Fiction - Novel Sample - Hurricane

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Transcript of Fiction - Novel Sample - Hurricane

  • 8/3/2019 Fiction - Novel Sample - Hurricane



    CHAPTER - 1

    We are getting into difficult waters gentlemen, Bill Hudson took

    off his glasses and rolled his eyes over the faces looking at him.

    Things will no longer be as easy as they were for the last few

    years. This is recession time and it is here to stay, at least for the

    short term. But - Bill paused and put on his glasses and glanced

    over the faces again, a twinkle appeared in his eyes.

    Lecture time. Thought Andrew Banks, shifting in his chair.

    But we can wither the storm gentlemen and ladies. Hudson

    drew himself nearer to the table. We can indeed wither the storm!

    Now he would rise to his feet. Andrew felt for sure.

    Bill Hudson rose to his feet.

    We can withstand this slowdown gentlemen, his pitch rose, we

    can overcome all difficulties. But we have to give our best shots!

    Didnt we give our best yet? Andrew muttered under his breath

    without taking his eyes off fat Bill.

    He got a kick from Jessica Jones sitting beside him.

    We have to give our best my dear friends, Bill continued, we

    have to give more than one hundred percent. We have to stretch

    our limits. We have set new individual goals higher than the

    previous ones and give our best shot at it.


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    This would go on for at least another half an hour, Andrew thought.

    When Fat Bill got into his flow he just could not stop. He would say

    the same things again and again but every time with new phrases

    and new words, fishing deep into his abundant stock of inspiringvocabulary. Charging up the room with inspiration! Just look at

    those young faces looking up at him. Inspired indeed! Would be

    working their socks out to push the sales figure up, up and up.

    When he joined the company as a young executive he too used to

    get inspired, but now the words sounded so dull and boring to him.

    Half an hour of uninterrupted, unadulterated monotony Andrew

    looked up at the window. It was raining outside. Rain waters

    splashing down the glass pane transforming the skyline into an

    abstract work of art. Picasso, Andrew thought. If he could paint he

    would have painted this beauty and sold it in Christies or Sothebys.

    Hed become a billionaire. Would throw his resignation at Fat Bills

    face and leave this city for good. Hed buy an island in the Pacific

    and spend the rest of his life well, not doing nothing of course, he

    could never spend his time doing nothing even with millions in his

    pocket. He would spend all his waking hours doing something he

    always wanted to do, something worthwhile. Some research.

    Something that had meaning. Like his old Harvard buddy doing in

    India, things that would change lives, and the world. Something

    poles apart from selling insurances that he had been doing for the

    last ten years. Something that wouldnt go waste. He couldnt shrug

    off Sarah though, she was here to stay but with millions to spend in

    shopping trips she would no longer be a bother

    Bill was looking at him, Andrew noticed. Their eyes met and Bill

    continued with his speech inspiring all but him. And Jessica too.

    Andrew noticed her suppressing a yawn with great skill. He too felt

    sleepy and suppressed a yawn of his own.

    The monologue ended finally. Andrew looked at his watch. Exactly

    half an hour. He got up from his seat and proceeded towards the


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    We need to talk Andy.

    Andrew turned around. Bill.

    They waited till the others were gone. Jessica gave an I warned you

    glance closing the door as she left.

    Whats wrong with you Andy? Bill Hudson asked as the two sat

    facing each other across the table.

    Was he asking about his inattentiveness during the meeting that

    certainly had not gone unnoticed.

    I am sorry Mr. Hudson, Andrew said, I was a bit -

    I am not asking about your lack of attention during the meeting

    Andy. I am talking about your lack of focus in general terms. You

    certainly seem out of touch.

    Andrew looked up at Bill. He was expecting this to come, and now it

    had come.

    Your figures havent improved a bit over the last six months. Bill

    was now looking straight into his eyes.

    I notice a change in you Andy and that worries me.

    Is he going to axe me? Andrew suddenly felt an emptiness inside his


    You have been one of our best employees Andy. Your performance

    over the last eleven years had been exemplary. But now I notice

    you are losing your sheen, and that pains me. Is there any problem

    at home?

    Andrew nodded to say no.

    Andy, I dont want to loose you, Bill Hudson said leaning forward a


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    bit. If you think you need a break, take a break. Go for a vacation.

    But dont let things get out of control. Get back into the groove

    man! Bring back the old touch!

    Set the figures right, thats what he meant. Andrew thought.

    Bill rose from his chair and came forward.

    I still have faith in you Andy. Dont let me down.

    A pat on the shoulder and Bill left.

    Andrew sat on his chair and looked at the window. The rain had

    stopped. The Manhattan skyline was now crisp and clear. As real, as

    domineering as ever. No abstraction. No deviation. Tall and sharp

    verticals competing with each other in the race to touch the illusive

    sky like verticals blocks in the profit charts. Had he lost his touch?

    His ability to drive the verticals upwards? Or had he lost the drive


    The door opened. Jessica.

    What the old man say? She asked.

    That I will lose my job if the figures dont improve.

    He said that!

    Not so directly. But the hint was clear.

    What exactly did he say?

    That I lost my touch. Lost my sheen. Told me to take a vacation.

    Why dont you then? Said Jessica, How often you find Fat Bill so

    generous. Go on take it man! Have some quality time with your


    Quality time! With her? Discussing bills in vacation. Quality time

    indeed! Andrew gave a sardonic smile.


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    Comon shell be pleased. Jessica put her hand over Andrews

    shoulder. When was the last time you two had had a holiday


    Why dont you come with us? Andrew asked looking into Jessicas


    Me? Nope. I dont want to be a spoilsport. Two is company, three is

    crowd you know!

    Three is spice dear! Andrew brought himself closer to Jess.

    Jessica flung the file she was holding and whacked it on Andrews


    Youre getting naughtier! I need to tell your wife!

    You know what I was thinking during the meeting? Said Andrew,

    If I could become a billionaire Id quit this job and buy an island in

    the Pacific. Id make you quit your job too and the three of us will

    have a great time the rest of our lives - Sun, Sand, Bikinis.

    You were fantasizing in the meeting! Jessica exclaimed, No

    wonder Fat Bill is disappointed in you Andy! Something is wrong

    with you. You need an urgent break man!

    Andrew didnt fail to read the alarm in Jessicas look.

    Maybe I will, he said, after the Timken deal is finalized.

    You will be going to Kansas City for that, wont you?



    Next week.

    Fine. Take a break immediately after that. Make it a long one. I can

    suggest you a few places if you like.


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    Do you think I lost my touch, Jess? Andrew asked.

    Jessica looked at Andrew for a second.

    I cant say you have lost it Andy. But you are out of it for sure.

    Do you think Ive lost the drive?

    Jessica came forward and touched Andrews arm.

    You definitely need a break. I dont like the manner you speak.

    Andrew smiled. Right now I need a drink for sure, he said, and

    your company.

    Give me fifteen minutes, Jessica said looking at her watch. Will

    have to prepare a note for Sam.

    Ill be at my desk. Andrew said and headed for his office. Jessica

    took the elevator.


    Looking at the seminude dancers gyrating around the pole Andrew

    felt the alcohol rushing through his bloodstream. He had never been

    a great drinker, one and a half peg of Port and he was already

    feeling tipsy. Jessica too was looking at the dancer.

    Do you think given a choice shed opt for any other job? Asked


    Why? Jessica replied with a shrug of the shoulder, The pay must

    be good and she seems to be enjoying it. You can tell when people

    enjoy their jobs. A thin smile appeared on Jessicas lips as she

    looked back at Andrew.

    Andrew looked at the girl at the pole again. No doubt she was doing


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    her job well, gracefully without any inhibition, the face brightened

    up and smiling. He glanced across the bar looking at other faces.

    Everybody seemed happy and enjoying. So they must all be content

    with their jobs according to Jesss theory.

    I must be the only person here who doesnt enjoy his job. He said

    with a wry smile.

    I cant understand what happened to you. Jessica said. You

    seemed quite happy with your job only a while back!

    I was never happy with it! Never! Andrew said with some force.

    But it didnt show!

    It didnt because I convinced myself I was happy. I hid everything

    under a nice Persian carpet.

    Hid what? Your disliking of the job?

    And everything else. My frustrations, my dreams, my


    Why did you pull it off then?


    The carpet.

    Did I tell you about Pritam? Andrew asked.

    Pritam, who?

    We studied together at Harvard. He was from India. Bright guy. We

    had some quality time together. And we dreamt a lot. Me and


    What did you dream of?

    We wanted to change the world, Andrew smiled as he said, we

    wanted to do something in our life that would affect the lives of


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    millions.Asli jobs, Pritam used to say.

    What jobs?

    Asli, meaning real in Hindi. Real jobs.

    I see. Jessica smiled. And you ended up selling insurances.

    Andrew smiled wryly.

    But Pritam is doingAsli job you know. He called about a month

    back. He had improvised upon solar panels making them cheaper

    and affordable and now had tied up with a big Indian firm to light up

    Indian villages. He is confident of bringing solar lamps to every

    Indian village in another two years time. Thats some achievement

    isnt it?

    And you felt wretched comparing it with yourself didnt you?

    I want to do something useful too Jess! I had always wanted to! I

    was not born to sell insurances! Suddenly Andrew got excited.

    And what exactly you intend to do? Jessica asked.

    Theres so much to do! So much! Andrews voice raised as the

    alcohol ran within him, Look at our world. Its getting more and

    more inhospitable by the day, and we are doing nothing about it!

    The ice cap is receding, ocean levels are rising wiping off

    landmasses. And here in our very Manhattan we are having water

    clogging every other day. Doesnt all this worry you?

    Jessica said nothing and kept looking at his friend, smiling.

    Arent you worried about it Jess? Do you think I am talking

    nonsense? Andrew asked again.

    I dont think you are talking nonsense, Jessica replied, It does

    worry me but I am more worried about myself and my job.

    Ah! Everybody is more worried about themselves and their @#$%


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    jobs! No body is worried about real things, and the clock is ticking

    away! Andrew threw up his hands and dropped back to his seat.

    There are experts who are working very hard Andy! They are doing

    their level best! Jessica said, her voice getting shriller.

    How do you know? How do you know they are doing their jobs

    right? Andrew leaned forward again. Had they done so why cant

    we see improvements? Why is there flooding every other day? Why

    hurricanes strike and destroy Florida and the Gulf Coast every year

    without fail? Why cant we do anything about it?

    So you intend to stop floods? The mockery in Jessicas voice was


    Andrew didnt answer and looked away. Jessica felt bad. She

    touched her friends hand.

    But you have no qualification Andy.

    Andrew looked back at Jessica.

    But I have the will! My Indian friend had will. And look what he


    But But you just cant jump into something so new at this age

    without any professional training. Its impossible. And you cant quit

    your job, can you?

    Andrew was silent again. The idea of quitting his job had surfaced inhis mind now and then, but it was too scary a thought to dwell upon.

    He had sometimes thought of discussing the possibility with Sarah

    but never found the courage, chickening out every time.

    What are you thinking Andy? How can you quit your job? Jessica


    Andrew emptied his glass.


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    I will talk with Sarah tonight.

    About quitting?


    Then you better do it before the booze wears off, Jessica laughed,

    You can then tell her later that its the alcohol that made you say

    the nonsense.

    Andrew smiled and looked at the dancing woman. It was a new girl

    now. Gyrating up and down the pole. Her movements as sexy and

    lustful as the one before her as she danced under the red and blue

    flashing lights. But where was the smile? Andy tried to take a better

    look at the girls face as the lights flashed upon her. No, she was not

    smiling. Wasnt she enjoying her job then?

    Look she is not smiling! Shes not happy! That makes two of us!

    Andrew told Jessica.

    Jessica took a good look at the girl.

    You are drunk man! She said in a drunken voice, Cant you see

    she is purring like a happy bitch.


    Returning to his Murray Hill apartment Andrew found Sarah on the

    living room couch busy looking at some papers.

    Look at these! She exclaimed as she saw her husband, How do

    you think we can manage to pay all this!

    Andrew sat on the couch and removed his shoes in silence. Sarah

    watched her.


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    Whats wrong? She asked.

    Nothing. Andrew said without looking.

    Are you drunk?

    A bit.

    Suppers ready. Come. Sarah rose and walked towards the dining



    What? Sarah looked back.

    Andrew looked up at her wife then looked away.


    Sarah watched him for a moment then went up to the dining table

    and arranged the plates.

    He had chickened out again. Andrew got up from the couch and

    loosened the knot of his tie. He could never tell it to her, never. Nor

    could he take a decision on his own. He would have to drag on and

    on and on the same job, the same life, the same wife

    They ate in silence. After supper Andrew came out to the balcony

    and lighted a cigarette. The city lit up in millions lights spread out

    before him. The sky above lit up in millions of stars. The world was

    beckoning, beckoning him to rise above the ordinary, to take thestep forward. But he Andrew Banks, Senior Marketing Manager of

    StanCorp Global was trapped in his own suffocating world, and

    chickening out, always chickening out.

    His cell phone beeped. Andrew looked. Pritam! Wanted to talk to

    him on Skype.

    Andrew hurried to his study. Sitting before the desktop he logged on

    to his account. The image of his friend appeared on the monitor


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    Hello Andy! Howre you doing old pal? Pritam exclaimed in a

    cheerful voice.

    Getting along. Andrew smiled, Hows your rural solarification

    program going?

    Great! We are getting tremendous response. Better than we


    Thats great!

    But you know what Andy? I am thinking of something bigger!

    Pritams eyes lit up.

    And whats that?

    Met a Chinese business delegation last week. They were impressed

    with my solar panels. Invited me China to give some lectures on

    alternative energy sources. Man, if I can convince those Chinese!

    Thatll be something man!


    If only I had you by my side, man! Wed make a great team!

    Andrew smiled, said nothing.

    Hi Andy! Pooja, Pritams wife appeared on the screen.

    Hello dear! Youre looking gorgeous! Andrew said.

    Pooja blushed. Pritam drew her to his lap. Isnt my wife sexy? He

    said giving a peck on the girls cheek. You know Andy, without her I

    wouldnt be able to do all this. She never objected to any of my mad

    ideas. In fact she dares me take on new challenges!

    Andrew looked at the happy couple and felt a ting of jealousy within

    him. There was his friend, his college buddy doing everything he


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    wished to do, having a loving and supportive wife by his side, and

    here he sat alone and frustrated, entrapped in a job he never liked

    and with a wife who had no other thoughts than that of paying bills

    and clearing loans.

    They talked for another ten minutes or so. Going to the bedroom

    Andrew found Sarah on the bed, eyes closed. She was not asleep he

    was sure, just pretending to be. Thats what she did when she was

    in no mood for sex. Ever since the housing bubble busted throwing

    all their loan repayment plans into jeopardy she had become like

    this, cold and unreachable, spending every moment of her waking

    hours thinking about loans and bills a remote image of the happy

    bubbly girl he once married.

    Andrew got on to the bed and put off the side lamp. A kind of

    numbness descended upon him loans, bills, targets, sales

    figures If only he had a firewall kind of program installed in his

    brain that would block all the thoughts coming into his mind. He

    could then rest in peace How many miles, how many more miles

    he had to walk before he could find peace? Would he ever find it, in

    this wretched life of his?


    The blue Honda Civic raced along the black asphalt of highway fifty-

    six. Andrew pressed on the accelerator further. The car was now

    speeding at more than hundred miles an hour. This car was not his,

    had it been his own car he would have driven faster. Hed surely

    dare to overtake that truck that was speeding ahead of him for the

    last fifteen minutes. He would fly past all the other cars ahead of

    him, every bloody one, had it been his own car The truck turned

    left at a crossroad and was gone from sight. Now the road was clear


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    ahead of him. Andrew picked up the vodka bottle from the side seat

    and took a gulp. On the way he had seen several signboards with

    warnings about drunken driving but he was in no mood to give a

    damn. He needed to drink and he needed to drive fast. He neededto shrug off the bitterness off his mind, which was the precise

    reason why he borrowed this car from Michael, his friend in Kansas

    City. It had been the worst day of his entire career. He had failed to

    get the contract. All the hard work of the past six months gone

    down the drain

    Another truck speeding ahead of him!

    Andrew increased speed and brushed past He could hear the

    driver yell.

    **** you! Andrew popped his head out of the window and shouted

    back, and raised his index finger to make the abuse more


    Gardner Overbrook Burlingame One by the one the towns

    flew past as the Honda Civic rocketed along the highway. Soon after

    Admire, the sky turned dark and thunder flashed across the sky.

    Andrew felt a thrill inside him. He always liked driving under a

    cloudy sky but now with the vodka circulating in his blood stream he

    felt a new high. The bitterness was gone, he no longer cared about

    the contract. Nor did he care about his performance graph, nor did

    he care about Fat Bill.

    **** you Bill Hudson! He shouted aloud alarming a motorist whom

    he swerved past, **** you and your StanCorp Global! You can fire

    me bustard. I dont give a damn! I dont give a ****in damn!

    A couple of vehicles sped past in the opposite direction down the

    other lane both honking horns. A minute later another truck, this

    one honking too.

    **** you all! Andrew pressed on the accelerator.


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    Another couple of miles down the road, he felt a strong urge to pee.

    Pulling up the car beside an oak tree he got down and started

    emptying on the tree trunk. He felt uncomfortable. The wind had

    stopped, the air had become oppressively still. He looked up at thesky. It had become ugly with shades of purple. A sound came to his

    ears. A faint rumbling sound.

    Another car past by in the opposite direction, honking. Suddenly

    Andrew realized that he had not noticed any vehicle heading

    towards the direction he was heading, for the last ten minutes or so.

    He was the only one driving towards Council Grove.

    Theres one coming! Another! Another! In a flash the three cars

    sped past him towards Council Grove. He could see guys with

    cameras leaning out of the windows.

    Something is going on here! A sense of adventure gripped Andrew.

    He got into his car and throttled to full speed following the three

    cars heading south.

    Several vehicles passed the other way, all honking horns. It was now

    clear to him that these were warnings, letting others know about the

    impending danger. What could be it? A storm approaching?

    Within minutes he saw it. On the left, half way between the road

    and the horizon... At first sight it looked almost beautiful. A gray

    condensation funnel racing across the fields. Moving over the land

    in a swirling motion churning dust and debris at its base. Therumbling sound was deeper now, like the roar of an enormous

    freight train approaching closer and closer.

    A tornado!

    Suddenly the three cars ahead of him swerved to the left into the

    fields and drove in the direction of the twister.

    Before he could even think Andrew swerved left and the Honda Civic


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    bumped across the field following the three vehicles ahead.

    It looked menacing now, looming like a giant at a distance, the trunk

    spinning faster and faster and coming forward.

    Andrew felt the rush of adrenalin within him. Excitement! Crude,

    raw excitement! No fear! No fear at all! Wow! This was great!

    He poured the rest of the vodka into his throat and threw the bottle

    out of the window. Instead of crushing to the ground the bottle was

    lifted off the air. Andrew pressed the throttle harder.

    Suddenly the three cars swerved to the right and were out of the

    twisters path. Andrew pressed the brake and brought the car into a

    screeching halt. The twister was only a few meters away,

    approaching like a mad elephant Andrew looked right. The cars

    had cleared out of the storms path and halted. The guys had come

    outside with their cameras. They were waving madly at him and

    shouting, telling him to get off the storms path Andrews left foot

    released the brake and the right pressed upon the accelerator but

    he couldnt turn the steering. His hands had gone stiff The twister

    was coming closer and closer churning more dust and debris. The

    rumbling sound was now deafening Andrew looked on

    mesmerized at the awesome force totally captivated by its fury

    Is it death? Is it you dear friend? ...

    The car moved head on... Within seconds it flew into the air and was



    Sarah forced herself to stop her leg from shaking. But doing so she

    got even more restless inside. She desperately needed a cigarette


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    now, but she couldnt smoke here. The last one she had was half an

    hour back, in the smoking room of the hospital but it was far from

    the intensive care, would take some time to go and come back.

    What if they called her in between?

    Why did he do it? Why didnt she have an inkling? Her leg started

    shaking again. He was disturbed she knew, but disturbed so much

    that he would She felt anger pelting up inside her. And fear too.

    More fear than anger. Would he live?

    Mrs. Banks?

    Sarah jumped to her feet.

    Hows he doc?

    Lucky guy. This husband of yours. A broken leg and some bruises,

    thats all he could manage.

    Oh doc! Sarah wrapped her arms around doctor Roth.

    You can go inside now.

    Sarah ran into the ICU.

    There he was. Lying on the bed, eyes closed. The plastered left leg

    hanging in the air.

    Is he sleeping? Sarah asked the nurse.

    No. The nurse smiled. A bit drowsy, will be able to talk Mr.Banks?

    Andrew opened his eyes.

    Look who came to see you, Mr. Banks?

    Sarah stooped over her husband. Andrew looked with glazed eyes.

    He knew this woman. He had seen her before

    How are you feeling now dear? Sarah asked, her voice trembling.


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    Fine. Andrew muttered faintly. Who is she? Who Sarah!


    Are you o.k. dear?

    What am I doing here?

    Sarah looked at the nurse who smiled.

    Takes a while to come out of the effects of medication. She


    Why am I here? Is there an accident? Andrew asked.

    Yes. You flew into a storm. Sarah found her voice turning hard.

    Storm?... Storm ?...

    What storm?

    Sarah felt sympathy and anger springing from within her at the

    same time. How helpless and innocent he looked now, but only

    hours back the man had

    You flew into a tornado.

    Tornado! Suddenly everything came back to Andrew. The

    tornado! He had driven the car into the tornado. Went up in the

    air Oh god he is alive!

    Why did you do it Andy? Sarah asked cryingly.

    Why did he do it? Why?... It was coming to him roaring and spinning

    he moved onsuddenly everything went dark pitch darkand

    he felt he was rising. Rising and spinning things were hitting the

    windshield the glass broke and an avalanche hit him with

    impossible force. He ducked holding the steering as tightly as he


    Was he afraid? Yes he was. He was scared to death... He was


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    yelling, yelling in fear then everything went blank

    But he didnt die! It couldnt kill him!

    The door opened. Dr. Roth rushed in.

    Put on the T.V. sister! K-TV!

    Sister Norah looked for the remote.

    Now we shall see what exactly you did! The doctor said looking at


    Sister Norah flipped through the channels.

    There it is!

    All eyes got fixed on the screen.

    A blue Honda Civic charging into a storm and flew up disappearing

    into the gray whirl... the wreckage of the same car lying in a field

    two guys bringing out a man from the smashed car... Him!

    The footage repeating again and again...

    Are you nuts man! Dr Roth exclaimed.

    Andrew did not reply. He closed his eyes.

    Are you ok? The doctor sounded a bit alarmed.

    I am fine doc. Andrew looked up, I just want to be alone for a


    Sure, we better let him rest. The doctor said to Sarah.

    He left and Sarah too, only the nurse remained.

    Lying on his bed Andrew thought about the entire episode. The

    televised footage played itself again and again before his closed

    eyes. What a ! How could he have done this? Why didnt he turn

    back when he saw the storm? Was it the vodka? He was drunk, was


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    that the reason he felt such thrill chasing the funnel behind those

    cars? He wasnt a bit afraid while he was chasing, in fact he was

    feeling exhilaration. But why didnt he turn when he saw the cars

    before him turn? He tried, but couldnt. The steering didnt move. Ordid he not want it to move? He sensed death, but he didnt feel

    afraid and the car moved on But once he was sucked in and could

    see nothing but the dark, he felt fear as debris kept smashing into

    the windshield. An overwhelming fear had gripped him in those

    moments, numbing him to the core. He was sure he would die and

    he wanted to live. He wanted to live desperately

    And he had lived! Was it miracle? Or luck? Or God

    Whatever it might be, he had lived! He had conquered death! And

    that was what mattered the most now. He had survived! The

    tornado with its great power had not been able to destroy him. He

    was alive, and well... He had triumphed over the great force He

    had won!

    A feeling of elation overwhelmed Andrew. He felt happy, and strong

    and calmpeace a feeling he never had before... Suddenly all his

    doubts were gone, so were all his worries, the agonies of a unhappy

    past, the worries of the unseen future The storm he rammed into

    had blown away his inner turmoil, the turmoil that had tormented

    him for so long making him a prisoner of his circumstances. What

    remained now was the present, a happy, tranquil present... Now is

    the time, he heard a voice inside him telling, now is the time to act!It is now or never!

    Andrew called the nurse.

    Will you please call my wife?

    There she comes, worry and tension etched all over her beautiful

    face. He felt great pity for his wife. And love.

    He took Sarahs hands in his own and held them tightly. He knew a


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    moment from now these hands would try to pull away from his grip

    with all force.

    He looked straight into the pair of blue eyes.

    I have taken a decision Sarah. He said in a calm voice.

    What dear? Sarah asked, sounding a bit alarmed.

    Andrew waited for a second. Then he let it out.

    I am quitting my job Sarah.


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    Good job Mr. Singhal! You have met the deadline! I am satisfied

    with your work.

    The Minister of Public Works of the state of Maharashtra shook

    Pritams hand with a broad smile on his face. Pritam smiled back in

    acknowledgement of the praise, but deep inside he didnt felt very

    sure about the job he just accomplished. The pipes had been

    installed properly, all fifty of them, no problem with that. But the

    filters? He was not very sure of the filters. He did not like the

    girders, he felt the steel were rather weak and wouldnt be able tosustain the pressure but the engineers of National Forge - the

    company that made the filters - insisted they were good enough and

    the officers of the BMC readily agreed. It didnt take more than jiffy

    for Pritam to understand what was going on there. Money had been

    exchanged under the table, an inferior product sanctioned and all

    were happy. For the time being at least. If the steel girders were

    breached under impact, things could go ugly. All the good workdone so far would literally go down the drain. The grand plan of the

    Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation to keep Mumbai free of water

    logging will dissipate in no time at all. But who cared in this country

    of his. What would happen would happen. We would see to it then.

    Why bother now and spoil the party. This was the general attitude

    from top to bottom. But he knew he had to live with it if he wanted

    to work in this country and quitting was not an option for him. Notthat he never thought of it. Many a times on occasions like this,


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    when things got wrong becuse nothing else but human callousness

    and negligence and petty interests he had thought of quitting and

    going back to Harvard. But every time he asked himself why he

    came back to India in the first place. Was it not for doing somethingreal, something that isAsli, that would in some ways provide some

    succor to millions of his helpless brethren?

    I dont think the filters are strong enough Mr. Deshmukh, Pritam

    said, I doubt whether the steel girders will be able to withstand the

    impact of washed away trees. That is the main reason you wanted

    the filters didnt you? To prevent trees from washed away into the


    No! No! Its ok my boy, very much ok, The minister tried to sound

    more assuring than needed, Dont you worry at all. I had consulted

    engineers from Germany. They were very much satisfied.

    Engineers from Germany! This was new to him! Pritam wanted to

    ask who they were. But he didnt. Mr. Minister had his share too. The

    chapter was closed now.

    Coming out of the Ministers office Pritam headed for home. This

    was rush hour, his small car moved in snails pace behind a trail of

    other cars and vehicles. Things had definitely improved in this

    country Pritam thought looking at the number of electric and hybrid

    cars on the road. It was still a long way to go but definitely a markedimprovement compared to what the situation was a couple of years

    back. The pro-active engagement of the government and non-

    government agencies in which he too had a big role to play had

    gone a long way in making the city greener. Another couple of

    years, his rural solarification program would be complete. The

    number of volunteers had increase manifolds, young, educated men

    and women full of energy spread out all over the countrydetermined to make his dream a reality, bringing a piece of the sun


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    to all homes and schools and hospitals. The cities were falling in line

    too. Smaller cities like Ranchi and Raipur had already embraced the

    idea, big cities like this one would take some time. It was always

    more difficult to convince the know all big city folks.

    It was hot and humid. Pritam pulled down the windows on both side

    to the maximum. His car didnt have air-conditioning. Nor his home.

    The only house in the neighborhood devoid of any artificial cooling

    mechanism. His wife had complained many times but he stuck to

    the old ceiling fans. The decision was not for the purpose of saving

    energy, as many would have liked to think, but more because of

    practical considerations. There were no air-conditioning in the

    villages where he had to spend a lot of his time, to be surrounded

    by it while in home would only increase his discomfort going back to

    the countryside.

    His cell was ringing, Pritam looked at the screen. No name, only

    number. Must be some tellecaller trying to sell some attractive bank

    scheme. Pritam disconnected the call. He never felt comfortable

    saying no to those sweet young voices. It was better not to receive

    the call in the first place. A few seconds later the cell rang again.

    Again Pritam pressed the red button. The road was clear now.

    Pritam pressed the accelerator. The phone was ringing again. Pritam

    suppressed his irritation and slowed the car down. He picked up the

    phone and pressed the on button.

    Who is it? The anger in his voice was evident.

    Am I talking to Mr. Pritam Singhal? A husky voice was heard from

    the other side. Pritam immediately knew this was not a marketing



    I am Anil Mookherjee. Director, Indian Atomic Research Centre.

    There is something important I want to discuss with you Mr. Singhal.


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    Can we meet at the Taj today evening?

    Pritam was stunned but his voice didnt show.

    Sure we can. He tried to keep his voice calm, When?

    Exactly at five thirty. Suite number 101.

    Can I have some idea what we shall be talking about?

    You will know when we meet. Goodbye Mr. Singhal. Meet you at

    five thirty. The line got disconnected.

    Pritam could feel his heart beating against his chest. This is

    unbelievable! Totally out of the blue! More surprising than the call

    he got about eight months back from Sunil Ambani, the chairman of

    Assurance Group. He was in Raigarh district at that time, talking to

    the headman of the village of Khdoda Jalan trying to convince the

    old man about the cost benefits of solar lamps. It was raining

    intermittently and they were sitting on the mud verandah of the

    headmans house. He thought it must be some executive of the

    company but when he realized it was Sunil Ambani himself, he

    couldnt suppress his bewilderment. But then he knew what Ambani

    was going to talk about, his improvisation on the solar panel was no

    secret and companies were approaching already. He was waiting for

    the right one and the moment he received Mr. Ambanis call he

    knew he was going to make it, his dream would be fulfilled. And

    eight months later he was nearly halfway towards the goal.

    But what was different this time was the fact that he knew nothing

    what Anil Mookherjee - the famous and highly acclaimed scientist -

    was going to discuss with him. He had nothing to do with nuclear

    energy, only had a chance meeting with some Chinese businessmen

    and they invited him to China to give some lectures on clean energy

    including nuclear. Since he was a born dreamer and optimist he had

    already thought too much into it hoping that he would get theopportunity to meet some hotshots in China and make his case


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    before them. But he had his solar panels in mind more than

    anything else. Was it possible that someone of that Chinese

    delegation had met Mookerjee and told him about him? If that was

    the case he must consider himself extremely lucky. But what wasMookherjee going to talk about? He had no inkling. But he felt his

    heart still pounding. He couldnt wait to go home and tell Pooja


    Pooja was terribly excited when she heard the news and the first

    thing she did was to rush to the alter and pray to her dear Lord

    Ganesha to make the meeting a success. This was what she always

    did whenever an opportunity showed up. She had great faith on her

    God and lately her faith had begun too percolate into Pritam too. So

    before leaving for the Taj at five in the evening he didnt say no to

    his wifes request to bow before the alter.


    Pritam looked at his watch. Five twenty nine. He knocked at the

    door. An elderly man with glasses appeared.

    Mr. Pritam Singhal? The man asked.

    Pritam nodded. You are Mr. Mookherjee I presume.

    You are dead right young man. Come in! Mookherjee welcomed

    Pritam into the suite.

    Pritam found another man inside. A dark complexioned, lightly built

    young man sitting on a corner sofa.

    This is Laxman Swamy, Mr. Singhal. He too is a participant in our


    Pritam and Swamy shook hands. The three sat around a table.


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    Mookherjee lit up a cigar.

    We are going to discuss something very important gentlemen. But

    first remember this is an informal meeting and will have no mention

    in IARCs records. And all that I will say is classified information.

    Mookherjee took a long draw from his cigar looking at Pritam, then


    I hope this room is not bugged.

    Pritam could feel the excitement building up inside him.

    First of all let me tell you about Laxman, Mr. Singhal, Mookherjee

    continued, I have already told him about you.

    Laxman Swamy smiled at Pritam.

    He is not as young as he looks, mind you. He is twenty-nine years

    old. How old are you? asked Mookherjee.

    I am thirty one.

    Same age then. Good. Thatll help both of you to communicate

    better with each other. And good communication between the two

    of you is a must since you will be working together on this


    The two looked up at each other again.

    Laxman is a very special guy, Mookherjee continued, He is the

    youngest and most talented graduate IIT ever produced. After

    completing his MTech from IIT in 1998 he left the U.S. and did his

    PhD in Nuclear physics from MIT. He came back to India in 2002 and

    joined the IARC and started research on nuclear enrichment under

    my guidance. It was a pioneering endeavor, entirely his brainchild,

    involving the speeding of the fission process. After six years of

    relentless research only last month we were successful in getting

    the breakthrough. Now we are able to enrich fuel grade uranium in


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    a matter of weeks! Can you believe young man! For the first time in

    our history we have been able to do something that no one else in

    the world had done before! And all that because of this timid young

    man. Mookherjee looked at Laxman. Pritam too. Laxman smiledshyly.

    But there is a catch in all this , Mookherjee continued,

    Whatever we did regarding this program, we did by keeping our

    government and its ministries and other agencies in the dark. This

    top secret program that is the brainchild of Laxman is known only

    by a handful of IARC scientists and only one other person of Indian

    politics, and he is not the Head of State yet.

    Mookherjee noticed the surprise in Pritams eyes. He smiled again.

    You know in this age of coalition politics when we are not sure how

    many days a government will last and in a political scenario where

    every second politician is a crook, many of them with, how can we

    trust anybody? How can we trust ministers with dubious reputations

    and suspicious connections? And the officials under them, whose

    only job is to please their political masters? How can we confide

    such a path breaking and powerful program to them, a program that

    has the potential to benefit as well as harm the entire mankind in

    such monstrous proportions? With this program we can provide

    nuclear power to the entire nation in a couple of years time bringing

    our dependence on oil and coal to a bare minimum, but at the same

    time we can develop a hundred bombs in an equal span of timeWe just cant let it get out of our hand, when we know very well that

    there are many in this world who would go to any extent to get their

    hand on this path breaking technology.

    Mookherjee paused for a second then smiled at Pritam.

    Now you must be wondering why I called you then and divulging

    this highly classified information. I am coming to it. But first let metell you why I chose you particularly, not anyone else.


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    Pritam said nothing and kept looking at Mookherjee.

    For two reasons basically. Firstly you have a lot in common with

    Laxman. We have been tracking you for sometime. You have a

    selfless trait in you and a desire to serve the country. You could

    have pursued a much lucrative career in the States where you done

    your MTech but you came back. And you did not sell your patent on

    solar panel improvisation to any American or European country in

    spite of repeated offers, you sold it an Indian company and you

    have pumped the money you got from the deal back into financing

    your project.

    Not entirely true, Pritam thought. He had sold only the Indian rights

    to Assurance, the global rights to his invention were still with him.

    This is something rare you know, Mookherjee continued, In this

    country of ours almost every talented guy rush to America at the

    very first opportunity and almost never comes back. But you two

    did, just that for the sake of serving your motherland.

    Pritam was quite surprised though he did not show it. This guy had

    gathered all possible information about him. What else did he know

    about him?

    Now the second reason. You have a burning desire in you to make

    the world green Mr. Singhal. Not only have you gone a long way in

    your rural solarification program inside the country you are also

    talking with the Chinese about it. You want China to embrace yourprogram too.

    How do you know about it? Pritam couldnt help asking.

    I told you we are keeping a track on you. We also know you had

    helped the Bombay Municipal Corporation to lay drainage pipes all

    over the city voluntarily free of charge.

    Is there anything else this man didnt know about him? Pritam


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    Mookherjee smiled. Now I tell you the reason why I called you here.

    Laxman knows it already.

    Pritam felt wetness in his palms.

    I want you to go to China with Laxman.

    Mookherjee paused and looked at Pritam for a couple of seconds.

    Pritam remained silent returning the stare.

    Mookherjee lighted the cigar that was extinguished.

    I want both of you to go to China and convince the authorities

    there to embrace nuclear energy. And solar energy as well. But

    nuclear energy is our main priority. Mookherjee smiled again, I

    know you still have many questions in your mind Mr. Singhal. You

    must be wanting to know why China? Well, two reasons young man.

    First, we need a lot of uranium to make our civil nuclear program a

    success. Had we intended to make more bombs, we wouldnt have

    required that much uranium. But we have not developed this

    program keeping bombs in mind. More bombs mean nothing. One is

    enough for a small country like North Korea to keep the most

    powerful nation on earth at bay Our aim is to lessen our

    dependence oil and coal as conventional energy sources so that we

    dont have to drain our exchequer by importing oil and making our

    air unbreathable by burning coal. But the amount uranium we

    presently get from the Nuclear Supply Group is just not enough. If

    we need more and for that we need to bypass the NSG. Here comes

    China. China has recently discovered huge deposits of uranium in its

    Xingjian province. They can supply our needs. But we just cant ask

    China and get it. Why would the Chinese give us uranium bypassing

    the NSG without getting anything in return? We have to share our

    program with them. But we cant do it at an official level due to the

    secrecy involved with the program. That is why we need someone


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    as dedicated as you two to deal with the Chinese in the initial stages

    at least.

    But whom are we going to deal with in China?

    I am coming to that. But first let me explain the second reason why

    we want China on board. It is because of our concern about global

    warming gentlemen. You are not the only person who is worried Mr.

    Singhal, Mookherjee grinned, we are worried too. By we I mean

    the scientific community in this country and also in China. Things

    are getting from bad to worse you know that very well, if we dont

    clean up our act right now every thing will be lost. There is no

    tomorrow. We have to act now! And we cant wait for the politicians

    and lawmakers to do things for us. We have to do it ourselves. We,

    the concerned people of Indian and China. The future in our hands

    gentlemen. Everything depends on us. We know in another decades

    time China and India will be the nations that will lead the world

    leaving America and Europe behind. But we have to live for that day

    dont we? How can we lead the world if we ourselves pollute the

    world more than anybody else and bring it closer to disaster? We

    have to take responsibilities to clean up our acts, clean up our air

    and water and soil and do our part to reduce CO2 levels. And we

    cant put the responsibility on politicians because they will never

    take it in the first place. The responsibility is on us gentlemen, the

    responsibility is on you and people like you in China.

    Do you know any of them?

    Sure I do. And they are important people. Scientists and business

    people. And they have clout too. They have the capability to

    influence the Chinese leadership if they are convinced themselves.

    But can we trust the Chinese?

    Good question. Can we really trust the Chinese? The answer is, we

    have no option. We have to trust them. The people you will be


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    meeting are trustworthy, I can vouch for that. They are among

    those handful of Chinese who have not got carried away with

    breakneck speed with which China is progressing and are dreadfully

    worried about the manner in which their country is contributing tothe increase in CO2 levels. They are more worried than us because

    China is polluting at a much greater level. They are looking for a

    breakthrough too, they are desperate to have a breakthrough that

    can convince the communist leadership and force them to change

    paths. And we are going to give them the breakthrough. Still it wont

    be easy to convince the leadership, but convince we must.

    And all this bypassing the Government of India?

    Mookherjee shook his head.

    Nothing doing. Nothing doing. We just cant let the government

    involved right now, not at this highly unstable political scenario.

    Thats the difference with China friend. They are never unstable and

    hence more trust worthy. Democracy has its drawbacks you see.

    But I told you that there is one person in our politics who knows all

    about it. He may not be the most powerful man in our country right

    now but there is a possibility that in near future he will be. We will

    get our government involved then.

    I ask again. Are the people we shall be talking to can be trusted?

    Take my word for it Pritam! You have met some of them already.

    You mean the Chinese business delegation!

    They were mostly scientists. You did not meet them by chance.

    They met you on our recommendation, to see if you have it in you

    or not. And they were very much impressed. And recommended

    you to be apart of our team. Any more questions?

    Why didnt you discuss the program with them right here? Why do

    we need to go to China for this?


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    Three reasons for this one Mr. Singhal. Firstly an Indian nuclear

    scientist interacting with any Chinese without any kind of official

    approval is impossible, second all our emails and tele calls are

    monitored and thirdly without Laxman Swamy any discussion on thematter is useless because he is the only one who has absolute

    authority and expertise on the subject. But he will be going to China

    clandestinely, in the guise of Siddarth Bose, an Indian entrepreneur,

    partner of Pritam Singhal - the inventor of energy storing solar

    panels. Mookerjee smiled. You have no objection I hope.

    Pritam smiled and nodded to let know that he had none.

    I want both of you to leave for Beijing next week only, Mookherjee


    A last question, Prtam asked, Are you sure this room is not


    Anil Moookherjee broke into laughter.

    We shall see! We shall see! He replied laughing, Where we spendour night tonight? In the cozy comfort of our bedrooms or on the

    cold floor of a police lockup?

    It all seemed so impossible Pritam thought as he drove back

    home. The meeting with the Chinese delegation which now he knew

    was not a chance meeting at all, the call from Mookherjee, andfinally what the man said. It was too much to believe. Pritam

    pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming. No he was not

    dreaming. It was true, every bit of it. He was to embark upon the

    most important mission of his life Laxman Swamy fascinated him

    most, more than Mookherjee he seemed almost unreal. The guy

    had spoken very little, only smiled, it was impossible to guess what

    was going on in his mind. Who could presume that behind that veryordinary looking dark face lied such a brain it was too fascinating


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    to believe the mans achievement. Passing out of IIT at such a

    young age, going to MIT, working on such a hi-fi project which was

    his brainchild fascinating indeed! But was it all true? May be not

    all of it was true. Maybe fiction were mixed up with facts. But he hadno means to verify it now, in such a short time. The meeting was

    real, Mookherjees proposal was real and he had to accept it. He had

    to get visa that Mookherjee said wouldnt be a problem and he had

    to tell Pooja everything though Mookerjee had given clear

    instructions to keep it an absolute secret. But without Poojas

    consent he would not embark upon the project.

    Reaching home Pritam told everything to his wife. Pooja thought for

    a moment then consented reposing her faith on Lord Ganesha.

    Whatever He will do, He will do for good. She said with

    confidence. If only I had such faith, Pritam thought.

    Now with Pooja fast asleep beside her he felt a great urge to talk to

    Andrew. He wouldnt tell him anything about the project, only let

    him know that he was going to China on matters relating to his solar

    project. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Half past one.

    Four thirty evening in New York. Andrew must be in his office now.

    Would he be able to talk? Pritam sent a SMS.

    The reply came in a minute. Andrew was before his laptop.

    Great news pal. Going to China next week! Pritam couldnt hide

    the excitement in his voice as he saw his friends image on the


    Great news indeed! Andrew responded, Whom are you going to

    meet there?

    Pritam thought for a moment. He hated to lie to his friend.

    Andy I cant really tell you whom I am going to meet. In fact I

    myself do not know.


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    I dont understand man. You are going to China for a purpose and

    you dont not know whom you will be meeting there?

    Andy I just want you to know that this is serious business. I mean

    absoluteAsli. I cant divulge anymore. I am not permitted.

    Andrew looked at his friend for a moment.

    I understand. He said.

    Pritam noticed Andrews wife passing by from behind.

    You are at home? He asked.


    You are supposed to be at your office now, dont you?

    Andrew smiled. I quit my job.


    Pritam listened in silence as Andrew narrated to him his tryst with


    Dear God! He said at last, You had gone through all this and I

    didnt know a thing?

    I was going to tell you. But first I needed to come in terms with

    certain emotions that I was going through.

    Had you?


    May I know?

    You are the only person I can talk about this.

    Pritam listened as Andrew spoke.

    Look Buddy, I did not take the decision in heat of the moment. I felt


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    the urge inside! It was the storm that made me feel that way, and I

    was sure it was the right decision and I still feel that way. But then I

    began to have another strange feeling and the more I thought about

    it the more I got sucked into it and now it has turned into a belief. Iam believing something buddy.

    Whats that?

    That I am destined to conquer it!

    Conquer what?

    The storm. Its fury...

    Pritam said noting and listened in silence.

    It couldnt kill me Pritam. It tried, but failed. And it has challenged

    me. Now its my turn to settle the score. This is my destiny buddy!

    This is what I am born for. This is the purpose of my life. I have

    finally realized the purpose of my life. The storm took me in its fold,

    challenged me and let me know the purpose of my life. I must fight

    it! Thats my destiny!

    So it has become personal. Your wife must be having a hell of a


    Andrew smiled. Said nothing.

    Look Andy. I understand your feelings. You have at last been able

    to come out of your prison. And theres no going back I can wellunderstand. The fire you have in you is real and I have no doubt you

    will be able to make good use of it. But what exactly you will do

    now? Pritam asked.

    I am thinking of getting a job at the Hurricane Research Centre at

    Miami. I am preparing myself for an interview.

    Whats your wife saying about all this?


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    I dont care anymore. I dont care what she thinks or other thinks. I

    know what I have to do and I will do that.

    Good Man! Good! Thats Andrew Banks talking!

    A smile appeared in Andrews lips and disappeared. Pritam knew his

    friend meant business.

    Pritam felt good when he came back to bed. He had discovered a

    new Andrew Banks today. An Andrew Banks he knew in his Harvard

    days, full of confidence and raw zeal. A radical departure from the

    frustrated man he knew only a week ago. He would be able to do it,

    Pritam felt deep in his heart, Andrew would be able to win the



    The visa was ready in a couple of days time. They had anothermeeting a day after and the nitty grittys were worked out. The

    following Sunday morning Pritam was at the Sahar Airport lounge

    waiting for the duo to appear. Pooja was insisting to come with him

    as she always did whenever he had to take a flight abroad, but this

    time he persuaded her not to come. He did not want Pooja to meet

    either Laxman or Mookherjee There he comes Mookherjee a big

    dark goggles hiding his eyes. Wheres Laxman?

    Pritam and Mookherjee shook hands.

    Wheres Siddarth? Pritam asked. Siddarth Reddy Laxman had

    got a name and an identity finally, thanks to Mission China.

    He is coming in a separate taxi. Will be here any moment.

    Pritams eyes followed Mookherjees to the sliding glass entrance of

    the lounge. On the other side of the door on the road a cab stopped


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    and a lightly built man wearing a cream colored suit came out.

    Showing his documents to the security he entered into the lounge

    and looked around.

    Wheres he? Pritam asked. Mookherjee was smiling.

    The man in cream suit walked towards them and in a few seconds

    was standing before them smiling.

    Good morning Singhal

    Pritam couldnt believe his eyes.


    Siddarth for you! Mookherjee corrected.

    Pritam looked at Laxman alias Siddarth with stupefied amazement.

    Its a new person standing before him. Gone is the oily, plain long

    hairs, the dark complexion, the thin moustache.

    The man before him was totally hip, hairs cropped above the ears,clean shavened wearing a pair of gold-rimmed semi dark glasses.

    The complexion had improved too, it was now wheatish instead of

    dark. And wearing a superbly cut cream suit and brown red tie

    Laxman Swamy looked like a highflying business executive.

    How could you change the color of your skin? Pritam whispered.

    Everything is possible youngman, everything is possible.Mookherjee grinned.

    The flight was announced and Mookherjee left. Pritam and Laxman

    stood in queue at the security check. A couple of girls and stood

    behind them. Another man came and stood behind the girls, his

    eyes fixed on the two Indian men a little ahead of him.


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    you like.Sarah was not picking up her cell.

    Whats the matter? Nancy asked with a naughty smile on her lips.

    Must have gone to the loo. Andy said somewhat embarrassed,

    noticing the eager look on Nancys face.

    How long does one take in the loo? More than an hour? Unless of

    course its a case of severe diarrhea. Nancy chuckled.

    Andy didnt answer. He tried again. The tune stopped abruptly.

    Hello Sarah? Andy called.

    No response. Had she cut off the line? No, the display was

    showing connected.

    Sarah are you there? Andy called again, Sarah?

    He could hear voices on the background. She had pressed the green

    button to receive the call but was not speaking. Andrew noticed

    Nancys smile broadening. She was obviously enjoying his


    What is it? Sarahs voice rang from the other end, finally. But it

    was full of resentment, Andrew could well guess.

    Where are you? At the office? Andrew asked.

    Where else you expect? Sarah replied curtly.

    Andrew was at a loss of words. He couldnt think of what to say.

    Seconds passed without anyone saying anything. Then Andrew

    realized Sarah had cut off the line. He put his cell into his pocket

    expecting a stinging remark from the woman standing beside her.

    But Nancy said nothing. A customer entered through the door and

    walked up to the counter.

    Hello old girl! He said smiling at Nancy.


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    Hello Frankie! Nancy beamed, When did you return from New


    Yesterday. Got a new help? The man said looking at Andrew.

    Yeah. Hes from New York too.

    Is he? The man looked surprised. Came for vacation?

    Andrew smiled and shook his head to say no. This was a common

    perception people had of him when they heard that he had come

    New York; a vacationer working as a coffee shop assistant to pay up

    for the hotel bills. But then came the surprise that Nancy not for

    once had failed to deliver.

    Andrew left his managers job at StanCorp and came to Miami to

    volunteer at the Hurricane Centre.

    The man looked at him as if he was looking at some extraterrestrial


    You mean you were a manager at Stan Corp?

    Andrew smiled.

    Nancy placed the coffee and hotdog before Frank. He left his wife


    Just to volunteer?

    Yeah. At the Hurricane Shack inside the University Campus, theradio operators den.

    I know, the man nodded. Ham Radio isnt it, you track the ham

    operators messages during a storm.

    Andrew nodded again. The man seemed informed unlike many

    others who in spite of living in the city all their life didnt know the

    existence of the Weather Volunteers Observer Network inside the

    Florida University campus. They all know the Hurricane Centre, but


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    not this important wing of the organization.


    You know about it? Andrew smiled. Even fewer knew it was called

    by that name.

    Sure I do. A friend of mine worked there while in college. But left

    when he got a job. What made you quit yours and come here?

    Passion. Quipped Nancy.

    Just passion?

    Andrew nodded.

    Crazy people you are! Frank shook his head, Must have made a

    decent buck before quitting, eh?

    Andrew remained silent, his smile fading a bit. Nancy was looking at

    her, she knew everything.

    Passion! Frank exclaimed without waiting for his reply, Passiondrives the world! You guys are great! Great indeed! Have guts!

    Leaving a decent job in this crunch time!

    He gulped down the rest of the coffee and left, not before taking a

    long second look at Andrew.

    Nancy came forward and gave a pat on his shoulder. Andrew picked

    up the plate and the mug and placed it on the sink. In moments likethese he felt a little resentment towards Nancy. The women just

    couldnt help telling every Tom, Dick and Harry who happened to

    pass by her shop about the background of her new assistant. But

    she did it without any malice though. It seemed she even took some

    pride in announcing that some hotshot from Wall Street was working

    as a help in her shop. She was a big-hearted woman and Andrew

    liked her. She talked a bit too much and never missed an

    opportunity to take a humorous dig at people but she was kind. Had


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    it not been for her it would be impossible for him to manage in this

    city and do what he came here to do. Not only she had given him

    this flexible day job that allowed him to spend his evenings and

    sometimes nights at the Hurricane Shack but also provided him freeaccommodation at her attic room and he was grateful to her for

    that. She also seemed too have understood the reason behind his

    leaving the job and coming here, unlike many others that included

    his wife. She did not laugh or did not look at him the manner in

    which this customer looked at him a moment ago when she first

    heard about the purpose of his leaving his white collared job and

    working for free at the Hurricane Centre. That a man could make

    sacrifices to pursue his dream, that there could be a bigger purpose

    in life other than making money and enjoying it, this not so

    educated woman seemed to have understood better than most of

    his more educated and sophisticated friends and colleagues. And

    she did not laugh when in a state of drunkenness he told her about

    the emotions he had gone through after that tornado experience.

    She was the second person after Pritam who seemed to have

    understood what was going on inside his mind. She too had

    experienced the wrath of nature first hand, and more painstakingly

    than him. Maybe that made her more insightful and understanding

    than others. She was an inhabitant of New Orleans only a couple of

    years back running a successful eatery business with her husband

    Eddie. Then came Katrina and everything was washed away with

    the waters that came after the storm. Andrew had gathered a lot of

    information about Katrina but this was the first time he came across

    someone who actually suffered the wrath of the storm. They did not

    evacuate the city when the warnings were issued and took shelter

    at the Convention Centre to wear out the storm like thousands of

    others. The storm did pass away without causing much damage to

    the city, but the levees that were made to keep the sea water away

    could not withstand the surge that came with the storm and were

    breached in a couple of places. Within twenty-four hours the entire


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    city was completely inundated with water except for the French

    Quarters that was on higher ground. With all communications

    severed and all roads under water, the Big Easy was totally cut off

    from the rest of the world.

    Things began to take an ugly turn from the second day. Nancy and

    her husband Eddie found themselves stranded at the Convention

    Centre. There were at least two thousand people at the Centre and

    soon food and water were running short. All were expecting the

    rescue teams to arrive with supplies but it arrived only five days

    later. Meanwhile things got from bad to worse. Venturing out of the

    Centre in search of food was dangerous; there was total collapse of

    law and order as many police officers had abdicated their duties,

    armed goons were ruling the streets looting abandoned houses and

    killing anyone who came in between. Even inside the Centre gangs

    were intimidating people, snatching away foods, molesting young

    girls, even raping them. It was the rule of the jungle, survival of the

    fittest. Two thousand people, men, women, children crammed in a

    hall - eating, sleeping, and defecating in the same place terrorized

    by goons. It was nothing short of a living hell. The ordeal ended five

    days later when help finally arrived. Returning to their home Nancy

    and Eddie found their home and shop ransacked. Everything that

    was valuable was gone. They had nothing insured and very little

    money in the bank to restart the business. On top of that there was

    a loan to be repaid. Faced with such odds Eddie suffered a massive

    heart attack and died. Nancy then left New Orleans for good,

    leaving behind everything. She came to Miami and started afresh.

    With sheer hard work and help from an old friend she was able to

    set up this small coffee corner in this downtown district and had got

    it running. She had placed an ad in the local newspaper looking for

    an assistant and that was how they got to know each other. And

    over the last one month he was working here they had become

    friends, sharing their intimate thoughts and experiences with eachother.


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    Andrews phone rang. It was Jeff Lawson, coordinator WX4NHC.

    Come to the shack immediately! Kellys become a major!

    Approaching landfall.

    Andrew was astounded. Suddenly he felt a hollow in his stomach.

    Kelly had become a major hurricane! Approaching landfall! Did he

    commit a fatal mistake then?

    He vividly remembered the conversation he had with the ham

    operator W7LXR who had called from the Bahamas. He was relaying

    the data collected by another operator AG4ZG who was out in the

    Atlantic 80 miles off the coast in his sailboat right in the middle of

    Kelly when all other data collected from more sophisticated sources

    was showing it was only a category 1. After noting down the wind

    speed, gust speed and wind direction when he had asked for the

    barometric pressure he was in for shock.

    955 millibars he said! The operator himself sounded unconvinced

    as he said.

    955! Are you sure you heard right?

    I heard all right. I asked him a few times. Every time he said 955.

    But -

    But what?

    When I asked whether his barometer was calibrated or not he was


    Ah! Its not calibrated! Worthless info then. NHC wont even look at


    I know. But still thought of letting you know.

    Terminating the call he had checked the latest updated weather

    advisory issued by the NHC. Sustained wind pressure 80 knots,

    storm surge 1.2 meters, barometric pressure 985 millibars. In fact


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    question mark around it they wouldn't have looked at it. The

    guidelines of NHC were strict, all parameters had to be measured

    and all instruments should be properly installed and calibrated.

    They would not consider anything that would fall short of thecriteria. Was the mans barometer calibrated then? Why did he fail

    to mention it? Lives could have been saved

    Hi. Andrew felt a hand on his shoulder.

    He knew the man before him, short and burly with a pair of glasses,

    someone of the NHC but he didnt know his name.

    I am Michael Dean. Can I have your company? Said the man.

    With pleasure, Andrew smiled. I am Andrew Banks, I volunteer at

    the WX4NHC.

    I know. Christopher Tan told me about you. You have come from

    New York, didnt you?

    Andrew nodded.

    I am a forecaster at the NHC. Michael said sipping at the Cobra

    bottle that the waiter placed before him. What a hell of a day we

    had! Didnt we?

    This is rare isnt it? Such a deviation?

    Of course its rare! In my fifteen years career I havent come across

    such a massive deviation from standard Doppler measurements.Only once in 1996 we were wrong in predicting Hurricane Jeanne.

    But we were saved by an independent Weather Station operator

    who had measured a wind speed 100 knots while all other sources

    were showing wind speed between 80 to 85 knots. We heeded to

    the info he provided and evacuated people from Long Island. It

    caused massive destruction but there were no casualties. God

    knows how many would be killed in this.


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    Andrew felt a jolt in his heart. He felt his pulse running high.

    Would you have trusted his measurement if you were not sure his

    anemometer were calibrated or not?

    Of course not! How could you trust an instruments measurements

    thats not properly calibrated But why do you ask?

    Andrew told Michael.

    Shit! Michael winced.

    Do you think it was a mistake on my part in not reporting it?

    Andrew asked.

    No, No you did nothing wrong! Michael shook his head, Even if

    you had sent it we wouldnt have given any importance to it. We

    look into only those reports that are without any flaws. But why was

    that guy so unsure?

    May be his barometer was not properly calibrated indeed. Or he

    was so stunned by his measurements that he that he began todoubt about the reliability of his instrument.

    Michael nodded. Yes that might well be the case. The guy was

    ****ly stunned. Must be novice.

    But I feel bad you know. Maybe I should have sent the report

    anyway. It could have saved lives.

    You played by the books. Michael assured Andrew. How could

    you have send a report if you were not one hundred percent sure

    about it? Id have done the same thing if I were in your place. So

    would others. Theres no reason why you should take it on yourself.

    Andrew felt better. He knew he had played by the books but to have

    it confirmed by someone of the NHC was reassuring. Now he could

    sleep in peace.


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    Michael began to narrate about his experiences of previous storms.

    Andrew listened fascinated. He had studied a lot about hurricanes

    but what exactly goes on inside the hurricane centre to hear from

    someone who was in the thick of things was indeed fascinating. Ashe listened one thing became clear to him. In-spite of all the

    resources available to them, in-spite of all the models ands

    sophisticated radars, the deadly storms still played cat and mouse

    with the meteorologists and forecasters at the NHC.

    If only someone invented a means to stop these killers! We

    wouldn't have to spend so much of our energy in predicting their

    minds then. Michael sighed.

    Is there no means at all?

    Michael looked up and smiled wryly.

    They tried seeding. Spreading silver iodide on the clouds

    surrounding the eyewall and making them freeze. So that latent

    heat is released and make the clouds grow, stealing some of the

    humid air thats helping them grow and create strong winds. But the

    results of the experiments were not very encouraging.

    Andrew knew about seeding. That it was not very successful he

    knew that too. But what about Andrew felt an overwhelming urge

    to tell Michael something that was going on in his mind for

    sometime. It was an idea, an extreme one. It came to his mind

    quite suddenly a couple of weeks back, while watching a programon turbine technology on Discovery Channel. He thought it was a

    great idea, even a revolutionary one, but he kept it to himself,

    apprehensive of the reaction he would get from others. Pritam was

    the only person he could discuss it with, but he could not be

    contacted since he was in China for some secretive mission.

    Now with the Martini flowing in his blood stream he was gripped

    with a great urge to let it come out. He wanted to see how this


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    seasoned forecaster of the NHC reacted to this totally out of the box

    idea of his.

    What about turbines?


    Cant we reduce a hurricanes speed by lowering turbines into the

    eye-wall and rotating them in a clockwise direction at an equal


    Andrew looked straight into Michaels eyes to see how they reacted.

    Michael finished his beer and looked up at Andrew without saying

    anything. Andrews heart beat fast in anticipation of the reply.

    And how would you lower the turbines into the wall? Michael said


    Andrew was relieved. The idea was not rejected outright.

    We could fly airplanes into the hurricane with turbines hanging.

    They would fly in a clockwise manner along the eye-wall in different

    altitudes at a constant speed maintaining equidistance between


    How many airplanes?

    Depends on the size of the hurricane. At least hundred for a 300

    miles wide one.

    Michael went silent again and kept looking at Andrew. Andrew

    returned the stare.

    A faint smile appeared at the edge of Michaels lips then


    The most atrocious plan any one had ever thought of! But

    theoretically it sounds o.k. . A clockwise force annulling a counter-

    clockwise force not bad.


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    But do think its practical?

    Much more practical than the seeding business. We do fly aircrafts

    into hurricanes for data collection. I dont see why we cant hang

    turbines from them. But the scale is massive, hundred aircrafts! A

    lot of co-ordination is needed. Any error and the planes would ram

    into each other. But skilled pilots can fly planes into hurricanes with

    great accuracy and with the radar screen before them indicating the

    precise paths of each aircraft it is indeed possible to fly in a

    coordinated manner. The problem lies else where.

    The cost?


    But is their anything more costly than human lives?

    Depends on how many lives. Of course you cant apply your plan to

    stop a hurricane like Kelly that had destroyed just an island and had

    killed about 20 people or so. But if its something like Andrew or

    even bigger then it can be given a go but well, neither you nor Iwould decide. Its up to people much higher up in the ladder. But -


    Why dont you discuss your plan with a friend of mine. Richard

    Donaldson his name, a former colleague of mine. A genius and a

    maverick. Worked at the NHC for ten years as a meteorologist but

    left frustrated after the devastation of Katrina. And now he isdevoting all his time and energy in finding a way to minimize the

    effects of hurricanes. He would be glad to meet you.

    Is it possible to meet him tomorrow?

    Sure. He lives at Tampa. Half an hour drive from here. When are

    you available tomorrow?

    Anytime in the day.


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    Ten oclock?


    We shall meet at the university gate exactly at ten then.

    Michael dropped Andrew in the crossing of the 256th and 32nd street.

    Walking through the empty alley that lead to Nancys house a

    feeling of exhilaration swept over Andrew. Suddenly under the star

    filled clear sky the world seemed full of possibilities, nothing

    seemed impossible. He was surprised at this strange feeling of his,

    but it seemed so real. Destiny seemed to be working his way, the

    pieces falling together. Tomorrow something fruitful might come out

    of his meeting with Richard Donaldson that might bring him closer

    to his goal, his destiny.

    Ill prove you wrong Sarah, Ill prove you wrong, Andrew muttered

    in the darkness, Youll be proud of your husband one day.


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