
Female Female Hormone Hormone Reproductio Reproductio n n Makassar, 24 April 2007



Transcript of Female

Female Female Hormone Hormone ReproductiReproductionon

Makassar, 24 April 2007

Battle of the sexes!!!

• Are males and females all that different?

• Well…..– Yes– And– No!


Male Female


• 2 pouches– Testicles– Ovaries

• Start out inside body– Testicles “descend” before birth

• Fetus begins with “starter parts” that could develop into either gender.

Around 7th Week…

• Baby’s body is “told” by DNA to become either male or female.

• “Unused” parts disintegrate

• “Used” parts continue development

Male or Female???

• DNA determines baby’s gender

• XX = Female

• XY = Male

• Depends on which egg & sperm get together.

• Father determines baby’s gender.

Anatomy – similaritiesFunction – VERY different!

• Male– Uncomplicated– Produce sperm

• 2-4 MILLION every day

• Female– Very Complicated!– One egg– Once a month– Careful coordination of

hormones & body– Timing perfect!

1. Ovary – where eggs are stored and mature

2. when eggs are released by ovaries at ovulation, they are swept into the oviducts where fertilization occurs

3. Uterus – egg (or zygote, if its fertilized) arrives from the oviduct.

Here it either implants (if fertilized) in the endometrium,

or is released along with part of the uterine wall in menstruation,

• Oogenesis

– Most of the process occurs within the ovaries– Lifetime supply of primary oocytes is present at

birth– One primary oocyte matures each month to form

a secondary oocyte– If the secondary oocyte is fertilized, it completes

meiosis and becomes a haploid ovum

Figure 27.4B

Diploid cell In embryo

Differentiation andonset of MEIOSIS I

arrested in prophaseof MEIOSIS I

Present at birth

Completion of MEIOSIS Iand onset of MEIOSIS II

arrested at metaphaseof MEIOSIS II;

released from ovary

Firstpolar body

Entry of sperm triggerscompletion of MEIOSIS II


Secondpolar body




• Development of an ovarian follicle

Figure 27.4C


within follicle


Mature follicle


Ruptured follicleOVULATION



Degeneratingcorpus luteum

Hormones synchronize cyclical changes in the ovary and uterus

Table 27.5

Figure 27.5

(1) CONTROL BY HYPOTHALAMUS Inhibited by combinationof estrogen and progesterone

Stimulated by highlevels of estrogen



Anterior pituitary



ovulation andcorpus luteumformation




What is the Menstrual Cycle?

• Controlled by hormones

• Lasts about one month

• the egg develops and is released from the ovary, and

• the uterus is prepared to receive the fertilized egg

• There are four stages to the menstrual cycle, the arrival of which are governed by the complex interactions of many hormones

What is the Menstrual Cycle?

Stage 1: Follicle Stage

• day 1 – 10

• Follicle Stimulating Hormone causes a follicle (an egg surrounded by a layer of “helper cells”) to mature

• Estrogen causes the lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for receiving a fertilized (maybe) egg.

Stage 1: Follicle Stage

• Produksi estrogen oleh folikel meningkat

• Sekresi FSH menurun, tetapi sekresi LH terangsang dengan adanya produksi estrogen

• Pelepasan GnRH oleh Hipotalamus meningkat seiring sekresi estrogen

Stage 2: Ovulation

• day 11 – 14

• Luteinizing Hormone is released by the pituitary gland causing the follicle to rupture

• the egg is released into the fallopian tubes

Stage 3: Corpus Luteum Stage

• after the egg is released into the fallopian tubes and begins its journey to the uterus, the ruptured follicle changes into a mass of yellow cells – which is given the name “Corpus Luteum” (Latin for “yellow body”).

• The corpus luteum releases progesterone which causes the final development of the uterine tissue, preparing it to receive the fertilized (maybe) egg.

Stage 3: Corpus Luteum Stage

• Ditandai dengan meningkatnya produksi progesteron dan estrogen yang mengakibatkan turunnya kadar LH/FSH secara perlahan-lahan

• Meningkatnya hormon-hormon ini disebabkan oleh adanya corpus luteum yang terbentuk setelah folikel graaf melepaskan ovumnya

• Jika tidak dibuahi, maka corpus luteum mengalami penghancuran pada 4 hari sebelum menses berikutnya dan berubah menjadi corpus albicans

Stage 4: Menstruation

• day 21 – 28

• if fertilization does not occur, the egg will pass through the uterus, and the corpus luteum will begin to break down.

• Levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones decrease causing the lining of the uterus to break free from the uterine wall.

• This tissue, along with the egg and some blood leaves the body through the vagina

Figure 27.5 (continued)






Pre-ovulatory phase Post-ovulatory phase

Estrogen Progesteroneand estrogen




Estrogen Progesteroneand estrogen



Menstruation Days

If fertilized…

• Zygote begins to divide as it travels through oviduct

• Implants into lining of uterus

If not fertilized…

• Egg travels through oviduct to uterus

• Exits body with blood and tissues during menstruation



• Ejaculation– Release of 300-500 million sperm

• Egg needs to be in oviduct

• Sperm to egg, not an easy task– Go wrong direction : 2 paths – only 1 leads to

an egg– Get attacked by female’s white blood cells– Acidic environment

Hormon yang berperan selama kehamilan

Hormone FunctionHuman chorionic gonadotropin

Estrogens (also secreted by the corpus luteum of the pregnancy)

Progesterone (also secreted by the corpus luteum of the pregnancy)

Human chorionic somatomammotropin

Relaxin (also secreted by the corpus luteum of the pregnancy)

Maintains the corpus luteum of pregnancy

Stimulates secretion of testosterone by the developing testes in XY embryo

Stimulates growth of the myometrium, increasing uterine strength for parturition

Helps prepare the mammary glands for lactation

Suppresses uterine contraction to provide a quiet environment for the fetus

Promotes formation of cervical mucus plug to prevent uterine contamination

Helps prepare the mammary glands for lactation

Helps prepare the mammary glands for lactation

Believed to reduce maternal utilization of glucose so that greater amount of glucose might be shunted into the fetus

Soften the cervix in preparation for cervical dilation at parturition

Loosen the connective tissue between the pelvic bones in preparation for parturition


• Ditemukan pada wanita yang mengalami menstruasi, terbanyak pada urine wanita hamil, masa laktasi dan post menopause

• Kelebihan hormon ini menyebabkan gangguan pada ovulasi

• Sekresi prolactin pada wanita tidak menunjukkan perubahan siklus menstruasi (beda dengan gonadotropin)

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian

Sesaat sebelum ovulasi dan pada saat fase lutheal

Kadar prolactin sedikit meningkat, tapi tidak berarti

Penentuan hari pemeriksaan tidak menjadi masalah, namun sebaiknya:

• Dilakukan pada pagi hari• Puasa minimal 3 jam sebelumnya• Tidak dalam keadaan stress

Once egg is located…• Dissolve protective goo surrounding egg

• One gets through – enters egg

• Instant biochemical change in zygote– No more sperm allowed in

Implants in uterine lining• Endometrium= outer lining of uterus

– Becomes placenta

• Uses mother’s nutrients

• Continues development

Fetal Development

• Anmion– Membrane surrounding baby– Contains amniotic fluid– Breaks just before birth = “water broke”

• Amniotic Fluid– The “water” – surrounding baby– Buoyant cradle for baby

• Protection• Free movement

Fetal Dev (cont’d)

• Umbilical Cord– Blood vessels from placenta to baby– Mom’s & baby’s blood do not circulate

together!• Can have 2 different blood types• Diffusion

Birth• Labor – muscles used to open cervix

• Baby flips upside down– Head first!– Feet first = Breech (bad)

• Cesarian Section (“C-section”) surgical removal of baby

• After baby is born mom delivers placenta (“afterbirth”) that detaches from uterus

The role and control of hormones involved in breast development

and lactationPregnancy

Prolactin and → Breast dev’tplacental lactogen →X Milk production


Estrogen and progesteroneAfter birth

HypothalamusInhibition of hLH Pituitary→ OxytocinAnd hFSH Suckling

Prolactin→Milk production

Evaluasi infertilitas

Sejarah penderita: Kehidupan seksual


Fungsi reproduksi partner

Pemeriksaan fisik: Umum


Uji genital

Pemeriksaan laboratorium

Evaluasi infertilitas

ProgesteroneHigh (> 30nmol/l): patient ovulating; look for other causes of



Prolactin High (>500miu/l): hyperprolactinemiaFSH High (>30iu/l): Primary ovarian failureLH High (>15 iu/l): Check if pregnant; LH but not

FSH high suggest PCOS

Low or normal

Estrogen status
