Field Manual - Dylan's BattleTech Emporium Manual Wolverine 0.4 Preview... · Field Manual...


Transcript of Field Manual - Dylan's BattleTech Emporium Manual Wolverine 0.4 Preview... · Field Manual...

Field ManualWolverine

Revision 0.4Preview Release

Author/Editor's Note: As a preview release, please be aware that there will be formatting errors and missing sections. I am aware of these, so please do not report them. I still have thick stack of

notes to incorporate into this book. And a LOT of names and skills to randomly generate.

A Fan WorkWritten And Edited By

Dylan MyersOperating Under The Aliases

Ralgith t'Mayasara Of Mordel's Bar & GrillAnd

Erian Hendvarden of Shrike Heavy Industries

Readers should note that this fan work, while laid out along the general lines of the official Field Manuals, will also be different in many respects. Taking a page from the Jade Falcon and Wolf source books it will give very detailed information on each military unit. I would also like to note that there

will be very little artwork in the first edition of this work, as I am not an artist. If anyone would like to contribute art for use in future revisions/editions of this book, or would just like to comment, you can

email me at [email protected] You

The Trials of Fate

Nadir Jump PointHaven, Wolverine Space09:30 Local, 06:15 TST6 January 3063

As the missiles impact the hull; the only thought to cross Galaxy Admiral Thalia Sogoku's mind was that little has changed in the time since her clan was driven from their homes during a trial of annihilation waged by the other clans. This nightmare of life could only be one human trying to kill another. Yet despite impacts and explosions against the starboard bow, Thalia felt hope. Her clan had decided to join with the Inner Sphere and the rebuilt Star League, as the Nova Cats had done before them.

Of course, there was an added difficulty, officially her clan no longer existed. Thus, when the Khans presented themselves before the Star League Council and revealed their home worlds and other information, it managed to fall into the hands of Khan Vladimir Ward of Clan Wolf. In a righteous fury the Wolves attacked, with Clans Ghost Bear and Jade Falcon coming immediately after. So far the battle had been contained away from the worlds surfaces by the far superior navy of the Wolverines. With only three home worlds to defend and a Navy to rival that of a nation of 200 worlds it is no wonder they were able to hold back the other three Clans.

Aboard her flagship, the Gulo, lead battleship of her class, the Admiral's thoughts are interrupted by the holotank emitting a bright flare as another ship disintegrated under a withering barrage of concentrated fire. This time it is one of her own, the Whirlwind class destroyer Jackboot. Ordering her other Gulo class ship, the Jarfr, to intercept the Wolf heavy cruiser that is attempting to take advantage of the gap in coverage left by the failed destroyer she once again puts her full concentration into the fight.

In the holotank a pair of Literature Class light cruisers, the Homer and the Sir Thomas Mallory, and the Cameron Class heavy cruiser Cameron's Legacy, converge upon a Wolf battleship and fire everything that can be brought to bear. Succeeding in crippling the larger ship, they do not however escape unscathed. The battleship pours

forth a broadside against the Mallory as it dives past on full thrust. A burst from a naval grade autocannon tears a gaping hole in her amidships port; releasing a gout of atmosphere and causing great internal damage. The Mallory's drive flares flicker and then quit altogether for a few moments. When they are re-lit, she proceeds under noticeably less power.

The Vortex Class heavy cruiser Red Lightning moves off to intercept a Jade Falcon aerospace fighter wing attempting to bypass the heavy blockade. She launches her full complement of fighters, as do both of her carrier dropships and both of her assault dropships which also launch for the interception.

The Lonestar State, a Texas Class battleship recovered during Operation “Recovery Blue” vents atmosphere and breaks in half under a hail of fire from the the apparent Wolf flagship. Thalia is saddened by this loss of a ship surviving since the original Star League. It has served her well though, accounting for two Wolf cruisers and a destroyer before becoming a casualty herself. Issuing orders to send the Rescue & Recovery ships in to take care of any survivors trapped in the two pieces of the former pride of the world Alamo, she pushes her mourning for the crew to the back of her mind, to be dealt with at a more appropriate time.

Ordering her comm tech to signal the planet, Haven, she briefs planetary command on the current situation and her estimation that this time the Wolves would succeed in breaking her lines and landing on the planet. As saKhan William Hennesy acknowledges and signs off she can see the rest of the command center crew begin repositioning the 3 galaxies currently posted to Haven in response to the moment.

Mere seconds after turning back to the holotank to order the tightening of her own lines and a slow withdrawal back nearer the planet; all her grief and hope is ended as a heavy naval gauss slug rips through the bridge and a large sheet of bulkhead is sheared off; slicing her in half. She is the lucky one, as many cannot escape into the corridors before the bulkhead doors automatically close; and thus die of asphyxiation in the cold dead of space.


Khan Alyssa Charikov

Herein you will find our most current and up to date unit rosters, significant points in our history (which you no doubt are already aware of), and a brief on the current state of affairs. I hope this will of be of use to you in planning our campaign against the Steel Wolves.

First presented is the historical data I spoke of. In this section you will find the dossiers of the prominent figures in our past; the true information, not the aggrandized version for The Remembrance. It is vital that you know the truth of many things that have traditionally been left only in the historical annals I keep as Loremaster.

In the following section I give a brief on all current affairs, and the affects they have on the Wolverines. This includes our dealings with the new Star League as well as with each individual House and Nation. I have included here many of the classified covert contacts we have had with the Inner Sphere during our hiatus here in The Gulo's Burrow.

The third section I have devoted to the current status of our units assigned to the Star League Defense Force. As you are aware, we must keep enough units back from the front lines with the Wolves to replace the units rotating home from duty with the SLDF. I recommend giving those returning units a minimum of three months R & R before sending them into the battle with the Wolves. However we will proceed in whatever manner you decide fits the situation best.

The fourth, and most lengthy section, of this document is that which describes our complete table of organization and equipment. Following the practice of the Star League Member States, I have presented this section as they do, by Galaxy then broken down. I have included in this section a full readiness report on our naval assets as well, though after the Battle of Nine Days, I fear this data is not promising.

In addition to the details of our current state of readiness I have done some research into our current production capabilities. This makes up the fifth and final section of this document. I have included the new designs our lower castes are building, and some technical specifications for a few prototype mechs for your approval. We all know how important these new designs will be to the fate of our clan. Of utmost importance are the new stealth naval vessels, and while you have already approved production only two have been completed. Four more hulls are under construction, but it will be months before we see them launched. Interestingly enough these designs are being called Submarines, or The Silent Service by the yard crews; an honorarium to the way they perform much the same as true submarines did in the Terran blue water navy of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Loremaster Kazuo Xeverian11 January 3063

The Wolverine's Descent

During the time of trials, when we were judged in jealousy by our fellows, our foreseeing Khans chose to banish us from the haven of Kerensky. In this way we have come to our new homes far across space. Here, at Haven, Alamo, and Longing we have waited these many years.

Having little contact with the Inner Sphere and the other clans we have thrived here in this new home. With the addition of Holdfast and Stormwinds as well as a small host of eleven other protectorate worlds as yet unnamed. These worlds also as yet hidden; even though we have revealed ourselves. In these ways we have become strong. Our contacts within the other clans have continued to send us valuable technological data; as well as keeping us informed as to the intentions of the other clans. In this way we have remained hidden, yet also aware.

At the same time our warriors who have traveled into the Inner Sphere and posed as mercenary bands have also learned and reported much. Reporting to us on new technological advancements, political status, and military strengths. For long we have waited and watched for what has so recently occurred. And now our patience is rewarded, for we are once again Star League.

Escape From Our FellowsWhen we were cast out of our homes in 2823 and

told to flee while many of our warriors stayed behind to cover our escape, we were weak. But not impotent. The cluster of Widowmaker that discovered and challenged us during our withdrawal was slaughtered utterly. And again when sighted by a Wolf destroyer 3 jumps into our journey, our warships took no pity and had no mercy. Thus we escaped. Thus we survived.

Making our way around the edge of the Inner Sphere seeking a new home, we realized we would never make it to any place where we could settle down unless we had more supplies. Thus, we raided into the space controlled by House Kurita, where we were nearest to the Inner Sphere.

During the last of these raids, we released political prisoners in exchange for their vows to join us. These persons became a part of our clan, but were not truly accepted until they proved their worth in battle, or became members of other castes. Many of them succeeded in their testing to become warriors. In this way we have strengthened ourselves. As part of these trials we have established new Blood Names.

Recovery BlueAs part of our quest for self reliance and safety,

2827 saw the sending of three of our Warships, and a half dozen transports carrying those among us with training in the operation of jumpships and warships that could be spared jumped into the very heart of the Inner Sphere, a

mere 17 light years below Terra on the galactic plane. Here, as had been hoped, a Star League cache of decommissioned ships awaited. Within a month our technicians had restored seven warships, eight dropships, and three jumpships.

These warships, the Cameron Class Cameron's Legacy and First Lord's Remembrance, the Texas Class Lonestar State, the Lola III Class Dedication, Triumph, Honor, and Courage became the core of our new fleet.

The recovered jumpships, the Star Lord class Richard, the Monolith class Heart's Requiem, and the Invader class To Seek To Find, and the dropships, of which there were three Overlord class and eight Union class, greatly expanded our transport capabilities. This allowed us to spread out from the cramped confines we had occupied these many months. It also allowed the bringing in of our mechs from where they had been strapped to the exteriors of the ships where we had stored them when we did not have enough room.

With this new bounty, we once again set sail in search of our new homes. Homes we at last found in the form of three planets in systems close enough together, and rich in both native plant and wildlife as well as natural resources. Not to be counted second to the fact that all three were habitable by humans.

Yet as we explored these systems, we discovered to our great bounty that the asteroid belt in the system we have chosen to call Haven is rich in metals and other natural resources needed to construct the implements of war. Of our defense we were now assured.

Growing PainsNot having joined Kerensky's great Exodus, and

not having lived as part of Clan Society, many of those who joined us from Kurita space began having problems with the way of our lives. In late 2828 this led to the first and only Wolverine civil war.

During the war, which was post completion declared a trial of grievance, these freeborn warriors won the right of equality with trueborns. This brought about a great reorganization of both thought and act within the Clan. In this way we were the first clan to truly integrate both freeborn and trueborn into a single society without strife and jealousy.

It was around this time also that a ship from the Inner Sphere appeared at the Nadir jump point of the Alamo system. It jumped out on Lithium Fusion batteries less than an hour later. As we had not yet built the space station that is there today, and no warships were patrolling that far out. We remained undiscovered since it did not wait long enough for long range scan data to reach it. It must have been one of the last Lithium Fusion ships left to the Inner Sphere nations.

Still, this incident created fear and caused the great expansion of both our fleet and space station and satellite

defenses. By 2904 our navy had reached a peak of 33 light warships and 17 heavy warships.

This peak remained until Wolf's Dragoons entered the Inner Sphere as mercenaries. Knowing the origin of the Dragoons; we once again began building Warships. Upon the date of our rejoining the Star League our navy numbered 52 light warships and 26 heavy warships.

Attack, Despair, And The Nine DaysDuring nine hellish days of combat in the space

surrounding our planets this fleet sold itself dearly and proved its worth. Preventing any Wolf, Falcon, or Ghost Bear ships from reaching planet fall. As was agreed on in the batchall, once troops from any attacking clan made planet fall the battle in space was over. The outcome of which to be decided by the warriors on the ground.

Those nine days saw the loss of many ships, and our beloved Admiral Thalia. Many lives were lost, and much matériel, but once again our Warriors proved their worth.

Also proven in this time was the genius of our Scientist and Technician classes, as the new Warship designs commissioned after Wolf's Dragoons' appearance in the Inner Sphere proved their mettle beyond doubt. Among these the Erebus class Battleship. The Erebus and her sisters the Hades and the Styx all survived the Nine Days with excellent battle records; though both the Erebus and the Styx were laid up in dry dock for almost a year afterward.

Another design that stood out during this time was the Literature class light cruiser. Having 20 of these in

service at the start of The Nine Days; only fourteen survived. Five of which will spend a long time in dry dock, and another three of which are likely to be scrapped due to overwhelming damage. However, the reason for this is that these ships held the line. Oft times facing the fire of Battle Cruisers and even Battleships. Never intended for such hard usage, they never the less performed admirably.

The losses suffered during the hell of the Nine Days are staggering. A total of 19 Warships destroyed outright. Another 7 damaged so severely they are either consigned to scrap or likely will be. There are also 13 ships in dry dock or moored nearby awaiting their turn. Many of the ships requiring dry dock time will be there for 9 months to a year. We also sustained serious damage to Haven's Nadir point station, which of course means we've lost the use of the dry dock facilities that were damaged there.

I fear the worst damage however was to our asteroid facilities. A dozen or so of our mining projects were summarily destroyed by the two Ghost Bear destroyers that descended upon the belt. Four of the seven ore processing stations were also destroyed by the Ghost Bear ships. The drop in our production capabilities here at Haven is not quite made up for by the new facilities coming on line in Stormwinds.

The Holdfast space yards will hopefully be fully up and running by the end of March as well. This will restore our Warship production to greater than it was prior to our joining the new Star League and the subsequent attacks. As you know this is where the Pulsar, Quasar, and their 4 sisters still under construction reside. Hopefully these new stealth Warships will be worth their cost.

Affairs of State

The Star LeagueWhen we rejoined the Star League after it's rebirth,

we agreed to devote a significant portion of our own military resources to the SLDF. We also agreed to a political alliance that put our Clan on the same level as the five Great Houses. This includes a place on the Council, with the caveat that either our Khan or saKhan can represent our seat.

The military terms of our alliance require we have a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 25% of our units in service with the SLDF. We currently, due to the ongoing war with the Steel Wolves, are only barely meeting the minimum.

The 331st Royal BattleMech Galaxy is serving in full. As is the 4th Naval Star, and the 11th Strike Cluster. The 7th Assault Cluster and 3rd Strike Clusters are both enroute as well; placing over half, with the 11th Strike Cluster, of the 12th BattleMech Galaxy in SLDF service as well. As you are aware, it is our intention to have the entire 12th in service by the end of the year.

Federated CommonwealthThe Federated Commonwealth, under the rule of

Victor Steiner-Davion, is our closest ally politically. Victor is accepting and open minded about our people, and judges us by our actions. In this, as well as his military record, we have found a great respect for him.

Victor has allowed us a favored trade status equal to that of any of the Great Houses for so long as we maintain our allegiance to the reborn Star League. In this, it is my belief that he knows we will never forgo our oath of fealty to the office of the First Lord.

Victor also shows us great honor in the trust he has shown us by allowing our Warships free passage in his realm. No other Great House has allowed us this freedom unless the ship is in SLDF service at the time. The other Houses and even the Periphery States require our ships to be escorted at all times while in their space.

Lyran AllianceThe Lyran Alliance under Peter Steiner-Davion is

our most staunch supporter after Victor's Federated Commonwealth. We're unsure if this is due to the familial relationship with Victor, or due to Peter's honest opinions of us. Regardless of the reasoning, Peter has been almost as good to us as Victor has; though without the warmth of Victors embassy.

Our trade relations with the Alliance are a matter of some contention among factions within the Clan, as many feel we're trading too much of our military technology with them. As I have made you aware on previous occasions, I share this opinion. Our more advanced technology and innovative designs give our forces an edge that we would

do well to keep in the event of betrayal.In terms of military agreements between the

Alliance and our Clan, Peter has been gracious, but without giving us an open door to his realm. He requires all Wolverine forces in his realm to be escorted at all times. However the escorts assigned are often minor Warships, showing a fairly high level of trust.

Draconis CombineDue to the history between ourselves and the

Combine, it is surprising that they are not hostile towards us. While not exactly warm, our relationship with the Dragon is cordial enough.

Despite the current higher levels of personal freedom for Combine citizens under the rule of Theodore Kurita, and the trade with other realms it has brought about, we have very little trade with his realm. There isn't a lot of interest on either side in the others' goods; with the exception of Combine made swords. This is fascinating considering how much of our own Clan is descended from the Kurita refugees we took on during our survival raids.

Militarily the Combine is very strict. They require a full task force escort for any of our Warships, and a minimum of a heavy cruiser in escort of any military transports. Considering the past though, this isn't all that unreasonable.

I would also note that we have many discreet contacts with Combine Citizens via the families of those whom we rescued from prison during our journey here. These secret contacts are responsible for much of our knowledge of the Combine, including the designs for the Tora (Wolf Trap) BattleMech.

Free Worlds League

Capellan Confederation

Periphery States

ComStarComStar has made the most inroads into our

society. Once we revealed ourselves, they immediately sent several exploration vessels to visit us. Their first ambassador worked closely with us to secure HPG access to the Inner Sphere via ComStar controlled HPG stations in the Draconis Combine and Federated Commonwealth.

Com Guard troops have also visited, to test themselves against us in training battles. These martial competitions have lead us to an understanding that not everything in the Inner Sphere is as it seemed during our

isolation. In fact, many of the traditions we held most dear are carried on by ComStar, and also by many others such as the Eridani Light Horse.

Word of BlakeWe have no current relations with the Word of

Blake. Their cowardly betrayal and backstabbing theft of Terra from ComStar has made them anathema to us. Our warriors cannot countenance such betrayal and thus wish to make war upon the Blakists. Obviously this, if it comes to pass, will have to wait until we defeat the Steel Wolves.

Wolf's DragoonsWith their Clan origins, and then full integration

into Inner Sphere society, the Dragoons understand our position better than any except perhaps the Nova Cats.

It is worth noting that the Dragoons have had contact with several of our Warriors as we used the guise of Mercenaries to scout the Inner Sphere during out long exile. Whether true or not, some say that Jamie Wolf suspected some of the units we sent to be exactly what they were. In my mind there is no doubt, as he is a very perceptive man.

Other States and Worthy EntitiesWhile our dealings with them have been limited,

we have found many of the more powerful independent mercenary units to have honor and strength. Among these are the Kell Hounds, Blue Star Irregulars, and more.

The Eridani Light Horse has proven to be a large boon in helping us integrate with the new SLDF. The Light Horse, sharing our old SLDF origins, has proven to be a most interesting ally and source of information as well.

Of other note, several of the independent worlds in the so called Chaos March have welcomed us with fairly open minded understanding. Many have proven interested in trade with far less reservation or restriction than the Great Houses.

The St. Ives Compact has thus far followed the lead of the Federated Commonwealth. They have opened up lines of trade and negotiation with us. Of most interest to us, is the few examples they have of the Capellan Yu Huang BattleMech. A well thought out design, and one our technician caste is very interested in adapting with Clan technology.

Clan Steel WolfAs they traditionally have been, the Wolves are our

enemies. Participating in, and in fact having been the strongest supporter of, the attacks upon us since our revelation of our existence.

Pouncing with typical ruthlessness and ferocity, they had begun attacking even before bringing the knowledge of our survival before the other Khans. Khan Vladimir Ward still claims the right to destroy us as the sole province of his clan. However, since they had their chance and failed, many of the other Khans agree that it is up to each individual Clan how to handle our existence.

Despite the decision of the other Khans in the Grand Council to leave this as a matter for each individual Clan, we ourselves have acknowledged the Wolves' right to finish their Trial of Annihilation against us. For this reason we have asked the Star League powers not to interfere in any actions between our troops and those of the Wolves, unless those of our troops are serving under SLDF colors. This choice on our part will hopefully show the other Clans that we are not to be destroyed. It is doubtful, but one can hope.

Clan Jade FalconWe have always maintained back channel contact

with the scientist and technician castes of the Jade Falcons, however that does not translate into good relations with the Warrior caste. In point of fact, it is felt that if the knowledge of our interactions with their lower castes were to come to light, the Falcon Warriors would take some action against them.

Having fared so poorly against us during the Nine Days, the Falcons have withdrawn from our space. They however have declared us dezgra, and any of our units who have incidental contact with a Falcon unit will likely have to face combat. This is not currently a concern, the Falcons being on the far side of the Inner Sphere from our holdings.

The Ghost Bear DominionDuring the Nine Days, the Ghost Bear ships fought

the hardest, and caused the most damage. It is unknown what we have done to earn the Bears' ire, other than perhaps existing.

Tensions have calmed between us since, but the situation with them is the same as the Jade Falcons. The Bears however, are more of a problem, being much closer to our space.

Clan Star AdderToo preoccupied with their consolidation of the

Burrock holdings; we have yet to have many dealings with the Star Adders. They have not thus far proven openly hostile. Time will tell what the final result will be.

Clan Diamond SharkCuriously, the Diamond Sharks have welcomed us

with fairly open arms. They have voiced the belief that since we survived the Wolf attempt at annihilation, we have proven ourselves worthy.

This acceptance of our continued survival is not without its limitations however, as the Sharks will not go against the Grand Council in this.

Clan Blood SpiritThe Blood Spirits have thus far proven to be too

wrapped up in their attacks on the Star Adders and Ghost Bears to pay much attention our way. Yet, if they ever cease to be distracted we can expect them to come after us with

everything they can field. Hopefully they will be kept occupied for much time to come, as we must still prosecute the war with the Steel Wolves.

Clan Hell's HorsesAllying themselves with the Steel Wolves, the

predominantly Warden Hell's Horses are divided on the issue of whether or not to take action against us. So far they have refrained, other than a Galaxy of troops under Clan Wolf's banner during the Nine Days.

Clan Steel ViperThe Vipers have been quite smug in telling the

other Clans “I Told You So” in regards to our surviving the Trial of Annihilation when we left the Clan homeworlds. This attitude however has not enamored them to the rest of the Grand Council.

So far the Vipers seem inclined to stay out of our way. This likely has more to do with the weakness of their Touman than any desire to see us continue to exist. The Falcon's continue to breath down their necks, and the Vipers do not have the forces to spare in attacking us.

Clan Fire MandrillDespite the Crusader control of the Khanship, the

Fire Mandrill Kindraas are still too divided to act as a cohesive unit. They have voiced their dislike of our continued existence, however they have not contributed to the campaign to finish our annihilation in any material manner.

Still, their support of the Steel Wolves, Jade Falcons, and Ghost Bears in the Grand Council does not bode well for the vote to finish our annihilation by attacks from many of the clans.

Clan Cloud CobraFollowing the lead of the Star Adders, the Cloud

Cobras have thus far ignored us. I fear the day will come however, when both the Cobras and the Adders decide that we are a blight that needs to be removed from the honor of the rest of the Clans.

Clan CoyoteThe Coyotes have sent a large portion of their

forces against us under the command of the Steel Wolves. Facing our troops they fought with utter tenacity and cunning. However, they lacked the combat experience of the Wolves, and could not acquit themselves with near the performance of their greater brethren.

Voting in the Grand Council for our outright annihilation by the Clans as a whole, the Coyotes have been

even more vociferous about it than the Wolves. We suspect this is a result of the defeats we handed them during the Nine Days.

Clan Goliath ScorpionThe Goliath Scorpions have not attacked us as we

had expected. The traditional enmity in which they hold us for denying Nicholas Kerensky's will should have had them frothing at the mouth to attack us. This has many among our Leadership worried.

Even more worrisome is the disappearance of several Scorpion Clusters. Enough to account for two Galaxy's worth of troops. We can only suspect that these troops are headed our way, despite the silence of the Scorpions in the Grand Council and their conspicuous lack absence during the Nine Days.

If we are truly their objective, we are right to worry. Without knowing where they will strike, they may catch some of our forces unawares and crush them. This possibility is the reason for the Stormhold mechworks' production increase. We need more second line garrison units, especially among our hidden planets.

Clan Snow RavenWhile not openly hostile at this time, the Raven's

have none the less made angry noises about our Warship fleet. They claim that much of the technology we use was developed by their scientists. While this is true, our having acquired it from the Jade Falcon and Smoke Jaguar scientists, we are unsure what the Raven's intend to do about it.

Some reports indicate that many among the Raven Warriors are pushing for a trial of possession for some of our designs, as a way to regain their footing as the strongest Naval power amongst the Clans. Nothing has yet developed as a result of this talk.

Clan Ice HellionBeing so weak, the Ice Hellions have refrained

from attacking despite their strong arguments at the Grand Council for our annihilation to begin again. The jealousy of the Hellions continues to this day. Of course, as usual, they are all boast and no action.

Clan Wolf in ExileSince Clan Wolf in Exile has also become part of

the Inner Sphere in a way, they have accepted us without reservation. We openly trade with the Exiled, and a Wolf in Exile unit blocked a Steel Wolf unit from attacking the 11th

Strike Cluster when it arrived in the Inner Sphere for SLDF duty. This, if nothing else, has earned them the trust of our Warriors.

The SLDF, and Our Participation

331st Royal BattleMech GalaxyThe 331st Royal BattleMech Galaxy, recreated to

honor the historical 331st Royal BattleMech Regiment of the original Star League, is our premier SLDF unit. This Galaxy will always be part of our contribution to the new SLDF. It has no other purpose in our Touman. The 331st is comprised of the 7th and 19th Strike Clusters, the 37th Assault Cluster, the 14th AeroSpace Trinary, and the 2nd Elemental Trinary. Also attached to the 331st at this time are the 9th Transport Command, and the 4th Naval Star.

The 331st, from the 19th Strike Cluster, includes two “Raider” Trinaries. These trinaries served during our isolation as units designed for raiding the Inner Sphere disguised as Pirates in order to garner supplies we needed to survive. While they have retained the name, they no longer serve in such a purpose. Instead they now serve as shock troops, fielding mostly light and medium mechs.

11th Strike ClusterA part of the 12th BattleMech Galaxy, the 11th

Strike, a rarity among our Clusters, in that it has several Trinaries that have seen combat prior to our revelation to the Star League. These Trinaries served to protect our outpost on a lifeless world inside the Draconis Combine when a DCMS military transport discovered the outpost during a routine drive charge.

Fielding some of our most advanced designs at the time, the Alpha and Beta Trinaries executed a bold counterattack on the DCMS battalion that dropped on world. This action allowed these the 11th 's AeroSpace trinary to disable the ship and capture it as isorla. Upon the

loss of their transport, and accepting our generous terms, the DCMS commander surrendered to us honorably. Many of his troops still serve as bondsmen today.

7th Assault Cluster & 3rd Strike Cluster - En Route

As with the 11th Strike Cluster, these two Clusters are part of the 12th BattleMech Galaxy. Currently En Route to an SLDF posting on the Jade Falcon border, we are hoping to follow up with the other four Clusters in the 12th

within the year.

Naval AssetsIn addition to the 4th Naval Star attached to the

331st, we have placed a total of 5 ships in SLDF service. These are the Vortex Class Deep Six, Cerulean Class Dark Watch, Literature Class Roger Zalazny and C. S. Forester, and the Perdition Class Purgatory; all members of the 2nd

Naval Cluster.

The FutureIt is our intention, once the war with the Steel

Wolves is completed, to assign the rest of the 12th

BattleMech Galaxy and all of the 39th GCT to SLDF service as well.

In addition to our Mech, AeroSpace, Elemental, and Vehicle forces, it is our plan to also include more Naval Assets as well. Due to the heavy losses and damage sustained during the Nine Days, the SLDF has given us temporary leave to short our force agreement until such time as more of our ships can be repaired and put back into effective service.

Full Unit RostersWolverine KeshikkaKahn: Khan Alyssa CharikovsaKhan: Khan William HennesyUnit Status: EliteUnit Insignia: A Wolverine's head chewing on a battlemech

Keshik Command StarsaKhan William Hennesy, Elite, GuloMechWarrior Justin, Veteran, Ebon Jaguar WMechWarrior Angelica Washitas, Elite, Timber Wolf AMechWarrior Harold, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Jasmine, Elite, Summoner Prime

Trinary Alpha

1st StarStar Colonel Ezra Aamodt, Elite, Mad Dog CMechWarrior Viktor Robertson, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Alexander, Elite, Hellbringer PrimeMechWarrior Kevin Fallstaff, Elite, Mad Dog AMechWarrior Tomas Rayson, Elite, Tar Weasel Prime

2nd StarStar Commander Jeffery Whitfield, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Henry, Elite, PorthosMechWarrior Amalia, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Wilhelm, Elite, EnflameMechWarrior Jacobina, Elite, Tar Weasel

3rd StarStar Commander Elizabeth Myers, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Ella, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Zara, Elite, Wolf Trap CWMechWarrior Darla, Elite, Shadow Cat AMechWarrior Olga, Elite, Nova A

Trinary Beta

1st StarStar Captain Evan Hirohito, Elite, GuloMechWarrior Andrea Hirohito, Elite, Warhawk CMechWarrior Theodor, Elite, GuloMechWarrior Rórdán, Elite, Dire Wolf BMechWarrior Herman, Elite, Highlander CW

2nd StarStar Commander Timothy Kosh, Elite, GuloMechWarrior Hans, Elite, GuloMechWarrior Tatjana, Elite, Warhawk PrimeMechWarrior Asta, Elite, Crockett CWMechWarrior Ethan, Elite, Dire Wolf B

3rd StarStar Commander Eric Matsunaka, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Ida, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Eden, Elite, Black Knight CWMechWarrior Emilia, Elite, Hellbringer BMechWarrior Shinju, Elite, Guillotine CW

Binary Charlie

1st StarStar Captain David Clemence, Elite, Ebon Jaguar WMechWarrior Sandu, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Montana, Elite, Shadow Cat AMechWarrior Finn, Elite, EnflameMechWarrior Seren, Elite, Tar Weasel

2nd StarStar Commander Donald Kharlan, Elite, Shadow Cat AMechWarrior Gia Tatsuki, Elite, Wiccan CWMechWarrior Tyreek, Elite, HyenaMechWarrior Maryam, Elite, Shadow Cat AMechWarrior Sampson, Elite, Winchester

Binary Delta (AeroSpace)

1st StarStar Captain Wesley Jeannet, Elite, HornetPilot Monroe Sogoku, Elite, HornetPilot Brutus, Elite, HornetPilot Manda, Elite, HornetPilot Morgan Hollister, Elite, HornetPilot Cassarah, Elite, HornetPilot Kristóf, Elite, HornetPilot Modeste, Elite, HornetPilot Veronika Hammerick, Elite, HornetPilot Charlton, Elite, Hornet

2nd StarStar Commander Susan Mann, Elite, Bear CatPilot Benton Mann, Elite, Bear CatPilot Naira, Elite, Bear CatPilot Elias, Elite, Bear CatPilot Sergey, Elite, Bear CatPilot Alisa, Elite, Bear CatPilot Siana, Elite, Bear CatPilot Pich Bremman, Elite, Bear CatPilot Sophie Sobral, Elite, Bear CatPilot Solange, Elite, Bear Cat

12th BattleMech Galaxy

Unit Status: VeteranUnit Identification: A Wolverine crouching atop a blood red boulder

Galaxy Command StarGalaxy Commander Emily McEvedy, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Llewelyn, Veteran, Lancelot LNC25-01MechWarrior Leyla Nikishina, Veteran, Ebon Jaguar BMechWarrior Gabrijela Thomlinson, Elite, Timber Wolf DMechWarrior Natille, Veteran, Wolverine CW

11th Strike Cluster

Commander: Star Colonel Gratia BenedictUnit Status: EliteUnit Identification: The Galaxy insignia with a golden Katana clutched in the Wolverine's teeth

Trinary Alpha1st StarStar Colonel Gratia Benedict, Elite, WinchesterMechWarrior Wojtek, Elite, Mongoose MON-66MechWarrior Bertha, Elite, HyenaMechWarrior Thorborg, Elite, PorthosMechWarrior Darius, Elite, Tar Weasel

2nd StarStar Commander Keara Jeannet, Elite, Tar WeaselMechWarrior Vincent, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Bret, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Eluf, Elite, PorthosMechWarrior Hildegard, Elite, Mad Dog A

3rd StarStar Commander Caroline Ebon, Elite, Cauldrom-Born WMechWarrior Pavel Charikov, Elite, Timber Wolf DMechWarrior Andelko, Elite, Summoner PrimeMechWarrior Sarina Artemev, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Felicyta, Elite, Ebon Jaguar B

SuperNova Trinary Beta1st StarStar Captain Cecilia Sebrle, Elite, EnflameMechWarrior Ziyad Frater, Elite, PorthosMechWarrior Becka, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Edie, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Benoit, Elite, Reaver

2nd StarStar Commander Alban Kosh, Elite, Tar WeaselMechWarrior Gidie, Elite, Timber Wolf DMechWarrior Marlee, Elite, Timber Wolf A

MechWarrior Valerija, Elite, Ebon Jaguar BMechWarrior Kristen Sogoku, Elite, Highlander CW

3rd StarStar Commander Alberta, Elite, Cauldrom-Born WMechWarrior Lizaveta, Elite, Mad Dog AMechWarrior Berit, Elite, Summoner PrimeMechWarrior Kelvin, Elite, GuloMechWarrior Evaristo, Elite, King Crab CW

Trinary Delta1st StarStar Captain Stanislava Charikov, Elite, ReaverMechWarrior Tihana, Elite, EnflameMechWarrior Pavlina Kumar, Elite, Rook CWMechWarrior Nikolas, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Kimberlyn Sergent, Elite, Ebon Jaguar B

2nd StarStar Commander Jeanette Callahan, Elite, Ebon Jaguar BMechWarrior Giuditta, Elite, Ebon Jaguar BMechWarrior Toria, Elite, CapricaMechWarrior Haywood, Elite, Ebon Jaguar WMechWarrior Audra, Elite, Mad Dog C

3rd Star

Star Commander Sherlock Xeverian, Elite, EnflameMechWarrior Rosaleen, Elite, Timber Wolf DMechWarrior Thurayya, Elite, Mad Dog AMechWarrior Anna, Elite, GuloMechWarrior Sabine, Elite, Warhawk A

Trinary Epsilon1st StarStar Captain , Elite, PorthosMechWarrior , Elite, EnflameMechWarrior , Elite, Tar WeaselMechWarrior , Elite, Tar WeaselMechWarrior , Elite, Hellbringer Prime

2nd StarStar Commander , Elite, Cauldrom-Born WMechWarrior , Elite, CapricaMechWarrior , Elite, Mad Dog AMechWarrior , Elite, Cauldrom-Born WMechWarrior , Elite, Timber Wolf A

3rd StarStar Commander , Elite, Mad Dog AMechWarrior , Elite, Mad Dog CMechWarrior , Elite, Hellbringer PrimeMechWarrior , Elite, Havoc CWMechWarrior , Elite, Gulo

Trinary Zeta1st StarStar Captain , Elite, Shadow Cat AMechWarrior , Elite, Ebon Jaguar BMechWarrior , Elite, CapricaMechWarrior , Elite, CapricaMechWarrior , Elite, Highlander CW

2nd StarStar Commander , Elite, ReaverMechWarrior , Elite, Tar WeaselMechWarrior , Elite, ReaverMechWarrior , Elite, EnflameMechWarrior , Elite, Tar Weasel

3rd StarStar Commander , Elite, Ebon Jaguar BMechWarrior , Elite, Timber Wolf DMechWarrior , Elite, Mad Dog AMechWarrior , Elite, King Crab CWMechWarrior , Elite, Dire Wolf B

3rd Strike Cluster

Commander: Star Colonel Unit Status: VeteranUnit Identification: The Galaxy insignia with a silver Katana clutched in the Wolverine's teeth

TrinaryTrinaryBinarySuperNova BinarySuperNova Binary

7th Assault Cluster

Commander: Star Colonel Unit Status: EliteUnit Identification: The Galaxy insignia with a blood red Katana clutched in the Wolverine's teeth


1st Elemental Cluster

Commander: Star ColonelUnit Status: EliteUnit Identification: An armored infantryman with a

Wolverine's head and bloody fangs


7th BattleMech Galaxy1st Assault Cluster42nd Assault Cluster9th Strike Cluster61st Strike Cluster15th Elemental Cluster2nd AeroSpace Cluster

22nd BattleMech Galaxy79th Strike Cluster57th Strike Cluster20th Assault Cluster13th Elemental Cluster19th AeroSpace Cluster

39th Galaxy Combat Team15th Assault Cluster1st Strike Cluster68th Strike Cluster4th Armored Assault Cluster36th Armored Assault Cluster17th Armored Strike Cluster15th Armored Scout Cluster47th Elemental98th AeroSpace

331st Royal BattleMech Galaxy7th Strike Cluster19th Strike Cluster37th Assault Cluster14th AeroSpace Trinary2nd Elemental Trinary

415th Royal BattleMech Galaxy2nd Strike Cluster28th Strike Cluster3rd Assault Cluster5th AeroSpace Trinary16th Elemental Trinary

34th Reserve Guard Galaxy27th Strike Cluster55th Strike Cluster

66th Armored Strike Cluster8th Armored Strike Cluster1st Armored Strike Cluster19th Armored Assault Cluster

3rd Reserve Guard Galaxy84th Strike Cluster59th Strike Cluster94th Armored Strike Cluster5th Armored Strike Cluster108th Armored Assault Cluster49th Armored Assault Cluster

50th Reserve Guard Galaxy76th Strike Cluster66th Strike Cluster38th Armored Strike Cluster12th Armored Strike Cluster72nd Armored Assault Cluster104th Armored Strike Cluster

71st Armored Cavalry2nd Armored Assault Cluster34th Armored Strike Cluster7th Armored Strike Cluster30th Armored Strike Cluster77th Armored Recon Cluster119th Elemental Cluster

26th Armored Cavalry23rd Armored Strike Cluster85th Armored Recon Cluster110th Armored Assault Cluster71st Armored Assault Cluster109th Armored Strike Cluster88th Elemental Cluster

50th Armored Cavalry

14th Armored Strike Cluster41st Armored Strike Cluster35th Armored Recon Cluster116th Armored Recon Cluster45th Armored Assault Cluster15th Elemental Cluster

76th AeroSpace Wing31st Fighter Squadron84th Fighter Squadron83rd Interceptor Squadron73rd Bomber Squadron??????

33rd AeroSpace Wing35th Fighter Squadron42nd Fighter Squadron78th Interceptor Squadron94th Bomber Squadron??????

90th AeroSpace Wing69th Fighter Squadron75th Fighter Squadron79th Interceptor Squadron67th Bomber Squadron??????

84th AeroSpace Wing4th Fighter Squadron62nd Fighter Squadron101st Interceptor Squadron13th Bomber Squadron??????

CreditsClassic BattleTech and BattleMech are currently trademarks of Catalyst Game Labs, and are used here without permissionI used 2 random name generators in the making of this book:

Behind the Name: Random Name GeneratorThe Name Generator - A Name Generating Tool for Authors

These tools and my own imagination have brought you this book.I hope in future versions to be able to credit some artists here with any submissions they have made.