FIELD theory of the Paranormal

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  • 7/30/2019 FIELD theory of the Paranormal


    FIELD Theory in Graphic Form

    As a first step it is postulated that there is fundamental FIELD that

    underpins all creation. This FIELD exists outside of our 4-D space-time

    continuum and has one basic function. This function is to

    remember/record all events. As such it essentially an Information-field,

    but the term information is a little misleading in this context, and instead

    the term/word pattern is used to refer to this concept. The following

    diagram illustrates the basic scenario.

    Although there is no conclusive evidence that our Cosmos is but one ofmany in the Multiverse, the latter scenario seems most likely. In fact

    recent satellite-based astral findings have hinted at another universe.

    The diagram shows each differing universe with its own 4-D space-time

    limited contents demarcated by a surrounding bubble. The surface of

    each bubble represents the quantum field (QF) of the universe

    concerned. This QF film may be regarded as a barrier to contamination

    by other universes with different Laws of Physics and Life histories.

    Without such a barrier or placenta any entanglement between two

    universes leads to an immediate merging of dissimilar pattern and an

    immediate decoherence of both entities. This is in effect a mutually

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    assured destruction scenario, and one to be avoided at all costs. This

    FIELD-pattern property to form a bubble we call an i-pac (lit

    information packet) for abbreviation. Here are shown the i-pacs of

    complete universes being held in the FIELD. For brevity such a form of

    any i-pac can be labelled as IF-pac to indicate its location (lit. InformationField based i-pac).

    Hence our own Cosmos possesses its own IF-pac/Universe, and what

    science calls the Quantum Field (QF) is only a transitional barrier

    between the Material Reality (MR) of our own existence(s) and the Virtual

    Reality (VR) of the deep FIELD-pattern.

    The QF has a function which is to change/transmute FIELD-pattern into

    a form that contains the suitable pattern/information contents for our own

    Universe. Each separate universe has its own unique QF barrier. Whether

    the emergent laws of physics also differ for each IF-pac is conjectural, but

    the contained life-histories will most certainly be unique to each Cosmos.

    It is a proven finding/rule of quantum mechanics that particle-pairs of

    opposite electrical charge are continuously emerging from the vacuum of

    space and then instantaneously vanishing in self-annihilating flash ofenergy (Casimir effect and Hawking radiation). Nano-particles such as the

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    photon or the electron show physical properties that are both wave-like

    and particle-like. Known as wave-particle duality (WPD) this strange

    finding of fundamental physics is explained in FIELD theory by the

    concept ofoscillation. In essence a very small MR particle can oscillate

    between its normal (to our eyes) MR-based existence and its VR-basedone as an i-pac held in the QF. The time rate/speed of this oscillation is

    unknown but likely to be extremely rapid. For the photon it may quite

    likely be a periodicity of the Planck-second (the shortest possible unit of

    time). Since this time interval cannot be halved, no physical clock could

    identify/measure it, but even so it can still be regarded as an oscillation,

    albeit an extremely rapid one.

    The slide graphic illustration above shows this as it happens with varying


    It seems likely that not only is the QF a barrier, but it is also a

    translator/transformer of FIELD-pattern into a local QF-pattern

    appropriate for our own universe. It seems likely that it is in the QF that i-

    pac pattern is held that pertains to our Cosmos, and it is from this

    region that what science recognises as the Laws of Physics actually

    emerge. This concept is to some extent at variance with the current

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    dogma of physics, which is that these Laws/Rules were inserted at the

    time of the Big Bang. FIELD theory is more on-going than this and

    regards everything as a much more dynamic process, with each and

    every nano-particle remembering its QF-pattern via this process of

    oscillation between MRVR.

    The point about such a concept is that it gives intellectual room for

    manoeuvre as regards possible evolution/change of physical laws over

    aeons of time. Again recent astrophysics has given hints (hotly debated)

    that such constants like the speed of light, or the fine constantwhich are

    staple building blocks of physics may have had different values in the

    distant past. A static view that all was fixed at the instant of the Big

    Bang singularity finds it harder to cope with any such changes, than does

    this more dynamic concept. Other routine concepts of quantum

    mechanics and its strange behaviour outcomes are also quite easilyconceptualised by reference to an underlying FIELD (with its

    subdivisions) as shown below.

    It is possible to entangle two separate particles (photon, electron for

    example) with differing intrinsic properties (spin) and make them into one

    single thing. Shown here p1 and p2 become a single particle-pair.

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    Imagine this as merging a black and a white tennis ball into a larger,

    fuzzier single grey one. It is possible then to split this grey ball into

    two parts and keep one part (grey) in London, and send the other one

    (also grey) to New York. In order to do this you have to put each grey

    tennis ball into its own special closed box. Now when the closed boxarrives at New York it still has a grey ball inside it. The recipient, being a

    curious individual, now opens the box to see what colour his tennis ball

    is. He finds that it is white (50-50 chance either way). Now here is the

    funny bit. The box sitting on the lab bench in London also instantly

    dissolves and out pops a black tennis ball (the other twin of the original

    pair), even though no-one touched it.

    This creates immediate questions. How did the London box/particle

    know, and who/what told it? Also since it obviously did know in the

    event (by whatever means) how quickly does London update its boxversion with that of New York? Instantly is the answer is in fact. This

    has been tested by experiment and the current best measurement is at

    least 10,000X faster than light. But nothing can travel faster than light

    comes the wail (Einstein). Well the QF-pac/p1 and QF-pac/p2 lie outside

    space-time. When our two tennis balls, p1 and p2 are entangled a single

    QF-pac/p1,p2 is created in VR FIELD-pattern. One can then separate

    the MR grey tennis balls while each is still oscillating with this single QF-

    pac. When one box is opened (the particle is read in physics terms), then

    that New York tennis ball now oscillates on its own. This in turn decoheres(destroys) the single QF-pac/p1,p2 and the bubble bursts. The London

    box now instantly changes to the white tennis ball. All this is possible

    because if both these i-pac bubble pattern mechanisms are combined

    with particle MRVR oscillation then you can separate each box to

    opposite ends of the universe but the common i-pac/LINK is still

    maintained outside space-time.

    Another very similar phenomenon of quantum mechanics is called

    tunnelling. Electrons can sometimes tunnel through barriers, in a rather

    like Beam me across Scotty kind of fashion. This next slide shows the

    how it can be explained.

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    A single electron possesses a QF-pac/ELECTRON. In this wave-phasewhen it has oscillated into VR-format it is spread out. There is however a

    focus-point which is usually at the centre (99% of the time), but this

    focus can waver about. If a VRMR oscillation phase should commence

    when the focus is off-centre, then the MR electron particle will re-emerge

    in a different spot. This exotic event may seem very esoteric to the

    layman, but as computer chip circuits are micro-miniaturised to virtually

    atomic sized levels, this process causes great problems for computer

    designers. The electrons keep jumping the gates/circuits causing

    computer error effects.

    We can now start to see how the weird phenomena that quantum physics

    demonstrates can be much more easily conceptualised mentally by

    imagining this FIELD that lies outside space-time. Indeed, in that sense

    quantum physics is in fact a reflection in MR of VR FIELD-pattern

    which is allowed by the process that we have called oscillation.

    Now we shall take things further up into the much larger familiar world of

    our universe to describe what we call Life.

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    Things all start to merge, both in the physical sense and in the patternsense. The porosity of the QF barrier exists up to level of single atoms,

    but above that it seems large molecules are held back. A similar effect

    can be seen in the Bose-Einstein Condensate which is version of the

    tennis balls idea, but this time one has a whole basket of grey tennis

    balls in the thousands. However if one adds one ball too many or a

    different one (a golf ball) then once again the i-pac bursts. The

    oscillation process has become too large for the grid or it is too

    different. Large molecules can still oscillate but they have to do it by

    reverting to smaller component parts. This process also explains Rupert

    Sheldrakes observation that new chemical compounds are initially hard to

    crystallise, but that this procedure becomes quicker with time. The initial

    QF-pac/CHEMICAL is completely new and hence is weak and diffuse,

    but with repetition and more oscillation access becomes more and more

    rapid and functional as the QF-pac consolidates. The next stage in the

    whole process is to show how LIFE emerges in this scenario.

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    At school one is taught that chemical reactions increase their speed andsuccess rates with a rise in temperature. A 10C rise in warmth leads to a

    doubling in reaction rate. Cool or freeze things, and it may take years or

    forever. However this is only true within a certain range. Too hot and you

    end up with a plasma of dissociated ions (eg. the sun) but what happens

    at the cold end close to absolute zero? It is the case that once the

    thermal agitation of atoms/molecules are reduced to minimal levels (a lab-

    created Bose-Einstein Condensate needs temperatures within a few

    thousandths of absolute zero to exist) then the strange effects of the

    quantum world start to determine matters. Far from being inactive the

    extreme cold of deep space allows quantum entanglementprocesses to

    operate and complex molecules are now being detected for the first time

    in deep space. It has recently been discovered that water permits

    quantum superposition states in regions immediately below the surface

    membrane. This fact gives a means whereby complex proteins can hold

    such states of superposition while undergoing interactions/reactions or

    protein folding. This lays the foundations for the emergence of a

    completely self-contained and self-replicating computing mechanism that

    we recognise as the living cell. Indeed a good definition of life can be

    summed up by the phrase Quantum computation at ambienttemperature. The phrase ambient temperature refers to the necessity

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    for the presence of water. Once this waterprotein molecular quantum

    computer has been set up the oscillation processes are mediated by

    biophotons. Let us now see how this starts to operate in the world of the


    Life can be unicellular, such as bacteria, protozoa and algae. The next

    stage of course is to start to merge these cells into a greater whole.

    There is an interesting halfway-house in this Ladder of Progress, and

    this is the slime mould. This has the interesting property of existing as amass of single cells at certain times of its life-cycle, but then uniting to

    form a single organism with specialised cells with spore buds. This

    involves each cell entering the quantum state of BOTH/AND. An individual

    cell becomes BOTH itself AND the larger complete mould. The moulds

    show how this BOTH/AND state with its i-pac counterparts are in a still

    reversible stage. In the adult person however all cells are entangled with

    the whole body in the BOTH/AND state. A liver cell is thus BOTH a liver cell

    doing its livery things, AND it is You obeying your commands and living

    with its neighbours. If it should stop doing this then this BOTH/AND state

    will cease, and it will now compute a state of SELF. That is to say it reverts

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    back to a more primitive state and will do its own thing in a wild

    fashion. It may decide to compute a state of NOT (apoptosis) and simply

    involute and die ( a necessary and common aspect of embryogenesis), or

    it may stay in a state of SELF and start to do what all single cells are

    programmed to do, which is to replicate itself. That is what medicinerecognises as cancer.

    Individual body cells also oscillate and the bodys cells are endlessly dying

    and being regenerated throughout life. Each with their own QF-pac/CELL

    cycle and reincarnate in their own time periods (90 days for a red blood

    cell). This cycle-oscillation process occurs in exactly the same way with

    whole organism/person but now over a longer time period say around

    three score years and ten. This process is of course what interests us the

    most and is shown in the next slide.

    Throughout life every living creature creates its own QF-PAC/CREATURE

    which is in effect its complete life-history down to the sub-atomic level.

    This is held within the QF during its life-time, a fact that we can label as

    {QF-pac/ANIMAL}/L1. The L1 shorthand label refers to current life (Life

    number one). This is needed because it must be remembered that this is a

    dynamic and on-going process that has occurred many times in the past.

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    This same animal/person has had many previous existences all of which

    are also held in entangled form in a larger and deeper i-pac bubble that

    we label as an IF-pac/PERSON. These earlier lives we refer to in a top-

    downwards fashion as L2,L3,L4. extending backwards into the deep

    past. All these QF-pac/PERSON oscillations are mediated by biophotonsthroughout life. At death however this process is interrupted. There are

    no more biophoton uploads and a temporary stage of stasis results with

    the QF-pac/PERSON frozen. This phase we think does indeed exist and

    we see evidence for it in our para-pics. The ancient Egyptians had the

    notion of the Ka which was a state of spirit that was tied to the body.

    Many primitive peoples had similar notions, and quite possibly the early

    propensity to bury the dead within the confines of early households was

    based upon a strong sense/intuition that the late departed were indeed

    still there.

    The frozen Ka-stage is only a temporary situation however. There is a 2nd

    stage which is the absorption or entanglementof the QF-pac/PERSON

    into the larger whole {IF-PAC/PERSON}/L2,L3,L4. This process takes

    some time from our MR perspective, and both tradition and our para-pic

    downloads seem to indicate it takes about six weeks for the process to

    complete and the new {IF-pac/PERSON}/L1,L2,L3 to emerge. Note

    how the labelling of the lives has changed to show how this library of

    lives process of stacking/filing takes place.

    However this is a process ofoscillation. The next stage must occur and

    this is in fact the re-insertion or better re-association of the stored IF-

    pac/person into the shell of a new life form, or baby in fact. It seems

    likely that this process too needs entanglement and thus the new cell

    biophoton emission pattern will need to closely match the existing IF-

    pac Pattern. We strongly suspect that these patterns are in turn

    determined by the specific DNA+proteome quantum computation

    processes with liquid water. Thus this means that in order to re-incarnate

    successfully an IF-pac needs a suitable and compatible body. When

    life-histories interact the associated QF-pacs also entangle.

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    This process is shown by this slide. There are many lifetime interactions in

    reality of course and this mental image could be made vastly morecomplex. The same links are also maintained with entangled IF-pacs such

    as a deceased grandparent. Religious concepts are now starting to loom

    ever larger. A local {QF-pac/PERSON}/L1 we can call a spirit if we wish.

    The deeper {IF-pac/PERSON}/L2,L3,L4 is of course a soul. The FIELD

    itself outside space-time is Heaven and the entire recorded contents or

    TOTALITY we can call GOD if we wish. Note however that this is all

    described in terms of used by science, especially quantum mechanics.

    The FIELD is best regarded as a thing, just like the sea happens to be. It

    has certain rules, most notably this i-pac bubble-like parcelling up oflike-with-like pattern, and also this process of entanglement which is

    much the same process really. The sea is not a Neptune kind of person

    and needs no sacrifices. Understand the sea and be aware of the weather

    forecast and your little sailing boat will most likely survive. The FIELD also

    just is and needs no kind of placatory activities or praise. It does contain

    all pattern and thus knows and sees itself in the fashion that we

    understand terms, and also as all other life-forms do. The concept may

    seem impersonal, but in fact You are in there as well as all your kith

    and kin, past and present. It does not get more personal than that.Indeed the Supreme Being watching over you and your welfare is you

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    yourself as the IF-pac/YOU. It is from here that spiritual revelations


    Paranormal phenomena become easily explicable.

    Telepathy becomes a version of that grey tennis ball experiment

    described earlier, with QF-pac FIELD entanglementmechanisms at the

    root of it. Note however that for the human species our logical

    thinking/planning mind networks are cut off from the older and much

    more ancient neural networks that we call the subconscious. That is why

    telepathic communications are visceral in form. Emotional gut feelings

    as it were, but occasionally the visual networks are involved since the

    latter have a good wiring into the subconscious. The phrase one picture

    is worth a thousand words has its basis in this simple fact and complete

    wars are lost because of it (Vietnam). Hence one gets the reports of

    apparitions of friends/family who have come to grief on far-off

    battlefields. Language and verbal communications are processed

    differently, except for music and alarm sounds.

    The real importance of these para-pics is that they are evidence for the

    veracity of this FIELD hypothesis and the underlying mechanisms of

    access. They show this texting process via biophotons to the great

    computing Cloud in the sky as processes that actually happens and can

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    be fixed and accessed. The next slide shows this fixing process by

    camera in action

    The {QF-pac}/PSYCHIC (TL in our case) entangles with an IF-pac (for a

    soul or a ghost) or with another QF-pac for simple telepathy. This in

    turn leads to an intense biophoton based process interacting with the

    quantum processes on the water molecules in the vapour. This is most

    marked in the immediate sub-surface layers of water so a very small

    droplet is a complete 3-D recorder whereas a bowl has only the more

    superficial 2-D surface available. Hence water vapour tends to be

    fuzzier because of the vapour droplet dispersal effects, but by being 3-Din format has got more actual stuff going on and hence background

    information. The latter of course inevitably has a great deal image super-

    imposition, very much like a standard X-ray and hence it can be very hard

    to decipher. The biophoton interactions with quantum superposition states

    in the water molecules create what a physicist calls excitons, otherwise

    called electron-hole pairs. An exciton has the peculiar property of being

    able to re-emit an incoming photon as an outgoing photon at a different

    wavelength. That is to say it creates a mechanism whereby both form and

    colour can be created/drawn in what are otherwise simple amorphoussteam vapour clouds. These processes are in fact therefore fluorescence

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    or the actual re-emissions of light photons from the vapour to the

    incoming photons of the camera flash mechanism, and it is these that are

    caught on the digital SMS chip of the camera. Any image can be examined

    and argued over at leisure, but the contents are all too frequently an eye-

    opener. Indeed when a session is going well TL sees these intensebiophoton effects as red-yellow flames/incandescence in the centre of

    the steam cloud vapour. The background must be a light-absorbent matt-

    black surface or else the photons of the camera-flash reflect back and

    cause interference and image wipe-out.

    Very recently Tina Laurent (TL) identified (via Hash Dreaming) that the

    same single image had been taken by Angela Young (AY) and Orion

    Silverstar (OS) but in completely different locations. It seems absolutely

    amazing/stunning at first sight. However if the reader has understood

    what has been written so far it is all so obvious. This last slide shows whathas happened. Remember that all these people involved have worked

    together and interacted between themselves for a while, so their own QF-

    pacs have become entangled.

    This common point of QF-pac entanglement between all three is where

    the i-pac/SENDER has interacted, and thus all three can now fix the same

    message. This same kind of process can explain how thousands ofbelievers (all entangled by a subconscious neural network), can all

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    simultaneously see the Virgin Mary at once since the IF-pac/VIRGIN

    MARYcan now entangle in its own turn with this pattern-in-common

    and download via the visual pathways which has already been explained

    can access the subconscious.

    You dont believe in Gods or the Virgin Mary either? Well you may need

    to rethink that attitude. Here is a God for you:-

    This is the God of the ancient Egyptian civilisation that they calledHORUS. In fact this is culled from ancient Greek translations, and the

    word Haru is apparently more accurate. We can leave that to the

    scholars here however and ponder how this iconic image can appear at

    all. In fact millions of minds over thousands of years created/visualised

    this image as pattern-in-common. As such Horus has been created

    by them and if they believed in him/it they could access the FIELD

    thereby. It is the ancient subconscious mechanism of belief that can

    access the FIELD. The will is a different mechanism related to the

    spotlight of attention mechanism in our minds. This spotlight when

    focussed within our logical higher brain networks, can indeed influence

    our thoughts, attitudes and behaviour. It does not access the FIELD

    however, so simply praying with the words does not work. Feelings

    combined with a sense of wordless intent is what should be used.

    We can show this process diagrammatically. In the next slide HORUS is

    created at the point of intersection of the differing i-pacs of the

    worshippers/believers all of whom are holding the same identical mental

    visualisation of the god. Do their prayers then have any effect? Well it

    may possibly affect FIELD-pattern in that there is an alteration inprobability of outcome. This effect is most likely a diffusion between

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    closely entangled i-pacs rather than having effects very far out into the

    wider world. Note however that this concept demotes the idea of a god

    any god to a mechanism rather than the god itself. It is not so much

    the god, but the strong subconscious belief neural mechanisms that kick

    in to drive the biophotons that access the FIELD. As long as you believethen anything will do, green cows even, it is the access that matters.

    Another strange phenomenon that has been reported and written up in a

    book (The Hearts Code by Paul Pearsall) is the transplantation ofmemory. Although very uncommon just occasionally the surviving

    recipient of a successful organ transplant (usually heart) will subsequently

    report a drastic change of tastes or habits. Sometimes fragmentary

    memories of a flashback nature occur of an un-experienced event such

    as a car crash. These new memories accord with the transplant donor

    who perhaps was a victim of a motor vehicle accident. Medicine/science

    seems to completely ignore these reports, regarding them as anecdotal

    or the consequence of the strong immune-suppressive drug regime that is

    required even for the successful cases. However it could all be perfectly

    possible as the next slide shows:-

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    Again this can be easily understood by reference to i-pacs in a virtualmemory field. The still living donor heart is still computing and entangled

    with the QF-pac/DONOR. Once inside the patients body then it too

    entangles with the QF-pac/PATIENT. Since the donor heart is entangled

    with the QF-pac/DONOR it also has access to other pattern that is held

    there. A successful transplant take means that in turn the donor heart i-

    pac will entangle with the QF-pac/PATIENT and thus enable the patient

    to access pattern held in the donor IF-pac. Note that this memory

    access is all downloaded into the subconscious neural networks, and are

    hence confined to feelings, musical likes/dislikes, and tastes for food with

    the occasional visual and emotional scene of the flashback variety.

    The patients conscious mind has no access to any kind of language-

    based donor pattern.

    This has started with electrons on the laboratory bench and ended up with

    Gods and heart transplant surgery via the paranormal. One just needs the

    FIELD concept to get it all to flow smoothly. Many will say that there is no

    evidence despite the para-pics and other strange events and

    phenomena. However it has not been lost upon our small group that

    serious quantum physicists themselves are now saying that their currenttheory is not enough, and that there must be something else that

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    underlies it all. One thing in favour ofFIELD-Theory is how it brings so

    much under one single mental umbrella. There is hard science, the para-

    normal and organised religious precepts all of which can be

    accommodated within this single paradigm. Para-pics help to underscore

    these ideas, and are quite easily understood or decoded by reference tothem and applying them.

    Think about it.

    Hugh Fairman

    Tina Laurent

    August 2013