UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com [email protected] • 800.699.8809 FENG SHUI FOR FINANCES 1


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


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Financesby Stephanie McWilliams

© Copyright 2013 Stephanie McWilliams / Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


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Transcripts 04

30-Day Action Guide & Journal 65

Dedicated to my beloved teacher,

Jackie Patricia.

Disclaimer: Any information you obtain in this home study guide is not intended as psychological or medical advice. All in-formation is for informational & entertainment purposes only. Any changes you want to make in your life, diet, exercise, thinking, actions or lifestyle should be consulted with your medical practitioner and/or mental health professional before proceeding.

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Disclaimer: Any information you obtain in this home study guide is not intended as psychological or medical advice. All in-formation is for informational & entertainment purposes only. Any changes you want to make in your life, diet, exercise, thinking, actions or lifestyle should be consulted with your medical practitioner and/or mental health professional before proceeding.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Stephanie: Hello everybody. It’s Stephanie. Anybody on the call from last week? Most of you are signed up for all three of them.

Jen: This is Jen from NC again. I thought of something that I’d probably like you to address from the last call, and it probably pertains to this one too. We spend a lot of time in our car, eating. So I don’t know if you can say anything this week about being in the car?

Stephanie: I know that we went over a whole hour last week because it’s such a vast thing. Ide-ally, what we do in life is kind of is the same across the board. And what we do with feng shui — it’s the same thing. We want to put care, and love, and intention into our spaces. We want to be that energy within, and it ripples out into everything else. We want to be mindful. So wherever we can bring that practice into our eating, we want to.

I think every single human being, regardless of any weight issues or even health issues, could benefit from that — especially in this speedy culture. Where can we really slow down and be more mindful and present with our food? And it’s really impossible to be mindful and to be driving and eating at the same time. If there’s a situation where your blood sugar’s crashing, then that’s a benefit to your body. Your body needs the fuel at that point. But if that’s happening on a weekly or a daily basis, then that’s a bad habit.

Or, we’re hiding from something...

So you want to take a look at that. The practice of mindfulness itself. How many of you actually sit down and have either silence or just gentle conversations with your loved ones and friends, and enjoy a meal? How many of us eat slowly for a half hour to an hour at a time?

There’s a whole world behind food and nutrition and eating and balance and present-ness. But does that help? Did you have a more specific question?

Jen: Nope. Thank you.

Stephanie: A long-winded answer. This is why we went over an hour last week. Anybody have any thoughts? Anybody want to share anything?

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Kathy: Stephanie, this is Kathy from New York. I had taken a class on feng shui several years ago, and I had a book and so forth. And I was rather delighted to see that you were speaking — I don’t know where I saw you. But you were talking about that it’s not so rigid. Cause I used to be so specific about placement of everything and color and so forth... and just feeling like the healthful areas have got to be a specific color. So I was delighted to hear you say that it’s a little bit more flexible than that.

The other thing is we sold our house last April, which was great news, but the past year has been very difficult financially and credit-wise. We weren’t really in the best place. Praise to God, we just bought a fixer-upper house. That’s where I’m at. And my thing is: the bathroom is in my prosperity area. And I was reading something about feng shui, and they were like, oh God! That’s the worst place. Oh dread, oh dread!

Stephanie: My thoughts about some of the things that happen — and understandably and with the best of intentions — some things that get said in the feng shui world is just our natural human inclination to “grasp” things... to not really be able to try on that fuller perspec-tive or keeping our feet spiritually grounded.

We as human beings want rules. We’re like, “Give me some rules! Tell me what col-ors to put here! Tell me what to put here! Tell me that the bathroom’s are bad in this area! Great, I can follow that rule! I don’t have to thin for myself!”

Kind of goes back to the food issue from last week, too. We’ve really lost sight of asking our own inner guidance.

Kathy: And honestly, before I did feng shui, I did pretty creatively, because I’m an artist. And I did pretty well picking things and recycling and recreating them. And that’s where I was. But I kind of lost sight of who I am.

Stephanie: And you know, that happens to everybody! I know people from every gamut of life, and if there’s one thing that I could just knock into everybody, myself included at times, is that everyone—famous, rich, poor, whatever — go through tough times.

And I just think it’s really about compassion, riding that flow, that wave of life. And if we can learn to see the opportunity within every situation, the better. I do believe that in a challenge, there is always an opportunity to either grow from it, or self-sabo-tage, and turn it into a negative experience. And it’s really tough because we don’t

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


have a lot of teachers out there showing us how to do it a different way. I mean, I sure didn’t!

So as much as we can get together and keep our sights on something positive, great. And that goes back to what I was talking about with feng shui. Well-meaning human beings tend to latch onto an idea and spin it around into rules and put a lot of fear into their practice. That’s just what we do. With any kind of organized thinking of any sort, we want to really start questioning, asking Ourselves; our Soul; our Spirit; our own relationship to God; again, whatever words fit your belief system. Can we start tapping into that inner wisdom? And how could it be that a bathroom in the far left corner of your house could always be bad? That’s far too simplistic a view for God to take. Rather, that’s just a silly limited human perspective on it all.

I work with some very wealthy people. I’ve seen bathrooms in the wealth area. Now, sometimes there’s a wealth issue. And sometimes, they’re doing just great. So, every single home is different. All of you are different. So we really want to take a gentle, personalized approach. That’s why sometimes it’s even hard doing tele-classes, be-cause I want to give you guidelines (but NOT rules!). I want to get you guys excited. I want you to start being proactive and making changes. But at the end of the day, sometimes, you need to let it all go and turn within.

That’s where I love when I get to work one-on-one with people through my coaching practice, or through the virtual consults. Whatever mode I can. Where I can really hear your story, and I can sink into, I can start to hear what’s special and amazing about you! My intuition or something much greater takes over, and powerful things start to happen. Like: where are you uniquely stuck? Because all of you are going to be stuck in different areas. We’re all different. So we really have to address each one of us individually.

So don’t take anything... [loud noise in background] ...WOW! I don’t know if you guys hear that, but that is one heck of a roll of thunder. I’m assuming that’s some kind of grand clap to start our class off. Ooop, and I just lost my train of thought. That thunder was so magnificent!

Let’s just get ourselves centered, if nobody else has any questions. Anyone wanting to share?

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Client: You were saying that everything should be taken individually. That even though there are rules, we should look at it in an individual situation.

Stephanie: To do true feng shui, I don’t believe there are any rules. I think the Universe is so much more vast than our little human pea-brains can fathom. And I actually don’t think there are, in terms of feng shui, any hard and set rules. I’ve personally broken every rule — with myself and my clients. What most people consider rules, I’ve bro-ken all of them at some point or another.

So it’s really using it as merely guidelines. Using it as inspiration. Tuning in. Getting help if you feel it’s beyond you. I really recommend when people have the means, to get somebody else’s outside perspective. I know it’s beating a dead horse perhaps, but I want to stress to you: I don’t even do my own space! Because I can’t see my own stuff clearly. I have people that coach me. I have people that inspire me. I have teachers.

I have Jackie, who does my space. So we want to get an outside perspective. But I would just say, watch out for anything or anyone that feels too rigid or mental — not that structure can’t be a fabulous thing for some of us more loosey-goosey folks. But there’s a fine line, and if you tune in you can feel it in your body. It just won’t feel right. I’m not talking about those discomforts of being lead of out your comfort zone. It’s more subtle than that, and the more you learn to turn inward, the more you’ll understand this and be able to listen to your inner knowing. Because everyone is so individual.

And ask questions tonight if something comes up that you’re like, “I don’t get that!” You can ask me anything. ...Did that help?


Alright. So if there are no further questions, let’s just get ourselves centered. Cause I know some of you may be at work or coming home from work. You’ve had a lot of things happening during the day. Let’s just take a couple of deep breaths. Breathe down into your belly. Loosen your belly. Really get the oxygen way down in there.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


And just breathe out. Since you’re muted, you can breathe out through your mouth. And just really give that nice sigh that relaxes the body. And if you’re having thoughts, see them like clouds. Thoughts that come in about the boss, or about finances, or about your kids, or whatever else... just let it drift through, and drift out. Come in, come out. Thank it for saying hello, and just let it pass. And just try to be here, and present with the group.

And if you want to, just mentally connect (in your mind’s eye) with everybody who’s on the call. It’s a really special situation. That when people come together, for a like cause, or a like idea, and to support one another. I think there’s a power in groups and that kind of focus. So if you want to see your energy tentacles spreading out to every-body, great! ...Giving a little energetic hello!

And ask God (or the Universe, your Inner Self, whatever — just replace with whatever words speak to you from here on out) to receive something that’s going to help your life. Ask for something really powerful tonight. It may be only one word, and it may be from a sharing. Or it may be after the call. But really, ask to be given something that’s going to affect your life in a really powerful way. And you may not even realize it tonight. But just ask for it anyway. We kind of forget to ask. We don’t have to do it all on our own.

So, if you closed your eyes, you can open your eyes now. And I’m going to ask ev-erybody, if you have the resources in front of you, to grab a piece of paper and a pen. And I’m going to ask you to just jot some things down. Some notes. I’m going to have you evaluate your space at one point. Just do a few little exercises, toss those in. It seemed to work out pretty well last week.

So... we’re talking about abundance! And boy, that is a huge topic. We did a survey earlier this year, and WOW! That was by far the thing that most of you were crying out for. And I see that. When I go to people’s homes, I see a lot of people struggling with that. Even some of my wealthier clients are struggling with that. Just know that you’re not alone. And I’m even starting to see that there’s such a collective belief about the economy, that sometimes we can be plugged into that whether we know it or not, and be expressing things that are happening on a bigger level than just us.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


I wouldn’t beat yourself up. The woman who just spoke about her home: I’m seeing a lot of that. And I think as much as we can just breathe in, trust that we’re going to be okay, and be grateful, which I’m going to talk about in a bit.

We covered some things last week — and most of you were signed up for both. I’d encourage you to go back to listen to the beginning of that lecture, if you haven’t. Just a little primer about feng shui. We’re going to skip that this week though. But I went into it much deeper last week.

So, it’s kind of funny, in the US: abundance issues! We’re very, very tuned into financ-es... the pursuit of money. We very much equate it to freedom. But it doesn’t mean freedom necessarily. It’s one mode of having freedom. But I think our little spirits were born into these bodies — in the West — in the pursuit of creating. And I think a lot of us are here in the pursuit of understanding that kind of energy — that financial energy. And it’s fine. There’s nothing less spiritual about the pursuit of money. But I think at the same time, it’s just nice to have a reminder that it’s not the end-all be-all. It’s one sort of freedom — it can provide some experiences — but is miniscule com-pared to inner, spiritual freedom. That’s what we want to strengthen you in tonight.

If we could all just suddenly become enlightened, and magically get that everything’s fine — that everything’s good — and just be in the moment, and experience that level of joy — then we wouldn’t need to be chasing all the external things that we’re chas-ing. We could still chase them, but understand what they can provide, and not expect anything more. Because a lot of us have velcro-ed the idea of happiness onto money. But they are separate things that don’t necessarily go together at ALL!

And let me tell you, I can’t express that enough — that it is not necessarily true: money = happiness. Again, it allows a certain level of freedom. That’s about it.

I was friends with a very, very famous person. I am positive that all of you on the phone call know this person. And there was a concern. This person is one of the wealthier people in the country in terms of performers. And this person was not neces-sarily happy. And not necessarily secure. Now, this is an amount of money that most of us couldn’t even begin to fathom. And it was really amazing for me to meet this person and have them in my life at such a young age, and to really see that money was

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


not the end-all. It really is icing on the cake. But if you don’t have the cake, you’re screwed! (laughing)

But we don’t want to lose sight of the awareness that money is not necessarily linked to happiness. That we all, at this moment, could be on welfare. We could be homeless. And it’s absolutely possible to be happy within those situations! I know that might be hard for some of you to comprehend. Speak up if you’re like, “No it’s not!” A lot of my clients fight that. And that’s fun to get into. But for me, I found that it’s not true. And I know plenty of happy, less-financially-abundant people. And I know lots of happy wealthy people. And I know loads of depressed poor people. And I know loads of depressed very wealthy people.

This is not to say that there’s anything wrong with having money. Having money can be amazing! I personally love the thought of having a lot of money. But I’m learning to expect only what money can truly do in my life, and not attach other things, waiting to be fulfilled when I have more money. I can have fulfillment and peace now.

So this is just kind of an interesting side note, but I was just kind of taken with it: I heard about a study where they tracked many, many people over several years to see what would happen to their overall happiness. And they tracked (with a psychological test) their happiness level, their level of depression, and their level of joy. And then they tracked these people to see what happened to them over a long period of time. And of course, as happens to a percentage of people, there were some that became paraplegic — through just those (seemingly) random things that happened sometimes in life — and what’s fascinating is that when they tested them after these challenging moments, the people that were happy before were happy paraplegics! And the people that were un-happy before, were unhappy paraplegics. Their circumstances were not the determining factor on their own fulfillment or happiness. It was something much deeper. Something within.

So again I just want to stress that we as much as we can approach the pursuit of abun-dance with a playfulness, and know that it’s icing on the cake, the better. The less we attach false emotions onto money, and see it simply for what it is: a mode of energy exchange — the less our past and baggage gets lumped onto it. We want to make sure that you don’t jump over this foundational work. Not only in your home, but with

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


your life, or your spirit. We want to always make sure that we’re working from the bottom up — from those really deep core, foundational understandings.

And then we can add all this fun stuff on top of it. Cause money is great!

Does anybody, thinking about the people that you know in your life that you would consider abundant? I’d love for people to just chine in here: What quality can you see that most of them possess? Can you find some kind of core, since we already talked about that it’s not necessarily that all happy people become rich. We know that that goes equally across the board. You want to toss out and brainstorm: What are some things that you think might be an overriding thread that links people who have the abundance that you seek?

Any thoughts? Are they nicer? Are they smarter? More talented? Are they luckier? Some of you may be saying yes. Any thoughts?


Well, what I really have found to be almost always true is that the one link in terms of people who have more monetary abundance is they have a belief that they deserve it! There’s some kind of sense of entitlement, a sense of confidence there. And that’s where we want to take a look. They expect it.

That’s actually what we’re trying to do with feng shui. We’re trying to shift your home so that it tells you totally different messages. All of us start as little kids, and then we get all these beliefs glumped into our “computer” (brain). We download what our name is, we download what’s good, what’s bad. You shouldn’t hit. You shouldn’t throw things. You should clean up your room.

And bajillions beliefs load up over a lifetime. They’re coming in and going out all day long. And that glop of ever-changing beliefs is the thing that we project out into our homes. Because of our “computer”, and every choice we make in our homes —down to the picking of our home — has to be done through this computer. It’s going to get filtered through our beliefs. Everything in your home is going to reflect that belief system. And then it’s going to speak that belief system back to you.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


What’s very cool about feng shui is when you can have somebody else who’s un-plugged from you — who can really see your spirit clearly, who can see intuitively where you’re going, where you’re stuck, where you want to soar — and you can create a space that speaks to that part of you, then it starts speaking that message back to you. And it can unwind years, even lifetimes of beliefs. So then all of a sudden you start noticing, “I’m feeling more entitled!”

Cause here’s my theory on how a lot of things work: I think we’re just little tiny manifesting magnets. And whatever we tune ourselves to, whatever we think about, whatever we believe about ourselves, we send this invisible energy out — kind of like a radio tower — we send out all of these invisible little waves out into the Universe, and what we send out, we get back. Sort of like a fishing line made just for one kind of “fish”, or experience!

Interestingly, if we take a look, we all probably have one friend who’s just doom and gloom. Nothing seems to go right. And gosh darn, if it’s not every single week they’ve got a new drama! It’s like they magnetize and pull those into them: everything that’s vibing on that level, anywhere around them. Those kinds of people and experiences that are a match for your internal energy are the things that show up. Sometimes we can’t even see the positive things. All we can see are the negative things. And again, they kind of get glumped to us like glue...

When we’re vibrating on a different level — if we’re vibrating on more of a level of positivity and confidence and love and joy and optimism and hope and abundance —then magically you are blessed. You probably know at least someone like this too! They have everything going for them. They are so optimistic.

I’ve got a friend who is the sunniest human being I’ve ever met. I should do a tele-class just to let him speak to all of you, just to hear how optimistic he is. It’s just his nature. And miracles happen everywhere he goes. It’s like gold dust or something. Even when challenges hit, he glides through them with a smile on his face. He leaves a trail of fairy dust behind him. And people go out of their way for him — they just want to give to him. And he’s so loving and joyful!

A lot of us weren’t blessed either to have that core personality coming into this life, or we didn’t have the upbringing or the parents who taught us that. So here’s where we

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


get to be a little more proactive: we get to start now — to come in and go, “Wow! I heard about this feng shui thing. I’m really challenged to know what to do about my belief systems. At least now there’s some area where I can go in and make some shifts in my home to start empowering myself to change my thinking so that I can start feel-ing more.. whatever!” — whatever it is that you’re wanting to achieve.

I remember many many moons ago...I wasn’t even going to tell this story, and I don’t know why it just popped into my head... but when I was not long into my understanding of feng shui, I was wanting a lot more abundance myself. I was trying my best. And of course, Jackie swoops in beautifully into my life. And she helped me create this space who really spoke to someone far more abundant. My space looked like I made about $200K - $500K more than I actually made! I did not make much money at the time.

And what was really miraculous is just to see the psychological effects on my life: on my body, my thinking, the way I carried myself, the people that came into my life, and also those wonderfully miraculous things that are unexplainable, like unexplained checks in the mail — those things that are not necessarily logically explained away!

Everything in my life up till now —from my personal challenges to those things that really flow to me easily — explain this whole magnet theory. This whole manifesting, Law of Attraction topic. However I feel or however I perceive each aspect of my life, that’s exactly what I get — whether good or bad.

So this is what our intention is in any area of feng shui, from my understanding. And I’m going to talk a little bit at the end about some other things that I personally do in terms of working with my thinking. I really try to work on a body level, on a mind level, and on the physical level. That’s feng shui.

That’s why I think I love doing the coaching with people so much. I’m not sure if any of my coaching clients are on the call right now...but that’s such a cool thing when we actually get to work on all three: body, mind AND home! The three things that build, or make up our life. And so when you can hit all three, it’s just quite a yummy expe-rience. But I do want to talk about and address abundance from a thinking perspec-tive too at the end. And just give you some other things you can add as you’re doing changes and shifts to your space.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



So let’s just experience —literally experience — our internal energy: our internal Ch’i shifting! Which is basically what we’re trying to do in your space. So here’s just a cute little exercise: I’m going to have you close your eyes. And I want you to imag-ine something that makes you happy beyond words. Maybe it’s a place. Maybe it’s a vacation, a time in your life, a person that you love. And I just want you to sink into imagining that, picturing that, and feeling the sensation of being in love, or joyful.

Just breathe it in until maybe you get chills, you can feel your chest open up, a smile on your face...and just experience that. That’s your internal energy shifting. That’s you changing your energy — your Ch’i!

Alright, so now I want you to shift gears, and I want you to keep your eyes closed. And I want you to imagine your junk drawer. Yup, that’s right: I want you to really get in there. I want you to open the drawer up and squish yourself inside. And see it and feel it.

Or, if there’s another junky place in your home, go there. If it’s the basement or the garage — whatever it is, see that. Just stand in front of it. Stand in it. Take it in and see how your body feels.

Notice the difference. That is your internal energy, also. That’s your internal Ch’i. That’s your body, your energy, changing your life force in that given moment.

That’s a powerful difference, I would imagine, that most of you are experiencing. That’s a big shift from the positive image to the junky place. This is what can be hap-pening at every moment in your life — either you are lifting yourself and enhancing your internal energy, or you are tanking your life in any given moment. It sounds sim-ple, but it’s extremely powerful. And this is just to give you a clearer understanding — with the volume way up in this example — of what’s happening in your home. Pos-sibly on a very subtle level, but in thousands and thousands of little ways everywhere! — something that we’ve just gotten numb to; that we don’t see. If nothing else, if we can get you to open up your feng shui eyes to start looking at your space a little more clearly and objectively, like you’re an alien having never seen it before, then you may begin to start spotting these limiting, depressing and stuck spots within your space.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Seeing your home and life like you’re an alien — my teacher talks about this a lot. I just think that’s the cutest phrase. And it’s true. Or perhaps imagine you’re a stranger. If somebody were to come over right now and look at your space, what would they think of you? What ideas might they get? What assumptions might they make? What suggestions might they give? What theories would they come up with about you and your life?

So now that we’ve done that, let’s assess you space a little bit. We’re going to have you close your eyes again. We’re going to do that a couple times throughout this talk. But I want you to close your eyes, and we’re going to think some good thoughts again. But we’re going to tune into abundance.

Fast forward as far into your life as you like, or if you just want to turn it into a fantasy, that’s fine... But imagine yourself as abundant as you can possibly picture. If you want to imagine yourself five years from now, great. Or if you want to just imagine some-thing you’ve been working on for a while already being achieved or accomplished, great. Just see yourself already having what you’re wanting.

It can be grandiose, or it can just be a nudge of a couple years down the line. And just really breathe into that. I want you to feel that joy, and the confidence. Notice if you’re feeling stronger, smarter, sexier, more playful, more fabulous, whatever. In your mind now, you already are it!

With your eyes closed, you are that person: your future you — your “fast-forwarded” you. And now take a look at your current home — as it is in this very moment, not in the future. In your mind’s eye, really look at your house. Walk through your house and pick three places that really stand out to you — those places that make you feel a little depressed, or a little dampened-down in mood or energy.

Take a look. Maybe it’s clutter? Maybe it’s a certain area? Maybe it’s a stagnant room? Maybe it’s a depressing piece of furniture? An old love letter? Maybe your house needs cleaning? Maybe there’s something broken, or there’s a leak? Just notice the three biggest things that are bringing your energy down from the powerful fabu-lous you that you know you are.

[ A few minutes goes by... ]

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


You can come back to this exercise if you want to. I recommend doing it every six months or so. Allowing your inner wisdom or your intuition to speak to you some-times gives you far more powerful insights than your brain ever will. This is a secret to my practice and the results my clients get — both with feng shui and my coaching work: I use my intuition to provide insights for clients, or to detect issues within a space. The more you learn to do this, your life will expand exponentially! It’s wild...

And you can open your eyes up now...

I’d like you to jot those three insights or areas down on your piece of paper. Take note of those three things that right now are not helping move your life forward. They’re a drag on your energy...

Anybody want to un-mute yourselves and share? Is there anything that you noticed? Anything surprising? Anything interesting from that perspective? Perhaps you saw that an area you thought maybe was okay was actually limiting you when you tuned in from your higher self?


Let’s start going through some rooms in your home, just talk about some general things. Note: I am not going to go through all the rooms though — each of these three lectures are touching on different rooms in different ways. And some rooms I find hold the link to, for example, abundance, differently than for the topic of relationships or weight loss.

Do The Best with What You Have

Let’s just talk about a few general thoughts that can happen throughout your house. We’re going through seven tips here, if you want to jot things down. The first remind-er you want to keep in mind is: do the best you can with what you can afford. Some of the things I say may tend to lead you to want to go and purchase more expensive things. If that is not in your finances, honor yourself by sticking to your budget and the abundance that you do have.

But as we go along, and as our abundance changes in our lives, wherever we can — even if it’s just one object in the next few years or months or this week — where

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


can we start turning the volume up in terms of that wealth energy? Wealth energy is a really special thing that is tangible in some homes or objects. The more we understand “wealth energy”, the more we can incorporate it, like in: one-of-a-kind paintings; an-tiques; objects from nature; expensive items; fine-art and sculptures, etc.

There is something very powerful in those things. If you notice, most wealthy people have those kinds of things. We’re kind of just mirroring what wealthy people already tend to know. What we’re trying to do is just nudge ourselves gently, gently, gently forward, toward that wealthier Ch’i — to continue to be moving ourselves down our evolutionary, spiritual path. We’re not trying to slam ourselves into abundance — we can’t go from 50 mph to 200 mph overnight, or manifest a million dollars this next week. But we can start to remove some blocks, bring in some more abundance, bring in some more gratitude. It’s baby steps...

In terms of doing the best we can with what we can afford: just start taking a look at what you do have. Remember, what you focus on, you bring in more of! Focusing on our current level of abundance — however small it might seem to you now — is very important!

Let’s take fake plants versus real plants. I was working with a client recently and they were very abundant. Everyone, even rich people, are looking for improvement, I’ve noticed. And her house was full to the brim with hundreds of fake plants! I don’t know if there were really more than 2 or 3 live plants in the house. And there’s a differ-ent energy to fake plans vs. real ones! So just start noticing the energy in your things. How do they make you feel?

Another example to reflect on: let’s say we purchase an adorable vase from Target. Yet, no matter how beautiful it might be, it has still been mass-produced. All of us could go out and buy that same one if we wanted to. There’s nothing very special about it. Yes, it’s still very pretty! —I’m not knocking things like this... I have some knock-offs and mass-produced things myself. I’m sure you do too! But we’re here to educate ourselves on wealth energy — and how to spot it.

Imagine now that there’s a similar looking vase that’s 300 years old; that’s worth $10K; that’s hand painted and hand-made; that was really honored through many generations

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


and many owners. That has a very different energy to it. It’s deeper, and richer with age and history. It’s more complex.

So we just want to, over time, start opening our eyes up to: how does this different, richer energy feel? Does it feel good to me? Maybe it’s a pen holder this week. Or a beautiful little leather box to put your finances in. Or some little thing that feels opu-lent or abundant. It doesn’t necessarily have to cost a lot, but it feels special to you. The more we start bringing things like that into our lives, the better.

Clear the Clutter

We want to clear clutter. This is something I talked about last week: it definitely im-pacts weight and health too. But boy, clutter is a form of stagnancy. And that’s stuck, non-moving, downer energy.

Yes, abundance is energy too! Money is energy. All these things are energy. But with money, we want a flow and movement to things. We want it coming in, and we want it to go out. We want it to be fluid and fun! So we want our home to represent that — to symbolically represent how we want our finances to flow.

We want a richness to things, like we talked about. We want a fluidity. If there’s a tightness or a hoarding mentality, or if there’s a stagnancy in the home (like for ex-ample, clutter!), we want to get that moving and flowing—symbolically representing opportunities in life coming into our lives!

Clutter is probably more often than not the biggest inhibitor of abundance for people. If you don’t have that issue, great! – just hang tight. I’m sure something in what we’re going to talk about will speak to you. But if you have clutter, you really want to get that moving as much as possible if you want your finances to follow suit.

Here’s some questions that you might want to jot down that you can ask yourself. I tell you, whenever I’m feeling a little stuck, I will just go and spend an hour in my closet. And I will grab something that I know deep down is not moving my life forward in any way, shape or form. And I will sit and I will ask these questions, and find out what is that little lurking thing that is holding this block? What am I believing that is keep-ing this thing locked into place and stuck in my life? And when we just start nudging

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


those thoughts to the surface, then it really can help us have clarity and honesty around our actions. And it can get things moving!

Once I’m doing with the questioning process that we’re about to cover, sometimes I put the object right back on the shelf. Perhaps in that moment I’m simply not quite ready to let it go. But just because I’ve had an interaction with it, and an inner discus-sion about it, and I’ve gotten really clear with myself and honest about why I’m hold-ing onto it, then usually it will just gnaw at me, and a few days later I’ll have to get rid of it. The fear can dissipate over time, so let it have a life and time frame of it’s own! Everything is always perfect.

So you might want to jot this down:

1. Why am I keeping this?

What is the belief that I have around this object that’s allowing me to keep it? What am I believing about this object that keeps it in my house? Is it fear? Is it lack? A lot of us have lacking beliefs about our families. Bad memories. Living in the past. Low self-esteem or self worth. It’s a number of different things.

Another question is:

2. Is this reasoning moving my life forward or holding me back?

Does it make sense? Sometimes we’ll hold onto something and it does make sense. Yeah, I’m holding onto this. This makes sense. But a lot of times, we’re kidding ourselves. We’re running a number on ourselves so we don’t see what we’re doing. We’re keeping ourselves stuck. That’s what we do very well.

3. What’s the worst that could happen if I let go of this?

And play this one out. It’s amazing the beliefs that are running that we’re not aware of. What’s the worst thing that could happen if I let it go? Honestly, I have held onto sweaters, or dresses, or jackets, or shoes, or purses, and when I’ve turned inward and reflected on the fear that was keeping me from letting them go, I honestly would tap into a sensation that I was going to die if I let go of this! That something terrible is going to happen if I don’t have this bag (or whatever) sitting in my closet! Many of us are actu-

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


ally walking around with these low-grade, irrational yet primal feelings that the world is unsafe in some very basic way. It creates not only fear, but a lot of limiting behaviors. Yet just bringing that to our awareness whenever we can — because we all have some silly, crazy things like that looping in our lives — and just allowing it to come out of our unconscious and up to the surface and into the light, we can go, “WOW! Is that really true? Could this have that much power?” And then we can let it go.

4. Does this reflect my future or ideal self?

It’s like what we were imagining before: our future selves, or our best selves. Does this reflect my future self?

And then:

5. If I were God, what would I tell me about this?

What would I say about this object if I were God? Or if that doesn’t resonate, what if I was my best friend? Or if I was a stranger who came in off the street who heard this silly story? What would that person say? How would they answer?

And if you ask all these questions, and you have pretty valid reasons for keeping it, great! You’ve got something you can keep. It’s just about becoming straight and deeply honest with yourself. And if you just learn to edit your belongings every few months like this, you’ll be amazed at what will happen as a result.

I go through my house with a fine-tooth comb regularly. Because every few months, I’m a different person, and I can see things differently. And I can let go of different things. I’m in the process right along with you guys. And that’s why I speak about this. You can do this until you’re 80, 90, 100. You can go to the nursing home and you can sort and purge closets. It’ll be an amazing life-long tool, skill and gift!

It may sound simple and common: clearing clutter! But once you realize the energy and beliefs items can hold in place, and you see the energetic bag of rocks you have likely been carrying around with you for years, if not your entire life, you get a free-dom and clarity that is truly priceless.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


So, write all those questions down. Any of you want to give an example of something that you’re really challenged to throw away, or that you’re just laughing at like, “I just can’t let go of this thing. I can’t let go of the little hula girl statue that we got on vaca-tion in Florida 15 years ago.. that’s broken!” Anyone have something that’s wonder-ful or funny or challenging that they want to share?

Deepah: Hi Stephanie, this is Deepah from Chicago.

Stephanie: Deepah. You’re fabulous! I love your emails.

Deepah: I just wanted to say after last week, I went through and I picked out about five things that I really wanted to get rid of, and I got rid of it.

Stephanie: Wow! That’s huge.

Deepah: So today, I was wearing my jeans, and I’m like, “Oh, this is a little loose, so let me see what happened.” So I got on the scale. I lost 6 pounds. I haven’t done anything but throw out some clutter.

Stephanie: Yes, that’s what happens.

Deepah: I didn’t change my diet or exercise. I mean, heck, I never exercise! Those things were holding me back so much. And last week’s seminar just made something click. Inside, light bulbs went off. And I addressed all five of these big, burdensome items. And I can’t believe the change! I feel so good! I just had to share that.

Stephanie: I just got chills. My eyes are tearing up.

Deepah: Yeah, it is. It feels great. So I just had to let you know...

Stephanie: Thank you. You’re a sweetheart. You say, I didn’t change anything. Well, you actually did! You changed, your home changed —and this is why I’m so excited about working with people in terms of food and eating, and especially with women and weight. We lose sight of what’s really true for us deep down, and there’s something much more important than all the stuff we’ve been told for the last 30 years about food and diet. It’s our thinking! It’s going within. It’s more complex, yet simpler than what our cur-rent society tells us. We’ve just been missing the boat on many different levels.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


You lightened your load, both inside and out. And correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you got some things out of your life that were stuck spots. Again, every-thing in your life and in your home is talking to you. And if these things represented sad times, limiting beliefs, things that were holding you back, and you let those go, it’s kind of like taking a big giant rock, each one of them, off your back, so you can move forward.

Not only does that lift your mood, but when your mood is lifted, your metabolism changes. Your hormones shift. You start burning energy again. When we’re sad, we have sluggish metabolisms. Remember: your home is a direct reflection of your body, so as you lighten the energy without, you lighten the energy within. As you clear out blocks and allow the energy in your home to flow, so too can your body’s system flow more naturally and efficiently. There’s a lot of other cool things I’d like to talk about that topic.

But that makes such sense. Of course you lost six pounds! You’re joyful. You’re feel-ing lighter, literally. We in the West really still have SO little understanding about how truly powerful and impactful our environments truly are in our lives. If we did, every one would start making some radical changes, and fast!

Deepah: I think what it was was that I went back to work after staying home with my kids for a while. And I had arranged things so it would be more convenient for me, but it re-ally didn’t feel good. I’m like, “I’m just going to get rid of these things so I don’t have to look at them anymore.” And it worked! Oh, gosh, I can’t tell you. It feels really good.

Stephanie: I love that you share that, because I did see that so much. I know a lot of you watched the show, and so you’re more familiar with those families. But behind the scenes, a lot of the families had other issues happening that they didn’t choose to focus on in their individual episode. They usually have us focus on one issue, but there was a lot of other issues going on behind the scenes for all the families of course, like it is for all of us. And it was amazing to see the financial shifts for people, and the weight loss! We’ve got one woman who’s lost 55 pounds now. Another woman who’s lost 45. Another woman who’s lost 35. No dieting. They just love their life now. They’re in touch with their femininity, balance and true self. It changes something that I think we’re just now starting to understand.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


That’s so great. Thank you, Deepa! Keep sending me those wonderful emails too.

Jen: Stephanie, this is Jen in North Carolina. I don’t keep a lot of clutter, but I have a few things. I have a problem when I feel like it has a lot of value. Maybe it was a bad purchase, like a $900 chair that’s not comfortable. It’s a beautiful leather chair that’s not comfortable. We don’t sit in it. So it’s sitting in the attic in case I can sell it.

I’m pretty thrifty at heart. As a rule, I don’t keep anything that doesn’t have value, but when I feel like it has some value, I have a hard time.

Stephanie: That’s a fantastic point. I completely hear you. My thought is, going back to that deeper sense of abundance. Everybody’s story is going to be different. Everybody’s finance is going to be different, so we just want to take it on a case-by-case basis. But my feelings about what you’re saying is that 1. I’d probably go onto Craigslist tomorrow and put a beautiful ad with a beautiful picture and post what you’d like to get for it. See if the world will cooperate. Because what is no longer abundant to you — what’s basically clutter and clogging your life — could be the most amazingly abundant find for someone else. It’s a great way to move your. Abundance is about flow. We want to walk around energetically, symbolically with our arms open, so we can embrace things. We can bring them in and let them go. Let them flow through.

And how lovely that you had the finances to have that chair. But you don’t love it. It’s not lighting you up. So it’s a drag on your energy. It’s a financial drain. But on a spiritual level, if we were God looking at it, in the scheme of a life, $900 is probably not worth holding onto something that you’re that aware is bringing you down. Again, for you, this one thing is stagnancy. And maybe you can take the money that you make from selling this chair, and buy something wonderfully comfy! Ask the world to bring you a beautiful chair. You’d be amazed at the funny little miracles that can happen when you get focused and ask for what you want — something that will fit exactly into your budget!

Everything’s got a message in it. If we hold onto a chair because it was $900, yet it’s not really comfortable. We don’t really like it. But that’s $900!!! What that’s telling me is the belief that it sounds like you’re held in place is fear around abundance. It may be subtle for you, but it’s a lack of trust that the Universe can provide enough abundance to get another comfy chair.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


This chair isn’t honoring your body. You don’t love it. It’s not really moving you forward. So maybe there’s other beliefs you can mention that you think are attached to that? Perhaps beliefs around finalizing the sale of the chair, instead of keeping it unfinished in the attic? Perhaps there are beliefs that it will be hard or time-consuming to get rid of it? Or that no one will pay a fair price? Or that somehow you’ll be out pre-cious money? And remember, please don’t think, “I’ve got to get this out of my house tomorrow because it’s bad.” It’s not bad. It’s just bringing an awareness to what it’s creating, and from a joyful, neutral place, make space for a new idea about the chair to flow in. It’s like, “How cool! I’m excited to deal with the chair... this is exciting! I don’t think that is serving me. Maybe I want to look into getting this chair a new home soon.” But all in a fun way! And also thinking about the beautiful, wonderful, comfortable new chair that is to come. Does that help?

Jen: Thank you!

Stephanie: Okay. I’m so glad you guys are asking questions.

Patricia: This is Patricia. I got on the phone tonight, from Miami Beach.

Stephanie: It’s great to have you. Do you have a question?

Patricia: Thank you. Yes. When I approach the place of clutter, I have this horrible anxiety. I don’t understand what that’s about.

Stephanie: Tell me about that. What’s happening. Give me an example.

Patricia: I go to clean something, or I plan to clean something, and I walk in and I just get over-whelmed. Very, I would say, churned up inside.

Stephanie: Anxious?

Patricia: Yeah.

Stephanie: It can get overwhelming sometimes if we’ve let some things go for a long time. It’s like we forget that it’s there, and then all of a sudden we start approaching it. And it’s like, “AHH!” Our to-do items all start talking to us at once. It’s like, “Be quiet! It’s too much for me to tackle!”

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Somebody asked a similar question last week. One thing I would say is to do a “brain dump”. I love brain dumps! I would take a piece of paper, maybe get a little book, or make a little file folder. You write down all of those little things that you want to unclutter one day. Doesn’t have to be today.

And then break down what you’re tackling. Maybe it’s just a drawer. Go really slowly and gently. At the same time, if your Higher Spirit, your Wiser Persona, could look at the situation when you’re freaking out — almost like you’re stepping outside your body and looking at you — what kind thing would she say, or would she do for you? Maybe it’s, “You need to turn on some great music.” Or “You need to have a friend come over when you’re starting this, if there’s a lot of anxiety.” Get support. Make it fun.

Maybe you just break it up into 15 minutes. And then, if I was working with you one-on-one, I’d want to sit and explore those beliefs that got kicked up when you start to clean? Again, going back through those questions that we just jotted down a few minutes ago. What’s really happening inside you?

Anxiety doesn’t randomly happen. Sadness doesn’t randomly happen. Joy doesn’t randomly happen. A belief gets triggered. We attach to it. We believe it’s true. And we feel something physically that steps from that initial belief. So some belief, prob-ably a bunch of them, are getting triggered off, and probably pretty darn fast. It may be tough to catch it at the beginning.

It just may feel overwhelming and anxiety-producing. This is so common. But as much as you can, write down what thoughts go through your mind, whether silly, petty, angry, nonsensical, judgemental, etc.

I was going to talk about this at the end, but it’s appropriate now: if you’d all write down a website that I would highly recommend everyone look into: www.TheWork.com. It’s a process you can start doing at uncomfortable moments like what you’re describing, or at any moment that feels anything less than perfect or joyful.

A lot of you have heard me talk about Byron Katie. It’s the best work I’ve come across in a long time. In terms of affecting my life the most over my past 25 years of searching, there’s 1. Byron Katie’s work, whom I’ve known about for 15 years; 2. there’s feng shui. And everything else falls way underneath those two. So check out her website.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


We can go into her process later on another call. It might be really great for you to look into in terms of writing each thought down, and exploring where is that anxiety com-ing from? Definitely stay on the mailing list. And when I have that tele-class, make sure to be on there, and maybe we can use you as a great little guinea pig. Let’s talk about the beliefs that come up and see if we can help you shine a light on it.

Is there anything else around that piece? Was anything there helpful, or is that still unresolved?

Patricia: No, I think that’s really helpful.

Stephanie: We take everything far too seriously. It’s okay if you don’t get all that done. There’s a pile of stuff on my desk where I’m sitting right now that I haven’t gotten to this week. I’m not going to sit around and beat myself up for it. That’s not going to do me any good. We have to just be gentle. And it’s also great when the anxiety goes away, be-cause it allows us time and mental space to actually tackle those things.

Patricia: People tell me I’m very intense. And I think that’s something to work on.

Stephanie: It’s that perfectionism. It’s that need to have everything done right now. Use the feng shui of having intention and being methodical and putting care into how we move through our space and how we care for it. It’s a meditation for how we can live. If it’s really tough for us to be present in our lives, in our head, then how about we just be present when we do the dishes tonight?

We don’t have to chomp off becoming enlightened overnight. We can just be present with the dishes and soapy water. What they look like. What it feels like. Just being. There’s nowhere to go and nothing to do, and we’re in a culture that tells us the op-posite. And it’s unfortunate.

I’ve got that programming too. Sometimes I wake up and say, “Oh Stephanie! How much more off could you be today!” I so understand that anxiety. As much as can, learn new tools and get support that can help you untrain that.

So stay in touch. I could sit with that one question for 12 hours.

Patricia: I don’t want to take up everybody’s time.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Stephanie: I hear this so much that I think it’s important. And I’m sure somebody else has really benefited from it, if not most people on the call. I think it’s something most people can relate to.

Patricia: Thank you.

Clean like God Is Coming!

Stephanie: The third thing we want to talk about is: Clean like God’s coming! Don’t get hung up on the word — I’m just using it for emphasis. Use whatever works for you. Pretend like the wisest, most wonderful, all-knowing, all-seeing being is coming over tomor-row for din-din. How thoroughly and reverently do we clean then?

I remember I had a cleaning person at one point. I was just doing my work and stay-ing really busy in my life at the time. And one day I turned around and realized that I had unplugged from my own space. I was no longer touching and putting my love and intention into my own home. A lot of the details were not getting done.

It’s really easy to have that happen with people that help us tend to our homes. Are we cleaning behind things? Are we dusting those nooks and crannies? Are we getting on top of things? That can be so amazing to feel like we’ve deeply and thoroughly cleaned it. And turning that into a fun process is even better. Do it in lingerie if you don’t have a lot of quality time with your sweetie on the weekends. Be playful and silly. But put positive energy into cleaning thoroughly, not superficially.

There’s no way to hide in feng shui. We don’t want a life where we skim the surface, and we live superficially. So that can be a nice symbolic reminder as we do that with our homes. Go really deep! Also a great reminder for finances too.

Sit in the Power Spot

The fourth thing I want to talk about is finding your power spot. I know everybody loves rules, and I almost hesitate to mention these things, but some of you know a little bit about the bagua already. Some of you don’t. If you don’t, you’ll be saying, “Ba-who?”

Well, it’s just a mapping system that the Chinese created with feng shui. I use it. It is not on the top of my importance list, but I do apply it at some point during a consulta-

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


tion. On a list of ten priorities, it’s probably ranking down at 9 or 10 in terms of my importance level of what I’m looking at in someone’s house.

But we’ll talk about it anyway, because it’s fun. And doing things with intention can be magical, which is much of what the typical usage of the bagua map in the West is used for. But anyway, this mapping system is this invisible grid that we can stretch out over our home. And it’s basically a square that’s divided up into three sections across and three sections down. So it’s a grid, with three squares across, three squares down, = nine squares total. If you can imagine that in your mind, hopefully I’m explaining this relatively well. I know it’s late...

Each one of these different areas represent a different part of your life. If you’re more skeptical, you can just look at this as just a great practical way to make sure you have some kind of visual reminder, or you’re doing things with the intention of all these dif-ferent parts of our lives in place. Because a truly abundant person is a truly balanced person. It’s all about balance. We don’t want just a fabulous career and nothing else. We don’t want just a love relationship and not full expressions in all the other areas of our lives. So these 9 areas of the bagua reflect all the aspects that make up a balanced existence. Working on enhancing all these 9 areas can be a symbol for making sure all parts of your life are running smoothly too.

That again is a topic that we could talk about for many hours and to really learn more about this, you want to check out my other program that goes into all of feng shui in a very foundational way — we’re only skimming the surface right now! If you’re hun-gry to go much, much further just visit www.UltimateRoomByRoomSuccess.com and this will teach you everything!

Anyway, some of you have been on calls before where we’ve talked about the bagua. But there’s a part of this map that they believe represents wealth and abundance. And I have a theory that it may be somehow linked to our brain patterns — our brain waves. It’s a place that’s found as you stand in your doorway to your home — so if you want to imagine literally standing in the frame of your front door for a moment, do so. And if you could stretch out this invisible grid to encompass all the corners of your home, see that encompassing the footprint of your house.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


If you have an L-shaped house, you may have one corner that’s missing in this area. But just stretch it, stretch it, stretch it, so that it at least covers all the footprint of your house. And when you’re standing in that door frame, the very back of your house and all the way to the left, is an area that a lot of people in more modern feng shui practices consider to be linked to abundance, money and wealth.

That may seem far-fetched to some of you. And some of you are like, “Wow! That’s really cool.” What I think is fascinating after I’ve seen so many houses, and I’ve seen repeated issues happening in different areas of people’s houses, is that it starts to be a little uncanny. And it leads me to give more and more credence that there must be something to this mapping system.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Handle Your Money Mojo More Meticulously!

How are you handling money? What does that look like? You want to handle money as if you really value it. Because if you want more of it, you want to tell the world that you know what to do with the money that you do have.

So if you’re neglecting money, you want to just take a look at that. We all go through ebbs and flows with our finances. Sometimes we get busy and we lose integrity in those areas. And we just want to go back in and fine-tune things.

How about balancing your checkbook regularly? Where could you up the ante in that area? Where could you add a computer program to help you? Where could you get a little more meticulous about that? How about paying bills on time? Do you need to do better there? Where can you bring in more mindfulness and care so that you are honoring and you’re feeling great about your money?

Settle up debts with people. To wrap those energetic things up it’s really amazing and empowering! Clean your purse! Literally look at how you carry your money. What kind of container does your money go into? Is it just stuffed in your pocket? Is it shoved to the bottom of the bag? How can you make that experience more beautiful and even richer? It doesn’t mean that you go out and spend a lot of money buying a new wallet or bag, but perhaps it’s time to slowly begin making every detail of your life, especially those con-nected to money, a bit more luxurious or special. Something special has a richness.

For example, I always make sure that I LOVE my purse. It doesn’t have to cost much, but the feel, quality and texture means a lot to me. The containers within my purse are special too. One beautiful zippered bag is from India and was given to me by my feng shui teacher, Jackie. It is unique, gorgeous, an amazing texture and utterly sensual. It always lights me up the minute I see it or touch it. I feel rich simply by interacting with this one bag. So you see, it doesn’t have to be a big thing, just be mindful and care-ful with all the details of your life.

How about putting your bills in a beautiful container: I love doing that. Find a special little box. Or how about seeing how you’re working. Where do you work? Where does it feel the most opulent to sit when interacting with your money, bills, invoicing, etc? How do you want to contain those things? What do you want to put your stamps in (and what sort of beautiful stamps do you use?), and how do you store your envelopes, and

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


your invoices, and your bills? What mood do you want to be in when you’re taking care of these tasks? Perhaps you drink from a gorgeous antique tea cup and listen to classical music (rich with history, complexity and beauty) while handing your money and bills?

I had a client the other day, and they went out and bought a purple pen. They said purple is an auspicious color. It’s been know that way in a lot of cultures. So they got a purple pen that they sign all their checks with. It’s cute. It’s uplifting. It’s fun and works for them!

And we want to turn bill paying into bill playing, if you can. Anytime you can bring fun and play into the scenario, I really could not stress it more! We want this feeling to be wonderful even when you don’t know how you’re going to pay the bills. The more stress, and the more we’re sitting fixated, sweating over the bills, the more con-tracted we get, and the more we shut down the flow. Saying “I don’t have enough. I don’t have enough. I don’t have enough”, and you end up turning into a big “I don’t have enough” magnet. And of course we don’t want that to happen. We want you to feel more entitled than that!

We’ll talk in a bit about some practices that I do again to try to rectify that. But in terms of feeling amazing, can you put on a special piece of clothing — is there some-thing that makes you feel rich, or at least feel funny, to lighten the mood? I’ve also got this really great affirmation blanket that I use for meditating or any kind of special situation... like the bill paying! And it’s got these great phrases on it that makes me feel boosted. I’ve got my cute little manifesting mugs. Everything is “special”.

Is there specialness in your rituals yet? Maybe it’s a special chair, or a special place? May-be you like to go to the café. Or maybe you can turn it into some kind of quality time with your spouse? More people break up and get divorced over money, which is so sad. So how can you turn that into something wonderful, and sexy, and connected, and honest? Make that a positive experience, and brainstorm that more if you’re really struggling there.

Flowing Furniture = Flowing Finances!

In terms of your living room, we want things to flow. We want you to be open to op-portunities. Can you make sure that your arrangements are such that when you walk into this space, your main living areas feel welcoming? You usually see the biggest thing, like the couch, first. So that it’s in alignment or placed in a way that it’s like an open hug? That it’s saying “Come on in!”? Or do we walk in and see the back of

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


everything, and it feels like instead it’s saying, “Stay out! This is private space. This is where we watch TV. Back off!” See what messages you find, how it feels to walk into each of these spaces. And how could you maybe rearrange things so it feels much more open and welcoming and fluid?

You want to also look for tight spaces and blocks basically anywhere in your space. So if we’re talking living rooms, look for ottomans, dangerous coffee tables, or any things that feel contracted. You’d ideally like to have at least a three-foot clearance in any kind of walk way. Possibly even four feet, but three is a really nice number. Where do things get really tight and pinched in you home? Where do you have to finagle or twist or shimmy or contort yourself, or where you do have to squeeze around something? — and you’ve simply just gotten used to doing so? And how can you change or open up those awkward and blocked spaces symbolically?

I like the thought of putting intention into everything. And for me, my home in its entirety starts to feel like a bit of a shrine, or an honoring to my Higher Power. If you like the look or the act of having one space that is honoring and reflective — where you light candles every day, or that you honor every day in some way — do that!

Do this in a prime spot for abundance-boosting - somewhere that you spend a lot of time or is prominently displayed in some way. Put imagery; items; writing; or any kind of set-up you would like that inspires you and makes you feel more abundant. And hey, if you can put it in your wealth area, great! What a perfect way to add energy or intention into that particular area.

En-Riching Your Entryway!

Entry ways are of big-time importance in terms of money. If we can’t see you — if we can’t tell how fabulous you are — then we’re not going to know where to send this flow of abundance. So if you’ve got a home, I really would encourage you to walk down the street and approach your house from both directions. Can we see you?

Clients call and say, “Nothing’s going well. I just feel like I’m being passed over for raises. No one seems to appreciate my skills.” And I get to their house and there’s shrubs blocking the view from one side, so much so that when driving up they’re utterly invisible. From another side, perhaps I don’t even see their front door. Or they’ve build blockades symbolically that prevents them from being easily seen by the world.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


So, where are you somehow hidden? Or how could you enhance your visibility? How can you either remove blocks (if they’re within your power to remove)? Or could you add something beautiful, like a light to your front door? Or perhaps you could add some beautiful to your front door area, somehow drawing the eye there more power-fully? And how about painting that front door a beautiful, welcoming color? And don’t feel like you need to stick to the traditional red door. I’ve painted doors pink, aqua, orange, etc. - they were all amazing. We just need to see you symbolically. We need to see you out in life too. Start with your house. It’s a much simpler place to start.

Meandering lines also tend to be friendlier. However we can get that energy, kind of like a river flowing, up to that front door, the better. Use that image of a bending, curv-ing river in your mind: How can we get the energy moving and flowing toward you? A lot of times walkways that have beautiful curving lines tend to feel more welcoming, more inviting, more abundant and definitely friendlier.

And make sure that your entryway has lights that are working. Can we see you at night, or is it black? Is everything in good repair, or are we tripping and dodging ob-jects? Is your driveway in good condition? Is there any place that we could trip? Are there things in the way? Are there things blocking our view? Really take a look at that tomorrow and ask: Does it feel safe? Does it feel maintained? Does it feel beautiful? Does it look like this is the house of a person who wants to be seen, and who wants to embrace life’s abundance?

You really can adjust a lot within, around and outside your home, even if there’s chal-lenging structural issues. Also I want to take a look too at your garage. I might have mentioned that last week, but I’ll just mention it here. We want your front door to be the real focal point. And a lot of people are run ragged chasing money, chasing life, dealing with hectic schedules, and working like maniacs. And a lot of times these new homes have a garage door prominently placed out in front — jutting out — and we can’t even see the front door. And voila! The homeowners so often are coming and going. Because that’s the focal point: the garage, a symbol of the car, of fast movement.

To fix this issue, most times you can just paint that garage door the same color as the house and make it visually disappear. Add a prop or feature to your front door, and that makes a massive difference.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


We want to take a look at the entryway inside too. Does it look expansive, bright, clean? This is how you say “Hello!” to the world. Outside and inside that entryway — that way that you greet people. Is there something special there, especially if we’re talking about richness and abundance? We want that flow to come into the home. We want it to feel expansive and inviting. If you’ve got a tiny, little narrow entryway, mirrors are invaluable in so, so many fixes. and can help expand tight or dark spaces. Learning to tune in, quiet your mind, and feel your space is just really invaluable — it will help you stay on the lookout for spots where you’re feeling stuck or blocked.

Also add in beauty: something that’s opulent! Something that feels wealthy! Some-thing that feels welcoming! What symbolically could you do that would represent how much you want this wealth and abundance to flow into your life? If it were a person, how would you greet it?

Designing Bountiful Bathrooms

In bathrooms, try to keep the door closed. Again, we’re just looking psychologically about the impact energetically that a space can have on us. And most of us rarely walk into a bathroom, look at a toilet, and go, “Wow! That’s beautiful.” I have a neutral connection to that. They don’t depress me per se, but they’re not maybe the most beautiful things. And it’s not a place where we want to draw attention. So I usually try to keep those doors close whenever possible.

If you’re worried about having a bathroom in the wealth corner, here’s a really simple fix if you’re struggling. And they are not always a problem, by the way. But if you want to add some fixes to that, put a mirror on the outside of the door. Just an inexpensive dress-ing mirror would do. But putting a reflective surface there visually makes it look as if that space is expanding back. It’s almost as if the bathroom just disappeared. You just see the other room continuing back into the distance. That’s a very nice, easy fix.

Speaking of elements: this is one place that obviously has an overabundance of water. You can imagine: we’ve got toilets, we’ve got sinks, we’ve got showers. There’s also a downward pulling feeling in the bathroom. And it’s one of the only places where we can leak energy. And we’ve got these pipes going down into the earth, away from the house. Things are constantly being pulled away; removed from the house! So how can we contain that energy a little bit more, and keep our attention focused on staying in

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


the house and not being drained away? One of the great ways to help with that is by adding a lot of earth elements or earth tones into bathrooms. They really help contain and dampen down all that watery energy.

When I say elements, things that in the feng shui world that would represent the earth would be colors like browns, yellows, oranges, taupe-y tones. Anything that has that dirt kind of color. Also anything that’s made of earthenware. Heavy pottery. Images of mountains. Things like that that represent earth at its finest. That can be a really great fix if you’re feeling like there’s something a little bit off in your bathroom. I think many bathrooms could use a beautiful warm earth tone somewhere.

Another addition that can be nice is adding reds or fiery elements. You could add cup, containers, candles or towels of fiery red colors.

I’m a big fan, when it’s appropriate, to paint those ceilings of the bathrooms, to keep your energy going upward. You go into the bathroom, and you’re like, “Look at that fun, crazy color on the ceiling!” Your energy goes up where you’re looking, instead of down to the drains. Just a fun little fix I’ve found works pretty well in a lot of homes.

And you can also just add heavy things, if the room is large enough. Heavy pottery that’s earthenware. And that can really help ground or anchor that energy from seep-ing out of the house symbolically.

Minding Your Mental Money Mojo

So let me go through a few things in terms of the mind — some things that I do on top of feng shui that I find to be nice little additions. There’s more of them than I can go through here. These are pretty regular practices for me.

Keep in mind: everything we’ve talked about so far was more of a physical adjustment to change the stories in our surroundings. But where can we hit it more directly with our thinking too?

I’ve talked about “manifesting” a lot tonight. I’m a huge fan of the Abraham-Hicks work. They’ve got a great book, and one that just came out on abundance specifically that you might want to check out. I believe it just came out yesterday or today. But just look up Esther Hicks, or you can go to www.Abraham-Hicks.com. They

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


have lovely daily messages that they’ll send to you that I get sent to my in-box every-day, and I adore them! But they’ve got a great book called Ask And It Is Given. And it explains some of the things that I was talking about generally here, and it gives far more background.

We want to shift ourselves into thinking that we already are and have what we want. Most of us are walking around wanting and longing for things. “I want more money. I want more love. I want to lose weight.” If we really hear ourselves, what is it that we’re focusing on? What are we likely magnetizing to us? Yes: the negative! It’s focused on the want for something, not the having of it. It’s saying, “I don’t have it. I want it. But I don’t have it.” And then unconsciously and innocently, we’re draw-ing to us exactly what we think we’re pushing away. We’re drawing more weight, drawing more lack, drawing more loneliness into our lives by the way we’re phrasing things in our minds and with our mouths. And again, it’s an innocent mistake. But I love the Abraham Hicks work which really addresses this in a deep and powerful way. I highly recommend that all of you look into it!

We want to start thinking as if we already have what we want. We did a couple visu-alizations like that already. I even do a daily practice most days, basking in my ideal life and greatest self. I don’t get too rigid with any of my practices. But I try to spend 15 to 20 minutes most days imagining whatever it is that I’m working on manifesting at the time. I imagine myself already having it.

How does it feel? How does it smell? How would I walk? How would I dress? I play out scenarios. When I was really scared about being on the television show after really having never done anything like that before, I would play out the scenes of me being confident, being articulate, having fun, and coming across well on camera. And it’s amazing how that gets downloaded into my little computer. And when the time comes for reality to hit, I’m far better prepared. I’ve practiced it in my mind already!

It also makes us vibrate in a way that draws the things to us that we want. I also encourage you to get outside support or insights as you move along. I’ve seen even the best manifesters that I have met, when we sat down and had conversations, there were ways that they were still limited in their thinking and they simply couldn’t see it themselves. We just can’t see our own stuff! We don’t even realize all the subtle ways

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


we’re manifesting what we don’t want. In community or when getting outside sup-port, these self-imposed limitations can become clearer and clearer.

Doing The Work

I wanted to mention the Byron Katie work again because it is so powerful. It’s literal-ly four questions that you ask yourself. First, you write down a limiting belief, or any thought that brings you pain or suffering in some way. I was doing that this morning: I wrote down beliefs that were creating pain and anxiety. I write them down just one at a time, and then I meet them with these four questions. I highly recommend going to www.TheWork.com, and learn more about this process. It helps you see reality, not the clouded story of our beliefs. It’s the fastest, deepest, most thorough process I’ve ever found to help lift and remove thoughts that are clogging up my life, or adding unnecessary pain and burden.

I have been doing it for 15 years now. I’ve been exploring tons of other modalities, and I continue to go back to her work. It’s incredibly powerful, and I use it with all my clients. And it’s a way to start questioning the beliefs that we’ve just blindly and innocently downloaded. Our parents, our friends, the media, teachers, politicians, books and magazines have all told us things, and we innocently have believed them. But many don’t serve us. This is a chance to really dig through your belief system and question each one to see if they are still true for you, and if they serve you. It allows you to take a powerful look at them so you can find your own truth. And it’s amazing what will dissipate by doing so.

Bringin’ in the Green with Gratitude!

Gratitude journals are wonderful. It’s a place where I get to write down the things that I was successful at. I get to focus on what I did well. I get to reflect on all that I do have, rather than focusing on what I don’t: our brains do enough of that to last a life-time! With a gratitude journal, you get to focus on all the wonderful things happening so that there’s more of it. Grab a journal this week and start ending your day with writing 10 or 20 or even 50 things that were wonderful about the day.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Perhaps this is a tough one for you. Or maybe some days are really tough and it’s hard to find anything good about life. So at those moments we have to get really, really simple with our gratitude focus. Consider even basic things like:

1. You’re alive 2. You’re breathing 3. You have food 4: You have shelter

Get yourself focused on what you do have. It really opens you up so much greater abundance. Whatever ways we can trick your brain into looking at the bright side, let’s do it.

How can you add in little things? I’m hoping that some of these ideas might trigger things for you. For example, I have on my desk something that I love! When I have a lot of work going on, I tend to get a little stressed — a very common issue. So I went and got a glass jar, and I got out my label maker. And I call it my “God Jar”. And what I do with my “God Jar” is that every time I’m struggling or stressing or worry-ing about something, I write that worry on a piece of paper. I hand my stress about money or work or time over to something greater — my Higher Power. I say “Thank you.” And I turn it over to God (or whatever word speaks to your beliefs). I literally write little notes to God, and I put it in my “God Jar”. It makes me feel less alone, and less responsible for making my life go in any particular direction. It helps me stay in a state of “faith”, if you will.

Now change that idea into whatever speaks to you. What burdens are you carrying around? How could you playfully help release some of your stress or steam?

I had another client who was stressed from work, and that was being carried over into her evenings, and affecting the relationship with her husband. We put a silly red trash can outside of her house. And at the end of every day, she wrote down her stresses before she came home, and she threw them in her red trash can. She turned it over to something Greater. And her life changed because she literally was able to separate her stress from her marriage. She just threw it away (literally) every night! How can you just use cute little things like this to empower yourself and to have some fun?

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


I also have something I call an “abundance bowl”. Every time I find a penny or a dime or a quarter (those are the really exciting days!) I keep them. And I place them in a separate jar: my “abun-dance bowl”. Just two years after starting this, and I’ve got a huge bowl full of change. It’s amazing. It’s almost full to the top. And I keep that out in a prominent place to remind to appreciate the little things. Every time I find a penny, I’m like, “Thank you, Universe!” It keeps reminding me focused on how abundant my life truly is.

Going on a Downer Diet

After last week’s talk, if you want to go on a negativity diet, I would highly suggest it. You’re unconscious does not know that these thoughts you are thinking all day long, these limiting ones, are not true. They think they’re completely true. And they believe it. And it creates a lot of havoc for a lot of us. So watch what you say. Watch what you think. I definitely find some days where I’m really speaking in a limited way. How can we clean up what we verbalize? If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say any-thing at all. Really, really good thing to live by. Although we want to make sure we are equally meticulous with what happens internally, in the recesses of our own minds.


Trying out any one of the ideas we’ve just covered could be a really fun way to add to the creative process of abundance-building. But do not get overwhelmed! I know it’s a little much to take in. So, after hearing all of this, I’d like for you to write down three things that stand out the most to you, and make a plan of action to chip away at them in the coming days or weeks.

Just really quickly write down the three things that seem like they would be the best to take on this week. They may be the exact same three things from the meditation at the beginning. But take a look at what now, after looking and opening your eyes up to all these different types of things in your life, ring true to you. Give yourself this homework. Get them written down and file them away so you know that you’ll go back to it. And just focus on these three.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Put them on a note card, or put them on a piece of paper at your desk. And just give those three things as a gift to yourself. Ways that you know you can lighten your own load. That’s abundance.


Stephanie: If anybody has any questions, I’d love to hear. Any comments?

Client: How about feng shui with aromas? Is there anything you can do as fixes?

Stephanie: Oh, I’m so glad you said that. I have so many things that I use and I love in terms of scents. One of my favorite things is literally called “Abundance”. It’s an essential oil blend from the Young Living line of oils. It smells so good!!! It’s one of the only oils that I will wear as a perfume, because it smells so rich about 30 minutes after you put it on, and it smells heavenly when diffused into the air. I love the young living oils - they are the best quality I’ve found. Most oils have loads of chemicals, and theirs are so pure and so potent! They’re amazing. And I just think that “Abundance” is so much fun.

Client: We do have that one.

Stephanie: I think it’s great. Then depending on where you’re stuck, some people are having a tough time because they’re overloaded, so maybe Lavender, or the “Peace and Calm-ing” blend would be great. Those can be very soothing. The there are those people who need a bit of a kick, so some of the citruses like Lemon, Orange or Grapefruit can help you with focus and energy. Brain Power is a great blend for this too. Or perhaps your energy is a little out of whack. Then “White Angelica” blend is really nice. Or the Purification blend too. There’s almost a detoxifying quality to those two — great for space clearing!

Again, it so depends on what you’re trying to work on. For those that are feeling like they’re lacking abundance, it can stem from a number of different issues. I love the aro-mas. Anything that gets us back into our skin, makes us feel calmer, more focused, and more self-loving is a great thing to start with in terms of abundance. That’s a really good point. I even have it in my notes, and I didn’t say it. So you were supposed to speak up. So thank you!

Client: So which one did you say you liked a lot?

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Stephanie: I love Abundance. I just think across the board for Abundance, that’s just one I prescribe more than any. And then if there are other issues going on, then I’ll recommend others.

You can get them on my website, or if you know a distributor.

Just visit http://www.YourScentForSuccess.com and you can see some of my favorites listed there. But if you’re ordering, if you email me directly I can tell you how to purchase them wholesale - it’s much cheaper. I have hundreds of bottles of oils in my home and office, and use them daily. I diffuse oils in my office and it helps keep me alert and centered. I can’t say enough about them.

I just think they’re the highest quality oils, hands-down. I love them. If there are any other essential oil users on her, you can chime in. But if you go to the products page on my website, you can just link right through. Just click on the essential oils. And if you just look, you’ll find Abundance. I love it. I just bought a bottle for a friend last month, and she’s repainting her apartment. And we’re dumping bottles of it into the paint. Because she’s really on a mission for abundance right now. That is her focus in life this year. And so that’s kind of a fun, cute way to add scent. Any of you who are painting, you can totally add the essential oils.

Any other thoughts?

Kathy: Speaking about paint, I like the idea of painting the ceiling in the bathroom. I think that’s a wonderful idea. And you said you add the Abundance oil? Does paint have a factor in terms of what quality paint you use? I know there’s a lot of green products right now, but right now for me they seem much more expensive.

Stephanie: Again, we want to do what we can do. Do what you can afford. If you can afford the $15 can of paint, get the $15 can of paint and have a blast. If you don’t care for the essential oils, bless a couple drops of water and put that into the mix! Or just hold the can, hug the paint, and just talk to it. Just be silly and goofy. Just say, “I bless this paint and may it surround and support me with immense abundance, joy and love!” Whatever, whatever, whatever, just have fun! We have to lighten up...

But there are definitely some better paints than others. And when you have the re-sources, great, you can do that. I mean, I can’t afford to do all the green products and

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


furniture in my own home. Some of them are very expensive still. Would I like to? I’d love to! And what I do is I do what I can, and I don’t beat myself up for it. I just, I find that’s helpful.

Kathy: I have a lot of paneling in the house. I did renovation before in which I had a serious mess because I took paneling down, so I’m not going to even go there. Is there a way to cover the paneling, without painting it, like with fabric?

Stephanie: I would not recommend fabric. Every time I’ve seen people do things with fabric, like on the design shows: I cringe when I see them use fabrics on walls! In about a week, that thing is going to be a dusty, stagnant, dirty mess. I would recommend painting it. To this day, my parents have a living room that is all painted panelling. And it’s actually quite lovely. I would say, paint the panelling. And if it drives you crazy, and you’ve got the resources to have somebody drywall over it, that of course would be another option.

And here’s the thing, in terms of abundance. I’m glad you brought it up. I’ll see a lot of younger people or people that are struggling, and they’ll read a rule somewhere, like: “hide the television”. Great! They go out and they find a blanket, or they find a piece of cloth, and they throw it over the TV, and voila! It’s out of sight, out of mind. Well it also looks like a fix that someone does when they don’t have a lot. If somebody is a millionaire, they’re not going to throw a blanket over their TV.

If that’s all we can afford, that blanket is fabulous. But we want to take a look at how we’re dealing with things and what message it holds. So, to just cover something up, you want to watch how you do it, and that it doesn’t just add to the lack of abundant feeling in a home. Make sense?

Kathy: That’s good advice.

Stephanie: You can dig around on my website and learn a little bit more about the bagua or best case, you invest in our Change Your Space, Change Your Life Success System and learn everything you want to know about the bagua.

But I think if you take a look at this bagua map and study it a bit more, you’ll notice that the left side of our home represents intellectual things. We’ve got areas representing:

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


money and numbers, knowledge and wisdom. These are more left brain kind of activi-ties.

Over to the right of our home, or right of any space, are things that represent relation-ships, creativity, spirituality. Far, far more right-brain sort of topics. I think there must be something about this when we’re in a space and if there’s something off — either with the shape, or if we’ve got clutter, or structural problems and leaks and things like that — that over time, we’re downloading this imbalanced information. And over maybe months, years, or decades we feel this imbalance over and over and over in our homes. And it starts wearing on our internal system and starts showing up as problems in those corresponding areas of our lives.

That’s some of my theory about this. But if you want to find the wealth area of your house — that back left corner —perhaps that ends up being outside your actual house. Perhaps you’re missing a little chunk there. When you can make enhancements to that, not only can that be a great reminder of abundance, as you end up putting love and intention into whatever “fix” you use there, but I think it can shift this energetic situation (referring to the bagua mapping) that I think really does have a truth to it.

Now you could also scale this map down over a room. You can stand in the doorway of a room and stretch it out. You can actually be sitting at your desk, and you can find the far left corner if you want to. What I find is the footprint of a home, or the footprint of a plot of land, has the most strength to it, in terms of making shifts. And I think sometimes when we get down to smaller spaces, like our desktops, that it’s more of our intention coming into play than anything else. We’re simply putting our attention into a particular direction, and that really does ripple back.

With that in mind, how can you make shifts to these places? Well, without seeing all your homes, and without having more time, it can be a little tough — but how can you put something that maybe reminds you of abundance there in your wealth corner (that back far left area of your home or plot of land)? It could be maybe something that costs you a lot of money, whatever that means for you. Things that maybe have a tex-ture. This can be throughout your house. Ideally, it’s always throughout your house. Can you bring in textures that feel rich?

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


I think linen, silk, velvets — those are very rich to me. That makes me feel more abundant. Find out what that trigger is for you. I love stones and crystals — I just think they have this grounded, natural beauty. Because the stones I have, no one else has on the planet. They’re unique. And they’re natural. And they make me feel very grounded and inspired. I actually have some beautiful pieces of purple amethyst in my wealth corner. Just because they’re stunning.

Other things that you really can create this abundant feeling are those things that in-spire you. A lot of people get into very traditional Chinese things. If that speaks to you, great. Put some luck bamboo there. Put a jade plant. A lot of people have little frog statuettes that have coins in their mouths. If that really resonates with you, go for it. What I find is if it doesn’t really resonate for you, it’s much better for you to put personalized things than to try to force more Chinese cultural aspects into your home. You really want it to speak to you and your sensibilities and your culture. For example, I love water and fountains, and love adding fountains in my own wealth corner. Sim-ply for the reason that I LOVE fountains - not for any feng shui reason.

Here’s an example from a client that was really doing her best and had the best of inten-tions, and she got mild results. But here was the scenario. There’s a couple that was really struggling financially. Very much struggling. I was looking at a lot of other things besides their wealth area. But interestingly enough, their wealth area was their home of-fice. And it was full to the top of paperwork and chairs and furniture. Things that I know had not been moved in probably years. Lots of stagnancy. Lots of clutter.

This woman had read a feng shui book, and she was looking at all the rules, and she was trying to follow them. So there was a folding chair that she put in the wealth cor-ner. And she put a little tiny mirror on it. And there was a little book of affirmations. And she found a piece of purple cloth —I actually think it maybe was a purple sweat-shirt or something. And she draped that over the back of the folding chair, and she nestled that back into that far left corner of that area because she had read something about that being her wealth area. She got very, very, very little results, obviously. She did notice a few things within a week mostly from her intentions. But she skipped over the fact that the space was still full to the brim with clutter.

Those little tiny shifts like this couple were innocently trying are never going to make the same kind of impact when you’re blatantly skipping over the foundational work

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


like: beauty and flow and lightness and cleanliness and freshness and inspiration and beauty and color. You always want to make sure you’re addressing those things first, before making shifts to the wealth area. What I ended up doing with this couple is we literally gutted that room. Gutted it. I spent probably 10 hours at their house one day. From ceiling to floor, we just emptied that room. And I didn’t actually add anything that you would particularly call a wealth fix, but you could breathe, and it was clean, and it felt wonderful. So that is a good wealth fix it and of itself. But again, those ad-ditions, or those little feng shui fixes people love to do are only going to do so much. You want to do your foundational work first.

Abundant Artwork

Imagery and artwork. It’s one of my favorite things. I think they hold such power, and I see the funniest, funniest things when I go into people’s houses. It’s quite amusing. We want to make sure we’ve got artwork that can radiate such strong messages that we can just download their powerful messages easily and allow them to make a difference in our life. I’m working with a client right now. We’re filling her home with beautiful one-of-a-kind paintings. There’s nothing that feels quite like that. But let’s take a look to help you gauge ways that you can incorporate artwork into your space.


I’m going to have you take your piece of paper, and we’re going to write down ten different areas. And I want you to rank these areas from one to ten.

10 = this part of my life is fabulous! It could not be better. 1 = this could this use some serious TLC!

So write down one through ten.

Number One: Love & Relationships

The first one is relationships. Love partners. Whatever word you want to write down there. But rank your relationships, romantic relationships from one to ten.

Number Two: Creativity

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Your level of creativity that you feel in your life. Write down creativity. And just note this. This is just going to be a guide to help you add specific artwork into your home.

Number Three: Spirituality

Your connection to God, your higher power, whatever word you want to put there. But rank your relationship, or your connection to God there. How’s that going?

Number Four: Career

And four is fulfillment in your career? Or if you’re a stay at home mom, that’s a career too. Whatever is your life path or purpose. Call it whatever you would like. But why are you here on the planet, and how is that going? 1 – 10. Career.

Number Five: Knowledge and Wisdom

Number five = your level of inner knowing, your wisdom, your self introspection. How is that? Your own knowledge. How is that, from one to ten?

Number Six: Family Connections

Number six = quality of connections with your family. That’s your mom, your dad, even if they’ve passed away. Relatives. How’s the connection to your past, your tribe?

Number Seven: Relationships with Children

And how about on number seven, your relationship to your children, if you have them. If not, that’s alright. You can substitute it with creativity if you’d like. Or you can skip any of these.

Number Eight: Money and Finances

Number eight = your finances. Your sense of abundance. Your money. Jot down money. Whatever word you want to jot down, and rank from one to ten.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Number Nine: Reputation in the World

Nine is your reputation in your community. Or your reputation at work. Or your repu-tation in general out in the world.

Number Ten: Health

And number ten is your health. That could be feelings about your body image in gen-eral, your weight, or your overall health. Anything that’s body-related. Number that from one to ten.

Now I want you to circle the three that had the lowest scores. Probably ones that are likely number three and below. Or four and below. Pick those three areas, and then really take heart. How could you add artwork or imagery representing these three challenging life areas so that they are enhanced, strengthened or healed? Perhaps if we’re looking at love, you might want to look at the bedroom. If you’re talking about work, maybe you want to take a look at your home office. What visual could reflect or represent your ideal state in those three areas of your life?

Let’s say it’s your career. Keep your eyes open in the next month or so for empow-ered, success-filled or confidence-boosting imagery. Go to Posters.com. Artwork.com. They’re great sites to get inexpensive prints. If you can afford original pieces of art, that’s fantastic. But if you can’t, just do what you can for now... Could you bring in some imagery that actually represented who you want to be in that particular area? Maybe that sounds a little bit far out. But if you’re wanting your career to be more successful, and you’re feeling like you’re not very confident when you go in and you interact with your co-workers or your boss, maybe you want to get very literal, and find an image depicting someone climbing and conquering a mountain? Or something that has very strong, bold shapes and strong, bold colors? Things that when you look at it, you feel just like the person you want to be in your career. Make sense?

You don’t have to do it now, but sit with it sometime tonight or tomorrow — I would suggest, the sooner the better. Look at those three areas of life that are at the bottom of your list, and really think about what could you add in? Maybe it’s sculptures. If it’s love, you could nestle two little things together on your desk. It can be simple, or it can be big. Or both!

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Or, maybe it’s removing something from your house. Maybe you’re having a hard time with a particular area of life, and you realize that you have an image in your space, some kind of object, that’s really limiting you specifically in that low-score area. Either remove it, and / or add something that visually triggers for you with a re-ally powerful response.

Bare with me: I get wordier as the night goes on, I know!

If It’s Broke...Fix It!

Now, let’s take a look at things you might want to just jot down now, like fixing things that are broken or depressing. Open your feng shui eyes a little bit more, and especially take a look at broken, depressing objects that show up or collect in those power spots and wealth areas of your house. Broken objects are a bummer. Imagine what a broken object tells us: That there’s not enough time; that we don’t have the money to replace it or to get it fixed; that it’s overwhelming; that there’s so much to do. So fix those broken objects. They bring down your energy, distract your focus and are a drain on your life.

Get Rid of Design Downers

Now let’s look at those reminders of sad times in your life or things that you’re hoard-ing. Hoarding is a totally different energy than holding onto. Hoarding is fear incar-nate.

And what about leaks or any other kinds of structural issues? And what about dead plants.? Broken clocks? That’s an interesting one I see in some people’s houses. And how about kitty litter boxes — where are they kept? How clean are they? Especially if you have a bunch of kitty litter boxes in your wealth area: it might be nice to make that really beautiful and clean, or try to move them.

And what about trash cans? How are they cared for and cleaned? And how about loose door knobs and stuck doors?

I actually worked with a family that had no door knobs. They had five door knobs to their various entrances that were all missing. No joke! This was very funny - and mildly disturbing too. The homeowner was struggling greatly with her business. No surprise! Her son had to carry around a little piece of metal so he could literally break

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


into his own house to get inside, do to the lack of door knobs. I truly see some crazy and hysterical things in my line of work!

Keep in mind: doors reflect your path in life. So stuck doors or doors with no door knobs can be very interesting career and purpose symbolism. How can we take a look at anything that might be impeding your (symbolic) move through life? Stuck file drawers? Squeaky doors? Broken handles? Missing drawer knobs? How do you subtly make your life much harder than it has to be? And how many of these things do you let slip by, and just learn to “put up with it”? What inner beliefs must this be reflecting?

Getting in the Financial Flow

The next point I want to bring up here is about flow. Money = flow. Abundance = flow. We want to stay in that. We want our lives to be moving. We want money to come in and out really easily. And we want your home to be like that too. I would like you to take a look at your house. Start out at your front door, or walk down the street, and approach your space.

Taking a look at the feel of the flow of your house, all the way from walking up and entering, through moving through it? When we walk through the front door, walk re-ally slowly and just notice your body reactions — your emotional reactions — to mov-ing into your entryway, to walking down the hallway, to moving from the front door back into the expanse of the house. Is it fluid? If the flow of your home was a person, is it more like a ballerina that’s graceful, light and beautiful, or do you feel more like a sumo wrestler that’s just bouncing into things and feels blocked and tight and com-pressed and awkward? Do you feel like you’ve been drinking a little too much, like it’s a little tipsy? It’s a little energetically off-balancing?

Really walk through your space. If you feel like you’re being cut off or walking into a wall at any point, you can simply add a mirror to expand any stuck spots. If you feel like you’re walking through a space, through a room, and you feel an ominous or dan-gerous point somewhere — perhaps created by awkward or pointy furniture, or even by the edge of a protruding wall, and it feels very unfriendly as you’re walking really slowly past it, maybe you want to rearrange the furniture or for a wall, you can put a plant there in front of the point to help soften it’s “cutting” energy. Maybe if you’re feeling tight and contracted somewhere, you can enhance it with lighting. Or perhaps

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


you can add some color. You can add some mirrors. There are so many ways to make every part of your home feel better. The first step is to identify the stuck or stressful spots though. Learn to train your eyes and body sensations to anything that’s less-than-wonderful feeling!

If you walk into your home, you don’t know where to go — you literally just feel discombobulated, and you’re noticing your life is feeling like that too — how can you dictate through design where you want people to go? How can you manipulate how people experience and move through your own space? Perhaps you want to be drawn to the living room? Great. Put a beautiful color in that living room. Put a beautiful piece of artwork in that living room. Put maybe a carpet runner that leads you from the front door in the direction that you want people to walk. You dictate where you want the energy to flow.

Another thing with the flow through homes is sometimes it can move too slowly. Per-haps you’ve got rooms that it just feels like you can’t breathe in. Likely you’re dealing with some sort of stagnancy or stuckness. If so, here’s a practice that all of you can do, and I would recommend that you start doing this every week, especially in the winter: Open up all the windows! Start with one window. Open it all the way up. Then open the next, and the next, and just go around in a big circle around your home. And by the time you get back to the first window, just start closing them again. So at least, you’ve given a few minutes for fresh air to get into your house. It really keep it from being stagnant.

Or if there’s a room that’s really tough to get to, is there a way to draw your attention there? Or to add some life there, with plants, with some lighting, with some color to draw us back into these awkward bedrooms tucked down a long hallway, etc. There’s a million different scenarios.

Another aspect (almost a polar opposite of the previous stuck energies) is energy that’s too fast. Both of these can be things that I will see linked to abundance-issues (or rather, lack thereof). When you walk in the front door, and all you see is out the back door or windows, then likely the energy is flying much too fast. I’ll see some folks in these beau-tiful luxury townhouse apartments or massive modern homes, and you walk in, and they have this grand view of either the ocean, or landscape or garden, or some kind of vast view. And wow! Your energy goes where you eye goes. So my energy comes in your

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


house, and it goes right out your back window. And you’re wondering why finances just keep feeling like they’re coming in and they’re going out faster than you might like?

How can we hold your attention in your house? Not for too long, but at least long enough for the energy to benefit your life, circulate beautifully, and then exit? In this situation, you can direct people’s focus by incorporating interesting window treat-ments.... or what about adding something beautiful that they would be drawn to looked at first, and then they can look out your beautiful big windows!? You simply want to “trump” the problem or design issue with something of more visual significance or magnetism. That’s the beauty of this feng shui game: you don’t have to have a perfect home, but just need to know how to lovingly manipulate and adjust specifically and accordingly. If you have particular issues around any of this, you can just email me with your questions...

But most importantly, I wanted to end on the note of gratitude. Gratitude is key num-ber one. Again, what we think about, we’re going to bring about. We’re trying to shift your space so you think more positively. So if we’re dwelling on our finances or lack thereof — if we’re dwelling on what we don’t have — that’s going to be really challenging, because we turn into big, giant Don’t-Have magnets. And we want to be focused on what we do have. And even if you’ve only got a cardboard box, you’ve got a cardboard box!

I don’t mean to make light of something like that in any way, but I have met some cli-ents that have truly humbled me because they had very little in terms of most people, and yet they were so very, very rich. They were so grateful to have their family, their connections, their friends. They were grateful for every meal, every morsel that went into their mouths. They celebrated everything. Gratitude: it’s a richness that is de-tached from monetary worth. And that is abundance to me.

Designing Opulent Offices and Divine Desks

Let’s talk about the home office now. And if you’ve got your own business, this is definitely one of the first places you want to take a look here first.

The desk: How your desk faces really can impact your mood. I’ve got a coaching client who’s playing around with different desk positions. So week after week after

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


week, she’s trying on different arrangements with the homework of discovering which placement makes her feel the best and be the most productive and creative. And some-times this isn’t the most logical, initial placement. Sometimes we need to try on new ideas or arrangements and really live with them for a while to see what truly works for us. So consider trying this experiment in your own home or office this week.

Keep in mind, you want to mimic what the executives do. You want to be facing the door in some way, and/or feel as empowered as possible.

So test it. See which position empowers you the most. Which allows you to feel the best? So you feel confident, feel strong, feel safe, supported, and that you can stay focused on your work. If you have your back to the door, which a lot of you may, especially if you’re working in a cubicle situation in an office, then likely you can’t do much about that. The first thing I would suggest doing is grab a mirror from some other part of your house, and try putting it above your desk. Or even test this out with just a compact mirror you might have in your purse. Reflective surfaces will allow you to see behind you and therefore feel more empowered.

I worked at Disney for a while as an art director, and I got everybody putting bicycle mirrors onto the sides of their computers. And everybody’s productivity went up be-cause they could breathe. They could focus on their work because they didn’t have to burn a percentage of their energy or attention monitoring their physical safety, or won-dering if the boss was lurking. They weren’t having people sneaking up behind them.

We really do avoid so many of our primal instincts more than we probably would like to admit. But we want to honor those subtle feelings. Remember, it wasn’t that long ago biologically that we were living in caves and being eaten by bears. However ad-vanced we’ve become, we’re still hot-blooded mammals!

You should ideally not be in the path of the doorway either, but at least slightly out of the way of that line of energy. The speed of the energy coming in that door is a little tough on our bodies and attention-spans. It’s a little more intense - like sitting in the middle of a raging river. And when we work, we want to be confident, but we want to also be able to focus and not overwhelmed. We want it to be in as peaceful an environ-ment as possible.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Take a look at the view, wherever you are working and sitting for extended periods. Even if it’s for 15 minutes a day or checking your email. Is there something beautiful in front of you? I’ve seen a lot of desks that have bulletin boards, and they have basi-cally everything they could possibly pin to a wall, and they’re wondering why they can’t stay focused. Most of us are pretty darn A.D.D. with all the influences in our lives. How can we make our lives and work spaces simpler? Pared down? Make it cleaner? Make it focused?

Maybe you just need to take a bag tonight and wipe everything off your desk, and start clean and see how that feels. Also remove any artwork or visual noise right in front of your desk and see how that feels to you. If what you had there is working for you, great! Keep it... but be open and willing to try on other ideas in order to find the opti-mal scenario for unique makeup. So many of us are in cluttered environments, and we simply cannot see it. So wipe the slate clean and start from there.

Now let’s talk organization. I suggest you take some time regularly to imagine your-self being the very best that you can be. Then from that vantage point, take a look at your space. How would you organize your space, if you were the best version of you possible? How would you have your paperwork organized? How would your filing cabinets be arranged? See if you can project yourself forward and then start looking at your space and adjusting it from there. It’s a very powerful exercise.

Most of us are living with spaces that are pretty far behind us. And it trips us up from moving forward powerfully. Again, it’s like a giant bag of rocks on our back. I find that meditation can help you get into that clearer mind set to make any sort of life changes.

In terms of organization specifically, I tossed out David Allen and Julie Morgenstern’s name last week. I love their books in terms of organization, time management, and productivity. They are great resources for those of you that are looking for greater abundance and organization!

And I have so many other suggestions. So let’s move on to artwork. We talked about letting beauty surround us. And the desk is sometimes a place that gets neglected. We think, “It’s just work. It’s just the office.” But if you think about it, you likely are spending more waking hours at work or in your home office than anywhere else! And the beauty and messages within this space are extremely important in terms of

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


your creativity, career and cash-flow! We don’t want to put so much “stuff” that it’s distracting, but in terms of abundance, we want to start feeling confident and entitled to abundance, and starting in this spot is key.

So, how are we going to do that? Well, lets think of things that are empowering or uplifting to some of us: do you have diplomas around? Diplomas that you feel proud of? If you don’t feel proud of them, they’re not going to do much. Or how about ac-complishments? Awards? Or how about a symbol of a product, project or any other soft of achievement you’ve made that makes you feel wonderful? Or how about im-ages that make your chest puff out, makes you sit straight in your chair, breath deeply and feel capable of doing anything or jumping any hurdle!?

I remember a while back I was just needing a kick. So I found all the people I admire, and I put them into separate 8 x 10 frames. And I literally worked with these heros above my head. I included every person that I admire, dead or alive, above me there on the wall. And it was really inspiring. You can play around with different spins on this idea. At some point, that got a little visually “too much” for me, so I moved on to the next inspirational design move. Don’t cling to any ideas - really be creative and willing to have all your environments be in constant flux and flow

Personal items are great too. I’ve got something on my desk, my little paperweight that my dad gave me a long time ago. And it says “Success” on it. That makes me remember my past, the support that I have from my family, and where I’m going in the future. I also have on my desk a picture of a woman that I very much admire right now in terms of her business growth, and trying to revamp some things personally for my own business, my own sense of abundance. She reflects something new and wonder-ful for me. So I just printed out a photo of her, and stuck it in a little frame.

How can you just add those little touches in big ways and little ways throughout your space so that at some point every single little object within your home is singing a sort of uplifting, empowered message to you? That’s an exciting though, yes?

Lets keep talking about your desk: I would suggest keeping it clear of visual noise. I’d rather have you clear your desk off entirely than to have distractions sitting all about, and clogging up vital desktop real estate for your papers, computer, notes, etc. A lot of us have loads of stuff than we need on those desks during our work hours. And make what you do keep on there even more purposeful. If you must, maybe have only one

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


or two or three things that are really beautiful sitting on your desk regularly. A plant (orchids are my favorite!), or a water feature, photos of your family or your loved ones. Maybe a person that brings inspiration? But again, don’t go crazy. I see so many people with so much clutter and they don’t really realize it.

And if you’re needing more focus and productivity support, try this for the next sev-eral days: at the end of the night clear your desk off entirely! See what it’s like to start your day with a beautifully blank slate. I’ve seen this one practice alone make a world of difference. Too much stuff on the desk can really water down your focus.

Also we talked about the wealth corner — that far left corner of a home, room, space or surface. If you want to play with that on your desk, great! I’ve seen this on a few people’s desks. Perhaps you put a paperweight on the back left corner of your desk — maybe something that looks like big giant diamond? I’ve seen those and I find that very funny. Or perhaps there’s something else that reflect abundance for you?

Or how about a beautiful stone? Or perhaps that’s where you keep your abundance bowl or God Jar? Or you put your invoicing there, something that feels very opulent to you. That might be a nice place to put that. And do it with the intention: “I’m al-lowing abundance into my life. I’m opening my arms to opportunities and synchron-icities. I’m allowing God and whatever is out there that guides my life to bring new wonderful experiences.”

When dealing with cubicles, we talked about using mirrors. There’s usually more lee-way than you think with cubicles. Having worked in a few corporate environments, I have seen some creative things done in these spaces, and usually we can go much farther than we realize in terms of designing a space for success. You are spending a heck of a lot of time at work. A lot of time! And most cubicles that I have ever seen, or offices, are not very pretty. For example, a lot of people say, “I can’t paint my office.” OK. But where could you perhaps bring in some wallpaper, or a poster, or a beautiful plant instead? People love plants. Your coworkers will thank you.

And how about photographs? Little water fountains? Even your pen holder can be uplifting! Every detail is an opportunity to lift your internal Ch’i! Can you just find a beautiful dish to hold your paperclips? Heck, can you find gorgeous, unique and creative paperclips? Maybe that’s all you end up doing, but you love it. Make everything art.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


What about your chair? If you’ve got the flexibility, or the means at your job, whatever that is, make sure your body is supported too. Abundance comes in a lot of different forms, and if our body, if other aspects of our lives, are not being supported, it’s really tough to bring abundance in. So make sure your body’s well protected.

If you do have things behind you in your workspace, again, consider adding mirrors. If you have people walking behind you and you can’t sit in that empowered-feeling way, even consider throwing a sweater or a jacket over the back of your chair! Is this the fix of the century? No. But I’ve known some clients who really have felt more anchored, and more protected, just by creating something solid behind them. Ideally, it’s a wall. But if you’ve got nothing better than a sweater, throw that over that and see how you feel. Build some kind of support - even if it’s just symbolic. And what-ever adjustments you do, across the board, bless them by asking your Higher Power or Wise Inner Self to allow your changes to bring greater abundance, safety, confidence, wisdom and love into your life.

Now, more about the clutter clearing in terms of whole body energy and health energy (wealth energy is actually tougher for people to see and adjust themselves). We have so many issues that we download from our environment. This is kind of an interesting story that I was going to tell, but I didn’t think I’d have time. But it’s in keeping with this...

I knew a family that the father at around 40 had lost a job he LOVED! It was a bit of an imbalance you could say, because he felt like his self-worth was his career. This was quite a while back. He’s an older man now. But back then he was devastated. He was never able to get himself back together confidence-wise. Interestingly enough, all of his children grew up in that energy or belief system. Whether he talked about it or not with them, they absorbed this patterning like a sponge. They gobbled up that mes-sage, and they didn’t even know it. And what was so fascinating is that every single one of his kids, at about the age of 40, all lost major, major careers that they all loved – in kind of sad ways. And they were left a bit, they were kind of wandering to find themselves afterwards. Sound familiar?

And it’s interesting what we pick up on in our environments. A lot of us have a lot of lack messages. And that’s just an example of how strong that programming is, and how subtle! It’s tough to see. Especially with money, it’s really tough to see the pro-gramming in what we’ve downloaded. I need people to help open my eyes to what I do. And I’m still learning around that. If you could imagine yourself not being you,

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


that’s always helpful, if you don’t have a coach or consultant to work with. Seeing your life detached from your beliefs, detached from emotions, can help you see your life more clearly. Again, I know how difficult this actually can be though. You can also imagine somebody else, like you’re God, you’re a stranger, you’re an alien.

I did that a couple years ago before I even got into feng shui. I had a girlfriend of mine come over because I couldn’t see my clothes clearly! She literally came over, sat on the couch, and made me walk in front of her wearing every single piece of clothing that I had. And she would tell me if I was allowed to keep it.

I literally couldn’t see that some things looked terrible on me. I couldn’t see it! I couldn’t see that I was wearing things that were outdated by 15 years. I really couldn’t see it straight. She was a surrogate fashion feng shui consultant way back then, and she didn’t even know it.

Any other thoughts?


Deepah: Stephanie, I just wanted to say, I like fake flowers.

Stephanie: Okay.

Deepah: Is that a bad thing?

Stephanie: Nothing is bad or good. We just want to take a look at whether that is serving you. We want to get to the reason why they’re fake flowers and not real ones you love. Right now, I have one of the darkest apartments ever in New York. It’s really, really, really dark. And I love plants. They do not thrive here though. So for me if I have to choose between having either no plants, or this really fabulous fake plant, I chose the fake plant. I admit, I have a fake plant in my house.

You want to take a look at why you have the fake flowers. Is there a way that we could upgrade that if it’s appropriate? Are you keeping them fresh? Are you keeping them clean? Are you dusting them regularly? Are you replacing them frequently enough so that they don’t become stagnant? Just for yourself to keep questioning. And these fake flowers may be great for you right now. And maybe three months from now, you’re going to look at it and go, “Wow! I’ve really moved past this!”

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


A great test is to take a bunch of fake plants and really look at them. Feel them. Then immediately stare at a fresh flower. Take that in. How do you feel differently?

I did a similar experiment with a couple recently. They were wanting to paint some very dull colors, so I had them do an experiment. They had one color in their house that was uplifting. The rest were not! So I had them first stare at the fresh, vibrant, bright color. They stared for a long time, and really tuned into how they felt taking in the information of this color. Then I turned them around to face the opposite wall. They stared at this flat gray-brown color for a few seconds and it clicked for both of them. They felt depressed and heavy with the neutral gray color. They felt joyful and energized with the other brighter color. Do the same with the flowers and find out what your answer is...

What I notice is that when I’m working with really wealthy clients, they’ve got fresh flowers usually. Can a lot of us afford to get fresh flowers every week? Some of us really can’t. That’s fine. I’d rather have you keep some gorgeous fake flowers that you keep fresh and changed out regularly than none at all. But I also know that if you shop around, you can easily find inexpensive flowers that stay fresh for long periods of time. I have a local grocery store that has $4 bouquets, full of daises and other very long-lasting flowers. I can easily make a $4 bouquet last me 3 weeks, and the effects are far different for me than with fake flowers.

If you must use fake flowers, I love Michaels. And you’d go in and just make these great arrangements of fake flowers. I would freshen them up and change them all the time - the minute I didn’t notice them any longer or they got dusty. I find that fake flowers last about 3-6 months max in terms of Ch’i-upping abilities!

When I was using fake flowers, it was an abundant move forward for me at the time, because I was young and I didn’t have much of anything. So at the time, it really felt great to have these fancy flower arrangements. For me to have it right now, at the stage where I’m at, would be me moving backwards in terms of abundance. So does that help? There’s no bad or good. It’s all relative.

Deepah: Yeah. I see what you’re saying.

Stephanie: Okay.

Deepah: That makes sense.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Stephanie: Love them up if you’ve got them. Have fun with them.

Deepah: I think I will right now.

Stephanie: Okay, good. You guys are asking such good questions. Because they really are. There are no dumb questions. I only wish I would have realized that earlier than my 30’s. But it really does help. I’ve learned more in a lot of classes that I’ve taken by the questions that other people were brave enough to bring up. I would have these aha moments, and you just never know that there’s maybe somebody really waiting to hear exactly your question, while they’re even on the call. Thank you.

Phyllis: Stephanie, I have a question.

Stephanie: Sure.

Phyllis: My name is Phyllis. I’m in South Carolina. And I love you. I have been interested in feng shui for many years, and I’ve read several books that you’ve recommended. I’m going back to the beginning of the call when you were talking about looking around your house with the clutter and all.

I’m in a townhouse. And my washer, dryer, hot water heater, and litter box, are in my wealth and prosperity corner. And when you come in my front door, you can almost see out my back door. So I’ll have to fly you down here one day.

Stephanie: I do it all the time. I’m leaving for someone’s house next week!

Phyllis: My thing is this. My decorating style is country and primitive. You know that’s chipped paint and lots of ducks around and things like that. I don’t want it to be modern de-sign. To me, a chipped paint table is something that’s ...

Stephanie: Beautiful.

Phyllis: Yeah. To me it was the find of a lifetime. But in feng shui is that something that’s maybe damaged and worn out?

Stephanie: Pick up a Wabi-sabi book. That’s another way of looking at space and environment, and that is the whole premise. I’m not a Wabi-sabi professional by any stretch of the imagination. So if I’m mis-speaking, my apologies to Wabi-sabi. But I love the name,

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


too. It’s so much fun to say. But it’s about the honoring of the imperfection — the beauty of imperfection. Gosh if we could only do that to our bodies, right? But it’s that clay pot that’s got a crack. Or that little bubble on a beautiful piece of pottery. Or a table that’s got an imperfection.

I’ve got these beautiful books about this. It is the imperfection that makes some things so beautiful. Now, without seeing your space though, there may be something going on that could actually be a bit of an excuse. I’m also sensing that what you’re saying is true. Yes, there’s a lot of pieces that are almost Wabi-sabi-ish that are so beautiful because they’re so raw. And sometimes there’s ways of adding in some other things that can give your home a richness. There’s plenty of rich people that have country decor - that beau-tiful, worn, rustic styling. There’s nothing non-abundant about that, per se. But I think there’s something else happening in your space. That’s just my gut feeling.

Post photos online if you’d like. I’m sure everybody would love to see. And maybe we could pinpoint some things that would be interesting or helpful for somebody else. Where’s your laundry room? Is that a full laundry room? Is it clean? Do you have fun colors, or something playful in there, or beautiful? Is there a gorgeous mat? Do you have really wonderful, healthy cleaners? Where can you put love and intention into that? On every level. How can you honor your style?

If you noticed on the show, there were a variety of different styles. And some people had a bolder look, and some people had an Asian look. You don’t have to lose your integrity. By all means. That’s a misnomer that you have to get all “modern” and sparse and Zen.

Phyllis: Well, I didn’t mean that per se. I have a lot of little things sitting around and ...

Kathy: Stephanie. This is Kathy from New York. I have to hang up because I have to take a call. But I want to thank you so much, and I definitely will sign up for the group.

Stephanie: Okay. Oh excellent. Good, good, good. We’ll see you online.

Kathy: Have a good night everyone.

Stephanie: Good night. Now, who was speaking? I think we had a little distraction...

Kathy: It’s Kathy from New York.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Stephanie: Great. Have a good night Kathy.

Kathy: You too. Have a good night.

Stephanie: Now, Phyllis, you were saying ... I would want to see the space, because I have the feeling there’s something else going on... You were starting to say that there were a lot of little things that you had around the space.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Stephanie: This is an interesting thing, and I’m really glad you brought this up. Again, there’s a million things to talk about here. Hopefully we’ll be off the phone by tomorrow, but you never know. (laughing at the late hour of the call)

Sometimes what I will see with clients who are struggling with abundance, I’ll see a lot of small, tiny delicate artwork. Little tiny photos on the wall. Little tiny delicate details everywhere. Little tiny delicate patterns. Lots of little tiny tsotchkes. It’s more of the feminine energy, more of what we call Yin energy. Very delicate. Sometimes the paint-ings, the pictures will be hung very low. And there will be a smallness about the space.

You can have a French country styled home, and have a boldness, and more of a confi-dence and a solid feeling and still keep the integrity of that style. Or you can have the more delicate and whimsy and not a lot of masculine Yang energy. We want to balance that. That could be what’s happening in your space. Sometimes those styles will have a lot of tsotchkes and little knick knacks. And it’ll be a very visually noisy space, di-luting the Ch’i and your focus. But a lot of abundance energy is reflected in that more masculine energy. And all those little things can dampen down that masculine energy that’s more linked to money and abundance.

So many things that are popping into my head that I want to tell all of you. It’s so vast. Does that help?

Phyllis: Yes. It’s time for me to let some of the stuff go. Because I’ve had it for a while, and it was $0.50 at the flea market, and it’s been around for 14 years...

Stephanie: Ask yourself, does this represent where you’re going? Is this who you want to be five years from now?

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Phyllis: I think it’s more who I’ve been.

Stephanie: Yeah, most of us are going to find that. And it can be a little scary. Some of us will just have meltdowns. I can’t tell you how many people I have sat with and they were just sobbing hysterically in their closets because we talked about letting go of things. They literally were having feelings that they were going to die if these things left their lives.

And it really kicks things up. This is why I love Byron Katie’s work. Because these beliefs that get latched onto these objects are powerful. And this is why feng shui is so powerful and works so well I think, is because these things really do have a stronger story than we give them credence. Our home talks to us way more than this culture ever honors. And so by shifting it, you are changing the story and the mental in flux, massively.

Phyllis: Well, nothing in there really means much of anything to me. Not enough to hold onto it.

Stephanie: Yeah. I know what you’re going to be doing tomorrow.

Phyllis: But it took me a long time to build up these collections of bird houses and things. So when I get rid of all of them, no big deal. But knowing me, I’ll just go off and collect watermelon figurines or something, I don’t know.

Stephanie: Find out: What feeling did you used to get by collecting them? I know a lot of folks collect things. What is that feeling, and is there maybe a different way to bring that feeling into your life? Sometimes we’ve been brought up in a more of lacking kind of environment and that gathering and collecting and holding onto things. It can be clutter, it can be collections. It’s a way of trying to attempt to not have poverty again, to not have lack, to in some way try to create a false sense of abundance, but it’s just stagnancy.

There are also those personality types — I call them “earth” people, that really do need more mementos, memorabilia and nostalgic things surrounding them in order for them to thrive in life. So here’s another suggestion: You can keep these collectibles, but how about putting them into some sort of structured cabinet or display case so they regis-ter as one big, masculine, Yang object? I do this with photographs in many people’s homes and put them together in a large picture gallery. It keeps the visual noise way down, but allows you to still keep things that you love! Win-win.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Phyllis: You’re exactly right about the collecting and gathering reflecting some inner lack. That’s where it comes from. So you’re right. You’re so good!

Stephanie: Awe... Well listen, I have my days too. We’ll put a video cam up. I’ll have all of you over. I’m human like all of you. But I just know what’s worked, and I know where I’ve faltered, and I know where I’ve struggled. And I’ve seen the results in my own life. And I’ve also seen a lot in so many other people’s homes. So we’re all so much more alike than we may care to admit. We rarely ever do or think anything so very unique - what you struggle with, millions of others do too.

And you guys are a gift to me. Because every single time I get to talk about this, it strengthens it and brings it to my consciousness. So you guys are amazing.

Phyllis: Well, thank you so very much.

Stephanie: You’re welcome, Phyllis. Stay in touch. I want to hear what happens with your tsotchkes.

Phyllis: I will. Thank you.

Stephanie: And you guys let me know if there’s other ways I can support you. I’m trying to, over time, build up and have more plots and plans in my mind of how to reach more of you in terms of groups and one on one. Like I said, I do fly to people’s houses. And the virtual consults are there, for those of you that want some kind of input in your homes. The coaching, again, is just my favorite thing because we just to get hit every part of your life. And I’ve just met the most incredible people. And people I will probably stay in touch with, potentially, for the rest of my life.

Thank you so much for hanging in there. I’m blown away that all of you stayed on the call and are asking questions so late at night.

So with that being said, an amazingly abundant night to you! And if you have more questions, just email me directly.

I will talk to all of you soon. Sending you good thoughts. And I’ll talk to most of you next week on the next call. Good night!

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



HOME-WORK Action Assignments

and Journaling Exercises

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Let’s start your homework in the most obvious place - those spots most directly linked to your finances. Today, I want you to work on your purse or wallet, simply because this is how you interact with your money on a regular basis, and is a simple, fun and powerful way to start shifting your abundance beliefs.

Go through the following list and label each on a scale from 1-10 (1 needing lots of work, and 10 being absolutely perfect).

Then after you’ve taken this review, circle the three with the lowest score. On the next page, brainstorm those changes you could make on the following page. Skip any that do not pertain to you.


Purse or Bag’s attractiveness to you? _______

Purse or Bag’s state of repair? _______

Purse or Bag’s sensuality, texture & feeling? _______

How rich does your purse or bag make you feel? _______

Wallet’s quality? _______ Wallet’s state of repair? _______

Wallet’s sensuality, texture & feeling? _______ How rich does your wallet make you feel? _______

Overall organization within purse or bag? _______

Sufficient organization and/or organizational containers? _______

Cleanliness of the outside of your purse or bag? _______

Cleanliness of the inside of your purse or bag? _______

Separate container for coupons and/or receipts? _______

Organization of your paper money? _______

Organization of your change? _______

Ease and speed of finding things within your purse/bag? _______

Ease and speed of finding things within your wallet? _______

What are you missing from your purse, bag or wallet, that could make it’s ease of use, efficiency and beauty even greater? Write them on the following page.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Sometimes, in order to bring in greater abundance, you have to tend to the money you currently have with more love, care and meticulousness. The more aware you are of your spending habits and where your precious dollars go, the more you can get your head out of the financial sand, and look your money straight in the eye. As they always say, honesty is the best policy!

This week, note how well you are currently tracking and logging the money you spend. How could you do things better? Here are some ideas to consider:

• I will log every dime spent into a financial computer program (like Quicken).

• I will carry a small notebook in my wallet to write down expenses when I make them.

• I will make time to balance my checkbook and pay bills the minute they come in.

• I will allot a special time each month to take care of invoices and taxes.

• I will read one book every 2 months to educate myself on ways to understand, save and spend my money more effectively.

• I will not use my credit cards, and commit to using cash for all of my expenses.

• I will set aside time to chip away at those financial issues I have put off or am currently behind on.

Now, write down 3 ideas that could help you, either from the list above or your own ideas:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________________________________


3. ____________________________________________________________________________________



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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



If your finances could talk to you, what would they say?

Take your pen in your non-dominant hand, and let your inner, wiser wealth-wisdom write you a letter, telling you exactly how she’s feeling, and how she most desires your love, attention and support. And give her a name while you’re at it! — It’s time to turn your money mojo into your very best friend.

Since we’re focusing on money, make sure to ask about specific ideas for making your financial friendship more abundant, organized, joyful, fluid and fun. Or how about asking her questions about your financial struggles or abundance burdens? See if she has any unique insights or new revelations that could help you see things in a different light. Be open to surprises and new ideas...

Let your mind go, and your intuition flow in this exercise... You may be very sur-prised by the answers your inner wealth-wisdom gives you to unlocking the fi-nancial keys to your own heart! The more you experiment with this exercises, the stronger the answers and insights will flood in.

Share your money Q&A here:

Dear _____________________________ (your name here) ,





Question: ___________________________________________________________________________



Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________




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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


Q&A Continued...Question: ___________________________________________________________________________



Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________






Question: ___________________________________________________________________________



Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________






Question: ___________________________________________________________________________



Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________





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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Look at your parents’ relationship to money, or even back to your grandparents and beyond (if you know details about their lives and finances). Write words that describe their particular style of earning, working, spending and saving. Note their strengths in terms of money, as well as their struggles with abundance.

Reflect back on various times, stories, scenarios that most vividly capture the unique dynamic that were your first financial teaching-tools as you were growing and developing (whether positive or negative).


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What do you notice by making these lists? What patterns do you see? What insights have you gained? Note all the thoughts around this topic on the following page.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



List all the ways you are like your parents (or childhood care-giver) in terms of your relation-ship to money, work, savings and spending. What interesting similarities, large or small, can you find? In what ways are you different? Write down any interesting discoveries about your mutual strengths or weaknesses on the following “Notes” page.

Clarity and inner-honesty is the first step to gently and lovingly course-correcting your abun-dance-boat down the financially-flowing stream!

Which of your money beliefs (both positive and negative) are similar to your parents?








Which of your money beliefs or habits (both positive and negative) are different than your parents?








Note any new discoveries or insights on the following page...

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Today, let’s dig further down into your financial belief system. You already may have started noticing interesting patterns handed down by your extended family. Now let’s continue this conversation and get clear and compassionate about the very good reasons why you do what you do around money and finances.

You do what you do because: you belief it will keep you the safest, and away from harm. But ,often times these beliefs get loaded into your thinking at an early age, and you likely have never had the opportunity to stop and see if these thoughts are still serving you today.

Let’s find out why you my might be holding onto your current money patterns. List all the rea-sons why actually living our your financial fantasies might be unconsciously (or consciously) frightening and scary by filling in the following sentences. Don’t sensor yourself - really let your unconscious mind out to play!

For example: If I were financially free, people might take what I have, or expect me to give my money to them.

If I were rich, my family might think I was better than them, and pull away from me because they would think I was better than them.

If I were wealthy, the world might expect more from me, and the responsibility would be too much.

1. If I were _______________________________________________________ ,

my family might ___________________________________________________ .

2. If I were _______________________________________________________ ,

my friends might ___________________________________________________

3. If I were _______________________________________________________ ,

strangers might ___________________________________________________ .

4. If I were _______________________________________________________ ,

my family might ___________________________________________________ .

5. If I were wealthy, I would have to start ________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ .

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



You may be unknowingly operating from a whole world of invisible, negative be-liefs regarding the attainment of money, abundance and financial freedom. Let’s brainstorm all the limiting thoughts you have stored in your mind about money. The more you bring those hidden, subtle beliefs out into the open, the quicker you can course-correct your financial future.

Don’t sensor yourself, or try to be positive, spiritual, enlightened or wise. Really let out those sneaky beliefs (even if subtle), that are lurking somewhere in your mind. Then note any interesting discoveries on the following page...

We’ve filled in some examples below to help you get started.


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Write a description of what you would most like to experience in your financial life! Make sure to be as detailed and emotionally-descriptive as possible.

Be open to creating a financial style or money belief-system different to that of your parents, or even the spending styles in the world around you. Allow your imagination to run free, and fantasize about the type of wealth that truly feels right to YOU.





















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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Take 10 minutes to continue yesterday’s homework, and imagine your ideal finan-cial scenario. Using insights or imagery from yesterday’s exercise, close your eyes and visualize all the juicy details and delights from the previous page!

Most importantly, see how well you can turn up the emotional “volume” in terms of the vividness of your imagery — and most importantly, the physical, tangible, emotional responses you have to your visualization.

Manifesting occurs when you are feeling STRONG emotions, so the more you can master positive-feeling states of mind, the quicker your financial dreams become a reality. Turning this exercise into a daily practice will become on of your best money-making tools.

What have you noticed from doing this visualization assignment? What ways could you turn this into a daily ritual?
















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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Have some playful fun today adding strategic symbolism into your space. Symbol-ism can be a great addition to your home decor because as you connect with any symbolic language, it can remind you in subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways, to stay focused and open to whatever that object symbolized.

In feng shui, the number “4” symbolizes wealth, money, and abundance. It is a number that represents with much your energy is mingling with the larger world, and how you are compensated for your gifts.

Colors can also represent abundance. The color purple, as well as greens and reds, can be a great feng shui way to boost your mental-money-mojo.

So let’s have some fun today and find ways you can bring in arrangements of “4’s”, or highlights of purples, lavenders, greens and reds into your home or office — if nothing more than a powerful reminder of the abundance you are opening yourself up to more and more each day...

List all the ways you can do this in your space:

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________________________

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Scan your home today for any depressing objects, artwork and imagery — anything that brings your energy down and makes you feel a sense of lack.

If you’re having trouble, try walk slowly through your house and notice ONLY your emotional responses. What areas, objects or arrangements make your heart sink? What makes you FEEL less abundant, more depressed, or just plain-ol’ “blah”? Try noting what you think it is about these areas or objects that is triggering this (subtle or strong) emotional response within you.

Tip: Consider snapping a picture of various spaces, objects or entire rooms. Some-times it’s easier to see your space honestly when viewing it through a photograph.

On the following page, note your plans to shift, remove, fix, repair or clean these ob-jects in the near future.


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Look at the items in your home — NOT by how they look, but by the beliefs they represent. Are there any objects that hold limiting beliefs in regards to abundance, wealth, finances and money? Do they perhaps hold limiting beliefs about how much you deserve, or beliefs about a lack of abundance in the world?

List any “downers” from yesterday’s exercise, or find a whole new set of objects to explore. Then write down their corresponding beliefs below. If you’re not sure, just take a wild guess!

To help you, perhaps imagine that the object was alive. If they could talk, what is it that they’d say to you? Don’t sensor your thoughts - just jot down what comes to your mind first... Getting these limiting beliefs out in the light of day is a wonderful step toward building greater wealth!


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Draw a picture of your home below, as if viewing it from above. (Don’t worry about your drawing abilities — it won’t matter in this exercise. Just do your best!)

Without using your logical mind, take several cleansing breaths and quiet your thoughts. Using your inner wisdom (Source, God, the Universe, etc.), ask to be shown the area of your home that needs the most healing in terms of your financial future, abundance or wealth.

If you are just using your mind and imagination, see if one room or area lights up brightly in your mind’s eye — spotlighted or visually called-out in some way (or even just a “feeling” about a particular spot). Then circle this area on your sketch with a colored pencil, marker or crayon. Also list any additional insights or gut-feelings on the following page that might have come alone with your vision.

Note: If you have a pendulum, you might want to experiment to see if it provides any insights as you hold it over your floor plan.

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Use yesterday’s activity, and review the sketch of your home, tuning in to the “hot spot” you noted on your floorplan sketch.

Look at this area with fresh eyes. What ways can you heal or change this space to bring about greater abundance?

List up to 10 actions you could take below:

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________________________

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



The energy of abundance and wealth is in direct proportion to how willing you are to put yourself “out there”, and mingle your energy with the rest of the world. The more that the larger “whole” can SEE you, and send you their Ch’i in the form of money, the wealthier you obviously become. If no one knows you exist, then they won’t know your unique strengths and gifts, and can’t give you their money in ex-change.

So today, let’s see how visible you are to the world. And what better way to start than at your front door! Go to the spot where you enter your space - either at the road (if you live in a house) or in the hallway (if you live in an apartment). Notice how easy (or difficult) it is to SEE your entrance — that first impression that sym-bolically tells us how you say “HELLO!” to the world.

What ways could you enhance your entrance area? How could you make it brighter, more colorful, cleaner, well-kept, tidier, better organized, more welcoming, friend-lier, more beautiful, eye-catching, wide, open and easy to approach and enter?

Go outside, taking this page with you, and brainstorm all the ways you can enhance your entrance today!

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

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8. _______________________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________________________

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Cleaning is one of the best, easiest and cheapest ways to transform the energy within your home. If you’re just starting out with your abundance-building focus by simply taking a few hours (or an entire delicious day!) to scrub, scour, dust, organize, and care for every inch of your home, you will be magically and power-fully enhancing all your other efforts. It shows the world that you care for what you have! The more you care for what you have, and honor your life as it is in this very moment, the more you send the message out into the Universe that you can handle what you DO have — creating an opening for more to flow in.

If you do everything in this workbook, yet overlook the foundational work of clean-ing, you may be missing out on a lot — or downright sabotaging your chances of success. The more you put your loving energy into all those stagnant, stuck or hard-to-reach spaces, the more you keep your life and home open, flowing, and fresh!

List all the areas of your home that haven’t received your cleaning attention recent-ly. Then jot down the date that you will work on this area. Make sure when cleaning to do a thorough job. Remember: your home is a reflection of your entire life. If you want money, get detailed and don’t miss a spot when cleaning - reflecting your care, meticulousness and honestly about your financial future right in your home!


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Go through magazines or online images and select at least one piece of art that captures your desired state of abundance, wealth, money, career and creativity.

Paste your images below, or consider creating a vision board. A vision board is simply a collage of images that reflect the life and emotions that you desire. A vision board alone doesn’t hold much power, but if you use it regularly to evoke an inner shift and optimistic mental boost, it can be an amazing tool to help you powerfully tune your inner channel to one of greater openness, optimism and opportunities!

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



If your home reflects your thinking, then having too much “stuff” can symbolically clog up the opportunities that flow into your life. Are your closets crammed full? Are your hallways hazardous? Releasing all the things that no longer serve you can be a great way to make space for more!

Ask the following questions of all the objects within your home:

1. “Do I NEED it?”

2. If you don’t need it, continue to ask: “Do I LOVE it?”

3. Then ask, “Does it reflect who I long to be 2-5 years from now?”

4. And lastly, “Does it make me feel more powerful and confident, or does it bring me down or hold me back?”

Below, jot down the closets, corners, cabinets, cupboards, hallways, behind doors, basements, garages and any-n-all spaces and spots that needs some clutter-clear-ing TLC. Write down the dates you will tackle these areas.


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Get your feng shui eyes (and body) tuned to finances, wealth and opportunities!

As you know, money and income is about feelings of abundance and entitlement. It shows up often times through openness, creativity, intuition, confidence, planning, organization and focus. And these things can be enhanced through your mental and emotional responses by utilizing all of your body’s 5 senses (sight, touch, sound, smell and taste).

Column by column, go through your home looking for ways that these 5 senses appear in positive ways throughout your home. Look for those items that feel especially rich, opulent, expensive, unique or uplifting.

Then review your list. Are some of the 5 senses a bit lacking or limiting? Or are they all lush and lavish? Note your insights on the following page.


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


DAY 20: SITTING FOR SUCCESSThe way you arrange your home — especially your workspace — can say a lot about what you believe about abundance, success and money. Take a look at every executive and CEO. Notice the similarity of their office layouts. What do you notice? Take a look at the office layouts below, and see what ways you can incorporate this layout wisdom into your current home office or workspace to make it as empowered as possible:

This is a great layout, with the desk facing the doorway, butout of the harsh pathway of the entrance. There is plentyof space in front and behind the desk, so it’s not cramped.Anyone sitting in this positionshould feel quite empowered!


This is also a great solution when you simply can’t face thedoorway. The green arearepresents a wall mirror or reflective surface so you can easily see behind you. Alsonotice this still keeps you out of the direct path of the door.


This is similar to the last layout to show another option when you can’t face the door. Notethe use of reflective surfaces so you can feel empowered byseeing behind you. Alsonotice this still keeps you out of the direct path of the door.


This is a nice solution, similarto the empowering positionof the first 3 layouts. But the only drawback is by facing thewall, which can make you feelcramped and less-expansive.Using a mirror here can make you feel much more spacious!


This is a nice solution, similarto the empowering positionof the first 3 layouts. But the only drawback is by facing thewall, which can make you feelcramped and less-expansive.Using a mirror here can make you feel much more spacious!


Here’s a solution when you justcan’t face, or get out of the path of the door. Try using areflective surface, as in the otherexamples. Consider adding something supportive and protective behind you. Even a sweater over the chair can work!


Here’s another nice solution. This desk is still in a positionthat it’s easy to see the door. Even though it’s not directly in front of you, you can still seeeasily out of the corner of your eye. You also remain out of theline of the doorway’s energy.


This is a good solution when you simply can’t get out of thepath of the door. Placing a large object, such as a plant,bookshelf or screen can helpto slow down the fast-movingenergy from the door and help you feel focused and safe.

B –

This is another fabulous layout, with the desk still facing theentrance, out of the door’sflow of energy, allowing anempowered view of the room.No one can sneak up on youin this position, and the angleddesk adds some design zip!


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



The more you see and reflect upon life’s natural wealth and richness, the more you tune your inner frequency to that exact financial level. Go through your current belongings — even go through items in storage — and pull out those objects that make you feel the most abundant. Somehow highlight these objects in your space in some way. Perhaps you put your most prized possession on display in a well-lit and well-seen cabinet. Or maybe your best dinner dishes get brought out more often and put to use on a regular basis. Or how about taking your most beautiful painting or photograph, and hanging it in a more prominent position so you see it more often?

Things to look for are: expensive items; antiques; one-of-a-kind objects; original paintings, art or sculptures; objects from nature; luxurious-looking items; spar-kling, jeweled, or crystal decor; and anything you find immensely beautiful or up-lifting! List all the things you can put on display below:


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Much of your work and financial life likely shows up in some way around your technological life. From the organization of your emails, online financial logs, cli-ent files and work folders, having an organized online and computer environment just helps you to stay focused, feel confident and show up as someone serious about your own success.

Grade your computer cleanliness and online clutter below. Then note the lowest “grades” you give yourself. On the following page, write down all the negative ramifications and disruptive ripple-effects this has on your financial life, confi-dence, focus, efficiency and effectiveness.


Email Inbox: ________ _______________________________________

Email Organization: ________ ________________________________________

Computer Financial Records: ________ _______________________________________

Computer Files in General: ________ _______________________________________

Computer Audio Files: ________ _______________________________________

Computer Work/Project Files: ________ _______________________________________

Computer Client Files: ________ _______________________________________

Website Organization/Tabs: ________ _______________________________________

Tax-Related Records/Receipts: ________ _______________________________________

Other: _________________________ ________ _______________________________________

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Here’s a fun ritual that won’t cost you a dime...but will gain you much more!

Years ago, I decided I wanted to honor what I current had, and every little gift of abundance the world brought my way. from that moment forward. I knew a friend who would pick up pennies they found throughout their day, and saw it as a “wink” from the Universe, reminding him that life was truly an abundant gift.

I started my own version of this ritual: I found a glass container, placed it promi-nently in my office, and began picking up every found penny, nickle, dime, quarters and dollar bills - and when I arrive home, I place these sweet gifts into my lucky abundance jar! Every single found coin has gone into this jar, and I must admit, it’s quite impressive to see all the money that’s come my way in such a short period of time. It not only delights me to honor money in all it’s forms, small or large — but it helps me feel more connected to, and focused upon, the abundance all around me. And best of all, it keeps me focused on what life does bring into my life, instead of fixating upon lack, loss or poverty.

What way can you either mimic this ritual, or come up with your own way to stay focused on all the good surrounding you? Write your idea below, and begin imple-menting it today:











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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809


DAY 24: FOCUS ON FINANCESWhen there is too much visual noise in your home or office, the less you’re likely to stay focused on the more important aspects of your life, work, creativity and spirituality. Visual noise is simply the optical effect all your objects have on your mental focus. Having lots of collectibles lying everywhere, piles of unsorted papers, stacks of broken or unused objects, an overwhelm of photos, or distracting artwork can all detract from the quality of your life.

With the growing complexity of modern-day life, most of us require more visually-simple spaces in order to keep your mind clear. When we have less distractions, we can focus and listen to those quiet internal nudges and whispers, directing us into our next adventure or guiding our lives in wise, wonderful and wealth-building ways.

Keep in mind, I’m not talking about designing an empty, sterile or boring space, but rather one where every object is placed “JUST RIGHT” — when everything symbolizes something important and forward-moving, and is powerfully uplifting in order to keep you confidently moving through life.

Sometimes if you have a very visually-noisy room, you can box up all your artwork, decor and details. Then you can begin placing the objects back into the space one at a time, starting with your absolute favorites. If you stay tuned to your body’s internal signals, you will hit a special “sweet spot” where the space feels both inspiring and focused — it will feel JUST right! The remaining objects can go into other rooms, or into storage, or switched out periodically through the year.

And don’t skip the desktop. I make sure my desk stays completely clear every night so I can start fresh each morning with no visual distractions — it’s a very executive thing to do!

With all this in mind, go room by room and notice how well you’re able to focus, and how good you feel in each and every space. Pick at least one of these rooms and note ways you can turn down the visual noise, and turn up your productivity!

HOME OFFICE: ______________________________________________

BEDROOM: ______________________________________________

ENTRANCE: ______________________________________________

LIVING ROOM: ______________________________________________

BATHROOM: ______________________________________________

KITCHEN: ______________________________________________

DINING ROOM: ______________________________________________

BASEMENT/GARAGE: ________________________________________

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Whether you know it or not (or like it or not), all the artwork, photography, posters, or sculptures around your home and office hold messages that either build you up, or are wearing you down.

Look through the images throughout your home. What do they say about you? If your home’s artwork could talk, what would it say?





Now, look through your belongings and find those objects that reflect your future goals, or highest self — perhaps symbolizing strength, confidence, accomplish-ment, joy, excitement, hope, support or love.

Jot down descriptive words below that describe what you would like to see for your financial life in the next 5 years. Then either match up a belonging that reflects that, or begin shopping for some piece of art that symbolizes this emotion.

When you place these objects, make sure they are prominently displayed so you can easily see it from your desk, bed, front door as you enter or exit a space — or wherever else you might be spending a majority of your time. This will help you bask in positive messages as often as possible.


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



One of my favorite ways to change the energy of my home and office is through the use of scents — specifi-cally in the form of high-grade pure essential oils. Not all oils are created equal — many of them are full of chemical additives instead of the powerfully condensed essences of special healing plants.

My personal favorite is the Young Living essential oil line, but you can find other high-quality pure oils through a handful of other respectable distributors. I alternate scents depending on my mood, what I’m working on, and where I’m out of balance. Use your intuition to select what smells would help lift you up or move you forward. Even the scent of certain fresh flowers can work wonders when I have them sitting on my desk, just within nose reach!

If you’re inspired to try the Young Living oils, consider some of my absolute favorites below — special blends that have made a powerful impact in my own productivity, focus, optimism and energy:

1. “ABUNDANCE”: This blend is one of my all-time favorites. I like it so much, I even wear it as a perfume! After a half hour on the skin, it turns into the most divine musk. I also diffuse it in my office, and its smell always makes me feel SO rich!

2. CITRUS: When I need to stay focused, I love diffusing citrus flavors. They keep me super alert and wide awake, focusing more deeply and working more efficiently. Orange, lemon and grapefruit are great ones to try, and are quite cost effective.

3. PEPPERMINT: I take this internally and also put it under my nose when I really need a mental boost and lots of focus! It’s also great for stomach aches, nausea, digestive issues and depression.

4. “JOY”: This essential oil blend does exactly what it’s called — adds JOY! I use this with many of my clients, often putting Joy or Abundance into wall paints so the oils literally become a part of their home’s energy. Try putting it on your chest, diffusing it into the air, or placing around the frames of your doorways to symbolize nothing but Joy flooding into your life!

5. SANDALWOOD: If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a powerful dose of grounding medicine, Sandal-wood is it. This warm, woody scent instantly anchors you when life is otherwise overwhelming.

6. ROSE: This is my favorite, hands-down. While pricey, it’s worth the cost — being the highest vibration es-sential oil of all the plants. I use this on my forehead and chest while I’m meditating, or whenever I’m struggling with anything in my life. If you ever feel like splurging, let it be with Rose!

Note: I’ve mentioned diffusing oils above. Diffusers are simple table-top devices that sends microscopic particles of oils out in the air without leaving any residue or build up. I use mine daily, and couldn’t imagine working without it. You can learn more about diffusers, or pick up one for your space at the link below.

You can find out more about these oils, or order some of the recommendations here to try for yourself at:


Or if you’d like to purchase oils at wholesale, email me directly and I can share a very easy and inexpensive way to get great oil discounts: [email protected]

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



How can you bring more pleasure and fun into your day — especially regarding your finances? The lighter you can be, and the less stress and worry you experi-ence, the better for your money mind set.

Consider making a fun-filled shift to your behavior, actions or rituals this week. Try on some of these ideas below, or create your own.

• Add a gorgeous antique tea cup to your desktop decor, so throughout the day you’re sipping from a luxurious, one-of-a-kind abundant and beautiful object.

• Create a bill-paying ritual so that your money matters are much more delightful — perhaps you wear a special outfit, use a special pen, incorporate special stamps, store your bills in a gorgeous container or play mood-moving music! Be creative and make this time something you actually look forward to!

• Add something abundant and luxurious to your daily rituals — perhaps it’s spend-ing a few extra dollars to purchase a pampering hand soap, buying a decadent face wash, finding a sparkling hair clip, an executive pen you use only for work, a sensual and scented body scrub, fresh flowers for your desk, or a satiny, silky dressing robe. Whatever way you can bring in just one item that is rich and abundant — something you will interact with on a daily basis — the better! Spending a small amount in just one area can have a hugely abundant impact throughout your day.

What thing can you incorporate into your day that will make a big difference in your abundance outlook? Write your plan below:









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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Colors have amazing transformational powers — beyond what you may realize. They can evoke very specific emotions, helping to shift your life into a new direction, build confidence, soften rough edges, lighten your outlook or boost your abundance! While color work can be tough to tackle on your own, any ways you can stretch yourself out of your previous color-comfort zone and into a bold and beautiful new color experi-ence, the better.

What ways could you include some new adventurous colors into your world? From painting a bright color on the wall to adding special pops through pillows, throws, accents or decor — any way you can delight your visual and emotional senses with color, do it.

List your ideas below, keeping in mind that quite often the colors that provide the best “medicine” for you may actually be the ones you resist the most. Also try avoiding neutrals like cream, white, browns, tans, taupes or greys, as they typically evoke little to no emotion, and are often times a drag on your spiritual systems:














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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



Sit in silence for 15 minutes. Just follow your breath in and out, in and out. Allow any thoughts that enter to drift across your mind, leaving as gently as they came, and continue to bring yourself back to your breath.

After 5-10+ minutes of conscious breathing, ask Source (or your higher self) to show you any other hidden spots of your space that have not been addressed this past month, yet still may be holding you back. What still needs your feng shui attention? Ask for the greatest change you can make to create the most positive impact on your life and your wealth.

Either do some stream-of-consciousness writing — allowing thoughts to flow directly onto paper, skipping your rational mind and allowing your intuition to speak up — or simply allow images and insights to flow into your mind, writing down your discover-ies below when you open your eyes:












What actions can you take to turn these insights into a reality?





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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809



From all the homework given to you over the past four weeks, you’ve surely increased your feng shui awareness, and have developed a keener relationship with your inner and outer environments. From all the home-work you’ve uncovered and discovered on the previous pages, review these items and determine your next top 10 changes you would most to make.

List them here, along with the dates of desired completion, and the steps you’d need to take to fulfill them. Post this in a prominent place, like on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or by your front door. And may the financial feng shui force be with you!


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UNSTOPPABLE YOU — Tools + Training for Women on a Mission Stephanie McWilliams • JoinTheUnstoppables.com • [email protected] • 800.699.8809

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YOUR SPACE FOR SUCCESSThe Ultimate Room-by-Room Home Success System

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To learn more about this empowering and transformational step-by-step system, visit:

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Here’s the goodies that come with your


Your Space for Success — The Ultimate Room-by-Room Home Success SystemTM - a gorgeously designed, elegant 230 page 3-ring portfolio that will have you inspired to take action the very day it arrives! As well as proudly display it on your shelves or your desk to remind you of all your possibilities.

112 Days of Abundance-Building Action Assignments - that’s 16 solid weeks of specifi-cally-designed activities, designed to help you dig deep, make profound shifts and get the best results possible!

8 Success System Audio CD’s - Let me walk you chapter by chapter, room by room, as she pro-vides you with a full, unabridged audio version of your Success System binder - all 220 pages! Listen in your car, while doing dishes, at the gym or any ol’ time at all. We’ve made learning easy, convenient and most of all, fun!

Full-Color Graphics - I spared no expense, and made sure all of the many graphics contained within this System are in beautiful full-color to inspired and delight your senses and your success!

“Tough-To-Toss” Note pad - action is the name of the Space for Success game. And with this 30-sheet tear-off action note pad, you’ll feel like I’m right by your side, helping you clear the clutter – both in your mind and in your home, so you can release old baggage and get on with your amazing new future!

“Chi-Upper” Note pad - This 30 page tear-off action note pad will walk you through every object in your entire environment, helping you clearly and quickly determine whether something is moving you forward and holding you back — a tool you’ll find invaluable!

“Room-by-Room Checklist “ Note pad - You’re going to learn a HUGE amount in this system, and this 30 page tear-off action note pad will ensure that nothing gets overlooked. Walk room by room, step by step through your entire space, and know deep down that you’re making deep and lasting changes.

Bonus Audio CD: 3 Biggest Mistakes! - This bonus gift is a 1-hour lecture, teaching you some of my most secret steps to doing great feng shui. If you’ve tried to make changes before and got no results, or are just confused by all the contradictory and complicated information out there, this audio will surely clear up ALL your questions.

Bonus Audio CD: The 3 Biggest Ways to Change Your Chi - I share even more about these power-ful, complex and ancient philosophies in easy-to-use and simple to understand ways. Get some very special insights into three of the most powerful areas of your life, and how you can dramatically shift things for the better — going far beyond just your space, but also shifting your thinking and your body too!

Space for Sketching, Journaling and Dreaming Big - I’ve made sure to leave room for you to write down insights, log your action activities and track your progress as you move room-by-room through our Success System. The more you see your progress, the more likely you’ll be to succeed.

Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee - If you’re not completely satisfied with this product, I give you my 1-year heartfelt guarantee: After going through the steps in this system, if you feel it wasn’t all you’d expected or didn’t make a powerful shift in your life, then simply return the product to us, and we’ll give you a full refund (minus shipping and handling).

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This comprehensive intro guide to Feng Shui is simply the best I’ve seen! Stephanie writes with unparalleled clarity and charm, and her illustrative examples ring true to novice ears. The book’s room-by-room plan of transforma-tion unfolds in perfect digestible bites, while incisive workbook pages invite you inside the material personally. A wonderful resource!

My results from each section leave me excited, enthralled and eager to carry on. Feng Shui changes are trans-forming my home and almost miraculously doing the same for my spirit, good health and fitness. I am realizing long-held dreams by means of attuning to the energies that surround me. This system is a truly wonderful resource for “making it so”!

—Catherine (Kit) Wilson-Pote, M.A. / Professor (Retired)

My purchase of the Ultimate Room-by-Room Home Success System was THE BEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE! I have had so many wonderful things happen after following your Home Success System...

When I was reading, it felt like Stephanie was right there talking with me guiding me along with each step for a better life and success. Amazingly enough, many of the suggestions I have implemented have worked right away. I was a skeptic and not really sure I could do this on my own with having a Feng Shui expert come into my home, but Stephanie takes the worry away and makes everything so easy to understand and implement. My life has become so much better for it!

With this system, it’s not just a “read it one time” deal and then file it away — there are so many more things to do and try from this product that there is always something more I can do to change and grow. I keep going back to it for more reference and information as areas in my life change.

Since purchasing your system, we left our home of 16 years and now we have a wonderful home in the suburbs. Talk about a shift in energy — It is great! We are so close to everything, nice neighbors, beautiful yard, and most of all the energy in the home feel so welcoming and comforting finally. As a family we are learning to let go of the past and enjoy what God has in store for our future.

Before we saw your show on HGTV, there was so much “bad” going on in our life, and I thought: “Why not try your Home Success System — what did we have to lose?” I went to work immediately, and we experienced changes immediately too. Your advice on Bathrooms was great. I followed everything you said to do, and we had an amaz-ing and immediate effects. You could feel the better chi immediately!!!! My kitchen was also having issues, and my cooking went from good to horrible. I couldn’t figure out why. Again, following your suggestions I went to work and transformed my kitchen. I also had weight issues and realized through your work that the space was adding to, if not creating that problem! Now finally, after many years, I am losing weight! I have lost 20 pounds all thanks to your wonderful system! To help with my health issues, again I followed your suggestions and my health started to improve immediately and my energy feels so much better! And I had noticed that my family and I were not spend-ing a lot of quality time together as we used to. So, I went to work on the living/family room and again, after your suggestions, things improved immediately. You are such an inspiration Stephanie — making me want to do more and change for the better!—Dorothy Moore / Billing Transcriptionist and aspiring writer

Stephanie McWilliams’ books on Feng Shui are truly amazing. Using her Ultimate Room-by-Room Success System we were able to completely transform our living room. I have found no other resource that is as practical, specific, and easy to implement as her guides. From clearing clutter, to arranging furnishings, to choosing and using color, Stephanie walks you through each area step by step. We overhauled our living room and took it from dark and depressing to cheerful and uplifting.

Her product gave me the courage to move the tv, rearrange the furniture, and paint the walls with vibrant color! What a difference it has made! Our space is now warm, inviting, and vibrant. Even my children have said how much they love it. My husband now comes home and tells me over and over how much he loves our space. As a result we spend more time there, we feel more connected as a family, and our souls feel nourished. All that just from following Stephanie’s words of wisdom! THANKS Stephanie!!

—Michelle Bivens / Super-Mom; former Business Owner & Educator

Thanks for this GREAT PRODUCT! I have read a lot of books on Feng Shui, and tend to come away more con-fused than enlightened. But, thanks to you and the layout of your workbook, I have already implemented several changes in my home. We have already experienced improvements in all the areas you covered. I did my “clean-up” in the Prosperity section and a lawsuit was dropped against us that had been hanging over our heads for three years! We re-arranged our family section and we reconnected with one of our daughters! Thank you so much for making this process simple and FUN SHUI!

—Annie Collins / Volunteer, Loving Mother, Wife & Grandmother

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Stephanie’s system is so easy to use. Having tasks broken down by days makes it easy to apply. The Cleaning and Clearing, while taking me awhile to work through the home, is bringing profound changes to my life. I feel more on top of things. More importantly, I am making room for myself in our home. Even my teenage daughter is starting to apply these easy to use techniques of clearing. Thank you Stephanie for being a positive influence to my world!

—JoAnn Jordan, Music and Vocal Instructor / http://musicsparks.wordpress.com

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the blessing: ChangeYour Space, Change Your Life! The Ultimate Room by Room Success System. I began to implement what I feel is one of the most important suggestions that you give, “clear your clutter with joy and love” and saw immediate results!! Within two days, a dear friend and men-tor whom I haven’t spoken with in a year called and gave me some guidance on jump starting my career!

I can’t wait to see what’s going happen next! Thank you for your love, support and encouragement!!

—Sherry McLaughlin / Nurse, Massage Therapist and Singer

Stephanie, this book is truly what is claims to be—the ULTIMATE guidebook for starting to transform your home using Feng Shui! I had no previous Feng Shui experience, but feel like I have a good beginners understanding of how important our homes are to our mood and energy. As I read through the chapters, and did the homework, my eyes were opened to big mistakes I didn’t even know I was making all over my home. Just the small changes sug-gested in this book have a made a big difference in the feeling and energy of our home. Thank you so much!

—Katy Carter / Virtual Assistant

I wish I had this book when I first started studying Feng Shui several years ago! It really is the ULTIMATE guide to Feng Shui, and you will find it packed with easy-to-follow steps based on Stephanie’s many years of experience. In this Room-by-Room Success System, you will learn the power of color, get tips on creating amazing living spaces, acquire an understanding of when to break the rules, and learn what really matters most in Feng Shui for powerful energy shifts that last.

You will also enjoy Stephanie’s honest and often humorous writing style. It’s as if she is sitting right next to you, chatting away like an old friend.

As a Feng Shui practitioner, I am so glad Stephanie wrote this book. Now I have an all-in-one resource I can recommend to my clients who want to learn more but don’t have the time to study all the contradictory information that’s out there. This book takes the mystery and confusion out of the ancient art that is Feng Shui but leaves all the magic, fun, and endless possibilities!

—Alice W. / Feng Shui Consultant

Stephanie’s insightful talents in Feng Shui design have taught me how to apply simple yet dramatic changes to my home, enabling me to successfully transform the flow of energy throughout. It’s a continual work in progress, and I have found that applying her ideas to the challenged areas of my home are not only decora-tive, but therapeutic and emotionally rewarding for my entire family!

—Terry Chavez / Supply Line Specialist, Silicon Valley

As an artist, I have definitely been weighed down by clutter. I have only just started working through the Change Your Space, Change Your Life —The Ultimate Room-By-Room Feng Shui Home Success System, and I’m already experiencing increased energy, better sleep and more creativity. This workbook is filled with so many great ideas, checklists and simple assignments - it is a resource I will return to again and again as I transform my home and my life.

—Kathryn Antyr / Collage Diva, TrueNorthArts.com

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These Private Clients Could Be YOU Too!

“When I think back to that week when Stephanie swooped into redesign my apartment, it’s hard to believe that I am the same person! I had just ended a long-term relationship at the age of thirty-seven and was in a state of fear. It seemed utterly impossible that I would now be able to meet someone, fall in love, get married and have a child by the time my hourglass had run out of sand. I resigned myself to becoming even more of a career gal than I’d already been.

Then Stephanie walked into my apartment and asked me a simple question: “Who do you want to be in five years?” The answer was so clear. I want to be a wife and a mom and well-paid writer. I wanted the chance to have it all. Room by room and question by question, Stephanie guided me through a pro-cess of dreaming abundantly. I literally wrote my dreams on the walls in pencil and then we painted over those requests in gorgeous shades of sage, raspberry and lilac.

Two years later (only two years!!!), I’ve met the man I’m going to marry (we got engaged last week!), we’re planning our elopement and will soon be starting a family together. My second novel will be picked up by publishers next week and a third novel is already underway — and my play is now head-ing to New York with an ALL-STAR cast! I even lost 35 pounds in the process...

Stephanie shook my world profoundly. It seemed so foolish to hope for what was clearly “impossible” - but with her guidance and her constant encouragement, I found the courage to dream big. And those dreams are coming true!”

—Susan Johnston / Award-Winning Author, Actress and Playwright

“When I first met Stephanie I was working in a high-powered executive sales team at Pfizer, yet was feeling totally unfulfilled. Since working with Stephanie and transforming a once-unused dining room into an empowering executive home office, my life has literally turned around.

I now own my own company as a Business Launch Specialist, showing women busi-ness-owners how to make their own dreams come true, just as I have done. I finally have flexibility, time with my family, and I feel happier, more empowered and more alive than I have in years. I’ve even lost over 40 pounds in the process!”

— Karen Graves, Business Launch Specialist / YourVisionLaunch.com

“Since working with Stephanie I have so much more peace and understanding in my life. I have a greater sense of who I am and have discovered and honed my ability to attract what I need and what I envision. Her information and support are truly priceless!

I continue to become more alive and more powerful. Now I feel so much more at peace with myself. Now I can imagine success and joy in my future. In fact, I can imagine that I can have whatever I choose to create for myself and my life!” —Kiki Ong, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Agent, Interior Designer / GetUrGoodies.com

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“I’ve come to realize how important it was to have Stephanie’s objective opinion; to pull us out of our comfort zone. Even my once-skeptical husband was put at ease by Stephanie’s down-to-earth, practi-cal approach and now he’s chomping at the bit to finish the house!

We’ve only just begun to implement the changes Stephanie suggested but have already noticed a big difference! We immediately began to notice a difference in our moods, sleep patterns, and productivity in our creative and professional lives. And we were so surprised at how much we LOVE the new colors! -- our once TV-centered living room is now an oasis of calm and peace.”

—A’ndrea Blake-Reiter, Personal Trainer & Reiki Practitioner / BalanceReikiNY.com

“After a recent layoff I was in a bad spot, needing to find another job fairly quick-ly. Despite lining up numerous interviews and getting through two or three rounds of meetings something always seemed to come up at the last minute to sabotage things. Stephanie made some suggestions, and, I kid you not, four days after her visit I received a job offer which I accepted.”

—Joe R., I.T. Specialist with major Hedge Fund

“Stephanie, I just weighed myself and I’ve lost 42 pounds since you first came to the house. I expected to get a room makeover, and instead I got a jump-start to a way-of- life makeover! It’s like you lifted one of the biggest boulders off me. I feel more in touch with what IS, versus what WILL BE. It helps me live in the present moment...

And as a side benefit, my girls and I have never been closer... Get this — my 14 year old gave me a “friendship” ring last week... I almost hit the floor!

This may sound silly, but if that U-G-L-Y room could be transformed, then there is the possibility of my own transformation. It is profound how you took the things I loved so much and used them in a com-pletely new way. It’s like a work of art—like a beautiful portrait of me. You really got to know me, and reflected me in this room, which is a special gift you have. Perhaps that’s what makes you so great.” —Joan Gugliotta, Vice President of Marketing at a Major Advertising Agency

“After following Stephanie’s guidance everyone in our home is more relaxed and comfortable. Nearly everyone who sees our home for the first time comments ‘they just feel at home’. On top of that, our lives have improved: we have all lost weight, have more fun and energy, gotten new jobs and just generally love our lives. We continue to apply what we learned from Stephanie. SHE ROCKS!”

—Brad Easton, Associate General Counsel and Compliance Officer

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If you’re a budding coach, healer or service professional who want to change the world AND make 6-Figures+ doing what you love — join the Unstoppables today –

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