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Transcript of feldspar


feldsparFeldspar is usually white or very light in color and have a hardness of 6 on the moths scale which means that its harder than a knife blade. 2 cleavage directions. The cleavage brakes are are about 80 degrees for plagioclase feldspar Luster vitreous, sometimes pearly. Color white to collorless. Streak color white. No smell, shape crystal to rectangle. Brittle. Non-magnetic. No taste. Feldspar is found in the U.S.A.,Brazil ,Germany,Italy,USSR,Madagascar,Finland,Canada and Tanzania

GOLDGold is an amazing shiny mineral that we use to by cool stuff with. Color- goldStreak- yellowHardness- softer than a knife blade

QUARTZColors: clear,white,brown,yellow,purple,green,blue,pinkStreak:whiteHardness: 7(means that it can scratch is steel, glass, fingernail)Cleavage: 0 (means no cleavage)Fracture: conchoidalLuster: non metallicShape: hexagonal, prism, or pyramidTexture: smooth silkSmell/Taste/Magnetism: no smell/taste. Not magnetic

The name appears German, But uncertain origin.This mineral can be found all over planet.Glass is made of quartz.


Color:brass yellow,light yellow,metallicStreak:golden yellowHardness:2.5-3(it can break easily)Cleavage:none/fracture:none/luster:metallicTexture:rough/magnetism:ye it is magneticOther identifying features:association:quartz,pyrite,,magnetite.Where Mineral found: south Africa, USA and all over the world


Talc is used for make up.

Color: White, pale green, gray white, yellowish white brownish whiteStreak:whiteHardness: 1 (means it is softer than a finger nail) Cleavage/Fracture:(001) perfectLuster:Vitreous-pearlyShape: MonoclinicGypsum *It has a chalky and sulfur smell. It has a salty taste too. Its texture is non clastic and fine-grained. Its shape is roumd and its luster is pearl like. It has 1 perfect cleavage and 1 other not perfect cleavage.Gypsum's hardness = 2 (as hard as a fingernail)This mineral is mostly found growing out of cave walls..This mineral is used for drywall and sometimes cementThis minerals color is white and sometimes gray. The streak is white.

QuartzColor:clear,white,pink,red,purple or blackStreak color:white Hardness: H=7/fingernail scratch Cleavage/fracture:no cleavage/breaks into chunks of fracture Luster:glassy or dull luster Shape:six sided prismatic crystal Texture:gritty,sandy and often waxy THERE IS NO MAGNITIC FORCE smell/taste:no taste or smell. Where the mineral is found:almost anywhere What the mineral I used for:GLASS

silverWhere is it found?Silver is found in many places,N.V,M.I,A.Z,C.OU.S.A,Mexico,and Northway.What is it used for?It is used for jewelry,decoration.HardnessThe hardness is 2.5 witch means it can scratch your finger nail. Silver is not magnetic.Streak/colorThe streak is white to light gray (shiny.)Silver has no smell or taste.

Cleavage/fractureNo cleavage, but it has fracture.

SULFER Color:Pale yellowStreak:YellowCleavage:3.2Fracture:conchoidalLuster:adamantineOdor:rotten eggHardness:1.5-2.5 witch means this is very soft

FUN FACTS!!!!Tenacity: brittleCracks when exposed to heatDissolves in warm water

Color:Pale yellowStreak:YellowCleavage:3.2Fracture:conchoidalLuster:adamantineOdor:rotten eggHardness:1.5-2.5 witch means this is very soft

GypsumFound:it is found all around the world.Color=whiteStreak=whiteH=2(means it can be scratched with a fingernail)Cleavage=1/Fracture=irregularLuster=bumpy/Shape=squareMineral use:Processed and used as prefabricatedWallboard or an industrial or building plaster.Also used in cement manufacturing,agriculture and other uses.

Diamonds by zech and JeremiahThis kind of diamond is red. It is the biggest one known yet. The top is the table the corner is called crown. H=3 hard as vickers. Fancy purple red. Diamonds weight is .18 carat. The shape is pare. Clarity. Found in Arkansas.


Streak:whiteHardness:it is 6 because you can crash itCleavage/fracture:uneven tow directionsLuster:Shape:GypsumFound:it is found all around the world.Color=whiteStreak=whiteH=2(means it can be scratched with a fingernail)Cleavage=1/Fracture=irregularLuster=bumpy/Shape=squareMineral use:Processed and used as prefabricatedWallboard or an industrial or building plaster.Also used in cement manufacturing,agriculture and other uses.

HaliteThe name Halite comes from the Greek word Hals which means SaltUses of Halite

Halite is used for table salt .You use it almost every day on your french fries or chips. Color:white,reddish-orange,blue,yellow,red.

Hardness:2 (means this mineral cannot scratch a fingernail)Cleavage/Fracture;perfect 3 directions,usually cubes, rarely octahedron. Location;Ca,La,Mi

QuartzThe hardness of quartz is 7,the streak is white,its color is white,blue,and pink,its crystal form is hexagonal

*Luster is nearly white.*used for sculpture,and jewelry photographyElectrical conductor.*the color is silver.*silver has magnetism.*the structure is unknown.*the discovery is unknown.*it weight is 107.868.*shiny white.*no taste.*hardness 2.5-3.*no cleavage.*hackly.*unknown shape.*no smell.*where it comes from unknownHope and Miguel.

SILVERSULFURFound in ancient times by Antoine Lavoisier.

Talc By: Ashlyn and JouseTalc can be found throughout western Australia and the Middle East. You can also find pure talc in the European Alps and the Himalayas.Hardness: A fingernail can scratch it so talc is not very hard.Talc is used for baby powder.Cleavage: Perfect.Fracture is uneven.May be lightly flourescent.Luster: Greasy,waxy, and pearly.Its streak is white.Magnetism: NONEIts shape is monoclinicIt has not taste or smell.Texture:Powder