Few useful wordpress plugins to improve image performance of your wp site

Few Useful Wordpress Plugins to Improve Image Performance of Your WP Site


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Few Useful Wordpress Plugins to Improve Image Performance of Your

WP Site

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1. Hammy

Hammy plugin is used to optimize your page content’s images. It generates precise images based on your content size and when a user visit your website, it automatically displays the most appropriately sized image.

This will help your website to load faster, especially for mobiles users. Hammy is easy to set up, giving you only three options to configure.

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2. Lazy Load

Lazy Load images only when the user sees the image. This plugin makes your site load faster and preserves your server’s bandwidth.

One of the easiest plugin – just install it and activate – no other configuration required

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3. Imsanity

Imsanity automatically resizes uploaded images to display more reasonable on browser. The only options you need to configure are the maximum size of uploaded images and jpeg image quality.

Imsanity also provides a bulk-resize feature which can be used to resize images that were uploaded prior to installing Imsanity.

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4. WP Parallel Loading System

WP-PLS plugin creates subdomain of your blog and allows downloading of files from them. Browsers get more hostnames to download content from, making multiple connections and downloading multiple required files quicker, making your website load faster!

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5. CW Image Optimizer

This plugin is very helpful to resize the images without disturbing its quality. However, it is not easy to setup, especially if your site is on shared hosting.

It also provides a bulk optimize feature if you’ve got many images to optimize.

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6. EWWW Image Optimizer

This plugin decreases the size of your uploaded images without affecting it’s quality. It is easy to setup and you will be provide by step-by-step installation steps on the plugin page. It also includes a bulk optimize feature.

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7. PB Responsive Images

Responsive images responds according to the screen size of user. An interesting functionality of this plugin is, no technical coding is required. You can configure images size and the plugin will automatically insert the responsive image syntax in the post.

This helps you attract readers who visit your side via mobile or tablet devices.

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8. WP Smush.it

A Smush.it plugin use to optimize your images and reduce their size, it is a popular plugin that needs no configuration.

Just install and activate it, and it will optimize every image you upload automatically. It also provides an optimize in bulk feature.

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Wordpress Plugins allow easy modification, customization, and enhancement to Wordpress site. Without making changes in the core programming of Wordpress, you can add additional functionality with Wordpress Plugins.

Plug-ins are the method Wordpress offers to customize and enlarge site functionality and KGN Technologies has experienced Wordpress developer team who can develop custom modules and plugins which can give extra facility and provide solutions which can fill up the missing links.

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