 T 88e two Jlttle ..... were pla""'.t" to-~ ," • em storm on ond"y eveDI'ng, 80 ml'les btl' did G are c ose on IOU ,-Ih- "-----rl t w .• th h t b' , d h ' . - ot er me 110 8, III an an eve ope con· • " gether on tbe earth; the-, are now l1li .. 11 iiel"""'~fi 0 d ar'kl~r epurpose t a, al'lllg rOlerre t e questIon at below Louinille. The concassion dition. The foreign immi,ration into the toptberIn beaTeD. l.a.II.'. aOo.,N,MI. Of Uelll tl ., ng an mar In, tbe graves issue with tbe government to the ar- cansed an explosioD of the mnd. 5 000 I United States for IIx montbl ending In Wester1r. Aug. 23d,I8M, .... OGI&, Infant o non loldierll who died in.tbe 'file bitrameat of tbe sword and failed, it drums, tbe steam from which 8ca.lded Aboal ~ • .pp ication8 for par.. J sed d .. ughter of Geo. B. and Kary B. Utter • .... g a_ ADd-rlOnvl'lle hos bee .' 'h' d t t . . th don have beeD received .t '''e Attor. ID uoe, compri lIearIy 75,000 In Westerly, An •• 210' 1°", .... _ .• ". r- 0 v ,_ n IS now. elr u y 0 acqalesce ID e 12 persons, '1'0 of whom dr'ed, and ... ... f b '2000 I - ...... a&N& r grati~.I'nl IU~-SS Twelve tbou8 d e' . ddt . b ney Gener.I'8 offiee in W ubington. (l<rsons, 0 w om ~, were ma ee. Cour, IIIed '9 ye&1'l.

I;' v",". • e 1810n; an en eavor 0 aglllD e- two more were expected to die. In H ft" .nd fl-e bu"'.Ired "ra.~8 I tad' t d' d . LeS8 than 100 of them have received Tbe N .tioo .. 1 Te.chere' A8Bociation optintontl-ug. 22d,1 ..... , J(n. J(. OLIVII , .... .. y~ were oca. come go ,qnle .0. 10 astnous Eigbt were also drowned by jump. GDD, wife of wa. Green,IIIed" ".n. ~d a~d marked by neat bead bOlrds, citizen" of the U nited S~lItes. iug overboard. the signature of the Presjdent. too~ m~~are~ at Harrisbarg to In Ho~nton, Aug. 21st, 18M, WILLIa II.,

lD .. tlbed with the name, regiment Additional details of tbe opera. Victor Smitb, agent of the Treas Tbe London Lancet 8ay8 that if. a 0 s onvention Qf teachen lOud '11 1Ut&m and H.nnah il. Bullnltoa. alld date of death of our heroes. five .' f 'he b I . te Sb d h meat pie is made without a hole in c.lled. age montbl. b d d

tloM o. re e plra ellau o. , ury Department. who wa.s wrecked ============== un re 001, being marked .. Unioo' h N th P '6 b tb t b the crust, to let oat certain em Ilona. A man named John T. Starr, com-Soldl i ID t e or aOI c, I ow a B, e on the steamer Golden Rule, repdl'ts . er, In Down." Fifty .crllll had 'captured eight additional ves· tb.t after being five weeks on tbe tions from the meat, colic, vomiting, mitted saicide in Independence LETrE1l8. were enclOlled by a neat fence, and 8el', lIeven of which 8be burned, and reef. and with the belp of divers and aDd other symptoms of .slight poison. Sqaare, Phil.delphia, by taking cor- N. V. Hun, Jame. BaneYIr.8.8. GrI.Wf)\d, :~~b~l~ ltePtl iaieten in tbe adorDlmeut eighty otbers appeared to be at her two,wrecking 8chooners, he bas reo ~ng, will occnr to the p.rties eatiog roaive 8oblima.te. ~: ~~V;[=I~~ {v.»H~p'::r,"t ~.~o::"~Z&

, orell ceme ry thai ellc oled. mercy. covered only $14,0,000 of tbe million It. The New York Bareau of Employ. D. R. sunman, Euretta Greenman The wori waa completed on the l"th d The be f 0 . W h ment for DI·sch.rged Sold,'el'll bal Brow!lJ B. Ooon, lira. JUl. Irilb. B. f A

u Nye, of the sbip Abigail, is .0 a half trellaary Dotes lost in the nnm ropers ns In l1li. an HOIIIa w Bood j, Bali: o u,u.t, aad the rcetin.. pl-- of I' t I I te '1 b Id wI'th,'n' few mon'hl pro 'd d I. m , .,.... tb b .. - laid to haYe exprel4sed bill Icorn and safe. Tbi8 WIlS foaDd 80me distllDce ng on rega ar y or mporarl yo· • 'fl e worA e deacl"informa!ly dedicated ~ I f th • t t th f the 'k' d' t' th t th iag positionll of trult .nd e-Iument for 15'5 meo., REOEIP'l'B.

by the rai.lng of the Starl and I~ar elCln~1 0 e pl~a e8. e rom wrec, In Ica 109 a e under the Government, or '"'ibo .re An p&ymenu for tbe s....4t1l ~- .... Stripee npoa a Sagltd erected with. tIme of bls captore, s.ylDg to Wild· safe had broken to piecea. At St. Loaill they are m.king pnre acl<nowledged fro. week to wen In the iD tbe enclOiare. A,lIatel hal been dell. o! tbe Shenandoah: .. You have ' The offeling of tbree hnndred ~d for transacting b:sin8l1 with the molasse. from Indian corn. A bUMh· paper. Perlonl •• ndln, mo •• y,tb. r .. l\atlo" • .1)-- ,"_ cem-.-"', .• i

r• Grl". not rUlDed me yet; 1, have ten thoa- thoDallad pouads of Ohio fleece wcol ver)IJIDent, i. live t oos.nd. el of grain yields tbree g.lIon8 of .elptofwblchh not dulyaoknowledpd, :;~~~=

....... _..... .. .... " _ I' db' I molasse Ihouldgive .. e .. rly DoUce oftilloaJa. fin •• a nnmlltakable Union .an of aand dollara .t boIlle, In elore at New York, ~Dg. 23d, was not Il A correspundent at Detroit says II. lion. UJe Dei.llborhood, h .. been.appoint- left I lent. it to the go~~rament to succe8S; oDly IIlxtythoasandpounda that. /ltizen of ~hat place has ob- Tbere are .now in Penosylvania f.,.1 10 'fol.lIe. e~ SaperlatlDdlnt, and Anderson. fight sncll Je!lowlI all yoa. were sold .t!i • 50 fOl' the unwuh· tained lI"~nt for an iron barrel apward. of tbree,hoDdred oil wells, =.'li=~;'~p~~~~~I;. ' '::: li 'lile CellMltt" prieon pen aad the The American New8 Comp.nyof ed. The wuhed averaged 63 1·2. wbich_il1¥be jalt the thing for pe- yielding more than three million bar- N. B. P.lmer Woodl1l1., '60 ' 'CCc~ ,,111 'bI! kep\' illtacl\ fl)r New York, publillbea "Nine~n The o"nerl re~olled t~ ~upliCllte any. troleom. It weighs sixty poand., rell aDnually. B.1. Bandol~j,l PI.1Dlleld ••• J., 240 the lna,.,~ioa oI$hol8 who tire to Mo.th8 a Prisoner of War i" being Tb~ wool 1''':'' dl-condmoned and au- .nd with proper machinery a man An eathasi .. tio. letter·writer pre- ~r!J."V~Gr!.":';'':~iintoD, ~:: illke a Plf~"'~' thltre~l. --h of a, narrative, bw Lieat.. Sable of t .... delIrable, beln, mOltly delained. can tara Cllt ten or twell'e per d.y. dictl tbat the city of Ilexica will Bannab Xelay, WhI ..... ilIt, 2 IiO

h .'1 _u ,,__ d" f h~ be f h' I I f Jilllzabeth Kauon, j,da.... 2 50

t e remainl of re .tin.. '''''!''on Rh~e bla.nd Cavalry, ?.' IS Six persons h.n beeu arrested at Tbe log bnt in wbic:h, tbirty odd IJOOn a .. lonah e p ace 0 reeon Eu •• Ir1Ib. DeRuyter, 6 ,00 esperience In mOBt of the milItary Batavia, N. Y., on a cbarge of in- ago, the first wbite cbild W&II for wealth, citizen. of the North.

A RIYAL' 0,. W'OOL.-W. are told prilons of tbe Soutb. cendi.ri~m. Two of tbem confe.~. born whcf"e-r;:, inbabited Chicaro, Bed chalk h .. been dilool'ered, iD DEN "T I .~ ... T R tb.t a' ',", Ine lock' of, 'Alpaca Seven Major Gellerall, tbirty-five that durlag tbe put year, the gang w .. recently ilned dow. '-pon the Kan.... Some workmen were ex· goall h ...... ofered "0 'the United Brl/Tet Major Generals, .nd fort,- baTe fired more than twenty buil~ very d.y ail whicb tbat child w .. caYMing for a bnildio, at Leuea· Blatet :<ldIa_ .. IoHr ,or Arrioalture. tbree UritJiilier GeDer.b, were ma.· iIIgI, in parsaance of deliberate plOI1l married. jf worth aud 8trnck a IItrata of tbi. m .. "'D1!Oll1lcel throll,"'. ~"II'l'Il: of Botlyj,; wbo. tered ou' of "nice on Tlaunday, made at the shop of ODe of t.beif In a cemetery in Sharoa, £lou., ia terial, wbich promiaee well. P;,;; ..... ·'"

Tbabl two lltidred 01 tlia~', (ot '"Ie: Aug, t!tb, by order of the Sei!tetllry namber, who ia foreman oca book aad a family lot, in wbich ara I8ven .a. fatal dileue, reeembliog d'IeD·llf~~~~f.'k~~~~~~~gr~!

e whoJ.\tQek ill 01 ... 1.,. h.D' of War. Generlll Batiks IItaoel. at ladder company. , . gra'f~ arraaged in a oi~cIe. 'Six tery, ill preniling to a (earful -ex· dl'lld cIol\~ .lticih iii ..., .... gb. Ihe bead of lbe lilt. The Po. aayll the extent of the lltonel colllmemorate lix" balled tent in the 'ficinity or Perrineville, ::;,'.~'Ulltr, .:r.~.'"lr.wtOIl GeD. Ekiu adYertiB8I the clOling abet~ion of fand. and the forgery wival of D- S , whill the lIev- N~ J., and a namher of deatbl hlte

..... ., .laIl',wbiGh to .ab .ale of Koy"omOilt .toek iD SeptAlm- of gold checks by Ketcb8Dl aggre- eDth ... d more Itately II.h bearl \be occurred. ~Ia,''''? ~~ ,I ,¥Cl" ~-., the lII.r. T"ea'y-iYe thonlaDd a.i .. l ... , •• foar JIlilliODl ,,,0 .IID~drecl lilllple but aleo'in, iucripuoD, The Iate.t .&lDe ianllled lor a elr-..,.parililialiOlAilW __ .... 0QD0 Wl&1aOa& a .blll. laterrap&iotl, tho.a- dollan. .. 9ar Uubaad." t' CUI ia the .. eqalCurricDlIUD."


• '. e

..><; ..... "

., ... " ........ J'lI*_~l'.

BY GIlO.Cl.'B~·>U'tI •••

r r.a,l! aid- .. Tbe;n~sta ~re:so construoted Ii, h,,)ppea"-lIee he was' pounced mille,.a. to be .. l1 taken apart in twominutee i bi'l!ill .1'!teetiYell. JUI' as Ue caM ," ... break-neck int:n.lth .... ' are perfectly 8mooth inside got hold of him he w ... Been to

TO REBtrsOItA'l'l: m:nBbtrttf). N A. TION AL ~',90IlPA.NT The :Humane Vuiaobo· AGENTS W 4nZD.

setts haye iS80ed direc tions for the r"~IUB'" •••• 1110 -I 0'"'0&1lI\" a_ "'"DEL th. dlrIm"B, . iato .~e",:.bowele of out, alld once in eyery ~wo place his hand in hill pocket. but be

~. ~ ---- ... ~ , blother eilttb, nndl!lr '1Ri':" .. tenJ~ftM I ba .. e them taken down, .&8 aecnred, .. nd on being llearched .. J ..... VlrtlUOO. 'AIftT .... ""l~O.1t lake.' The rapM! motion ~a1J8ed a cleanly washed. and then tborougJily it wa •• nd that he bad in his pos·

persous' : I. Send with all speed for mediC ••

aid. for articlell of clothing, &"0.

The 8 ..... u.i-oao., II lilt Dn ..... UO!ial 'a!Mlt til tile lleytIltJl. .. , ........ dnoted to tile n:1H!'IU0II ... ~_. Grut and .nile were current or.,air; wlrieb relieved the coated with common whale-oiJ, and se8sion a revolver and a bag con·

~;m;~~:i::~~iG~o~w~a:n~.~and lh. damp sensatlona 'of the ,place. 1m· have neyer yet 8een .. llingle lOUIe taining •• n.OOO. 011 'his luggage to'vUrit agine a.tnbe, ne .. rl,r ~.Iejn lenif,h. near them, nor can oue be found near being searched. a reyolver .. nd $56.·

II. Treat the patient on the spot. in the open air, exposing tbe Cace a~d che8t freely to the breeze, excllpt In too cold weather.

1M mWl ud -"/Denll 9f tIIat ...... It aI .. to pro_ote ",tal plet" &lid "'I!II'O .. ..

r\do ollt aad, ,.he· ,ail8 of·a. I. clUri&(C.e wheel, my premises. Tbe oil we apply 000 more were found. bellidel!l 8everal aIUl.. wae boila Of 'IQU4> ,mMQDry. ·T-IlTough it common bru8h, and it can be reliM~larticles of jewelry whicb be bad pur·

I IMI'foient &CUo n. at tlui _ U.. tIIa\ 1\ III'IM ob!lcllenoe' to the ootI ...... \I or

W'ttalli O(llhtle eara'Up glidillg, e.oh upon all a 8ure preventive againlt cb&led witb the 8.tolen money. The o!if,:tllliug up the entire Ipace of the yermin on fowI8." total amonnt recovered by the officera

III. Place the p .. tient gently on the fOlce. (to .. 11011' any Snid8 to flow from the mouth.)

IW and" falth'ot I... Itl aot ..... ... opIIl to the ad'foolOy 61 att. ttfo.......,

'abe. . , . w .. $98 934. Townsend had altered I ' =Each' caf is tlll~ .ith four pet· AlREST OF A BAlK ROBBER. ~is app~~.ance. coWlider .. bl, by shav·

and .....,.. which __ »tell" 'tit I ..... .. ~: It will not Ilorroote tile petro ooaeUon of iIOCllety. In III 1:.1""", ... III-

The other .(ii'lit~majo}l'reneratll, .I)()!On~18, sen .. • The Philadelphia Ledge+- of Au. 109 off bl8 whlekers. . . IV. Tben raille the patient into.

titting postnre, and endeavor to excite rel!piration-

3. It 40'11'8 with perfeot facility, a line teDlpnell Dlpart ...... oare .. _"10 r.,. nelert ~M'!~';,u.ct on the pea DOr IIIOUth adapted lei tile _nil ........ of the stand. nor mould ; all thla I, warrant. ...ry 01_ of read In. ; -ed. _ This Wrll1ns Fluid II blact.. With a IIiIII The Terma of 8uheorlpUlIII'0I' \lie ...... and lailo).y tint oC bl... DB are: Two DoII&rl and M, 01111 IItr

·tbat oo~ to,., ~o.' The only hgM !II 110 guat 15th, giv~ tbe following ac. attiftld . with l .. mJj.ln the bande of the, dnver, count of the arre8t of a bank robber, iFFEOTIOI 01' A HOISE.

pfOOliec1ed id o'r' .. IUlliiar one on the engill8, or ~ Who doubtlellt thought he bad got tunnel, where e.e.,. mule. NQbodY. but the driver, oDil beyond reach of danger:

,readlneu for their re- of tIJe,p.,lI8ngera (Cllionel Gowan,) , Jeremiab Townsend was &8listant . . , .; and the, mule, bave any idea where caebier of tbe Town!lend Saving8

:r~!~55!=r~:l~~;and gen· are goia" whU tbey will r!Jn Bank of New Hayen. He eDjoyed pan, tha~ deeired or ~here they will fetoh op. the coufidence of the officers of 1 he bore: Maj. Gen. will give,.. little, idtl80 of tbis bank until May lalit, wben he abseond.

We find tbe following in tbe'N. Y. Journal of Oommerce :

Manl instances haye been given hy tr .... elers of the affection shown by the Arabian horsee toward their m ... terll j and so much,. also, ~as been written to prove theIr sagacity. at to make one believe. at timell, that they mu~t be endowed with an in· stinct which approaches nearly. if not quite. to the reasoning faculty of a buman being.

1. By snuff. hartehorn, &0., applied to tbe nOiltrils ;

i. By irritating Ihe throat by feather or the finger;

3. By dRllbing hot and cold water alteruately on the face aDd chest If tbere be no success, lose no time. but

Et·Presldent C9pel&nd adopted 118 IlIII In ,ear. payable In ad.,..,06. hbiati ...... l... the cenlr&! Bank of Broot.lyn. ta l\aQlni aU r "'" buaine81 papers. on acoount of III fndel1ble paid within 81t .ililthl fro. the ~ qlla.lity. "II waequaled &I a 8ohool Int.. of the year. w1Il be liable to lID IiWltl. and for thA Pallt three J"ean 11M lIIIt had a oh ... ,e of 4fty oen.... 8uheorlbtra WIHI ... rlvaJ here. WhIle tor Commercl&! PUrpOl8I( ... eapeol&lly where peflhnency I, reqnlred. I to dlloontlnue th,lr ,apell. __ ,.., ...... Ie IndllpeDlable. &I In 1IMJt.a. Countlnc· rlarapll. and notlf, tlie pllllllW, or -.;

Gen." Williams. Xaj. Bubterraneou8 and 8ubmarin"e jour. ed, with $105.000 of the property. ii. $: Sullivan; Hoo. De",.. : ' , '. in money bonde and other evidences

V. Replaoe the patient on his face, his arms under bi~ head. tbat tbe tongue may fall forward. and lean the entrance into tbe windpipe tree. 80 tbat any fluids way flow ont of the mouth, tben

rOf~:! H:~~CO\Dmend. for where It Ia Wllh. pa1lll'~~ reoelfe4 Win II, Mbot(. onoe naed it will be thereafter. In the p ... r 10 M to tndl." ........

G. . . W. A. Baldwin •. 'The tat'S aped .. long M a. ~e~~rk. of indebt~dnes8: His fligbt wall 80 ell~J Rbit·(~"th.: uniIi!diL~te. ably rapi.d pace. G~n. \?rd IDqlllred skillfully pl:loned. thllt for @oUle __ !!er.)l\chll&JI,.,R. .N·,BiJ)et·E$q·, o~ Superliitendent Rioo if he dJ(i not weeka his pl:lce of concealment wall Blipennt'en4erit or 'lIe·1lic~igaQ.Cifu· think that Col. Gowan's II under· uuklown to tholle mOlt interested in .... ilMlrol'll,,~l' .. Ai' U.ll.-1ilaq .. ·~Z(W. ground" rail way compared favorably the capture of the absconded cashier. » •• 1., Eeq., 001, Gowa~·'Sllperin~· wilh the Miqhigau ?en~ral, both al! Delcriptiona of the man, Iist8 of tbe

We are prepared to eeU !ton &lre_1IIIb1e to whloh the, N&Ob • terms. If not more ao;tban &Dy otber Ink, Ad'f8rtl_enll of a o ..... aoter IIOt .... nlltWlthltanding illlujJerior qUlllty. and &I • 1Io,,,xtra InduOeDl<IDt. we, WIll hereafter _Ita Ilatent Wllb tile objeoll of u.. p.r. wtlllIt no ellarge wh .. tever for Barrelll or Ke" In IllI8rted at tile rate of aft olatl pe' 11M ..

Be this. bowever, as it may. we very muoh doubt if ~mong tbe feats narrated of the hor8e;! of the East. any oan be found tbat exceede in af· fectionate ~yoii()n the following in· cident, ",bieh was told n8 a few days lIince at Saratoga, by the soldier to whom it occurred.

1. Turn tbe body gradoaliy but completely on tbe 8ide. and a little more, and then again on tile face. alternately (to iaduce iuspiration and expiration. )

or QI'del'll lor inti on draft. the Int lnIertlon &Dd th .... 11 .. u.. SJjaU be plellMld to refer to ' .__ I' 1_&1

thoI/e who have lIatHlt and ued ror lI&Qb n.bIequent ..... rt on. .... .... I· , it for the P&lt ten bt twelve tlilmenll at the rat .. ftud bt la'll". A. flit

• '~~~~RI!./ ~}.~¥",'?~'" reporter. regarded Ipeed, v~ntllatlo~ .. nd con· bond •• with "their numbers, were pub. .; "¥'< ·,',_ .......... lftlt~ nMDtI. venie~ce: Mr. RIce admItted tbat lished tbrougbo.u~ the country •• a~d

It Iball &I way. alford iIIIoount '11"111 be Blade to ill ... '''""I/lUI' =bi~~ur goods and er b,. 'Ibe ,-fiat.· .

~~. .' .' " tbe MIChIgan Central was no,!"here, the detective8 ID all the large cltlet -:- "1t~'''!I)t;O' .• J!8I'IIO!l ~.gOetJ IOtO tbe but soggested tbat the ooly thmg ~e were put on the watch.

least before ord4ln..... ..._ 11h'~llId be dlreoted 10 GIIo .. a •• Villi. ,_.

IJ''''ttl'll'iev, bit("lbll.",prepare fer ~e feared Was 'meeting a down tram. It was reserved to two Philadel. ..... lief,*, .. b1!D,. Oolonel Go.~ He al80 reminded conductor Gowan phia detectives to fiud a clue to the Jliicquaialitli on band a large tblltit w ... quite·tillle to pilose through wbereabouts of Townsend, aud, as

:,,,-. > • • ';I:u\"1I'e1:~OIt1!Jbe •• o~ the aud take up tbe tickets. our European advices represen,t. lie·

2. When replaced. apply preeiure along the back and rib8. and tben remove- it (to indlfce furtber e~ira • tioll and inspiration1 and proceed all

terly. B.l. '

THI L .. W OP _APlM. ,<

~-*' ... t .n.'ItMrr .... ·d,ellgn., Col. Gowan lepbed tbat tbe r~a~ cure his arrest. About six weeks

The narrator is a young Iri8bman. and like many otbers of tbis nation. join~ ahartl,. after Si8 arrival in Americ ... Sberidan's brigade. It wali iu one of tbOile forced marches, when they had driven the enemy blick, and b .. d been in the saddle for 8everal con8ecutive daye and nights. tbat

before. • 3. Let these measnrell be repeated

gently. deliberately, but efficiently and perseveriogly sixteen times a minute only. Oontinuing these meal­ures rub all tbe limbs and trunk up· wards with warm hands. making firm pres8ure energetically. Replace. the wet clothes by sucb olher coverlDg, &c .• as can be procured.

1. Subeorlblrl whe 40 not &l'felQr .. Ao­Uoe to the oontrarr. &11 aotliidered .. wfH, Ing to oootinue their lubleriptlOlll. 2. If lublOriben order tbe dllo=" ...... of their papen. publilhen 111&1 IItI, •• \I eend them until alllumi due .... plld.

. ~!,¥f\ 'IHI"rr.'~~",' ~'y-' .lIie BOon be paying a I~r~e diVI' ago, Mesm. Callaban .. nd Car~in :.~ .. • MT""'~· .tIS.~, cldttul1g (,lead" annually to tbe Citizens of were in tbe neighborbood of Tbud '~Ir~w't!ll{tbem .~ oo~ Ollioago, and that they all owned and Chestnut "ts.. when .. IItranger .iMi ~lii';~I\If~ ~I~~! tbelr sto9k in it. approached Mr. Carlin II:nd requested ·1.... 6 _,III_IR,,, - ..... WlI!er AIUlIVAL AT THIC I!:XTREJ(E END OF THE him to compute the mterest on a this trooper availed himself of a

temporary bait to lllip from bis sad· dIe and stretch bim8elf upou the turf-hi8 borse. meanwhile. broasing

a. If lublOribera n .. leet or reflli.e to Ill. their papera from the omoe tn whlGh IMy are dlreoted. tbey are IMIld _poOlI1l1, 1II1II they ha'f8 paid wbat .. due, and O'dlr.d\lll~ papere dlsconUn l1ed. I

"~~!~ ,mtrb\' ·becoMe .,,,th TUNNEL. bond. He did 80, and. in r,,· '.~.4.\Ii .. ¥- 0.11 Brur." wben at· spouse to tbe man's request for a • ' ~I~, "'~liIbl~ !.., no acooun' wear After .. journey of fifteen minute8 reference to a trnetwortby bankpr. '."'1 II III'iIgle 'aTtiele. nor take & through a straight, dark road, at a referred bim to Drexell & Co. No . ~Ti !ihre<f)iome witb tbem .as .. cllntering speed, the train emerged sooner had tbe man left than both d~.


,. If 8ublOribera reIIIo .. , to other ,. without Iliforming the pubUlher, II1d ,lit pa­per 11 .. nt to the former dlreotlob. thlr ... held r .. ponelb/e.

6. The law ~ol._ that Iny PfI'llOll If whom a perlodloal \a 18nt. II rupo.ble Ill' payment. It Ite ,eoel1"ea the p.per. or ... uae oC It. even If he baa nner IQbldtllitII for It. or hae ordered It atopped'r!' ~1111 In .noh a oue ". notto tate the r 11' .. the ollioe or perlon to whom It II 01. bit to notify tbe pubUBber that b, ~JIOt \rlfIIIL

reDO of tbll VIsit. . into tbe I .. st ohamber. wbicb was tectives at once suspected that thiS "~I=tt~~~:~~!:~:::;'t :th~:'~~~i~; Iillbted with innumerable little lamp8. boud migbt be one of those stolen '.:' Tbe miners lOOKed bewildered at the from the Townsend Sa.vings Bank.

=-ii,~~~Pi~k;lta~~lli etrange ,advent, and laughed outright They followed the CaBEl uP. reached

in the immediate vicinity. • He had slept for 80me little time.

wben be was /luddenly awakenedJIY I100KBUBTIBLE WASH.

~~ . TI~ NEW LoNDON. N OBWIUII .AND WOJlCBl'l'm' DI.ILT • . (Sundays excepted,) at 6 o'olook P. X ••

During the hot and dry season. ae- From Pier 39 N. B .• foot of Veltry .treel. cideuts 80metimeB octmr in conse- NT'1eY~:!. and maEDiJlceDtRteamer CiTY OF qnence of tbe highly combustible na· BOSTON! WIIUam"Wlloox. oommander}. from tnre of tie materials used for roofing. New YorJ<:-Tueed&)'I, Thured .. y. and l!rt.tnr· Pine shingle8. after being laid a few da)'l; and from JlTew Londop-J(ondaYI. Wed· '!I;~=:~i:Jr~1=~:; II u the parties stepped from the cars Drexel's office after the bond bad

:;~ wblcl'l Caqlll llown and sbook themselves. Col. Gowan been cashed, and after the man pre· and tblll8,palllled. announced tbat tbey had about fonr seuting it had disappeared from

:'~~~t~!~,~~~!W~;~e Illee* being, II> hundrltd feet, fuxther to ,traverse on sight. Tbe two officers were at a " . . arllll •• hleh foot bliAJ:.e they got to th.e extreme 108s what conree to pursue. as their 'lJ(Jek·4J6 ..... ' ... ,,,"ed him W&I' all the tunnel. Taking a lamp, memoranda uow conviuced them that '1l~\",olf~idl.Vlng· worn a limi. he led the way. . they had let slip one of the missing

frantic pawing of his borse at biB side. Fatigued by his loug ride. he -did oot rouse at once. bnt lay in thllt partially conscious state which 80 freq oently attends great I;lhysical proBtration. Soon. ~o.wever. t.he faithful animal. percelvlDg that ItB efforts had failed to accomplish their object, licked his face, and placing its mouth close to his ear. uttered a loud 8uort.

neodays and Friday •. often become covered witb a The new and m,.gnlfloentateamer CITY OJ' fine. short mOBS. which. when dry. is NEW YORK. Thom ... G. Jewett, oOlllDlanderd trom New Yort-Kondays. Wedneoda)'!l an 0.1 mast Measily ignited as punk. and Fridays; from New London-Tueadaya,Thun-

o C .A L A L POaT ..

a spa.rk falling npon tbe roof, 1l00n dayA and Baturda)'l. . h b built 1 h b ·Id· . bl theBe two Bteamerl ave een ex· enve ops t e UI 109 In a aze. pre8lly for thia route. with aU modern tm-

.I_.tfl)b .. .,cent visit to the great . Th& long lDen in the party doubled bonds. While cogitatin~ what to do. lIon' Oenflj'1unnet1lilder the Alps. thelDlMllvea up and followed, and the they Baw tbeir man on Third·st., and

To mllke a cbeap w .. sh for roofs of provemenl8.lnchldlng Wallr Tight Compart,. buildings take a snfficient quantity manl8. and are the only Iteame,. ever b~lIt

•. . for Long IHI .. nd Sound With thil Ireat lI.e·

{Qu~e:JapOleo.niolooJ{ed the General men bent their beads very low. following him np,. s~w Now thOroughly awake. he sprang

up and as the horse turned for him to ·mount. he saw, for tbe firat time. tha this comrades hlld all di8appeared. and that the enemy were coming down upon hini a.t full gallop. Once mounted the faithful beast bore him with th~ speed of the wind Bafeiy from the danger, and soon placed him among his companions. .. Tbns." he added. with emotioll, "the noble fel­low saved me from captivity. and perbap8 from death."

of good sto ue bme, and slack It care· pre.ervmg improvement. fnlly in a close box, or mortar ben to Condllctora lIoOCompflll, the ateamen eaoh ~ be was'cbeered for tramp,".~until backs and him meet acquaintance8, and dIVide bi. aocoeel in.f&lbion .. ble drapery. and at. length the extreme the proceeds of the sale. Tbey then

f d' f way. PUsangen prooeed from New London prevent the escape 0 steam,· an a· immediately on arrival of lIteamere. by Ex.

. ,NWlt hi.' military bat ,",n' by tbe . of tunnel 11'&8 reaohed. took charge or the entire party, and '1·)0_ anel .' chap41atl qt, ., very About twelve feet was dng ioto the recovered tbe whole of the amount

_louch! appearaJlC& took ita ·plaee. solid clay. and the miners. who lltood obtained from Drexel, lacking five

ter slacking, pass it tbrough'" seive. pre81 Tr&ln. to Booton, Worceallr. LOwe~. To every Ili~ qnarts of thi8 lime add La1!'rence. Fltchbur,. NuhuIL. Conoord. t e

. • ' White Mountalllll. &0 •• &0. one quart of rock or Tnrk's hland Freight taken .. t the Loweet Bat81. and de· salt and one gallon of water. The IIvenlCU.n Boston eariy the nut da,. stated

"'Bbllln~ up bili tro.llel'll, be declared about·tbe. weird place \ik~ so many donars. . ' .. Booms ID abundance can be had on boar mIXture should be bOiled and skim· steamers. or at the BOlton or New Yon 0111·

blml8lC ready for a vieit to China, or e"arthy ~peotres, were Imgaged in They also dillcovered that the man '.' ..,where 8118. • ~. brlck~laying and: cementing. Col. prellenting tbe bond WM not directly

med clean. To every five gallont of ces in adv .. nce. E. IWKA.BTIN, .&.&eJITnt'R . d bId b Pier 39. • • thiS. ad y e ow egrBl's, t ree-

'U {I ~,.i, W'lIeox DeXt· bed up, in .. ,anl)oonced that the party implicated in the robbery. Town-: ~ "err' tObg eoat, being • ·"OG (eet undef Lake send had fled to Cuba. and from there 100110r\ mlUl. Thill w .. , a. latinet Bits of olay were pocket· bad IICDt on to an agent in Philadel. '\'lIfint, vflr, threadbare from'lon« &I and ·the party retraced phia, witb inetrnctions to llell tbis '~'4Qintallce with the tnnnel, .. nd their IIteps. bond. This agent entrusted tbe .. ::lciliir,;"itL the worlcl., Tbe Goneral Tbe cars were taken at the first bUlines8 to a third party, and the

fo.urtb8 of a ponnd of potasb, and four qnarts of fine sand.

Coloring matter may be added. Apply it witb a common paint brush. A writer, in speaking of ~bis wasb, obBeryee; " It looks better than


, lIB object is to procure and oirculate the moat faithful versIOns ot the Sacred Sorlp· tures In alll .. nguages througllout the world.

ENGLISH NEWTESTAlIENT. looked like Fal'll'ler Slocnll'l jUlt chambet. where the party left tbem, fact that thill individual was unahle

[.We .\Own .. with a aud off went the train io tbe direc· to calcul .. te the iuterest. and was , ~'pal"l~" .:hat .at lion of the e~aftr at the-ra~e of 2.40 obliged to call npon Mr. Carlin, 11''''

capll." Civil1g hilD • per lninn~e. '. ;rhe mille, whIch had on the starting point in the raoo for the

Can there be found on record a more beautiful example of aIJectiou· ate devotion on the part of a dumb brute to his master than this f Undoubtedly similar examplell bave occurred duriug the recent war. which will forever be buried in obliv· ion. Would that they migbt be brought to light. if their narration

paint, and ie ... dnrable as elate. h UVISED Faall TO FDI .. L COJUll'M'P. will stop small leak8 in the roof, pre- This great work i8 now oompleted. It I. vent the moss from "'rowing over and printed on r .. ir,open type, and make ... duo

... decimo volume of 768 pagee.

, '"1'.''' '. i I, '''~ .no.breeching or .baekatrap, l!Iuddenly cllpture of the principal. The of· 0<'.' Gen. Williams borrowed a ,.ben the train was at its ficers now knew that Townsend 11'&8

rotting the wood, and render it in· combustible from sparks Calling on it. Wben applied to brick work. it reno ders the bricks utterly impervious to rain or wet, and endure8 a 10nger time than any paint I ever ulled. The expense is a mere tri8e; in fact. scarcely deserving of mention."

e:ti'JOIIIrelllillil."becaule be thoulht the The cars ran upon in Cuba but tbat be did not propose , I ·.colWiarirht kllow more .bout the beels, and thqse in the to remain there long. Following up

could in any degree mitigate the cruelty to wbich tbe horse is con· stantly subjected, especially in our large cities. where many of the dri· yer8 are more brntlAl thau the beast8 they hllve in charge.

nel tballlllll,..othe"~l1~ he would b6 forem08t car hlld the pleasure of reo the clue they disco'fered tbat Town· I .. (~,· W go . away from the resi cei.iJlg him into their laps, .nearly send h~d an accomplice in New of tbe'-~part7" -A. dilapid .. ted tile frightened Dnt of his mulish wits. Haven. The accomplice had a sister .. iWd·'. olitAl; ad be 8tood before Colonel Gowan. the conductor of to whom Townsend was eugaged to

·,llifj.MllliJing lpect .. tore a veritable the train, got out, and went ahead to be married. Carefully following this , dliuoDaclllliDlltJ ,_. t, J see what had frigbtened the "Iocomo· party Callaban and Carlin ascer· nONG TIIE OANNIBALS.

The walis of ontbuildingB are fre­quently coated with this wasb ... well all the roofll, I\nd are hereby reno dered much more durable It ilBaid that clapboards put on withoat plan· ing. if coated witb thill cement or wasb, last muchl onger than when planed and painted.-N. E. lhrmer.

. 'ISellator Obandltr· ia a 'tall. man j tive." A ,bout .told the party that tained that arrangements bad been LIFE i ~Y'r7:Wl,~ ];lew old cOaa. will lit him; was io atorefor them. He made between them to meet in Liver- Thomas Ross, a colored man, one "".,.. ~ CJ1I.'do. He WjAS more fa8' to tbe car8 'with Seua.tor pool, where the marriage between of the crew of the gunboat Tioga. :;~li~it,bl lUI tMt, than tbe res~ of Ch&lldle~s bat. which bad beell blown Townsend and tbe young lady wall called upou the editor of the Bangor >0.', pm,.; '·and ooDlequently fared off and left on the track. dUlillg the to be celebrated. Whig, and gave an intere8ting ae-

. wonre. A very. ragged COlt .nd a outward voyage •. The mnle Wall not Wben tbe complicity of the New count and showed some of the effeCl8 , ODDS ANI) EIDB. '"",,,'wed-'hM ii_fly. got IdjiJlted 1l8ed ·to IJUch & IItriP:nge sight, and Haven puty was clearly p~oyen, ~hey of a foor years' compulsory rellidence

on him j in "b •• maD1let bertlafter nearly canlled an aCCident to the p.... were arre8ted. bnt no puhhclty given among the cannibals of the Pacific lolto". :' Tbe coat" .. tamed lnaide senglra. to the fact. The New Haven party Islands. The vessel in which he bad The doctors specially devoted to the

'b1lt, beoa~ the .. ,6eD.a~ began I to mE RETURN TO URTEL at once made a fnll confell8ion. and shipped from Sidney, Auetralia. ,,!as care of cholera patients at Alexandria pal 1,.~~t1a8 w~IlIJ."'Dd. and be- • stated what wat still more important, wrecked off one of the South PaCl~ have tried a eurious experiment. tbe cao,.., . 1. "Iel ~im ~w it The puty Boon emerged Into the that Townsend wat to leave Havana Islauds, knowu as Mitchell's gronp. objeot of which ie to ascertllin wbeth· on HII hat'_" oavecHn light ot open day.; an4 c9ngr .. lulat~d in the Conway on the 7th of July. lat. 8 deg., Ion. 179 deg. E. Himllelf, er that dise .. se is caused by a peeu· . ~ to.lm'".\ItICk In it,' and e .. ch other on the BUOCetll of.tbe trip. As the steamer from Havana to LiYer· the oaptain. and five se .. men, escap· liar state of the outwllrd air. all has a ooDat.anti a" i_pUcable and put on t~elf ~sut pool reqnires1 'i days for the tassage, ed to tbe Island, wbere they were been 8upposed. Tbey sent 'Up two

1 '-tII"'lP-..v. .. JIU!nK'Wi""-': 'Rew Af~r shakillg han 8 the detectives concluded to run a immediately lleized by the natives balloons. one from a village as 3'et '!fI!.,v.o.d .hlm'.'Urt.' ;yeraoioul hiator), . thanklDg Col. Gow~n fo~ r .. ce with Townsend. Accordingly. tbereof, Btripped of .their clothing. untainted by the flpidemic. and tbe W11~:i.~~ t~1i, " .' the,. got into their car Mr Carlin alone started witb the and at once IDducted Into the modes other from Alexandria. A quarter

,.lIJ :;~ . r ..... "'l~~ . I • rove. back to. tbe Tr~o~t ste~mer fr~m Bo~ton on tho 9tb. ex. and ways of life peculiar to tbat pea- of fresh beef was suspended to eacb 1('I .. :!,r·~al ~i~''''' 08· • ..,ery . lIatlltied WIth theIr trlp peoting to make the trip in ten days. pie. No harm was done them, bnt balloon, which was allowed to float

" , .. • ,t

"tlfl' a.'PJ'lolnething 011 the \Uto bo,:,el~ of the e~l'th a~ un· Tbe news from Europe announcee tbey were.compelled to adopt all the for a certain time in the air. On .'j"r.;I"~ 'ge"~'." ,Q~ce der Lake Mleblgau.-(Jhwago that Mr. Carlin was successful, and fallbions of the natiYe'il. Tb? result making these ballooul! descend, tbe

bl'tba." .. ,lMfbleObic .. •· t\).at he recovered 199000 of the of one of these, Mr. Ross, stili bears meat which had floated over Alexan· , I' ,,",;: 'WheD U 'wtu:cut l'OULTiY.KEEl'IIG. stolen money. • opon his person •. Their ear8 were dria was completely putrilied, wbere-

DO' a railroad ill A.meflO"j . A correspondent 'of the Oountry The Liverpool Mercury, of Aug. perforatc:d, a~d !lDg8 of. cocoanut, as that whicb bad been snspended

II I kC:p f~~m '100 to 200 fowls, lars as to the arrest of Townsend: tbe number of thirty in ~ach ear. The Iy fresb. The quarterl of beef bad IIlOIItl,. of the Black Spauillh breed. Detectiye OArliu anr,t Dr. Town· effect of 80 much weight was t? been cut off the same animal. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I(hntlema 'tell' fornishes the following particn' balf an IDch In diameter, IDserted to oyer the bealthy village was perfect-

.. nd keep them confined the year send, one of the managers of tbe ~tretch the I?wer pa~t of the ee:r until A correspondent writes from the I! d b t diaease il!l Dot tnown bank proceeded to Liverpool by ... ay It bec .. me ahgned With the chID. Mr. Austrian watering place of Gastein, , Clinl rou: 't: d I ca ure you of H~\lyhead arriving in Liverpool Ross still wears a number of thell6 that a rich Englishman hu for lIome H{ oyer AU. more :hatnfhe .d~· f~'il as ~.usas thos~ on Saturdal' morning. They then ~ings. The wide aper~ure thu8 made d~Y8 taken np his abod~ on the Mal· I,! .,"*!Oap'· of espioren wBlnever k i; b Y the Y b bel' ve that learned from the newllpaper,,' that tbe 18 usually etuffed With bunches of mtler Tauer, a mountain more than

....... : . The OIeD In buckraro were ~ ePI ., 0 t ~a; W 0 II !ele •• they' Shannon by which it was flowers, giving to the wearer a gra- six thousand feet bigh. He Ii'fes in ::iipeed. . "" P. --" • ~ lOW Ik~a~n~C~:~~;-n: :; 'l-;'~d i8 belieTed tbat the ~an they w.nted ~sque appearall~.. Ve8sell!l. o~ all extremel! co~forta.ble tcll;t, ~at

~ ," :. ...• c,' ~ _). . I. 2f,Pby 60 fee\, tilled III inohee bad come &8 a pal!lsenger, had arrived sl(~uaIlYdPas~: the IS~:!1d du~ntg:t the cold obHhghe. hlh~ ~ ;rar: It Wlt~ ), Col: Gowan .~"'I~'pared Ulre~ with \eaC;hed" ..ab. and fine at Southampton on Friday morning. enl?rce reel en~ ere, n . e a.8to~e. e 18 t Ir ~- wo o~ .. '[ .. ,11'_ ,fOi~"', . .,.,,.. .. u ..... the . I have a large bo:K, containing Mr. Carlin took up his qalUters, un· nab yes at su~h ~Im~s kept a strIct hiS dIsposal to comunlcate .Wlt~ the

FAWU. Plaln{)loth BindlDl. Ruled Border Lines, ,100 Sheep. Strong BIDdlng. .. .. 126 Roan, .Red Edges t .. h 1 60 BOlm. Gilt Edges, " "2 CIt Turkey moroooo. Gilt... "3 00 Tu.key morooco. Gilt. with Clasps aDd

Bands, '06 (]heap Edilion, PlaIn Cloth. without

Buled Border Lines. 76 On the receipt of the prIce for either of

the above otyleo ... coPJ" will be aent. by mall. to any part of the United Statel.

Copies may &il!o be obtained at the omol of the BI.BBl.TB RaoOBDUo

ERIE RAILWAY.-TRAlNS LEAVE Depot foot of Cbamben·st •• New York.

VIa Plvoni .. Ferry: 1 A. X. Do., Expren for Oanandalpa. Bo­

ohester. Buft'oJo. Salamanoa, and Welt. Con· neol8 at BullaJo with Lat.e Shore and Grand Trunk Railwa,.. and at 1&&I&m&llca Wltb .&.t· I&DUo aDjl Great Western Ballway.

8.30 A. X •• Milk and Way Train. dally. to OtiBville.

10 A.K .• Expre. Jl&il tor Bn1C&!o, COO, nectlng with Lake Shore ~way. •

, P. 11., Way Tt&ln. for Port Jel'Vlt and Newburgh.

6 P. IL, lITight BxJ)r_. for CIWWId .. IIU&, Rochester BulfoJo. Salamanoa, ana West.

6 P.Il., Lightning Expreu. dally. for 0 .... nandaigua. Roohester. Bulliilo. 8a1&lII&DOa. Dunt.lrlt, and West. Conneota at Buffalo with Lake Shore and Grand Trunk. BaIl_YI. and at Salam&Dca With Atlantic and Great Western Ballw .. y.

8 P. M .• Emigrant Train, dalll,' tor Buft'&!o. 8aJ&manca, Dunkirk, and Wee •

HUGa RIDDLE. Gen'/ SUP't, N. Y. WI(. R. Bus. Gen'l PlIIIl. Agent. New Yort.

Traina leave the foilowin, stations at the times Indicated:

Going East. 2.05 ... Il. 8.·n •• 1.102 P. Il.

10.65 ..

HOlllllLLn'ILLa. Going We,l. 9.60 .....

UAOP ••• 3.10 .. 8.30 .. 8.'0 ..

.lLJ'llIn. 1.0S and 8.t8 p, Il. 1.05. 4.JO. 9.60 r ••

1.03 ... lL 7.33 II

12.19 P. Il. 9.60 II

!lUISD. 10.66.l •••

lA81'. Il. 6.35 .. 9.28 .. 11~8 "

PIllaDliBlP. 12.59 ... Il., r .••

u~ l.,,:~,""'lio~·ate,.boul.three lOme thirty bushel II of bnrnt 8helI8 der an as8umed na~e, at the Queen'lI watc~ on the~r captives, and never lower ear.tb. He C~008e8 tbll!l-'n~u. -.! led ~ '_':;&;"0.. fee" wid ... and and bones which tbe fowl8 haye free Hotel which the thief had fixed as permltttld theIr presence to become lar dwelling place In order to enJoy Ballroa.d. ;'! w .... :..a fer c.rrymr accesl to,'and when the top become .. tbe'pi"ce of rendezvous for himself, known .on ehipboard. R.oss .and a ,:t leillure and for some leng:th ?flln lIa1elrO'~d . ~ .. ~tecl to: hold four I takp it off and. put it n:ouod Byaa, and hill lady· love. Dr. Town· companion escaped by s~lmmlDg o!f tl,?e the sJ?6ctacle of snnrIse 10 ohange earl. :': 0. tli. OOIlU'DIl. ,.th., we ... I My gardener raises send went to anotber hotel, where be to .. v':lsel one dark night. Tbelr mld-summer In a war!Ded tent, lor· GUA'! IIJDDLII BOOTE ~O '1'111: .1rBIIt. '. .~ .. wltb ·blaatec.}.ad of c .. b annually. which lodged under an assumed name. co.mpanlOnll,. for augbt be knowe, .are rounded by In ow and Ice. Two ~_ tr&IJUI d&ily to~ the WINIt. u . • ~" ~ . d' it. to are fed to them the Winter Townsend came to Liverpoolon 8t111 on the IlIland. Corn. pumpklD8, A 8mooth'fer·made a Ikill· ce~II~.:,.I;"e~~~A~~1bythl' 'I"'{- W¥,tl':' :;::""~BI DOt tIM _light- and in Summer he giyell them lettuce' Satorday night by the half·past ten y .. m~. and ora~gea, are ~bnn.dant, ;.nd ful mariner. Neither do uninterrnpt- line to Chloa,co. (]tnoiJmati., It. LlJIlIIi • .te .• ~l" .*~ 01 ... 1 'Of falling out, bec .. uBe .. n they want. I haYe a contractfo; train from London. He went with req~lre but hUle cnltlY1tJoU. .he ed prolperity and 8uccce8 qaalify with bnt one ohan&e of O&rl. ,


111'11' YOU:.

Adama-Dr. C. D. Potter. .&.lfred-Charl81 D. t.nportb,. Alfred Center-_. J. G .... n.N. V. BuD. Brookfleld_Blcbard 8tlDman. , Ber Iin-J. B,.t'on WhtUord. CerN-Wm. B ...... 011. DeBoytOr-lIImoa G.'StlllmlU. Gene8le-Jil. B. oraa4llnt ~ Independenoe-John P. 1 ... 11110,.. ' Leonardllvllle-AlJa X. WINlt. . N.le-Ezeklel R. C1arte. Penla-Deldll C. Burdlot. Peterebur,-Hamllton • Poland-.t.bel Btillman. Portville_A. B. Crudlll. Ill .. 1.""'" Biohburlh...,Jphn B. Cottrell. 8o\~eor.e W. In .. pp. 8oo:t-Byren L. Barber. South BroOtlleld-Hermaa J. •. H1I1I. !it&te Brldi:e-JOI8ph Welt. 8towell's Clomen-Ben,!. IIUIIOII. Vercna-.J. B. Clarke. WatlCn_D. P. Wllll&llll. Weat Edmelton-Ephra\JD' __ n.

ooll!lllO'l1oOT • Xyetto B1'Idge-41. S. GttrIWoId. W&terfortl...;ou .. r •• ..,11>

UOlJIIllWJ!JI. Hook'fiu.-Lebbe. X. cemreU.

II&'Ir ~. J(arlboro-J. C. Bow,n. New Ka.kef.:...JaoobB.'rI ..... ot\h. Pl&iolleld-l_o I!. !Dunn. Shiloh-W alte~ B. fI: IUetta.

JIIDlIQ'J.N dU. '""1.

Dundd-D. B. ~~yon. neliron--.Georle W. 8I\Dm .... V81lAp JIOro:-J. B;·1r!eh. ~ .

LoltCreek-Wm. XeJIDldy. New Il1Iton-J. r. Rando \pb.

01ll0 • Jaooon Center-Jacob 1(. Babeook

WIIIl01lllll. Alblon-oJ CIIbua OIaro. BerHn-Datu II.! LewtI. Dakota-OtolV Jabo..,lt. Ildi:ertoo-H. W. 8tUllll&ll. _ifton-JllIItfh Ooodl1ol1. OUo_ZurI. C...,blil. Waiwortb-HQw,ll W. 1I4bdolpla. W .. t Kllton-JUIe' pwtce.

tLt.lIIOII. Weat lIAnook-Trli_l&l1l1d1f1.

tbw.l. W.lton-Ai Vailllora.

r_born-Davld P. OIll1lI. New J.uburn-Z. 1r. JII1rcIIot, Trentoo-J. O. W.t. Wuloj_Heory •• "''11'1 ••

. ...-. ~Demda"""" lC_ ..... LoIiIlIt&oelo-J. G.IIabtoat.

1M .1dIIit'Mj lip to tbe p_ngere' 10 beef·head8 weekJy. and give tbem hill luggage to the Pelican Hotel. nat .... fre9-nently ~t war With man for happines8 and ullefnlnel8. u~~~~ ~;=¥or~':To~=~~ 4prll ~.;,,..., '. : ....... ·a'-¥l OIl ~ bottom. plellty of .our milk I in addition to all Isliugton.flaga. The Bame night he a neYgbborlDg tribe. G.olDg f~rth !o The storms of adYerllity, like the At 6 ....... for Jil&Iton,,!:::h Chunk •• 11'1 ::?~i~l~;~t~t~~

. of which they have free acceee to .. called at the Qaeen'll to make inquir- b .. ttle, they confin~ theIr captIves I~ 8torms of the ocean, roulle the facel. ~~~tio~:;:~:~ oy Clly. ete. ;c.:,~.IQ.I~DI~Q.TBI '~1: miJ;tare of corn oal8 wheat and bar· ies for hill friends. Mr. Carlin W&8 a stock .. de, rele&llng th~~on their tiell and excite the invention, pra. )(&II Train at jl .l. L, tor 1'Iwn1Dato1l. nb" ,bJIought lor- ley which ie k~pt i~ a bin bolding there on the out.look for bim. saw return. Ie all other partlcular8 tbey dence, skill and. fortitude of the ilattonL. Water Gap.80ranton. "1lUabarre; ..... 11--1:1 ..

".elev.tor; lind .o~e 40 bUllhels so constructed as to bim wheu he called, and from a like· were treated as equals a~ brotbers. voyager. Gr::~ ~~e~~~I-:"~::':Aur.n. 'l' .. tleelM1=IIM;~:":~"""::."':~;fi;~ elMlh ODe. regulate itself, ~nd not allow fowls nesll and de.cripiion he bad, at once ' .... , A Frenchman can nut pronoance to'lr1l. Bet.din&. Harriallnrc, PlUabup;lDG. fqtrvtb,to

waate a grain oTlcratch in it. My recognized him," the ~an he WAIl C.lRPft M.lNuF.lCTU~-.The. total .. ship" The word BOnnda Iheep in ::n~~; ~:'=,o::d o~:t'::: :=:"01::; .1~lrlnl.,.tro(lIrl1 il allo I!\) conltruct· in lIearch of. \ T~e detective foll~~ valne of carpet manufacturell ID the hi8 month. Seeing an iron clad. be ~~~l'~~e;~i5

-vU"J to the bead. v( the him to the P~hcan. ud permitted New Eoglud Slatell, &8 IIhown by said to a boy" II thi. a waubeep?" UO,6.30. '1.20 &11\,11;001'.

~~~~~~!~~ ~,~~Ii;:-'.!: foil of pure clean him to rest there all nigbt. Mr, Car· the cenlus returns for 1860, was $3,. .. No" u8we'red the boy "it i.. ~~i~~~~~~~~~[1 ;. , wbic1d. of:mpre implI~tanee lin obtained 'be l118i.tauce of Dewe· 351&.938, a,rainet $11,919,'83,. in 1850. ram.;' '''.'IM'.

~iii~SE~:~ aJiythingelll6inkeepingponltry tiTe In8pectol1l ClUliBle and Horn, In NeW' York, PenneylYanla, New Th D' I di h _"'" health,._ .,"" -' and on Sunday morning the taree oC· Jeray and Mlll1land.;ihey amounted d.d e ::g~r t: anI! U lIye a When.

:::~i:~ .. A b .. rrel of lime, a bucket ~d 'a ficera proceeded to tbe Pelican for to M~'80.407, ~nit t2.'75,451 in I rhelD 't,Yhor

I e Imatb Pd°:K. f h~n !~~~~~!~~~:~~ • d' .• of he d· '1':' 185 Oh· . a'· f th one &8 leo 08e8 e oor 0 II 11'1111'&,0'\ brolh, &nil In lIpH8able artlclel In.a the pllrpoil6 appre n 1Il" ..... OWIl- . 10 an 1Il018, .0 e hut, killll hi .... do and tben .hooa. ':::!e~~~:-~: .ad abould. be ued I8nd. Wet'erD States, pr nced In value . If h'ch ~ 11 l!,ii~~n.1

i.l"acll .. fr during It w .. nece..ary for the o~cel'll to tU,191, againlt $6,000 in 1850 j the ~~m:. ' w I ectna y remov. I.Jy) oantionlly to work, .. It Will! latter amount represents Ohio Ii e 1_. 1; .. :: ...... i6li'_I,1f1iilljf\,~!'j.~;

bu· '~e TowUllend was a determined 18M, there being no return of mann- No man can be witty ~{J$~;~=;;; lim.e:daat oJ! tQ,L . :Bat younc ma~ and carried aboat wi~ faot", of carpete ill Illinois in 1850. wao.ts to, any more th.. be Gan he

Irat.·.-w.n hiro a Itt·barreled revolver. Tbe or· veniOnt is the onl, New Englud hlln~y when he wanl. to. It comet Y.r~ preveDti,ee, and every. lIei ... waited in the coff~rl?Om bntil State Dot retamed far'the mannfac- to him," Ion doet; be oaa'& &ell :.~ bUt DeJtr~allcm"'ed in he oame down 'rom hi. bed·room. tn~ of carpet. in 1860. The forego. how Dor why. 1 • ..,.. ., fowlt tM llI&illloaad a ThfI he did, little 'lI8pe8tiD, who were ing exhibitt all the Slates ia wbich Ink baa been ~lecI t.biI :'Iaok

.zperim.Dting, waitill, for him, Cor II lOOn .. he carpet. -.e rouulactared iIi'l860. .lave who waitt -&10*' Ibio ..... 'iii' -iii
