ffi«5 || lilr€¦ · ^lOCALlfS. ' ffi«5 || MrAC Swai'.s was in Florence Sunday. AC Hinds, Esq,...

^ . lOCALlfS ' ffi«5 || Mr A C Swai'.s was in Florence Sunday. A C Hinds, Esq, visited Sumter Monday. Rev H D Bull spent yesterday in m Florence. (Mr J W Kirby of Greely ville was in town Tuesday. Miss Alice Stackley is spending the week in Florence. Miss Ethel Ruff of Charleston is visiting Mis3 Imo Fulton. P H Arrowsmith, Esq, of Lake City was in town Monday. i Mr. L. F, Tisdale of the Benson section was in town today. Miss Dell Van Keuren of Florence spent Sunday in Kingstree. Mrs M J Grayson is spending some time with relatives in town. of Miss Louise Cunningham spent the past week-end in Sumter. LeRoy Lee,Esq, spent Saturday in Florence on professional business. Mr B W Butler of Florence was in Kingstree several days this week. Nineteen sixteen is jogging along. Gee! but, some of us are getting old. mm John Edds of Cades visited her mother, Mrs S B W Courtney, here this week. Mr and Mrs Louis Jacobs of Ello- ree are visiting: Mr Jacobs' old home here this week. Messrs Walter C Wilson and J L ! J ; Thomas of Cades were noted in j , Kingstree Tuesday. Mrs W N Jacobs attended the , Ehrich-Weinberg wedding at George- town last Thursday. Joseph W Cooper, Jr,has been appointed postmaster at ^lorrisvilie, vice William M Marlowe. ( < Misses Bessie and Marguerite Van 1 Keuren are visiting their sister, Mrs \ (J C Brinkley, in Georgetown. I Attention is called to the advertisement in this paper, 8th page, of the Bellinger Mercantile Co at Hem- * rA ingWay, i ^ Messrs J D Lawrence, H A Davis and S Brockinton motored over from Sumter Sunday and spent the day with Mr and Mrs W H McGee. 9 Bishop W A Guerry will preach and administer confirmation at the j . - * r% 1 .j. it Episcopal churcn next ounaay at 11 a. m. There will be no night service. Misses Georgie Stackiey, Marie and Lucile Jackson and Messrs Jesse and Melvin Cribb of Rome spent Sunday at the home of Mr Louis Stackiey. -W* Has any one of our readers a copy ] The Record of the issue of Janu- j ary 2, 1902? If so, we would be , pleased to have it for one of our < subscribers ( Mr and Mrs 0 W Hughes, who . have been spending several weeks 1 with the latter's father.Mr S F Epps, left yesterday for Atlanta, Ga, where j they will reside in future. ' Among the newcomers to our city, we are glad to welcome Mr J Parrott of Bishopville, who has taken charge of the prescription depart- < n > ment of the Scott Drug Co. Mr Sam P Stackiey, who was at jf| home on the sick list several days * Mast week,returned Sunday to Peach; #land, N C, to resume his duties as principal of the school there. Dr J G McMaster of Florence, a j brother-in-law of Mrs W G Gamble, is confined to his home with a slight < attack of diphtheria. His many 1 friends here hope for his speedy recovery. Misses Floride Lesesne and Ethel Daniel and Messrs Lesesne, Walker, Marshall and Smith of Charleston i spent Sunday in town. They were i guests of Misses Katie Stackiey and Marie Nelson < ( Mr M B Thomas has been called to ^Columbia by the Southern Cotton Oil company to fill a vacancy in the office force. Mr Thomas left yester- 1 day and will be in Columbia for two i weeks, possibly longer. . We are requested to state that tax returns are being made very slowly, regardless of the fact that the time for doing so without penalty expires on the 20th, after which date a penalty is imposed by law. Master William Kennedy Brockin-1 ton, five-year-old son of Mr and Mrs i I W E Brockinton,was "at home" to a number of his little friends Monday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock,! the occasion being: in celebration of fcis fifth anniversary. Master Russell Stoll, son of Mr VV M Stoll,Great Falls, Chester county, spent several days here this week with his uncles,Messrs C W and P K Stoll. Russell, who has a position in the House of Representatives, is a bright and interesting lad. The marriage of Miss Leola Lovett to Mr John Scott Cain is announced to take place at Cooper Wednesday afternoon, February 16. The announcement is made by Mr and Mrs G H Lovett, brother and ' <* I l A L sister-in-law or tne Driae-io-oe. The many friends of Mr and Mrs M L Allen and their little son, John Rodgers, who has been critically ill for several weeks past, will be gratified to learn that the little fellow's condition is much improved and he now seems to be on the road to recovery. Mr and Mrs L Roy Cates were summoned to Conway last Saturday on account of the serious illness of the latter's father, Mr J A Burbage. Mr Cates returned here Monday, but Mrs Cates is still with her father. We are pleased to learn this morning that his condition is somewhat improved. We are gratified to learn that Master Harold Steele, who was run into and seriously injured by an automobile several weeks ago, has so far improved that he is now able to sit up and go about in a rolling chair. He is still at the McLeod infirmary at Florence, but it is hoped that he will be able to return home soon. Rev A E Riemer and wife are expected to reach Xingstree tomorrow morning from Allendale, Mr Riemer will take up his duties here Sunday as pastor of the Xingstree Baptist church, and he and Mrs Riemer will occupy tne church parsonage upon the arrival here of their furniture and other household equipment. The following gentlemen went to Columbia this week to attend the Laymen's Missionary convention: W H Welch, T E Baggett, W J Britton, W E Nesmith, W R Scott, Rev D A Phillips, F K Graham, Hugh McCutchen and W T Wilkins. Most of these made the trip by automobile, returning here last night. From all accounts the meeting was largely attended and was a great success in every particular. The police made a raid on the domicile of Frank Woodberry Saturday night and captured about a dozen dusky gents whom he had invited into his quarters to engage in a game of "skin." Frank is now serving 30 days with Road Engineer Frierson, as aft* also four or five of his invited guests who failed to come across with the cash penalties assessed by Mayor Scott Monday morning. Enjoyable Social Afialr. A most enjoyable affair was that Df a seven o'clock dinner given by Misses Katie and Alice Stackley last rhureday night. The guests were met at the door 1%., MIob Al'no Qtoolflou nnH lishprpH \jy luiso niiw uvuviuvj MMV> in the parlor, where games were being indulged in, the old favorite "set back" being the order of the day. At seven-thirty the guests were invited in to supper, where a bountiful spread awaited them. The tables were decorated with pale blue violets and green cedar. Music was furnished on the piano by Miss Olive Montgomery. At eleven o'clock the guests departed, declaring that they had never had a more enjoyable time in their lives than that given them by their hostesses. The following were present: Misses Marie Nelson, Emma Gordon, Olive Montgomery, Miriam Fluitt, Vermelle Plowden, Louise Wheeler, Imo Fulton; Wallace Mcintosh, S M Carter, James Wall.JE Reeves, William Epps, Carlisle Myrick, Dicky Frierson, Jim Epps, Ernest Parham and Clarence Alsbrook. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our thanks to the people of Andrews,Trio and surrounding communities for the many fleeds of kindness shown us during 3ur recent bereavement in the death f our little son. Mr and Mrs J S Tartt. It is cheaper to pay for your own paper than to wear out shoe leather trotting over to borrow your neighbor's. Did you ever see a scalawag who didn't consider himself a bright, brainy and shining example for his fellow men? Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known, tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. MISS SWANN IN NEW ROLE. _____ Kingstree Lady as Art Contribu- < tor to a North Carolina Journal, c The Raleigh (N C) Times of Feb- ( ruary 5 contains the following: "The Raleigh Times takes pleasure j in announcing the addition to its j staff of special writers of Miss Mary J Lee Swann, who will contribute an article once a week under the general subject of "Adorning the Home." The series will treat on interior decorating and beautifying the home along modern conservative lines. It will be a feature which will appeal to every lover of simplicity of art in the home. Miss Swann is peculiarly fitted to do this work, being an instructor in the Barnard School of Household Arts at Columbia university. She is well known to a number of people in Raleigh, having resided here for about two years. She left this city a little more ftan two years ago and nntorarl Pnlnmhia Qnrl flrlvnnPpH rflTV iidly in her chosen work. Miss Swann's series of articles on "Adorning the Home," beginning in this issue of The Times, will take up each^iart of the home and discuss the subjects one by one. The feature will be one that should appeal to , every lover of the home into whose hands it comes." Miss Swann is a daughter of Mrs M F Swann and sister of Mesdames J D Britton and J P Hutson, of this town. She is a young lady of unusual talent, and we are glad that it has received this well merited recognition. KIND WORDS. Young Lady at College Expresses Appreciation ol The Record. My Dear Mr Tolley: I have just been reading the dear old County Record, which is indeed a treat to a poor homesick school girl. It is something to which I always look forward with pleasure from week to week; for there are but few things that I really enjoy more than reading my own home paper, through and through and in and out. I enjoy every bit of it, and never slight even the advertisements. Now, since this dear paper means so much to me, I feel that I would like, in a small measure, to show my I appreciation by writing a short news letter about the college and our work here, to The Record once or twice a month; that is, if you , think my letters are worth printing and can allow me the space in your ^ paper. Hoping to hear from you soon, j I remain, Very sincerely yours, Jennie Lee Epps. r Columbia College, February 4. We heartily appreciate the above letter from Miss Epps and shall be J glad to have a letter from her on college affairs for publication in The Record any time she may find it convenient to write. Miss Jennie Lee v Epps' appreciation shows that she is a chip off the old block, for nearly v every member of her father's fami- . ly is a valued subscriber to The Record, among them being one sister, Miss Leila Mossie Lpps, wno nas ior several years been engaged in missionary work in Brazil. Valentines and Post Cards cheap at Dr Brockington's Drug Store. It Miss Sue Shaw, a popular and attractive young: lady of Lake City, was married yesterday to Mr Rudolph Clauss of Charleston. The wedding: took place at the Presbyterian church in the presence of a larpre number of the bride's friends. The Best Recommendation. * The strongest recommendation c any article may receive is a favor- able word from the user. It is the recommendation of those who have ' used it that makes Chamberlain's { Cougrh Remedy so popular. Mrs c Amanda Gierhart.Waynesfield, Ohio, t writes,"Chamberlain's Cough Reme- c dy has been used in my family off and on for twenty years and it has never failed to cure a cough or cold." e UDtamaoie everywnere. j Box Forty The public is cordially invited to J attend a box party at the Black River school Friday night, February 18. Proceeds for benefit of school. t It c For a Bilious Attack. d j When you have a severe headache, u accompanied by a coated tongue, t loathing of food, constipation, torpid 1 liver, vomiting of partly digested food and then bile, you may know d that you have a severe bilious attack. 2 While you may be quite sick, there [ is much consolation in knowing that relief may be had by taking three of Chamberlain's Tablets. They are j J prompt and effectual. Obtainable ( everywhere. ' t Jury List. The following named gentlemen were drawn by the jur.> commissioners Monday for the spring term )i the court of General sessions vhich convenes here Monday, February 21, with Judge J W DeVore ^residing: S P Harper, Kingstree, J H Phillips, G G Gist, Trio, J J M Tisdale, Kingstree, J C McClary, A C Boyd, Trio, D H Hanna, Kingstree, C W Stuckey, Fowler, ri T MnPlorir Qoltara XX X UXCWIOi Jt UM1VVIW| W W Fulmore, Cades, J J Baxley, Hemingway, W J Godwin, Andrews, L M Altman, Vox, J A Thompson, Hemingway, R B Fitch, Lake City, R F D, W L Altman, Suttons, C M Cook, Lake City, R F D, J M Wingate, New Zion, D C Brown, Kingstree, H A Altman, Morrisville, S P Cooper, Suttons, J M Oliver, Greelyville, J P Blakely, Andrews, E P McKnight, Lake City, R F D, R B Matthews, Kingstree, E 0 Rodgers, Lanes, R P Hinnant, Suttons, S V Taylor, Greelyville, J E MijFadden, Cades, r J L Ferrell, Greelyville, W F Joye, Hemingway, j T Tisdale. Kingstree. R F D, W B Waldron, Rhems, R G Waldron. ." J R Barrow, New Zion, W R Cooper, Nesmith. GRAND JURORS FOR 1916. W D Bryan, Bryan, W H Touchberry, Greelyville, T B Patrick, Fowler, M H Baker, Cades, H S B Johnson, Cades, P B Feagin, Trio, W G Burrows, Hemingway, H E Tisdale, Kingstree. RFD, W N Clarkson, Heinemann, Bartow Smith, Cades, T E Baggett, Kingstree, Jas L Barrow, New Zion, W T Clark, Cades, W K Mcintosh. Kingstree, J P Gamble, Heinemann, W I Tisdale, Kingstree, RFD, J F Rodgers, W P McKnight, New Zion. Valentines at Dr Brockington's )rug Store. It ^ Great Puzzle Contest, "The most successful contest we ? « - it -i* 0 lave ever run, ir interest is tne inai- c ation of results," said Mr J V VVal- J ace, of the Charleston Piano Com- £ >any. "Our Great Mysterious Clock j 'uzzle is attracting the attention of I housands of Charlestonians and j leighboring Carolinians. We have c eceived more answers already than ? ve have in any of our former con- j ests and yet there are eleven more jj lays before the contest closes on t February 19, during which time con- j estants can enter the contest." \ Every contestant wili be well re- > varded, even if the> do not win one { if the sixteen grand prizes. It's j veil worth anybody's while just for j i few minutes' time and a little ef- j ort. The high plane and fair man- C ler which the Charleston Piano Com- ? >any have used heretofore in similar } sontests makes it well worth the jj jublic's interest in entering this jj .-ontest Read ad on page 8.' j SPECIAL NOTICES Wanted.For cash 1000 cords of round pine poles four feet long, from six to fifteen inches diameter, free from knots or other de- i fects. Kingstree M'f'g & Con- t struction < o. 2-lU-tf \ > $ > Salesmen Wated.To solicit orders \ or lubricating oils, greases and paints. Jalary or commission. Adress Lin- i :oln Oil Co, Cleveland, 0. ltp * . 5 For Sale.Two hundred acres of * and. 100 cleared, balance woodland, \ ibout four miles west of Kingstree, on J )Ublic road, soil wen aaapiea 10 corn, ; :otton, tobacco, etc. Will sell at a bar- \ fain and on easy terms, as owner has 5 ither business Apply at this office or I iddress Box 101, Kingstree. SC. J * For Sale.Choice Rhode Island Red * ?gs for hatching; good strain. Setting £ 15 eggs, 75 cents. Apply to Mrs g \ i Eaddy, Rhems, SC. ltp f For Sale.Rose Comb Rhode Island | ted Eggs for hatching, $1 per 15. Mrs D f C McCutchen, Nesmith, S C. 2-10-2tp £ For Sale.The exclusive right for | he sale (rf the famous coil spring £ lothes pin and wire clothes lines £ Boyle's patent) in the county of Claren- £ Ion. Title to right yet good for four I 'ears. Will sell at a bargain as I am £ inable to attend to or look after the £ lusmess. Apply to Mrs Mary E j, I'homas, Kingstree, S C. 2-3-2t £ Strayed.One pet deer, well grown £ loe; left my home Tuesday. January t 5, wearing collar and bell. Reward if I eturned to owner, G WJCamlin, Trio, 5 I F D, S C. 2-3-2tp 1 For Sale-Finely ground Phosphate tock. Prompt shipment for fall, winter ind spring. Write for prices to Mc- f 3abe Fertilizer Company, Charles- * ;on. SC. 11-18-tf WAfHAT about Ait you or notf xne answer is: join ure unjoin it NOW. Don't wait. The soo yon when next Christinas rolls around. An time. Before yon know it the winteT holidj yon begin saving NOW and keep it np yo laid away. Yon can bny presents withont T BANK OF WILLIi 1 Scott-Logan C (Successors to W. R. Sco i Wholesale Grocers and Provi Call and see us before you 1 Flour, Rice, Meal, Grits or ar bulk. ' Cotton Seed Meal r * Corn and I [Now located in the Nelson to W. T. Wilkins' old stand. New Grocery I We take this method of an opened a Grocery Store in the occupied by A.Rockwell and will Staple and Fancy We solicit a share of your p you that we will take care of yo our line promptly and with fresl Highest Prices Paid For Chic SPRING Kingstree, ' S S The Cash nrvrif'viaiiiB! u <ru | Fancy g Staple < I Fresh Fruits and I Pencils and Tab] I Highest Prices I Corn and Peas I Come and see us 1 Strictly One Pri p l. s. DE 1 Next Door to Hellei Subscribe now for THE CC * lilr going to be prepared for it ] RISTMAS SAVING FUND. ner 70a start the better far d it will roll aronnd in no ays will be here again. If ' a will have a TIDY SUM ROUBLE and WORRY. 1MSBURG 4 _ - JM ompany I tt CD, Bro.) It ' ' ision Merchants < y buy Meat, Lard, tything wanted in * I and Hulls if lay i « * i Block, next door 1 ' tr.» * 0 . - rngmmmmm Store! 1 ! nouncing we have g| building formerly g! carry a full line of §; Groceries 1 j atronage, assuring g! >ur every want in S; h and pure goods, g; kens and Eggs || i G E E I outh Carolina 8 g®gg®^®8g@8s: a Store I jrroceries §j 1 Candies § ^ lets j| Paid for | any time | ce to All 1 NN IS I r's Stables 11 IlINTYiJ RECORD! *

Transcript of ffi«5 || lilr€¦ · ^lOCALlfS. ' ffi«5 || MrAC Swai'.s was in Florence Sunday. AC Hinds, Esq,...

Page 1: ffi«5 || lilr€¦ · ^lOCALlfS. ' ffi«5 || MrAC Swai'.s was in Florence Sunday. AC Hinds, Esq, visited Sumter Monday. RevHDBull spent yesterday in mFlorence. (MrJ WKirby of Greelyville

^ .


ffi«5 ||Mr A C Swai'.s was in Florence

Sunday.A C Hinds, Esq, visited Sumter

Monday.Rev H D Bull spent yesterday in


(Mr J W Kirby of Greely ville was

in town Tuesday.Miss Alice Stackley is spending the

week in Florence.Miss Ethel Ruff of Charleston is

visiting Mis3 Imo Fulton.

P H Arrowsmith, Esq, of LakeCity was in town Monday.i

Mr. L. F, Tisdale of the Bensonsection was in town today.

Miss Dell Van Keuren of Florencespent Sunday in Kingstree.Mrs M J Grayson is spending some

time with relatives in town.

of Miss Louise Cunningham spentthe past week-end in Sumter.

LeRoy Lee,Esq, spent Saturday inFlorence on professional business.

Mr B W Butler of Florence was inKingstree several days this week.

Nineteen sixteen is jogging along.Gee! but, some of us are getting old.

mm John Edds of Cades visitedher mother, Mrs S B W Courtney,here this week.

Mr and Mrs Louis Jacobs of Ello-ree are visiting: Mr Jacobs' old homehere this week.

Messrs Walter C Wilson and J L !J ; Thomas of Cades were noted in j

, Kingstree Tuesday.Mrs W N Jacobs attended the ,

Ehrich-Weinbergwedding at George-town last Thursday.Joseph W Cooper, Jr,has been appointedpostmaster at ^lorrisvilie,

vice William M Marlowe. (<

Misses Bessie and Marguerite Van 1Keuren are visiting their sister, Mrs \

(J C Brinkley, in Georgetown. I

Attention is called to the advertisementin this paper, 8th page, ofthe Bellinger Mercantile Co at Hem-

* rA ingWay, i

^ Messrs J D Lawrence, H A Davisand S Brockinton motored over fromSumter Sunday and spent the daywith Mr and Mrs W H McGee.


Bishop W A Guerry will preachand administer confirmation at the j. - * r% 1 .j. it

Episcopal churcn next ounaay at 11

a. m. There will be no night service.

Misses Georgie Stackiey, Marieand Lucile Jackson and Messrs Jesseand Melvin Cribb of Rome spentSunday at the home of Mr LouisStackiey.

-W* Has any one of our readers a copy ]The Record of the issue of Janu- j

ary 2, 1902? If so, we would be ,

pleased to have it for one of our <

subscribers (

Mr and Mrs 0 W Hughes, who .

have been spending several weeks 1

with the latter's father.Mr S F Epps,left yesterday for Atlanta, Ga, where jthey will reside in future. '

Among the newcomers to our city,we are glad to welcome Mr J Parrottof Bishopville, who has takencharge of the prescription depart- <

n > ment of the Scott Drug Co.

Mr Sam P Stackiey, who was at

jf| home on the sick list several days* Mast week,returned Sunday to Peach;#land, N C, to resume his duties as

principal of the school there.

Dr J G McMaster of Florence, a jbrother-in-law of Mrs W G Gamble,is confined to his home with a slight <

attack of diphtheria. His many 1

friends here hope for his speedy recovery.Misses Floride Lesesne and Ethel

Daniel and Messrs Lesesne, Walker,Marshall and Smith of Charleston i

spent Sunday in town. They were i

guests of Misses Katie Stackiey andMarie Nelson <

( Mr M B Thomas has been called to^Columbia by the Southern CottonOil company to fill a vacancy in theoffice force. Mr Thomas left yester- 1day and will be in Columbia for two i

weeks, possibly longer. .

We are requested to state that taxreturns are being made very slowly,regardless of the fact that the timefor doing so without penalty expireson the 20th, after which date a penaltyis imposed by law.

Master William Kennedy Brockin-1ton, five-year-old son of Mr and Mrs i

I W E Brockinton,was "at home" to a

number of his little friends Mondayafternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock,!the occasion being: in celebration of

fcis fifth anniversary.

Master Russell Stoll, son of Mr VVM Stoll,Great Falls, Chester county,spent several days here this weekwith his uncles,Messrs C W and P KStoll. Russell, who has a position inthe House of Representatives, is a

bright and interesting lad.

The marriage of Miss Leola Lovettto Mr John Scott Cain is announcedto take place at CooperWednesday afternoon, February 16.The announcement is made by Mrand Mrs G H Lovett, brother and

' <* I l A Lsister-in-law or tne Driae-io-oe.

The many friends of Mr and MrsM L Allen and their little son, JohnRodgers, who has been critically illfor several weeks past, will be gratifiedto learn that the little fellow'scondition is much improved and henow seems to be on the road to recovery.Mr and Mrs L Roy Cates were

summoned to Conway last Saturdayon account of the serious illness ofthe latter's father, Mr J A Burbage.Mr Cates returned here Monday, butMrs Cates is still with her father.We are pleased to learn this morningthat his condition is somewhat improved.We are gratified to learn that

Master Harold Steele, who was run

into and seriously injured by an

automobile several weeks ago, hasso far improved that he is now ableto sit up and go about in a rollingchair. He is still at the McLeod infirmaryat Florence, but it is hopedthat he will be able to return homesoon.

Rev A E Riemer and wife are

expected to reach Xingstree tomorrowmorning from Allendale, MrRiemer will take up his duties hereSunday as pastor of the XingstreeBaptist church, and he and MrsRiemer will occupy tne church parsonageupon the arrival here of theirfurniture and other household equipment.The following gentlemen went to

Columbia this week to attend theLaymen's Missionary convention: WH Welch, T E Baggett, W J Britton,W E Nesmith, W R Scott, Rev D APhillips, F K Graham, Hugh McCutchenand W T Wilkins. Mostof these made the trip by automobile,returning here last night. Fromall accounts the meeting was largelyattended and was a great successin every particular.The police made a raid on the

domicile of Frank Woodberry Saturdaynight and captured about a

dozen dusky gents whom he had invitedinto his quarters to engage ina game of "skin." Frank is now

serving 30 days with Road EngineerFrierson, as aft* also four or five of hisinvited guests who failed to come

across with the cash penalties assessedby Mayor Scott Monday morning.

Enjoyable Social Afialr.

A most enjoyable affair was thatDf a seven o'clock dinner given byMisses Katie and Alice Stackley lastrhureday night.The guests were met at the door

1%., MIob Al'no Qtoolflou nnH lishprpH\jy luiso niiw uvuviuvj MMV>

in the parlor, where games were beingindulged in, the old favorite"set back" being the order of theday.At seven-thirty the guests were

invited in to supper, where a bountifulspread awaited them. Thetables were decorated with paleblue violets and green cedar.Music was furnished on the piano

by Miss Olive Montgomery.At eleven o'clock the guests departed,declaring that they had neverhad a more enjoyable time in

their lives than that given them bytheir hostesses.The following were present: Misses

Marie Nelson, Emma Gordon, OliveMontgomery, Miriam Fluitt, VermellePlowden, Louise Wheeler, ImoFulton; Wallace Mcintosh, S M Carter,James Wall.JE Reeves, WilliamEpps, Carlisle Myrick, Dicky Frierson,Jim Epps, Ernest Parham andClarence Alsbrook.

Card of Thanks.We wish to express our thanks to

the people of Andrews,Trio and surroundingcommunities for the manyfleeds of kindness shown us during

3ur recent bereavement in the deathf our little son.

Mr and Mrs J S Tartt.

It is cheaper to pay for your own

paper than to wear out shoe leathertrotting over to borrow your neighbor's.

Did you ever see a scalawag whodidn't consider himself a bright,brainy and shining example for hisfellow men?

Whenever You Need a General TonicTake Grove's

The Old Standard Grove's Tastelesschill Tonic is equally valuable as a

General Tonic because it contains thewell known, tonic properties ofQUININEand IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drivesout Malaria, Enriches the Blood andBuilds up the Whole System. 50 cents.


Kingstree Lady as Art Contribu- <

tor to a North Carolina Journal, c

The Raleigh (N C) Times of Feb- (

ruary 5 contains the following:"The Raleigh Times takes pleasure j

in announcing the addition to its jstaff of special writers of Miss Mary JLee Swann, who will contribute an

article once a week under the generalsubject of "Adorning the Home."The series will treat on interior decoratingand beautifying the homealong modern conservative lines. Itwill be a feature which will appealto every lover of simplicity of art inthe home.

Miss Swann is peculiarly fitted todo this work, being an instructor inthe Barnard School of HouseholdArts at Columbia university. She iswell known to a number of people inRaleigh, having resided here forabout two years. She left this city a

little more ftan two years ago andnntorarl Pnlnmhia Qnrl flrlvnnPpH rflTV

iidly in her chosen work.Miss Swann's series of articles on

"Adorning the Home," beginning inthis issue of The Times, will take upeach^iart of the home and discussthe subjects one by one. The featurewill be one that should appeal to ,

every lover of the home into whosehands it comes."

Miss Swann is a daughter of MrsM F Swann and sister of MesdamesJ D Britton and J P Hutson, of thistown. She is a young lady of unusualtalent, and we are glad that ithas received this well merited recognition.


Young Lady at College ExpressesAppreciation ol The Record.

My Dear Mr Tolley:I have just been reading the dear

old County Record, which is indeeda treat to a poor homesick schoolgirl. It is something to which Ialways look forward with pleasurefrom week to week; for there are

but few things that I really enjoymore than reading my own homepaper, through and through and inand out. I enjoy every bit of it,and never slight even the advertisements.Now, since this dear paper means

so much to me, I feel that I wouldlike, in a small measure, to show my Iappreciation by writing a shortnews letter about the college andour work here, to The Record once

or twice a month; that is, if you ,

think my letters are worth printingand can allow me the space in your ^paper.Hoping to hear from you soon, j

I remain,Very sincerely yours,

Jennie Lee Epps. r

Columbia College, February 4.

We heartily appreciate the aboveletter from Miss Epps and shall be Jglad to have a letter from her on

college affairs for publication in TheRecord any time she may find it convenientto write. Miss Jennie Lee v

Epps' appreciation shows that she isa chip off the old block, for nearly v

every member of her father's fami- .

ly is a valued subscriber to The Record,among them being one sister,Miss Leila Mossie Lpps, wno nas ior

several years been engaged in missionarywork in Brazil.

Valentines and Post Cards cheapat Dr Brockington's Drug Store. It

Miss Sue Shaw, a popular and attractiveyoung: lady of Lake City,was married yesterday to Mr RudolphClauss of Charleston. Thewedding: took place at the Presbyterianchurch in the presence of a larprenumber of the bride's friends.

The Best Recommendation. *

The strongest recommendation c

any article may receive is a favor-able word from the user. It is therecommendation of those who have '

used it that makes Chamberlain's {Cougrh Remedy so popular. Mrs c

Amanda Gierhart.Waynesfield, Ohio, twrites,"Chamberlain's Cough Reme- c

dy has been used in my family offand on for twenty years and it hasnever failed to cure a cough or cold." e

UDtamaoie everywnere. jBox Forty

The public is cordially invited to Jattend a box party at the BlackRiver school Friday night, February18. Proceeds for benefit of school. t

It c

For a Bilious Attack. dj

When you have a severe headache, u

accompanied by a coated tongue, tloathing of food, constipation, torpid 1

liver, vomiting of partly digestedfood and then bile, you may know dthat you have a severe bilious attack. 2

While you may be quite sick, there [is much consolation in knowing thatrelief may be had by taking three ofChamberlain's Tablets. They are j Jprompt and effectual. Obtainable (everywhere. ' t

Jury List.

The following named gentlemenwere drawn by the jur.> commissionersMonday for the spring term)i the court of General sessionsvhich convenes here Monday, February21, with Judge J W DeVore^residing:S P Harper, Kingstree,J H Phillips,G G Gist, Trio,J J M Tisdale, Kingstree,J C McClary,A C Boyd, Trio,D H Hanna, Kingstree,C W Stuckey, Fowler,ri T MnPlorir QoltaraXX X UXCWIOi Jt UM1VVIW|

W W Fulmore, Cades,J J Baxley, Hemingway,W J Godwin, Andrews,L M Altman, Vox,J A Thompson, Hemingway,R B Fitch, Lake City, R F D,W L Altman, Suttons,C M Cook, Lake City, R F D,J M Wingate, New Zion,D C Brown, Kingstree,H A Altman, Morrisville,S P Cooper, Suttons,J M Oliver, Greelyville,J P Blakely, Andrews,E P McKnight, Lake City, R F D,R B Matthews, Kingstree,E 0 Rodgers, Lanes,R P Hinnant, Suttons,S V Taylor, Greelyville,J E MijFadden, Cades, r

J L Ferrell, Greelyville,W F Joye, Hemingway, jT Tisdale. Kingstree. R F D,W B Waldron, Rhems,R G Waldron. ."J R Barrow, New Zion,W R Cooper, Nesmith.GRAND JURORS FOR 1916.

W D Bryan, Bryan,W H Touchberry, Greelyville,T B Patrick, Fowler,M H Baker, Cades,H S B Johnson, Cades,P B Feagin, Trio,W G Burrows, Hemingway,H E Tisdale, Kingstree. RFD,W N Clarkson, Heinemann,Bartow Smith, Cades,T E Baggett, Kingstree,Jas L Barrow, New Zion,W T Clark, Cades,W K Mcintosh. Kingstree,J P Gamble, Heinemann,W I Tisdale, Kingstree, RFD,J F Rodgers,W P McKnight, New Zion.

Valentines at Dr Brockington's)rug Store. It ^

Great Puzzle Contest,

"The most successful contest we ?« - it -i* 0

lave ever run, ir interest is tne inai- c

ation of results," said Mr J V VVal- Jace, of the Charleston Piano Com- £>any. "Our Great Mysterious Clock j'uzzle is attracting the attention of Ihousands of Charlestonians and jleighboring Carolinians. We have c

eceived more answers already than ?

ve have in any of our former con- jests and yet there are eleven more jjlays before the contest closes on t

February 19, during which time con- jestants can enter the contest." \Every contestant wili be well re- >

varded, even if the> do not win one {if the sixteen grand prizes. It's jveil worth anybody's while just for ji few minutes' time and a little ef- jort. The high plane and fair man- Cler which the Charleston Piano Com- ?

>any have used heretofore in similar }sontests makes it well worth the jjjublic's interest in entering this jj.-ontest Read ad on page 8.' j

SPECIAL NOTICESWanted.For cash 1000 cords of

round pine poles four feet long,from six to fifteen inches diameter,free from knots or other de- ifects. Kingstree M'f'g & Con- tstruction < o. 2-lU-tf \



Salesmen Wated.To solicit orders \or lubricating oils, greases and paints.Jalary or commission. Adress Lin- i:oln Oil Co, Cleveland, 0. ltp *

. 5For Sale.Two hundred acres of *

and. 100 cleared, balance woodland, \ibout four miles west of Kingstree, on J)Ublic road, soil wen aaapiea 10 corn, ;:otton, tobacco, etc. Will sell at a bar- \fain and on easy terms, as owner has 5ither business Apply at this office or Iiddress Box 101, Kingstree. SC. J


For Sale.Choice Rhode Island Red *

?gs for hatching; good strain. Setting £15 eggs, 75 cents. Apply to Mrs g \

i Eaddy, Rhems, SC. ltp fFor Sale.Rose Comb Rhode Island |

ted Eggs for hatching, $1 per 15. Mrs D fC McCutchen, Nesmith, S C. 2-10-2tp £For Sale.The exclusive right for |

he sale (rf the famous coil spring £lothes pin and wire clothes lines £Boyle's patent) in the county of Claren- £Ion. Title to right yet good for four I'ears. Will sell at a bargain as I am £inable to attend to or look after the £lusmess. Apply to Mrs Mary E j,I'homas, Kingstree, S C. 2-3-2t £Strayed.One pet deer, well grown £

loe; left my home Tuesday. January t5, wearing collar and bell. Reward if Ieturned to owner, G WJCamlin, Trio, 5I F D, SC. 2-3-2tp 1

For Sale-Finely ground Phosphatetock. Prompt shipment for fall, winterind spring. Write for prices to Mc- f3abe Fertilizer Company, Charles-


;on.SC. 11-18-tf

WAfHAT about Ait youor notf xne answer is: join ure unjoinit NOW. Don't wait. The soo

yon when next Christinas rolls around. Antime. Before yon know it the winteT holidjyon begin saving NOW and keep it np yolaid away. Yon can bny presents withont T


1 Scott-Logan C(Successors to W. R. Sco

i Wholesale Grocers and ProviCall and see us before you

1 Flour, Rice, Meal, Grits or ar


Cotton Seed Mealr * Corn and I[Now located in the Nelson

to W. T. Wilkins' old stand.

New GroceryI We take this method of an

opened a Grocery Store in theoccupied by A.Rockwell and will

Staple and FancyWe solicit a share of your p

you that we will take care of yoour line promptly and with fresl

Highest Prices Paid For Chic

SPRINGKingstree, ' S

S The Cashnrvrif'viaiiiB! u <ru

| Fancy g Staple <I Fresh Fruits andI Pencils and Tab]I Highest PricesI Corn and Peas

I Come and see us

1 Strictly One Pri

p l. s. DE1 Next Door to Hellei

Subscribe now for THE CC



going to be prepared for it ]RISTMAS SAVING FUND.ner 70a start the better fard it will roll aronnd in no

ays will be here again. If '

a will have a TIDY SUMROUBLE and WORRY.


_ - JM

ompany Itt CD, Bro.)

It' '

ision Merchants <

ybuy Meat, Lard,

tything wanted in* I

and Hulls if

lay i« *

i Block, next door


tr.» * 0. -


Store! 1 !nouncing we have g|building formerly g!carry a full line of §;

Groceries 1 jatronage, assuring g!>ur every want in S;h and pure goods, g;kens and Eggs ||i G E E Iouth Carolina 8g®gg®^®8g@8s:


Store Ijrroceries §j1 Candies § ^

lets j|Paid for |any time |ce to All 1NN IS Ir's Stables 11