Femior january 2015



A Bulletin Of Lady Jaycees and Jcrt wing of JCI India

Transcript of Femior january 2015

  • I am indeed very happy that Lady Jcs and Jcrt wing is bringing out e bulletin in the name of Femior a

    shortened term of Femi power. Right from the beginning of the history of mankind women has always

    proved to be vibrant. But somewhere along the line they took a back seat allowing the man to take

    social and commercial initiative thereby enabling them to be a dominant partner in the family.

    Thanks to advancement of formal thinking in all men and women, the lady partner in the house has

    now recognised to be an equal partner in the family. Gradually women have been able to take greater

    initiative to assume and play a lead role in commercial and social world.

    We in jaycees also believes in equality of men and women in taking up leadership positions.

    It is in this direction that JCI India has been consistently recognising an important role for the Jcrts and

    Lady Jcs. This has resulted in what appears to be reasonable scope for involvement of Lady LOMs in the

    organisation activities and in clibing leadership ladder. I am glad that in the Centenary year of JCI, the

    lady members in India are also showing keen interest in participating in all Jc activities. The Nom

    Cordinator of Lady Jcs/ Jcrts JCI Sen Sheetaal Gandhi has taken up responsibilities with great enthu and

    guts and has come forward with useful ideas and programs for encouraging the participation of more

    and more ladies in the organisation.

    I congratulate her on her meaningful efforts and wish her all the best in all her endeavours.

    JCI Senator K Vallabhdasji

  • Dear Brothers and sisters,

    Centenary greetings from Jc G.Subramanian,

    Five score years ago a small movement was started by a visionary that grew leaps and bounds and

    made its presence felt and impact imprinted on the lives of many. We all are grateful to the one man

    who introduced us to this world's informal university of leadership and development. It has provided us

    development opportunities and that has empowered us to create positive change in ourselves and in

    others. What a rewarding journey it was!!

    Friends it is a unique privilege we get in the year 2015 to be a part of JCI movement to celebrate our

    hundred years of impact and leave a legacy for the future. We have to lay the foundation for the next

    hundred years of our organisation. I call upon each JCI member in India to be a part of this historic

    mission and contribute to make this year of centenary celebration ever memorable.

    Great achievements of the past are challenged and new heroes always emerge. Let us not be

    complacent with the achievements of the past. Let us try to create new milestones and let us be

    remembered. Whatever projects we plan to do should be guided by the philosophy Commit, Connect

    and Care. Let us commit for future, connect with future and care for future. I appeal all of you to be

    committed to increase the number of young active citizens who are the members of JCI in India. Put

    some sincere efforts to expand our membership network and touch the magic number of fifty

    thousand. Please connect ourselves with the other organizations in the society, with partners and

    alumni by undertaking projects that will create sustainable solutions. Please care the underprivileged

    and needy whose lives can be impacted by us. Let us compose new rhymes and rhythms of camaraderie

    and sing every day we are committed, connected and caring.

    JCI India is aiming to construct 1000 toilets for girl needy people across the country under Samadan-

    our centenary celebration project. I wish all JCI members across the nation to be a part of the project

    .Be with that dream and carry that in your heart.

    Team 2015 is available to you for any guidance. We will create an impact that will indelibly be stored in

    the galleries of memories for years and years to come in future.

    Let us make this website a strong medium to exchange our ideas and success stories.

    Commit Connect Care




  • Lovely ladies and friends,

    Believe me, I had mixed feelings and felt very emotional as I was jotting down the message for the first

    ever e-magazine FEMIOR being the Nom Coordinator of Lady Jc/Jcrt wing of Jci India. Indeed a

    moment to rejoice and celebrate. I feel this is a wonderful platform for me to share my thoughts with

    you all.

    As I looked around then, I could see that we the Woman, The feminine gender has almost peeked into

    nooks and corners of the society in varied fields and profession. This proves the saying of Swami

    Vivekananda right there is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is

    improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly with one wing. Though, through the past society has been

    denying women their rightful place.

    Jci is one exceptional organisation that believes in equality of sex thereby motivating women to take

    up social leadership roles too .This is the special organisation that has made the term Glass Ceiling a

    false ceiling and hence forth thrown opportunities for woman hood to grab them all.

    Luckily this year, JCI India has gifted me with about 2 dozen Zone Directors from all parts of India which

    otherwise would not have let my dreams in action. I request you all to participate by sharing exciting

    articles, informations, riddles, pictures, latest discoveries, facts and facets.. that will add value to our

    magazine .

    FEMIOR -2015 ,the e -magazine is one such example .This has given us an opportunity to connect with

    members, motivate them to involve in their Lom and Zone activities ,take up commitments and fulfil

    them to show We Care .

    Go ahead, spread the world that we the women have unique identities and JCI india will help us

    unleash them to the fullest extent.

    What you are reading right now is an e-magazine. Its a plea from me to you to forward and share this

    toll to all your friends ,relatives ,family members ,neighbours and gift them with the special feel of

    being a part of movement as you feeling right now.

    Together lets create a society of centurion WOW Women of Wonder.

    My whole hearted gratitude to the National President , NGB and Revered Vallabhji ,My Mentor for

    thrusting this responsibility on me .

    I appreciate Jc.Vishakha Mashankar, Zone Director, Zone 12, for volunteering to be the editor for the

    first issue of FEMIOR.



  • Ignoring your passion is slow suicide. Never Ignore what your heart pumps

    for. Mold your Career around your Lifestyle, not your lifestyle around your

    career Kelvin Claiborne

    Communication with creation is a passion and when someone gives you a

    chance to work with your passion it becomes a speechless feeling. I sincerely

    thank our leader JCI Sen Sheetaal mam for appointing me as an Editor for first

    Issue of Jcrt Bulletin Femior - Empowering Women and also for appreciating a

    name "Femior"

    I cannot forget the efforts of all dear Zone Directors lady Jcs/ Jcrts. I really

    thankful to you and appreciate your day to day support for Femior.

    I extend my thanks to our Zone Leader of Zone XII JCI Sen Rajkumar Kacharala

    for his motivation.

    - PPP Vishakha Mashankar

    Zone Director, Lady Jcs/Jcrt wing

    Zone XII, JCI India

  • JCI Senator Sheetaal Gandhi NOM coordinator Lady Jaycees/ Jayceeretts December 5 ,1978 ,a creative soul took her first foot steps into this

    technological world, in Salem ,born to Jc.Rajendra Dhanji and Usha and

    brought up in the lands of mangoes and silver .she was a born jayceelette

    and went on to become an active member in1996.During her schooling,she

    had been proficient in academics and stood first in school, district and state

    level ranks in her 10 and 12 th examinations bringing laurels to her school.

    She then pursued her B.sc in Nutrition, Food service management and Dietetics and later bagged the

    first gold medallist from Periyar university in Salem during her course of M.B.A.

    Training and grooming her passion there by changed into her profession.

    Has been pursuing her training ladder in the Junior Chamber International for 14 long years and has

    been accredited international soft skill trainer serving about 11 countries which includes Srilanka,

    Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Schenzen, Macaw, Rio de Jenairo, Brazil apart from India. She had been the

    outstanding participant in Effective Public Speaking, Speech Craft, Zone Trainers Workshop, National

    Train The Trainers Seminar, Prime and CAPP.

    She has served as the Bulletin Editor, Director (awards& recognitions), VP Training, VP Management

    during her membership at Salem Metro thereafter Jci Tirupur.

    To add to her accolades she had won the title "pride of new generation, an all India Speech competition

    and flew her way to Japan for 15 days.

    She was honoured as an Indian ambassador being a part of the GSE team by the Rotary international

    and flew to Mexico for a month on a cultural exchange programme.

    Furthering her speaking skills, she represented India after winning in her national level oratory

    competition at Trissur and thereby represented in the Asia Pacific countries in Korea, winning the first

    place too.

    She confidently appeared for the world public speaking championship and stood next to Canada, one of

    her greatest accolades in life, perhaps the first Indian to appear in that dais.

    She has conducted about 600 program benefitting about 20,000 students, corporate and social


    She is also associated to the Rotary Movement, Magalir Mandram ,Tirupur Yuvak Mandal and Sewa

    Samiti for rendering social services.

    She had won a Tata Safari in a slogan contest and also the Jaya TV Jack Pot with a lakh.

    By family profession she is a manufacturer and exporter of hosiery garments .On the personal front she

    is the ceo of a Personality Grooming Hub in the name of "U in U"-Discover yourself, the proprietor of

    fun train ,the one club for kids of Tirupur and a coordinator for spell bee national level examinations in

    Tirupur and Erode districts .

    By nature, she is a fun loving, adventurous and career oriented women who loves exploring new

    connections and ideas.

    Travelling, Dancing, Rubiks cubing and Drawing her hobbies and public speaking her fantasy.

    Cockroaches scares her and dogs she loves.

    She is happily married to Chetan Gandhi and blessed with two wonderful kids Shreynik and Jaanvi .

    Shreynik was selected as an junior ambassador to fly to Japan to attend the childrens Asia Pacific

    convention representing India in 2015 and Jaanvi is a district ranking chess player and a Rubiks cube

    champion now onto writing a book on "foodies".

    As her name suggests, she belongs to a truly Gandhian family, simple, down to earth personality none

    other than JCI. Sen. Sheetaal Gandhi, NOM coordinator Lady Jc/Jcrt Wing.


    Ramu was on his way to the video shop to pick up few videos at his

    hometown, Salem - Tamilnadu.

    On the road he saw an old couple with bags and baggages. the handles of the baggages

    had given way and added to their misery. The couple looked completely lost and


    Ramu stopped over and asked where they want to go. The couple in their sixties were

    from Penang,Malaysia. From Salem they were heading to Coimbatore. Due to the death

    of MGR, the then Chief Minister, whole of Tamilnadu had come to a halt. All buses and

    trains had stopped functioning. The couple had to reach the railway station which is 6

    Km from the current location and catch the train to Coimbatore.

    Since all logistics stopped working, Ramu, without a second thought, took the couple

    home. The stranded couple, who were complete strangers, were taken care off well by

    Ramu's family. While Ramu's sis fed the couple, Ramu's mom arranged for their

    stay. Ramu's dad, a very receptive person, took care of the situation. He first and

    foresmost informed their children at Malaysia. They were free from panic now. Fresh

    travel arrangements were made. The couple waited till the situation came back to

    normal and then left safely.

    Then Ramu was a 17 year old school boy. Today his wife is reporting the incident

    amazed about the friendship that exists. When the general public moved on normally,

    the young boy Ramu's timely intervention saved the couple's trip. This happened in

    1988 and the two families are in touch since then, visiting Malaysia and India

    respectively. Today the strange bond has become a strong friendship.

    - JCI. Kavitaa Odayappan

    Salem Metro, Zone VII

  • Name - JFF Rajeswari Venkataraman

    Designation- ZD Lady Jcs, Zone 17,

    Mother Chapter-Jci Salem Steel City


    E [email protected]


    A2 Bheema Residency

    Kirthika Builders

    Shankar Nagar

    Salem 636 007



    Date of Joining JCI-2007:-

    Posts held in LOM/Zone/NOM

    1. Was 3 times the LOM s Editor

    2. was Zone 17s Editor 2014

    3. Presently ZD Lady Jc Wing of Zone 17

    4. Zone Trainer as well

    Awards and Recognitions

    1. Has won the Outstanding JC winner Award of the LOM 4 times

    2. Has won the Outstanding Bulletin Winner Award of the Zone once

    3. Has won the Outstanding Jc of the Zone Winner Award in 2013

    4. Has won the Zone President's Special Recognition Award for Zone Officers in 2014

    Has been outstanding Participant in Speech Craft, Pre ZTWS and ZYLAA

    Is an active Trainer visiting School, Colleges and Corporates...

    Hobbies-Voracious Book Reading, Cooking, Oration, Debates and Watching hit movies


    Husband-Jc Lord A.Venkataraman(Sago Merchant)

    Son -Rhoopesh Venkatraman (11th std)

    Has attended Many Zonecons and One Natcon..

    Jc Sudha Agarwal

    Zone VII, JCI North Ahmedabad.

    DOB: 8th September

    MA: 8th May

  • Name: PPP Vishakha Samir Mashankar

    Zone Director Lady Jcs/ Jcrt Wing

    Zone XII, JCI India

    Mother Chapter JCI Secunderabad Paradise

    DOB 1st September

    MA 30th November

    Email [email protected]

    Phone: 9440323437

    Graduated in the area of Human Development, Family

    Resource Management and Nutrition,

    Post Graduate in Family Resource Management.

    Diploma in Computer application and Designing at


    She had an opportunity of experiencing education and Working with Deendayal Research Institute for

    Social Sciences, Delhi where she studied innovative method of Imparting Education without Stress at

    all levels of Education. Founder member of Baljagat, Nagpur, Founder National President of Deendayal

    Yuva Manch,

    Founder Secretary of Utkarsh Balbhavan, Wardha. A Virgo who was born on 1st September

    Jaycee Career:

    Joined Jaycees JCI Secunderabad Paradise in 2006

    Secretary of the chapter in 2008

    President in 2009 won awards and recognitions in various areas at ZONECON

    Zone director Jayceerrtte wing in 2010 Special Recognition with Outstanding Zone Director By

    National Director Jayceerette Wing.

    Chairperson Greetings- Zone in 2011

    Awarded with Zone Presidents Excellence award in 2012

    Out Standing Zone Vice President at National level


    Certified International trainer of JCI ADMIN, ACHIEVE, IMPACT

    In Training Ladder done till Speech Craft and was outstanding participant at EPS and LAP.

    Conferred with Phils Phugley Patron.

    Shaping carrier as Family and Personal counsellor, Reiki and Crystal healer, Content and Literature writer.

    Wrote more than 800 Marathi and Hindi poems being published in various magazines.

    Writer and owner of 4 Marathi Blogs and one Hindi Blog Har Ghadi Dil Se hi with more than 35,000 readers all over the globe

    EDITOR of Monthly Marathi E Magazine Ya Sakhyanno Ya with more than 10,000 readers all over the globe. Honoured with the Zansi Rani Purskar by Bhartiy Sanskruti Parishd, Andhra Pradesh for her devotional work to Society. Enjoy to work with people around the society and to spend each second of life happily. Proud to be a wife of a BITs Pilani Graduate IT professional Samir Mashankar blessed with two sparks

    Anish and Pratish.

  • Name : Mrs. Adv. Harsha Naik

    Age : 37 years

    Husband's Name : Mr. Rajiv Naik

    Daughter's Name: Arya Naik

    Address : First Floor, Prema Building,

    Near Mary Immaculate School, Panaji - Goa.

    9552876578 / 08322421225

    Profession : Advocate

    Hobbies : Like to Sing, Dance and communicate with people

    Qualification : Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Economics, Law Graduate

    Other Qualifications: (a) Diploma in Journalism

    (b) practicing advocate for the past 14 years.

    (c) Notary for the past 5 years

    Extra Curricular activities:

    (a) Presently Member of Child Welfare Committee at Merces Goa

    (b) Zone Coordinator, PR & Lady Jaycees - 2015

    (c) President of JCI Santa Inez - 2014

    (d) Ex. President of North Goa Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum at Porvorim

    (e) A retainer at the mediation centre at Junta House, Panaji - Goa.

    (f) Conducts various legal awareness camp in remote areas

    (g) Conducted various competition for children and ladies

    (h) Conducted various programme on radio, doordarshan and other local channels.

    (i) Involved in various social activities

    JFM Neelima Agrawal

    Zone director Jcrt wing

    Zone 6-gwalior

    Address-301,satyam residency,

    new collectorate road,gwalior

    Mob. No.-9425117152

    I, JFM Neelima Agrawal , resident of gwalior happily married with mr. Raghav agrawal and proud

    mother of a daughter (priyansha ) and a son (prashant) works as a homemaker and social worker . I

    have acquired qualifications in B.Sc , B.Ed and have cooking , travelling , reading , listening music as my

    hobbies . I joined JCI Gwalior Priyadarshini in 2006 as an active member and gradually learnt social

    gestures and communicating /managing skills etc . As I became director (2008) , hon. Secretary (2009) ,

    V.P Management (2010) ,President (2011) and marked my active presence as Zone director ,national

    programme (2013) . I now aspire to increase the span of JCI by encouraging women to associate with

    this prestigious organisation.

  • Name : ZD JC Vaishali Margesh Shukla

    Zone-8 2015

    Addresh: 51, Ganesh Society Vardhari Road

    Lunawada -389230

    Dist: Mahisagar (Gujrat)

    Date of Birth : 27/12/1975

    Annivarsery : 07/05/1998

    Spouse : JC Margesh Shukla PZD JJ

    Jclt Purva Margesh Shukla

    Jclt Krishiv Margesh Shukla


    Zone Director ZONE : XXI

    DOB : O5-01-1978


    CONTACT NO : 9447283423







    JOIN JR.JC IN 1995

    JOIN JC IN 2012









    DOB: 01-JUNE




  • Name: JFM Smitha Harish

    Portfolio: Zone Director(JCRT & Lady Jc Wing)-2015,

    Zone: Zone XX, JCI India

    Mob: 09567764743

    Mail ID: [email protected]

    JCI Career

    Joined JCI in 2008

    Served as VP-Training(2011),VP LOM (2012) and Secretary(2013)

    Certified Zone Trainer in 2012

    Outstanding LOM Officer award in MIDCON 2013

    Was the Co-Faculty of JASMINE Orientation Camp 2013

    Member of JCI Edappally

    National Trainer in 2014.

    Zone Director JJ Wing in 2014. Created history by being the first ever Zone

    to cross 100 JJ wings in the history of JCI India. She was conferred JFM by

    ZGB for her meritorious service to the organization as ZD JJ Wing and also

    bagged the Zone Presidents Excellence Award in 2014.

    Currently Zone Director-Jcrt & Lady Jc Wing, Zone XX, JCI India


    Post Graduate in Information Technology

    Nearly 10 years of experience in Corporate Technical Trainings in MNCs.

    Currently Managing Partner of AugMentors - a training & facilitator venture

    focused on creating positive change in the society through effective trainings.

    She is a Software Training Consultant too


    Daughter of Sri. C.Mohandas & Smt. Sathi Mohan

    Great grand niece of Legendary Spiritual Leader Swami Ranganadhanandaji of

    Sri Ramakrishna Mission

    Wife of JFM Dr. Harish Kumar(Zone Director(G & D)-2015,JCI India Zone XX)

    Daughter: Jclt Vyshnavi Harish

  • Jc Sudha Agarwal, Zone VII

  • JFF Rajeswari Venkataraman Zone 17

    Jci salem steel city Pongal celeb, Installation@ Namakkal,

    Installation@Erode metro, Installation@ Tiruchengode Temple

  • Jc Smita Harish, Zone XX

  • Vaishali Shukla Zone VIII

  • Jisha Menon Zone XXI

  • Jc sheetal Padgilwar, Zone XIII

  • PPP Vishakha Mashankar, Zone XII









    TELEPHONOPHOBIA-Fear of making/ talking phone calls

    NOMOPHOBIA-Fear of not having a mobile phone access

    ANTHOPHOBIA Fear of flowers

    HELIOPHOBIA-Fear of sunlight

    CHOROPHOBIA-Fear of dancing

    CHROMOPHOBIA-Fear of colours

    SPECTROPHOBIA-Fear of mirrors or ones own reflection

    ABLUTOPHOBIA-Fear of Bathing

    PHOBOPHOBIA-Fear of having a phobia



    My friends, I feel phobia is more of a thought which was unattended and

    Uncorrected. Lets try to avoid these types of phobias to lead a happy life ./

    See u again.

    Learn to lead from JCI

    Jclt. Jaanvi Gandhi

  • Decoding the Saraswati Kolam Mathematically First its kind of Invention by JrJc Pratish Mashankar

    Hindus have one God. Hindus also have 330 million Gods, and Goddesses.

    From day to day we come across each of them; their idols, symbols, pictures,

    chants, rituals, symbols etc. However we fail to decode the science behind

    them, maybe due to the western influence making us to forget what science

    had our ancestors passed on to us. As the youth of India, I, like most of us

    was brought up in a world where the divine possessed either four hands or a

    thousand heads. Where divine even though a hermit is worshipped in the

    form of a curved architect popularly called Lingam.

    Since childhood I had heard the stories of the very divine from different

    heads, my parents being one of them. I was enchanted by this never ending

    world of religion, the Sanatana Dharma. As the years rolled I became curious

    to know more. My shelf was decorated with my best companions, my books.

    I started finding science in sanskriti, the divine culture.

    Few days ago, my mathematics teacher Mrs. Usha asked the class to do a

    group project on arithmetic progressions seen in our day to day life. I got the

    idea of arithmetic progression in the Saraswati Kolam when my constant

    companions Ajinkya and Ameya proposed the idea Arithmetic Progression in

    Hinduism. However my diagram didnt meet up to the expectations so my

    beloved mother taught the Symbol to me. On keen observation, I discovered

    it to form an Arithmetic Progression. This discovery would have been

  • impossible without the help of my parents, my teachers, my companions and

    my books.

    Today yet there are infinite things to be decoded, millions of symbols are

    trapped in layers mystery which can only be churned out when the youth of

    this very country sustains and respects the knowledge bestowed by our


    Arithmetic progression

    In Mathematics, an arithmetic progression (AP) or arithmetic sequence is a

    sequence of numbers such that the difference between the consecutive

    terms is constant. For instance, the sequence 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 is an

    arithmetic progression with common difference of 2.

    If the initial term of an arithmetic progression is and the common difference

    of successive members is d, then the nth term of the sequence ( ) is given by:

    And in general

    A finite portion of an arithmetic progression is called a finite arithmetic

    progression and sometimes just called an arithmetic progression. The sum of

    a finite arithmetic progression is called an arithmetic series.

    The behaviour of the arithmetic progression depends on the common

    difference d. If the common difference is:

    Positive, the members (terms) will grow towards positive infinity.

    Negative, the members (terms) will grow towards negative infinity.

    [ Wikipedia]


    Kolam is a form of drawing that is drawn by using rice flour/chalk/chalk

    powder/white rock powder often using naturally/synthetically colored

    powders in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradhesh, Kerala and some parts

    of Goa, Maharashtra, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and a few other Asian

    countries. A Kolam is a geometrical line drawing composed of curved loops,

    drawn around a grid pattern of dots. In South India, it is widely practised by

    female Hindu family members in front of their houses. Kolams are regionally

  • known by different names in India, Raangolee in Maharashtra, Hase and

    Raongoli in Kannada in Karnataka, Muggulu in Andhra Pradhesh, Golam in

    Kerala etc.

    Origin of Shri Saraswati Symbol

    The origin of Shri Saraswati Symbol is as follow- In Satyayug, some Seers

    began worshipping Brahmadev. At that time, they had a vision of a Goddess.

    There was anakashvani (Divine message) that She is Shri Saraswati Devi.

    Some of the Seers had already understood this from within (at the subtle

    level). This pleased Shri Saraswati Devi and She gave them the Saraswati-

    yantra. God (Through the medium of Ms. Madhura Bhosale, 11.3.2005,

    8.20 p.m. to 9.58 p.m.). The pattern of the rounded lines, like in the

    Devanagari numeral 1, in the upper levels of the yantra denotes absorption

    and emission of Shakti as per the requirement through the yantra at the

    universal level. The main function of the yantra is to attract a particular

    Deitys Principle and then emit tarak and marak Shakti that are necessary for

    the devotee in the worship of the Deity. God (Through the medium of Ms.

    Madhura Bhosale, 11.3.2005). Making a yantra is, in a way, samashti

    sadhana. Sankalp (Resolve) of making some yantras was unexpressed

    because of which the effectiveness of these yantras was reducing. Adi

    Shankaracharya made an expressed sankalp about these yantras and thus re-

    activated them. For some other yantras there was no sankalp. For such

    yantras, Adi Shankaracharya made a sankalp and re-activated these yantras.

    In this way, many yantras were re-activated by Adi Shankaracharya. For the

    yantra to be effective and for the effect to last till the end of Kaliyug, it is

    essential that the maker of this yantra make an expressed or unexpressed

    sankalp about the effective objective of the yantra. The correctness of the

    yantra depends upon the spiritual level and bhav of the maker of the yantra,

    and the yantras effectiveness depends on the makers sankalp shakti (Energy

    of resolve). The line waves radiating from the pinnacle of the triangle in the

    yantra are related to desire and spread in the downward direction in the

    atmosphere. Since there is a greater proportion of Pruthvitattva in these

    waves, they create a strip of Chaitanya adjacent to Patal (Hell region). -


  • There is another representation of the Shri Saraswati Symbol. Actually it is

    with 7 heads and 7 heads represents 7 swar i.e. sa re ga ma pa dha ni. This.

    Symbol is created by god Parshurama- http://mykolam.blogspot.in/. This

    symbol was first worshipped by the sixth avatar of Shri Hari Vishnu,

    Parshurama in Treta Yuga; the second Yuga after Krita Yuga, followed by

    Dwapara Yuga and the present Kali Yuga; after assassinating twenty-one

    generations of the Haihaya Kshatriya clan. Standing on the bank of the river

    Sarasvati, He appeared like the bright sun in a clear, cloudless sky-

    http://www.bvml.org/SBBTM/spa.html. Parshuram took bath in the

    purifying waters of the river after cleansing Earth of the scourge of tyranny-


    Saraswati is the goddess of art, music and literature thus the seven

    Devanagari one in the beginning of the symbol represent the seven basic

    swaras of the musical scale namely Shadj, Rishabh, Gandhar, Madhyam,

    Pancham, Dhaivat and Nishad which also represent the seven chakras

    present in the human body namely Sahasrara Chakra, Ajna Chakra,

    Vishuddha Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Manipura Chakra, Svadhishthana Chakra

    and Muladhara Chakra. each swara is associated with one of the seven

    chakras of the body-

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swara#Special_forms_of_swaras. These swaras

    are a systematic progression of musical notes thus also linking them with the

    arithmetic progressions on the basis of which this decoding is done. This

    kolam is drawn to increase the memory power and to seek the blessings of

    the goddess. http://mykolam.blogspot.in/2011/10/saraswati-puja-


    Now lets see how this Saraswati symbol, the symbol of knowledge is of great

    significance not only in the form of the divine Goddess but also an example of

    an Arithmetic Progression buried deep under the layers of western cultures

    and ideas.

    This Symbol is worshipped from Ancient time is being Mathematically


  • Explaining the Decoding to Grand Master

    Vishwanathan Anand

  • CONCLUSION -Thus from the above calculations we are able to prove that the

    Saraswati symbol, the symbol of knowledge is of great significance not only in

    the form of the divine Goddess but also an example of an Arithmetic

    Progression buried deep under the layers of western cultures and ideas. The

    arithmetic progression could be seen in number of triangles present in a row,

    number of downward pointing triangles present in a row, number of

    parallelograms present in a row, number of sets of triangles, congruency of

    triangles appearing periodically and so on and so forth. Not only that but also

    this symbol apart from day to day worshipping can be used for further

    calculations and explanations only if the youth understands the value of

    these magnificent symbols. The need is to look at them not practically but

    spiritually then thinking in practically to bring the science behind it spiritually

    i.e. trying to release from the western bonds and luring in the secrets of the

    divine. Pratish Mashankar JJc Chairperson 2014

    JCI Secunderabad Paradise, Zone XII

    PH. 919440323437

    With DRDO Senior Scientist Sathish Kumar

  • Recognitions Announced By NOM Coordinator

    (Lady Jaycee /Jcrt Wing)

    Recognitions to

    Lady Jaycee Lom President /JCRT Wing chairperson:

    Femior Silver (Silver Bonanza , Certificate , Bouquet)

    To the sponsoring Lom president and the new Lom president for installing a

    new lady lom or converting the jcrt wing to lady jaycee lom + Conducting

    training program for women Empowerment "UDAAN" and New member

    orientation "Pravesh"

    Femior Gold (Gold Bonanza, Certificate, Bouquet )

    Organise and promptly report the Jcrt week, Udaan, Pravesh, attend any 3

    (Midcon, zonecon, Natcon, Aspac, World Congress )

    Femior Grand - ( 2 nights + 3 days stay, couple package at ooty )(selection

    based on scrap book)

    Organise all PR projects as suggested in the plan of action + Jcrt week

    +Udaan+ Pravesh + attend any 3 (Midcon, zonecon, Natcon, Aspac, World

    Congress )


    Best JCRT WEEK( MARCH 2 nd-8 th) and the Jaycee week (7- 15 th


    Recognitions to Zone Directors , Lady Jaycee / Jcrt Wing

    Femior Silver (Silver Bonanza , Silver Certificate ,Bouquets)

    To the zds who organise 5 Pravesh, 5 Udaan , publishing MANASVINI (min 3 )

    Issues +

    Femior Gold (Gold Bonanza, Gold Certificate,Bouquets )

    10 Pravesh, 10 Udaan , Publishing MANASVINI (min 3 ) Issues, Attend any 3

    of midcon, zonecon, Natcon, Aspac, World Congress ,install 5 New Jcrt Wings

    & 5 All Lady Loms

    Femior Grand - ( 2 nights+3 days stay couple package at ooty )(selection

    based on scrap book )

    15 Pravesh, 15 Udaan , Publishing MANASVINI (min 4 ) Issues, Attend any 3

    of midcon, zonecon, Natcon, Aspac, World Congress ,install 7 New Jcrt wings

    & 10 All Lady Loms

    A surprise gift to all zds present at the national convention

  • Recognitions to Zone Presidents

    FEMIOR GRAND - ( Gold Bonanza, Gold Certificate,Bouquets )

    Installing Lady Jc Lom (MIN 7 ) ,+ conduct UDAAN , PRAVESH In maximum


    FEMIOR OUTSTANDING ZONE PRESIDENT - 2 nights+3 days stay couple

    package at ooty (based on the special status )

    Conversion of jcrt wing to a all lady lom or Installing new lady loms (MIN 10)

    & Organise JCRT WEEK, UDAAN, PRAVESH In the Loms + Organise a lady

    jaycee , Jayceerette and jayceelettes special meet in the zone conference


    stay, couple package at ooty )




    OUTSTANDING Lady Jc /Jcrt


    Proper channel reports to NOM coordinator Lady Jaycee,JCRT wing @

    [email protected] , ND G & D and NHQ at [email protected] is a


    1.Proper reporting is a basic criteria for recognitions through mail along with

    a minimum 2 photographs with the banners .

    2. Detailed guidelines of every event will be provided for the ease of

    organising , to the LOM chairpersons and ZD jcrt wing .

    3. Training modules will be provided for Udaan and Pravesh. The trainers for

    these events to be selected from the directory of lady trainers of jci india .

    Note: Special privilege at the National Convention, recognitions by the hands

    of National President .

    - JCI Sen Sheetaal Gandhi

    NOM Cordinator,

    Lady Jaycees, Jcrts

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