グローカル ガラス シティ...pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech...

What characteristics of glass can contribute to creating local character? When we look around us, we can see that countless objects are made of transparent glass. The industrialized production of glass has enabled transparent glass to be mass produced, allowing them to become available globally and be used without restraint. On the other hand, it is said that this has caused lack of meaning and accounted for homogenized cities. Let’s call a city where people with the ability to create glass come together, and cooperate with municipality, a glass city. Located between Tokyo and Yokohama, Kawasaki is an industrial city with strong identity, and was chosen as the stronghold of the glass city project presented in this book. Kawasaki’s heavy industry has supported the city through centuries. In recent years, however, the city of Kawasaki has started to embark upon building new culture oriented industries, glass culture being one of the cores. This is because Kawasaki city is a stronghold of modern industrial arts of glass and has gathered many artists, manufacturers, and ateliers related to glass. Under these circumstances, this project aims to analyze the transparent possibility of the glass, technologies and methods that reflect the size of industrial art on the scale of cities,and creat glocal glass cities. グローカル ガラス シティ GLOCAL GLASS CITY ガラスはどのような特徴をもって地域性を創出することができるだろう ? 私たちの身のまわりを見渡すと、建築の窓 、自動車 、食器など様々なものが透明なガラスで つくられている 。そのような透明で均質なガラスは 、ガラスの工業化によって大量生産が 可能となり、ユニバーサルスペースとしてや、グローバリゼーションのもと世界中に広がった。 しかし 、一方では場所の均質化やコンテクストの不在といった状況が生じているといわれ 、 地域性が失われている傾向にある。 そこで 、ガラスをつくれる人が集まり、自治体と連携している街を「ガラスシティ」と呼ぶこと にする 。この本の舞台となった川崎市は 、東京 、横浜という巨大な個性に挟まれながら 、 世界的な工業都市として強いアイデンティティを発揮している。そして、同市では工業都市を 支えた重化学工業に加え、 「文化」が新しい産業として芽生えてきている。その新産業の一つ がガラスである 。この背景には現代ガラス工芸の拠点として沢山のガラス工房や 、作家 、 製造業者の所在がある。そこで 、ガラスの透明性の可能性や、工芸的サイズを都市スケールへ 反映させる技術や方法について考えながら、川崎におけるグローカルな「ガラスシティ」の ビジョンについて考えてみよう。 Glocal = Global + Local ( グローカル = グローバル + ローカル) 2

Transcript of グローカル ガラス シティ...pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech...

Page 1: グローカル ガラス シティ...pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech Republic, and Sachsen Germany, glass with high transparency almost like crystals, are

What characteristics of glass can contribute to creating local character?

When we look around us, we can see that countless objects are made of transparent glass. The industrialized

production of glass has enabled transparent glass to be mass produced, allowing them to become available globally

and be used without restraint. On the other hand, it is said that this has caused lack of meaning and accounted for

homogenized cities.

Let’s call a city where people with the ability to create glass come together, and cooperate with municipality, a glass

city. Located between Tokyo and Yokohama, Kawasaki is an industrial city with strong identity, and was chosen as the

stronghold of the glass city project presented in this book. Kawasaki’s heavy industry has supported the city through

centuries. In recent years, however, the city of Kawasaki has started to embark upon building new culture oriented

industries, glass culture being one of the cores. This is because Kawasaki city is a stronghold of modern industrial

arts of glass and has gathered many artists, manufacturers, and ateliers related to glass. Under these circumstances,

this project aims to analyze the transparent possibility of the glass, technologies and methods that reflect the size of

industrial art on the scale of cities,and creat glocal glass cities.

グローカル ガラス シティGLOCAL GLASS CITY

ガラスはどのような特徴をもって地域性を創出することができるだろう ?



※Glocal = Global + Local (グローカル = グローバル + ローカル)


Page 2: グローカル ガラス シティ...pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech Republic, and Sachsen Germany, glass with high transparency almost like crystals, are

世界のガラスシティ・タイプType of glass cities in the world

私たちの身の周りにはたくさんの透明なガラスがある。でも、「もっといろんな透明性」があったならば、ガラスを通して見る世界や、様々な物事の関係性も変わるのかもしれない。 そのような思いでガラスの魅力を探してみると、人の手を通じて作られているガラスには、私たちの日常ではあまり見かけない透明性がたくさんある。そして、ガラスをつくれる人が集まったガラスシティが、日本をはじめ世界には幾つもある。そこで、ガラスの街の魅力を深層から知るために、その街がガラスを創りだすようになった地理的条件、歴史、そしてガラスの特徴について捉えてみる。すると、ガラスシティは 3つのタイプに分けられる。


There are many transparent glass around us. The way we perceive the world through glass would change completely

if there were various types of transparency in glass. When virtues of glass are searched for with that in mind, it

seems that handmade glass have special and rare transparency which cannot be seen everywhere. Luckily, there are

numerous cities around the world where people with the ability to create glass come together (=glass cities). To fully

understand the virtues of glass, it is important to categorize each glass city, and understand how the geographic

features, history, and characteristics of the glass contributed to how the city became the glass city it is now. Glass cities

can be categorized into three main groups.

1. Raw materials Type

In cities where raw materials for glass can be extracted, local sand, volcanic rock, and ash after burning trees are used

as main raw materials to produce distinguished color and transparency. In Niijima, Japan, Kogaseki volcanic rocks are

used to produce olive colored glass. In Hagi Japan, quartz basaltics extracted from a local mountain are used to create

pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech Republic, and Sachsen Germany, glass with high transparency

almost like crystals, are made using beech charcoal. In addition, examples of cities that use recycled materials to

produce glass include Okinawa, Urayasu, Marugame, and Matsuno. In Okinawa, there is a unique style called the

Ryukyu glass. This style was established when coke and juice bottles, collected from army bases during the American

occupation, were remade into colorful glass products.

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Page 3: グローカル ガラス シティ...pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech Republic, and Sachsen Germany, glass with high transparency almost like crystals, are



以上のように、各ガラスシティのタイプは、1.ガラス原料を地場で採取している街では原料による透明性や色、2. 伝統的技術をもつタイプの街では独自の製法や形、3.スタジオガラスタイプの街では先鋭的に現代ガラスの表現・作品性を追求する、といった特徴をもっている。

2. Traditional technique Type

Cities of this type have and use traditional techniques to produce glass. Outside of Japan, Murano island in Italy, Bakara

village in France, and Smaland in Sweden are some examples. Of these cities Murano island, most prosperous from the

13 -18c, is the most famous for the seclusion of its island to avoid brain drain and keep the refined techniques within

the island. In Japan, cities such as Nagasaki, Satsuma, Edo, Hizen, and Otaru are some good examples. In Satsuma, the

template glass is also said to have been made first in the Edo period. In Otaru, the production of oil lamps and float balls

for the fishing industry at the beginning of the Meiji era prompted an advance in glass along with the local industry.

3. Studio glass Type

As for the studio glass type cities, they are strongly connected with the glass studio movement of modern glass that

started in the U.S.A during the 1960’s. In Japan, studio type educational institutes such as the Tokyo Glass Art Institute

(1981) in Kawasaki and a similar institution in Toyama provides a meeting point for many artists and ateliers. Many

galleries and workshops have been held in cities like these. Seattle and Toledo are other good examples.

As stated previously, 1 :cities which extract local raw materials to produce glass pursuit the uniqueness in color and

transparency only feasible with the local raw materials, 2 : traditional technique type cities have originality in process

and form, whereas 3 : the studio glass movement type cities radically treasured the expression and perfection of

modern glass as pieces of art work and form, whereas the studio glass movement type cities radically treasured the

expression and perfection of modern glass a piece of art work.

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Page 4: グローカル ガラス シティ...pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech Republic, and Sachsen Germany, glass with high transparency almost like crystals, are





スタジオガラスタイプ「川崎」の特徴川崎市内には約 30件のガラス工房・作家、ガラス製造業者、教育機関等がある。もし、少量ロットでオリジナルなガラス制作の依頼やガラス作品を求めている場合にはガラス作家や工房へ、大量ロットでガラスを製造する場合は製造業者へ、というように街全体で様々なガラスの制作や製造ができる。 一方、自分自身でガラスを作りたい場合、工房では一般の方を対象としたガラス教室が開かれていたり、時間制で工房の設備をレンタルすることができる。また、プロフェッショナルにガラスを追求したい場合は、教育機関 (東京ガラス工芸研究所)で深くガラス制作に取り組むことができる。



Characteristics of studio glass type Kawasaki

In total, there are around 30 of glass ateliers/artists, glass manufacturing industries, and glass educational institutions

within the city of Kawasaki. Glass artists and ateliers are available if there are requests for production of original, small

lot glass. If there are needs for mass lot glass production, glass manufacturers are available within the city; there

are facilities and equipment ready for various glass production. Meanwhile, if one wishes to make glass him/herself,

ateliers offer classes open to everyone with rentable equipment. In addition, there are educational institutions

available to those who wish to pursue a career as a professional in the fi eld of glass.

The typical techniques of modern industrial glass art

Glass production methods can be categorized into several types : Hot work (shaping glass while in the state similar to

molten starch syrup), Kiln work (a kiln is used ), and Cold work (shaping and processing of cold glass).

スタジオガラスタイプ「川崎」Studio glass type Kawasaki

■ プロダクトデザイン・建築デザインで活かせる主な技法 The main Techniques for product & architecture design

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Page 6: グローカル ガラス シティ...pale green colored glass. In places like Bohemia, Czech Republic, and Sachsen Germany, glass with high transparency almost like crystals, are

川崎では様 な々ガラスをつくることができるが、そのガラス自体は工房や工場などの建物の中にあるため、市内を歩いていてもガラスの存在やその魅力が見えにくい。そこで、街を通して川崎におけるガラスと地域性を創出し、さらには多地域でもそのデザインが反映できるグローカルなビジョンを考えて創出する


ガラスシティプロジェクト イン カワサキGlass City Project in Kawasaki


フィールドワーク &インタビュー :川崎のグローカルな場所性「工業地域・郊外」まず、ビジョンを構想するにあたり、川崎のグローカルな場所性とはどこだろう?たぶん、多くの人が共有できる川崎らしい場所としては、工場、海、川などが挙げられるだろう。しかも、そのような場所は川崎以外の工業地域にも共通する環境要素だ。さらに、川崎市役所の担当の方には「どのような場所が川崎市にとって課題があって実践的な場所か?」と、インタビューを行った。その結果、「川崎は東京と横浜に挟まれているため、両都市への通勤・通学による歩道上の無断駐輪が多い。また、鉄道が縦横にはしるために高架下トンネルによる暗い場所が多く、安心・安全性を必要としている。」ことがわかった。おそらく、このような場所は都市近郊のベッドタウンがもつ郊外特有の課題であり、川崎市以外の多くの街でも同様な状況が起こっていると推測される。このことから、「工業地域・郊外」による特徴的な場所こそが、新たなデザインを必要としている場所であり、グローカルに展開できる場所性と位置づけられる。

As shown in the map from the previous pages, various types of glass production is feasible in Kawasaki. However,

because the final glass products are usually kept inside the ateliers or within the industries, finished glass products are

not accessible in the city. We launched a project called Kawasaki Glass Project to create new visions for Kawasaki city

and to respond to the need to create glass unique to this city and establish Kawasaki’s local character, using the city as

the medium.

Field work & Interview : Glocal places in Kawasaki Industrial & Suburban areas

What kind of glocal places in Kawasaki are effectual for our visions? Perhaps many people would think of factories,

the sea, and the river as places that would define the city of Kawasaki. Places like these are perhaps common among

other industrial cities as well. Meanwhile, the interviewee from Kawasaki city hall shared his thoughts on practical spots

in Kawasaki that are in need of improvement. According to him, one big problem is that streets are overflowing with

illegally parked bicyles by commuters to nearby cities like Tokyo and Yokohama. Another issue is maintaining safety

in dark areas like tunnels and under elevated railroads/roads. Problems similar to these can also be seen in other

suburban areas. These spots unique to suburban/industrial areas are the places in need for new design and the places

that have the potential to grow glocally.

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デザインにあたっては川崎市役所やガラス工房・研究所の代表者へのインタビュー、市内のフィールドワーク、市民や作家などの参加により協同でビジョンを描くワークショップ、 そして発表会が行われた。

As a means to design ways to promote the visions of glass city, we used a formula: glass design enhanced by industrial

art techniques + places that are unique to Kawasaki, but has a potential to grow globally. When placing glass products

throughout the city, it is necessary to make changes to the scale of industrial art products to correspond to the scale of

the city, and there is a need for technology to make this possible. It is also important to know that, by adding functions

that the modern society and environment needs, we can broaden the possibilities of glass industrial art. We took these

theories into consideration and based our designs on them.

Interviews with representatives from Kawasaki city hall, glass ateliers, and research institutions, fieldwork around

Kawasaki city, workshops with Kawasaki citizens and artists, and presentations were held during the designing process.

川崎のグローカルな場所性A glocal place in Kawasaki


■ デザインの基本方法 Basic method of design

工芸技法を応用したガラスGlass design applied withindustrial art techniques

ガラスシティのビジョンGlass Vision of glass city

例)鉄道の高架下トンネルA glocal place in Kawasaki

夜空に星が輝くようなトンネルA pathway like a starry sky

ブラウン管を再生利用したガラスの塊Glass pebbles

ビジョンのデザイン方法The method of design the visions

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クールシティライトCool City Light

ビジネス街 +発光ガラス → クールで省エネなメインストリートMain street + Light-emmiting glass → Cool ecological business street


- The importance of the many businesses and institutes in Kawasaki that develop advanced technology

- Illumination using glass will best suit the atmosphere of the main street

- Light-emmiting glass radiate light themselves using ultraviolet LED, contributing to conservation of energy

- Lining these lights along the road will create a cool illumination for the city

クールで省エネなメインストリートCool ecological main street

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