Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April...

hush, hush Becca Fitzpatrick Fictional Romance

Transcript of Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April...

Page 1: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

hush, hushBecca Fitzpatrick

Fictional Romance

Page 2: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

Plot!The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets

moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The problem is that a secret guy is hunting around Nora and wants something from her. While this is happening Nora and Patch are becoming more closer to being more then friends. One day while walking around Nora and her bestie Vee see the guy and Vee dresses up kinda like Nora and she ends up getting jumped. Nora finds something about Patch and someone else and some fights go down. In the end Patch and Nora end up together.

Page 3: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

Point of View!The point of view in hush, hush is first person

or Nora’s point of view. She is the main character.

Page 4: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

Conflicts!Nora has to find out hoe this secret guy is

and how to get ride of him.She has to figure out what's going on with

her and Patch.She wants to know if Elliot really did the

thing he did in the past.

Page 5: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

Main Characters!Nora Grey-story told in her point of viewPatch Cipriano-Nora’s new Biology partnerVee Sky-Nora’s best friendElliot-one of the new guysJules-Elliot’s best friend

Page 6: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

Literary Devices!Foreshadowing!Imagery!Analogy!

Page 7: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

Thumb’s up!!!I loved this book it was full of surprises and

mysteries. You thought you knew what was about to happen but then Becca Fitzpatrick threw you for a curve ball. It was a good book all around and it keep me interested. There was one minor negative thing about this book its not that big and it is that the events are drug out. But still its not big enough to not read the book.

Page 8: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

Calling all teen girls!This is the perfect book if you are in love with

dark love story’s then this is perfect. I’m not talking about vampire’s, werewolf’s, or witches but I’m talking about Falling Angel’s. So, if you like dark mysterious guys you’ll love this book.

Page 9: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.


Page 10: Fictional Romance. Plot! The plot of hush, hush is Nora’s biology class gets moved around in April she gets paired with Patch who has a dark side. The.

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