Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3

Transcript of Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

Page 1: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

Fever without FocusAugust 17, 2015Jesse Thompson, MS3

Page 2: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.


The box in front of you contains 6 rewards

The top 5 scores at the end will chose from the box in order of their points

Read questions and point allocations carefully – yes they are biased values & there may be a penalty for wrong answers

Raise your hand to answer. Wait for the question to be read.

Page 3: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

Volunteer Scorekeeper?

Page 4: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

What is a fever?

Axillary 37.3oC

PO 37.5oC

PR/TM 38oC

1 point for all 3 values; -10 points if wrong

Page 5: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

A kid crawls into the ER…

Bernard is a 2yo boy brought to the CHEO ED. You see mom in the hall before going in (without reading triage notes), and this is all she tells you:

“He’s got a fever and is really irritable & lethargic. He has been crying a lot but can’t seem to tell me what’s wrong.”

What is the first thing you want to do upon walking in to the room? (1-5 points depending)

Eyeball for clinical impression (quick ABC evaluation)

Vital signs

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The rest of the history…

Intermittent fever for 5 days, unclear exact values

More sleepy than usual but still interactive and even playful at times

Crying a lot but consolable

Appetite decreased slightly, Vomited once this morning, last BM today and normal (no diarrhea)

Voiding normally as per parents

No congestion, cough, swelling, or rash

PMHx: 3 previous febrile episodes since birth saw 3 different docs “an antibiotic” each time cleared things up

FHx: N/C

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The rest of the history…

Intermittent fever for 5 days, unclear exact values

More sleepy than usual but still interactive and even playful at times

Crying a lot but consolable

Appetite decreased slightly, Vomited once this morning, last BM today and normal (no diarrhea)

Voiding normally as per parents

No congestion, cough, swelling, or rash

PMHx: 3 previous febrile episodes since birth saw 3 different docs “an antibiotic” each time cleared things up

FHx: N/C

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Any other questions?

Immunizations UTD

No allergies or medications

SHx: lives at home with mom and dad, no sick contacts, developmentally normal, birth history is N/C

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Physical Exam

Vitals: T 39oC pr // HR 110 // RR 25 // BP 100/65

General: Alert & active, no distress, cheeks flushed, moving all 4 extremities well

HEENT: TMs clear, throat clear, no lymphadenopathy, no rhinorrhea, neck supple

CVS: Ns1s2, no EHS, no M, normal fem pulses x2, good perfusion

Resp: GAEB, no wheeze or crackles, no WOB

Abdo: SNT, BS present, no HSM or masses, sacral dimple present

GU: b/l descended testes, uncircumcised, no urethral discharge, small urethral caliber

Identify pertinent positives (1 point each; -1 each wrong)

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2yo M with 5d hx intermittent Fo (Tmax 39oC in ED)

Fussy but consolable with decreased PO intake

Previously healthy aside from 3 previous febrile episodes that required antibiotics – no follow up

Exam revealed a healthy 2yo uncircumcised boy with sacral dimple

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Differential Diagnosis?

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What would we do if he was: 15 days old? 50 days old?

0-28days: Full septic workup incl. LP, BCx, UCx

28d-3mo: Rochester criteria, clinical impression to determine extent of workup

1 point each

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Symptoms of UTI

0-3 MONTHS OLD: (2 points)

Nonspecific syptoms: Fo/hypothermia, Vx, Dx, jaundice, difficulty feeding, malodourous urine, FTT, irritability

3-24 MONTHS OLD: (2 points)

More focused: frequency, Fo, cloudy/malodourous urine

2-6 YEARS OLD: (2 points)

Usual UTI: frequency, urgency, dysuria, 2o enuresis, suprapubic/abdo/CVA tenderness

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Risk Factors for peds UTI


Male (until 6-8 months old)

Not breastfed

Constipation: why? (1 point)

Dysfunctional void pattern

Recent Abx

Previous UTI


FHx recurrent UTI

Recent sex

Diaphragm/spermicide use

No evidence: poor hygeine, bubble bath use, urethral caliber, or type of undergarments

5 points for 5 risk factors without any incorrect; -1 point for failed attempt

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Risk Factor Details

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Diagnostic criteria for UTI

Requires both urinalysis, AND culture suggesting infection

URINALYSIS: dip, microscopy, automated

Nitrites – clinical significance? (1-3 points, -1 if wrong)

Leukocyte esterase – clinical significance? (1-3 points, -1 if wrong)

What other information can be helpful on UA? (1-3 points) Bacteriuria (equivalent to >105 CFU/mL in Cx)

CULTURE: what # of CFU/mL qualifies for diagnostic criteria? (2 points)

>50,000 CFU/mL of a single urinary pathogen

2 points

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2yo M with 5d hx intermittent Fo (Tmax 39oC in ED)

Fussy but consolable and decreased PO intake

Previously healthy aside from 3 previous febrile episodes that required antibiotics – no follow up

Exam revealed a healthy 2yo uncircumcised boy with sacral dimple

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Investigations for

Bernard?Approach by age first:

<28d, 1-3mo, or >3mo

+ At CHEO: CBC, BUN/Cr, lytes

Significance of sacral dimple? (2 points)

2-24mo with T>38o

Judged to need immediate Abx?


Obtain urine for UA & Cx


UTI likelihood <1%? (based on


YES: Follow clinically (24-48h)

& R/A if fever persists

NO: UA only (collect for Cx if positive UA) OR

UA+Cx depending on clinical gestalt

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How could we collect a sample?

Methods of collection (in order of reliability): (4 points)

1. Suprapubic aspirate

2. Catheterization (in/out)

3. Clean catch specimen

4. Urine bag

Page 20: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

Why do a bag urine… ever?

1. UA can be done from bag urine sample

2. A negative bag culture does indeed RULE OUT infection!

2 answers, 2 points per correct answer; -2 points per wrong answer

Page 21: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.

Bernard’s U/A

Yellow cloudy urine

pH 6 (N 5-7)

No ketones, glu, bilirubin

No protein, trace blood

3+ Nitrites

2+ Leukocyte esterase

Describe this pattern (1-3 points; -3 if wrong)

1. Nitrites – likely gram negative organism in urinary tract (specific)

2. LE – pyuria suggests UTI (non-specific)

3. Overall: Based on +Nit and +LE, with clinical picture including fever… very likely (up to 90%) that Bernard has a gram negative UTI

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U/A + microscopy

Yellow cloudy urine

pH 6 (N 5-7)

No ketones, glu, bilirubin

No protein

3+ Nitrites

2+ Leukocyte esterase, WBC 8/hpf

Trace blood, RBC 2/hpf

Many bacteria seen

Describe the pattern now (1-3 points)

WBC confirm pyuria (>5/hpf), and “bateriuria” is equivalent to >105 CFUs on Cx

Overall: increasing evidence for gram negative UTI

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Potential Organisms?


E. Coli (70%)

Enterococcus, Enterobacter

Proteus, Pseudomonas

Staph saprophyticus (rarely S. aureus)

3 points for 5 organisms

1 point for mentioning most common organism

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Diagnostic Algorithm (3-


Big 2 questions:

1. # risk factors (correlate with un/circumcised)?

2. UA/UCx results?

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Diagnostic Algorithm (>24mo)

Big 2 Questions:

1. Uncircumcised?

2. Symptoms?

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Antibiotics for Bernard? Wait for culture?

Empiric Abx stated immediately after collection of urine sample in children with both: Positive U/A, and Suspected UTI

Narrow Abx choice after culture results if necessary

How are we going to get his urine for culture? (1-2 points)

2 points

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Specific Abx for Bernard?

@ CHEO: Ampicillin + Gent/Tobramycin

Alternatives available if allergies or hx renal disease Ceftriaxone? (1-3 points) Fluoroquinolones? (1-3 points)

What about MacroBID??? (1 point, 5 points if reasoning explained)

NO! Does not achieve therapeutic concentration in the blood which is too risky in infants

2 points, -1 if wrong

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Route of Abx Administration?

IV = PO wrt efficacy!

Choose based on practicality Ability to take PO Availability of specific Abx Compliance/reliability Cost

3 points, -1 if wrong

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Duration of Tx?

7-14 days 2 points, -1 if wrong

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Other Investigations?

RBUS (renal/bladder ultrasound):

All febrile infants, looking for anatomic abnormalities, abscess, and hydronephrosis

During first 2 days of antibiotics ideally

What if RBUS is abnormal or this is a recurrent febrile UTI? 2 points

VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram):

Not recommended after 1st febrile UTI unless abnormality on RBUS, evidence of high-grade VUR, or recurrence of febrile UTI

2-4 points depending

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What is Vesicouretal Reflux?

VUR = retrograde passage of urine from the bladder through the UVJ into the ureter Most common GU abN that leads to renal damage

Graded I-V: I: ureters only II: ureters and renal pelvis III: ureters and pelvis + minor dilatation IV: ureters, pelvis, and calyces fill + significant dilatation V: above plus major dilatation & tortuosity

Treatment: medical = surgical almost always Prophylactic Abx only beneficial in high grade

1-5 points

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Admit to hospital if…

1. Age <2mo

2. Urosepsis: Toxic appearance, HoTN,…

3. Immunocompromised

4. IV needed: vomiting/inability to tolerate PO

5. Unreliable: lack of adequate follow-up

6. Dehydration

7. Failure of outpatient tx

1 point per correct, -1 for incorrectThere are 7 answers

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What if...

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What are we thinking now?

SICKLE CELL DISEASE: 8% of African descendants have HbS trait 0.2% HbSS, SC, or S-Bthal

Explain the pathophysiology (2-5 points depending) Hemoglobinopathy that decreases solubility of Hb in

blood precipitation (sickling) in conditions of hypoxia (ex. low pO2, dehydration, fever) infarction of tissues d/t capillary occlusion (spleen, lungs,

bones, brain, digits) hemolysis chronic well-compensated normochromic

normocytic anemia

2 points

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When does SCD present?

Usually around 5-6mo old (fall in HbF)

Presentations (5 points for all 5): 1. Vaso-occlusive pain crisis

2. Neurological crisis

3. Acute chest crisis

4. Aplastic crisis

5. Acute splenic sequestration

Functional asplenia by ~5yo

UTI common in febrile kids w SCD – exacerbated risk of renal damage during UTI

2 points

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Key management points of SCD

1. Support: O2, IVF

2. Analgesia

3. BS-Abx

(3 points)

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Trivia for extra points

Most common 1st presentation of SCD? (1 point) Dactylitis

Does this UA suggest UTI?: Nitrite negative, LE 3+, blood trace, protein negative (1-3 points) Maybe – could be gram positive UTI, could be KD, could have

played a soccer tournament all weekend, etc.

Name the prophylactic abx & age ranges for SCD (2 points) Penicillin until 5yo

Screening investigations for SCD? (4 points!)1. TCD @ 2yo, q1y until 16yo

2. Retinal exam at 8yo, q1y

3. Hip radiographs at 10y, q1y

4. ECHO at 10yo, q2y

Page 38: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.


Review sx and diagnostic criteria for UTI in children

Review UA – normal and abnormal variations in results according to age and collection method

Review possible etiologies/risk factors for UTIs in children

Review treatment, management, and follow-up for UTI

Review significance of fever in a child of African descent (SCD)

Page 39: Fever without Focus August 17, 2015 Jesse Thompson, MS3.


1. AAP. Clinical Practice Guideline. Urinary Tract Infection: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of the Initial UTI in Febrile Infants and Children 2 to 24 months.

2. Pediatrics in Review. Urinary Tract Infections and Vesicoureteral Reflux in Infants and Children.

3. Pediatrics in Review. Sickle Cell Disease.

4. Toronto Notes

5. UpToDate

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