Fetal Development - Hortonville Area School District · First Month •Cell multiplication...

Fetal Development Month by Month

Transcript of Fetal Development - Hortonville Area School District · First Month •Cell multiplication...

Fetal Development

Month by Month

First Month

• Cell multiplication begins. By the end of the first month, the embryo is about 1/10 of an inch long. The heart, which is no larger than a poppy seed, has begun beating-(Day 25) Brain and lungs begin to form.

First Month

First Month Effects on Mother

• Missed menstrual period

• No weight gain

• Breasts may begin to feel tender

• Possible nausea or morning sickness

Second Month

• The embryo is about 1 inch long. Arms, legs, face, hands, fingers, knees, ankles and toes are forming. Veins are clearly visible. Forms muscles and skin. The heart has divided into right and left chambers. Develops internal organs.

Two Months

Second Month Effects on Mother

Breasts begin to swell

Enlarging uterus places pressure on the bladder- more

frequent urination

“morning sickness” continues

Possible tiredness

Third Month

• By now the fetus is 2

1/2 to 3 inches long

and is fully formed.

Weighs 1 ounce. He

has begun swallowing

and kicking. All organs

and muscles have

formed and are

beginning to function.

Eyelids close to protect

developing eyes.

Third Month Effects on Mother

• Weight gain of 2-4 pounds

• Uterus is the size of an orange

• You may perspire more

• Breasts are firmer, fuller and ache

• Nausea, fatigue, frequent urination

Fourth Month

• Your baby is 8-10 inches long and he weighs 6 ounces. Baby can suck thumb, swallow, hiccup and move. This is when you may feel your baby's first kick. Baby is covered with a layer of thick, downy hair called lanugo. Fingernails appear. Umbilical cord thickens.

4 months

Fourth Month Effects on Mother

• Discomforts of early pregnancy are gone

• Increased appetite

• Weight gain- 3-4 pounds

• Belly begins to expand

Fifth Month • A protective coating

called vernix caseosa

begins to form on

baby's skin. Eyelashes

and eyebrows appear.

By the end of this

month, your baby will

be nearly 12 inches

long and weighs almost

a pound.

Fifth Month Effects on Mother

• Weight gain 3-4 pounds

• May feel fluttering movements of

baby (quickening)

• Enlarged abdomen is obvious

• Fetal heartbeat is heard through


Sixth Month

• Blood vessels in the

lungs are preparing

for breathing. Fat is

depositing under the

skin. Fetus looks

wrinkled. If you talk

or sing, he can hear

you. Sense of touch

has developed.

6 Months

Sixth Month Effects on Mother

• Weight gain 3-4 pounds

• Possible backache.

• May experience heartburn.

• Fetal movement is strong

Seventh Month

• By the end of the seventh month, your baby weighs about 2-2 1/2 pounds and is 10-12 inches long. His body is well-formed. Fingernails cover his fingertips. Bones are soft and flexible. Lungs and digestive tract are almost fully matured.

Seventh Month Effects on Mother

• Weight gain 3-4 pounds

• Skin may get blotchy (called

“pregnancy mask”). This will

disappear after baby is born.

• Ankles may swell from standing

• Posture is affected by increased

weight and size.

Eighth Month

• Your baby is gaining about half a pound per week, and layers of fat are piling on. He has probably turned head-down in preparation for birth. He weighs between 3 and 5 pounds and is 14-16 inches long.. Hair is growing, eyes are open and skin is smoother.

Eighth Month Effects on Mother

• Weight gain 3-5 pounds

• Backaches, leg cramps, shortness of

breath, fatigue

• Fetal kicks are prominent

• Overall weight gain 18-20 pounds

Ninth Month

• Your baby is a hefty 6

to 9 pounds and

measures between 19

and 22 inches. As he

becomes more

crowded, you may feel

him move around less.

Baby is taking in

antibodies from the

mother to protect it from


Ninth Month Effects on Mother

• Gain 3-5 pounds- overall weight gain 24-30 pounds.

• “Lightening”- fetus drops into the pelvis making it easier to breathe.

• Uterus is the size of a small watermelon.

• May have false labor pains.

• May have disturbed sleep