FI-WARE presentation Smart Business



This application will allow small and medium enterprises (SME or PYME) have elementary knowledge of online marketing and serve as a platform and command center for the various tasks they face every day and optimize its performance.

Transcript of FI-WARE presentation Smart Business

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We are an ‘all in one’ app. We give you a lot of spaceto store your company data, create your own content, explore other posibilitiesand help you to the processof improvement with aneasy to use interface and also provide you withdifferent tools to manageyour daily task and makethem better.

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It allows you to learn allabout the AIDCA model and create your Digital Marketing plan

It allows to start using allthe tools this app provides, and importing your data

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Quick video about this appworks and what we affer

This option allows to accessto more information aboutthis app development and the AIDCA model

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You can check the AIDA model once you haveimplemented any of thecorresponding labels

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Virtual assitent who oftenappears with helpfuladvices and How-Tos

Once you chose an itemfrom the piramid it opens a short descripcion about it

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You can access to a list of several articles orvideotutorials and you can also configure an alarmeverytime an article ispublished or define howoften you recieved them

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We offer a directory of freelancers and star-ups who will help you deal withdifferent tasks includingeconomic prizes

Breve descrption aboutevery item mencionedbefore

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You can find more than 40 advices about the subjectand you can also exportthen later or take notes

We provide different links tohelp you improve the tipsexplained before. You coulduse software or online resources to deal with thistask

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One you finish the AIDCA model walkthrough you can acess to all the benefits this app offers.

You can chose fromdifferent model to createyour own portfolio online and upload different kind of files.

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You can change the colorsto clasify the bills, and determinate an overduedate with an alarmreminder.

Powerful business calculatorwith fixed equations of taxes, salaries, etc. You can upload your own and save itfor further use.

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At the begining if you choseto start from zero we willprovide you a Timeline totrack your process and learning skills

This little guy will moveonce you complete eachpart of the AIDCA model

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When you create youraccount you are able to addmore users to your accountthrough invitations or anexcel database with every e-mail address. They will be your employees and theywill only see and accesswhat you allow them to. Once they are ‘in’ , you can delegate different task fromthis Schedule, and a notification will be sent tothem. If they complete thetask on time, it will be underlined, if it not the taskwill turn black

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