Fernando enciso

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  • 1. One reason many European countries colonized otherlands and peoples is because many European countrieswere running out of natural resources.

2. In Europe by the 1500s and on, there was muchdeforestation and poverty, and the population wasbecoming too great for the land and government to handle. 3. By colonizing the Americas, for example, English, French,Portuguese, and Spanish colonists were able to have newlands and opportunities, but in the process millions ofNative Americans were killed, enslaved, intermarried, orforced to leave their land. 4. Indeed, the European colonization of the Americas wasperhaps the bloodiest and most horrific time in humanhistory. 5. Besides the genocide of Native Americans, Europeancolonists brought Africans slaves to the Americas to work ,especially after finding out that Native Americans would justdie in slavery. 6. Imagine this: men who youve never seen before, come toyour house and your neighbors house and they all have asmuch weapons as they can carry. 7. Then they start killing or enslaving you, your family, andyour neighbors. 8. And you and your family and your neighbors fight back butare crushed by the mens superior weapons. 9. And soon, you and most of your family and your neighborsare gone--killed, enslaved, intermarried, or forced to livesomewhere else. 10. This is what colonialism is: it is death, it is slavery; it is theend of one group and the expansion of another group.