Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Thigh and Leg 1. Identify the bonesofthe thigh and leg and the m ajoranatom icalfeaturesofeach. 2. D efine the boundariesand the contentsofthe fem oraltriangle. 3. Explain the anatom y ofa fem oralhernia and distinguish itfrom the inguinal hernias. 4. D em onstrate the course and the prim ary branching pattern form ajorvesselsand nervesofthe thigh and leg. 5. Identify arteriesofthe low erlim b from w hich a pulse m ay be palpated. 6. D escribe the course ofthe m ajorsuperficialveinsofthe low erlim b. 7. Listthe contentsofthe subsartorialcanal. 8. D em onstrate the m usclesfound in each anatom ical“com partm ent” ofthe thigh and leg. 9. D escribe the nerve and blood supply form uscle groupsofthe thigh and leg. 10. D efine active and passive insufficiency asitrelatesto m uscles. 11. D efine them ajoractionsofm usclesacting on the hip, knee,and ankle joints. 12. D efine the boundariesofthe poplitealfossa and describe itscontents. 13. D escribe the relationship ofm uscles, vesselsand nervesasthey crossthe ankle to enterthe foot. 14. D escribe the vesselsinvolved in collateralcirculation forthe hip and knee joints.

Transcript of Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum...

Page 1: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.


Thigh and Leg 1. Identify the bones of the thigh and leg and the major anatomical features of each. 2. Define the boundaries and the contents of the femoral triangle. 3. Explain the anatomy of a femoral hernia and distinguish it from the inguinal

hernias. 4. Demonstrate the course and the primary branching pattern for major vessels and

nerves of the thigh and leg.

5. Identify arteries of the lower limb from which a pulse may be palpated. 6. Describe the course of the major superficial veins of the lower limb. 7. List the contents of the subsartorial canal. 8. Demonstrate the muscles found in each anatomical “compartment” of the thigh

and leg. 9. Describe the nerve and blood supply for muscle groups of the thigh and leg. 10. Define active and passive insufficiency as it relates to muscles. 11. Define the major actions of muscles acting on the hip, knee, and ankle joints. 12. Define the boundaries of the popliteal fossa and describe its contents. 13. Describe the relationship of muscles, vessels and nerves as they cross the ankle to

enter the foot. 14. Describe the vessels involved in collateral circulation for the hip and knee joints.

Page 2: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.


Medial intramuscularseptum

Posterior intramuscularseptum



Sciatic n.

Plate 493

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Sciatic nerve

Fascia lataPosteriorintramuscular septum

Greatsaphenous vein


Medialintramuscular septum

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Plate 470






Page 5: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.

Plate 471

Femoral v.

Great saphenous v.

Great saphenous v.

Saphenous n.Superficial fibular n.

Lateral cutaneous n.of thigh

Saphenous opening

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Plate 473

Great saphenous v.

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Inguinal ligament

Femoral n.

Sartorius m.

Femoral a.

Great saphenous v.

Pectineus m.

Adductor longus m.

Plate 473

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Plate 480

Vastus medialis m.

Sartorius m.

Gracilis m.

Adductor longus m.

Pectineus m.Iliopsoas m.

Tensor fascia lata m.

Rectus femoris m.

Vastus lateralis m.

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Plate 480

Iliopsoas m. (cut)

Vastus intermedius m.

Vastus lateralis m. Vastusmedialis m.

Gracilis m.

Adductorlongus m.

Pectineus m.

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Plate 480

Vastus medialis m.

Sartorius m.

Gracilis m.

Adductor longus m.

Pectineus m.Iliopsoas m.

Tensor fascia lata m.

Rectus femoris m.

Vastus lateralis m.

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Plate 484

Iliacus m.

Psoasmajor m.

Iliopsoas m.

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Plate 480

Iliopsoas m. (cut)

Vastus intermedius m.

Vastus lateralis m. Vastusmedialis m.

Gracilis m.

Adductorlongus m.

Pectineus m.

Page 13: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.

Plate 527

Obturator n.

Obturatorexternus m.

Adductormagnus m.

Adductorbrevis m.

Adductor longusm. (cut)

Adductor magnus m.

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Plate 481

Adductormagnus m.

Obturatorexternus m.

Adductorlongus m. (cut)

Adductorbrevis m. (cut)

Pectineus m.(cut)

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Plate 488

Lasteral cutaneousn. of thigh

Iliopsoas m.

Sartorius m.Adductorlongus m.

Femoral v.

Femoral a.

Femoral n.

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Plate 488

Saphenous n.

Femoral v.

Femoral a.

Deep a. ofthigh

Vastus medialis m.

Rectusfemoris m.

Femoral n.

Sartorius m.(cut)

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Plate 255

Great saphenous v.

Fascia lata(reflected)

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Plate 255

External iliaca. and v.

Fascia lata(reflected)


Pectineus m.

Adductor longus m.

Sartorius m.

Lat. cut. N. of thigh

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Plate 489

Obturator n.

Gracilis m.

Deep a. of thigh

Femoral a. and v.

Adductor brevis m.

Adductor longus m.(cut)

Perforating aa.

Femoral a. (cut)

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Plate 490Small saphenous v.

Popliteal v.

Popliteal a.

Tibial n.

Semimembranosus m.

Semitendinosus m.

Common fibular n.

Biceps femoris m.(short head)

Biceps femoris m.(long head)

Perforating aa.

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Plate 492

Pectineus m.

Medial femoralcircumflex a.

Femoral a. (cut)

Iliopsoas m.

Lateral femoralcircumflex a.

Deep a. of thigh

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Plate 500

Perforating aa. Deep a. of thigh

Femoral a.

Popliteal a.

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Plate 526

Pectineus m.

Saphenous n.

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Plate 527

Adductor hiatus

Obturator externus m.

Adductor brevis m.

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Plate 495

Crest of iliumGluteus medius m.(covered bygluteal fascia)

Tensor fascia lata m.

Gluteus maximus m.

Biceps femoris m.(long head)

Semitendinosus m.

Semimembranosus m.

Biceps femoris m.(short head)

Gastrocnemius m.(lateral head)

Common fibular n.

Plate 483

Page 26: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.

Popliteal a.

Semimembranosus m.

Semiitendinosus m.

Post. cutaneous n. of thigh

Pudendal n.

Inferior gluteal n.

Superior gluteal a.

Gluteus maximus m.

Gluteus medius m.

Gluteus minimus m.

Piriformis m.

Sciatic n.

Biceps femoris m.(long head)

Plate 490

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Plate 501

Lateral malleolus

Medial malleolus

Anterior border (shin)

Tuberosity of tibia

Intercondylar eminence

Head of fibula

Page 28: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.

Plate 501

Soleal line

Medial malleolusLateral malleolus

Head of fibula

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Plate 502

Interosseous membrane

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Plate 510

Crural fascia

Posterior intermuscular septum


Interosseous membrane

Transverse intermuscularseptum



Posterior compartment

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Plate 522

Anterior compartmentTibia

Superficial posterior compartment

Deep posteriorcompartment



Page 32: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.

Plate 504

Gastrocnemiusm. (lateral head)

Common fibular n.

Calcaneal tendon

Gastrocnemius m.(medial head)

Small saphenous v.

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Plate 505

Gastrocnemius m. (cut)

Soleus m.

Plantaris m.

Tendon of plantaris m.

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Plate 506

Tibial n.

Posterior tibial a.

Flexor hallucislongus m.

Tibialis posterior m.Flexor digitorumlongus m.

Popliteus m.

Popliteal a.

Page 35: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.

Popliteal a.

Posterior tibial a.

Fibular a.

Anterior tibial a.

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Plate 507


Extensor hallucis longus m.

Extensor digitorus longus m.

Tibialis anterior m.

Extensor retinaculum

Page 37: Femur Medial intramuscular septum Posterior intramuscular septum Lateral intramuscular septum Iliotibial tract Sciatic n. Plate 493.

Plate 508

Tibialis anterior m.

Anterior tibial a.Superficial fibular n.

Deep fibular n.

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Plate 509

Fibularis brevis m.

Extensor retinaculum

Fibularis tertius m.

Fibular retinaculum

Soleus m.

Gastrocnemius m.

Fibularis longus m.

Common fibular n.

Continuation of superficial fibular nerve (it’s the cutaneus branch)

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Plate 530

Superficial fibular n.

Deep fibular n.Common fibular n.