Fifteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and … · 2016. 7. 13. · fifteenth...

Fifteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations Decimoquinto Congreso Internacional sobre Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures 19–20 FEBRUARY 2015 | UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY | BERKELEY, USA ONTHEORGANIZATION.COM | SOBREGESTION.COM

Transcript of Fifteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and … · 2016. 7. 13. · fifteenth...

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Fifteenth International Conference on

Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations

Decimoquinto Congreso Internacional sobre

Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones

Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures


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19-20 FEBRUARY 2015



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International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations

Congreso Internacional sobre Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones

First published in 2015 in Champaign, Illinois, USA

by Common Ground Publishing, LLC

© 2015 Common Ground Publishing

All rights reserved. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the applicable copyright

legislation, no part of this work may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the publisher. For permissions and other

inquiries, please contact [email protected].

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Welcome Letter ......................................................................................................................................... 1

About Common Ground ............................................................................................................................. 2

On The Organization Knowledge Community ............................................................................................... 3

The International Advisory Board for the On The Organization Community ................................................. 8

The Organization Collection and Book Series ............................................................................................... 9

International Award For Excellence ........................................................................................................ 11

Submission Process ............................................................................................................................ 12

Submission Timeline ............................................................................................................................ 12

Journal Subscriptions, Open Access, Additional Services ....................................................................... 13

On The Organization Book Imprint ........................................................................................................ 15

Spanish and Portuguese Journal Series Information ............................................................................... 18

The Organization Conference .................................................................................................................... 23

Conference Program and Schedule ........................................................................................................... 25

Daily Schedule ..................................................................................................................................... 26

Conference Highlights .......................................................................................................................... 27

Plenary Speakers ................................................................................................................................. 28

Graduate Scholars ............................................................................................................................... 29

Schedule of Sessions ........................................................................................................................... 32

Spanish and Portugese Daily Schedule ................................................................................................. 45

Spanish and Portugese Schedule of Sessions ....................................................................................... 46

List of Participants ............................................................................................................................... 54

Scholar ................................................................................................................................................... 58

Notes ...................................................................................................................................................... 60

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Page 6: Fifteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and … · 2016. 7. 13. · fifteenth international conference on knowledge, culture, and change in organizations decimoquinto

Dear Delegate,

Welcome to the Fifteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations. This conference will

address knowledge, culture, and change in organizations from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The conference will offer a

comprehensive overview of current thinking in the area broadly described as knowledge management. Its perspectives will range

from big picture analyses in keynote addresses by internationally recognized experts in the field of management to detailed case

studies of management practice.

This conference now has a truly international record as an intellectual leader in our field. In 2003, the conference was held at the

Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang, Malaysia; in 2004 at the University of Greenwich, London, UK; in 2005 at the University of

the Aegean on the Island of Rhodes, Greece; in 2006 at the Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy; in 2007 at the Singapore

Management University, Singapore; in 2008 at Cambridge University, UK; in 2009 at Northeastern University, Boston, USA; in

2010 at HEC in Montreal, Canada; in 2011 at the Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain; in 2012 at the University Center in

Chicago, USA; in 2013 at the University of British Columbia–Robson Square, Vancouver, Canada; and in 2014 at the University

of Oxford Said Business School in Oxford, UK. The 2016 conference will be held in Honolulu, USA at the University of Hawaii at

Manoa from 19-20 April.

In addition to organizing the Organization Conference, Common Ground publishes articles from the conference at, and we do encourage all conference participants to submit an article based

on their conference presentation for peer review and possible publication in the journal. We also publish books at in both print and electronic formats.

Thank you to everyone who has prepared for this conference. A personal thank you goes to our Common Ground colleagues

who have put such a significant amount of work into this conference: Rachael Arcario, Monica Hillison, Raquel Jimenez,

Kimberly Kendall, Madison Eddy, and Ana Quintana.

We wish the best for this conference and hope it will provide you every opportunity for dialogue with colleagues from around the

corner and around the world. We hope you will be able to join us in Honolulu for next year’s conference, held 19-20 April 2016.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Phillip Kalantzis-Cope

Director, Common Ground Publishing

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Our Mission

Common Ground Publishing aims to enable all people to participate in creating collaborative knowledge and to share that

knowledge with the greater world. Through our academic conferences, peer-reviewed journals and books, and innovative

software, we build transformative knowledge communities and provide platforms for meaningful interactions across diverse


Our Message

Heritage knowledge systems are characterized by vertical separations—of discipline, professional association, institution, and

country. Common Ground identifies some of the pivotal ideas and challenges of our time and builds knowledge communities

that cut horizontally across legacy knowledge structures. Sustainability, diversity, learning, the future of the humanities, the

nature of interdisciplinarity, the place of the arts in society, technology’s connections with knowledge, the changing role of the

university—these are deeply important questions of our time which require interdisciplinary thinking, global conversations, and

cross-institutional intellectual collaborations. Common Ground is a meeting place for these conversations, shared spaces in

which differences can meet and safely connect—differences of perspective, experience, knowledge base, methodology,

geographical or cultural origins, and institutional affiliation. We strive to create the places of intellectual interaction and

imagination that our future deserves.

Our Media

Common Ground creates and supports knowledge communities through a number of mechanisms and media. Annual

conferences are held around the world to connect the global (the international delegates) with the local (academics,

practitioners, and community leaders from the host community). Conference sessions include as many ways of speaking as

possible to encourage each and every participant to engage, interact, and contribute. The journals and book series offer fully-

refereed academic outlets for formalized knowledge, developed through innovative approaches to the processes of submission,

peer review, and production. The knowledge community also maintains an online presence—through presentations on our

YouTube channel, monthly email newsletters, as well as Facebook and Twitter feeds. And Common Ground’s own software,

Scholar, offers a path-breaking platform for online discussions and networking, as well as for creating, reviewing, and

disseminating text and multi-media works.

Common Ground España

Since its inception, Common Ground Publishing has been committed to build bridges between different languages and cultures,

crossing the geographical and linguistic boundaries that slow down the free flow of ideas between the countless communities

that populate the planet. We are truly committed to diversity, and that is why we are striving to create synergies between the

English, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking knowledge communities that meet every year at the conference, and that interact

through the scholarly journals, the book series, and the social networks.

To fulfill this ideal, Common Ground Publishing has launched Common Ground Publishing España in order to create and

develop Latin American knowledge communities based on the Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures, crossing

geographic, linguistic and cultural borders. Each of these knowledge communities holds an annual academic conference (which

takes place in parallel to Common Ground's conferences in English) and manages a peer reviewed scholarly journal, a book

series and a number of social networks that allow scholars and practitioners to interact with other peers coming from different

geographical, institutional and cultural origins, as well as to strengthen interdisciplinary discussions.

For the time being, Common Ground Publishing España, whose headquarters are located at the Research Park of the

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, has developed 10 Latin American knowledge communities. These include Learning, E-

Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, Science in Society, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, On the Organization, New Directions

in the Humanities, The Image, Books, Publishing and Libraries, Health, Wellness and Society, and Technology, Knowledge and


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The On The Organization knowledge community is dedicated to the concept of independent, peer-led groups of scholars,

researchers, and practitioners working together to build bodies of academic knowledge related to topics of critical importance to

society at large. Focusing on the intersection of academia and social impact, the On The Organization knowledge community

brings and interdisciplinary, international perspective to discussions of new developments in the field, including research,

practice, policy, and teaching.


Theme 1: Management Education On learning to lead in organizations oriented to the future. Articles publish into Management Education: An International Journal.

New types of organization: what do you need to learn today?

Towards leadership: management education and training

Vision, strategy and leadership: measuring the effects

Training and human resource development

Blurring the boundaries: informal learning, training and education

New economy: what is appropriate education for the new work order?

Learning for the ‘new economy’

What is knowledge? What is the role of learning?

‘Wisdom’ in the knowledge economy

Mentoring: where leadership means knowledge transfer

Collaboration as a personal capacity and organizational resource

The making of a ‘knowledge worker’

Educational institutions as knowledge managers

Theme 2: Change Management On negotiating organizational change, and organizational responses to social, stakeholder, and market change. Articles publish

into Change Management: An International Journal.

Organizations in change: what makes for success

Organizations responding to change: markets, clients, stakeholders, and community expectations

Technologies and organizational change

Theme 3: Knowledge Management On knowledge as a factor of production. Articles publish into Knowledge Management: An International Journal.

Managing intangibles for tangible outcomes

Knowledge and culture as factors of production

Reconceptualizing ‘economy’ in a knowledge society

Putting a tangible value on intangibles

New performance indicators for new economies

The conditions of innovation

The business case for knowledge management

Building intellectual capital and maintaining intellectual property

Transforming personal knowledge into common knowledge

Data, information and their electronic means of creation, storage, access, and communication

Beyond competition: creating efficiencies through supply chain relationships

Addressing the divides: digital, development, social

Virtual enterprises in a networked world

The dynamics of adult learning

Lifelong learning

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Theme 4: Organizational Cultures On the cultures of responsive, productive, and respected organizations. Articles publish into Organizational Cultures: An International Journal.

What is organizational culture? ‘Organic’, ‘community’, ‘complexity’ and other metaphors

Agonies of change: working with order and chaos; regularity and complexity

Networks, clusters, alliances

Building collaborative organizational cultures

Decision-making and leadership

Building a culture of innovation

Teams and the dynamics of collaboration

Productive diversity: capitalizing on human differences

Women at work and women in management: what are the different ways of working?

Gay-friendly workplaces

Family friendly workplaces

Developing sustainable organizational cultures: government, community and NGOs

Capacity development: building knowledge locally

Globalization, internationalization and organizational change

Customization: recognizing market and customer differences

Navigating complexity: the dynamics of organizational change

Business ethics

2015 Special Focus – Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures Diversity manifests itself in organizations in a myriad of ways—the diversity of human resources within an organization, diversity

among clienteles, diversity of divisional or occupational cultures, and diversity when meeting other organizational cultures—be

they private, public, or other community organizations. In the twentieth century, the prevailing assumption was that

organizational cultures based on sameness or alignment would inevitably work best. In the twenty-first century, globalization and

civil rights movements that focus on human differences mean that such assumptions are no longer tenable. In fact, they may

well be counter-productive, hence the notion of “productive diversity”.

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Scope and Concerns

Organizational Intangibles and their Tangible Value The focus of this knowledge community is to explore those intangible drivers which determine not only the livability of

organizations for insiders, and their credibility and attraction to outsiders;. They also impact tangible results in the form of

efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. The intangibles of knowledge, culture and change management do not appear on

balance sheets, but ultimately do have an enormous impact on ‘bottom lines’.

Our interests range across organizations in all their forms and manifestations: businesses, from micro-enterprises to

multinational corporations; institutions of formal learning, from schools to universities; public sector agencies; and non-

government and community sector organizations. Our concern also extends beyond the boundaries of organizations to consider

the dynamics of supply chains, organizational alliances, networks, communities of practice and capacity building.

The organizational story may be different from situation to situation. However, across all of these contexts, a pragmatic focus

persists—to examine the ‘organization’ and ‘management’ of groups of people collaborating to productive ends, and to analyze

what makes for success and sustainability.

Knowledge Economy Ours is the era of the ‘knowledge economy’, or so say the commentators. (It seems a little late to be calling it a ‘new’ economy,

particularly when some of the things that only yesterday were supposed to be excitingly ‘new’ have become essentials or

commonplaces today.)

What might it mean to have a knowledge economy? Contemporary economies are increasingly dependent upon technologies

which assist the flow of information. The value of an organization is also increasingly located in intangibles such as business

systems, intellectual property and the human skills base. In this sense, knowledge has become a key factor of production. And

human needs have been transformed to the point where, in the marketplace, consumers focus on knowledge-representations

as much as they do on physical entities—design, aesthetics, product concepts, brand associations, service values. If anything,

these are the things that make the knowledge economy different from the industrial economy in its time.

Knowledge in Organizations What, however, is this nebulous thing, knowledge, and how do we manage it? Certainly, it is bigger than out-of-the box IT

systems, or content management systems, or cloud software ensembles—things that are often sold as knowledge management

‘solutions’. To be sure, the new technologies have the capacity to enable and transform. But knowledge is also the stuff of

incessant talk, collaborative working relationships, personalized stories and constant learning. It is, in fact, no less than the core

of human capital.

With or without technology assistance, knowledge management involves transforming personal knowledge into common

knowledge, implicit and individual knowledge into explicit and shared understandings and everyday common sense into

systematic designs. It is also the business of codifying these designs as information architectures, paradigms or disciplines.

Not that this leaves the world of tacit understandings and individual subjectivity behind as a poor cousin to knowledge proper.

On the contrary, herein lies the raw material of inspiration, imagination and creativity. The shape of things has to be felt before it

can be articulated.

It is the project of knowledge management to ensure that collaboration is institutionalized and that knowledge sharing occurs. As

a result, wheels are not needlessly reinvented. Lessons are learned from mistakes, and these lessons shared. The knowledge of

the organization or community is not dangerously depleted when a key person departs. Organizing knowledge creates more

work, to be sure, but the longer term effect of this extra work should be to create less.

Knowledge is the process of connecting the stuff of the mind and the stuff of the world. It is not a recorded thing (data,

information), or at least, it is not just that. Knowledge is a form of action. Knowing might be by experiencing (deep

understandings, intuitions or judgments based on extended immersion in a particular situation), or conceptualizing (knowing the

underlying concepts and theories of a particular discipline, system or vocation), or analyzing (linking cause with effect, interests

with behaviors, purposes with outcomes), or applying (doing something practical again or anew). These are some of the ways in

which knowing is done.

And what does knowing do? For one thing, it creates a different kind of organization. This organization is one in which certain

kinds of knowledge rise to higher levels of validity. This is the knowledge that has been collaboratively constructed, is widely

informed, is cross-referenced — and these processes give it a collegial or organizational imprimatur. This knowledge becomes

authoritative to the extent that the processes of knowledge construction are made transparent. And the unidirectional (top-

bottom, expert-novice, organization-customer) transmission of knowledge is replaced by knowledge as dialogue.

Culture in Organizations

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Ours is an era when organizations are driven by culture, or so today’s management thinkers tell us. This is in direct contrast to

the focus on system and structure in an earlier era when management was considered to be an exact science.

On the micro-scale, teams are driven by shared values—or is it perhaps the complementarity of differences of knowledge and

experience? On the corporate scale, organizations try to enlist employees to their visions and ethos—or is it perhaps a matter of

creating an inclusive space in which everyone’s motivations and energies are enlisted, even if they don’t fit a single obvious

corporate mold? On a market or community scale, organizations try to get close to customers and forge tight supply chain

relationships—or is this really a matter of negotiating the differences that are inherent to a world of ever more finely differentiated

niche markets and subtly or not-so-subtly divergent organizational cultures? And on the macro, global scale, we may find

ourselves operating across one world market—or is it perhaps, a world where, in crossing borders, successful organizations

negotiate differences and become many things to many peoples?

Culture is a key organizational driver, but not because it has a simplistically unifying dynamic — of shared values, singular vision

and cloning to the ideal of the corporate person. The dynamic of effective contemporary organizational cultures, more often than

not, is one of productive diversity. This is not the diversity of affirmative action and remedies for discrimination. Rather it is the

diversity that is at the heart of organizational cultures, including workaday domains such as human resource management,

product and service diversification strategy, sales and marketing into a myriad of niches, and customer relationship management

which recognizes that no two customers are the same.

Change in Organizations Ours is an era of massive change, sometimes liberating, other times traumatic. Organizations find themselves buffeted by

external forces: technological, market, political and cultural. They are challenged to become ever more efficient, effective,

productive and competitive. How can they be active masters of change rather than reactive servants? How can change in

organizations be driven by their people rather than the organization in the abstract? How can organizations change without their

leaders having to drag along the led?

Organizations will fail if they are not capable of learning, in a collective sense, as well as ensuring the learning growth of the

individuals who spend their days there at work. They will fail if they do not regard themselves as places of continuous personal

and corporate reinvention, of individual and institutional transformation. The organization and every person within it needs to

envision themselves, not as a change object, but as an agent of change.

This conference, journals, book imprint and news blog attempt to address these and other dynamics of knowledge, culture and

change as they manifest themselves in organizations. The perspectives range from big picture analyses to detailed case studies

which speak to the tangible value of organizational intangibles. They traverse a broad terrain, from theory and analysis to

practical strategies for action.

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Community Membership

Annual membership to the On The Organization community is included in your conference registration. As a community

member, you have access to a broad range of tools and resources to use in your own work: electronic access to the full journal

and book collections; a full Scholar account, offering an innovative online space for collaborative learning in your classes or for

broader collaborative interaction with colleagues (within a research project or across the globe); and annual conferences where

you can present your work and engage in extensive interactions with others with similar interests who also bring different

perspectives. And you can contribute to the development and formalization of the ideas and works of others—as a journal or

book reviewer, as a conference participant, and as a contributor to the newsletters and community dialogue.

Personal electronic subscription to the complete journal collection for one year after the conference (all past and

current issues).

Personal electronic subscription to the book series for one year after the conference.

One article submission per year for peer review and possible publication in any of the journals in the collection.

Participation as a reviewer in the peer review process and the potential to be listed as an Associate Editor of the journal

after reviewing three or more articles.

Subscription to the monthly community email newsletter, containing news and information for and from the knowledge


Ability to add a video presentation to the community YouTube channel, whether or not it was presented in person at

the conference or is published in the journal.

Access to the Scholar "social knowledge" platform: free use of Scholar as your personal profile and publication portfolio

page, as a place to interact with peers and forms communities that avoids the clutter and commercialism of other

social media, with optional feeds to Facebook and Twitter.

Use Scholar in your classes—for class interactions in its Community space, multimodal student writing in its Creator

space, and managing student peer review, assessment, and sharing of published students’ works in its Publisher

space. Contact us to request Publisher permissions for Scholar.

Engaging in the Community

Present and Participate in the Conference

You have already begun your engagement in the community by attending the conference, presenting your work, and interacting

face-to-face with other members. We hope this experience provides a valuable source of feedback for your current work and the

possible seeds for future individual and collaborative projects, as well as the start of a conversation with community colleagues

that will continue well into the future.

Publish Journal Articles or Books We encourage you to submit an article for review and possible publication in the Organization Collection. In this way, you may

share the finished outcome of your presentation with other participants and members of the On The Organization community. As

a member of the community, you will also be invited to review others’ work and contribute to the development of the community

knowledge base as an Associate Editor. As part of your active membership in the community, you also have online access to

the complete works (current and previous volumes) of the Organization Collection and to the book series. We also invite you to

consider submitting a proposal for the book series.

Engage through Social Media There are several methods for ongoing communication and networking with community colleagues:

Email Newsletters: Published monthly, these contain information on the conference and publishing, along with news of

interest to the community. Contribute news or links with a subject line ‘Email Newsletter Suggestion’ to

[email protected].

Scholar: Common Ground’s path-breaking platform that connects academic peers from around the world in a space

that is modulated for serious discourse and the presentation of knowledge works. To learn more about Scholar, please

see the end of the program.

Facebook: Comment on current news, view photos from the conference, and take advantage of special benefits for

community members at:

Twitter: Follow the community: @theorganisation.

YouTube Channel: View online presentations or contribute your own at


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Angel Algarra, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain

Verna Allee, Verna Allee Associates, Martinez, USA

Zainal Ariffin, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

David P. Boyd, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Robert Brooks, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Bruce Cronin, University of Greenwich, London, UK

Rod Dilnutt, William Bethway and Associates, Melbourne, Australia

Judith Ellis, Enterprise Knowledge, Melbourne, Australia

Cristina Elorza, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain

Andrea Fried, Technology University Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany

David Gurteen, Gurteen Knowledge, Fleet, UK

Sabine Hoffmann, American University of the Middle East, Egaila, Kuwait

Stavros Ioannides, Pantion University, Athens, Athens, Greece

Margaret Jackson, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Paul James, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Leslie Johnson, University of Greenwich, London, UK

Krishan Kumar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA

Martyn Laycock, University of Greenwich;, London, UK

Bill Martin, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Pumela Msweli-Mbanga, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

Alexandra Roth, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Claudia Schmitz, Cenandu Learning Agency, Cologne, Germany

Kirpal Singh, Singapore Management University, Singapore

Dave Snowden, Cynefin Centre for Organizational Complexity, UK

Ion Voicu Sucala, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Alan Zaremba, Northeastern University, Boston, USA



Angel Algarra, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, España

Cristina Elorza, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, España

Karim J. Gherab-Martín, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, España

José Luis González Quirós, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

Gregorio Perez Arrau, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Lucía Sutil, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

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About Our Publishing Approach

For three decades, Common Ground Publishing has been committed to creating meeting places for people and ideas. With 24

knowledge communities, Common Ground’s vision is to provide platforms that bring together individuals of varied geographical,

institutional, and cultural origins in spaces where renowned academic minds and public thought leaders can connect across

fields of study. Each knowledge community organizes an annual academic conference and is associated with a peer-reviewed

journal (or journal collection), a book imprint, and a social media space centered around Common Ground’s pathbreaking ‘social

knowledge’ space, Scholar.

Through its publishing practices, Common Ground aims to foster the highest standards in intellectual excellence. We are highly

critical of the serious deficiencies in today’s academic journal system, including the legacy structures and exclusive networks

that restrict the visibility of emerging scholars and researchers in developing countries, as well as the unsustainable costs and

inefficiencies associated with traditional commercial publishing.

In order to combat these shortcomings, Common Ground has developed an innovative publishing model. Each of Common

Ground’s knowledge communities organizes an annual academic conference. The registration fee that conference participants

pay in order to attend or present at these conferences enables them to submit an article to the associated journal at no

additional cost. Scholars who cannot attend the conference in-person may still participate virtually and submit to the journal by

obtaining a community membership, which also allows them to upload a video presentation to the community’s YouTube

channel. By using a portion of the conference registration and membership fees to underwrite the costs associated with

producing and marketing the journals, Common Ground is able to keep subscription prices low, thus guaranteeing greater

access to our content. All conference participants and community members are also granted a one-year complimentary

electronic subscription to the journal associated with their knowledge community. This subscription provides access to both the

current and past volumes of the journal. Moreover, each article that we publish is available for a $5 download fee to non-

subscribers, and authors have the choice of publishing their paper open access to reach the widest possible audience and

ensure the broadest access possible.

Common Ground’s rigorous peer review process also seeks to address some of the biases inherent in traditional academic

publishing models. Our pool of reviewers draws on authors who have recently submitted to the journal, as well as volunteer

reviewers whose CVs and academic experience have been evaluated by Common Ground’s editorial team. Reviewers are

assigned to articles based on their academic interests and expertise. By enlisting volunteers and other prospective authors as

peer reviewers, Common Ground avoids the drawbacks of relying on a single editor’s professional network, which can often

create a small group of gatekeepers who get to decide who and what gets published. Instead, Common Ground harnesses the

enthusiasm of its conference delegates and prospective journal authors to assess submissions using a criterion-referenced

evaluation system that is at once more democratic and more intellectually rigorous than other models. Common Ground also

recognizes the important work of peer reviewers by acknowledging them as Associate Editors of the volumes to which they


For over ten years, Common Ground has been building web-based publishing and social knowledge software where people can

work closely to collaborate, create knowledge, and learn. The third and most recent iteration of this project is the innovative

social knowledge environment, Scholar. Through the creation of this software, Common Ground has sought to tackle what it

sees as changing technological, economic, distributional, geographic, interdisciplinary and social relations to knowledge. For

more information about this change and what it means for academic publishing, refer to The Future of the Academic Journal, edited by Bill Cope and Angus Phillips (Elsevier 2009).

We hope that you will join us in creating dialogues between different perspectives, experiences, knowledge bases, and

methodologies through interactions at the conference, conversations online, and as fully realized, peer-reviewed journal articles

and books.

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The Organization Collection

Themed Journals: Management Education: An International Journal – ISSN: 2327-8005 (print), 2327-9273 (online)

Change Management: An International Journal – ISSN: 2327-798X (print), 2327-9176 (online)

Knowledge Management: An International Journal – ISSN: 2327-7998 (print), 2327-9249 (online)

Organizational Cultures: An International Journal – ISSN: 2327-8013 (print), 2327-932X (online)

Annual Review: The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations: Annual Review – ISSN: 1447-9524

(print), 1447-9575 (online)

Publication Frequency

4 issues per volume; articles are published continuously online.

The Annual Review is published once per volume year.


The Journals in the Organization Collection are indexed by:


Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

Genamics Journal Seek


The Australian Research Council (ERA) – Annual Review Only

Association of Business Schools (Grade One) – Annual Review Only

EBSCO Academic Search Alumni Edition – Annual Review Only

EBSCO Academic Search Elite – Annual Review Only

EBSCO Academic Search Index – Annual Review Only

EBSCO Academic Search Premier – Annual Review Only

EBSCO Academic Search Complete – Annual Review Only

Acceptance Rate




Foundation Year


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The Organization Collection presents an annual International Award for Excellence for new research or thinking in the area of

knowledge, culture, and change in organizations. All articles submitted for publication in the Organization Collection are entered

into consideration for this award. The review committee for the award is selected from the International Advisory Board for the

collection and the annual Organization Conference. The committee selects the winning article from the ten highest-ranked

articles emerging from the review process and according to the selection criteria outlined in the reviewer guidelines. The

remaining nine top papers will be featured on our website.

This Year’s Award Winner

Dr. Steven Levitt, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

For the Article

“Cultural Factors Affecting International Teamwork Dynamics and Effectiveness”


The globalization of markets and demographic changes in many countries has created a situation that some see as a problem, and others see as an opportunity: multinational teams working together to manage projects, create ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and more. This study explores cultural factors affecting international team dynamics and effectiveness. In-depth interviews were conducted with 27 individuals who held management or supervisory positions, worked on multinational teams, and spend time working abroad. Their companies represent a broad range of industries such as energy, telecommunications/technology, engineering, architecture, mass media, venture capital, food import/purchasing, and museum exhibition. Collectively, these individuals worked on teams in several dozen countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North and South America, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The results explore a variety of cultural paradoxes and dialectics, complexities and differences which affect many aspects of collaborative work. The importance of relationship building, personal validations of “self” (identity), and ways power is manifested (including use of food) are discussed. Unfortunately, despite decades of learning about and experience with cultural diversity, international work groups continue to be plagued by ethnocentrism, prejudices, and stereotypes. Recommendations for improving international team culture dynamics are therefore offered.

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Every conference delegate with an accepted proposal is eligible and invited to submit an article to the Organization Collection.

Full articles can be submitted using Common Ground’s online conference and article management system CGPublisher. Below

please find step-by-step instructions on the submission process.

1. Submit a presentation proposal to the conference (in-person or community membership). The theme that you select

when you submit your paper will help determine which thematically focused journal will consider your article for


2. Once your conference proposal or paper abstract has been accepted, you may submit your article to the journal by

clicking “add a paper” from your proposal/abstract page. You may upload your article anytime between the first and

the final submission deadlines, which can be found on the next page.

3. Once your article is received, it is verified against template and submission requirements. Your identity and contact

details are then removed, and the article is matched to two appropriate reviewers and sent for review. You can view the

status of your article at any time by logging into your CGPublisher account at

4. When reviewer reports are uploaded, you will be notified by email and provided with a link to view the reports (after the

reviewers’ identities have been removed).

5. If your article has been accepted, you will be asked to accept the Publishing Agreement and submit a final copy of your

article. If your paper is accepted with revisions, you will be asked to submit a change note with your final submission,

explaining how you revised your article in light of the reviewers’ comments. If your article is rejected, you may resubmit

it once, with a detailed change note, for review by new reviewers.

6. Accepted articles will be typeset and the proofs will be sent to you for approval before publication.

7. Individual articles may be published online first with a full citation. Full issues follow at regular, quarterly intervals. All

issues are published 4 times per volume (except the annual review, which is published once per volume).

8. Registered conference participants will be given online access to the journal from the time of registration until one year

after the conference end date. Individual articles are available for purchase from the journal’s bookstore. Authors and

peer reviewers may order hard copies of full issues at a discounted rate.


The timeline for deadlines of Volume 15 are as follows:

1. April 15, 2015

2. July 15, 2015

3. October 15, 2015

Note: Please feel free to submit at any time. If your article is submitted after the deadline for Volume 15, it will be considered for Volume 16. However, the sooner you submit, the sooner your article will begin the peer review process. Also, as we publish “online-first,” early submission will mean that your article will be published as soon as it is ready, even if that is before the full issue is published.

For More Information, Please Visit:

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Institutional Subscriptions

Common Ground offers print and electronic subscriptions to all of its journals. Subscriptions are available to the full collection

and to custom suites based on a given institution’s unique content needs. Subscription prices are based on a tiered scale tha t

corresponds to the full-time enrollment (FTE) of the subscribing institution. You may use the Library Recommendation form in the

back of this pamphlet to recommend that your institution subscribe to the Organization Collection.

Personal Subscriptions

As part of their conference registration, all conference participants (both community membership and in-person) have a one-year

online subscription to the Organization Collection. This complimentary personal subscription grants access to both the current

volume of the collection as well as the entire backlist. The period of complimentary access begins at the time of registration and

ends one year after the close of the conference. After that time, delegates may purchase a personal subscription. To view

articles, go to Select the “Login” option and provide a CGPublisher username and password. Then,

select an article and download the PDF. For lost or forgotten login details, select “forgot your login” to request a new password.

For more information, please visit: or contact us at

[email protected].

Hybrid Open Access

The journals in the Organization Collection are Hybrid Open Access. Hybrid Open Access is an option increasingly offered by

both university presses and well-known commercial publishers.

Hybrid Open Access means that some articles are available only to subscribers, while others are made available at no charge to

anyone searching the web. Authors pay an additional fee for the open access option. They may do this because open access is

a requirement of their research funding agency. Or they may do it so that non-subscribers can access their article for free.

Common Ground’s open access charge is $250 per article, a very reasonable price compared to our hybrid open access

competitors and purely open access journals that are resourced with an author publication fee. Electronic papers are normally

only available through individual or institutional subscriptions or for purchase at $5 per article. However, if you choose to make

your article Open Access, this means that anyone on the web may download it for free.

There are still considerable benefits for paying subscribers, because they can access all articles in the journal, from both current

and past volumes, without any restrictions. But making your paper available at no charge increases its visibility, accessibil ity,

potential readership, and citation counts. Open access articles also generate higher citation counts.

For more information or to make your article Open Access, please contact us at [email protected].

Institutional Open Access

Common Ground is proud to announce an exciting new model of scholarly publishing called Institutional Open Access.

Institutional Open Access allows faculty and graduate students to submit articles to Common Ground journals for unrestricted

open access publication. These articles will be freely and publicly available to the whole world through our hybrid open access

infrastructure. With Institutional Open Access, instead of the author paying a per-article open access fee, institutions pay a set

annual fee that entitles their students and faculty to publish a given number of open access articles each year.

The rights to the articles remain with the subscribing institution. Both the author and the institution can also share the final

typeset version of the article in any place they wish, including institutional repositories, personal websites, and privately or

publicly accessible course materials. We support the highest Sherpa/Romeo access level—Green.

For more information on Institutional Open Access or to put us in touch with your department head or funding body, please

contact us at [email protected].

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Editing Services

Common Ground offers editing services for authors who would like to have their work professionally copyedited. These services

are available to all scholarly authors, whether or not they plan to submit their edited article to a Common Ground journal.

Authors may request editing services prior to the initial submission of their article or after the review process. In some cases,

reviewers may recommend that an article be edited as a condition of publication. The services offered below can help authors

during the revision stage, before the final submission of their article.

What We Do Correct spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors in your paper, abstract, and author bionote

Revise for clarity, readability, logic, awkward word choice, and phrasing

Check for typos and formatting inconsistencies

Confirm proper use of The Chicago Manual of Style

The Editing Process Email us at [email protected] to express your interest in having your article edited.

The charge for the editorial service charge is USD $0.05 per word.

Within 14-21 business days of your confirmed payment, you will receive an edited copy of your edited article via email.

We can also upload the edited copy for you, and any pending submission deadlines will be altered to accommodate

your editing timeline.

Contact us at [email protected] to request a quote or for further information about our services.

Citation Services

Common Ground requires the use of the sixteenth edition of the Chicago Manual of Style for all submitted journal articles. We

are pleased to offer a conversion service for authors who used a different scholarly referencing system. For a modest fee, we wil l

convert your citations to follow the Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.

What We Do Change references—internal citations and end-of-article references—to confirm proper use of the sixteenth edition of

The Chicago Manual of Style, using either the author-date or notes and bibliography format of The Chicago Manual of


Check for typos and formatting inconsistencies within the citations.

The Conversion Process Email us at [email protected] to express your interest in having your references converted.

For articles under 5,499 words (excluding titles, subtitles, and the abstract), the charge for reference conversion is $50.

If your article is more than 5,000 words, please contact us for a quote.

Within 14-21 business days of your confirmed payment, you will receive a copy of your article with the revised

references. We can also upload the revised copy for you, and any pending submission deadlines will be altered to

accommodate the conversion timeline.

Contact us at [email protected] to request a quote or for further information about our services.

Translation Services

Common Ground is pleased to offer translation services for authors who would like to have their work translated into or from

Spanish or Portuguese. Papers that have undergone peer review and been accepted for publication by one of Common

Ground’s journals are eligible for this translation service. Papers can be translated from Spanish or Portuguese into English and

published in one of Common Ground's English-language journals. Or they may be translated from English into either Spanish or

Portuguese and be published in one of Common Ground's Spanish and Portuguese-language academic journals. In this way we

offer authors the possibility of reaching a much wider audience beyond their native language, affirming Common Ground's

commitment towards full internationality, multiculturalism, and multilingualism. All translations are done by certified professional

translators with several years of experience, who are highly educated, and have excellent writing skills.

The Process Contact [email protected] to express your interest in having your article translated.

Our editorial team will review your article and provide you with a quote based on the paper’s word count.

Once you accept the quote, a translator will be assigned to your article.

Within 14-21 business days of your confirmed payment, you will receive a draft of your translated article. You will have

a chance to communicate with the translator via the draft using Word’s “track changes” function. Based on that

communication, the translator will supply you with a final copy of your translated article.

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Common Ground is setting new standards of rigorous academic knowledge creation and scholarly publication. Unlike other

publishers, we’re not interested in the size of potential markets or competition from other books. We’re only interested in the

intellectual quality of the work. If your book is a brilliant contribution to a specialist area of knowledge that only serves a small

intellectual community, we still want to publish it. If it is expansive and has a broad appeal, we want to publish it too, but only if it

is of the highest intellectual quality.

We welcome proposals or completed manuscript submissions of:

Individually and jointly authored books

Edited collections addressing a clear, intellectually challenging theme

Collections of articles published in our journals

Out-of-copyright books, including important books that have gone out of print and classics with new introductions

Book Proposal Guidelines

Books should be between 30,000 and 150,000 words in length. They are published simultaneously in print and electronic

formats and are available through Amazon and as Kindle editions. To publish a book, please send us a proposal including:



Draft back-cover blurb

Author bio note(s)

Table of contents

Intended audience and significance of contribution

Sample chapters or complete manuscript

Manuscript submission date

Proposals can be submitted by email to [email protected]. Please note the book imprint to which you are

submitting in the subject line.

Call for Book Reviewers

Common Ground Publishing is seeking distinguished peer reviewers to evaluate book manuscripts submitted to The On the

Organization Book Imprint.

As part of our commitment to intellectual excellence and a rigorous review process, Common Ground sends book manuscripts

that have received initial editorial approval to peer reviewers to further evaluate and provide constructive feedback. The

comments and guidance that these reviewers supply is invaluable to our authors and an essential part of the publication


Common Ground recognizes the important role of reviewers by acknowledging book reviewers as members of the On the

Organization Book Imprint Editorial Review Board for a period of at least one year. The list of members of the Editorial Review

Board will be posted on our website.

If you would like to review book manuscripts, please send an email to [email protected] with:

A brief description of your professional credentials

A list of your areas of interest and expertise

A copy of your CV with current contact details

If we feel that you are qualified and we require refereeing for manuscripts within your purview, we will contact you.

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These and other books are available at

Foundations of Social Responsibility and Its Application to Change

Emad Rahim, Jeffrey A. Neal, Seth Berg, and Wayne Richards

This book is a unique contribution to the subject of social

responsibility and change management. Rahim, Berg, Neal and

Richards build on their vast and diverse experience and

expertise to translate academic concepts of social responsibility,

corporate social responsibility (CSR), and change management

into a practical roadmap for students as well as managers,

executives, and business leaders. Foundations of Social

Responsibility and Its Application to Change is an overview of

contemporary aspects of change management and social

responsibility such as tragedy of the commons, triple bottom

line, and scale-free networks with ecological, social, and

business systems.

Leadership and Organizational Change

Jonathan H. Westover (ed.)

This edited collection provides a comprehensive introduction to

leadership and organizational change and explores the wide-

sweeping impacts for the modern workplace, presenting a wide

range of cross-disciplinary research in an organized, clear, and

accessible manner. It will be informative to management

academics and instructors, while also instructing organizational

managers, leaders, and human resource development

professionals of all types who are seeking effective

organizational change leadership to drive firm effectiveness in an

increasingly competitive global economy.

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Recent Books Published by Common Ground

These and other books are available at

Electronic Communication in Developing Countries

Connie S. Eigenmann

This collection studies use of electronic communication and

considers the uniqueness of culture in the observed countries

without attempting to impose a Western framework of interpretation

upon the communication behaviors.

Sustainable Human Security: Corruption Issues and Anti-corruption Solution

Marco Tavanti and Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch (eds.)

Sustainable Human Security addresses the systemic and inter-

generational capacity for the protection and promotion of human

survival (freedom from fear), human development (freedom from

want), human dignity (freedom from shame), and human

sustainability (freedom from vulnerability). This volume explores

sustainable solutions and systemic issues in relation to human

security and corruption.

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Acerca de nuestro enfoque editorial

Durante 29 años, Common Ground Publishing se ha comprometido con la creación de lugares de encuentro de personas e

ideas. Con 10 comunidades de conocimiento en español y portugués y 24 comunidades en inglés, la visión de Common

Ground es proveer plataformas que reúnan a personas de diversos orígenes geográficos, institucionales y culturales en

espacios donde académicos y otros profesionales puedan conectar por igual a través de distintos campos interdisciplinares de

estudio. Cada comunidad de conocimiento realiza un congreso académico anual alrededor del mundo y está asociada a una

Revista revisada por pares (o a una colección de Revistas), una colección de Libros y un serie de redes sociales, en torno a un

nuevo “espacio social de conocimiento” realmente disruptivo diseñado y desarrollado por Common Ground: Scholar


A través de sus servicios editoriales, Common Ground tiene como objetivo fomentar los más altos estándares de excelencia

intelectual. Somos muy críticos con las graves deficiencias que existen en el actual sistema de publicaciones académica,

incluyendo las estructuras existentes y las redes exclusivas que restringen la visibilidad de los académicos e investigadores

emergentes en los países en desarrollo, así como los costes e ineficiencias insostenibles asociados con la edición comercial


Para combatir estas deficiencias, Common Ground ha desarrollado un modelo de publicación innovador. Cada una de las

comunidades de conocimiento de Common Ground organiza un congreso académico anual. La cuota de inscripción que pagan

los participantes del congreso por asistir y presentar en estos congresos, les permite enviar un artículo a la revista (o colección

de revistas) asociada sin coste adicional. Así, los autores pueden realizar una presentación en un congreso científico de su área

de investigación, incorporar las críticas constructivas que reciben en respuesta a su presentación y, a continuación, enviar un

artículo sólido para su revisión por pares, sin que el autor tenga que pagar una tasa adicional. Los académicos que no puedan

asistir al congreso en persona, pueden participar de forma virtual, opción que les permite enviar un artículo a la revista. Usando

una parte de la cuota de inscripción para financiar los costes asociados a la producción y comercialización de las revistas,

Common Ground es capaz de mantener unos precios de suscripción bajos, facilitando así el acceso a todos nuestros

contenidos. Todos los participantes del congreso, tanto presenciales como virtuales, pueden subir sus presentaciones al canal

de YouTube de Common Ground, además de tener una suscripción electrónica gratuita a la revista por un periodo de un año.

Esta suscripción permite el acceso a todos los números, presentes y pasados, de la revista en español/portugués y a la revista

(o colección de revistas) en inglés. Además, cada artículo que publicamos está disponible de forma individual con una tarifa de

descarga de $5 para los no abonados, y los autores disponen de la opción de publicar su artículo en acceso abierto para llegar

así a una mayor audiencia y garantizar la difusión más amplia posible.

El riguroso proceso de revisión de Common Ground trata también de abordar algunos de los sesgos inherentes a los

tradicionales modelos de editoriales académicas. El conjunto de evaluadores está compuesto de autores que han presentado

recientemente artículos a la revista, así como de revisores voluntarios cuyos currículos y experiencia académica han sido

evaluados por el equipo editorial de Common Ground. Los artículos son asignados a revisores en base en sus intereses

académicos y experiencia. Al tener voluntarios y a otros autores como posibles revisores, Common Ground evita los

inconvenientes de depender de la red profesional de un solo editor, que con más frecuencia de la deseable conlleva la creación

de grupos de arbitraje cerrado que deciden qué y quién publica. En cambio, Common Ground aprovecha el excelente talante

de los participantes del congreso y de los autores de las revistas para evaluar los trabajos, utilizando un sistema de evaluación

basado en criterios más democráticos e intelectualmente más rigurosos que otros modelos tradicionales. Common Ground

también reconoce la importante labor de los revisores, nombrándoles Editores Asociados de los volúmenes en los que


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A través de la creación de un software asombrosamente innovador, Common Ground también ha comenzado a hacer frente a

lo que considera como un cambio en las relaciones tecnológicas, económicas, geográficas, interdisciplinarias, sociales y de

distribución y difusión del conocimiento. Desde hace más de diez años hemos estado construyendo una editorial muy mediada

por las tecnologías web y las nueves redes sociales, donde la gente pueda trabajar en estrecha colaboración para aprender,

crear y compartir conocimiento. La tercera y última iteración de este proyecto es un entorno social de conocimiento pionero

llamado Scholar ( Esta plataforma informática posee un lugar donde los académicos pueden conectarse

en red y dar visibilidad a sus investigaciones a través de una librería personal.

Esperamos que se unan a nosotros en la creación de diálogos entre diferentes perspectivas, experiencias, áreas de

conocimiento y metodologías a través de las interacciones en el seno del congreso, las conversaciones online, los artículos para

la revista o la colección de libros (ambas revisadas por pares).

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Revista Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones

La Revista Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones examina la naturaleza de las organizaciones en todas sus

formas y manifestaciones: empresas (desde las pequeñas y medianas empresas hasta las multinacionales), instituciones

educativas (desde preescolar hasta universidades y de formación profesional), organismos y agencias del sector público,

organizaciones no-gubernamentales, política económica, etc. Sus contenidos se extienden también más allá de los límites de

las organizaciones: considera la dinámica de las cadenas de suministro, las alianzas organizativas, los lobbies y las redes

empresariales y de conocimiento, las comunidades de práctica, la innovación, la creación de valor, etc. En medio de todas

estas perspectivas, se mantiene un enfoque pragmático que busca re-examinar las nociones de “organización” y de “gestión”

de grupos de personas que colaboran para fines productivos, y analizar los factores que conducen al éxito y a la sostenibilidad.

Los artículos de la Revista Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones abarcan un terreno amplio, desde lo

general y especulativo hasta lo particular y empírico. No obstante, su preocupación principal es redefinir nuestro entendimiento

de lo humano y mostrar diversas prácticas disciplinarias dentro de las humanidades. Esta revista pretende reabrir el debate

acerca de las diversas facetas de los seres humanos tanto por razones prácticas como teóricas.

El enfoque de la revista apunta a los parámetros intangibles que determinan, no sólo la fiabilidad de las organizaciones desde la

perspectiva interna y su credibilidad de cara al exterior, sino también aquellos que determinan resultados tangibles en forma de

eficiencia, eficacia y productividad. Los activos intangibles como el conocimientos, la cultura y la gestión del cambio no

aparecen en los balances, pero tienen en última instancia un enorme impacto en el negocio. La revista trata de abordar cómo el

conocimiento, la cultura y el cambio se manifiestan en las organizaciones. Los artículos abarcan tanto análisis teóricos generales

hasta estudios de caso detallados que versan sobre estrategias prácticas o sobre la manera de convertir en valores tangibles

los intangibles de las organizaciones, la conversión del conocimiento tácito en explícito. La Revista Internacional de Economía y

Gestión de las Organizaciones es revisada por expertos y respaldada por un proceso de publicación basado en el rigor y en

criterios de calidad académica, asegurando así que solo los trabajos intelectuales significativos sean publicados.

La revista es relevante para académicos en los campos de la gestión, las ciencias económicas, las ciencias sociales y la

educación/formación, para investigadores, gestores del conocimiento, estudiantes, formadores, consultores de la industria,

economistas, empresarios y emprendedores, profesionales de recursos humanos, expertos en gestión del cambio y, en

definitiva, cualquier persona con interés y preocupación por la gestión y por el cambio cultural en las organizaciones.

La Revista Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones es revisada por expertos y respaldada por un proceso de

publicación basado en el rigor y en criterios de calidad académica, asegurando así que solo los trabajos intelectuales

significativos sean publicados.

ISSN: 2254-1608


Gregorio Pérez Arrau, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Lucía Sutil, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España.

Frecuencia de Publicación

2 números por volumen; los artículos son publicados continuamente online

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Cada participante que tenga una propuesta aceptada puede y está invitado a presentar un artículo a la Revista

Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones. El artículo completo podrá ser enviado mediante el sistema

de gestión CGPublisher. A continuación encontrará las instrucciones paso a paso sobre el proceso de envío.

1. Presentar una propuesta para el congreso (en persona o virtual).

2. Una vez que su propuesta o el resumen de su ponencia haya sido aceptado, puede enviar su artículo a la revista

haciendo clic en "add a paper" dentro de la página donde suministró la propuesta. Puede subir su artículo

desde el momento en que realice la inscripción hasta un mes posterior a la fecha en que termina el congreso.

3. Una vez que recibamos su artículo y comprobemos los requisitos de presentación, retiraremos su identidad y

datos de contacto del documento para enviárselo a dos evaluadores apropiados y empezar así el proceso de

revisión. Puede ver el estado de su trabajo en cualquier momento iniciando sesión en su cuenta CGPublisher en

4. Cuando se carguen los informes de los evaluadores, se le notificará por correo electrónico y se le proporcionará

un enlace para que pueda ver los informes (después de que las identidades de los evaluadores hayan sido


5. Si el artículo ha sido aceptado, se le pedirá que acepte el acuerdo de publicación y se le enviará una copia final

de su artículo. Si el artículo es aceptado solicitando modificaciones, se le pedirá que notifique los cambios

realizados en su presentación final a la luz de los comentarios de los revisores. Si se rechaza su artículo, puede

volver a presentarlo para una nueva evaluación.

6. Una vez maquetados los trabajos aceptados, le enviaremos las pruebas para su aprobación antes de su


7. Los artículos individuales pueden ser publicados on-line primero antes de publicarse el número completo de la


8. Los participantes registrados en el congreso tendrán acceso on-line a la revista desde el momento de la

inscripción hasta un año después de la fecha de finalización del congreso. Los artículos individuales están

disponibles en la librería de la revista. El autor y los evaluadores externos pueden solicitar copias impresas de

artículos o revistas completas a un precio reducido.


Puede enviar su trabajo final para su publicación en la revista en cualquier momento del año, sin embargo, la fecha límite para la

presentación del artículo a la revista es de un mes después de la finalización del congreso.

20 de marzo de 2015

Cuanto antes envíe el artículo, antes se iniciará el proceso de revisión por pares. Tenga en cuenta que, si lo presenta después

de la fecha límite, su artículo será incluido en un volumen posterior.

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Suscripción Institucional

Common Ground ofrece suscripción impresa y electrónica a todas sus revistas. Existen diferentes opciones y paquetes

de revistas a las que se puede suscribir, incluso puede tener acceso a la colección completa de revistas en inglés y en

español/portugués. Puede utilizar el formulario de recomendación a su Biblioteca (disponible en el siguiente enlace - 3-tab) para recomendar que su institución se suscriba a la

Revista Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones.

Suscripción Individual

Como parte de la inscripción al congreso, todos los participantes (tanto virtuales como presenciales) del congreso

cuentan con una suscripción on-line anual a la Revista Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones. La

suscripción da acceso gratuito tanto al volumen actual de la revista como a todo el fondo editorial. El periodo de acceso

gratuito comienza en el momento de la inscripción y termina un año después de la finalización del congreso. Después de

ese tiempo, los participantes deberán adquirir una suscripción individual. Para ver los artículos, vaya a Seleccione la opción "Login" e introduzca su nombre de usuario y contraseña en

CGPublisher. A continuación, seleccione un artículo y descargue el PDF. Puede solicitar una nueva contraseña del

programa CGPublisher en "".

Para obtener más información, por favor visite:

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Conference Principles and Features

The structure of the conference is based on four core principles that pervade all aspects of the knowledge community:

International This conference travels around the world to provide opportunities for delegates to see and experience different countries and

locations. But more importantly, the Organization Conference offers a tangible and meaningful opportunity to engage with

scholars from a diversity of cultures and perspectives. This year, delegates from over 31 countries are in attendance, offering a

unique and unparalleled opportunity to engage directly with colleagues from all corners of the globe.

Interdisciplinary Unlike association conferences attended by delegates with similar backgrounds and specialties, this conference brings together

researchers, practitioners, and scholars from a wide range of disciplines who have a shared interest in the themes and concerns

of this community. As a result, topics are broached from a variety of perspectives, interdisciplinary methods are applauded, and

mutual respect and collaboration are encouraged.

Inclusive Anyone whose scholarly work is sound and relevant is welcome to participate in this community and conference, regardless of

discipline, culture, institution, or career path. Whether an emeritus professor, graduate student, researcher, teacher,

policymaker, practitioner, or administrator your work and your voice can contribute to the collective body of knowledge that is

created and shared by this community.

Interactive To take full advantage of the rich diversity of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives represented at the conference, there must

be ample opportunities to speak, listen, engage, and interact. A variety of session formats, from more to less structured, are

offered throughout the conference to provide these opportunities.

Session Descriptions

Plenary Sessions Plenary speakers, chosen from among the world’s leading thinkers, offer formal presentations on topics of broad interest to the

community and conference delegation. One or more speakers are scheduled into a plenary session, most often the first session

of the day. As a general rule, there are no questions or discussion during these sessions. Instead, plenary speakers answer

questions and participate in informal, extended discussions during their Garden Sessions.

Garden Sessions Garden Sessions are informal, unstructured sessions that allow delegates a chance to meet plenary speakers and talk with them

at length about the issues arising from their presentation. When the venue and weather allow, we try to arrange for a circle of

chairs to be placed outdoors.

Talking Circles Held on the first day of the conference, Talking Circles offer an early opportunity to meet other delegates with similar interests

and concerns. Delegates self-select into groups based on broad thematic areas and then engage in extended discussion about

the issues and concerns they feel are of utmost importance to that segment of the community. Questions like “Who are we?”,

”What is our common ground?”, “What are the current challenges facing society in this area?”, “What challenges do we face in

constructing knowledge and effecting meaningful change in this area?” may guide the conversation. When possible, a second

Talking Circle is held on the final day of the conference, for the original group to reconvene and discuss changes in their

perspectives and understandings as a result of the conference experience. Reports from the Talking Circles provide a framework

for the delegates’ final discussions during the Closing Session.

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Paper Presentations Paper presentations are grouped by general themes or topics into sessions comprised of three or four presentations followed by

group discussion. Each presenter in the session makes a formal twenty-minute presentation of their work; Q&A and group

discussion follow after all have presented. Session Chairs introduce the speakers, keep time on the presentations, and facilitate

the discussion. Each presenter's formal, written paper will be available to participants if accepted to the journal.

Colloquium Colloquium sessions are organized by a group of colleagues who wish to present various dimensions of a project or

perspectives on an issue. Four or five short formal presentations are followed by commentary and/or group discussion. A single

article or multiple articles may be submitted to the journal based on the content of a colloquium session.

Workshop/Interactive Session Workshop sessions involve extensive interaction between presenters and participants around an idea or hands-on experience of

a practice. These sessions may also take the form of a crafted panel, staged conversation, dialogue or debate – all involving

substantial interaction with the audience. A single article (jointly authored, if appropriate) may be submitted to the journal based

on a workshop session.

Focused Discussion Session For work that is best discussed or debated, rather than reported on through a formal presentation, these sessions provide a

forum for an extended “roundtable” conversation between an author and a small group of interested colleagues. Several such

discussions occur simultaneously in a specified area, with each author’s table designated by a number corresponding to the title

and topic listed in the program schedule. Summaries of the author’s key ideas, or points of discussion, are used to st imulate

and guide the discourse. A single article, based on the scholarly work and informed by the focused discussion as appropriate,

may be submitted to the journal.

Virtual Presentations If unable to attend the conference in person, an author may choose to submit a virtual presentation. Opportunities and formats

vary but may be a presentation through our YouTube channel or an online discussion with interested delegates at the

conference. Abstracts of these presentations are included in the online “session descriptions,” and an article may be submitted

to the journal for peer review and possible publication, according to the same standards and criteria as all other journal


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Thursday, 19 February

08:00–09:00 Conference Registration Desk Open

09:00–09:15 Conference Opening—Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA

09:15–09:45 Plenary Session—Gibor Basri, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, University of California, Berkeley

09:50–10:20 Garden Session & Coffee Break

10:20–11:00 Talking Circles

11:05–12:45 Parallel Sessions

12:45–13:40 Lunch

13:40–15:20 Parallel Sessions

15:20–15:35 Coffee Break

15:35–17:15 Parallel Sessions

Friday, 20 February

08:30–09:00 Conference Registration Desk Open

09:00–09:10 Host Opening Comments—Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA

09:10–09:40 Plenary Session—Keith Merron, Barbara Annis & Associates, Inc., USA

09:45–10:15 Garden Session & Coffee Break

10:15–11:55 Parallel Sessions

11:55–12:50 Lunch

12:50–13:35 Parallel Sessions featuring Workshops and Focused Discussions

13:35–13:45 Transition Break

13:45–14:30 Parallel Sessions featuring Workshops and Focused Discussions

14:30–14:45 Coffee Break

14:45–16:25 Parallel Sessions

16:25–16:55 Conference Closing (taking place in the Krutch Theatre)

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Special Events

Dinner Join fellow delegates for an evening of conversation and a delicious French-inspired 3 course dinner at Le Bateau Ivre

Restaurant, Cafe and Coffeehouse, a Berkeley landmark. Established in 1972, Le Bateau Ivre was originally a residence built in

1898 by a French architect. Enjoy the warm and comfortable ambiance of a French home and good conversation at a time

when many of our speakers are able to come together for more intimate conversations over great food and wine.

*The conference dinner is an optional activity, and prior registration is required to attend. Please visit the registration desk for additional information.

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Gibor Basri

Gibor Basri was born in New York City and grew up in Colorado. He received his bachelor of science in physics from Stanford

University and a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Boulder. An award of a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral

Fellowship then brought him to the University of California, Berkeley. Basri joined the faculty of the Berkeley Astronomy

Department in 1982, received tenure in 1988, and became a full professor in 1994.

He was an early pioneer and expert in the study of brown dwarfs, as well as star formation and stellar activity.

In 1997, he was awarded a Miller Research Professorship and became a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer in 2000. In December

2001, Basri was a Co-Investigator on a successful proposal to NASA for the Kepler Mission, which is searching for earth-sized

planets around other stars. In 2011, he became a Fellow with the California Academy of Sciences. He has long been involved in

science education and encouraging the participation of minorities in science. His efforts in this, and on behalf of increasing

diversity at the university, were recognized by the Chancellor’s Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence in 2006.

In 2007, he was selected by Chancellor Birgeneau after a national search as the founding Vice Chancellor for Equity and

Inclusion at the University of California, Berkeley. In his role, he is directly responsible for a portfolio of existing programs and

services. The programs and services involve strengthening academic preparation and academic achievement; providing a

diverse campus community with a sense of success and belonging; offering staff members improved career advancement

opportunities; and establishing hiring and recruitment efforts that tap further into the available talent pool of candidates. Along

with these responsibilities, he also leads fund-raising efforts that produce substantial additional funding to new initiatives.

Basri has served on diversity-related bodies of every dimension, from small campus scholarship committees to a UC system-

wide task force. Currently, he chairs the Chancellor’s Task Force on Undocumented Campus Members and the Senior

Administration Campus Climate Council. He also acts as a liaison to the UC President’s Council on Climate, Culture, and

Inclusion. He has provided much of his time and efforts to advance the work of equity and inclusion. He has been a founding

member of CAL Prep’s Faculty Advisory Committee. He is involved with the ScienceMakers; an innovative African American

media and education initiative focused on capturing and preserving the stories of African Americans in the STEM professions. He

served on the Boards of the Chabot Space Science Center and the “I Have a Dream” Foundation in Oakland, California. He

offers his time generously to many causes in the science and diversity fields.

Keith Merron

Keith Merron is a Senior Associate with Barbara Annis & Associates Inc. As an organizational effectiveness and executive

development specialist, he has more than 30 years of experience assisting executives and managers in business, government,

and education. In partnership with his clients, he has successfully conducted over twenty-five large-system strategic, cultural,

and technical change efforts resulting in a measurable increase in organizational productivity, employee performance, and

employee satisfaction.

His focus, since 2002, has been in helping organizations become Gender Intelligent through assessing their culture and

systems, helping them develop and execute a transformational plan and leading learning experiences designed for leaders and

employees to become Gender Intelligent. Some of the clients he has worked with include American Express, Pearson

Education, Mattel, Levi Strauss, and BMO Capital Markets.

Merron received his Doctorate from Harvard University in 1985, where his studies spanned the fields of human and organization

development. He has conducted extensive research on the relationships between human development, managerial

effectiveness, and high performance, and has published numerous professional journal articles.

Merron is also the author of five books on organizational change: Gender Intelligence: Breakthrough Strategies for Increasing Diversity and Improving Your Bottom Line, co-authored with Barbara Annis; Riding the Wave: Designing Your Organization for Enduring Success; Consulting Mastery: How the Best Make the Biggest Difference; The Golden Flame: The Heart and Soul of Remarkable Leadership; and Inner Freedom: Living the Authentic Life You Were Truly Meant to Live.

Merron teaches leadership at Hult International Business School and is in high demand as a speaker on the subject of leadership

and creating Gender Intelligent Organizations.

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Adeleke Banwo

Adeleke Banwo is currently a PhD candidate at Jiangsu University, School of Management in Zhenjiang, China and a graduate

assistant to the Dean of the Overseas Education College. His areas of interest include environmental behavior of small and

medium enterprises, small business dynamics, organizational behavior social networks, and informal settings in emerging

economies. He holds an MSc degree in organizational behavior from University of Lagos, and an MBA degree specializing in

marketing from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University in Bauchi, Nigeria. His professional working career spans over a decade in

the Nigerian financial industry with expertise in retail banking, branch management, income generation, micro-finance, and credit

management. He is also a co-author of a textbook titled Organizational Behavior in Focus. He is the script editor of Olive

Magazine (the official magazine for Jiangsu University), patron of Hand in Hands Volunteers Association and a recipient of

Jiangsu University Doctorate Scholarship Award as well as the Anxin Weiguang Flooring Company Scholarship Award. Banwo’s

current dissertation is titled A Comparative Cross Country Study of Environmental Behavior of SMEs in China and Nigeria, which

especially focuses on factors of environmental investment of SMEs.

Darima Butitova

Darima Butitova is a PhD student and a research associate at the Center for the Study of Organizational Change of the Harry S.

Truman School of Public Affairs, University of Missouri. She has a master’s degree in public affairs from the University of Missouri

and bachelor’s degrees in law and regional studies from the Chita State University, Russia. Butitova has a diverse working

experience including academia, international organizations, and business. Her current research focuses on organizational

analysis and change, higher education policy, policy implementation, and evaluation.

Aneetha Rao Kasuganti

Aneetha Rao Kasuganti is a PhD candidate and teaching assistant in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT

Bombay. Her research focuses on the areas of organizational behavior, more particularly on organizational learning and work

place design. She received her master of arts in personnel management and industrial relations from Tata Institute of Social

Sciences in Mumbai, India, and her bachelor of arts from Osmania University in Hyderabad, India. She has a diploma in software

development and programming from NIIT, India. She has a total of 18 years of part-time and full-time teaching experience at

NIIT and Sydenham Institute of Management Research and Entrepreneurship. She has taught courses on organizational and

group behavior, performance management, organizational learning, computer languages and operating systems. Her doctoral

dissertation examines the relation between physical environment and situated learning in organizations.

Ehosa Peter Ogbeni

Ehosa Peter Ogbeni is a PhD candidate at the University of Bolton Business School. His research focus is in the areas of conf lict

resolution, insurgency and religious crisis, and the activities of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in

enabling peace in the region. He received his master of arts from the University of Bradford, UK, and his bachelor of science in

political science from Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma, Nigeria. Ogbeni possess strong research and analytical skills. He has

been actively involved in academic research activities both within the business discipline and international relations discipline. His

research interests include the following: HRM practices in the workplace, conflict and peace resolution within countries and

regions, the role of international organizations in trans-border conflict resolution, and political analysis and comparative political

analysis. He is currently involved in research that looks at the role of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

in mitigating the menace of growing insurgent activities in West Africa, particularly in the Nigerian/Cameroon axis. He is currently

working with academic researchers from different organizations in several regions. He was a member of the student community

that visited the post genocide Kagame’s administration in Rwanda in 2011, and he is also a recipient of the Knight of St

Columba, an award he was honored with in 2012.

Kalu Oji Kalu Oji is a graduate scholar with fertile knowledge in the field of business, management and conflict resolution. He recently

completed his course at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts where he studied managing workplace conflict under

the supervision of Professor Diane Frey. He has a master of science in management from the University of Salford Business

School in Manchester, United Kingdom. He also has a bachelor of science in business administration. He has completed several

research works while studying in various schools which includes investigating why overseas student make UK higher education

their study destination, using African students decision making process as his case study. He has worked both in public and

private sectors while building working experience. He engages himself in voluntary humanitarian activities and by applying the

academic skills gained from his vast studies in several institutions attended around the globe. He has successfully given

resolutions to people facing challenges in conflict situations. He is a consultant to several companies including Husstorm

Technology Ltd. where he has successfully increased their market shares beyond their local boundaries. He has honored

invitations to several international conferences that promote organizational sense-making.

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Makoji R. Stephen

Makoji R. Stephen is currently enrolled for his PhD in Human Resource Management as a Tertiary Education Trust Fund Scholar

at the University of Salford Business School under the supervision of Professor Ralph Darlington. He has his master of science in

human resource management from the University of Salford, Greater Manchester and a master of science degree in public

administration from the Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria. He is a member of the Society for Human Resource

Management, the Nigerian Institute of Training and Development, and the Manchester Industrial Relations Society. Stephen was

a visiting researcher at the Southern University’s International Centre for Information Technology and Development in the year

2011. He is currently a principal lecturer with the Federal Polytechnic, Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria with more than twelve years of

lecturing experience. He also currently serves as a management consultant to various agencies. He was one of the recipients of

the Graduate Scholar Award at the International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations held at the

University of British Columbia–Robson Square Vancouver, Canada in the year 2013. He is a volunteer at the Christian Aid

Foundation in Nigeria. His main interest is to put to work his knowledge and skills in furthering human resource development in

higher education institutions, and in so doing, has built a dossier of knowledge in this area of interest through academic

interaction and social research. He is a postgraduate student representative at the Salford Business School, and in that

capacity, he sits as a member of the College of Business & Law, the College Research & Innovation Committee, as well as

serving as a member of the Salford Business School Staff-Student Management Committee where he has consistently

encouraged the expression of individual and collective student interest and the forging of a new staff-student culture and

relationship. His attendance at the conference is funded by the Tertiary Education Trust fund in Nigeria.

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GRADUATE SCHOLARS – Spanish and Portuguese Awardees

Adelaida Guzmán Alfaro Maestra en Pedagogía, estudiante de Doctorado en Pedagogía, con certificación local y nacional como Tutora y Asesora a

distancia por la Coordinación Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia (CUAED) UNAM, Especializada en formación

docente en sistema a distancia, diseño y operación de cursos a distancia en programas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma

de México (UNAM), Bachillerato a distancia de la Secretaria de Educación del Distrito Federal (E@DSE), Benemérita Universidad

Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). Participante como apoyo logístico en el IV Encuentro Internacional de Investigación y Gestión de

Conocimiento, Currículo y Cultura. México, 2014, Asistente y ponente en coloquios, simposios y congresos nacionales e

internacionales: XXVII Simposio Internacional de Computación en la Educación. Ecología y Tecnología, Publicación: ISBN-978-

607-95656-0-2, 2012; II Coloquio sobre diseño e Investigación en Ambientes digitales, 2011; XV congreso Internacional de

Tecnologías para la Educación y el Conocimiento. Redes sociales para el aprendizaje, España, 2010; IV Congreso Internacional

sobre Transdisciplinariedad, Complejidad y Ecoformación, San José, Costa Rica, 2010; Simposio Internacional de computación

en la educación, 2009. Diplomado: Plan Integral de Formación Docente en Sistema Universidad Abierta y Educación a

Distancia. Interesada en la ciberprofilaxis con eje transversal en la formación docente; la gestión del conocimiento a través de la

conformación de trabajos colaborativos e inteligencia colectiva, principalmente en educación a distancia

M.A. Melina Ortega Pérez Tejada Licenciada en Economía y Maestra en Administración, actualmente cursando el Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas en la

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) donde desarrolla su tesis: “Alfabetización Económica en los Estudiantes de

Licenciatura de las Instituciones de Educación Superior de Baja California” con el apoyo del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y

Tecnología. Tiene un Diplomado en Propiedad Intelectual otorgado por el Centro de Investigación Científica y de Estudios

Superiores de Ensenada (CICESE). Fue Extensionista Financiero e Instructor de Instructores, certificada por la Secretaría de

Economía (SE), fue Coordinadora del Centro de Atención Empresarial de Ensenada (CAE) de la Secretaria de Desarrollo

Económico (SEDECO) de Baja California. Como Consultora de Empresas, fue columnista del periódico “Frontera” (2013) e

impartió Cursos sobre Gestión Administrativa y Crediticia, Propiedad Intelectual, Tramitología para Apertura de Negocios, y

Desarrollo Humano Profesional, tanto en Cámaras Empresariales como en distintas Instituciones Educativas de los niveles

medio y superior, donde también ha tenido la oportunidad de ser docente en materias relacionadas a la economía, la ciencia

política y la administración.

María Magaly Vargas Ruiz

Contador Público con Maestría en Administración de Servicios de Salud, actualmente cursando el Doctorado en Ciencias

Sociales y Políticas en la Universidad Iberoamericana en México, dentro del Programa de Formación de Alto Nivel para la

Administración Pública Federal, con el apoyo del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, donde desarrolla como tesis

doctoral: “Programa Caravanas de la Salud en México: factores que inciden en su impacto”. Su experiencia laboral incluye el

sector privado en áreas de contabilidad, auditoría y fiscal.; dentro del sector público en el área de salud, específicamente en

funciones administrativas: evaluación del desempeño, desarrollo organizacional y planeación estratégica, principalmente.

Actualmente colabora como administradora de un órgano desconcentrado de la Secretaría de Salud en México. Como

consultora independiente ha participado en áreas de investigación, en el diseño y coordinación de proyectos en tópicos

relacionados con el sistema de salud: evaluación económica de la alta tecnología en salud (evaluación de la introducción y

utilización, análisis de productividad, análisis de costos, estudios de costo-efectividad y costo-beneficio), evaluación de

programas de salud y proyectos de inversión; así como los relacionados con el desarrollo organizacional (estructuras orgánico-

funcionales, ingeniería de procesos, calidad entre otros.)

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Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA9:15-9:45 PLENARPLENARY SESSIONY SESSION

Gibor Basri, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, University of California at Berkeley9:50-10:20 GARDEN SESSION & COFFEE BREAKGARDEN SESSION & COFFEE BREAK


ROOM 1: Management EducationROOM 2: Change ManagementROOM 3: Knowledge ManagementROOM 4: Organizational CulturesROOM 5: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational CulturesKrutch Theatre: Spanish-language Talking Circles



KrutchKrutchTheatrTheatree Spanish Language Session - Liderazgo y gestión organizacionalSpanish Language Session - Liderazgo y gestión organizacional

Room 1Room 1 Policies and Politics of PrPolicies and Politics of Professional Learofessional LearningningThe Evolution of Russian Business Education: Developing a CrThe Evolution of Russian Business Education: Developing a Cross-cultural Perspectiveoss-cultural PerspectiveProf. Sheila M. Puffer, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, UKDr. Daniel J. McCarthy, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, USADr. Anna Gryaznova, Graduate School of Business Administration, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian FederationDr. Vyacheslav Boltrukevich, Graduate School of Business Administration, Moscow State University, Moscow, RussianFederationOverview: This paper considers the evolution of business education in Russia in the framework and knowledgemanagement and provides current examples from Russian university and corporate programs.Theme: Management Education

PrPreparing Principal K-12 Graduate Students to Focus on Student Achievement and Diversityeparing Principal K-12 Graduate Students to Focus on Student Achievement and DiversityDr. Barbara J. Miller, Department of Middle and Secondary Education and Educational Leadership Academic AffairsDivision, Edinboro University, Edinboro, USADr. Andrew J. Pushchak, Department of Middle and Secondary Education and Educational Leadership, Academic AffairsDivision, Edinboro University, Edinboro, USAOverview: This is an analysis focusing on student achievement projects conducted by principal K-12 graduate studentsduring their internship experience concentrating on the diversity among students, academic programs, and schools.Theme: Management Education

GoverGovernment Intervention in the Funding of Nigerian Polytechnics: An Assessment of the Role of the Tnment Intervention in the Funding of Nigerian Polytechnics: An Assessment of the Role of the TertiaryertiaryEducation TEducation Trust Fund Nigeriarust Fund NigeriaMakoji Robert Stephen, Salford Business School University of Salford, University Of Salford, Salford, UKAbu Karim Musa, Registry, The Federal Polytechnic Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria, Idah, NigeriaOverview: Our study is designed to identify one of the reasons why Nigeria’s education system, both at the basic andtertiary level, has started to experience decline.Theme: Management Education

An Untold Disparity: Economic PrAn Untold Disparity: Economic Progrogress, Legal Injustice, and Neoliberalism in Postwar Argentinaess, Legal Injustice, and Neoliberalism in Postwar ArgentinaHyo Jin Cho, Seoul International School, Seoul, South KoreaOverview: This paper argues that neoliberalism should be identified as the true cause of the disparity in the advances inwomen's rights in postwar Argentina.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures


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Room 2Room 2 Corporate VCorporate Values and Diversityalues and DiversityCultural Fit and DesirCultural Fit and Desired Organizational Ved Organizational Values: The Case of ARFCOalues: The Case of ARFCOProf. Patricia Amelia Tomei, IAG Business School, Pontifical Catholic University Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilDr. Giuseppe Maria Russo, DEDIX Business Management, DEDIX Business Management. Dedicating Solutions., Rio deJaneiro, BrazilOverview: This case study analyzes the degree of cultural agreement among members of an organization, identifying thevalues (both extant and desired) perceived by leadership and staff clusters. It used Q-methodology.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Mission, VMission, Vision and Corporate Vision and Corporate Values: Statements of the Talues: Statements of the Top Top Ten Companies Regaren Companies Regarding Nutrition and Healthding Nutrition and HealthMaria Fernanda Elias, Department of Nutrition, University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilSonia Tucunduva Philippi, Department of Nutrition, Public Health School, University of São Paulo – USP, BrazilOverview: Strategic statements of the largest food companies in Brazil were analysed to verify whether the aspects ofnutrition and health are being considered, as recommended by the World Health Organization.Theme: Organizational Cultures

The Impact of Imposed Organizational ChangeThe Impact of Imposed Organizational ChangeAndrew Pueschel, Robert Morris University, Rochester, USAOverview: This discussion focuses on the effects of organizational culture change on productivity, employee engagement,quality of life, and leadership within a learning organization.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Room 3Room 3 Challenges to Organizational ChangeChallenges to Organizational ChangeOrganizational Change Cynicism: Does It Hinder Change Commitment?Organizational Change Cynicism: Does It Hinder Change Commitment?Dr. Nasser Sanoubar, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Business, University ofTabriz, Tabriz, Iran (Islamic Republic of)Mehdi Forghani Bajestani, Department of Management,Faculty of Economics, Management and Business., University ofTabriz, Tabriz, Iran (Islamic Republic of)Overview: This research investigates how successful change could be achieved through getting employees committed tochange and what effects cynicism has on this process.Theme: Change Management

Looking at Diversity thrLooking at Diversity through the Lens of Organizational Changeough the Lens of Organizational ChangeDr. Beatrice Gibbons-Kunka, Department of Organizational Leadership School of Communications and InformationSystems, Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, USAOverview: I will discuss how diversity initiatives should be viewed as a form of organizational change.Theme: Change Management

An Engineering Framework for Dealing with Change PrAn Engineering Framework for Dealing with Change Problems: Theoroblems: Theoretical Underpinnings and Initial Evaluationetical Underpinnings and Initial EvaluationGeorgi Markov, Computing and Communications Department, The Open University, Veitsbronn, GermanyDr. Jon G. Hall, Computing Department, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UKDr. Lucia Rapanotti, Computing Department, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UKOverview: The paper presents POE-Δ – an engineering framework for representing and analysing change problems. Itreports on the initial results from evaluating the framework in a large European organisation.Theme: Change Management

Implementing Organizational Change thrImplementing Organizational Change through Knowledge-Management Practiceough Knowledge-Management PracticeRoby Rajan, Department of Business, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, USAManu Rajan, Archives and Publications Cell, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IndiaOverview: This paper describes the challenges faced in an ongoing attempt at initiating organizational change through aholistic knowledge management approach in a premier scientific education and research institute in India.Theme: Change Management


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Room 4Room 4 Special Theme: PrSpecial Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Culturoductive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures 1es 1Building Communication Pedagogies in Business PrBuilding Communication Pedagogies in Business Programs: A Wograms: A Writing Acrriting Across the Curriculum Case Studyoss the Curriculum Case StudyDr. Andrea Dominguez, Academics, Devry University, San Diego, USAPaula Herring, Academics, Devry University, San Diego, USAOverview: This paper considers the relationship between professional development in academic business programs andwriting across the curriculum initiatives through interdisciplinary pedagogies that extend content-based learning throughcommunication skills.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

The Logics of Diversity Management within TThe Logics of Diversity Management within Trade Unions of a Multi-ethnic Societies: A Case Study of an Italianrade Unions of a Multi-ethnic Societies: A Case Study of an ItalianTTrade Unionrade UnionDr. Matteo Rinaldini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, ItalyOverview: This paper focuses on how unions manage diversity represented by migrants working in the union andassesses the role of migrants’ agency in facing the diversity management.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

Combining Inbound Open Innovation Practices: Is It a Good Strategy?Combining Inbound Open Innovation Practices: Is It a Good Strategy?Elena M. Gimenez-Fernandez, Department of Business Administration, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, SpainFrancesco D. Sandulli, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, SpainOverview: This paper explores the diversity of OI practices and their impacts on innovative performance and reveals thatits combination reduces the innovative potential of the firm.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

Cultural Complexity and the Canadian Armed ForCultural Complexity and the Canadian Armed Forces in Canada’ces in Canada’s Ars ArcticcticDr. Karen Davis, Defence Research and Development Canada, Ottawa, CanadaDr. Tzveta Dobreva-Martinova, Defence Research and Development Canada, Ottawa, CanadaOverview: This paper will explore the cultural dimensions of whole-of-government operations in the culturally complexenvironment of the Canadian Arctic.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

Room 5Room 5 Spanish Language Session - Nuevas estrategias culturalesSpanish Language Session - Nuevas estrategias culturales12:45-13:40 LUNCHLUNCH



Leadership and Organizational ManagementLeadership and Organizational ManagementManaging the Dynamics of WManaging the Dynamics of Worords in Tds in TeleconfereleconferencesencesDr. Jolene Lampton, School of Business, Department of Accounting, Park University, Austin, USAOverview: Leaders, managers, and executives should deliberately manage the new logistics for teleconferences byrethinking operations in order to combat the negative, dysfunctional consequences in teleconferences.Theme: Management Education

Universality of TUniversality of Transformational Leadership Efransformational Leadership Effectiveness: A Case Study frfectiveness: A Case Study from Saudi Arabiaom Saudi ArabiaAbdullah Ali, Engineering, NGL Recovery Plant, Ahsa, Saudi ArabiaOverview: This paper examines the universality of Transformational Leadership.Theme: Change Management

Sustainable Corporate Strategy: VSustainable Corporate Strategy: Virtuous, Specious, Virtuous, Specious, Vacuous or Disingenuous?acuous or Disingenuous?Dr. Michael McIntyre, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, CanadaDr. Tullio Caputo, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, CanadaDr. Steven A. Murphy, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, CanadaOverview: This paper discusses the challenges associated with making clear and compelling specifications ofsustainability and examines how leading corporations in the world have addressed the matter.Theme: Organizational Cultures


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Room 1Room 1 Special Issues in Not for PrSpecial Issues in Not for Profit Organizationsofit OrganizationsCommunicating Charitable Organisations: The Case of BulgariaCommunicating Charitable Organisations: The Case of BulgariaDr. Evelina Christova, Mass Communication Department, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BulgariaOverview: The research aims at finding out if communication of corporate culture and values in charitable organisationswill affect the overall results and satisfaction of the employees and other internal publics.Theme: Organizational Cultures

A Longitudinal Qualitative Case Study in Change in NonprA Longitudinal Qualitative Case Study in Change in NonprofitsofitsDavid Rosenbaum, Faculty of Law and Business, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, AustraliaProf. Elizabeth More, Faculty of Law and Business,and Centre for Professional and Executive Education, AustralianCatholic University, Sydney, AustraliaProf. Peter Steane, Faculty of Law and Business., Australian Catholic University, Sydney, AustraliaOverview: This paper investigates why the management of organisational change may be different between the nonprofitand the for-profit sectors.Theme: Change Management

Reinventing Who WReinventing Who We Are Are: The Life Stories of Te: The Life Stories of Two Candian Strwo Candian Street Yeet Youth Sheltersouth SheltersDr. Jeff Karabanow, Health Professions, Dalhousie University, Halifax, CanadaOverview: Through case study methods, this analysis explores the reciprocal and unequal partnerships that form betweeninformal organizational structures and formal bureaucratic entities within the world of street youth service delivery.Theme: Organizational Cultures

The Evolution of Organizational CulturThe Evolution of Organizational Culture: How Nonpre: How Nonprofit JANL Survived 46 Yofit JANL Survived 46 Years in San Franciscoears in San FranciscoRita Takahashi, School of Social Work, College of Health and Human Services, San Francisco State University, SanFrancisco, USAOverview: This paper focuses on cultural developments and evolution of the Japanese American National Library, anonprofit organization in San Francisco founded in 1969 following the San Francisco State University strike.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

Room 2Room 2 Spanish Language Session - Desafíos para el cambio organizacionalSpanish Language Session - Desafíos para el cambio organizacionalRoom 3Room 3 Multinational, Multiethnic IssuesMultinational, Multiethnic Issues

The Beautiful Bride of Nations: MicrThe Beautiful Bride of Nations: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Gro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Gross Domestic Pross Domestic Products Diroducts Directionectionof Emerging Economiesof Emerging EconomiesAdeleke Oladapo Banwo, School Of Management, Jiangsu University,China, Zhenjaing, ChinaProf. Jianguo Du, School of Management, Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang,China, zhenjiang, ChinaOverview: We investigate the changes in micro, small and medium enterprises sequel to the sub prime crisis in emergingeconomies vis a vis contributions to GDP.Theme: Change Management

Regional InterRegional International Political Strategy and National Cultural Identity Change for Eurnational Political Strategy and National Cultural Identity Change for European Integrationopean IntegrationProf. Benedict Edward DeDominicis, Political Science, Walden University, Minneapolis, USAOverview: National culture is a communal value that evolves to satisfy human needs. European integration uses economicand increasingly other policy instruments to promote evolution in prevailing cultural community affective self-identity.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Opening the Black Box of Cognitive Bias in Decision-makingOpening the Black Box of Cognitive Bias in Decision-makingJean-Loup Richet, LEMNA, University of Nantes, Nantes, FranceBruno Martin, PARAGRAPHE, University of Paris 8, Paris, FranceDr. Kimberly Culley, Kern Technology Group, Virginia Beach, USAOverview: This research shows that argumentative theory of reasoning opens the black box of cognitive bias. This theorycould explain why groups outperform individuals on reasoning and decision-making tasks.Theme: Change Management


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Room 4Room 4 ResearResearch and Knowledge Managementch and Knowledge ManagementThe Use of WThe Use of Wiki Tiki Tools in Collaborative Researools in Collaborative Research and Learch and LearningningDr. Ronald C. Beckett, School of Management and Marketing, Deakin University, Melbourne, AustraliaOverview: This paper presents observations from four case studies of joint industry-academia initiatives using a wiki tocapture knowledge that facilitates research and to capture learning from research.Theme: Knowledge Management

Barriers to InterBarriers to Interdisciplinary Researdisciplinary Research Collaboration in Social Sciencesch Collaboration in Social SciencesDarima Butitova, Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs, University of Missouri, Columbia, USAOverview: The paper aims to study conceptual and institutional barriers to interdisciplinary research collaboration in socialsciences based on review of the existing literature.Theme: Knowledge Management

Managing a Collaborative Scientific Paper WManaging a Collaborative Scientific Paper Writing System in a Big Science Prriting System in a Big Science Project: A Knowledge Managementoject: A Knowledge ManagementCase Study of an Experimental Physics ResearCase Study of an Experimental Physics Research Grch GroupoupEmiko Adachi, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, JapanYasunobu Ito, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, JapanKatsuhiro Umemoto, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, JapanOverview: We discuss the characteristic processes and knowledge management style for writing a scientific paper in amultinational experimental physics research group comprised of approximately 500 scientists.Theme: Knowledge Management

A New ApprA New Approach to Knowledge Development Cycles: How Knowledge Development Cycles aroach to Knowledge Development Cycles: How Knowledge Development Cycles are Evolvinge EvolvingBahadir Aydin, Turkish War College Academy, Turkish Army Forces, Istanbul, TurkeyOverview: Knowledge is a neccessity in order to obtain desired result. To obtain accurate information at the right time andat appropriate field is the main target of every organizations.Theme: Knowledge Management

Room 5Room 5 Spanish Language Session - Formación en la gestión educativaSpanish Language Session - Formación en la gestión educativa15:20-15:35 COFFEE BREAKCOFFEE BREAK



Organizational EthosOrganizational EthosThe State of Organizational Climate StudiesThe State of Organizational Climate StudiesKelly McKenzie, Academic Enrichment and Learning, East Stroudsurg University of Pennsylvania, East Stroudsburg, USAOverview: This paper examines the historical and theoretical underpinnings of organizational climate studies to highlightthe uniqueness of studying climate as a means to enhance perceptions of organizational performance.Theme: Management Education

Organizational LearOrganizational Learning: The Role of the Physical Envirning: The Role of the Physical EnvironmentonmentAneetha Rao Kasuganti, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,Mumbai, IndiaDr. Pooja Purang, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,Mumbai, IndiaOverview: Case studies of two Indian organizations examine the impact of proximity, interaction and communicationafforded by physical environment, and their role in facilitating transformation of individual knowledge to commonknowledge.Theme: Organizational Cultures

NeurNeurophysiology of Organizational Culturophysiology of Organizational Culture at a Major Retailere at a Major RetailerDr. Veronika Alexander, Center for Neuroeconomics Studies, School of Social Science, Policy, and Evaluation, ClaremontGraduate University, Claremont, USADr. Paul Zak, Center for Neuroeconomics Studies, School of Social Science, Policy, and Evaluation, Claremont GraduateUniversity; Department of Neurology at Loma Linda University Medical Center, Claremont, USAJesse R. Kluver, -, University of Virginia, Darden School of Business, Charlottesville, USAOverview: The aim of the study was to see how a particular company’s organizational culture affects employeephysiology, mood, and work performance in a controlled experimental setting.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Room 1Room 1 Spanish Language Session - Gestión de la educación y el conocimientoSpanish Language Session - Gestión de la educación y el conocimientoRoom 2Room 2 Spanish Language Session - Investigación y gestión del conocimientoSpanish Language Session - Investigación y gestión del conocimiento


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Room 3Room 3 EntrEntreprepreneurs and Organizationseneurs and OrganizationsCan CommerCan Commercial and Social Entrcial and Social Entreprepreneurial Activity Foster Pereneurial Activity Foster Perceptions of Country Brands in Tceptions of Country Brands in Trade andrade andTTourism? An Interourism? An International Examinationnational ExaminationDr. Christopher J Robertson, International Business and Strategy Group, Northeastern University, Boston, USADr. Sophie Bacq, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group, Northeastern University, Boston, USAOverview: The relationship between firm entrepreneurial behavior and the perceived image of countries is relativelyunknown. We address this important topic through multi-level analyses that include opportunity, necessity and socialentrepreneurship.Theme: Organizational Cultures

The Capacity of EntrThe Capacity of Entreprepreneurs and Leaders for Efeneurs and Leaders for Effective Organizational Learfective Organizational Learning: An Application to Wning: An Application to WineriesineriesNeus Raines, Applied Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, USAThomas Gordon Johnson, Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, USAOverview: We identify the key capabilities that enable effective entrepreneurship and leadership processes and enhancewineries’ organizational learning and organizational behavior.Theme: Management Education

CrCreating New Entreating New Entreprepreneurial Ecosystemseneurial EcosystemsSain Lopez, Mondragon Team Academy, unit of entrepreneurship at Mondragon University, Mondragon University -Mondragon Group, Vitoria, SpainAitor Lizarza Martin, Mondragon Team Academy, unit of entrepreneurship at Mondragon University, Mondragon University- Mondragon Group, Tolosa, SpainJose Mari Luzarraga Monasterio, Mondragon Team Academy, unit of entrepreneurship at Mondragon University,Mondragon University - Mondragon Group, Shanghai, ChinaLiher Pillado Arbide, Mondragon Team Academy, Unit of Entrepreneurship at Mondragon University, MondragonUniversity - Mondragon Group, San Sebastian, SpainOverview: We discuss creating a new entrepreneurial ecosystem that combines a radical educational model in anenriching community of entrepreneurship practice, acting locally and learning globally.Theme: Management Education

Managing Diversity in a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective: TManaging Diversity in a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective: Tensions and Opportunitiesensions and OpportunitiesMagalie Marais, Department of Management, Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, FranceCédrine Joly, Department of Marketing, Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, FranceOverview: The paper aims to understand the implications of Carroll (1979)’s and Wood (1991)’s CSR frameworks ondiversity management through a case study analysis allowing identifying tensions and opportunities.Theme: Organizational Cultures


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Room 4Room 4 Special Theme: PrSpecial Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Culturoductive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures 2es 2Nation-States as an "Imaginary" Organization: Hybridity in TNation-States as an "Imaginary" Organization: Hybridity in Television Culturelevision Culture in National-Identity Constructione in National-Identity ConstructionMin Kyung Yoo, Sociology, Freie Universität Graduate School of North American Studies, Berlin, GermanyOverview: In highlighting the US-South Korean relationship, modern nation-state can be seen as an imaginary-basedorganization, formed through the ritualization of television viewing, in which the audiences collectively strive for goal-motivation.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

The New CulturThe New Culture fre from Rival Organizations: Crom Rival Organizations: Creating a New Cultureating a New Culture fre from Existing Bodiesom Existing BodiesDr. Matt Walker, Department of Communication and Mass Media College of Business and Professional Studies,Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, USAOverview: This paper will examine the outcome of joining two groups from rival high schools to form one team, and theresultant new culture.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

Organization Change: Why the United States K-12 System Must TOrganization Change: Why the United States K-12 System Must Teach Black Historyeach Black HistoryDr. Osaro Airen, Office of Multicultural Affairs Department of Human Services, Stephen F. Austin State University,Nacogdoches, USAOverview: A pilot study was conducted which looked at whether United States undergraduate students were taughtAfrican American/Black History only during Black History Month while they were in the K-12 system.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Supporting Beginning TSupporting Beginning Teachers, Creachers, Creating Collaborative School Cultureating Collaborative School Cultures: Mitigating the Known and thees: Mitigating the Known and theUnknownUnknownLorraine Godden, Faculty of Education, Queen's University, Kingston, CanadaLeigha Tregunna, Queen's University, Kingston, CanadaDr. Benjamin Kutsyuruba, Faculty of Education, Queen's University, Kingston, CanadaProf. Keith Walker, Educational Administration & Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University ofSaskatchewan, Saskatoon, CanadaOverview: This international systematic review explored formal support for beginning teachers’ transition into diverseteaching contexts. Findings suggest purposeful program design can mitigate against commonly noted challenges facedby beginning teachers.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Room 5Room 5 Spanish Language Session - La tecnología y las nuevas formas de comerSpanish Language Session - La tecnología y las nuevas formas de comerciocio17:15-17:20 END OF DAEND OF DAYY


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Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA9:10-9:40 PLENARPLENARY SESSIONY SESSION

Keith Merron, Senior Associate, Barbara Annis & Associates Inc.9:45-10:15 GARDEN SESSION & COFFEE BREAKGARDEN SESSION & COFFEE BREAK



Developments in Knowledge ManagementDevelopments in Knowledge ManagementEmbracing Corporate Knowledge Assets via Autonomous Personal Knowledge Management DevicesEmbracing Corporate Knowledge Assets via Autonomous Personal Knowledge Management DevicesProf. Ulrich Schmitt, University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa, Gaborone, BotswanaOverview: A novel "Next Generation" Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) concept and prototype is matched up withits organizational counterparts for converting individual into corporate performances and for promoting corporateKnowledge Assets.Theme: Knowledge Management

Information Finding and Re-Finding for EfInformation Finding and Re-Finding for Effective Knowledge Managementfective Knowledge ManagementDr. Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, Department of Library and Information Science College of Social Sciences, Kuwait University,Kuwait, KuwaitOverview: Information finding and re-finding strategies of a selected group of knowledge workers are described and theimpact of information management competencies on personal knowledge management is discussed.Theme: Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management in New PrKnowledge Management in New Product Development Product Development ProjectsojectsAssoc. Prof. Seweryn Spalek, Organisation and Management, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, PolandOverview: The article presents the outcomes of the international research conducted in different types of industries asregards the application of Knowledge Management to New Product Development projects.Theme: Knowledge Management

Health Knowledge PrHealth Knowledge Professionals: Computing Capabilities and Useofessionals: Computing Capabilities and UseProf. Sajjad Rehman, Professor & Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, Kuwait University, Kuwait,KuwaitOverview: Health knowledge workers need to be equipped with relevant IT capabilities in order to function optimally. Thisstudy examined the competencies of professionals in the setting of a hospital.Theme: Knowledge Management


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Room 1Room 1 Post Secondary Knowledge, Managment and EducationPost Secondary Knowledge, Managment and EducationThe Dilemma of Leadership in ResearThe Dilemma of Leadership in Research Universitiesch UniversitiesSusan Drange, Faculty Diversity & Development, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, USAOverview: This study explored the impact of jobs and professional service activities, influential relationships, and personalscholarship on leader development and the shift to identity as a leader in research universities.Theme: Management Education

TTaxonomy of Knowledge and Education Araxonomy of Knowledge and Education Architecturchitecture in the Era of Information Explosione in the Era of Information ExplosionShen Zhou, Science Department, Jinan Foreign Language School, Jinan, ChinaBiying Liu, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USAHuan Wang, Student, Jinan Foreign Language School, Jinan, ChinaOverview: We discuss cognitive process dimensions, knowledge dimensions, systematic knowledge dimensions as acomprehensive knowledge topology.Theme: Management Education

PrPromoting Diversity in STEM: An Analysis of Men’omoting Diversity in STEM: An Analysis of Men’s and Ws and Women’omen’s Experiences in the University Prs Experiences in the University Promotion andomotion andTTenurenure Pre ProcessocessDr. Joy Honea, Sociology, Montana State University Billings, Billings, USADr. Elizabeth A. Burroughs, Bozeman, USADr. Monica Skewes, Bozeman, USADr. Jessi L. Smith, Bozeman, USADr. Sara Rushing, Bozeman, USARebecca Belou, Bozeman, USADr. Elizabeth Shanahan, Bozeman, USAIan Handley, Bozeman, USAOverview: This is an analysis of factors that encourage or limit the development of a sense of competence in promotionand tenure processes for men and women faculty in STEM disciplines.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Implementing a Strategic Planning and Management System at a Private Higher Education Institution in theImplementing a Strategic Planning and Management System at a Private Higher Education Institution in theMiddle East: A Balanced ScorMiddle East: A Balanced Score Care Card or a Bewildering State of Confusion?d or a Bewildering State of Confusion?Dr. Kathy O'Sullivan, Student Services, Canadian University of Dubai, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesOverview: In different cultures, as, for example, in the Middle East, systems such as the Balanced Scorecard, designed tomeasure management and performance are perhaps not universally applicable.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Room 2Room 2 Special Theme: PrSpecial Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Culturoductive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures 3es 3Females In Engineering: FrFemales In Engineering: From Poor Tom Poor Transitions to Potential Transitions to Potential TransformationsransformationsFiona Jewell, Diversity by Design Pty Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaOverview: Initiatives to increase female engagement in engineering are often paternalistic and can further compoundgender inequity. This paper examines common initiatives and proposes areas for further action and research.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

Better the Devil YBetter the Devil You Know: Understanding Implicit Cognitive Biases in the 21st Century Classrou Know: Understanding Implicit Cognitive Biases in the 21st Century ClassroomoomDr. Ian O'Loughlin, Department of Philosophy, University of Portland, Portland, USAAila O'Loughlin, School of Education, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, USAOverview: Unpacking implicit cognitive bias and its implications for classroom challenges requires rethinking self-knowledge and the role of education in cultural narratives.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

Institutional Signaling: ImprInstitutional Signaling: Improving the Climate for Lesbian and Gay Facultyoving the Climate for Lesbian and Gay FacultyDr. Raine Dozier, Department of Human Services & Rehabilitation, Western Washington University, Bellingham, USAOverview: Lesbian and gay faculty report a variety of discriminatory experiences, especially at the interpersonal anddepartmental level. This study suggests that institutional signaling could “trickle down” to influence daily experiences.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures


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Room 3Room 3 Sustainable OrganizationsSustainable OrganizationsThe Organizational CulturThe Organizational Culture of Joint Management: Bure of Joint Management: Bureaucratic and Corporate Styleseaucratic and Corporate StylesDr. Namika Raby, Department of Anthropology, California State University-Long Beach, Long Beach, USAOverview: This paper documents the collaborative organizational culture of a public sector agency and a communityorganization based on bureaucratic and corporate values under the Irrigation Management Transfer Program, Sri Lanka.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Organizational CulturOrganizational Culture as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage: A Comparison between Easy Going We as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage: A Comparison between Easy Going WorkorkDisciplines versus Strict WDisciplines versus Strict Work Disciplinesork DisciplinesHanan Abdulla Al Mehairi, Knowledge Management, Dubai Water and Electercity Authority, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesMohamed Al Askar, Department of Business and Management, University of Wollongong in Dubai, Dubai, United ArabEmiratesOverview: This study tests the impact of easy going versus strict work discipline cultures on knowledge sharing behaviorbetween employees in organizations in both government and private sectors.Theme: Organizational Cultures

The Organizational VThe Organizational Voice: Leadership Authenticityoice: Leadership AuthenticityDr. Delfin Merlan, Administration Consultant Training, Authentic Learning Experiences, Inc., Chula Vista, USAOverview: The leaders communication style became the strategic tool to strengthen the organizational culture. The qualityof the relationships increased performance, improved collaboration, higher-exchange efficiency, trust reliability, andsustainable commitment.Theme: Organizational Cultures

The Structural, Cultural, and Phenomenological EfThe Structural, Cultural, and Phenomenological Effects of Prfects of Process Introcess Introduction in Organizations: Aoduction in Organizations: ASociological and Philosophical AnalysisSociological and Philosophical AnalysisDr. Paul Nugent, Management Information Systems Ancell School of Business, Western Connecticut State University,Lenox, USADr. Richard Montague, Management Information Systems Department Ancell School of Business, Western ConnecticutState University, Danbury, USAOverview: This paper analyzes ethnographic data from a large professional bureaucracy to explore the sociological andphilosophical implications of formal process introduction.Theme: Change Management

Room 4Room 4 Spanish Language Session - Gestión de la educación en las organizacionesSpanish Language Session - Gestión de la educación en las organizaciones11:55-12:50 LUNCHLUNCH



Focused DiscussionFocused DiscussionA Framework of Responses for Leaders Coping with AdversityA Framework of Responses for Leaders Coping with AdversityJoerg Krauter, SYNK GROUP, University of Gloucestershire, UK, Stuttgart, GermanyOverview: This paper shows valuable insights into the structures and mechanisms of leadership in adverse events.Theme: Change Management

Reviewing a Strategic Graduate InterReviewing a Strategic Graduate Internship Prnship Program for Grogram for Greater Efeater EffectivenessfectivenessProf. Ola Busari, Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority, Centurion, South AfricaXolani Ngonini, Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority, Centurion, South AfricaOverview: We review a graduate internship program designed to provide experiential training and development to newgraduates, in order to enhance their advancement towards professional registration, as well as increased employability.Theme: Knowledge Management

EfEffective e-Mentoring for a Diversity of Doctoral Scholarsfective e-Mentoring for a Diversity of Doctoral ScholarsDr. Donna Blaess, Leadership & Professional Studies Department in the College of Graduate and Innovative Programs,Concordia University Chicago, Chicago, USADr. Kathryn Hollywood, College of Graduate and Innovative Programs, Leadership and Professional Studies, ConcordiaUiversity Chicago, Chicago, USADr. Claudia Santin, School of Business, Concordia University Chicago, Chicago, USAOverview: Mentoring of doctoral candidates is a crucial component to degree completion. E-mentors must be responsiveto an increasing number of dimensions of diversity in order to ensure student success.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Room 1Room 1 WWorkshoporkshop


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Room 3Room 3 WWorkshoporkshopMoving frMoving from Knowledge Management to Knowledge Facilitation for Urban Learom Knowledge Management to Knowledge Facilitation for Urban LearnersnersAmy Lewis, English Department, Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USAOverview: This paper will examine how to turn education from a spectator sport to an empowering experience for urbanlearners, who often experience learning as a hostile, oppressive ordeal.Theme: Knowledge Management

Room 4Room 4 WWorkshoporkshopWWorkshop on Developing Global Competence and Discussion for Local and Global Interorkshop on Developing Global Competence and Discussion for Local and Global InternshipsnshipsStacy Shipman, College of Education, Bellarmine University, University of Louisville, Louisville, USADr. Kathleen Cooter, Bellarmine University, Louisville, USAOverview: Global Competence has been deemed the new educational imperative. Using local and internationalinternships is one method for increasing identity exploration as a means of increasing Global Competence capacity.Theme: Management Education




Focused DiscussionFocused DiscussionStrStrengths-based Leadership Development Prengths-based Leadership Development ProgramsogramsKrauss Udo, Consulting, Filderstadt, GermanyOverview: The contribution of knowledge will be, that after attending a strengths-based LDP, participants will be using anew leadership language and prove “good is stronger than bad."Theme: Management Education

Innovation and Perpetuity: Organizational Perpetuity in TInnovation and Perpetuity: Organizational Perpetuity in Turkish Military History with Regarurkish Military History with Regards to Innovationds to InnovationIsmail Bozkus, Turkish Army Staff College, Turkish War Colleges Command, İstanbul, TurkeyEyup Sefer Sensoy, Turkish Army Staff College, Turkish War Colleges Command, İstanbul, TurkeyOverview: This paper investigates and discovers the importance of "innovation" for an organization's lifespan.Theme: Organizational Cultures

The Moderation EfThe Moderation Effect of Person-job Fit and Servant Leadership on Relationship between Job Characteristicsfect of Person-job Fit and Servant Leadership on Relationship between Job Characteristicsand Performance: The Case of Tand Performance: The Case of Teachers in Higher Education in Indonesiaeachers in Higher Education in IndonesiaDr. Setyabudi Indartono, Management school, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, IndonesiaOverview: This study aims to investigate moderating effect P-J Fir and Servant leadership on the teachers’ jobcharacteristics and their performance in higher education.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Room 3Room 3 WWorkshoporkshopLeadership as a HerLeadership as a Hero's Jouro's Journey: Four Vney: Four Virtues for Tirtues for Transforming Uncertainty and Anxiety into Resultsransforming Uncertainty and Anxiety into ResultsEric Kaufmann, Sagatica, San Diego, USAOverview: Leaders face unrelenting uncertainty on the path to results. Courageous leaders leverage obstacles anduncertainty, and build engaged teams in which people are both powerful and empowered.Theme: Change Management

Room 4Room 4 WWorkshoporkshopHow Cultural Intelligence Makes a DifHow Cultural Intelligence Makes a Differference: Arence: Are you Culturally Competent?e you Culturally Competent?Michele Lucero Villagran, University of North Texas / Pepperdine University / Woodbury University, Alhambra, USAOverview: This workshop will discuss an overview of cultural intelligence (CQ), its four capabilities (drive, knowledge,strategy and action) and how it may be applied within the workplace.Theme: Special Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures



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WWorkfororkforce Engagement and Issues in HRce Engagement and Issues in HRThe Role of Emotion and Aesthetics in WThe Role of Emotion and Aesthetics in Workplace Learorkplace Learning: A Case Study of Intrning: A Case Study of Introductory Courses at Toductory Courses at TetraetraPakPakMatilda Mettala, Division of Education, The department of Sociology, Lund University, Lund, SwedenOverview: This case-study outlines Tetra Pak's introductory courses for new employees; highlighting a holistic view whichseeks to engage the whole person with cognitive, affective, and experiential elements in workplace learning.Theme: Knowledge Management

Knowledge CrKnowledge Creation and Utilization in Preation and Utilization in Project Toject TeamseamsDr. Paul Oluikpe, Strategy Management Department, Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja, NigeriaOverview: The purpose of this paper is to explore the knowledge processes that interplay in the social construction andappropriation of knowledge and to test these constructs empirically in project teams.Theme: Knowledge Management

Human ResourHuman Resource Management Practices in the Nigerian Tce Management Practices in the Nigerian Telecommunication Industryelecommunication IndustryEhosa Peter Ogbeni, Bolton Business School, Manchester, UKTrevor Omoruyi, Salford Business School, University of Salford, Manchester, UKData Bob-Manuel, Salford Business School, Manchester, UKOverview: The paper is aimed at exploring Human Resource Management practices in the Nigerian Telecommunicationindustry.Theme: Organizational Cultures

The Social Construction of the “Family-Friendly” WThe Social Construction of the “Family-Friendly” Workplace: An Analysis of Popular “Family Friendly” Discourseorkplace: An Analysis of Popular “Family Friendly” Discourseand Its Implications for Managerial Decision Making and Organizational Changeand Its Implications for Managerial Decision Making and Organizational ChangeDr. Elizabeth Spradley, Department of Languages, Cultures, and Communication Communication Studies Program,Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, USAOverview: I analyze popular family-friendly workplace discourse as represented in print and web-based texts like WorkingMother and Parenting, this study enhances understanding of and experience with family-friendly workplaces.Theme: Change Management

Room 1Room 1 Managing ChangeManaging ChangePrProcedural Knowledge as a Conceptual Tocedural Knowledge as a Conceptual Tool for Analyzing Online Customer Service Interactionsool for Analyzing Online Customer Service InteractionsDr. Tabitha Hart, Department of Communication Studies, San Jose State University, San Jose, USAOverview: The conceptual tools of “procedural knowledge” and “service scripts” help researchers analyze the interactionsthat occur between service providers and customers in technology-mediated settings.Theme: Knowledge Management

The OTThe OTAs’ WAs’ Websites: The Opinion of Generation Y Leads to Organizational Changeebsites: The Opinion of Generation Y Leads to Organizational ChangeTea Golja, Faculty of Tourism and Economics "Dr.Mijo Mirković", University of Pula, Pula, CroatiaMorena Paulišić, Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr.Mijo Mirković", University of Pula, Pula, CroatiaIva Slivar, Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr.Mijo Mirković", University of Pula, Pula, CroatiaOverview: The goal is to foster the improvement of the web site quality and to examine the need for organizational changeto further support the efficiency of the online marketing process.Theme: Change Management

An Examination of the EfAn Examination of the Effects of Using a Dedicated System for Learfects of Using a Dedicated System for Learning: The Case of User Prning: The Case of User Productivity Kit at aoductivity Kit at aMedical Device CompanyMedical Device CompanyDr. Jamie O'Brien, Schneider School of Business and Economics, St. Norbert College, De Pere, USAOverview: This paper focuses on responding to the area of evaluating content management systems and knowledgecreation and sharing mechanisms in a medical device company in Ireland.Theme: Knowledge Management

CrCreating a Competitive Advantage on Diversity Policy: Freating a Competitive Advantage on Diversity Policy: From Opportunity Identification to Managementom Opportunity Identification to ManagementChallengesChallengesCédrine Joly, Department of Marketing, Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, FranceMagalie Marais, Department of Management, Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, FranceOverview: This paper focuses on the link between diversity and competitiveness. It explores: how a diversity policy helpscreating a competitive advantage and what management issues arise from this strategic choice.Theme: Change Management


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Room 2Room 2 Navigating Organizational ComplexitiesNavigating Organizational ComplexitiesMeasuring Organizational CulturMeasuring Organizational Culture: How Appre: How Appropriate Is the Competing Vopriate Is the Competing Values Framework?alues Framework?Helga Elisabeth Breimaier, Institute of Nursing Science, Medical University of Graz, Graz, AustriaProf. Christa Lohrmann, Institute of Nursing Science, Medical University of Graz, Graz, AustriaOverview: Organizational culture is supposed to influence the implementation of clinical practice guidelines. Thepsychometric properties of the CVF scale do not ensure a reliable and valid assessment of "organizational culture."Theme: Organizational Cultures

Access, EquityAccess, Equity, and Inclusion: A Framework for Achieving Diversity and Social Justice in the Arts, and Inclusion: A Framework for Achieving Diversity and Social Justice in the ArtsDr. Antonio C. Cuyler, Department of Art Education, Florida State University (FSU), Tallahassee, USAOverview: This paper presents a framework designed to help cultural organizations achieve diversity and social justice inthe arts.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Occupational and Organizational CulturOccupational and Organizational Culture in Seare in Search and Rescue: Root Metaphors that Prch and Rescue: Root Metaphors that Promote Heedfulomote HeedfulOrganizational PerformancesOrganizational PerformancesDr. R. Tyler Spradley, Languages, Cultures and Communication, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, USAOverview: This ethnographic study explores how occupational and organizational cultures constitute highly reliable searchand rescue. Discourse analysis of root metaphors reveals that cultures defy integration/differentiation categorization toenhance heedful performances.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Resilient School Administrators in Challenging Schools: Stories of Courage, Balance and HarResilient School Administrators in Challenging Schools: Stories of Courage, Balance and HardworkdworkAssoc. Prof. Ozge Hacifazlioglu, İstanbul Kültür University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences,İstanbul Kültür University, ISTANBUL, TurkeyOverview: This paper reveals stories of school administrators, working in challenging schools in İstanbul. This study isbased on a project, supported by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey).Theme: Management Education

Room 3Room 3 Spanish Language Session - Conocimiento e innovaciónSpanish Language Session - Conocimiento e innovaciónRoom 4Room 4 DiversityDiversity, Data, and Corporations, Data, and Corporations

Reanimating Corporate GoverReanimating Corporate Governance with Intrinsic Motivation and Tnance with Intrinsic Motivation and Tolerance for Diversityolerance for DiversityDr. Joanna Pousset, Industrial Organization, University of Toulouse, Toulouse Business School, Barcelona, SpainOverview: Currently prevailing governance practices are impaired by extensive use of extrinsic incentives and socio-cultural stereotyping. The remedy is intrinsically motivating working conditions and tolerance for diversity in values andbehaviors.Theme: Change Management

A Corporate Collaboration of EfA Corporate Collaboration of Efforts: Tforts: Training Apprraining Apprentices Tentices Today to Securoday to Secure a We a Workfororkforce for Tce for TomorromorrowowMs. Myrtle Patricia Alexander, MIB, School of Management - International Business, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen,SwitzerlandOverview: Organizational culture is a premium factor in the future of education and the workforce. It is the collaborativeconcepts of companies that are providing viable strategies for the global community.Theme: Organizational Cultures

Big Data Equals Big Changes in Organizations?Big Data Equals Big Changes in Organizations?Dr. Peter Géczy, AIST, Tokyo, JapanOverview: I discuss developing capacities that benefit from big data and require organizational changes.Theme: Change Management

Diversity and Change: How to Implement Diversity MeasurDiversity and Change: How to Implement Diversity Measures and Deal with Resistance to Changees and Deal with Resistance to ChangeSophie Quach, Department of Social Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, HR department at AUDI AG,LMU Munich/ AUDI AG, Munich, GermanyOverview: This is a qualitative research study about instituting organizational change by implementing diversity measuresin personnel and handling with resistance to initiated change.Theme: Change Management



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Jueves, 19 Febrero

08:00–09:00 Acreditaciones

09:00–09:15 Apertura del congreso—Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA

09:15–09:45 Sesión plenaria—Gibor Basri, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, University of California, Berkeley

09:50–10:20 Descanso y tertulia con Gibor Basri

10:20–11:00 Grupos de discusión

11:05–12:45 Sesiones paralelas

12:45–13:40 Comida

13:40–15:20 Sesiones paralelas

15:20–15:35 Descanso y café

15:35–17:15 Sesiones paralelas

Viernes, 20 Febrero

08:30–09:00 Acreditaciones

09:00–09:10 Anuncios generales —Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA

09:10–09:40 Sesión plenaria – Keith Merron, Barbara Annis & Associates, Inc., USA

09:45–10:15 Descanso y tertulia con Keith Merron

10:15–11:55 Sesiones paralelas

11:55–12:50 Comida

12:50–13:35 Sesiones paralelas: talleres y mesas redondas

13:35–13:45 Descanso

13:45–14:30 Sesiones paralelas: talleres y mesas redondas

14:30–14:45 Descanso y café

14:45–16:25 Sesiones paralelas

16:25–16:55 Clausura del congreso (se llevará a cabo en el Krutch Theatre)

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Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA9:15-9:45 SESIÓN PLENARIASESIÓN PLENARIA

Gibor Basri, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, University of California at Berkeley9:50-10:20 TERTERTULIA Y CAFÉ CON EL PONENTETULIA Y CAFÉ CON EL PONENTE


Room 1: Management EducationRoom 2: Change ManagementRoom 3: Knowledge ManagementRoom 4: Organizational CulturesRoom 5: Productive DiversityKrutch Theatre: Grupo de discusión en español




Liderazgo y gestión organizacional - Sesión temática en españolLiderazgo y gestión organizacional - Sesión temática en español

Las rLas relaciones entrelaciones entre Chile-Unión Eure Chile-Unión Europea: Hacia la propea: Hacia la profundización y moderofundización y modernización del Acuernización del Acuerdo de Asociacióndo de AsociaciónDr. Antonio Blanc-Altemir, Departamento de Derecho Público, Universidad de Lleida, Lleida, SpainOverview: A pesar de los exitosos resultados del Acuerdo de Asociación Chile-UE hasta el momento presente, laaparición de nuevos elementos, hacen muy conveniente una actualización y profundización de dicho Acuerdo.Theme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

Aspectos culturales y socioeconómicos de los rAspectos culturales y socioeconómicos de los revendedorevendedores informales de minutos en la ciudad de Neivaes informales de minutos en la ciudad de Neiva(Huila,Colombia)(Huila,Colombia)Dr. Elías Ramírez, Facultad de Economía y Administración, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, ColombiaProf. Rafael Méndez, Facultad de Economía y Administración, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, ColombiaDr. Dagoberto Páramo, Facultad de Administración y Negocios, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, ColombiaOverview: La informalidad está expandiéndose, en especial en los países en desarrollo, por la falta de oportunidadeslaborales; su aumento afecta el buen desempeño de la economía y calidad de vida.Theme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

El Impulso al DesarrEl Impulso al Desarrollo Rural en la Región de Tlapacoyan, Vollo Rural en la Región de Tlapacoyan, Veracruz, Méxicoeracruz, MéxicoMsc. Adrian Lozano, Dirección General de Investigación y Posgrado, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco, MexicoDr. Jorge Gustavo Ocampo Ledesma, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Sociales y Tecnológicas de la Agricultura yla Agroindustria Mundial (CIESTAAM) de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco,MexicoOverview: En varias partes de México se han impulsado diversos modelos alternativos de educación y capacitación paracontribuir a que los habitantes del medio rural mejoren su calidad de vidaTheme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

Room 1Room 1 Policies and Politics of PrPolicies and Politics of Professional Learofessional Learning - Sesión temática en inglésning - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 2Room 2 Corporate VCorporate Values and Diversity - Sesión temática en inglésalues and Diversity - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 3Room 3 Challenges to Organizational Change - Sesión temática en inglésChallenges to Organizational Change - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 4Room 4 Special Theme: PrSpecial Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Culturoductive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures 1 - Sesión temática enes 1 - Sesión temática en




Determinantes de la disolución de las organizaciones sin fiDeterminantes de la disolución de las organizaciones sin fines de lucrnes de lucro en México (2005-2014)o en México (2005-2014)Tania Hernández, Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (Graduate Program in Political and Social Sciences), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Distrito Federal, MexicoOverview: El presente trabajo pretende indagar sobre los determinantes de disolución de las Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro. Se toma como referencia el sector sin fines de lucro en México.Theme: 4.-Economía y Cultura Organizacionales

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Room 5Room 5 Nuevas estrategias culturales - Sesión temática en españolNuevas estrategias culturales - Sesión temática en españolEntendiendo el concepto de 'design thinking' y las prácticas que facilitan su implementación en lasEntendiendo el concepto de 'design thinking' y las prácticas que facilitan su implementación en lasorganizacionesorganizacionesProf. Lizeth Serrano, Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research (INNOTEC), Universidad Industrial deSantander, Bucaramanga, ColombiaEdna Rocío Bravo Ibarra, Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research (INNOTEC), Universidad Industrialde Santander, Bucaramanga, ColombiaProf. Liliana Herrera, Grupo de Investigación en Dirección de Empresas (GIDE), Universidad de León, León, SpainOverview: Esta investigación profundiza en el entendimiento de la metodología de Design Thinking. Se identificaprácticas de referencia y casos aplicativos que facilitan la integración de esta metodología las organizaciones.Theme: 3.-Economia y Gestion del Conocimiento

El Análisis de la MarEl Análisis de la Marca Corporativa como prca Corporativa como proceso de aproceso de aprendizaje para el diseño de estrategias deendizaje para el diseño de estrategias deposicionamiento en el merposicionamiento en el mercadocadoDra. Ma. Cruz Lozano Ramirez, Facultad de Turismo y Mercadotecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana,MexicoDr. José Gabriel Ruíz Andrade, Facultad de Turismo y Mercadotecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana,MexicoDra. Omaira Cecilia Martínez Moreno, Facultad de Turismo y Mercadotecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California,Tijuana, MexicoOverview: Este estudio presenta un análisis de la Marca Corporativa como estrategia de posicionamiento en el mercado.Theme: 2.-Economia y Gestion del Cambio

Un nuevo concepto sobrUn nuevo concepto sobre cultura organizacional: La cultura como re cultura organizacional: La cultura como reprepresentación mentalesentación mentalProf. Carlos Alberto Acosta Riaño, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, ColombiaOverview: Se propone un concepto de cultura organizacional que busca recuperar la importancia de lasrepresentaciones mentales, las verdaderas fuentes del sentido sobre las tareas, la realidad y la innovación.Theme: Tema destacado 2015. Diversidad Productiva: La dinamica de las culturas organizativas

Recuperación, prRecuperación, promoción y promoción y produción de las artesanías en Tlapacoyan, Vodución de las artesanías en Tlapacoyan, VeracruzeracruzAdela E. Bustamante Corona, División de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo,Texcoco, MexicoMsc. Adrian Lozano, Dirección General de Investigación y Posgrado, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco, MexicoDr. Jorge Gustavo Ocampo Ledesma, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Sociales y Tecnológicas de la Agricultura yla Agroindustria Mundial (CIESTAAM) de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco,MexicoOverview: La riqueza artesanal de México representa una valiosa aportación al patrimonio cultural intangible de lahumanidad y una manifestación cultural diversificada, de p ofunda raigambre de tradición, identidad y calidad creativa.Theme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

12:45-13:40 COMIDACOMIDA



Leadership and Organizational Management - Sesión temática en inglésLeadership and Organizational Management - Sesión temática en inglés

Room 1Room 1 Special Issues in Not for PrSpecial Issues in Not for Profit Organizations - Sesión temática en ingléofit Organizations - Sesión temática en inglé



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Room 2Room 2 Desafíos para el cambio organizacional - Sesión temática en españolDesafíos para el cambio organizacional - Sesión temática en españolDeterminantes de la utilización del PrDeterminantes de la utilización del Programa Caravanas de la Salud en Méxicoograma Caravanas de la Salud en MéxicoMaría Magaly Vargas Ruiz, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas, Universidad Iberoamericana, México City,MexicoDr. Oscar Alfonso Martínez Martínez, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudadde México, México City, MexicoPhD Malaquías López Cervantes, Unidad de Proyectos Especiales de Investigación Sociomédica., Facultad de Medicina.Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, MexicoOverview: Análisis de los determinantes sociales en la utilización del Programa Caravanas de la Salud en México y suimpacto en las condiciones de salud de la población infantil.Theme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

El empleo verEl empleo verde en Andalucíade en AndalucíaMsc. Omar Chabán García, Facultad de ciencias económicas y administrativas, Corporación Universitaria del Caribe -CECAR, Sincelejo, ColombiaOverview: En esta investigación se busca una solución de calidad al problema del desempleo en Andalucía. Visualizandolas posibilidades que tiene la economía andaluza dentro del sector medioambiental.Theme: 2.-Economia y Gestion del Cambio

Room 3Room 3 Multinational, Multiethnic Issues - Sesión temática en inglésMultinational, Multiethnic Issues - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 4Room 4 ResearResearch and Knowledge Management - Sesión temática en inglésch and Knowledge Management - Sesión temática en inglés


La rLa relación entrelación entre los beneficios de un ERP y el desempeño de la empre los beneficios de un ERP y el desempeño de la empresa: Análisis del efecto del capitalesa: Análisis del efecto del capital humano y el capital socialhumano y el capital socialDaniel A. Cernas Ortiz, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, MexicoArun Madapusi, College of Business, Drexel University, Philapelphia, USAPatricia Mercado Salgado, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, MexicoOverview: Los hallazgos de esta investigación resaltan la importancia del factor humano en la implementación de ERPs. Theme: 3.-Economía y Gestión del Conocimiento

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Room 5Room 5 Formación en la gestión educativa - Sesión temática en españolFormación en la gestión educativa - Sesión temática en españolNociones de los prNociones de los profesorofesores sobres sobre la gestión escolar en la Licenciatura en Educación e Innovación Pedagógicae la gestión escolar en la Licenciatura en Educación e Innovación Pedagógicaen la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Méxicoen la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de MéxicoProfr. Miguel Ángel González Melchor, Colegio Historia y su Enseñanza, Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros,Distrito Federal, MexicoMtro. Jesús Carlos González Melchor, UNAM-UPN, UNAM-UPN, México DF, MexicoOverview: La presente ponencia da cuenta sobre las nociones de la Gestión escolar en los profesores de la Licenciaturaen Educación e Innovación Pedagógica en UPN Ajusco.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

Los rLos retos y posibilidades de la Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestretos y posibilidades de la Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros en la gestión del conocimiento: Elos en la gestión del conocimiento: Elcaso de la Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestrcaso de la Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros como Institución de Educación Superioros como Institución de Educación SuperiorProfr. Miguel Ángel González Melchor, Colegio Historia y su Enseñanza, Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros,Distrito Federal, MexicoMtro. Jesús Carlos González Melchor, UNAM-UPN, UNAM-UPN, México DF, MexicoOverview: Se pretende mostrar el tránsito de la Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros en la gestión delconocimiento, mostrando de manera general sus retos y posibilidades en la sociedad del conocimientoTheme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

Formación Comunitaria para el Establecimiento de Escenarios SustentablesFormación Comunitaria para el Establecimiento de Escenarios SustentablesProf. Jorge Luis Del Río Cortina, Dirección de Investigación, Innovación, y Emprendimiento. Universidad Tecnológica deBolívar-Cartagena, Colombia., Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Cartagena, ColombiaProf. Abel Aníbal Del Río Cortina, Departamento de Investigaciones, Fundación Universitaria Cafam, Bogotá, ColombiaProf. Omar Tirado Muñoz, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Cartagena, ColombiaOverview: Muestra parámetros teóricos para la formación comunitaria en evaluación ambiental estratégica, esto, con elfin de generar una ap oximación sinérgica a la planeación territorial en el contexto de competitividad sistémica.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

Las alterLas alternativas económicas en el cultivo de plátano en Tlapacoyan, Vnativas económicas en el cultivo de plátano en Tlapacoyan, VeracruzeracruzAl. Jessica Alejandra Rodriguez Roa, División de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo,Texcoco, MexicoDr. Jorge Gustavo Ocampo Ledesma, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Sociales y Tecnológicas de la Agricultura yla Agroindustria Mundial (CIESTAAM) de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco,MexicoMsc. Adrian Lozano, Dirección General de Investigación y Posgrado, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco, MexicoOverview: En el Municipio de Tlapacoyan, Veracruz, México uno de los principales cultivos es el plátano dominico, peroen momentos de precios bajos se hace necesario tener alternativas de comercializaciónTheme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales




Organizational Ethos - Sesión temática en inglésOrganizational Ethos - Sesión temática en inglés



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Room 1Room 1 Gestión de la educación y el conocimiento - Sesión temática en españolGestión de la educación y el conocimiento - Sesión temática en españolPrProceso de croceso de creatividad como impulsor de innovación en aulas de ingenieraeatividad como impulsor de innovación en aulas de ingenieraMSc. Alejandro Alvarez-Marin, Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, ChileMSc Mauricio Castillo-Vergara, Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, ChileMSc Mauricio Alfaro-Castillo, Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, ChileOverview: Exposición del trabajo en el aula, en el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras a problemas, situaciones uoportunidades, bajo un contexto experiencial.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

El capital rEl capital relacional: Factor clave en la estrategia de negocio de la Pymes de La Serelacional: Factor clave en la estrategia de negocio de la Pymes de La Serena y Coquimboena y CoquimboMsc. Christian Acuña Opazo, Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, ChileMsc. Fernando Correa Campaña, Administración y Negocio, Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP, La Serena, ChileOverview: Reflexión empírica sob e la presencia del Capital Relacional, como factor clave en la estrategia de innovaciónde las pequeñas y medianas empresas.Theme: 3.-Economia y Gestion del Conocimiento

La Detección de necesidades en prLa Detección de necesidades en programas de capacitación: Hacia la vinculación efectiva entrogramas de capacitación: Hacia la vinculación efectiva entre universidadese universidadesy empry empresasesasDra. Abigail Rodríguez, Economía, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, MexicoDra. Patricia Margarita Dorantes, Producción Económica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico, MexicoOverview: Avanzar en establecer elementos para realizar un diagnóstico de detección de necesidades de capacitaciónque pueden ofrecer las universidades (en lugar de ofrecer sólo cursos estandarizados).Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

FactorFactores que explican la subsistencia de los empres que explican la subsistencia de los emprendimientos ganadorendimientos ganadores de Capital Semilla: Desafíos para eles de Capital Semilla: Desafíos para eldesarrdesarrollo de la Mipe (Microllo de la Mipe (Micro y Pequeña Empro y Pequeña Empresa)esa)Mauricio Alfaro-Castillo, Departamento de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena,ChileMSc Mauricio Castillo-Vergara, Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, ChileMSc. Alejandro Alvarez-Marin, Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, ChileOverview: Se analiza cuáles son los factores que han permitido la subsistencia de los emprendimientos beneficiados coCapital Semilla en la etapa de creación de nuevos negocios.Theme: 3.-Economia y Gestion del Conocimiento

Room 2Room 2 Investigación y gestión del conocimiento - Sesión temática en portugués/españolInvestigación y gestión del conocimiento - Sesión temática en portugués/españolEconomía y gestión del conocimiento: Retos en el cambio al enfrEconomía y gestión del conocimiento: Retos en el cambio al enfrentarse al orentarse al orden y el caos, a la rden y el caos, a la regularidad y aegularidad y ala complejidad (caso Ecuatoriano)la complejidad (caso Ecuatoriano)Dra. Rosa Lopez, Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y de Comercio, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE,Quito, EcuadorOverview: La Universidad Ecuatoriana crear y difunde el saber a través de la docencia, investigación y vinculación con lasociedad, estrategias para una gestión del conocimiento significativoTheme: 3.-Economia y Gestion del Conocimiento

Cambio organizacional en las instituciones de educación superior a partir de los rCambio organizacional en las instituciones de educación superior a partir de los resultados de los presultados de los procesos deocesos deevaluaciónevaluaciónMg. Juan José Vizcaíno Figueroa, Consejo de Educación Superior Plan de Contingencia, Quito, EcuadorOverview: Caracterización de la experiencia ecuatoriana para el cambio organizacional de las Instituciones de EducaciónSuperior como pilar fundamental para el mejoramiento de su calidad académica.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

La gestión del conocimiento en instituciones de educación básica del estado de GuanajuatoLa gestión del conocimiento en instituciones de educación básica del estado de GuanajuatoProf Claudia Patricia Salgado Ibarra, Colegio de Nivel Medio Superior, Universidad de Guanajuato, Celaya, MexicoOverview: Estudio exploratorio que describe el estado de la gestión del conocimiento en las instituciones de educaciónbásica que brindan educación primaria y secundaria en el estado de Guanajuato, México.Theme: 2.-Economia y Gestion del Cambio

Room 3Room 3 EntrEntreprepreneurs and Organizations - Sesión temática en ingléseneurs and Organizations - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 4Room 4 Special Theme: PrSpecial Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Culturoductive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures 2 - Sesión temática enes 2 - Sesión temática en



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Room 5Room 5 La tecnología y las nuevas formas de comerLa tecnología y las nuevas formas de comercio - Sesión temática en españolcio - Sesión temática en españolEstrategias de Marketing aplicadas en organizaciones con operación en Colombia: Análisis del periodoEstrategias de Marketing aplicadas en organizaciones con operación en Colombia: Análisis del periodo2004-20122004-2012MsC Julio Alberto Perea Sandoval, Coordinación de Mercadeo y Publicidad, Escuela Colombiana de CarrerasIndustriales, Bogotá, ColombiaOverview: Trabajo investigativo que trata de responder a la pregunta: ¿Cuáles han sido las mejores prácticas demarketing en el entorno colombiano? Exploración documental en la que se revisan 1000 casos.Theme: 3.-Economia y Gestion del Conocimiento

TTendencias de merendencias de mercado y nuevas tecnologías en rcado y nuevas tecnologías en retail: Meretail: Merchandising visual y gestion de categoriaschandising visual y gestion de categoriasSr. Richard Orlando Buitrago Reyes, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Escuela Colombiana de CarrerasIndustriales ECCI, Bogota D.C, ColombiaOverview: Diseño, Layout en cadenas de Retail en el mundo, América latina y Colombia, evolución del MerchandisingVisual, Inventario, Logística, proporción en tendencias para nuestro mercado de acuerdo a estructuras organizacionales.Theme: 3.-Economia y Gestion del Conocimiento

La Confianza y Advergaming en el Social-CommerceJuan Diego Osorio Florez, Facultad de Administración, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, Colombia Overview: Este artículo presenta un acercamiento teórico para construir confianza en el Social Comme ce con base en el Advergaming desde el modelo de confianza de McKnights & Chervany (2002Theme: 2.-Economia y Gestion del Cambio

La Innovación Abierta y Social-CommerLa Innovación Abierta y Social-CommerceceSrta Jessenia Morales, Facultad de Administración, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, ColombiaOverview: La Innovación Abierta es un esfuerzo sistemático para aprovechar la inteligencia colectiva. Se propone integrarel social-commerce como estrategia para aplicar la Innovación Abierta desde el modelo de Chesbrough (2003).Theme: 2.-Economia y Gestion del Cambio



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Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Common Ground Publishing, USA9:10-9:40 SESIÓN PLENARIASESIÓN PLENARIA



KrutchKrutchTheatrTheatree Developments in Knowledge Management - Sesión temática en inglésDevelopments in Knowledge Management - Sesión temática en inglés

Room 1Room 1 Post Secondary Knowledge, Managment and Education - Sesión temática en inglésPost Secondary Knowledge, Managment and Education - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 2Room 2 Special Theme: PrSpecial Theme: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Culturoductive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures 3 - Sesión temática enes 3 - Sesión temática en

inglésinglésRoom 3Room 3 Sustainable Organizations - Sesión temática en inglésSustainable Organizations - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 4Room 4 Gestión de la educación en las organizaciones - Sesión temática en españolGestión de la educación en las organizaciones - Sesión temática en español

La formación contínua en las universidades como vínculo entre los requerimientos específicos del mercado y la oferta de posgrados: Análisis de la oferta de posgrado y su relación con el medio circundante:Profesor Mario Luis Perossa, Departamento de Investigaciones en Finanzas, CEJU, Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaProfesora Alejandra Elena Marinaro, Escuela de Internacional de Negocios, Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaOverview: Las universidades como centros de formación e investigación cumplen con un rol fundamental: formar graduados de alta calidad afectados a la actividad profesional para luego dotarlos de habilidades extraordinarias. Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

Estrategia de formación, conocimiento para todos y para cada unoEstrategia de formación, conocimiento para todos y para cada unoMtra. Adelaida Guzmán Alfaro, Unidad de Posgrado de Pedagogía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico,MexicoOverview: Experiencia de formación docente a través de equipos de trabajo colaborativo, donde el conocimientopersonal se transforma en conocimiento común, el reto se desarrolla en sistema a distancia.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

FactorFactores que afectan la eficiencia terminal en posgrado: el caso de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales es que afectan la eficiencia terminal en posgrado: el caso de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Humanísticas (FCSH) de la ESPOL.Humanísticas (FCSH) de la ESPOL.Katia Lorena Rodriguez Morales, Postgrado, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Guayaquil, EcuadorOverview: El estudio muestra la situación del departamento de posgrado de la FCSH de la ESPOL de Ecuador, enrelación a los retrasos en titularse de los estudiantes de maestrías.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

La gestión académica en las universidades, prLa gestión académica en las universidades, proceso administrativo-geroceso administrativo-gerencial de formación humana: Gestiónencial de formación humana: Gestiónadministrativa geradministrativa gerencialencialCarlos Napoleón Ribadeneira Zapata, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas Escuela de Administración, UniversidadEstatal de Bolìvar, Guaranda, EcuadorHomero Calixto Fuentes Gonzáles, Centro de Estudios Manuel F. Gran, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago, CubaOverview: La formación universitaria, como espacio permanente de apropiación social e intencional de la culturauniversitaria, mediante relaciones sociales, requiere de la actividad administrativo-gerencial para alcanzar el rol deinstituciones socialesTheme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

11:55-12:50 COMIDACOMIDA



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Mesa rMesa redonda en español: Mesas 2 y 5edonda en español: Mesas 2 y 5La gestión del conocimiento: Universidad y sociedadLa gestión del conocimiento: Universidad y sociedadDra. Luz Patricia Pardo Martínez, Maestría MGO y Progrma de Administración de Empresas., Universidad Cooperativa deColombia - Sede Bogota, Bogotá, ColombiaOverview: La gestión del conocimiento es relevante para la comunidad científica dado, que le cor esponde generarespacios que posibiliten formación de masa crítica en las universidades en interrelación con la sociedad.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

El DesarrEl Desarrollo Alterollo Alternativo y Alternativo y Alternativas al Desarrnativas al Desarrollo: Economía Solidaria Cooperativa UNDECO (Unidadollo: Economía Solidaria Cooperativa UNDECO (UnidadDesarrDesarrollo y Comprollo y Compromiso S. C. de R. L.)omiso S. C. de R. L.)Lesly Amador, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Centro Regional Universitario Oriente Lic. en Rede Agroalimentarias,Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Huatusco, MexicoOverview: Esta investigación analiza el caso UNDECO, sociedad cooperativa ubicada en el Estado de Morelos, paradeterminar la influencia de la economía solidaria en las elaciones de sus miembros.Theme: 2.-Economia y Gestion del Cambio

Room 1Room 1 TTaller en inglésaller en inglésRoom 2Room 2 TTaller en inglésaller en inglésRoom 3Room 3 TTaller en inglésaller en inglésRoom 4Room 4 TTaller en inglésaller en inglés




Mesa rMesa redonda en español: Mesa 5edonda en español: Mesa 5Participación de las mujerParticipación de las mujeres en el desarres en el desarrollo comunitarioollo comunitarioAlejandra Valdes Zamora, División de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad Autónoma chapingo, México,MexicoMsc. Adrian Lozano, Dirección General de Investigación y Posgrado, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco, MexicoDr. Jorge Gustavo Ocampo Ledesma, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Sociales y Tecnológicas de la Agricultura yla Agroindustria Mundial (CIESTAAM) de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco,MexicoOverview: Las capacitaciones dentro de las escuelas campesinas que se les ha brindado a las mujeres dentro de lascomunidades, un apoyo a su economía y una mayor confianzaTheme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

Room 1Room 1 TTaller en inglésaller en inglésRoom 2Room 2 TTaller en inglésaller en inglésRoom 3Room 3 TTaller en inglésaller en inglésRoom 4Room 4 TTaller en inglésaller en inglés




WWorkfororkforce Engagement and Issues in HR - Sesión temática en inglésce Engagement and Issues in HR - Sesión temática en inglés

Room 1Room 1 VVirtual Enterprise - Sesión temática en inglésirtual Enterprise - Sesión temática en inglésRoom 2Room 2 Knowledge and Organizational Issues in Medical Institutions - Sesión temática en inglésKnowledge and Organizational Issues in Medical Institutions - Sesión temática en inglés





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Room 3Room 3 Conocimiento e innovación - Sesión temática en españolConocimiento e innovación - Sesión temática en españolEl conocimiento, la información y la tecnología como claves indispensables en los prEl conocimiento, la información y la tecnología como claves indispensables en los proyectos educativos:oyectos educativos:Posibilidades y riesgos en los países en desarrPosibilidades y riesgos en los países en desarrolloolloMtra. Liliana Edalid Aguilar Mancera, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),México, MexicoOverview: Análisis sobre las perspectivas que explican el conocimiento, la información y la tecnología como la basematerial de la sociedad actual y su relación con los proyectos educativos.Theme: 1.-Economia y Gestion de la Educacion

Cultura de Innovación: un estudio del potencial de innovación en las organizacionesCultura de Innovación: un estudio del potencial de innovación en las organizacionesDr. Juan Alberto Vargas Téllez, Escuela de Educación y Desarrollo Humano, Universidad De La Salle Bajío, León, MexicoOverview: Se presentan resultados de un estudio exploratorio sobre cultura de innovación empresarial.Theme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

Una rUna revisión de la literatura acerevisión de la literatura acerca de la cultura organizativa como determinante de los prca de la cultura organizativa como determinante de los procesos deocesos deinnovacióninnovaciónProf. Lizeth Serrano, Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research (INNOTEC), Universidad Industrial deSantander, Bucaramanga, ColombiaPaula Constanza Martinez Eslava, Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research (INNOTEC), UniversidadIndustrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, ColombiaCarlos Javier Jiménez Vargas, Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research (INNOTEC), UniversidadIndustrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, ColombiaEdna Rocío Bravo Ibarra, Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research (INNOTEC), Universidad Industrialde Santander, Bucaramanga, ColombiaOverview: En esta investigación se realizan una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica de la última década sob ecultura organizativa y los elementos clave para transformarla en una cultura de innovación.Theme: 4.-Economia y Cultura Organizacionales

Room 4Room 4 DiversityDiversity, Data, and Corporations - Sesión temática en inglés, Data, and Corporations - Sesión temática en inglés16:25-16:55 CLAUSURA DEL CONGRESOCLAUSURA DEL CONGRESO


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Abigail Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Mexico

Adachi Emiko Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Japan

Adela E. Bustamante Corona Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico

Adelaida Guzmán Alfaro Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico

Adeleye Olagoke London School of Business and Finance UK

Adrián Lozano Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico

Ahhmed Khondokar Masud Rumena Development Society Bangladesh

Airen Osaro Stephen F. Austin State University USA

Ajibade Saad Adeniran Procter and Gamble Nigeria

Alejandra Valdés Zamora Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico

Alejandro Álvarez-Marín Universidad de La Serena Chile

Alexander Myrtle Patricia University of St. Gallen Switzerland

Alexander Veronika Claremont Graduate University USA

Alharbi Ali Majmaah University Saudi Arabia

Ali Abdullah NGL Recovery Plant Saudi Arabia

Ali Amjad Pakistan International Human Rights Organization Pakistan

Antonio Blanc-Altemir Universidad de Lleida Spain

Aydin Bahadir Turkish Army War College Turkey

Banwo Adeleke Oladapo Jiangsu University China

Basri Gibor University of California, Berkeley USA

Beckett Ronald C. Deakin University Australia

Blaess Donna Concordia University Chicago USA

Bozkus Ismail Turkish Army War College Turkey

Breimaier Helga Elisabeth Medical University of Graz Austria

Busari Ola Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority South Africa

Butitova Darima University of Missouri USA

Caputo Tullio Carleton University Canada

Carlos Ribadeneira Universidad Estatal de Bolívar Ecuador

Carlos Alberto Acosta Riaño Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia

Chaudhry Abdus Sattar Kuwait University Kuwait

Chijide Matthew Emeka Alcatel-Lucent Nigeria

Cho Hyo Jin Seoul International School South Korea

Christian Acuña Opazo Universidad de La Serena Chile

Christova Evelina New Bulgarian University Bulgaria

Claudia Patricia Salgado Ibarra Universidad de Guanajuato Mexico

Coleman Lisa M. Harvard University USA

Cuyler Antonio C. Florida State University USA

Daniel A. Cernas Ortiz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Mexico

DeDominicis Benedict Edward Catholic University of Korea South Korea

Dobreva-Martinova Tzveta Defence Research and Development Canada Canada

Dominguez Andrea DeVry University USA

Dozier Raine Western Washington University USA

Drange Susan University of California, Los Angeles USA

Ebule Humphrey Perphan Standard Limited Nigeria

Edna Rocío Bravo Ibarra Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia

Ekhe Uzonna Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Nigeria

Eldred Diete Near East University Cyprus

Elias Maria Fernanda University of São Paulo Brazil

Géczy Peter National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan

Gibbons-Kunka Beatrice Robert Morris University USA

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Gimenez-Fernandez Elena M. Complutense University of Madrid Spain

Godden Lorraine Queen's University Canada

Goldberg Adam Centura Health USA

Golja Tea University of Pula Croatia

Hacifazlioglu Ozge İstanbul Kültür University Turkey

Hart Tabitha San Jose State University USA

Havas Beigi Fatemeh Central Insurance of Iran Islamic Republic of Iran

Herring Paula Devry University USA

Honea Joy Montana State University Billings USA

Ikpe Tennyson Alcatel-Lucent Nigeria

Indartono Setyabudi Yogyakarta State University Indonesia

Jessenia Morales Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia

Jessica Alejandra Rodríguez Roa Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico

Jesús Carlos González Melchor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico

Jewell Fiona Diversity by Design Pty Ltd. Australia

Joly Cédrine Montpellier Business School France

Jorge Luis Del Río Cortina Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar Colombia

Juan Alberto Vargas Téllez Universidad De La Salle Bajío Mexico

Juan Diego Osorio Florez Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia

Juan José Vizcaíno Figueroa Consejo de Educación Superior Ecuador

Julio Alberto Perea Sandoval Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales Colombia

Karabanow Jeff Dalhousie University Canada

Kasuganti Aneetha Rao Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay India

Katia Lorena Rodriguez Morales Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) Ecuador

Kato Kyoko Shibaura Institute of Technology Japan

Kaufmann Eric Sagatica USA

Krauter Joerg University of Gloucestershire Germany

Kuebler Frank Thomas SYNK GROUP Germany

Lampton Jolene Park University USA

Lesly Amador Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico

Levitt Steven The University of Texas at San Antonio USA

Lewis Amy Community College of Philadelphia USA

Liliana Edalid Aguilar Mancera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico

Lizeth Serrano Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia

Lucero Villagran Michele Woodbury University USA

Luz Patricia Pardo Martínez Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Colombia

Ma. Cruz Lozano Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Mexico

Marais Magalie Montpellier Business School France

María Magaly Vargas Ruiz Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico

Mario Luis Perossa Universidad Maimónides Argentina

Markov Georgi The Open University Germany

Mauricio Alfaro-Castillo Universidad de La Serena Chile

McCarthy Daniel J. Northeastern University USA

McConnell Lisa Oklahoma State University USA

McIntyre Michael Carleton University Canada

McKenzie Kelly East Stroudsurg University of Pennsylvania USA

Merlan Delfin Authentic Learning Experiences, Inc. USA

Merron Keith Avista Consulting Group, Inc. USA

Mettala Matilda Dimevo AB Sweden

Miguel Ángel González Melchor Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros Mexico

Miller Barbara J. Edinboro University USA

Nadim Abbas University of New Haven USA

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Nugent Paul Western Connecticut State University USA

O'Brien Jamie St. Norbert College USA

Ogbeni Ehosa Peter University of Bolton UK

Oji Kalu University of Salford UK

Okpomo Kenneth Independent Journalist and Researcher Nigeria

O'Loughlin Aila University of San Francisco USA

Oluikpe Paul Central Bank of Nigeria Nigeria

Omar Chabán García Corporación Universitaria del Caribe Colombia

Omekara Lilian Nkechi Community Social Humanitarian Project Nigeria

O'Sullivan Kathy Canadian University of Dubai United Arab Emirates

Patricia Margarita Dorantes Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Mexico

Pillado Arbide Liher Mondragon University Spain

Pousset Joanna University of Toulouse Spain

Pueschel Andrew Robert Morris University USA

Puffer Sheila M. Northeastern University USA

Pushchak Andrew J. Edinboro University USA

Qarqoudeh Salem International Young Leaders Dialog center Jordan

Quach Sophie Ludwig Maximilians University Germany

Raby Namika California State University, Long Beach USA

Rafael A. Méndez Universidad Surcolombiana Colombia

Rahim Emad Colorado Technical University USA

Raines Neus University of Missouri, Columbia USA

Rajan Roby University of Wisconsin, Parkside USA

Rehman Sajjad Kuwait University Kuwait

Richard Orlando Buitrago Reyes Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales Colombia

Rinaldini Matteo Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Italy

Robertson Christopher J. Northeastern University USA

Rosa López Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Ecuador

Rosenbaum David Australian Catholic University Australia

Saadi Azhar Mumtaz Government College University Faisalabad Pakistan

Saleh Doha King Saud University USA

Saleh Omar King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology USA

Sanoubar Nasser University of Tabriz Islamic Republic of Iran

Schmitt Ulrich University of Stellenbosch Business School Botswana

Shipman Stacy Bellarmine University USA

Shouldice Michael Steven Athabasca University Canada

Showkey Khaled Derwind Trading and Contracting Qatar

Spalek Seweryn Silesian University of Technology Poland

Spradley Elizabeth Stephen F. Austin State University USA

Spradley R. Tyler Stephen F. Austin State University USA

Sree Bhikkhu Milon Kanti Chakma Trisharan Foundation Of Bangladesh Bangladesh

Stephen Makoji Robert University Of Salford UK

Takahashi Rita San Francisco State University USA

Tania Hernández Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico

Tomei Patricia Amelia Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Tregunna Leigha Queen's University Canada

Treidler Bob Canadian Western Bank Canada

Udo Krauss SYNK GROUP Germany

Vachon Melanie Université du Québec à Montréal Canada

Walker Matt Northwest Missouri State University USA

Wang Ronghe Tsinghua University China

Washington Macías Rendón Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral Ecuador

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Yoo Min Kyung Freie Universität Germany

Zhou Shen Jinan Foreign Language School China

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journal issue, or an edited book. - Select papers addressing the special theme and compile them in an edited book to be

launched at the conference at the completion of the editor’s term. The chapters may be drawn from submissions to the journal during this or recent years, and other material as considered appropriate.

- Suggest plenary speakers for the conference, preferably from the conference locale, and also to contribute papers to the journal.

- Recommend the journal to your colleagues; solicit submissions from members of your professional network.

- Serve as an advisor for the selection of the International Award for Excellence and the papers to include in the Annual Review.

- Maintain a significant presence within the community via social media (e.g. via Facebook, Twitter, Community, and our website and monthly e-newsletter).

The editor will be offered a complimentary electronic subscription to the Organization Collection, an electronic subscription to the book imprint, and complimentary registrations to attend the conferences at the beginning and end of their term.

Applicants are asked to send the following to [email protected]

1. A cover letter outlining their interest and relevant experience2. CV3. A suggestion for a special theme with a paragraph explanation or outline.

The deadline for applications is June 15, 2015.

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19-20 April 2016 University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, USA “Climates of Change: Organizations in a Time of Ecological and Social Vulnerability”

ON THE ORGANIZATION CONFERENCE FOCUS Entering its sixteenth year, the conference will explore knowledge, culture, and change in organizations. The conference is a cross-disciplinary forum which brings together researchers, teachers, and practitioners to discuss the role of the organization. The resulting conversations weave between the theoretical and the empirical, research and application, market pragmatics and social idealism. CALL FOR PAPERS AND CONFERENCE DETAILS To learn more about the conference, including speakers, session formats, venue, and registration, visit the conference website at 2016 Special Focus – Climates of Change: Organizations in a Time of Ecological and Social Vulnerability RETURNING MEMBER REGISTRATION RATE We are pleased to offer a Returning Member Registration Discount to delegates who have attended the Organization Conference in the past. Returning members will receive a discount off the full conference and student registration rate. Please visit the registration page for details at